Lexington dispatch-news. [volume] (Lexington, S.C.) 1917-1919, September 24, 1919, SECOND SECTION 8 PAGES, Image 14

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v YORK GRAND JURY AFTER DISTILLERS j York, Sept. 20.?Although law and j order leagues organized during the, jjast 3 months are proving of valuable ; assistance to the regularly employed , officers of the State and county in York j ounty, these forces haven't been able j to stamp out distilling by a great deal, j and blockade liquor is said to be ob- j tainable in manv sections of York j i County at $12 per gallon and up, if j one just knows the ropes. Now the j York County grand jury has stepped i in with a recommendation that chain- J i gang sentences without the alternative i of a fine he imposed upon all persons i guilty of making or selling the stuff j who are brought into the courts. In j the final presentment of the York j County grand jury made to the court j of general sesions last Tuesday, there appears the following: "We commend the action of Sheriff 'Quinn, the State constables and the magistrates in their efforts to sup- , press the liquor traffic. Wre also j promise our cooperation with these of- j ficials to the limit of our power and I authority. In this connection, too, | we beg to recommend to our legislative delegation the advisability of making the penalties for the viola- | tion of the prohibition law more se- | vere than they are now, even to the extent of depriving convicted offenders of the privilege of settling on ?, \ basis of fines and giving them straight prison or road sentences instead." This recommendation of the grand jury is considered a powerful blow to moonshine makers and sellers, and officers and people generally feel that it id going to go a long way toward breaking up the traffic. Moonshiners have been growing \ bolder and bolder here of late, and more careless than ever in regard to the quality of the stuff they are putting on the market. / GREAT IS TIDE EGG! Consider the egg. J A restaurant concern which lias branches in many cities of the United States and Canada declares in an advertisement that it uses 24,000,000 eggs a year. It is impossible to grasp the full meaning of such a number of eggs. - The advertiser, in an effort to illus/ trate the quantity, says, the 24,000,000 would be "enough to form a giant necklace 900 miles in circumference." , Whether this statement is true or not might be determined by recourse to mathematics, but it is not worth while because the advertiser was not alto- . gether happy in suggesting a necklace . when his subject was eggs. The . thought of a scrambled necklace is too ; gay and diverting when what the advertiser sought was to hold the serous attention of the reader. However, dismising the necklace, there is plenty of room to consider j j Camels are sold everywherein scientifically sealed packages of 20 cigarettes or ten packages (200cigarettes) in a glassine-paper-covered carton. We strongly recom l ill- i > xnena rmis carton lor tuv home or office supply or when you travel. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Wmston*Salem, N. C. [ the egg. Few persons appreciate the size and I importance of the egg industry. At. I present the egg production of the ; United States approximates 24,000,- ! 000,000 a year. Today eggs are sell- j ing at 50 cents a dozen. At that rate : the egg production today has a value of $1,000,000,000 a year. We have been piling up a tremendous war debt. It amounts to $2G,- i 000,000,000. The American hen, you might say, will pay off our war debt in a little more than a quarter of a century. Four States?Missouri, Iowa, 1 Hi- , nois and Ohio?produce more than one-fourth of all the eggs in the! United States. Cold storage has made it possible for us to have eggs in quantity all the year round. This is the season .when they pile the eggs in storage as at no other period of the year. Usually in August or September the cold-storage accumulations approximate a mililon cases. There are thirty dozen?360 eggs?to a ease. Last year I at one time the storage holdings were | 1,100,000 cases, or .*560,000,000 eggs. I If the statement of the restuarant! concern is true, that it uses 24,000,- j 000 eggs a year, it would seem that its customers have one egg out of every 1,000 produced in America. 666 has more imitations than any other Chill and Fever Tonic on the market, but no one wants imitations. They are. dangerous things in the medicine line.?Adv. j After you eat?always take FATONIC WPC^OR YODR AOD-STOMACH) Instantly relieves Heartburn, Bloat* edGassy Feeling. Stops food soaring, repeating, and all stomach miseries. Alas digestion and appetite. Keeps stomach sweet and strong. Increases Vitality and Pep. EATONICis the best remedy. Tens of thou- j sands wonderfully benefited. Only coets-a cent or two a day to use it. Positively guaranteed to please or we will refund money. Get a big ' box today. You will see. I Harmon Drug Company, Lexington, S. C. 1 ?__ ? FLOWERS Beautiful Asters, Dahlias, Roses, Etc. j Fine Wedding Work a Specialty. j PLANT NOW: Lawn Grass, Daisy, Freesia, Pansy, Sweet Peas, Beet, Carrot, Lettuce, Mustard, Radish, Spinach, Turnip. Let us help you select best! things to plant. Rose Hill Greenhouses 1519 Main Street COLUMBIA, - - S. C. i CAMELS are in a class most refreshing, the mc ever smoked. You can prove Camels puff-by-puff with any any price! Put quality, fla\ faction to the utmost test! Made to meet your taste, Camel liberally you smoke them! The e: and choice Domestic tobaccos mak bodied, yet so fascinatingly smoot time you light one you get new an< Freedom from any unpleasant unpleasant cigaretty odor makes C enjoyable. In fact, Camels appeal to the n many new ways you never will r premiums or gifts. You'll prefer PRINT I .\Pr.K (iOINti ltKillJUK. S. S. Carvaino. one of the best | known newspaper men in the United : ; ? i States, and formerly the general man- ; j ; user of all the Hearst publications, j | stated in a recent interview that news- j : papers are facing the greatest crisis j ; ia the history of the industry, fie said that 2u per cent more paper is being used than is manufactured: that high , | prices are inevitable, and that paper I j stocks are already at the danger line, j | Mr. Carvalho bases the increased j j price of ptfper on the four following [things. , "First?Tho ialior cost- per ton on' f ) r j white* panor is now >'2<> arninst sH?| i i There :s more Catarrh i?i ihis section I j or the country than all other diseases i put together, and lor years it was sup- i |posed to bo incurable. Doctors prescrib-i ed local remedies, and by constantly j failing to cure with local treatment, j pronounced it incurable. Catarrh is a ! local disease, greatly influenced bv constitutional conditions and there| fore requires constitutional treatment i Hall's Catarrh Medicine, manufactured | by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio, is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the' System. One Hundred Dollars reward is offered for any case that Hall's Ca! tarrh Medicine fails to cure. Send I for circulars and testimonials. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio.j Sold by Drugigsts, Tac. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Theory is a vine from which facts j are someitmcs gathered. i i MONEYTOLEND On farm lands. Easy Terms, Low? interest. ! JAMES B. MURPHY, j ATTORNEY, ' j 1113 Palmetto Bldg., Columbia, S. C. j | . I > I Save Money j Come to Columbia and buy yourj BUGGIES, WAGONS & HARNESS' from me and you are sure to save money, because I sell cheaper than anybody else. Fresh Lor of HORSES and MULES just in my stablss. Come now i and make your selection. All of; them at prices to suit you. Sweeney Stables,! 1413 Assembly St., Columbia, S. C. II > I \ . I I I 7 themselves?easily the >st likable cigarette vou ! ~ O ?r i that! Simply compare cigarette in the world at ror and cigarette satiss never tire it, no matter how xpert blend of choice Turkish es Camels delightful?so fullh and mellow-mild. Every i keener enjoyment! cigaretty after taste or any amels as unusual as thej are nost fastidious smoker in so niss the absence of coupons, Camel Quality 1 tS STV i four years ago. j 1 "Second ? it takes one ton of toal r) to make one ton of paper and eoa! at c the mil! has practically doubled in ] price. a "Thin!?The haul on pulp wood is a jirowirs.u- errc-nlcr each year: likewise the freight charges. "Courtli-Thc six t?> nine rent mar- 1 kots <>f ICurope, South America and ( Australia are new asking for Canada X and United States paper." I'Jefore the war the price of paper . was given ii111? consideration l?y pah- . WeD ^$32 UQ not aiiow ino ifeggp poisons of undigested Js|iL food to accumulate in jy| Sjr^g your bowels, where they &pjgl i Sad? are absorbed into your jfkg8 I system. Indige?r;on, con- . ; |p||t stipation, headache, bad HJh blood, and numerous fO| ! 8Pp other troubles are bound HPjH fljmj to follow. Keep your ||L est 3 system cle2n, as thous- ffljKg = gggP ands of others do, by PH Jk taking an occasional dose JwB of the old, reliable, veg- ?8&L P etable, family liyer meal- ; nm Thedford's HP Black-Draught St Mrs. W. F. Pickle, of I Rising Fawn, Ga., writes: S "We have used Thed- : 3 ford's Black-Draught as 3iU I a family medicine. My IPW 9 mother-in-law could not * take calomel as it seemed -^Sff ; g too strong for her, so she j | ljsed Black-Draught as a |?j| PPJ mild laxative ^and liver ! | A&pM in the family and believe |f|jL j iUs^he bes^medicine for Pure Food Bakery Where vou always find BREAD, CAKES, PIES, Etc.! Made of pure food ingredients, j Everything sanitary, fresh, clean; and inviting. Call and you will! be pleased. John Udell, j 1200 Block Taylor St., Columbia, S. C. j Sanitary Meat Market j and Restaurant j I Fresh native meats always on hand Ice sold in any quantity from 5c up I j Our restaurant is prepared to furnish i meals at all hours. First class meal* i prepared by experienced cooks. CAUGHMAN & SOX ! MEAT MARKET i Next Doer to Poitoffice. LEXINGTON. S. C. GOOD HOUSES AT LOW COST WHY ? ? ? Because?We do a large amount with Special Modern Machinery instead of by hand, and building in large quantities as f do, we eliminate the expense of plans and specifications. Because?We get lumber from the forest and other supplies in carlots, and we are satisfied with a reasonable profit. [Yon Can Have a House Right Now ! We make a variety of sizes and [styles of ready to put up houses at prices from $200.00 up. Write or phone us for our illustrated free catalog, or come and see us. DIXIE HOUSE CO., CHARLESTON, S. C. Phone 668-1 ishers in figuring publication costs, "oday it is a very important item. The inly way to meet the advance is for mblishors to secure better advertising nd subscription rates, the only ourrcs of revenue.?The Auxiliary. When a Japanese ambassador reives "on account of iii health"-it Jten rally means that Tokyo is sick of the v.iy he has I.t en iiamiiinp- the affairs :!' his oilit | ? 2^ -7v: r, ?T((s :*'?*&> iv f ;; . H I'WU gS ; .-. it. <&z- "-c'sr': it At 'i'J -i^asJ'AaiiV S / . ..... r. . t . . />....;>. ?-f.; i*--. $i? ? . Wi t <*>.. O S..U..* . ? v.*.."' ^ 5 ft j ifMffllpS 1 I ,ti ii - - ~. | ~i~ 'i "'''jilt froii ' ^ c_t^ccmis.-i'C C- aci:ijiiy^pCy'3i3? MAD," EY SCOTT & EO\VKE S | ^ ?L*J??K3 C." see CTS rwCLGiOi;^ |j HJIWm? I HI II H ?I ? . ? ? ! tin 20-Years Guarantee ; Sil > j Free Examination j ^ We Administer Nitrous Oxjc Baltimore D 1329 1-2 Main St. COLl Look for Large Electric Sig at S iverything Sanitary New Star 1 ?FC LADIES AND Open Day ai Food of the Best Quality Prep; Polite Attention with Qi Share of the public patr< cordial welcome awaits t! 1112 Main St., Phone Buggies, Wag We Have a Splendid Lir v. n&t.i \y ^u&id We have every style and size 11 Come in and see them on our l OUR GUARANTEE Gregory-Conder 1115 Hampton St., - - ? MO HARVAl ?AI Harvard PI Have been sold in Columbia a the past three years than any music loving public of this cit VISIT OUR FACTC THE JOHNL 1612 Main St., P. M. Asbu] Our Piano Tuning Buy Good Music and get rea Piano. The John Church Ccr sellinga complete line of th^ ] IS kSAFE TREiTMEST fl | FOB CROUP If 8 % Thousands of children die every ? ?3 year from this swift and terrifying || 9 m disease- Evxiy moihershoiildkeepon |i ? E hand a reliable fin>t aid ron;<dy.and IB 19 there is no safer or surer treatment I ft ? S for croup aud congestion, than to apply P ?1 If MCFTBlEISSS.JGS' 11 II 'feSSli*SAUVE II 8g You just rub it ir>, <?nd can apply || it to the tendrrsst ekin without JnM RAY F. SOX wishes to iounce to his Patients and ends that he is new locat- ; with thia well known ntal Office and will be d to see them at anyLe. ver Fillings, 50c up Id Fillings, ? $1 up I eth Cleaned, 1.00 le Gas For Painless Extraction ental Parlors t"n if t"? i a ri n: r-o/? ) iVLjSiA, o. u rnone dso d asd Moving Dental Exhibit tairs. MMWRWMMimmmmmmmmmm i?r?innif? iwi am? At Reasonable Price j Restaurant GENTLEMEN ~? nd All Night y ared in the Highest Art. lick Service. onage is solicited, anda he Lexington Folks. 3151Ja Colombia, S.C. ^ons, Harness. ie of Well Made Vehicles : Hackney Buggies Washington Buggies Columbus Buggies Brown Buggies N <~i"> >^\Nissen Wagons \WOId Hickory Wagons Hackney V/agons J 1 above makes loor MEANS SOMETHING Mule Co. - - COLUMBIA, S. C. j HI a?III ? wawmmrnmmmtmmmmm ?REFtD PIANOS sTD? ayer Pianos nd adjacent territory during Piano ever before offered the :y. )RY WAREROCMS :HURCH CO., Columbia, S. . ry, Manager. Service is The Best 1 pleasure from your Player npany, 1612 Main street, now latest and bp^t in rrn?*'- rolls jj