Lexington dispatch-news. [volume] (Lexington, S.C.) 1917-1919, October 29, 1919, FIRST SECTION 8 PAGES, Image 7

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(By REV. P. B. FITZWATER, D. D., i Teacher of English Bible in the Moody j Bible Institute of Chicago.) (Copyright. 1919. Western Newspaper Union) , LESSON FOR NOVEMBER 2 1 TEMPERANCE LESSON. (World's Temperance Sunday.) > ??? LESSON TEXT-Jer. 35:1-8, 12-14, 18, 1?. GOLDEN TEXT?Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.-I Cor. 10:31. I PRIMARY TOPIC?A true temperance ! jrtorv. JUNIOR TOPIC?What alcohol does.- j Prov. 23:31, 32. INTERMEDIATE TOPIC?The clean ? strong life. SENIOR AND ADULT TOPIC-Our per- I sonal responsibility for temperance re- ; form. I. The Rechabltes Teste;. \W. 1-5). In the days of Jehoiakim the Lord charged Jeremiah to bring the Recha.. - bites into the honse of the Lord and test them regarding the drinking of wine. This he did in a place-where the people might behold them, the aim being to teach Israel by example. The father of the kechabites had given command { that they should not drink wine. Their j filial nhorMpnfva mit tn shame the Is- i raelltes for their lack of obedience. ; Jonadab. the father of the Rechabites, was only a man, but the one whose commands Israel were disregarding was the Almighty God, their Creator fljad Savior. It is God's plan that every man be tested. Being a free agent he only can have character through testing. It was for this reason that God placed Adam and Eve in Eden and permitted the devil to test them. While "v we should be concerned with the rel moval of temptations from men, we should be more concerned with teaching them their responsibility and showing them how to overcome. II. The Filial Loyalty of the Rechabites (vv. 6-11). Though they were out of their own j country, in the midst of a foreign peo- ; pie, they refused to drink wine, declar- j ing that they had been true to the in- j struction of Jonadab all their lives, j Obedience to his instructions had been j practiced by all men, women and chil- j dren. It is a fine thing when children | keep in memory their fathers and render obedience to their commands. III. The Loyalty of the Rechabites in j Contract With the Disloyalty of the 1 Israelites (vv. 12-16). 1. The appeal (vv. 13, 14). He made ! the appeal on the basis of the filial j loyalty of the Rechabites. He remind- | ed them that the Rechabites were obe- j dient, though their father was dead long ago. He also reminded them that j he had spoken to them in person, rising f up early to do so. 2. The ministry of the prophets (vv. ;' 15.16).. When the people failed to render obedience to God he sent to thero ; the prophets, who with them to : amend their ways by turning awaj from thpir idols. Matthew Henry indicates the points of contrast somewhat as follows: (1) The Rechabites were obedient to one who was but a man; the Jews disobeyed the infinite and eternal God. (2) ibnadab was dead Inner cinrA nnd ronld not know of their ? ~ - I disloyalty or correct them from it. God is all-wise and lives forever and will punish for disobedience. (3) The Rechabites were never put in mind of their obligations, but God sent his prophets who rose up early to remind them. (4) Jonadab left the charge, but no estate ; to bear the charge; but God gave the people a goodly land and blessed ;h<em in it. (5) God never tied up his people to any hard task like Jonadab did, yet I God's people disobeyed him and the ; Rechabites-obeyed their father. * IV. Judgment Upon the Jews for Disobedience (v. 17). G-od declared that he would bring judgment upon them according to what j he had said. Judgment is determined j upon those who disobey and rebel ' against God. V. Reward of the Rechabites for Their Loyalty (w. 18, 19). Because they had been true to the ! commands of Jonadab they should j have continued representation before | God. God has such regard for filial j obedience that he lets no act go unre- j warded. ? God Knows His Own. The church must keep herself pure. Neither false doctrine, nor false life, ; is allowable. The searching eyes of j God see every corner of his dwelling- I place. Nothing is hidden from his ; I "The Lord knoweth them IOCU.1VX*. - ? ( that are his, and them that are not his cannot deceive him. So,' "let everyone that nameth the name of Christ, depart from iniquity." The Miracle of Divine Grace. The miracle of divine grace is too ; great for our understanding. The most dreadful thing about sin is the terrible feeling that the sinner can never again be as though that sin had never been. ?Rev. Reginald J. Campbell in the Churchman. Power of Prayer. Prayer is the summing up of "the i ? ? % A /l n 1 f n A rtf Til aK i (JUriSUUll xxxc iu a. ucuui ic uvi, niiuu i is at once inward and outward, che power of which on the character, like ! that of any other act, is proportioned to its intensity.?Benjamin Jowett. ? What Wc Will and Must. There is no contending with necessity, and we should be very tender how we censure those that submit to It. TIs one thing to be at liberty to de what we will, and another thing to be ! tied up to what we must.?L'Estrnnge, 1 is? v Bte i ??- - k m Real Butterflies as Ornaments. The mounting- of real butterflies as millinery ornaments is a work of great skill, and one in which the clever fingers of the Frenchwoman are almost indispensable. The insect to he utilized is first left for a day upon | damp sand in order to soften it and make it easier of manipulation. Both j sides of the wings are then covered with a transparent white alcohol varnish, and it is at onced backed with sateen of an appropriate shade, ac- i cording to a writer in Wide World. ! When dry. this stuff is carefully cut \ round so as to exactly fit the butter- j fly. which is then mounted on a wire, ?a light and graceful object for a j modiste. j j TINS ONLY i IliP^ AJYOURGOOOERS ! jMAXWELLHOUSE ! j COFFEE ? | An Agreeable Surprise. "About three years ago when I was j suffering from a severe cold on my i lungs and coughed most of the time night and day, I tried a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and was surprised at the promptness with which it gave me relief," writes Mrs. James Brown, Clark Mills, X. Y. Many another has been surprised and pleased with the prompt relief afforded by this remedy. ( James Stucky Says, "Rat Cost Me $125 j For Plumbing Bills.'' "We couldn't tell what was clogging up our toilet and drains. We had to j tear up floor, pipes, etc., found a rat's j nest in basement. They had choked ! the pipes with refuse. The plumber's bill was SI25. RAT-SXAP cleaned the rodent out." Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by. Harmon Drug Co 1 1 j Save Money j Come to Columbia and buy your |. I ' BUGGIES, WAGONS & HARNESS from and you are sure to save money, because I se'i cheaper than anybody eise. Fresh Let of HORSES MULES i just in my stables. Come now and make your selection. All of them at prices to suit you. Sweeney Stables,j ** ? I 1413 Assembly l-., Columbia, S. C. i "These KjAs Would; t Eat My Best | Grain," Nays p, d Lamb. It's hard to keep ra\ out of a feed J store. Tried for years. A neighboring store sold me some RAT-SXAP. It torked wonders. Gathered up dead tats every morning. Bought "more RAT-SXAP. Haven't a rat now. They wouldn't eat my best grain when I ! threw RAT-SXAP around." Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and gnaranted by Harmon Drug Co. Pure Food Bakery Where you always find BREAD, CAKES, PIES, Etc. Made of pure food ingredients. Everything sanitary, fresh, clean and inviting. Call and you will be pleased. John Udell, 1200 Block Taj'lor Si., Columbia, S. C. There is more Catarrh in this section! of the country than all other diseases! put together, and for years it was sup- i posed to be incurable. Doctors prescrib- j ed local remedies, and by constantly! failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Catarrh is a local disease, greatjy mnuencea vy \ constitutional conditions and there- i fore requires constitutional treatment] Hall's Catarrh Medicine, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is taken internally and acts thru the i Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hundred Dollars reward is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh* Medicine fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Drugigsts, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Theory is a vine from which facts are soroeitmes gathered. | ON THE DEFENSIVE! j During the aftermath of influenza or its debilitating compli| cations, there is more than ordinary need thai you j nourish and protect every avenue of your strength? WITH FMIimftN i vvvi i v fci'ivfcvawii ; because of its efficient tonic-nutrient properties, daily helps ' tens of thousands to renewed strength. Those ivho aire fearful or rundown in vitality should use the means aJ$> that help build up a healthy resistance. Jpp* What SCOTT'S <fces for others it will io for yec.?Try it! j *1TT The exclusive grade of cod-liver oil used :r. Scott's Emu Lien ir. :],< famous Ml f| "S. & E. Process," made in Norway and nlined in our own /.nn-ncan \li / V Laboratories. It is s guarantee of purity and palatability un^urre?-s*-d. Pcctt & Pcwne. Blcom?e;d. N. J. V^~"A ???????????^?*4 Working to Benefit Our Depositors I i Our Federal Reserve Bank is in Richmond, Va., but through its member banks, of which we are one, it is in constant touch with the farming and business of our Federal Reserve district which includes South Carolina and Lexington county. It not only enables us confidently to supply the credit and currency our community requires but it is all the time working for steadier credit conditions and better banking methods which will benefit our depositors. * Stop in and let us discuss how -?^m?alheserv]^the system helps u* meet your B&h^SYSTEM^K S J particular needs. I The Home National Bank j i . Lexington, S. C. Send for Booklet, "How Does it Benefit Me?" t \ _ ? I want every man who is suffernm ing from any spedal disease or ifAfcjli 8d< JtU/is'C ?iwJjV/ condition co come and have a social chat with me, m-J : explain to him a system ov treatment: which i originated and have developed as the sesalt of my whole j life's experience in yreaciiig uioeases peculiar to men. If you will j call and see me I will give you free of charge an honest and scientific opinion of your case. v VARICOCELE permanently cured, No pain or loss of time f - I!? BLOOD POISON ^ ?!? of a specific character cured in less time than by the old mercury and potash method. STRICTURE cured without dilating or knife. I /Wf^\ HYDROCELE j Smt or any swellings, tenderness or impediments to j \r_ j j the parts relieved at once. 1 RUPTURE AND PILES cured in few days. Nc cutting or detention from business, under guarantee. RHEUMATISM in all its forms is permanently'cured by my system of treatment. ULCERS I care not of how long standing. I usually cure them in a short time. ECZEMA Pimples, Erysipelas or any eruptive disease of the skin promptly I corrected. BLADDER AND KIDNEY TROUBLE8 undep my system of treatment show sighs of improvement at once SPECIAL DISEASES I cure diseases of a nature which most people dislike to consult their family doctor, All treatment confidential. Eruptions or contracted troubles cured. Permanent results. I also cure such diseases as Prostatic Troubles, Eladder and Kidney Affections, j Stomach and Liver Troubles, Chronic and private Diseases of Men j and Women. Consultation free. Call or write. Hours: 9 A. M. tb 7 P. M. Sundy 10 to 12 only. Dr. W. R. REGISTER 1206 1-2 Main St., Columbia, S. C.j C. D. KENNY CO dIalersTn I i. r i i i i r i r i i y i i t * c i r ? ar *i < R ir#? arsrl f?r?Is. Always have special brands of Coffe. Kennys special j at 38c is very popular: . "her coffee to suit you; also have Teas to suitfyour t:. te. Drop in to see us. NEW CROP RICE, Wholesale and Retail r n kf fmmv m Phone j V/. JLSu A l&^-ASiJ I 1637 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA txxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^ SAFETY I STRENGTH | SERVICE | 1 I . | IT IS OUR DUTY as well as our PLEASURE to promote in ^ | every way consistent with the principles of SOUND banking, ^ | the financial strength and growth of the business interest of this | ? community. Come in and let us get together?we are something | | more than Bankers?we are a very human lot of individuals, and % | it is a matter of pride with us, that aside from the responsibilities | I we have developed in our business, we have cultivated the friend- ? ? ship of these wnom we serve. | ? Prosperity is reflected to this Bank from^the increased pros- J I % The Bank of Columbia I \ | | Columbia, S. C. % \ J tiasx\\\\\\\m\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\v\m^ * /* . ? T"^ - Lifetime furniture % Had your grand father or mother not used excellent judgement in the selection of their furniture would you have those antique pieces you cherish so much ? This same kind of furniture is obtainable from us in Columbia, made by the sons and grand sons of the men who made your grand parent's furniture. Or if you have not a cherished piece handed down to you, what pleasure and comfort you can get out of furniture bought from us?furniture that you can pass on to future generations, knowing it will give them the same service it has given you. Furniture like that must be good. Let us show you our complete line, so moderately priced. You will not be urged to buy. M Do not hesitate to make our store your head- W quarters when in Columbia. jg VAN METRE'S LIFETIME FURNITURE Funeral Directors and Embaimers* V Complete Motor Service 1313-19 Main St., - - 'Phone 111 Columbia, S. C. Shoes For Everybody Guaranteed to wear easy and longest. We carry shoes for the entire family in sizes and widths to fit every one. All Styles. Our salesmen are experienced shoe men and our cash system saves you money 151S Main Street COLUMBIA, S. C. ARE YOU WORKING WITH A PURPOSE Work of any norf ia pure drudgery if it mean* merely earning your existence. But with t> purpose back of it you are working for a reward aid it lightens your taski and makes work a real pleasure, B^v? 9 purpose in life! Make your life a success I Start by building op a savings account in this institution. It will furnah yn^ with the means to attain your object. A comfortable home, in/?*Tw?Tidenre. weaitb?they all some within your reach if you persistently save. Same r&te of interest (4 per cent.) paid on both large and small accounts. nrr tr s\i r\ nn 1 A DI T7 inn, ULL/ I\LL1ADLL The Carolina National Bank of Columbia W. A. Clark, President. Jos. M. Bell, Cashier. T. S. Bryan, V. President. Jno. D. Ball, Asst. Cashier.