c?rNegro Rapist 1 By People {Associated Press Dispatch.) Omaha, Neb.,, Sept. 28.?A lynching, which developed many characteristics of a race riot, held this city r terrorized for nine hours today. Mayor "Saward P. Smith was himself saved 'rom lynching by a policeman, who ft was reported cut a rope from, about the mayor's neck while, his comrades - -flubbed off the mob. At midnight it was said that the mayor was uncon^cious in a hospital. The riot centered about the new Douglas county court house, valued at | a million and a half dollars, which * was set on fire in the efforts to reach William Brown, a negbo, charged with P attacking a young white girl a few ( days ago. With the flames mounting steadily from floor to floor. Sheriff Mike Clark and his deputies fought a grim battle of hours to save Brown from those | who clamored for his life', but at 11 | o'clock, with the cries of the 100 or more prisoners on the ton tloor?the * " ?- " Ui/. rtrt ,.o V> r\ TI'OC Jclli noor riiigiii? m ma vaio, i.v. ; compelled to surrender the prisoner. *>. V - who was hustled to an electric light pole and hanged. The mob spirit began to manifest I itself during the afternoon, but it was not until a gun store had been looted !' that the sheriff considered the situa?i tion serious. He swore in extra depuf. ties and also brought in some police tr in uniform determined that the law i should take its course, despite the atrocity of the crime charged against t the negrc. By dark the streets, in the vicinity of i". the court house were blocked for several squares. Chief of Police Eber,r'^. * ' -stein mounted a box and attempted to ? address the crowd but was unable to make* himself heard and only with difficulty made his own escape. It was at this time that the mob began .breaking windows in the court house ?S and shortly afterwards the cry of ""fire" was heard. Mob Cuts Hose. r~ Firemen were already on the ground jag .-but members of the mob, upon whom they had tur-ned streams of water, had cut the hose and it was useless. Other ft* fire companies brought more hose but it v;as similarly rendered useless. i , I- Dorityoui 9' TH^OMANCE is cs A V Strange and s: lands are beckoning 1 on and see the work fe , Learn to 4'parley I ' ' . Paree. Seethe b | Panama. See surf-i % beach of Waikiki. 4 Learn the lure th s?.7 '?' the swish and swirl oi ^ sea. Eat well?free; free; sleep clean?free I all straight: in the \* French, Chinese, Spaniards, Egyptia J? and all manner of pe yjj- Come! Ee a ro.a I . world. See the work i Shove off! ^ynched j of Omaha, Neb. | Meanwhile the progress of the j ! flames could to an extent be judged by j the smoke curling from, the windows. ; Every available policeman was on the , scene by 7 o'clock, but they were im- ! potent in the hands of the thousands! arrayed against them, and troops at 1 Fort Omaha and Fort Crook were ap- j pealed for. At 11 o'clock, however, | the lynching was over and the crowd : began to disperse before the soldiers entrained for the city. For hours it was not known whether Sheriff Clark k I and the prisoners were alive or dead. There was no way to get word in or out of the building. Some faces, sup- | J posed to be those of deputies, could J occasionally be discerned through the j obscuring smoke at the windows an? at times the cries of the jail prisoners! j now imprisoned as well by flame and i j smoke could be heard above the shouts j and cries of the mob. j Sheriff Clark is believed to have surj rendered Frown only when the threat 'of death to his deputies became too j menacing. "With the dispersal of the i jmol) after tbe jyncmng. hr'hu-h (able to get water on the flames, which i it was reported, v.cre checked at the : fourth floor, one story below the jail. j During1 the rioting a large number ; of negroes were badly beaten on the I streets, some of them dangerously ini jurod. Chief of Police Eberstein was j himself subjected to physical violence land narrowly escaped personal injury f j when members of the force charged ; the crowd and led him to safety. Thou; sands of persons congregated in the j downtown districts, some of them out i of curiosity, but great numbers showi ing decided sympathy for the wouldt be lynchers. j Fire hose run to the blazing structure with impunity. The police and [firemen were entirely at the mercy of the mob. Mayor Seriously Hurt. The mayor tonight was said to be I 4 j in a critical condition at a hospital, ali (though his physician declined to say ljust how seriously he is injured. | A rope was thrown around his neck I and he was pulled off the ground twice j before two police officers succeeded in | cutting the rope and getting him into I an automobile and away irom xne \ .K'otmt si 5? \ America. \o9jztl ? !;va /ljcamtjc k 0 oc^r V '\#*^?*pv T \ SOUTH J |\ VAMERICA. |? \1 J Lock 1 Hcre ?BBPI^V'-? fore your 03 star shews w - September 2r tie Sevc.i 3e; rant to see tl tiling to you? the reci-blo< railing foreign hard-playing r\ r :o ycu^ Shove iNavy. i! Pay begin -voo" in gay Cn board si' liJI-hghts in learning, T iaing on the skill, industr Thirty da}/?; year with fu at comes with good. First fthe good salt nished free, ; dress well? limited for r and look'em can enlist foi eye?British, out broader, Japanese, ns, Algerians Shove off? ^ople. you're bet the nearest : / man of the all the detail I, See it with where it is i mol?. The mayor had gone to the court house and held a conference with Sheriff Clark. Emerging from the j court house, ho met the mob and he- I gan 10 make an appeal for law and | order. Somebody shouted "Lynch him!" and a member of the mob threw a rope around his neck. Several men dragged the mayor half ? * I a block and threw the loose end of the rope over a trolley pole. Twice they drew the mayor's hotly irom mc ground. Each time two jiolicc officers cut the rop/e. Following the second attempt the J officers succeeded in placing the may- ; ! or into a police car and rushed him i i to a surgeon's office nearby. The may- i i or was bleeding from the mouth and I nose and after a brief examination by ' | physicians was taken to a hospital. ! A corps of physicians began work| ing over him as soon as he was re| moved to the hospital. His face and hotly were badly bruised by being j dragged by the mob. After the lynching the firemen were I for the first time able to get a stream j on the flames. At the same time ad- ' jditional extension ladders were sent to t i !1he third and fourth doors where! ! many of the occupants were standing! ion window ledges on the one side of ! the building that had not been touched | by the flames. i LATER. < unaha. Sept. 29.?The presence of ; troops in the city, armed with machine guns, has restored order. I Physicians announce that Mayor * ! Smith's condition is satisfactory and that he will recover. SOME GOOD FOX RACES. j Messrs. John and llcbcr Prober, : Sain Low man and a. crowd of Lexington fox hunters came down Saturday 'and joined Messrs. P. E. Barron, I. I P. B. Prickett, Chas. L. Priekott and L. S. Preher in what they call some They Oct Action at Once. Foley Kidney Pills invigorate, strengthen and heal inactive, weak and diseased kidneys and Madder, Mrs. < >. J. Elis. 505 Sth A v., Sioux Falls, S. p. writes: "1 .suffered with kidney trouble: used to have severe pains ! across my back and felt miserable i % and all tired out. but after taking j'Folcv Kidnev Pills 1 am well." Sold I i everywhere. ______ = FUT^p?!r . ' >'t " V '' ^ >' \ _ JXD7/LY CoVTX. IM 1 is the globe spread out ?at be* es. See these stars ? Every here a U. 2, Navy ship was on id, IDij. The Navy traveia ie ? 3 d e d, hard-working, men of the U. S, i s the day yen join, lip a man is always rade schools develop j and business ability, care-free holiday each .11 pay. The feed is uniform outfit is furPromotion is nn~ j nen of brains. You * two years and coins stronger and abler. i -Join the U. S. Navy, ween 17 and 35 go to recruiting station for s. If you dorrt know ask your postmaster. . S .Navy 1 of the best. rethey have ever had. j 1 catching' i:i foxes in 6 mornings.;' They ran a pack of twenty-seven j' dogs. P. E. P.arron fotn-, I. D. xh i 1 j and Phas. Prickett eleven, and the!1 rest from Lexington. The foxes were j( plentiful and the running good. All ; ' of the old fox lutnters that have seen j ' manr a pack of dogs run sav that i they think that this pack was the best i , that they have ever seen. Every man ] If Your Eyes Need attention, or the glasses you are using ^ are not just right, consult our eye! sight specialist, it costs you nothing. 1 And it* necessary will fit you to the i kind of glasses your eyes require. A. ,T. (il.AXOX. at Tapp's Department Store. Dor. .Main and Blanding Sts. Columbia, S. C. , i | CLOTH | We invite yoi I are in Colum! is we are orferii I ored Suits. . I high, these ar Complete | 1724 Me | ? ~ I YOU may decide to company may be able tc i *J ?> I EVERY dollar you cash therein and thereb WE unhesitatingly CIA.TION at once, as cc WE have a legal n South Carolina, North ( YOUR application i if security approved, m< ^ I tlvavVir 1\I r% 1-1 > J Ran If R Liiuct 1 UViVUHl .*1U? | H4USS H. BA RRON, Presii I BARRON, N aw??na?? bought his dog was the best. The j h. Matthews boys think they have j : he best puck of ail pure bred Walker ; iiounds in the State. Mr. W. M. Cara.'p- i !>ell of York, joined in the hunt also.? ' "alhoun Advanee. Ratsnap KILLS RATS i I i ALso mice. Absolutely prevents; odors from carcass. One package; proves this. RAT-SNAP comes in j cakes?no mixing with other food. Guaranteed. 25c size (1 cake) enough for Pantry, Kitchen or Ctllar. 50c size (2 cakes) for Chicken : House, coops or small buildings. $1.00 size (5 cakes) enough for all farm and out-buildings, storage build ings, or factory buildings. $okl and Guaranteed by HARMON' DItl'G CO. i NG-OVER u especially to come bia and see the magn ig in pure wool, be: And, while the price e cheapest in the Ion; line Men's Furnishing and Hand Bags. iin Street Colum lp?n Lette > hold your cotton off the pre; > assist you by lending on you bring into your community i y strengthens the cotcon gro advise joining THE AMERK >-operation is necessary to su epresentative in every cott< L K Carolina and Georgia. :or loan to us will receive inn >ney will be available immed: uilding c< ent JO IcKAY, FR1ERS0N & McCANTS, Cei^e STATE UK SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF LEXINGTON. By George S. Drafts. Esq.. Probate Judge. WHEREAS, Saliie Moore made suit to me, 10 grant her Letters of Administration of the Estate of and effects of Martha Ann Barnett, with will annexed, THESE ARE THEREFORE to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the sale? Martha Ann Barnett, deceased, that J they be and appear, before me, in. the Court of Probate, to be held at Lexington. C. H? S. C., on the 2nd of October, 19It), next after publication hereof at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not be granted. 0IVEX under my Hand, this 17th day of September. Anno Domini 1919. GEO. S. DRAFTS (L. S.) Probate Judge Lexington Co., S. C. BBasnE&mmaE&mxEBBBSBan COATS i in when you ihcent values autifully tail may Sound i g run. I ys, Trunks 1 bia, S. C. I nrs k r To iso^ ? 1 sent market. If so, cur r improved farm lands. ncreases the available % wers' position. ^ wM 9 :an cotton asso- i ccess. 3ii growing county in mediate attention, and lately. | i >lumbia. South Carolina ; HN G. ?RIOL?AU. Treasurer ra! Counsel