1'HE ADVOCATE I'UOUSMKD KVEBY WciiKKSDAY. j W 01 Mr. Henry Cor!ev t?f Lexington, p was lu>re Thursday on business. s| Woman's thoughts of nu n are most- hi ly afterthoughts. a< The weather is beautiful, and the * ilisltvi man are d. lighted. Mr liuxii Hartley, of Monella, was in tuwu Sunday. Miss Amanda lt;\vl after a sueeessful year of teni-hing in Darlington ( county, is bank turn.) and we are all . gl.id to see her. Mr A. .1. Hontweight of the Smd p i mis, came uown hi see uis i rictus ,, last week. Mr. II jatwri^lr. is t in >si ^ estimable man. I Miss Mary Abies t'f near I.eesville, w was in city Thntsday. Miss Mary is y one of Mm mast intelligent ladies in this entire section. Miss Ailccn L:>gi\me stopped in lite ? city awhile Tl imc'ry i 11 ): r way to the Leesville College picnic. ' Miss Finniie Kawl paid a \i-it to her sister Miss Amanda, over in Dar- u Wngton last week is home agtin to j tlie ilt-lt<^!io of all, especially >; Try the new remedy for costheness, Civuub r ;-.i >'s Stcmache an I l/vcr 'I'ablets. Kvery lit x {.uuranti-cd. ^ IVice, t ents. For sale at Hunter's j. 1 >rtiStore. I, ftSt. \V. I. Hartley ol Ma'csburg, and V\ M r. 1 i.;:il Hartley ?f M-m.lta, | aid |. iin ir respects to the f :r ?ex <. If. Ilal 11 tiwan^er, Broker. t, Mr Jim Holston of ltni-e Spring, was in town last week with H e travel ingmm. Some days ago the weather was re- u n-aikaLdy cold, I lit we arc constrained toc.-.mark Unit it is rather warm. ,,, Ci.'Ut many fam.irs are iej hinting p' noil n. Solon i I Uscm sir.' i llVtili'- i ' $1 25 per I l > 1.oI f? r si i :toc!:. ?Mr. S-ll.- 1 .1^ i:- . .1 li s family to ('* /.im t )'.\n. \V- c\Mnl them a most ;i Slefcfiy Wclci me. '!'!? >" wi. 1 I e ?j ::!? ??, .at; a iditieu t i nor soi Sal circl. . J!r.i. WliilU-n .til.! tin' little ? t; i s a . - jt/s r an extended vis l to her nidi or i, Ein isHi, have tt'lur. id helm- 11 11 ].;<> lllltl II IcS t I.I'M. (i; M . W. J. ltaste/ o5 Ninth lhook, N. C rsiyslse stiHVri <1 v.ith piles t - >; lit- i ! _ t.mi \ catli.? t. -ii-il taatiy^.Li ii?' c.ic- u f " vTudi 7VT? r> mii; i 01-t!!'"Tic M.ii Dc Witt's Witch ii 7.1-1 Sali?-ai.d tit it cured him. !| I! Till-. Oscar fttrout of ait Wiiltiirf. , a.'ji-' dow.1 I i t .v-j ;{. Wj iuvu i ten m ili.r .-ri.it !'oi*' his j i i? fellow, having . ii' ai-ti S tin1 s??)ol ,S at iril:i:i, whi'ii \v< nv.TJ ?4j*ily engaged v.ith a klckin;; I orse. Mrs. Jiiih iIi i'l :i ntnriitd Lone 'y tisini;' i)e\V;tl's V. itch Hazel Salve [ I,(ink out for e itiiiti-rf. its. If yon j;ct ,\ B I ?e\V it I's yi.u \\ i .1 net jjnod remits. It !' I is l!?e quick anil positive cure, for! ' 9 piles. j.i dail^i dim M> hh-y of Saluda. Mas in .ojvit Tl.tlis.lny. ThoJud^.isa das!-wiilowe" nliil rail cut the pinion " sm it^j" with as quiik a step, as a man ^ .in liji teens. V D.'Vt.r/ts I.ittle lvaily Itisers search t W .1 lie romo.lt st parts of the howels and r remove the impurities speedily Willi i 11 ' no eiseuinforl. Tliey are famous fur I rents a ?jii irt al I f J * Jiti 1). Haul's. I> Mr. Peter A. 1' en:vvi . ? ;as vliiti! unshed trees. \\ !?i e wapiti! !. trees our > !! Tl?i* least in ij ianlity aid mo t ii. y i4j lality (IM l i es |) \v i;I111lo I. ; I I \ IC i r ,;!. I.. iii :. - j it- 1 i j) t.on, ami Ii\ t-r e nuptainl . K.ct'.t thlii^ points to a .a^- at ten- ^ h'l.n e at the l.pv\i ith J.cii;.ice < 'onferanice. We mi.nv \v L!i>iiI i: doubt, ?r tl;..t all our Ii mi .-s w ill !;? opened n * our p'ois'ii. la t every body iimko ;i linn r?s Ive t j | i.t the t>e.-t foot I'm- >\urd and jy.vt? the delegates a rojal ! pj pjood time: at the same time, w- ' v p. llj he eiij >yiii}r tlie oe a.-ioii I.ii^jIn. J.i't }JpTe lie no lii^?:.rds Yoii ai ? jnueli mare lial I In tli-ea-e wl.un your ii t*?"itfi?%? !> ilo not art I roperly. 1 'e\Vill's j.iiile fc'arly Wi.>ti> remove* t Ii* rausi* of t j-?:v-1*. ^ Mr tfc Mr-. !< tin I. It of Mom (la. , were in I >wii Tl.urs lay. Mr. I.ott i one of Hit? nijjts ill I la* iti.!^,i m ionplain and | rat t i<111; l.om ivil l>y all. We art' always j;lail I > nif.-t him. Tlic Wegener people will li.i\*c? a gram! pirnie on tin* I.MIi. Wo know K by I asl t ?|.t riti.it', lli.it y 111 r l.-_ !S~< chickens ami open top tails will H "Our little K'rI was u ncon?it us from Hn strangulation during sudden ami (cr i$^B l ibit) attack of croup. I quickly seciirv^^B i il a hot lie of One M inule <'ougli t'lire, gu ing her three tl ?>? ?. Tin crimp \vn.? ^BB . mastered ami onr litl (< tlarlirg -|? v I ily recovered" So wi ilos A. I.. Spa fiord, Ch'ster, M icli. ' Monpy to J.eml, At The First National Hank of Ilatesurg. Evt ry accomodation consistent ritli sound bmkiug guaranteed to oi:r ntron*. Your account solicited. W. W. Watson, Cashier. If one man succeeds in a n undertnkig there arc always a doztn skunks r the like, to decay* and endeavor to u'.l down, i f all people to be demised, are those who can never see 11 y good in their fellow man. The dage ''nothing succeeds like euece-s'' i applicable in this ease. So with rave heaits a- d strong minds anc ? 1 I f 1 ?? !l:illi!< 1 . f IlllCii t\ Ik/1 OMII adily cn with firm reoooliec lion. "1 have been >u(i'er:ng from Pyspej i v for lho p twenty \ e.rs ami have i'cii nnab.- a "tor trying all prcpara;'lis ami f>li\ siciaus to get any relief, .fler taking ? ne bottle of Kodol Dyspsia Cure I found relief and am now i better lnal b than 1 liavo In eo for, .venty yeats. 1 cannot pi a so Kodol >.\spcpsia Cure too highly", thus rites Airs. C <> Roberts,North Creek, |. 1. Obi soldiers Experience. M At. Austin, a i ivil war veteran,of fillchester hid., writes; ,'lny wife was iok a long time In spite of good doe>r's treatment, but was wholly cured j y Or, Kings New l.ife Pill.., wliieti i orkeJ wonders for her health." bey a'ways do. Try them Only j Vat (Juniors Drug store. Mr 11- 11. Folk of Edgefield. spent everal days in our city last week oil rofessionul bit in ess. A goodly numer of our boys bad the priviledge of j iving Mr. 1"\:Ik as their teacher; ami i ell do we retiieniber the "w hacks" | e gave us, hot not a liek fell amiss, i TI1E HOME (iOl.r) CURE An IngcnousTrcntnit nt by which Diuiikurds s. re Ifciiig (,'iirrd Daily in spite of 'ib sr.selvcs. 0 Ndxoits (iosrs. No AV< ak nig of the nerves. A Pleasant atiil ositive Cure for the Liquor Habit. It i.? row get.orally known and underuid thai Drunkenness is a disease nil not wenkne-s. Ahody filled with uisoti, ami iierv< * in til| lelely 'slintter1 l>y deriodicnl or constant use of in xieating liquors, requires an antite capable ? I neutralizing and cr.Mint.ng ibis poison, ami destroying i lie j aving tor intoxicants. Sufferers ay tio\v cure themstlv.s at home itiioiit pnfilicity or loss of time from isiness by ibis this wonderful: H()ME (;oi.D ('I*RE'* w hieh luibeen j rftcled after many years o." inly su d treameut of iiicbria'*s. | lie faithful use according to dirtet-j us (.1 ibis wonderful ?li-covery is siti\e y ganrautccd to dure the most | .-Iiiih'.i- iMM', i:it mutter lu.w hard a inke Our records .-liu\v tlir uinr\? i: < traitsfi rtnatior. ( I' 111- n-nu!s o' in! . s her, itolns; r.oos and 1 | ! iui:t turn. W1YKS< I K I iUsP.AX f?s ill! DKKN ( I III*' N ??1 II :! 'l his i\ n* ds i-. in no s> it>i* c. ' Mm* i lint i a p< ? :li?* In" 5 Irs t!i -- ; is? ?:!?! y. mid i- skillfully ?! \i i *d | lU-caii ?! :! -.t it i- t liiir ? uglily sol- | I (. ami | lea-nt.t ; ? the tasl", s ) thai C i n li** ni\ i II i a i up of li-.i or i i I I < . itliollt the ! UoW'h'l;?.* of I'll per nt. i.iii^ i:. 'i hotnai.ds of D;ip.kj .N have % n* 1 tniseives with thi-! ii'i liss vi sv-'.tv,--and t- im-fi Y-* lit* >I n atives iiu.iit tin i c kiu.w l. :!.re i t r. I tie hi t? a *.! I e ii ve tml iy ii a! they i!i?ro I 11- 1 il ilriul inir i l' their tiwn free \\ i !. | 1.11 No r \V'A I Do hot lie delud-d f i*|i|? ui iii all:! it s'e; "improveent." I trive ollt the ?li-ols?-l t tillee i lit prepaid to tiny part o! i n* World ell I'l l* en ,,t Ohf Dollar. I iiiil ess Dept. 1 Edwin 11 O.les A: Coin-| iiiv, Jiitn and l:i:,2 Market Street, i hihidelphiii. , \! i o r.-pondeticc strictly confident-I I. '1 he II iteshnc;; I.'-titute i; pri-piriS for the coming emn-iicc.eeiiieiit. e siiu'eci ly trust that the man gci -tit will have some one to address e sehool front a distance. It is no -til tiui'i f r the hoys to don eirshi.t waists. Si vera I of our ii-rts will make their appearand* i:: ieir itew garb. 'l ie* fact ol lit** bus i".ss, we are eonl eniplntioff ? licit a lep ourselves and we are typical clod uppers. J/iv/IOP i ? _:_i. 11 a > iv cj, insist LiiiiL your iusband buy SHELTON riSLLS FLOUR. ^ k$tJxvse*y W* J** VV e au uP w.. __ ? ,, " > ' ?* * [ m tu JO IW St Makes, Lowest IV Peter A. *>:i? IJroi -^-"ULg"va.s*ts Save your IVloney And keep it in the Saving Department of T1IE FIRST NATIONAL v BANK of Bateaburg. Four (I) per. j. cent iuterest on depo*i*?. Dividend* ? semi-annually. Botli large and small ^ Recounts so'icitel. 8 W. W. Watson, j Cashier. 0 a lion. E L. Asbill of Lcesville, was in b loien \f< ikI-io Ml* S*i:i Vnillifr f attorney ami a man cf ability. having s faithfully served Itih people in the I' Legislature from Lexington County. b A WORTHY SUCCESSOR v ( ' Something New Under The Sun" j All Duelers have tried to eure OA1'A It It 11 by the use of powders acid ^ gases. ii hale-sand drugs ill paste form. Their powders dry up in the mucous :l iiu'inhraties causing the in to crack op.eu n and bletd. The powerful nritl.? used t, in the inhahrg Lave entirely eatei away the same membranes that their makers Vave niiurd tii euro win e pastes l and ointments tunnel reat h the dis- , ease. And old and experienced pruclitinner who I.a- f r n any years made n ^ rlo-e simly and specialty of the treat- ' ment *f Catarrh, has at last perfected f a Treat nieiit whieti w hen faithfully "si il } m l only relieves at once, but pennant . ty cures Catarrh, by removing the catts", stopping? the discharges, and curing all iidlammatint). Itistheonlj ;| remedy known to science that ae-tuall> reaches al c ted parts. This wonde 'u remedy is known as "SNL*FFLKS. the il tHAItANTEKD ('ATA IMS 11 <1 It 10'* i ami is sold at the extremely low prire of One Dollar, each \ nckagc contain- ' ing internal and external medicine ' sutliciciit for a full month's treatment \ and everything necessary to its perfect use. SNUFF.LES" is Ilia only CA- 1 TAltltH CI'It 10 ever made and is now recognized as the only safe and posi- , ?ive i'Urc fir that aiiuoying and dis gustirgi'i ease. It cures Jail mliuina- 1 lion ipiickly and pennantly and is also s womlert u I ly i|uick to relieve I lav i F10VKIt or COLD in t ne II10A D. CATARRH when neglected t He? I nds to CONST MTIoX- -"SM IFI.EV will save you il \< u toe it sit one.*. It-is no ordinary remedy, lest a oinple'e treatment whit h is positively gu:.ian*eed to cure cure CATAItltl. hi any form or stage if used according s li> the directiisns which accompany each package. Don't delay, lint semi fur it at once, and write full purlieu- ;| lar- as to \ cur i omlit i<>n, and you will I rec?ive speeal sulviee from the discov- I rer of this wonderful remedy regard- i ing your esise without rti>! to yotl I e- j v olid the i ego lar price i 1 ' SN Ft ILLS' p the '"LUAKaNTEED ( \TAKKII CURE. 1 Sriit | repaid to any address in tin ft Foiled Stales i.r Canada on receipt o! i One Dollar. Aihtress D. p?. 1 EDWIN , I! t;' 1 F.K A CO M FAN Y. lM:ti and Jd.g .M irk11 Slreit. Phil idelphi.t, 1 t It Saved his I.eg. I*. A. Danfortli, of l.atirauge, On ! C tsll'i red fur s'x on ut hs vv ii Ii a frightl.il running -oi on IT - leg; Salt writes | that 1$ n I.'In - A; i a Sa've vvhol'v i ! ) cured il ii l.ve i!*>s !* r fleets Wounds. 1 i!es. t il e li .-tsa've in t lo l World. (*;t!o g tiara! teiil Onlv 1 j i i i> i." i i . Torltir. ?l A Witness. !:.t rji" .-i:i.'i's*!? ? wjis c~?hiie?l l?\ ' Witness 'J' I.. ? \ie Ky.. Ii ? Kiive tli s? t-vi ciift*: "I to ?;li?tl i Vi-ri ni-h; until my 11; :itw."i? nearly raw t!*. :* I red IT !Ii;);_s New 1 is over V.'i Si !. nave ii stiUil te'.i f. 1 have UseI ;i in in*, fi.milv for four year* ami roe , Ii I'cnn n I ii iioili- greatest remedy foi Coughs, Colds iiml all T'iri at ' Chest a ul i, iii;; troil 1 >!<."<. It Ail! stoi the worst eoiigh, :;:i ! not only prevent but iiliioutily euros Consumption I Tiro fiOe ami ? 1 0'). I'.very boltb guaranteed. Trial bottles free tit K. It Linn i r I): ii?' ore. ? A Woman's-Awful Peril. Miss I'mr.me Newman who lia ! lieeii a ureal suli'erer from inn a; til a- 1 i iieuit'.al isin, '?ys < thani -ei l .ill's l'.iin Ihtlai is t |,o only r? niuly that a Hold her relief. Miss New mm is a nun 1 re>p eteil rcs'nlent of tli villi re of liny. s. V., a if m ikes tlii< s'a'onie for the l? :i i 111 of others simil iri elllietei!. This lin.imnt is for sale l> 1". 11. fill liter. Mrs. J. T. Carroll,of Ciuimlilee, (In is visi iug her parents Mr.J.i.d M.s. .1. I. Smith of this town. Col. Ifolit. \V. Sham! a promine i? ' lawyer of Colombia was in town Alon 1 d iv o i pinIf.'s.sion tl business. Wo desire to eall special attention to ehange in "an" of 12. Jeiits in this I issue, lie lias a clean stock of gp > !.ev.ry thing in the nicrchamli.-e Iin?. lie lias special'oilers oil Sewing Vitellines?to the first twenty flv?. When in ret d of liny thing, d( n't l? i- | get that 10. .I ones will save you moiiO I i Mrs. L'lii'.lrum lui>lieen ijuitf sirk fo llu* IV W ?i;?\ s. ^ \ v..w , r* m HI *r . X- -X- * ices Known. Brenner, ;i(l Street, " ? C^r~o*~ 4 A Texas Coon Story. Perhaps a Texas rtiry of real life roiiht be inUivstiiig to Home ami 'arui readers. In 1S43 tIre wayons ffie lo d (1 iu Mt ore County, N. C tuiit, uni'leoiti I, v*itli three negr? es, tartiil for the the far away Texas. I'he usual tnr bucket swung en the oupling | o!e, old dog Tolise trolled long under the wagon; uiy Indian ow and arrows stored away in the etd box. E\ery one whom we n.et aid farewell. When we reael.nl Big 1>. river, (ronn nun looked like oys ( n the other shore. On and on, re rtlitd tl rough South Carolina, ourgia, Alabama and Missippi. ust, before Christinas we came to the ;reat Missippi river. 1*. 1). Was only branch. However, we crossed over, nil after | longing along in s t sli and mui we i(ached t- rsa firmn late in the veiling rf Deteinbtr 21. I'nole told the mgtoes to l.rppfe and >ell the horses, ton* them lit so t? [ruxf. and to build a good tire; and hi von Id take old lielcj (an old iiiiit-loek itit- made bv a man named lletls) and till a deer, as meat wi s ot t. l'r-ttv oon the keen e :?k i f the lille \.a leant. One of oon they came in with a leer sw nging on a pole. They bung urn upon n biisli to dress. Jnst tlu-n mele spied amil sitting on a log weepng lik* tier heart was broken. lit vent to her and said: "Why, Hetsy, what in tho world is he matter?" She pointed to the skillet, which a as bit kt n, M.d li'twiin tt.bs said In t Art, the negro, h,.il thrown u ' iek of wooden thesk.l et ui.d bsoUeii t into | iiccs, i.nd that si c could uol in ko in: j mere bread " Why,"unele Said, "yon are bettei ?lf m w than bi fi re. Yt u is n bake i.d fry a t ihe same time." S c loi k* d M him wd h 11 sst ar.g. lie n.ile, w I ic!. ( lily a gi ? d \\i!e eat mile, and t!r:t tl her t?ars with lor 11(it n, and said : "All is will that i litis well." The next nit ruing, C hi ist mas, ?ht og ol I r. ut'\ b. ogkt at ? ar i i*. i i was 11dig 1.1 t i.t. and t.-lu la-liioi.etl stew latle, an I the ncgrt es v.ne matle l..d. Al'lir I.Hiding in Texas aunt wanted step It,en ami list re, f ei: use sit -< tilt! In ar t he ]iir.vs i t.s r l.k? Nt.it 1. .'aioliua. I'm le su'tl i ti; be started o go to i In lirs.zca Loltt ins ami "was . wine." S he did. lie oisil. a | ole abiu, ele. red si ttii-aere Ikl fuaeti! with polts. broke the land a. ti plant d it in eorn?the "yaller*' kino r lig'it from Nor.h Carolina, lti lb: km.th f J me roasting e.i s e:;;;ie, j.ik Ii.ii eame tlieeo us II looked a. no'ty!i ti.e ci-oiis wiul.i tea- il al wo. I ele nek l)r. T.?; ial>rro. ii t t'.oiu \'ir . .uia, nt.tl a- li. d '.lie dt < or wi.at to tlo to ke. j? the icons null eating lip i.is eorn." Why, strye'.inim* t!ie:n." *: 1"ix me t ji t.nie," sr. d l.'u-!i?. And he d.tl, bui. l-y mistak tta\ no-p'.i no. l'..c'e hurried home. not. 1 le and t ie three negroes work ill haul nit in od i.'i.biti'. i. i In. .1 ! v ii. wo thought. Tlu* next inuri.iiiy ! i ) we.it to tin* liont to (ind ilio deal, iiu.s; Lilt In! :i it behold! the !<<.?' v.is lined us far as lie muM see will 0 lis silling iiii the feiiee fast a. hep !e i.lul the i.egr >es proeu oil ? luh ii>i beg:i:i to kill the o.ijsis, an I ki le.< IL'9 before liiey awoke. l!e skinne. lie euolis, rohl lb'.' skin - i:. hi iri \ |>o I .a., at *.0 ?o !s a pie: e. and lui j;tit ; to^ro **?fni ' willi the money an 1 inieil her "o.ion." Kver since tliei leg roes have Lei ii e..llod eoons Jlonn lml Farm. stops ili? Cinigli anil Works of! tliu Cold. I.axatve Broino-yiiinino 'I'liblet: -lire a eohl in one day. No Cure, N> L'ay Price 'Jneorits. The Advocate foreman desires to n turn his sincere thanks to Miislci ila\wai d !aekel the logger that v.as II oi >ur strei Is Month \ i I ner.ll now wish burro-," say 11 iI Furrier Ihirriiet Mann, of I.evai n,() , "my tluee years of snli'i rinj coin kidney trouble. 1 was hardly ev r free Iroin dull aehe^or aeiite pain i my baek. To sti op < r lift mail sack; undo me groan. I fell tirul, wort lit, ab u:t ready to give n;>, when U'.an o e I lec'.r.c Hitters, h it s : >'.ties completely tired nie a id ma i me ft el ike a i e\v n an. Th -j 're i n i.i.t led lo regulate Slnui.iebe, 1/vei vidians and H.-w.F. Perfeet sati-fari ui go ranle. d by F. Ii. (Itinier, i l I; >) ( e..t s live j^ni/.ed at Wash!sigii.n i 1:0 only instanee on reroiil wl.eii st ti:i - been iiniiu <1 a fit r ;i | :.l it in tin in?*, h is I st y?a:r, when i >.!/.. I County, W. Vn a n w j>? lln t* was estub.Ishetl and named K ..'I. aI :cr lli famous KnJol I ixspepsi u ?*e mil. ijfart in til ly K. ('. lie Wit . i i?., oT < hi a^,o. It had -.iw-n sinat I 1. < ti I j l'iMllt>llat tin- II Hie wfl inittiiiiioilsly s leete I by til-- j ei pie fn lit- n w olllici- anil adapted hy tin- (It .lit in - lit at W a->l iiio(oii, I'. ('. l'i!ioii-iu.^s i< a i-i ndition . h irat-li i t." i! li\ n di; toi l) i.re i.l tie ili^istiv 11- a 'I'lie t? mat I. i- c'eLi ii iti-i In- li.. r tai p il, the l>..w els eons'. pal i-d. 'I'll-re i>a Inat h:n>f tif food, pain hi the howi 'h. d://.in ?s, eoateil tonj-n anil voiiiitin^r, Ill's! ol the in di^este too l and then of l.ile. ( lininlie. la n .St in aehe and l.iw-r Tabit ts a) a\ tli listurhuiieeH of the stomal lie ami en .te a healthy appetite. They also ton ii I > t lie liver ton heal I hy at 11< u a ml 11 ulate tlie bowels. Try tlitni ami jn are eiTlain to be mm St pleased vvitli 11 result. For sale by F. II. (iunler, II. I) letwinaii, of near Bnxti r, w: in town Sat unlay. We think we ea triitlifully say there is not a hippo mail in I. 'xia >.i (o'luty t'l.in Ii" h e are . deed jil.ol to see Mr. L\ Hartley's familiar fare on our stree daily. Mr. Hartley is a man that lithe esteem and eonfldei c of all his f low townsmen. _?____ AND YOU'L ! _ DRY GOODS AND t3n SHOES!! \v? We li ive a full line of Shkm anu lnir i Dry (loods that arc Up-to-date i:i e v1 will 1 cry particular. PKNTS 8? CLOTHING! inl*? When we try to describe our bar- sold < j gains in this department, we don't Yon I know where to begin. It's li'e try- price ( tig to fi d the c< imiicncciiKiit of a Spcci circle. (plan E. JONES Opinj n( Books of SubscriptionST A.'i'K OK SOUTH CAROLINA, County ok Li:xinc.ton. 1)iirsnant to a commission issued to ih' undersigned :s corporators liji M . K. trooper. Secretary of State, fr"*1 on < he 7lh day of May, li)01. *^*0 NOTICE is hereby given that bookr . of subscript inii to the .apitil stock of the lIATKSllCUt; DKUti CO , will be opened at office of T. B Kernagliun in lite city of It.itcshurg, Slate and County aforesaid, on May 10th, ut 1(? o'cloc! :, A. .M, The said | rep; sed corporation will ave a ? a J itnl stock 10 shares of "si dit! | ar va tie of each, with it- ot tie prii.ci| r.l ploc -ul I iisiness at Hates- j};e ,v bofg, S. t'., and will l> empowered to engage in : li hvsir.css <1 Wholesale and Retail Drugs. T. Ik KEI.'X AClll AN, > . c.. mv i-'.v 4 ( rp.iratciv. l>' "CilN l-'X, i { *1! c I ji A Keen Clear Cram. Yi.nr la r t feelings, your socki! pos - t t oil or business success depend largely 011 the perfect a tun of yi vir Stouiael e ;.n:dl.i\>r l>r. King'sNew Life I'ilU gi ve inert a*eil st raig1 It, a Jkeen clear ! lirasii, li'gh atnbi i a. A cent, box ^ 1 will mak" von feel like a ne.v b.'ing: | old by 1'. II. Eutilcr, llraggi-t. plete 1'otight I*.-.r His Life*. "My father ami sister both died ot . ; tba sumpt :ou," writes .I. T. Weather- t| Q : a ax, 1 f W ianbotte, Mich., "and I was lived fu in the same fiigliTof fate n'y by IJ.\ King's N-W lLs.nv.iy. An a'tavk of IVeuaioni 1 left r.n 1 I. J nat cough and vi rv scvcic lung trcu'.bc, ii 1 ; ? hieli 00 l'xi elle; d icLor eoitUl 11 >; U 1 i help. !? i a f w jucnlh-' io of this \v?>. d.'i'u! Di. ili n ui. -.!? mo w-.l as '..i ami ! j;a :i?d much in \v '" J K I Infallible fur ( Colds nod . t! r.ir? t an ; I.u.p; troubles. Trial 1? ?l1 ili'slrr.1. (I r.'.r.irilec;! b !.!* ? "?;)c and . ? 1 a t I-', it. (ill.;' IT . ! I'.v w arc i 1 a t'oirjj i. PRP !.v i '.n^l is not a I'.i.-. a. ? 1. it a symptom. ('(-tisiiioption nii l hp. nth:'!-. aIiI.1i are t! v.* is?ft*t. (l.!";'iin, i an ' fa- c alt! i? o i es. have fo t!i?-ir lir?". nidi atit>ii a pcisisterit e ami ii proper 13 tr -a eit ; > soon as lli.s eolith appear a"c oa-ily :red. ('hamber > Itemc.ly ha.; | rowu woii.ier- ' I 1111\ sii issrul, ami pained its wide 1 I reputation ami i xten-ive ?. le by its 1 >u i in t nrinp: the dis-ui.-es wlreh 1 .in eon^hi114. It it is not benilieiai t ui'l not . i si ynii a e.r.l. F r salt oy K !>. Guntcr. 1; is wit Ii a ponil deal of p'easurI and > it is i. et ion that I r,-ceonnneiid j ''lianiherlttin"s Colic, Cholera ami Pi ii !i i< r It one lysays hriuir.-l A. i iV . J av. t elle, nf I lartfi.rd, Cinin. only i ii inner, seeinp the remedy t xr pMised for ile on my show ease, ;aitl to me: 1 really believe that inedieiue T/tt ave.l my life t!.e past summer while it the sh ire," and she became so enthusiastic over its merits that I at once made up my mind to iec. nieiid it in ,,, the future Iteceiitlj a peiitle.iian r c.^.me in:it my store so ovireume with Ass l colic pains t hat he sank al onre to the 111S Hour. I icave him a dose ot this remely which helped him. 1 repealed the ? d -e and in lifuen minute- lie left iny 111 ^ v r r ? tr nxr A MO vvii-jiu Hi v /\ino. u!l. ; ; Haberdasher, Shirt maker will, j j ici* e your mail orders prompt ami care> j till attintion, at eoni| 1-1513 Main Street. < . I i-lll-'ol. Columbia, S. C. com| Itecrcation For 1'lie IJoys ()|u> I he following men In". C have agreed , j, lM 0 is'use their stores at half pa-t siv, leginning l-Yiday . I'artirs desiring to < re 1 ustli . il M i SSOS .1 Oil ?s ('. \V. Sol-o. f' IVrry Mr s. , .i fa K. N. Y, Itnckel St >re. | e J. M. Halp i?s. r .Jollll 1?. KftWl. i il i llikaial ?V Soil. I )/ W. D. llarinaii. | M Si iiii> fjcneroi.s licaitoil gentleman | i, i on 1 It'll at Stead man nml Kilrj's 1 i>t I evening and seeroted thii d to lny! We r.r ilave a full line of Nil. NU.i , . . ., . ?, .... , over stocked ami tliey are going olien) w* will close out at prices tiiat . . . ,, , Any Size?Any price. (*oou cookui; tuovc them 5 is Ol'OCCriZS. out. Sever il fct vle.s to i itk from, j , . . . , ,, , . , ' We Lave on hand always, a Tnl and p .ess to i:i one hair o| Agents , , r ., , , ,. . ! complete lii e of the < lioicest Groevrs: ami sauio tenns it desired. ? ... , ms. rite Cetcbratoil Mur.garif.i iat inducements oil u limited i ... , ... , t ,. i l'uiily" Mour always m Stotlc. ity?to the first twtiity Uv \ vi w fr t - - , i ?10 uncierseller. NTE3 W YORK 3, A CTrTnT' X/ i.-^Uao t, fiai I iC2 -X# r*i?^a ?~.Zcv rmLn i*"fc.. ~m*If ciijn. I !?! iaj ell ^^aOTJUNG! CLOTHING!! ?*^-V rSp. Insf I-itie covers t A entire .'tinge ?en nnti.-ip;*.te.' tie s i:?I 1 'al I r:ts. inr vo:i t;:ii i oits- .?ii red ot iiul in ? mi met bin^ to please t a prion "') to 10' less limit the same will oust else* here. It's a pleasure o\v ii'.etti! Cetav efure Iti i a-jol i leal.; are bt'uk-n! ^VeW^Ve&Ya. TV/tii a At *'rf&VWtfsW?WLow Prices ^ JVilllmerV ^ Correct Styles J' Correct lle;u?\ve.-.r, with it's f resit new beauty. ! i-erfe I bar ntony with iew Spn tig Gown: adds a nueli of di *tutetaut t-:??t's eag'u.-ly aougot. f .>r. ami demanded by "I'As', Y" dreuie as an essentia] to in perf?rt com ness Kvtry item f iing oil; of t bi s depart meat- i.< according to *lfatl'.i m >" late: t dictates, am: is correct tit every part cular r The Next Two Weeks Wo ?i!i ninke a specialty of Children* ml J.ndie* Shirt Waist Half, 'I ley are prettier and < m a per tltua \ c've ever "ti- re-J. i ?/ 1 5 K I < t i'iu?s I'e real-" 1 tend jet ,.-ts; nua'it it'- jets; incl { iL l- \ 2 J> ' '.at. - I?ti ?*ir .'n ; ani l)i ilL , ' oils or sbo t length: h ce :it -i t yard. 1 \ 'VsJ ?V niMI V A VT J Wei.avert new lot ol jA xNn lit ! \ I I J i i\ ?L_ \ Sites. 1-1 tit on it's r.nd i \! p i\ Yt.il to v II"? I.\'T. ?" I ;j t'A INS .van's 1m v. ' * mats: L.M.Gl'J IJKAY\ < Ol' VVKUl'ASKS < ?\ t: i i *-) '.tJiot.K < I. t-;i |? at rl.V'i: -l < EN' 'it MATTINGS Wit 1- In la, St) rent ? INCH YftIITK I. \tVK lOe. COTTON * H15S In rent aunt* r.M j ?ei:ls; worth iOJj. SPJSOLAI i l!< TOWKl.S at ! > n tit".. T. A.. "^7v"lXi'b'i3XjL. Prop. 'HE MUTUAL LIFE "7r ?*< I "rr> < tt *r ^ ?s I \ - j> s*? e-r insurance wompany Of New York. iticlisird A. MfCurcly, President. " Lnnjt'sl. Si nut tit'*'. I/Vj.v/ I'ro^ressi re Life / astir 82,802.3 ets December 31, 1000 . \ 32o,7?r>3,152.5 urancc and Annuities in force . . 1,141,407,88S.2( id it Leads Again in South Carolina Prom t! reports of twi Ive leudi:i? co.11 pan! on file in lhe Comptroller' , u is shown I'hat Tin' Mutual of New Yoak paid for forty-nine p sr cent* busincs nitl? Ci;r??lii.a in I'.Mt I than any oilier company. inineil lilty-ci^ht per cent, more 'insurance ia ioree Mian any othe |iauy. .'oil 'ctei! in cash premiums $751..121.(11 moref nan my o'lier company. lias tjai,s:J7,US;l more insurance in l'orre in South Carolina than any otlie [>a:?y. 1'he Mutual I.iie i-nnw selling a Single Premium Jua,i unteed Three an Halt' l'er lent. Iloml, which does not ii'<;iin? a?t .\aniination. I lie Five Pert'ent Twenty Year Iloml policy cannot be equaled. ISette a (iov e iitit nt P. mil. vi iinjiaiic.l or vicious t isks solicited or ncecptel for .insurance in tin I'any \ lew lirst-i las< anients can secure desirable contracts. I'or part i.u'ars as to plans, rates, etc.. apply i . c I . O. R TI -I R TO R 71 n sr J?*v J=L w -:w - ?; ijU.y -J Sjxc-inl Atfoul, ColuinI)!a, S. C. ?xjgg^^G^zang-c7/spri.TOyaa rcrsL^c* GaotJBSiaem I '6JrJ? 10 g : =8fexgg? \- ? \ COMING fMLb ICENTORX \ j' > yf 0* /' l* Oj J depcnJu upon the health of the mothers. Their \ |jj- H, h lives become more and mora artificial and Nature JlM "i> \ needs more sid than she dil fifty years apt. To TA^A ) / ' be truly titled for motherhood, a wom..n should lay the '" r'\/ ii foundation of healt'-i in her girlhord. Mo symptoms of j [v'V^ y( * weakness or disease of her dclicite sexual organization ' 4< should be neglected. There should he no pain at the , monthly periods, no irregulariticc.no suppression ..ni no profusion. ^Ijw ^ An fcll-sullicient aid to Mature in female complaints is \| "dTTI ^ WHICH MEANS . JL 0 ) Gerstle's Female Panacea. - y It makes girls and women, wives ami mothers, strong, vigorous, well. A COMPLICATED CASE. "'??' om a ct T have hecn troubled for four or live years with L. QERS"" LE St CO., nrninir pains in iny heart hum lower botveU*. also c linnttanooga, Tenn. IV 1 i.tlit 11 iI?. Caused front Womb del anKehi'lits, 1 Sold bv sit Pru2Slst.? at $1.00 a led vaii.his remedies but experienced no relit f battle, or *li bottles for $.%.00, mil 1 Ik nan usinu G. F. M. 1 bud only used it a i ?-? *?. II o 11 t i 111" when lac pains and hut mini* Krew b .?<. A l-'lt.r wt.lr. .?i.| t< I ,< undoubtedly u lb s ! . la s remedy i.nd lUlln ted w.it'TJ.aw tr?: ??!l io II II i :t k t? HO IlllMl.lKt \\ h*?n tlicy U.v. it 111 ! > 1t ?- miiioit (or (i:? tit.tuiont of a! I f#tn.n|W M idling i 7-s. i St; i t 4 ' 4 7 :i-f Middling 7 5-8. 4 7 1-2 G >,' .! 44 7 1-1 ' Tutu* of market qiii. t. Wanted! ~J IE. K HARDIN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. OfiS.C3 at KCom.e. i G. L. Trotter,. ^ l'HYMCIAN & si KGEOX. Oilers I i> Professional Services to the a p-- pit* of I? ilesl-nrg and vicinity. ! TO THE DEAF. A rich lady, cured of her l).*?fnf^ and Nueoi in the llea<' '?y l>r. Nicholson's Arlilh iul Ear Drums, gave #10()(><) to his Institute, so that deaf jm*ople unable to procure the Ear Drums may Irave them free. Address No. [ IV.Hi-r. The Nicholson Institute, 730 __ JCij/hlh Avenue, New York, tJ. H. A. _ J Everybody to Know That I have fur mile a large.and beau .( ! ?>f framed Pictured. E?ravings ?nJ Paintings. A I.SO PICTURE Fit A MEM MARE *. ORDER. Call ami see and be convinced. It. L. RAMEY, Saluda, S. (J. TflEO. A. QUATTLEBAUM, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. / ' Office over Harris' Drug Store. Money to Loan. On farming lands. Easy payments. Ko commissions charged. Borrower pays actual cost of perfecting loan. Joiix. B. Pat.kerA Sox. Columbia, S. C. Eoji.sk W . Adle, Atty., 1 O 1.. V? CI r> nuun. o. */. ) I R. L.I! A RT i. i'l V. ^ J 3 31L Practice in all Courts, Husiness soli- ^H| ;- : g o to ^ sam liowks. . 1 Rcstuarant for first-class meals, at all hours. watson &. towill. i IT-Ire Inc., ts. j Town and Country Risk. fl (jlicc in ADVOCATE Building. , ! P. B. Asbill I Watchea. lOlOcks, and. I ?)e\velrv Repairing. l .Mt I. i a Building, j BATES BURG. s. C. ] ; J as. W. Pitts, -J SU.1GE0N-DENT/S T, ] HT'O.l at Ktlu rt'.li.'i' l.ui'dinp I SALUDA, S. C. 1 il 1 Euyene W. Able ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR. Oifieos at Educfim.d C. 11. and Saluda C. II. Prompt AlUnl'on Oi\en to All Rosin us--. J. \V. I?1 viir.n, j s, o. (ITIKOOUV. I i:?< tti .'1, rs c. s. DkVORE & GREGORY .' T71 IIXi; 1 N AT I.AU All Lis;? was iiitrosttd to our care eoiivos pronii I attention. * 2'.*A>' Oill *e up stairs in Elliervd^e ' building. ? i! " ~~ ~