The Batesburg advocate. [volume] (Batesburg, S.C.) 1901-1911, May 08, 1901, Image 2

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BBm <ElS^a aB5sH^> EC:- . JF' . 'J 11K ADVOCATE? 1 PQIUISBO WK?K1 y. JOHN I1ELL TOW1I.L, Edjtou and Manaueu. The Advocate Pi.blishii k Co., (Joint Slock.) Batesbtirj;, J-. \ I i .j . t 8UBSCRIPTION PRICE: ONI TKAtt ?1.00 fix MONTHS GO ( PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ?' a ADVERTISING RATES. x Transient advertisement* one debar 1 per inch for llr-t insertion, fifty tents per inch for each sulaequcnt instrti. 11. ^ riale, Want, F< ut.d and other id tiee* , and BusineH Locals, icn im iiIk for im . Words ami o.le cent for each two wolds additional, each insertion. 1 Official advertijen cuts at the ra'o ? otlr.vred by law. 1 3p?cial and other rates quoted upon r Application to tins olllce. . ' J COMMUNICATIONS. I The Advocate will publish readable letters on any subject of general , interest, when nceomi nnicd with the j niMie aod addre-s of t he w riter. A no?yEbOue and defamatory article* will not 1 hj noticed. Live correspondents want > ed in every section of the county. I Entered as second class matter at the 1 Bntesburg f-.-st Office. ??* ' - ? - ^ WEDNESDAY May 8, ID01. J i 1 ??? -- Never in Cue h;st ry of SouHi ( n*ol inn, has there ever been sin h a gathering of Old 'Vets'* as there will he in ' Columbia this week, ("amp Connor , will be ably represented among the i hosts of lite lost cause, w hose In ail- are ; now silvering for the tomb This will . ; he the grandest gathering in the his- 1 tory of Columbia. Every obi solditr should make use < f < p;i< r.unity | and meet his fellow comrades, and talk j over tbe days of yo*"c, when they left I I their families and their homes fot their ' country's stko. I The people of i u town should leave ' not hing undone that w ouhl make the ... r. a comilljr 1< JUV< rill I a'a^'t* ^umrri It c ;i HK'i o-s 'Mrs will initril I'** a l??? i- J < (! > ii e? t i >c c.f \ mm;; pei ph , fo in nil . ovt r t he Sla'r, ?>inl as i lie lime ilrswlit ar w e r-hoilt! pu' for h :?M m rt lit iris j I' .".lit! make lies n eesi ; t re In le re- * metnht rnl 1 v i'l'. We : h nit! wi rk v' I Ifiiit t;n> 1 \ tore In r v, i !i nm'v lam's, ?' :u il 11 e> i fnl I t m is ami o i In ilele- jt yalts c,u-;r>\ tin ii si' vi'< while in our ' a \ ? '? in i i:c all, a * ^ i" ? ? <* Tli? limy ;< Ii ? f \\ In ii t lie jilnv irae.1 j'' f *'? <r i an 11 In : r ' j-? | |-i ('s ||> W i .) iimi y. ;ml t ||i> tvtiiiinls ns > I | Ike Urn i \ 11 - | * ? > In il*.- We have spent ; ii i n 11 t I: rm in ?>nr ynm 1 ; i in! I w* v I- I ?r f* ' : h s<* |'le; sr. Ill t lite- nfrain 'i'lieri* is i: i > ! 11 : can ei inpeti' will t'ne life nf tlit* f.trnn p. at 0 it ha- In en -i i rnl v mi i?l . i * 1' ie f u* ii is i. Ii li t; ami Is s..f.-s* | A ml i*ert..ii !y -tire-i in pi*, 1 Y.iiiarea" friers the ?! lit . Ill >11 Itaill. A ::i! tnnii.. re'i of a I ;mi mic\ . y ; The ill aire t.f > i:r ;. inn ,*" tl ,.j" t ii, ! I ii.-t i.l (lay in i minis, e in city I stir- *' ttu.inlt il w i i Ii i's in.- Mil mi w II u terminate some tl j loin on i <it <1 mi-t l*y < I' W III, I. l.l | III I e ( ., I ||... "I'll I j, I untile I in n ?>f it -tiny have l> en r ar- 'I eil < ii i lie lai iii, free I'r. in tin aitr.nt v* i i.s tit \ 're, v hit I. lie; s are mi i | I In *-i ill 'ii i i Ih.* eil \. We -per | ;i !' w Ii hi is in Iii thrive:; 1 , i.i town of li Ir-borjj la -1 Sa| mca;, Ii <t! in.* piei lire i I' met tins mrr t '.?! j fileinl-. ri. V ami M. W. Ciillniii anil , N l - I : . .. I ... I ... I I it. U e l . I.l.a... ; I., r I ri.i. I'll U ill > I'll i f tin* Moi iinr, I' \ Ciiiil' i". Wi* itif<iriu<-t 1 by ili. I-'. W. > l.i-n- !' in ilia! was !'.!<> ilr ( subscriber i a* ' I?'iril tin* 11 l.M'i i| i ii.ii lis's i earh w! t wvnt v li\ y-'.irs :itr<?. 1! li*?? I a | ValiK i! sii?- r In r vi?r i ee 'I'm??un! I lie kiiil favor I" Mr M. W. <' u 11 1:1. sll \\r met ? iili sev ral ntlii'i'- v. limn il w as a pleasiiiv to sr.1 Julias' nil ll.-n- fn iu.r. Star li ?ut? ('lian;,'C.|. 11 ltv j.ii nrJer uf i lie 1*-s' Oilicc 11 | rt III* lit. | ait < I' Star linu'e I'rniii !,' I alts' tirj? in ' l appi'lls |iii<- been ..j, ( I mi; imI. w I'irli tin k i-tr it mi Miiiiila) if Ibis v i'i k 'i bi.- I'l.ant'e ; fl'iilillil-tilih ( 'r< s- llili-s by ??i li- (Yn-? Moa?l by Itirii'iin's J.Jill in (IninlCri*. k I*nkf i llii'i*. Tliis v\il' ?i rvc ' in hi ly lift i f mil it** witli a i!a !v tin I ' ri'ft'i st ii'Ss tlmii ImI' a lin.'.i'ii i ii I lie " :'l niiili n rniile I ran- ? almost nil tin' riiitc lias n Rural Kre I>e'i\er\ ' fri m l:i !..? ' n . * " "' ' - to 1\ due l<> 11i-lVorls i f l'.i-t Master |(( Korece, who is al\v.?y > m t iv?* I o i-rvo .iV his j> it runs. He i- thoi unfitly pnssi >s j. id with I lm sprit til <1 | oliry if tin U) Port Olfi.0 I h'pii t lit*' II t to span' lio if- w. fori to M'| | ly in: il f; riiitii's to those ,j, V lio nro in iioiil if such. We knov> |j(, that Mr I iin n* has liml m veral post (|>( i Hit i s i ft li'i :i <1 nil'' i ow lifs i ii? or two Fiio DHiviry m-Ioihi# iii f nl, _j. with very fnvi nil !e prospects. Tin* rIIiform riiiii'li'iihs sun! p n It manly m, mar in r in ? hirh In* I.a.- >t rvi il I is | at- j,j_ roi.a ha. |?lai oil hi- rural pat ft i i spec , j, ially in.ili'i* lin.i y Iilli^ain o- to him. M. Advertise in'I l e A<I\ic>iU- if \mi I ini \M nisi CI" s- to I I I WII J I II. J,|a rtfrcv, jtbtm Vi ifjfall^riTiliWnP' ~ 'a.. NTFItXETINO NEWS ITEMS. | Mckid up hy our ltegulur For-! respondents Through out LoxIcgtou, Saluda and Aiken Count it s. A ike 11. Aiken, s. C., May 6th, 1901. The opening up cf beautiful spring veather give hope ami cheer tt? lotli :it}' and country peo| le. While many armors hud to replant a largo part of lie cotton c:op tlsoy are not at all dis ouragcd and are n ovitg on Without mnplaiuing < f hot weather. Wo have very few northern tourist itnong us now, liir.ny came and want vithout giving notice of their arrival >r departure. One t hitig can be said much to the !*tdit of our northern frier lis, they are lot deai'.|beats. 'I'hey pay all bills and envoi ii friendly terms with the na- I ivis. Since my first communication,] wo weeks ago, another land deal lia? ' jeen made. C-pt. J?e. V. Rell ri'M i lie lot owr cd hv him ? u I'ark Avenue, ! 0 a noi therner for the handsome s .m of t~ "00,and it is reported that another ice house will he erei ted on this same ot during the 8"niu er. At this time there is wry little being lone in the ?:iv of buildingore uitraetng. Mr. J. .T Matthews has broken | *ruuud for a i.ew house on Colli ton I Avenue for Mrs. Ilahu. Mr. K. It. Itaggot of Monetla, has the contract for | 1 ten room cottage mi ltichland Ave* ' iue. It is pieMitned that within tliej text few inontlis ijoile a number of j ottares will go up, nr.d improvement* ! imi r? pairs will he made on houses al- j early built. The Aiken S. S. (.Vnvi lit '< 11 lu Id its itii?in* 1 mee'i g here l.ot week, hu* nving t > the pi sh of lie faruu'rs to re- j 111 ul t heir cot ton < rop aid other cans- j s t he at t c iidaice was vcrv pen r. Rev. <. X. itm ton of tirnuiteville ami <i. I*. iVbite of l.augiey attended for ti e lir-t ime a m rv ice of our S S. Com * lion, ' iml emitrilu'e.l a very helpful part owardsthe success < f the nutting. 1'heir sermons and addresses maile good ml lasting iii'pre-simis upon their Itarts. We hope the lines of ' > Oil "s irovid'iices have fallen to theui i deasant plans, and that they will lo'li iMtiiiiu among us. The revival meeting whieh was to icgin at the lbaptist Chureli on la-t ill nd a v. lias been Do-t none.I one week >n account of tli?> pastor, 1 ?r Xlil'cr. Tin* Mcinoiial isnrci.-(s under tin* uspices i f "Tin* l).ii gVi'i's of the tout hern Confederacy was held lis' Phi;rsdaj afternoon at the Aiken In t t lite. Our popular Mayor. 1*. A. Email'i-il 2 (j delivered an ad 'iv?s lo the vo'eriis pie-ciil. after which a Kcd (*ro?> {.> pre-ei.te.l each surviving soldier 'i c 11 cilia lice was p rhaps "he lat?? st i\ t-r ci-j. v. d on n s'lnilar occasion ere. iii! tlie si ret l* t utii illhs' lice of (: tjji. .1. liii e Smith, the t oscn or: tor for ilie hour, he Inxint' i ecu c Hid : v. y io attend the f.ineral I hi- most iutiinn'e Jlnem', lion. XV. . I), v i l.-oe. Tl e ladie- hi he iilifu'!, jlipae- we i e itr i v en to ire ditr re"! i iiu- i-i r:e? v Iter I lie trrave- <1 ?!e !i a i ci! soldi rswcreil . rat en w it h t In !| In lie. I! i vv i i'-, pluck eil ft i>i:i t he ro-e 1 , i. -h i s < I inr o\\ ii lit: li* city. i W.ll.K. I.Ul'SVlIlf. I y Tlie pic 5c ln-l l'\ id \ ivie a cram! < e-s. I" v? r\ bod\ -ee in il to eiijoy i ii iii-c' \ - to the ii. i .-I There v\ er. I t > i.! u< i d ! i li in r a | r -l1 \ ;; i r!>? . i-two e- sen t la I- to a picnic. \V. t i it yli ii In see .-..|>ie 1' it 11 c.-hll " - .i i.ii-ii.ii e y iiiit* I: d ?s t lu re. v : i\i ul on: c;t?'/.iii- w 11 attend ' ic i < nti ion in i "i It: in lea this \v- ek. Tin- X'. x\ <T. ci :u si for a ' l\i-i* ini'ilil mi 1. st 'i Iiiii lit > n itr It. a- one i I i In- i.i.-i ii i> have lied in ' c.eiiine. Mis.-'-, il. II Hardy. .I. S. ' ft *! ? I e. t >. M M i'cni 11, 1.. <1 a yy - " . 1". Sin tli and 1?. I'. K m'. Wen ' ii-con' e-1.iii ..f i hi iii s,? L I. Tie-coiiiin t' c afu r hein^ *..ii tin* i iii , ?'?i i i?*41 lit.*! M K S. t It It I > i:c llic ii ? ?!:.I v\ i i Ii \v.i: l.ti'll ti' li III In III \ . K IIHf.l. I!>i*. 11it'I .1 v<* : ii intiti-stii.|nr ( i "'.Ii \ 1*11.1 ii>ii i?i .i ^iri" .* > tnt'tl _ 'nl. lit . a vivi.l jiirt lie ill i In 1 rl i in ii ;i iuiIiv until . >! I :* . Kim*. .5. ! '. A ii liTs-iii | iv ii In ii nil .ili'iit > mii 111 in ii:* Mi* Ii nll.-l iiiivIi |.i>t >iii? lay ;ii?.r:iifi_r. 'J'lii- I.utlioi'.ui S iiiiny > Ininl will i i ii- iit-.ii M>. K .nl'.-. uii ii \t S.itur" Wf iiri' j?la I in * !? Mi- I.u'a OxiiiT. it !ni li i- lii'i'ii t?"ii i.i.ij at Nrv\ i-1*1 > .k- , nl, In iin' ajjaii'. Mr. .1. K.I*. Mi-('iir |' i i-i in.. K i ii tr i* :n * i in piMVi'iiifii i s mi liU li< hi - # . I I SmiiliiV ("! .init ?ri' li.-i i <r 1 ' mil nf i!i ii* s*iiiv ri'paint il wliicli ! !- imirli In i s ::p|i<a:ir;iii h. " Mi. .Ian i\- kinaril iinw Ii: - liis lintn! i ii! id :i>.I nji mil t,. tin- uvary 11- ii \ - , CI We are <fl:nl to see l"r??i. II ltl?*y :it - |nr ( of tliiI \* .-liter .< -vt*rit 1 da\.? e I. II. -s. I'rotn Dc'inar This i- ll?' nm-i di-lri--injr time I. at liit* farmers have experienm il for e ;n.y \ rn r Tim.i.-ninU ami tl i.ii- .1 ii i> i f worth of la hi r. for l i l- n >-r- and la-ill have !>" ii lost. I otir l: nrs :is inn. Ii | 1 . i i as It - nit I ha- |j I'll 11 < il it' Mill .ttill merit of l lie laud j, in a worse lliaii if never in In il. A la at- i?er rent or Hi' maI ires lie ve l?e? ii wa-llril inul lea< lied i ;i v. Ail of the I,est mont have been " Mi'eil ami are In-t. Farmers have " irk< tl, >lii<iie<l niol iiimih^hI very '' iy, ami -still the 1-1. of May finds em w it h el v nothing in their Ms. All inttoii th it was | I:t1111-11 ^ ure than I >? days atfo, v. ill liavi to plan ed aicain j ml I In- -m il i> in t in : lit. In e.niM' our f.nineis have e\a nj: ml tleir -mil fr.r rotten s. ml al. I.e. pin^ hfti k j'l-t enough in ^ ml t heir ernps. It is a ;ery ire |n till.- M llll' kind of a -tllllil i t I .oil. ill \ |l i i.i a ! h;.t was pl.t ii'ml lie last ^ if oi M;ir< ii ( to make a -land . 1 that remain-, -how-, very little , IO (; tiled Mareh 1st, tli il iiimIv a stand I There will bo comparably r.o early] corn this year and ro early cotton.] At lea?t 01 e thiril of the crop will be ; planted in May and it wid sill couie up in Blay. Tliesfnrc very gl.oniy conditions III it confront faruitre; mid rre naturally very d'scouraying:, b it no rn in can loieca-t the It. Providence has interfered to deliver the farmers of the South the Iwj past years, and it seems that lie is now checking the wi'd desire to make a 1'2 or lit million nale crop If this calamity will re-ult in an 8 bale] crop, then the farim r will be immensely ble-sed as any one can plainly see. After all, there is a bright s'de to the situation. '1 he wheat and en's crop is ve y (roaming. There is at least one thiid more this year than ev? r before; and it Wi'ssow n better auJ fertilised more I linn ni'we Iv^fnon It lias become a very omniou prnc;ice for farmers to use nitrate of soda and the result* are very apparent. This in-j iiis less corn and less tl mr to pay tor t ut of the cotton crop. The recent cold hns left our fruit crop uninjured, and litis at the same time seriously injured the Oeorg:a and other sections. This means that good fruit will bring a fancy price this summer. The'i let us look at thu bright shle ond sc.? the har.d of ProviJmce, delivering us from plunging into ruin- if left alone. W. ADO. SIIKAI.Y. St emlir.aii's. Tli weather is nice, pleasant and Spring-like. On la-t Sunday tl e congregation at i lbis | I ce the | Icasure of bearing a m ist excellent sermon hy Rev. | N. Ci. ('ooner. Mr. Willie Stead man of Columbia, nas been visiting Mr. K.O.Abie this week. Me srs. Klh -rt Padgett and J. I.. Matthews of I.eesvil e, wire here on business W? due -day. Mi-set Kosa Spradlcy and Susie Stiull of Seivvru, visited fiiends and relatives here last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Oantt of the C< n ! vent section, spent Wednesday with their daughter Mrs llaskell Oantt. Me-sis. Ounter & Oantt arc dniug , -i lively business with their turpen- j tine still. Mr. Smith, the Supervisor of the So Kv., was here Friday in the intir. st of ilie company. The small grain ill this scct'on is i not as promising as it before the! recent i old. C.-rre-pon loi t Our Aline Cr? tk c.aak (?tt- il >i ri.iii l\*fe In w i? I ln? ! nildaiu ! j>* ri t v a li?I!? i'H Iij Ii ill hearsj :?it I i'tlirr ilrtirles t' at tin- fnist emi'il ii I k l;, <? 1 ?tiit ili'iii' p'niliiiw io'l?ili li lime will at am! na's line, In yi.ii rei'nii Do-John t in II jf ^ nil till II!' lllll II III f i 11 i i I III' <1.1 v tn<* w el I , iir, ilu'rc i< in? lellin^ \\ h it ran ?l .1 i i*t loi-k at what it lias dune in Hud Pi. ri'i' niiil iii'ver broke a r h no- s nun! ills ap. elite w<;iiiit'rl'iil!, for h mat ; \iili a h eaii i'.?tisi?i|i''e the oh! wo nan it le rliiekei s are ihii> jr so well it ha? e?-n h j;h tide all the j'ii'* what will a :iii' next ? t he ^rn? | iipp-ise how is .' it1* e>ir?li ii, mil t v poor it lo k- Ike on.-in Kmp' mossy lin ks |.a I li-en loioeil itv in it for month- to come, no-the'at ui'%* if* lie Iioiio' wha' iii lhe\ il i. well they -Utile linjlle lifer (lir e toiies was out <l il they urtkei i law i I WeiU ill- l'.'.'ol-hy tii.v.tiii'i Itc v ? ! I t !|ey will Mot eet lo eo hark heanse tlo-y il il n t make n law to in- , i use the tax. What is I lie news niello* Court House w II they it'll | arry ant* are j:i\ in in itt irities, wli' - u.t a Iii I e I,-. every olhe. Sim y veiling anil holt while I li-* hiij:i seiiii'i M-e liiio lie looks like a eonir i use man I suppose he ihint do bitsi , ess i.11 Sunday is III* ? use of iii- I e- , iij; 'a i*. iiiy i*? es t-- is f.ii.ine t i,t . an s e he is w h le till I not e.ilhii' | eie is foi Dr. Dam I Knov all met \ tln-se presents ami tV. W. Stone. < me ami k 11 i li- er.'ws ami let t he t ur \ s ti'oiie. w hat sjiy y ii \\>s moiii- ( r?*| is a* ei'| led. lit now all I tin I i on I e ter ' < ep voitr ti.rk ys in a pen tint will ami <i<l s js I'e'e notion," i i nj; bout tha?. K. 1 y \V ??* ? t - " " i-> t?? i c tiie I w i. M *. J. I V*. I. -In- > it ! i - it \\ romp I din# a li:>I- j . > li-r mill itiu! impi'in t-il iiiiirij : aim I .mi early ?*;iI *. a oil luiil will I> - . rrctn! ami ii fore many M om?, wi \pe. t a subset 11-t on f?.r tin : urpose of orjfani/.'mr a Nationally lank: aii'l snitii-lit . iir i it i/. 'iis are ii , nrresp uuleiu ? \\ it ii Northern Capi Ii l, in i el'.reiim to a lar#e cotton ' i II an I wo tin \" j i?| nun pi i ?'il a no. 1 . i in' s.-li i ! bniMi io | ) i; ,-|ii | we ar?nw I nlviiio iilmnt I ir a corpse of c iir ii r- that xv U #ii'c lis a school ar nil lu ionic. . I1 \ 1'ni* last l.e#i?la'uiv riiv-i ii< a spe ( iai school ili-trict l<? In* #overii<?l l \ 'i Veil trilsl cos; 111 r?-e from I lie ili-tr i 5 1 t lar^r a till four from tin* town: ' loot I'll by t'le to\v ll enill|c|l. Tile I'til , ?w i 11a ve been elect oil ?!.). .lump ? r, T. I!. Cyrus l',i(,|.>. T-iwii: 0 . 11. S .iiillfer, .1. K. Wii so', J. K m. lift- ill.(I i.. I,. A II J' y. I.tliiuii (lint ferl- I lint l.e inn till.1.1 n ( rsl-ela s school, u mil I i|.i well | > aply l<? ' Hi1 ?>l 11;?* above ti*ii.-I Oiir'a.y m In i I will picnic tin !" llinl May. Tin' fulli;*.viii<; 11JI ? lei) are i .vp'-i ti'il I i In' W III lis a; ?* I ink* >lmrt talks after mir little ones (| ave ll.eir orations?<'t.l. If. L?. Wntni, Kt i . II I. Hamuli, liev, 1'. !'. j artelt, Kev. .1. it. I't'sN n, Mt'-srs. .1. U\ i.ter and Ji.l n Dell Tim ill. C\ L. J. Tin finsy to I'eel (it.oil I .'nil lit less thousands have found a I leasing t.? the 1m dy in Dr. K ng'a j n? I.tie Dills, wliiek positively i lire li oustip.ttion, Snk Headache, l>i/./.i- I !*ss, .I.i111111ii-1", Malaria, Fever and 1' jfne ami nil Liver ami Stomnli 'I mihler. I'lirely v? Metafile never ^ i,ie tir i.erken. Only 'Jin' ill K. II. iilllei's. li - mm I SISLDL J I. GRAIN SEPEUATOR A TRACTION AN1) PORTA BLf I ENU1N KS. | Fnrtivs'? tIlls Stale have given tn I test inn uials thai the smaller ease S? p era tors thresh out 1st) Rusl;c!s Oats pel hour and give sple idi I .-atisfaction it every way. WHITE ME FOR CATA LOG UK AND SOME ST HON' EN DOHSKMENT.S OF lioMI PEOPLE. E, J. NORRIS,Edgefield, S C. \wr I T I A DTI 1 I vv . i^. 11AI\1 I^r.1 BARBER. I have opt* tied a lif st-class h irbci si>?>(? in Ihe rear of ihe Frst Xationa Bank. You will always flinl my slio| clean, wi h fro li Ih-.m l<, keen r.-znrs and sharp scissor*. I giiaraiiteo ^t s faction to one and all. When you ncct a liair cut, don't forcet to turn i'io corner at the bank building and I'll d< (be rert. ^BATESBURG, S. C. ^ J. \Y. Dealer in (jlonoral Mtlsc. Millinory CjUmkIs. Jast reeeivid i: superb line < f N?li r.and Millinery g.a ds. I.ndies of Ihi section will do well t ? inspect mil lints. They are of tin* latest patl- rns We will be g'ad tosbrw you through our slock at any tune. WAGENERiS. C. Brig t Boys Started in l<tirtiu>ss Tin- puiliishers 'if the famous l.i.; idu-nrate;] wi'i k!) wcwsii I'.i-r, I*i:nnsvi.v v m a i:ir, are now placing o-i rcscntatlTi s at rvi-i v post oilier in S'Uitli Caictina auil they ili-sin- to secure tli" wi vices of capable hustling agents in each ol the following towns of Saluda comity: liidge .Spring, Saluda i.nd Wauls, ami : s many other towns as aie not already supplied Tlifl work is jiiofitalil'* and p'ensnut. A |iortiiui of Saturday only is required. Over .ri.(HW agents am lining sptcmlid'y. No nu-uty whatever is required Kverything is furnished fr. e Station ary, ruliher Hump. ink ami pad. advertising matter, sample enplco, etc- 1'tipers ore shipped I- he paid lor tin- end i f e.ieh lee::t u. *1 liosc not Ho'.tl are not ehargi d lor. v. rite to iii it Cuh'.i-h ing Co., Wil'.iaiiisport, and iiuntioii Tin aiivim a t k For S:Fe. I oSTi r for Sal my re itl. nee wiib i'.iiiiteenil iii tin* town c' Bitesburg ' tin st* ; reihi is ate : otul rebn-d. v ni-yard, pr.slare ate | ond A very dr.-ir.b e home ii. ieed. For t>-riua ?? .. :ij j ly in .1. <1. Kiltereilge. Clolnniii i.t, S. I'., or I". 11. iCernajjb :tl, liattsblirg. '! est fii .'ss. N t'.s X, in Xi t 11 *.i 1, SL : 1'i.sit iveta I'lirol ! y it * '' 1* t "s I lit I. I This le w lii-im? irA^So-'ii.e net-as' si-i ol Mie 'i-cn-c, : I d h"~ eiti . i -I sUeii fell, a 11. .11 cures t'aat tin greatest ho n, hold out : ui siitn reis, i iii itt- f iinw h d " Ii-mu : i.dii g nili .. \ i-.i-i-. ami w I m i'ii i ' i i : i-k i! :ni i |with tui ?|iriTtiiiii? ni'tl* i i i-ii iii- ij t i.l i iNi. < inl.r ilm-i t Iniin.lV.M > I-.. i A I: I,!. \ : li-i'l. il.iu-liu i . S.mtli I .mil i tli, tannl-n. i Vi.l.lNii. 1 ?.-t I lo <1 pj.rillcr. Tlif bill- ci is i <i:i-.a ity lie u : |-i:r llcil lii (in- I-in; !;\ r mil Kit'.ii-i*. iii't , IIii-m- n.'^.ini ill Ins. It I.J i-oiiili' i* 11 ~ - i. 11 the l.'.i,\i'i.> regular :t i - it j ?? vvi I ,'iVi? iiii in i ll i-t :t I | i.r li i ! ' r this | i rji. m* 11 i? ii-iiliii ^ - 111 11 in t'huml-i'i Iain's I I i. :i 11 :iih I. Vel' 'I alil. is, in e liti-i- ul I 1:1 v. i11 tli ui'irr x,"?'i! lii'.ti a ih)!!..r Initio < I tin I'S' .1 Ji l iiii i*. l'i i. I', '_'a ?*Ctit-. s mipv- ; r ci.t | . i . t iiiiti r'*. Our ( luli'iiit.; < >11' r. Ylie Si a1 (semi-\\ oi'lilj uii< I'll K A I) VOi'A I'K I. <l' vII } III", I'l.'i' or : ix iii. ii'.I 3. l.'i'^ price "I liiii I i.ipi i > fil.OOn jc.H 1 "el six mmr h? I'lic 'I'lirii -a Wei; Wni'lil a:nl 'I'll* \ l>Vi??' \'l K I r ? I .li'i a j i ;i r, Sa el. t * Iii. v in. lil lis, Ue^ii!ar price nf paters ^".'.(iia j. r it i 111 ijl.irJ for mv unlit li-. I III' t<> :>! (1 At'.aiiln l itit: Iii . ivci'k y i yesi -1 (.* ci'iiis, -i> iii- -1 . i -Tli* Lilv. |'..IC m.I At unl.i i. >..| in . l. i .'..inI.:il, I car * 1.7'.. i\ in-M. - . . 11 i.ts. Sen.I Week i .!. it nil a. .1 TIip Ailv* rate ear }l VI, >i\ lieililiii 7 I'i. iI.i 'I'lic I'arn -III.', ill a. .1 i ll- A-l? ..-.ite I .-*1 ? a.-nlln i. - e. i.l.. nil. m-:?? 'itii.ii w(ii.i:i? i i?iio i;..\ v, i.i;k ki>r; . VS ( ?'! H I VII' A-* .1 I > 111 Y AM' V" (;i : i r u" it: >! ' a \\ i i.i.i.i . It Illtt.iiiM 1 III.Ill- ; I : a- ) li e l! ..II al.1 .-lln !? w>!?; }.? ! i til* ? ... ?! ;n An 1*1 ii*. ii< v *i M'i i< v r??\i*?> .t!i lit* ^ o i t ti.i . t #| |i\ ?, ,t( i t. u il.ii ms. ii- t. t ... ... - - iVt* 11 r t I I I ll |-\. I ll ||| III l'llll^i>l.* . I I inlli| !nr.*-. ;.i.i| uilli 11. - [ n i.i! i-nmi ,ii ii..- iti |.ii?;jn-tf it v ill 5 a in\ aiian'i' It - |'?- .?i I i i ?! i? ? 1.1 ii. | i.i n t Tl:i? la i r. k- ? it "t rai'i'diil v a!lie tn jam at tlii- tu r It >llll IV .in tn I ll l-vi-it iii til it! i'll t - lit ii-1.1 rain) ai -ii tin* 'Mliiri i .v. i i Vorlil M vim >v.'ill in Kiip yi-nr ayi* in tti ill t-.nlnl tin y i i i I v<. 11. l.inj; I Ko tin li. ii-i'-a Wi a ' Wiii lil II > am v mil tn K m '.v a! nri i^n all tc'ii| uifi.t?, t.iKo 11.a: Tin icar a-ViVa-K \ hi lil. T In* 1 In ii i- a-M'i 11; W. till'* rrtliliir -i.t-i* i'| ' ii hi i- i.n'y c i .On jut ya nr. v i>i!nr tl .- in ' i, it a'.i 11 m*? ir a in' Tn k Anvoi.'.v . ti j,.-t In** if jrar fur yl.a-'i. Tin* ri/i'K r nil tci'i li. n jnii-n aif the twa : | i it i* f. tn. Tin- Na'iva mil Courier (wea k!y iintii Mul Tiik Auvocatic $1.75, si.v llOIlt ll- (Mi a'lM.tM. Pria-e- v.;!! lit* in; all* iij i.n ;t] plieat i.'ti ?>r nt lire ruitiliMin t .ants nli.iva* itili.-a ript ions ulsai ra-t'a-i va*tl fur any t?l lit* lili.iVa* |>:11 t Is .singly. "Ill-* rtlta" lumen nrc s:ri"i y lor ensii 111 at.Vanre Write to ? r rail on us gmiil rrsiilii?. We olfrr you only The ltrst. Ti:k Aiivocatk, A l est licyclo liii'.cr, Will often nreive | ail.fill ruts, prai * or livuisrs from iioei<lents. ?!i ; 'kirn's Ami. a Salve, v ill fill tin 11 ill miil liral 11 to in j i ry. It's the ist's frieni Cures Clin till '. dripped1 I mds, Sore l/ps, (turns, 1'leers nod '.Irs. (,'m* guaranteed. Only S*.e. ry it. Sold hy F. 15. Hunter, dr.s>:ist. SuliM-rihe fur The Advomte ntul l? Hppy. fl.UO IVr j ear. 1 .i J "JUST TRY IT" t And learn why the Flour J buying public endorse the celebrated -iHungarlan IPurityH r BRAND, "^tfuiNurjcTunca at J I Ho JSiioIton Mills, , i Is better balanced 1 l?-tti any flour, being t e most popular, it is often imitated. Sea tbat every sunk or barrel, bears the j 'Hungarian Purity Brand* Its rising qualities is superior to J any oilier brand, for j Whiteness, it can't be Excelled, j r I We (iuarnnteo osir Tlour more I Nourishing, Sweeter, ??:<! to make , i Bread to the Value < I' 6<)e more per barrel than any made, b< in^ groin d on the genuine, "ltUNUAKIAN SVSr TCA1."' 1 Onr .1/i'fi/ is a nsu r/Hixserf. A-k your dealer for this brand aim buy ml ot In .. I Tlu? Mil is represented by D. R. MALTIWANGER, Batesburg, S. C. 1 Otli e in A ivoeate Building. ? ? DON'T Fa 1 ta VISIT L* B* Asbill o *0-'^ WV y \ Johnston, S. C., New Northern Grown Sect! ' 4 ' 4 4 <)nion Sets 44 / 4 4 4 Seeil 1*? la 11 .s nnu.RflT AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Has the large*t patronage in it:-' history. Sjn-itt j: Session op ?> I'KIS 12. I i S; i-.-ii.l oilers for pup.Is entering . promptly. 'Ion no v pupil; provi.leil fnr by fi-l.irg-ni'? t ?f b anlnig hall. Now is the 'itu* l i 0:1 tor the t'OllMTIflt'! A I. r*fj U>)')l . < \n.r ail r.o I; Uet'i ing, Short-l ami i _ I.. 11. n.\'s.:\ !'r.\s ier.t. ." I ai'i i:i ;os Ai'i* lang Pa'iir.' i.l) etl ">y the t lOiic1 anil i >* a I! vi?-?.f the h;-i.!.> r.n I groom " 11 Ml llcy III'.' Ii'i|l !fl '. I'.* a -4 III'-' ; !>v r- ori ing i> i i- A :\oo.ito' ! boau ii'iiI wa il 'ill : ii.v i ; r:jj i'LiiiL ] i i.l. rso:; ; i :>* i* \ will iil.e I., t :.-t- '.tut I ho i.':.: i i tlii! "ill p v ! I. n. (?' ? Draft--. .1 a 'g- tn I'i hi'e t f "a voi! I lain ('tilllit v ut I li|-? llliv tin W'eltHOS- I lay ni li-i 1/(1. 1 r a I: ?:. I ti:so a I i'i.< r 1 . t lit - mmIuU I if \V .1 a n ( ' >| ley til i . > in'.it I Iv t'.Vo, Atliiiinisl j a*. r iiT t ..o - a oil \\* 1 a i. <'? .'I y. i| -' o si'.l. "Ti'inl * rMvfO i i;.Ui > i Uiui^j. y j'rit l- it i: ii i-.nv ? iv in to a.1 A I'i I It t S I.Ill' -til! till! ill nub'.. i. ;> 1 \vi 11 a, p'\ in the Hun O't. In*.itl-. ,ll i'.,;e fl IV.'iilt". in .i.- :u 1.1 vin^M.ll i II., JS. ''.i:i , ,!i 2.* il.-sy ?>i .Ma> J ??I, ..t x? :. I.., I .111 , t<> .< St*! 11< a Hi! 1- il>:t! I lis li :is a :u lli-t I'mS I' ..J tl.rrs'.nli I Mr.s M.ilti J (' i' lull*, i!? rra < ?|. li. \ . Sin i.t !nv. Villi! IS riitirof tl.rrsi . rot Mis. Mn tic J. t li I ii in, ii . r.i-r.l. " ' _ . ! ' iio ! :; 'i'l r Hnir:!t</ll, i ! V. II .* It l'i?.. nl t 1 !>' , V n , i I! i ivr \n'.c i at j !> rii i ;i i:ii i l.i* v?;.r I ii! i -.i.i-i : ( I sl.ors 11'. r. Ttil'l l.lo lliai.r III IiIi | . i I. nl, a i ll v ir v. i'M. HANlttWfa, \ i ? i j { U X. Git liter, ; r. '.Tiosnuiif!, - - s. < . 1 L. M. MITCHELL,*' , P U Y ICIA N & SU RG EON O. : II ui.v s ; !t i. if. J o :: p. hi. 1 i.. ft p in ENGINES IJOILKRH ( (!IN-i niul I'llKSfiES, h?|f r*<?u ii, S iw, <Ji i-t, Oil and C. Ferliii/er M ill ? Oil fils; rim < i: i Press < ':iii Mi: i :in SliingjV () tills. ItniM- J in>f. I< i 1 tri', 1 "priory. Fnrnnr** nntl Kaili :nl ( .-I ins; Kiilroail, Miil, l<artnry, J "t.l M rlitnists' Supplies. I11 n, i Parkin;?. I ii j 'tin s, Pipe Fittings, | S,\\ , 1'ilr-i, ii kr . !'!? ., e:isl every T il.iy. Woik 150 liaml-'. j * Looted Iii Works Sujijiy Co. r Al'lilS'W, CSFOKli I A. g F?>ii'.dry, Mai'li lie, hoiler ail ( in NVorUs. Repairing Preniplly Due, j <5 ly-KM-U . Fine Cotton Seed for Sale. I J d I have for sale, at $1.00 p^r bu>ht*l, , tin?'-All Fruited Cotton S.til " Will ? > it-Id two l-ali-- }H*raer? if luiid ir j r< p- j t-rly pM-pui?d. You can st-e sample at \ C. V. Solbe'a store. JONAH 11ITK. j 3 SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ] I Central Time at Ja-k vmvU'e an 1 ??r?nna?L j 5 E:n'.cra Ttaio at Oihur PoiuU. fc-cbodulo in E.Tcot Jan. 27th. 190L * nouthbou.vd. i?'0;?4 No. 31 j |L>uily Dally ex so ? Lv. .Ju l- .iivlilo tl\ . j it r. "Tlftp 12 2 J? ' KiiVUnii.iii <<>. lijr )..... 1' 5.'.j> 12 5x?a loop ? " I'ntnwu.l <2>- 4 04* " Hlaekriiio . . ||fi siup 4 Ar. Cojiunt'i* 0 i..i (J ion V<6j> Lv. 0!iar><,.?n. i.vj. uy~7~~. ~7 o.-niil 'Jap Tilop _ " bumi.i rrii.o 7 4ln'L?*!n? fllbj ? " Brnnchvii.e 8 Xn; ?uoa 7 30P wianeiiig Ol&a ,45ft r.v-.p B ' Kl r U Ko 4 35a I47P I Ar 4\>Hill _ 11 OJlj V gl pati g Lv. A*.i turns, i. .. i . , | ,xrr- oiiw I Lv.Omuttevilu lltttfMlto. .. 1 Lv. A . i ., 12pl 7 ijp I Lv. iVnntou ; 4 4JCfp 11 tvp " ' 'UuKtnn J ; ) pjii-jjri Ar 1' ?ltuti tin. '11. > .?? loa J L\. 4'imnMn. ot i 2-i>j *> -ja P43p f ' \\ iniiMbviii 7 I . 7 ?.'i\ 1, It'll p " j'iuM or iui.i 18 13h II 24p y itockUIU. 8*3p| 84k> 114k? Ar. Oh irlotto ? ,.t| 9 4tn|.**.a ,, *L. P't'V'l'" ." .f..i;.j ijwpluLa G Ar. Kti.'lunwi . I Ojal it'28n| Ir. Vv : 11 n zr. ' .... | TIT a t .-op |TP a \ I'u :i:a <:< .i'a.;L;? I '? l..i !I 3V,>;I1 2oa J I >;1 .n." ; K.I M :r.ft .VV i;?3 JLN " v i 2OByI 8 jCal 4 i:-4 (' Lv. Co u'niii-i jtj 4m- Tjuc? "V.TT. Ar. spuria -bar;; | :. lo . II 25a | - A-iioii-.e 7 l-.> I tip Ar. Knoxri;:e __ Uii Tirol...... At*. UtUv-'HHlH I ... ... . 7 i 4,4k {.. . Ar. l/?al?yilju . 7? ilj ' S a niUl'll UOL'.VU. -V 'Vi^l Daily lihll)' i'ISu e ITT. I.'.ui,-; " .. . ' . . . . i'rTvij ?5l)j Lv i . . r^Vi ? CvTkiMihva* ( i r 2on ^ " A-i.f.-ii.o : s.'r; :iu.'>p " .*?: :i:-1h it.-.u ? II ?t loi> ..... Ar. ?' i titll'iiifl ... I btJIil P 3Dp Lv. Now Voi!s.t-.i.i-.i:i. . :;.V>,i-iiui|l :4oin ' Hi:-. 1 1 j , 0.-.;>| .I5u?, aiCp ...* - - v' 't22n &22p Lv. \? hM .- i, i . it-, I i yip :j (v.: lv. k"?-.i .. ]7._ .i,.;;{>'! _ . !* ? : ..i Li?S - ?v L1 .. I e he P.'jip 4 21a ' i. ! I *J '. K S.j 50 a ' . ' "-Ui II lv;. j 27s .-, p n. . ... IJ lea 1201a OOea v . r. * ' , , pjp,; , <( || | l^'j. ? l.. Lv. l" 't.ii.Ua, (C. I>.) I'.l .Aa 4 ISei " i i ! til < " l.-?-at<j;j : i ..a,, r. 4 f'p A '.< !! I : Xy\ 7 OCn 0 40a Ar. Li.i.ut. vi::.. . lop' 7 Ln .. A r _ 2 >*> 4 uUu 10 2.'a Lv.'. ..ur.iln.i ..v., i.y t 4'W|. 1 .jir. 7 its ' 1 I'l ;vi lo ; 4 4^1 : 2 .ail 7 55a < . lu . '.r,' | OU;; o 42mi 8 41s ! ; >' >? I I! 1 >1 p' 4 25?< 9 A a 4 1 Jiiiei u .o 7 tip: 3 ^7a to St* Ar. 4 _ S'l'-i-j 7 UUn 11 1 s Lv ' I i 'Sj. lij-.i 11 i 15a 7 u, J - k . .lie 1 10;. 2 57a ?3a . Burnwo.l | 24pi 3 Ita t avnnnan 3 05jp .*>-jUi 10 ?.b Ar. .iifhsp.nv.ile (p. s.> . 7 4.; 0 25i. 2 '.Arp ?. Llaopl:?pj Car iJorvics. 1'.- I. it ilaily T.iiw:i.;<jr .service between ^ I: iii:i H!id No v \?>rk. |\ \* 1 (-1 I . 1 re*_- taw. 1 " , " , 1( r . V" * ??IU riori iaum- I I * , J \ t Suilduv, composed I'XOJu* * 1 ) ' ' uiicjt 1 >ra\\ in^ Uooui Sit fir l.'v:. Omipnrtxucnt und Observatory ( ars l\\ i i .<io .v i? rk. OolumMa and St Augu*:ino. lul.sV-imms oars botwocn Aujj daand | A'. ::j 1 \ork. runt from iu- u?a to I ?;*i via B.ft -kvlllo. I'urlor cars L*r ( lv. < . uar.t a m (J >lu:nl ia. A\ . ,-!-\ow York aud Florida Kx|r. l?: i k\ .1' ioom al tophi.; ?nrt between ; a. I N? .v \ oi k. i'tiiln an drawing , ''' * 1 'r-' r,,iSS we xi Fort Tampa, Jr.oli ,Y 1 ' 1 \V:??Suii|fi:>! Ai:d Vfx York I {, :i rfa-e s:itt ?ar? l-ct\\?*>u Chj.r!? t c anj 1 t'::' " card UiniTii Clmrlutte , sui'J -i.. .i-: riali. V?L. S. h <; Mnil, Tliron-jh : : v .11 .<>'11 Nimtinj .'SUM 'w arillo nnil lnovr Vunt an i Pru> in.-i /'"u-4 l .'iw- Vu..*;i.-rt? mi l Char Ulnlngr m:k .. ivi' nil Ir-.ualH earou a ".' l o?im lu'vviiy .'a.-k-vinvillo Mm. ? l."vvtu'iJ..l-ki)j "i. i ..J I iii.-j naiM, via Asaetfllo. f .. I X I-. S. (i A.VMON, b. II. HASmvtCa, , ? 1 tt *4 \ 1- i'ji> A^t., N t, Washlt^tuu, D. 0 w. r.\ oa, r. W.HUNT, ^3 1 li. I ..J>. 1>.V. Pun.. A.' :., A' Uj. Ch-rloi oii. 8. 0. TflMW Hi rniO fllllliSd J =11 = Cj B l-5f 150 i-mmj t f ; C ~ ; r ~ \ ,! T J i 5 hi 1 JpjjJl | H j> > > ~ ^ I** - 1 ~ 'V - - ~ 1 y - ? ^ ml I U. -i: '* a- - H i T~ S. =' .J " : U ' : ~ ? - i =~ S p, rr-i' s.12 = ; 5 r i I ?:Q ! ? ) I , * \N'! i:r> V< n\ K .MAN <>K (tOOIl CIIAUli: it tii If! 1 \i i ;iu I on In iii Snath ('n o m i lor ' I ' t.ii.'t lii il in.inur.i. tiirlin; wliolos.ili- Iiuikv I i ii'.ijf.n. ii.r . I.'om?ty more t!i i> ex r -n ! n i|i.i.vil (lur referiMiiv. any luuk It: j i r i;. I i'liw fieir- iil.lre^. il -t "111)11* I ? ? 'I' ' 1 imfact:ir Tlurti Floor, jj! Itt-ai ol ii St.. ('Ill rago. G. P. COBB Dealer in J3 X.X Or Or X ?2 S, V7AGON3 I-IARNE3 PUB1TITXJKE COFFINS. iff' Al. ay. :ASKETS and O? 4FTALIC CASFS' Hand.? eqi ohnston. S. C, us your Job Vork.P^ There is no denand too j mall and no an<! rvler too lar^e for OUR ? '.TOCK OR FACILITIES. *_ _ , 33 ~ mwwwwimmmmwwwwmwnmivmwmim | BOOK. JOB AND I | COMMERCIAL PRINTING, 1 p: I ^ NKATLY and Quickly 1 t 3 | |_: Executed at 3 I I THE ADVOCATE OEFICE. | | PiiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUlUiUiUiU4UiUiUiiUUii(iliilWUiiUU? I >f a man. A Shirt or pair of Pants in our hand is worth two in our Store, so all in let us lit you out for spring. ZD. OnjLll-u.srjd. Sz> Co. The Leaders. Corrode inn. mancL X-iOolsI x You needn't buy, hut you will. %/ ' ?* We don't apptdogi/.:' for tin? 1 >\v c!i iractcr of ? iir preen?don't linve to, so long aft t !??-* ^ootli v tlioy'ru attached to are so highly respect t'J. ATISFACTION EXCHANGED: OUR RAttGAINS, YOUR T10NKY. We have on'exhibit ion. a new line of Plows, I lloes, Stoves, in fact, every thing in the B Hard ware line. New goods ariving daily. fl Tl ) e?i rri L** I f.A r^wbm Si^r' rili a WwTcrTTu^aj tuwJ vm few Northern Crown Seeds. I Onion Sets. 1 Seed Potatoes. I tt7at the seed stores? I O.J. HARRIS. jJ BUG I ES* WagqusU ANI> CO I/KM AX". | SALUDA. ----- s. CT. M Steadman & Riley's H tore is full of bargains H \>r you. It takes down right flnH allies nowadays to create demand. hir store is crowded with the kind we SB We make your scvent-five cents B look like a Dollar here. BBj B lew Goods of every description. LeE9 Us luivc your Trade. 3. F. FORREST L CO* Staple and Fancy ra U II O 0 M \l 1 v. S ! TOIJVCCO gg w.. li v? our iviiit!^ {mad** by r?'li:iMi'j>eoj?V <-p<< ially for oi:r tr:wlt?. (Itisv- b*||? I ? .! to l)t* fri'sli Dry Goods Low as the Lowest. |J T SALUDA, SO I D It May he Shameful, ^ But ovory chance wo got, wo jump on nr prices and tread them down. JK lEXa/tsi Bouton m Straw nod Felt ju*t received at pi ices never before offered, ami tal to a:iv. Slioes! Slioes!! pi We have a line Ladies nod^Ohildrilis Slippers that is yours for ecot^Bf^Vx. & I -?.lul aatiafiu t ? n. sijySfr>*- w&i Dress Goods I.aeos and Ian' r deries at nil p? i w that equal any on the market in V v;^V' I quality. Come to-duy, don't wait 'till to-morrow." 9' r. o_ o-LO'VEij^B