^ iiU\< ^ ft . .. I ...'11*1 a . . ?? J *. * . ^ jj" ? t "' '- - ^ - ? r* . I | -l .a, .1, , i.,|t ?,ii i... u t - . ,! I i -* , >. . I>1* rt n>.? r r? .? ? 'um iut T1 H E B/< lTESI I' ? I ! I P A TTTCPTTPn. C # il'RCi I TIT XT'"P* XT XT GT^ A V T A \n\ ( \TTf A T1V no t orvi )C AT !.? 4 ?? ! ??* < I 0> I .??? 4 .1 . iili * .?.V? .1 ft ?" * . ?* Lj - AuJ m . t ., ^liluiiav 1 mmi'i .? . J .4 .. .M-lc >I?U Negrp Burred *t .the Stake 'M - -= ^VFor killing my girl on this very 4k>lr. Forbo*, if that's your namo, you It h?yr> the wrong oian," said tho negro. In '*Burn hiui; bura him," oriod tho _ ^ ^Qontlomen, you have got lots of J time," "aid Abxaidor. "You aro burn- the A- JLUKJJlJ U 1VVI , U. \ | ' ' THE ARMY BILL PAS9F0. | -] Jives President Authority to Increase Army. Thar* Wil fst bcforo 6 o'clock Friday evening Senate fiaally disposed of tho army JUi/XI XJkJiyil. J , fj 2L ... .... . .... i [ HE HOUSE was cleared. Under HID "VUOL, houso to that cffeot could Jiot bo COUbLJ _ , , oopies had not boeU I ba No Mora Special Jerks of tho members , , ., The first second rca Legislation. up wa9 \ifi Tatum's i _____ ruarv 1st tn thn uiiui lyuii... ... i. ..i ?; ill i ! ' .-.I,!; .1 the rule of the 1W Til I? SRYA1 a number of bills 1 11 C* U L# Jl A i IfcJ'aji ifiyicfi ; | pHocd u poo the 24 hours. Lieutenant Oovernor Tilli .ding matter taken motion to fii Fob- ''10 Chair fnr a/^ i \lirn r*i<*n4 | , - . I >1 --"-i ' M. Hit:. I | I | , p C against each of Raid companies, asso 1 I oiations and corporation*, and tho mount assessed against caoh in this State, and any other information he man In tunny be ablo to give the senate in reference to the exe'.alien of said act." The resolution was adopted a? TO - -! --U <1 * NO. 2 * '. 1 j J I fi I I* ??l l II #0 I * - ' > SOUNDS THE ALARM. i ; i / .i j r j * i ; Orovtr Cleveland Ipitki of National Decay. PROT|?Tep?l8 INNOCENC Saturatedin fcoal Oil and Stre p?4 Van Iron Post With Hinr?. leg an innoocnt min. You took ad van roor !E tage of me. You v&vomo noihow. Can j I aOe my mother?" Ac xander aga'n asked to boo his (*Q?' ip- inoi her. She was oalicd for but oho upoi was vA in tho crowd. moil Alexander thoa said: "Will you lot Qj ^ Jj r < ;mo ^hako hand-* with all my friend ?" "Yi u have no frionda in this crowd, , ' " ryoTl' damned braa'," said one of iho 0 m ain charge of the nrgro. "If you ganisation bill. Tho measuro hay- mam originated in tho senate, tho final Ition was not upon its passage, but q agrooing to the senate amend- A Recant J a. They were agreed to by a vote ^ 8 to 23. Suprems jio dobato upon the bill oloscd under errt| As: epooial order and the votiog bo upon tho amendments to the bill M-li - li'i -tr -.J ? rrtTrP. ?cM?TAn i'to ponding motion v ELECTEO SENATOR, pof-tpono The motb Toto of 86 to 27, aud t _ , , . . . thus killed. Several* Decision ot the State bills were killed. _ . . _ 0 _ At cpon tbo sooat i Cou-t Causes Gen- hoaso for the purposi iuiot assembly the res sembly to Proceed ,or United States s< Csutiruslv. moroly formal. Thot usiy. (>> annnnnooH tkatin UI UUiWUI>? ' ^ ras to lddt II litely on prevailed bv a HONORINQ LEES ME ho resolution was ' >thor unimportant A Njmbar of BiH Pa???d c aMondcd in the -1 ?i a of declaring in JC.il.led and NiW .On alt of the election .,t .. .. .. t ( jpa'or. This w?h ,. Brought In t slerk of the Borate _u ? . .. . . . ? n t:ii T ho Senate was lh sopmmi' i y mo D6ui(owoqi over i 1 the hou-e to ait in Joint aaseopblj to MORY. witness the inauguration of the gover nor and' licutenint governor. The exit.. eroibcBocoupiid abont 40 annates. The Some iull aoooant is given albewhere. ' , After Col. Tillman had tak*n the 09 opth of office as congress may hcreaftor direct. partmOnt sli amendment was r< jeoted?26 lo42 been prepare Ir. Money proposed an amendment ..^hero wai nding that tho provisions of the bill which t dtr>g bill should remain in foroo relating to ci Ti i a/i'J _ t* _i. l r>nrr? Mr in of tho FIou?o od Mon- 171413 had received 31 i week wag devoted almost 7/ ?r ?|DIUUr , . , . POU90 I> U riUtUaD the introduction of new vot's. B 11 TiUm eoord in tho engrossing dc- elroted. Senator Jr.o ows that 150 bills have HlgeQeld prosi.dcd at d. biy at;d mado tho ai 9 only ono sccsnd reading wan a s.ngulnr turn o .he houso diaoussed?that result should ho drol onoty government ia Msrl- who was Tillman's Rwtliar^o rrtnrmA fr\ etriLn Kpfttnrl f..?> . ?otos rho clerk "hoar-Monday Bight of U?tw .ord that in tho Ue.day waa in .MMao ahrc had received 120 Afucr the roll call and prayt .an was declar.d S?M?wroti#h aniaouno^, . C. Shepparcd of of Senator. Gru .the j >int assetn r?'d?a and lWrs^lau, , lnouuocmcnt It l' ??",Jr J * Catchall F ev.nts that the H. |Vlo Maitpw the oomBittet larcd by.tho man ?'?r? abiir fixing the compons, opponent in the ^oanty o^oer^. At 13 O flloor. On mnlinn ? i t?<*o u?> uai?()piQg.in 6tt party oi esk Oe 1 >h* hall as ihe bow lieutenant governor :c hour*. fnijed'tho assembly'ar.'d 'took the gavel. >r I'foni C jl- 'Tilttfiao formklly1 t.naont'e*d that .ap, badness'for whrih the Jo'nt assem ber and bly had aOr.vefted haTing- baetr trans( (4 lift I fagtHd tWe -j jtat a?samblyiW%i dissolved, anc F. and the senate retnroed to its aiiambsr 5 to pro \14*&X. OOJ TtyUIAl*.B.S4>Wt*M. . .. stion for Wnen Jiieatcpant uovernor IVliSSQ. .called the senate to order the aisles on AV 'w; ' VuJ a V- ji.-t.'-L. < ? ? > inv')#iv9 Ex-President UJeTlend'iUB one of the eptnkers ?t the Holland society -dinner ' in Nc? York on TLaradsy nit'ut. Ha spoke as follows: ?. i.. . *'Xho question is suggested wbsther in present condition thin -eoaetreatisai - " iutmeUrisss the noodoni or goides the? sentiment of-oar people? Th*re stn be t but one asswer to this question'. Con -^r w ?? ? "-rr"" to have assaulted and murdered >1 {'earl Forbes in Leavenworth in Move ber last. He was taken from i . : sheriff s guard by a mob and burned the stake at the soeae of his crime, h a doson blooks from the oentro of I ity. Probably 8,000 people witnesi the lyt\ohlng. Tbo negro was taken from hie oell the Htate penitentiary Tuesday aft noon. Jan. 15. and oarrind ?n T. >? it ? andt-r turned a ghastly hue and, clasp lbS i ig his h?nda together began to swav im< to and fro while the oro *d y< 11 id. -u" Lho In fire minutes the na^ro was hang ? .. ing limp and lifeless by the ohains that al bjuni him At soon at the crowd saw . 1 Lb? that lifo was extinot, it began to slowly AUJ ieJ dispel a. Hundreds, however, stayed to ^ tho last. ** at Mon kept piling on wood all the time er~ uotilab>ut7 o'clock wbon the flames P1? s n . - - - - r uuiii ?juiy x, uuo. anit wuiuu > tbo army should bo reduced to the out enaa iher provided by law pr'?>r to ApnJ t'l's '8 8 B'J8. R jeotod?Jd5 to 39. . Mr. Freeu Ir. Berry proposed an amendment i^ting law a cting ihe president to isbuo a proa- legislation, I t od within 10 da>a after tho pas- diffioulcy in i of tbe bill disclaiming any inten- county for tl on tho part of ihelluitod States to Beeks / > rei c so sovereignty over tho Philip provision of i iblands tx.ept for the purpose of After somi ' - ' * -1 - ? ? .t i?.i(raw ikn -Zv*u*nd When the *-enaio h ;^.7 gi.UUoi ?".abor, the boa.,.. UDMpl.i.cd lh?ttho?. . TltuaK a to Marlboro is speoial Tt,0 fir3t 0f tLe etc and there has been sonjo taVen up in tho U**11 oollcotin* taxos in thu thatof Mr. .Jn?. P."'T lat reason. Tho bill tnorely puli'.o tho boi-ds of itoro Marlboro under the There was no debate < the geoeral aot. It provides that bo 9 discussion, it was decided office: s must bo reoor v,;M -?-:-1 Sheppar I, tho senate proooodcc 'I A . lot for Uiitcd St.tos doo.tor. :J uroou.t l-.lo (| li(ed by t)? ^...jmouoa, 'I >AT- .^oav through with without *oy I nd reading bill? or blowing of hortiB or olaahinp uc Tlrjradiy jbals. 4'1 nominate Uon. , B horn*-1,' Jr., to?ro- man of Kigcfield, who was n< putdio tffioora. at tho rcocnt primary," aaid M )n the bill. crson. "I ceoud tho nomi i.dt of all oounty Baid Mr. Brioo. The olerlf the dod by the clcrU the roll and i>?eh ton.tiM' .?.? ?> ..WO. J?n. OVI utur mi well &B IQO K*Uono8 WOrO 1 to bal- ..filll d viilh fpeotalbrs. His inaugural , as ro ddrchs was brief, bat bis words sad 'his was hrinpecniments were well ohosen end Kr4w6rke: rb6 was rgreesed wrth epplouso as he ;.of eftB-1 o?ndud?d Hi* address wm as follows: It* TilU nature; lessen sing the duties of :piiDf^od i thd vffioo to, whiob X h%ro been eleoted r. Head- I am not unmindful of the responaibiliuatiou," 'tied thrown about it, nor am 1 ungraten oallcrd ful tb tho people who put me here, nor ,i! I'"- - - ectvatism hu in a g'?n degree been . j iuntil j out aside,. or condemned as ... opposed to oar country's welfare and glory. A strange voyage has bees entered upon without oouat of oost and without chart or compass. The fciiod and sure foundations of our liberty and national happiness hare been discredited. Reverence for our national traditions has been relaxed and satufailiou' with our country's ai??i q hu bcea worth. Fifty deputy marshals surroui ed him and Deputy Sheriff* Sui Miers, and Ttouias Brown a ?t in I hack on oither side of him. Fifty bi gioB and wagons followed tho hack. Fourth and Oavo streets tho polioo hack following the one in which Al< - ander waa oonoealod, jumped out a ohaaed several negroes. In tho exoi mcnt the prisoner's haok wa* frantic.* driven to the oonntv tail !>?? ? were allowed to die dowa. Prom 6 to 8 o'clock ihorc w*n a oontinuour stream 1 of people going lo and from tho boooo V Lhe of the burning. y, Latert hero was a wild soramblo to . ' At ?_ i- tion ^ ob am relics. 1D Aftor Alt sender's arrest ho was ta ^ , JX. keo boforj Miss Koth, who idontifiol , ,n<* him. Since thoa a mob liss surround J? ed tho penitentiary day and night. To- ? 'v day tii)*. Sianicy ordered two oompa- . ,l u !?uon auu mereaitcr 10 leave tne w <"? irnment of thn islanie to their poo- teo to consit K looted?22 to 43. Senator Mo county govei rin vot? d with the K.'publioaus. action of the Ir. Galiingor then offered a now boo- oonaist of on to the bill, providing that all ly* Speake! 3808 for the aalo of liquor in tho oountics lip^incs heretofore grained, bo re- u?tnod by th fd, and that none hereafter bo Abbeville, ned; and that tho importation of ^ G"n?cr; j wine and distilled spirits into tho BODi B.mher * * - . .?ii i n .v/ u.o Dl>ou??i or with tho register ol ler ell matters relating to aBoe mnd by him tfac noiont. Under previous atoly to tho Bccrctarj house, the oomu ittoc is to H|iaii file tho*n with tt o member from eaoh ooun- bonds of ooun'.y Stevenson called the roll aif) be recorded w.t'i and tho following were aiia(jHi in -South Carolina's hiaory. ry voto. -Woat standard of merit, will mark my **b con- career in this tffije, 1 do not know, bat rerppard's impartiality shall bo my guide star, vo^e was fc lt is hardly necessary for me to exetly pro-''preps the wish or even refer to the faot 1 I ~M 'that t .a?t the aooastomed harmony lend th y J lory, Sullivan, Taliaferro, Teller, Btvina; hdgt man, Townc, Turley.?23. J,G Wollw ays.?A'drioh, Allison,Baker, Bate, P"rey> "co rows, Caffery, Carter, Chilton, CreenvtUe,^ Lsnarou", Uf?mur^ u ? ueaaurcc?and tho bo rkcloy, li! J DdDDi') Jr | must bo filed with the ft M Lofton; Oherokco, T ^ certified c> py i ?OBtcr, P L 11 mrdin; Ohcs mffioiont evidence in t J Kodfero; C arendon, M Bmjh bonds. f'olletoD, J VV Hill; Dar The last Bcolion rti E .Jamo?; Dorches or, ) D "That it 6hall bo i field. VV A Strom; h airfiold person to asr-urnc or at g; Fioronoa, J M Hum- (j10 cixitieH of any offij ractown, M W P>a,ti js required, without ii B A Morgan; Green- u 2 Klvoa the bond r r? i? " " duf'lho littgr strike out the resolving words. i g >Tornor. motion was seconded by Mi shall bo good and Mr., lldcrton spoke for several lUita iuBtitutod oq m favor of the extension, an wo.rp a number of other express ads: ar'o)t. Finally tho senatq it Uf lawful for any strike out the resolving words I tcuipt to a-Buuio of 19 to, 13 as follows: , , 0 in which a boDy a vote .thtt great period of the past Napoleon ... , had Irs greatnoiB and his grave: tho Bjw.cn, iJobthorn Confederacy blossomed like , --Hern- the rose, faded and fell; "we stand h-re times neoesaary and Jnsuflable, bat whether aeoesaary and Jmt liable or not,' > It o demoralitaUot thai loWowa ioita..., train mm never bo evaded, it toaolua bloody instrnotions, wbiahin a oouatry whose oitiiaos do too fighting-, can not fail to leave their impress for a tine at least npon pnbho and private life 'in ' tioao of peaoj. ' "Thirty years after the olose of the ' war for the ureaarvation of thn unian. ^ w w J w ii v uaiiUW U'/ way. A hugo iron bar fantoacd l iron door of too cell room. Tue d? was finally boat suflieient for tho ix to olinab over it. Several gained entrance in this manner. Moanti the crowd had puahea down tho s; gate of the stockade, and a yelling pa appeared in the jail yard. Tho bioj of tho aido door mado of heavy in were out off with sledgo hammers a rtVtiflola r?rl ?H ? ur- " " ' Ul't .he Judges. Fori >or It ia unfortunate lor Frcsiilont Moien Kiulcy that he should feel oallcd upon riD> an to lako nach a tender interest in tho ro9? me sods of two supremo c?un justices just outi 'do at tiio tiujo when the adratuatration ia llnfl? k0^ a defendant in a moat important ca^c, ^Pot 5C3 involving tha consiiuuonaiity of the ^ ar )n? I'orto llioan legislation and the policy . V nd of imperialism. Uua of the juatioes who, h'bi k, t/ulb r.-on, Dolliver, K king, .7,"uu' -n11 ikcr, Foal or, liauoa, 11 a ?ley, . n, Kenny, Kylo, Lindaay, MoLau- 8;iav?? *J " McMillan, ftl*60d, Morgan, Pen- ridge, Laurel , Perkins. Pcttus Piatt of Conneoti- l?n,ie ? Priohard, Proctor, Qiarlea, Raw- ''r ?roJ, Soott, Sewoll, Sftuup, Simon, *'n0* , ,ner, S:ewart, Ttoirnton, Turacr, UrangcburK, ren, Wellington, Wetoioro.?43. ilauldin, tio imcudmout of Mr. Lodge pro- ijpar'auturg, ting tho importation into the tv-igler, nrctus, iiati.jnon, ? n BgBSU[ni or y Jcromiah Mieboo; K?r- aUa0 th(. dutI0 *pf ,r 3B, H VV .N.ohol,: Lcx.or- atd Bhmll bo *a,'je*t / p E. aa, Daonis, Goodwin, Gruttt to a hue of $5lK), ionj Hay, FJjdriek, Ildertop, ot leas than three MuWcr,, Htgsialc, Sarrati, 8 ,ion of the court." 8ianUjid,.l,albird.-'-19.. . debate over Mr. Tho houserosolution was the t reckless driving od fay the itme vote, o bill passed se I > , ' the bill camo up Tfajo Benato was in ioaaioc n u nntr nn lo ji An jormott, ' at the end of tbo mighty years' with 'a|l tho responsibilities of ao advanced ciiiaanship; grave oonditioni confront jr, Gray- oar country, perhaps a decade ?aay find Mayahll, this tho greatest repablio that the beppard, voi Id has ever known - an empire, ruled .... i - by ad emperor in royal robes, or a pree adopt- idant with imperial cowers. It there 4 fore bebooves the party, to whieh we all belong, to anile and Join in the deeQt tmto yerate struggle that will deoide the treaty of arbitration waa formolaiei between the United States and Great Britisn whioh, if completed, would . have gone for towardi removing every pretext of war between the two bona- 1 trie* This treaty failed of eonfimatioa in the senate of the United Statea. Less than Ave years passed and these Koglish-speaking ehauapions of peioe and arbitration are -atill operatiag on nmllxl linit*?nna in |K> Pkilir.ninsa ?MV? liuu UUU1 VI WUU OD11 roi broken down. afcftDoless man was oronob#} do in onf oorner of tho -*aik oeli. F minutes' work and tho heavy Look * the oeil had been broken off. A yell terror isfjed froir tho ?eli. otio menT3&av. tbo crrridors with hybterii laughter. Oumdo the orowd was yc ing itself hoarao. Then into the e rushed those who were nearest the do Tk? ; J = although astrong Republican, is suspeot ed of an inclination to deoido against ^ 1 wn* r*.?" aiiiuiajsiratijDs contentions, is 23 r< ive Justice Harlan. Mr. Mclvinley has M on gouc out of way to nuako a son of nwf ^ this juauoo.' wh?a> jivea ?P C'ltoagcr, lJ*? ^(Jf'Onitea States district attorney in that *0 tl oal cj 1 y?a highly important place. Con- none oorning tho appointment, the Spring- 20 ti held Republican says that a leading or- Chicago lawyer writes: strik ippinoB of distilled liquors, exoept union, i\ Li utd?cinal purposoa, wan njootpd? , *nl?.r'. } 4l This ib ? y? r. Oallingcr then offered hia amend- Tbero are ma t in modified form providing that ? mont in oj liqjior lioor.oea horetof< ~e granted 11 *" le rhilippines De rovoked and tlm^^" u . , ; hereafter be granted. licjeowd? srooial comui } T aider the gon r. Bioon proposed an amendment , *^r" 'a,uul iDg out of tho bill the rarauranhs 1 .ono .nieD L,y es; VMiiiamsburg, J U 8tatuic books to r< , W N Eider. _ , Ho declared th*i the L sry important commission. p0It0 .-i ? " vu imo ho.ura Wednesday, bat , ?"eDS? standing that a groat deal oft nil had been ro- Bpcat jn disoust>ing Mr. Grube; uoauso wetnbor, Uwlioa m ? the .4,endi raoo horses and 0;e?rd and a number of new b n tho hig.iwaja reBC?ln(ionB were intrqduoed. * u ?nj ? i ale wastes very litt.o tuna ov? burg had r-o?ntl> p^rtaaot matters. The two botl drivitg reckless-^ ,n pMembly at 13 o'clock tq t? , . . ' election of. Senator 'lillmao, I '.CJ f4V_?r did not take more than 15 i nuUitk- dcsuaj of our euuatry. ima was "lu-oking tho blessings of the Deity r's "coq upon your deliberations and Asking tho \r wai faidAnoe of His divine hand for myself (ills sod 1 now doolsro the senate ready for any ihe sen- bnniaess that may properly be before . ... i .u'? . . r uuim *>? i ncs met Mr,-Henderson offered the following aify the resolution, whioh was seconded by Senbut this ?tor Ma war and others and adopted by i antes. i oj lommittco to look into tho * ? fish industry. After some, P^scDt . man whoso^ o resolution was adeptafl.) - i y * DegfQ. oonourrtd in lh? *\?7e?b'e creato a special oomuiitteo H f fu ar, g \ d tors and three represent. "Poke ir fa general bi 1 relating to M'r?Mohrgaa opposed n lounty offi icra. Thefol- r? ??8?bby 8 V t0 meetat 11 o'ci'" i th lving recklessly, ing , ... . j xi Sdnktor Oraydon introduce! r;boro ana iir. ourrjpt resolution, wMo? wap< vor of too bill oallmg. qp attorney .gefttraL b l* at odqj what action, if. any, of b() to 41 re &ken in.rcgatd'to tno fertilize enacting words. as instructed by btll passed d an am^oGineni ?sl het)Broo. It-r the i rovwfons Tho'sDecial brder for the dn cjmrn* - 'fteflolVed, That Jhe thanks of the >b morn- senate arc duo and are hereby tendered ...... ..i to the Hon. H 13 Scarborough, onr Te- < I a oon- ti'ripi? presiding officer, for his uniform adopted, krndobs*, fumneBs and urbanity id the o ?rcport> {Usoharge of hie arduous duties." he - has On suotiop of >lr; Sheppard the senr' truvt, nte than acj jurned to mot at \1 o'olook . ab the morning. .. I.,.*-.. ....I t ( ( . 1 ( rWDAT., i .... ? m.. a .??1_ . ' ucobubo 01 oar engagement 19 A similar vonturo ia another quarter they will miss the expressions of Am^ioan sympathy which we aro accustomed to extend to those who straggle for national life and-independence. 'On the other hand, with suooess in our sabjugating effort a new, untried' and ex- ' oecdingly perilous sanation will be foroed upon us. We oan conqutr the ; Philippines, and after oonquertugthem. "I am innocent. 1 am d}ing for wl another man did. 1 aeo lota of i friends here; they know 1 did not do If 1 had been guilty 1 would hare m so at ttyo penitentiary and would h? stayed there for life The warden u me ao. The policemen told mo i Would not I havo told them if 1 v guilty?" ' '"You lio," they oried, and one he fellow atruak A' iat nun< rods of such men throughout tho row# country. There can bo no possible ex haul ju planation of his appointment, '"uare h'rye i d qneatcd,' ju-it now, except that the voto hrcU lV,, ut his father, as a j uaiico of the supreme jld court, is cesired by the alminntra tin,, gl)a nun in the pending cases atlccfciug its road, ras colonial policy." I'rui Auothei j ioiico of tho euprcmo court, Sew? igC whose inclination to fcido with the ai- vac, ill ililai TAl lftfl in rooxrA iho n...? M , Carter, Clark, Deboo, Di.ling- lc^,, , DjlliTcr, iSlama, F^rak r, Fostor, 1 no commi i, (ialllLgtr, Hale, iianna. Ilaus a. "cutf?a gh Hawiey, K aa, Ky:e, Liud-ay, ,'?.n COD,"lbt9 je, MoCuLua-, MoCumber, McLau- a? r.' MoMilliao, Mason, Morgan, Fen- , tT.1 . Fc-rkios, Piait of Connecticut; Campbell o ihard, Frooior, Q rules, 80011, CDCC an jil, Snoup, fciiiuoQ. Siewart, Suili- j v'OH^, 0 Tnuratou, Warren, Wetmore ?13. and tho lioOJ ai All.in II II -." O ui uio uiii. iiiin was ttoeto notify the governor , ^fr* Oai,toa tff.red i nt governor of their cleo CCC,a e a0M cf ^natora Appclt and w?re u*an?. . i t, ^.presoutativoa P.r^r of ^ot in tb.a pa tic^. iiioebford of Kdg.fi dd, W4MrJ4!nA?k * ?ii< Marlboro, Wella of Fior- , Mr aand^rt r* Tfd m of Bamberg. 0 mako ,lhc new bill.i were introdnecd towD3 an(i oUles fhl ii^J ?brupd to Tue^daj. r \?L/\ *ftn?Ai Whwt,..* The Hbaso did.' uos, aaopiea. ,or (jr^^r'rt to declare the c id ?u.endiuent to tion to bo pl?o:d Qp certaiq aote a ly what _ high- ,Dg fprppcr acto, was-then take vri4!t 1Dll,er ' tirmer apuke in faror o? i TEc /Tu 5, U4uir Mo*er though* [,_i V, i j ( (\ J/r wouidbe harmful and ' gv an anreiniulVlit irktionfc by whrah tbo"iatbfaftC< .4 apply to the general aS^mbiy 'Vduia bd'* i was agreed to. an(.j (h* fe^ofl tbcp wc^alti fc>e i >1 jm Mr Grajd'on farored it, saying di) much' fnoiic'. . ft III malrn iKn l?i?o on .-I - - ! , . iuv.^i;u?ig mtLUJU ODiy LO rOUUDO lonptrna . bapiucs* on Friday and adjourned over . amcpd , . Moodaj in hQDor of Oen R. K. Loes n up aid birthday wViib w*h oiinrday. ts adop- < " I ? 1 ? * b aueba > * ' The tialt Cure. ro ilhn ,,,*A r?nsrkkbhe pals fi??pera'el/ ill of a fever etucdid,, .'that tbe.fauulp pbytioian gave the oaae hc.^rant- .up, sejiog the ohi.d bad only a few can probably govern them. It is in the train upon oar institutions, the demoralisation upon our people, the evasion of our oonstitutioha; limitations and the preservation of car national mission that onr danger lies. As a distinguished bishop has aaid: 'Too question is not what wo shall do withtha *r Philippines, but what the Philippines will do with as.' , 'Oar eonntrw will n???r tt.? - * *U VUQ 1 \J bead with Lib fiol three times. lie Bpoke wiih the resignation o man who bees before him only oert; death. A move wan made for a largo cott wood tree in a corner of tho court hot yard. My God, men," oried tho negro hia agony, "I have told you thai I < innocent. I can't tell you any moro. rfirl r>?-?? A r\ ? " iouh islets doubttul, is Mr McKcaos, Calf. fa of California The Ne# York Times bcr?< sa>8 that Senator Poitigrew had ohj ci- kani> ed to tho cut fmnauon ot young lianao 'loaj on on tho Boom ot propriety, and, further , liC more: 23. ' 'At the narno time it is assorted that jD ho will also ask the senate to consider llu the propriety of the selection of a Bon Nt l ot ArSuoiaie Jusuoo McK.noa, to be been ??:.. ? J . - - - ? -J ? .*I?WU| JL/4UVU, waiu, WCIIJ, .ry, Chilton, Oiay, Coukrull, (Jul When tho ju, Daulcl, Harris, Jones of Ar- Tuesday and as; Kenny, Mallory, Pettus, Haw- noss had beei ia ufeiro, Teller, Tillman, called at:cnt o, 'fancy, Turner, Wellington.? was the d?y election of U -771 : - ? . oced lion. B H? Wrecked a I rain. Keorosenta irm&n McKiuocy, colored, has and Siroman lynched for wrecking tho Plant Tho B(>eak( but soon after a=9crc>bl house assembled at *oop \looday in honor of G when the preliminary busi birthday which was is a disposed of, the speaker ion to the fact that this Mr. Weston and the hour set for the >If Wl.Bton Wcune ..red State senator to suo- thc hoUHO a blU lQ rfc R Tillman. . gresstonal districts. dives Ga?ton, Sea roo ihc grouping fcfr.sutfge were appointed tollers. p l>Ja Thalweg r thou sta'od that nomma- .. /? .?*.u #11' ov VAOUU U ing ?oj grnrd to lay mad might r?ad thcniand t on. K. K. Lees ih?y, meant. Mr Rigsdaloiar aiurday. biil, aa he thought it would' -???. many laws being repealed by s Plan. 11oq wrthout the intention of 0 sday preacnted in tatute. IfarnWcll oppbyed it. He arrange the iod- *1*3 i bilL unnecessary and, as The loliowikgtfl to'utako confusion woreo con! sn: " Mr. Henderson favored the bil iTho counties of that at present tlyc rreanjblp.oi if t J_ ? !A_ J ? * u?v ?u> .noun ip iito. Another physician wee ell what celled end as e deeperete resort it wee DPcd the 'itrcol't'o'a:d e'e't. A solution of compreVcht to6q 'table eelt end weter wee injooted iihplio'e- intq ?th'o stomach end e emeller io legi's- qharitity into the region of the heart. ,t^6ng)ft .iieolvo hours later the ie)ootions were 1 rap^alcd, and almost et olco a change '6UQded. .far Lhew b^itej was notod. Within 1, saying- twohty-fupr hours tho fever had gono an act down, consciousness had return:d and ..... Mvrv* i/v iuu BMI1W ' 1^| gain. Fur weal or woe we have already irrevocably passed beyond the old line. Tho republic will la some sort be saved. Shall it be only in name and aemblanoe, with fair external hp pvaranoe but with the germs of decay fastened upon its vitals; or shall it, though changed, still survive io tuoh vigor and strength as to remain the hope.and pride of Americans? >., "Tk? s UUK UU 111 "Ho lies; burn him," criod tho m< "Take him where ho ooiumittcd t murder," suggoBtcd one. Immediately the crowd, carrying I negro, who was thrown into a wagi pushed ou lowardti Fourth street. 5 o'clock Alexander was brought to t exact spot where Pearl Forbes, t murdered girl, was fouud, and a sei oirolo was ioimed. Alexander v t_ _ 1 ? UJKUVI ? UHJJIOIU ItliU inspector gcncrtl B>Blt lu i'orto ltico. 11c hail been a first hcu- Suuc he tenant, h?viug been graduated frjmthe ted t military academy. Just before bin pro- l?to jlc motion ljic-uiuuaut Colonel H B. llarri- two )Q aon was discharged fruui the post of the c iDspi otor general of I'orto 11 oo because ty ?1 l,e there was no longer any need for his wre# hu services. Yet, immediately alter his befo Ul. dismissal by telegraph from a post that rest! ,as , army officers unite in jtaying ho had ral 0 in iasi train noar uuaneil h la , on lions were in lay, nigtu and tho vnum lmpiioa ?p>dsp, Af wo others who may aharo tho earns stated that i if ttiey aro caught. la loss than meuco wiihoi hours after tho wreck, in which Mr. lliohai iugincor was killed, tho Citrus ooun- that it wou lijcrs were oo tho trail of the have notnina i>.rs and a di sjd arroBts were u.ado name of Hoc re Monoay at noon. All of tho ar house. At Wore uiado ou su-pioioa aad sevo- laughter j t theui were liberaioi, proving coq uouiinatioo. .laiiuuiv, order. There was no ro- naB| Kiorfu-io, toi a pause the epoaker Santee UijUiriotr-l ho balloting would aoin- (}eorh<}totn*^ Wiufaia n nominations. towt, Berkeley ?"4?L da of Kershaw suggested vVaterdo l>i tricfVId bo in better tacto to Kiohiand, Fair Ik Id A* itions, and ho placed the |^3n sastcr and Ltjaipg* i. 15. 11. Tillman beforo the Jjji8 j0 i)i*trint~ 1 this thcro was a ripplo of Qr4ng6barg, Birn* \ number sooondod the naa)pion, jjoaufojrt ' WSJI PMr I ItllilB IU BUU lliJOg RQa IDO DOd ' N V3t tofers to something entire}; $wctte V X/ ,'Pca^o (ffioars in*, rufill towaa bn. nd:int>^'--*>T Dond, ^a^aed its third reading reH,v-* UalftK'r'g. st.nq to thu home. Oo|W|of>. y> Thfcbomo resolution as to tb yot ine theljnT33 was normal. After the lapse 7 d'ff.r bf.iabont three days the child was defluato pirotoouosd well on the road to corniest by a plese reoovevy. fas read n.?. j " it 5- Five Killed. W ai?P A head on collision between freight j 8 trains on the Grand Trunk railroad near Leek's Mill Maine early Friday io cxtcu- m6fn,D? rttiUed in the death of fire -UU yiuuibin ta a mumeniops 099. In the midst or reckless tumult end in the eonfased rage of actional greed and bloodiooBS, let it bo proclaimed that Americao] freedom -and popular rule oannot perish czoopt through the madness of those who have thom in their keeping, and by the blood end sacrifices of onr fathers, by the lofty achievements of tho froo ios;i;ptions they established, by oaf glorious vip Drougni up la a wagon with a dot men. The leader oalled for eilcn The roar ceased aod Alt zander v shoved forward into full view of t orowd. A howl went up whioh v quickly hushed as iho prisoner raihis shackled hands and began to spc< Twice the orowd drowned his troinbli voioe. "You aro going to kill me whatevc say," he taid, "but you mon arowroi ((.n lined aumira >iy, two othjors were as oiusl 20 signed to the sarno bcrvieo, Cap a:n Mo- parti ?at, Kent, a being ono of them. Thoso who was (lc comment upon tho changes do Dot qucs and fas, tiou the oompotney of tho war depart- oers ,ed mint to Judge of the necessity or desir w*si tit. ability of making changes, but it is man Qg oomidorcd unfortunate that in making cidir tho changes i: was cocsid rod inportan couc r 1 to pat a sun of a justice cf the supremo or ie court in a competent offioot s place. took voly thai they were doi the guilty Tho first tc ie?. Monday afloraoon MoKiunoy was the repi taking a deep interests in the ?ffnr -on," Mr. A was promptly arrested by the ofti- votes oast, o also on buspioion. That ntght he man received luesiioned ho oloscly and to d ho Tho ..houet y conflicting stories that it was do- resolution pi d to carry him to Inverness to the luent o[ ahta ity jul. On the way a mob of 50 ingattdinbur lore overpowered tho officers and quently anno tho prisoner. Ho was tiknn hank ihi> f.illiiwinii ) voto for Senator Tillman ?fi^Btridt??l rfsentattvo from ''Anner Kdgt field Aiken, J-'s ishley. Thcro wcro 120 Ureenwood and L?ure f whioh nombor Mr. Till- . .^od*fe ' 120. Abbeville, Aodcrson, ? agreed to Mr. Cosgrovo'a *u^ ^r?envJlle. royiding for tho appoint* y taia + fca J>iUTi!osT6b8 oocurrcd. It is claimed that'the conductor of each r! Gray- believed be had the Tight of way with nolution a clear traok and caeh train was taking .If or in- 'advantage of down grade to make a fast it.of the run. . Tno trains met with a tcrrifio ist, Mr, otash on the carve at a point where the tori en 01 peace and by oar reliaooo oa fcbe promise of God, the Datph conservatism. enjoins opon car people a faithful discharge of their sacred ttnat." 1 r ' lW I'M" VtJ A Mysterious Murder. 1 The body of a man, with hia throat out from ear to car and showing other marka of violence, waa found in a trunk 1 A? ? _:i_ ?t _w:J_ -4 iL- 1?I Li - _ J -m 1 want to tell you right now, you ha got tha wrong man. 1 did not do t) and some day you men hero will r up against the man who did. 1 kn it aint any use to say so, for you i going to kill me, but 1 didn't do it.* The aten standing behind Alrxar.i then shoved him from the wagon a tho roar from tho orowd drowned ev< other sound. Tho negro was quiil driven down the embankmnnt m i lVo Of coarse, it j jstieo Harlan is diapos- lo it iat cd i.j decide against >lr. MoKtalcyon ooof UD constitutional grounds but takis refugo dcao ow io too tact of tbo appoiuimcat of his sou hut: ico to takoparl in the decision the ad uini oonf ' straiion will suoecd in rcaducing by one trait lor the tiuiiib-.r o' justices who will Bland rolb ud for tho republic against the cmpiro. ooro jry Wo regard tho manner in whioh tho mot ily president is plainly attciiipiiug to in knot h#? 11 lien CO till! Ml I f. mi! n .nrl ir ?hi? M1? 10 hccdo of iho wroik nr.d there gruTo, Arlht cased to tho crime, implicating and W II Lookwt ribtog tho two others who escaped gan, George arc no# being hunted. After the and W if del csaioa, iu which he stated that the The spcaki i was wracked for the purposo of sena'a had a ~rj, he was huDg to a trae. Tho Mr. Sinklor j ner's returned the Tcrdict that ho of'certain lo death at tho hands of partioi un- the follo*in ?n. w< uld form i . M- f - - 1? ir Kiblcr, W II Parko*, J . WaTtcr'MdAfi&tcr, i >od, A li Moss, I) A Mot- bcMau^VUih Aj Dei II >1 offitt, Jno. VV Cram r,?u' PerflnQ' iBdioted j jaoh. J en oic II isacliio.or, a j :r annoaaoed that, a* tho h0.?l ^ ^ *1'? w*9 1 greed to iho ifeablotion of n,fht of Ojt. 18 last, ^rOTiding that the Yahdity 8ullty ??* uaurdor in t st bonds be inquired into; Aqoordiog io tho Now g members ot the boaao "iaxi?uni penalty for \ part of tha^ committee; . ! ycfr* >mwi*onmcE T?i t? - -J i Vt 4 %t* i i ir 14 hiiftjAtArfeiwl affcitrt wU . -ii'* [Mi u announce i loai no n Vodr.Mjr .J. ( amp- fcqi ,ar^ji<0 ?tmv? VhAt 'iofd ith, throo of tbo jes]refthet)tn- pilo of irjn and stool. iL Khiah u * ' ' 1 1' ' '"'1 ' 1 1 _ he mem- , Les* Titan Ten Million Bale*. . tuso:' Nail,.in which ho snows that his esti> the con- thato at the beginning cf tbo oot;oo lain aota Roasop, that,the cjUqu oiop would not exased nine and thrpn nn?rii>r mill!/*" vru m yuo ui gtiug m* mu UUlKIieBQ 01 pier 11, East river, New York jnst before noon Wednesday. It ytmi idonti- 1 fied two hoars leti r by a woman at the body of Michael Weinberger, or Weissberg, an East Side Hebrew, who waa employed by a jiwelij arm to soil jewelry oo the instalment plan. Police Cept. Titoa deolared that the motive for theorime wae robbery, and intimated that at least two men were concerned in J pile of wool, with his hands pi ghacklod, and thero bound to the stal Many of tHo crowd oirried rails n braids. Several stieed railroad ire and carried thorn to the ravino. A railroad iron was planted uprif in the inud. This was made fan oross iron (Irmly bound to tho uprij, iron with wire. Around tho improvh stako wood and boards wore piled. thi. - - J - t - - till at probably tho Diost soanalous and io. shocking incident in oar political his 8i ,t,d lory. Wo believe that absolutely do such said >qb incident ha^ ever oomo to the public mat knowledge in tho wholo history of the and jht supremo court Hartford Daily Tunes, tiom to "agi fht Two Ladies Killed. by 4 ifld A tcrriblo accident occurred near the deoi To phosphato mills in Columbia on Tuob- mi" -, .. . 'i r .j no i No More Child Labor. Parker, Mr."1 xty North Carulii.a mill ownorn, H lUinsfotd. to represent oTor 1U0 cotton mills, The last m in Greensboro, N. C., Wednesday a concurrent considered the riacetione of re due 1st as iho da; s of hours and ohild labor. An tho house, 'ecmont and petition" was signed Mr. Tatutn 0 of those in attondanoo and it was apoko in its f tied to circulate it among all tho Mr. Do Hi owners of North Carolina for thoir cability of ad * 3 tad Mr. tlios. pfihkfl A ( J I I C/Vrt *?<>?> The i r, atter upder df?atii??fon W?t ***9 1?er?nus. MoAlis resolution fixing February '*0l'?d than any of th 1 of dual adjournment of biumg his lips whilo b'll thrust his baid , anther of the resolution, pockets aud clinohcd *Tor" ' J V r ' f'oith lo >kod fujxiou.-l uhi showed't ho impraoti r'onj for a mom n't t journiog on that day. tho same attimiu as ( WfUXm IMA* i-oaors appeared mcQ toftHii&ttttb pktl iter Hocmod mcrj tho un^nition ?od atfaeu o other4. Ho nat Undl f((ldwiutg0 rurpi)1c.. wti.irg. Lamp- m P. Livingston offered tho f into hi* trous r ro9outloo. (Ul|l JIboS. tha Lmjt tbo ompr^o r j eral >? and it bprqby ,request* T? ? iport toTfio' nonato at tho earl? Jatnpb.dh ";'' ,'ihie A^he'thor or not tho bt it bill. hales, is substantiated by the season's j amend- rcoedpts, the present visible and future idiog'f'Sr outlook! ^ ment of ? h ^em UigM ollowing Atjk j jiut oauous of the Pennsylvania tt ei 51 senate and house , Demoaraia YVedncaUar jsu- day,' resolutions wcro adopted expelling 1 ,>u ie- fram the ptriy and denounoiqg in very Est prao- vigorous lahgUasre th? so Demootats who ovitiioDa aTaed'thle OiaV RaM?hli?an? *l?? ? in the murder. Attention ?u eslled r to the trunk by some longshoremen working on the pier. It lay within 60 i feet of the roar end of the old 3lij> station house and on a busy thoroughfare. There was a spatter of blood on the truok. Patrolman Kiley opehcd the trunk. Lying on its left side, and with knees doubled up, was^the body of a man, the upper part completely " (irAhflhoit iri Kln/wl KmniiiliM aI ?uia iuv uian WHO vil U HUU OI1HIL in a standing position to the uprif railroad iron. Chains and irons \v wrapped about him and with his hat shackled, ho wa? uado fast to tho po Coal oil wai then poured over him. Before the r atoh was applied Jo Forbes, ' father of the murdered g stepped up to Alexander and said: "AW you guilty of murdering daughter?" sou day mornir g or last wet k Two young aPP' ?ht tallies named Daniels, wcro on their of!e< tiro way jut-l before daylight to work in ono >ds of tho mills. At this point the Sea- than 'Bt. hoard trestle crosees the Southern rail- to? way tracks. Tho girls, walking arm ia l^'9 _hn arm, stood on iho Southorn s track to OWB irl, watoh tho Seaboard's train from Savan 1^ >' nah eorao in'.o tho trestlo above them ''I1'* my Tlicy did not roc a Southorn shifting pron engine backing down noon them. ().?o Pfoi '0**1. ii provides that, taking Tho provio u Mar ah 1, 1901, one week's work Mr. Taium i 1 not exceed t>ti hours; no child loss voto, to put 1 i 12 years old shall work in the cot record., uiiilduring * aohool term; provided Boforo tho eh?ll not apply to children of wid Williams a or ph>eie*liy disabled parents; that Wednesday a cars shall be the lowest limit a. prevailed, ar. ih children ma* be worked; *11 will was ltfi in el noto the wdnoation of tho working adjourned to >le. on the basfft of those atreo us question was oallcd and . . demanded a yea and nay An ^XClUaj .ho individual members on ' Thoro was another t ( day's exeootiva-.s motion ooald bo pat, Mr. sonata: to neouro I loved to adjourn until of Mr. James S. iUrli ?t 11 o'clock. This motion goneral of Puerto U)9< d Mr. Tatnm's resolution day, tho effort faile ;au quo. Tho Houso then abnenoo of an aigumon Wednesday. reaoh ? vote resulted wednisdat. scene in which Sdb'k _ 16 frovidb tar the taa { Scene. ' ! ' ... O. fidrt itt Wodeis- log dtr, druwnf room bar;'exp osmoo to tho -f4if freight, joint stook aseot ho QoufirmAlios* dotri panic*, partnarahipt and in to the attorney. 14jot,^ transiting business.in t j and, as on Xupe?a Us affeotkd thereby; wl ,ic wiftfu*J?} .iW''"^SoeitUotok and oorf ration of gediaation of the house and Win. J, x; sleep- Uatvin who also voted for Mr. (Joey imi and for United Siatee senator. " Jarred Him. he State A Georgia Judge who tried to imitate ?et>fuarj Koag Bolomau Jo deciding tho owncrwiih by, ship of a six months old baby wee noolat oom p!u?u?d WhVn, ai ho put the infant on >brdtfon?' the table ard ahnouoced hii"Intention i Alexander Chester was groend to "L don t know what yon bare ma b for," raid AJ?xand?r. I^Forban replied: j ore of fho gir'? was killed and tho other men was no badly injured that she died later the in tho day. l?wi tvtlie ootton mill owacra petition The Hons logiilaturo not to paaa any labor hour VVodocn at thia Boaaioo. waa diaposed ; "1 o wu in neanion bnt on? l'ottigrew woro the day. Very little buaineaa There waa a lively ex of, although the calendar ^lilies. ~ ,?? I T~ i UfV^ UIBUg I ITU IUIUIIJ3 IT'JUliri pritMtyttl athota' f tcts ged whrther or' riot fttoh chmnge of person- aro jL otnapluoce with ihe ten aid* law; the aggregate value uy BB1U Oi ruurDfC'll ID UBITCB Wild Dig DQtOtl'reitrt-hi vritqifov ihc w?iuea iried, "Don't 4? nsoftiih *h*,keop it and Ufl the uuutd oouru hurriedly. " ? piecesThursday ir* a shaftof the PcnoeyWaoia Ooal ootnpao j at Pittsburg Pa. His father was was killed in the eame shaft a short while ago.