Lexington dispatch-news. [volume] (Lexington, S.C.) 1917-1919, April 30, 1919, Image 7

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WK^tWmm W Gives the Details I JOLLY DECLARES HE |; Fought Long Mies With IP WRETCHED CONDITION After Searching for Years Says He Found in Tanlac Remedy He Sought *1 have been trying for years to get something that would relieve me of my troubles and have found it at SjiL. last in Tanlac^' said Alfred Jolly of 3291 Quitman St.^ E>enver Colorado, and an employe of the water works Ii department of that city. "For a long time," he continued, my stomach was in such an awful condition that I could hardly eat a thing withou being a misery. Even the lightest foods would bloat me up with gas and I was constantly belching up sour, undigested food that at times would almost choke ine. Often I wduld get so dizzy that I would almost fall and I would get so nervous it would be almost impssible for me to rest at night. I suffered agony from rheumatism and was in such a wretch ed condition that I was hardly fit for a thing ?jjf|k" "After trying nearly everything I gpe||. could* hear of I took Tanlac and it has made a different man of me. My apl||| " petite is splendid f my nerves steady and I sleep like a tog at night. I have gained eight pounds in weight and am in better shape than I have; 3s? b: en in years.' I fold exclusively at Harmon Drug Co., Lexington;'Bumette and. Whetsell, j? A'ew Brookland; Harris-Cain Drug ?*' Co., Batesburg; Crosson Drug Co., |9pf Leesville; Eargle's Drug Store, Cha- I ftia; Dr. W. T. Brooker, Swansea; | Pelion Drug Co., Pelion; W. J. Cayce, |||.: Cayce; A. E. Leaphart, Gilbert; The | tfe Lorick Co., Irmo; W. EL Suber,, Peak. Price, |1.00 per bottle, rfmigfct. HMaaBfcO&Sk |l|g|g: CITATION NOTICE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA County of Lexington By George S Drafts^ esquire^ Probate WHEREAS, Agnes 'M. Barrs made suit to me, to grant her Letters of Administration of the Estate of and . * effects of C A Barrs. ipp THESE ARE THEREFORE to cite and admonish all and singular the jg: v.- kindred and Creditors of the said C. A W " 3rrs deceased that they be and apj y r i>oar, before me in the Court of Profit, &ate, to be held at Lexingtonf C. H., Sfefr- SCon 12 May 1919 next, after publi-j cation hereof at 11 o'clock in the fore ^ " rioon^ to show cause^ if any they have, why the said Administration should lot toe granted. GIVEN under my Hand this 26 day of April Anno Domini 1919. , Geo. S Drafts, (LS) Protoate Judge (Lexington County, ff:' S. G. 'Published on the 30 day of April 1919 in the Lexington Dispatch-News .* 2 weeks. I BOX PARTY AT UNION. There i llwbe a box party and other 'i refreshments at Union school house Saturday night May 17. Beginning at ; 8 o'clock. The public is cordially in vited to attend. Overland H iiiiiiir.aint ||^.. We take this means of a that we have secured the land Automobiles and w demonstration at any time b The Overland is a reliai P erate price. I Give us a calJ and let us I B. A. <& H. ] I| -AGE II Chapin, p) HONOR ROLL OP STEED MAN SCHOOL FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL Grade 1. J D Garvin. < Maggie Gunter i Rufis Garvin. |. Evelin Smith. Grade 3?Leon Gantt. Louise Gantt. Grade 4.?TVue Hall Eloulse Hall. Nina Lee 'Smith. I Grade 5.?Lonnie Garvin Grade 7?Evelin Hall. Grade S?Ozalce Hall. DT ICCMUVE DLJlX> HERBS Will drive from your system the' poison that i causes Rheumatism. Corrects Constipation, .'Cidney, Livyer troubles. Makes rich red blood. I losure are we that Bliss Native Kerbs will do 311 we claim that our Agent is authorized to guarantee them. Thousands testify cheerfully co the wonderful curative powers of Bliss Nk- ' cive Herbs. Get a box of Tablets at once and ; forever rid yourself of CONSTIPATION and j ills arising from blood impurities, that cause ; RHEUMATISM. KIDNEY and LIVER Com- j plaints, female weakness, etc. Does not con- . tain anything of harmful nature. Our Agent i will deliver or mail you, upon receipt of $1.00, 500 Tablets, with a guarantee. -J. C. SWYGERT, Agent " PEAK, S. C. 1 ] Proved safe by millions ;; | Icsbe' l | Pain Back of Ileal 1 Frontal Headaches Neuralgia; face-neck Torment In Teetli t Toothache, Earache s Colds and Grippe * Out of Pain to Comfort c c tfBavrr - i T r> " ?> ? A y\ *-?"" or.Ir . 10 AYE ^ "Barer" ongenuipc V ? V? rack? cs. Q . Tablets. po^ a % a: "Aspirin is the trade marl: of Bayer Manufac- a ture of Monoaceticacidester of Sa/icylicacid w Adults?Take one or two tablets a anytime, with water. If necessary, ? repeat dose three times a day, after A meals. Ask for aM Insist Upon "Bayer Ta (ets of Aspirin," T American Ov/ned, Entirely. <5 20-cent package?Larger sizes also. ~ A LLEXINGTUN MAN'S EXPERIENCE. Can you doubt the evidence of this Lexington citizen? You can verify Lexington endorse ment. Read this: R. F. Powell, Main St., Lexington says: "I had a lot of trouble about eleven years ago with my back and kidneys. My back ached all the time and I couldn't stoop over without! being in terrible misery. I had a too i frequent desire to pass the kidney g secretions and this bothered me a J great deal. I took different medi- i cines but they didn't do me a mite of good. I *tried in every way to get relief. Finally I got Doan's Kidney Pills and they helped me from j ^ the start. Several boxes completelyj j cured me of all that trouble. I i haven't been bothered since." 1 * ~ ^ x , oue. ai an ?eaters. ro.w.miuuui| I Co., Mfgrs.. Buffalo. X. Y. |< ? ! 1 i ??wit'imm?rmtomobiles i 11 nnouncing to the public IS Local Agency for Overill be pleased to give :? I tie automobile at a mod- ! j give you specifications. D. Wessinger jj NTS .. - - s. c. I j A Tiuthcr a good chi-on of Brookland route 1 was a visitor in f Lexington Friday and while in town called at our office and renewed "his subscription for another year. IT/III 8 /t 11 Aim iitifrr lull! tALUMUL MAIVBO YOU DEATHY SICK Stop using dangerous drug before it salivates you! It's horrible! You're bilious, sluggish, constipated and believe you need vile danger ous calomel to start your liver and clean your bowels. Here's my guarantee! Ask your druggist for a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone and take a spoonful tonight. If it doesn't start your liver and nrt VAII rirrhf llTi hoffor fbiJTl O UX aj^XltCH V VU MVVW* calomel and without griping or making you sick I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Take calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak and sick and nauseated. Don't lose a day's work. Take a spoonful of harmless, vegetable Dod son's Liver Tone tonight and wake up feeling great It's perfectly harm less, so give it to your children any iime. It can't salivate, so let them ;at anything afterwards. POR SALE?100 acres, known as Je ome Hutto tract, on Public highway, me mile from Maccdon and 3 miles rom Pelion; 50 acres in high state of :ultivation balance in good woodland; :ood streams of water; fine pasture; 5ood dwelling and outbuildings. This | s desirably located. Schools and j hurches nearby. Price $4,500.00. S. J. Leaphart, j Agent. SUMMONS FOR RELIEF 'HE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA j County of Lexington. In Court of j 'ommon Picas. Willie Sulton, James Sulton^ Drayon DeKart, Arthur Dehart, Daihy Summers, Etta DeKart Elnora Dey fart, Nora Sullon and John Drafts, 'LAINTIFFS against JHassie uenari, 2ssie DeHart Jonas Sulton, Jacoo !orley, Emma Corley and W. P. bunts, DEFENDANTS. 'O?The defendants above named: You are hereby Summoned and Reuired to answer the complaint in this ction, of which a copy is hereby sered upon you, and to serve a copy of our answer to the said complaint on le subscriber^ at their office in Lcxigton, S. C., within twenty days after le service hereof, exclusive of the ay of such service; and If you fail to nswer the complaint within the time foresaid, the plaintiffs in this action 'ill apply to the Court for the relief emanded in the Complaint. >ated 23rd Dec. 191S. .. D. MARTIN AND T C STURKIE ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFFS. NOTICE O?The defendant Jonas Sulton: J Please take Notice that the Original nrmnons nnd Comolaint in the above ntitled action were filed in the office if the Clerk of Court for said County nd State, on the 29tli day of March 919, and are now on file therein. Dated March 29, 1919. A. D Martin and C Sturkie ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF. Subscribe to The Dispatch-News. Seeds Ready. FLOWERS Vgeratum, Alyssum, Aster, Balaam, Blackeye Susan, Daisy, j hollyhock, Nasturtim, Poppy, j Salvra, Sweet pea, etc, VEGATABLES Asparagus, Beets, Capbage, Carrot, Kale, Lettuce, Mustard, 3nion, Parsley. Peas, Radish, Rape. Salsify, Spinach, Turnips, j Let us help you start right. Flowers lor all occasions sentj xnywhere. Rose Hill Greenhouses | 1519 Main Street COLUMBIA, - - S. C. | A IT I I? I 11) y y o L L i Your Income Repairing J Old Auto Tires. ! 1 . It is the bi^opt money maker in th to j business today. Demand for repaircc. s crows constantly, tier in a business ? : a bic future. Good repair men make u: ? .?"/! a week. Always more positions oj ! j than men to 'ill them. We teach you hi ' I to do expert work and show you how* toperate a protitable repair business. Ou. school is in charye <>f a factory expert. We guarantee to teach you in ten days. Com- ' I plete course $-?. If r.oi satisfactory money L cheerfully rct'.:r*:ed. Move classes now 0 forminjr. write at once for reservation. I K ' The A.nicrsoa School of Vulcanizing j j 1209.Washington St. Coiun bia,.S. C. | f=?" Pure Food Bakery Where you always find BREAD, CAKES, PIES, Etc. Made of nure food ingredients. Everything sanitary, fresh, clean and inviting. Call and you will be pleased. John Udell, 1200 Block Taylor St., Columbia, S. C. White Cabbage ri 11 f louarfl White and more tender than the old blue stem. They head up in the winter. Per ounce 20c 14 pound 60c 1 pound $ 2.00 B. B. KIRKLAND SEED CO j I 411 Assembly St. Columbia, S. C, j SEED AND FEED. I Sanitary Meat Market) and Restaurant I Fresh native meats always on hand. ! Ice sold in any quantity from 5c up. Our restaurant is prepared to furnish j meals at all hours. First class meals j prepared by experienced coolcs. CAUGHMAN & SOX j MEAT MARKET I Next Dooir to Postoffico. J LEXINGTON, S. C. j See The Alamo Farm Lighting Unit J THE Alamo Electric Unit furnishes constant, even, smooth, never-failing pow- Jj er, having perfect running bal- j ^ ance and is free from noise and g vibration. A wonderful machine | ? the thousands sold and now in actual use ?all giving satisfcc- | tion?is the convincing proof. All the Light?All the V-x., M n/O-rl A U rv 1L UU i. V. K The Alamo Electric Unit is Just what you have always had in mind? |jj a safe, complete, economical, trouble- ? proof, simple, compact electric light and power plant. Come and Sue This RemaritmMo ~ -nonstratior OLIVER M. FORTH, | AGENT | Lexington, S. C. I I COTTON SI'.r.I) MKAL. We now have a la rye quantity of g t 'ton seed meal for sale?7 and 5 1 p? r cent. Get our prices. ? T.r.x-iii 'ton U ; sr Go. = j j 9tf. I KIDNEYS WEAKE Kidney troubles don't disappear of themselves. They grow slowly but steadily, undermining health with !t fi?rt!ilntv until vnn fflll a vir> tim to incurable disease. Stop your troubies while there is time. Don't wait until little pains become big aches. Don't trifle with disease. To avoid future suffering: begin treatment with GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules now. Take three or four every day until you are entirely free from pain. This well-known preparation has been one of the national remedies of Holland for centuries. In 169C the government of the Netherlands granted a special charter authorizing its preparation and sale. EVERY ONE LIKES' Do not forget to ^remembe: acount with us. It "does not gifts but increases in value, z which we add to the deposits. Accounts'are invited. The Palmetto COLUMB RESOURCES ? 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on syr Si Sni ?#r I d m % ^ ^ \ i i i 1 i pP ^ \';xxx p.v,;;i ir kxnf (. ' -L H { / A VU LP V 1 i oT?.p:"'( C^RC\; L\utJiiU\? CJlJ LAOii'^'LrjA.. I h!W/ <7fVvV 2 /*M'; ?"*. i>" \/ \-vJ 1? ' hidi is*i-.-u'tuuc-.'. : i ican* & m JtaMj :;VAA*| rteht to have hie. iovel.7 i:: 1 r. I!?. : ?!;:i l-*l ufifors vr.:i :i T'.r it ? !:J.l ?! .!1*J ?>! Lj tooled into p-t:'.:c pr;"!i;n;t | HE^OLS.^ | W It icafccs short hair tr-?w ]> ;; h?; H w;] ml, st??t?s itehi'ijr srai;> ami ihiahr;::.. m J g rim' 25 CSIitS MAITj |j ?>; Ilerolin Med. Co., Atlantu. (hi. raj a jfpvj'yc JIo your own man or woman. Si jojj iLu?iWv2 We make you a liberal oa.-r? Ert n j and sbovr you how to maltc money taht. BP T1 Brooklai New Broo Board of Henry Buff. Sewell K. 0 G. A. Guignard. R. N. Senn. J. C. Lybrand. A. D. Shull. Advisor Frank W. Shealy, Lemuei BEB?HH?BWIIIIIIIII Hill lllll l'll Parts For and Auto, We have a Complete I Wrenches, Pliers, Sc j Spring Also All I A,?iW-?^!,? 0?1< j r MAIL ORDER; f J We Prepay Delivery j I Guarantee ? ^ T???I iimi I ? ?? ?? I ? ?? ? | Lorick & Lo I mi T TftrtDT A Q C Wholesak. Prices Furnished t IksSS^a^SS :ning? look out! The housewife of Holland would almost as soon be without food as without her "Real Dutch Drops," as sh? quaintly calls GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. They restore strength and are responsible in a gTeat measur# for ths sturriv. robust health of the Hollanders. Do not delay. Go to your druggist and Insist on his supplying- you with GOLD MEDAL Haariem Oil Capsules. Take them as directed, and if you are not satisfied with results your druggist will gladly refund your money. Look for the name GOLD MEDAL on the box and accept no other. In sealed boxes, three sizes. m RF RFMFMRFRD L V/ L/Xi r the children with a bank depreciate]ilikeS many*[other tided by the liberal interest National Bank ;IA, s. c. $ig,ooo;coo.og l Savings Acccunis Our Accuracy Quality Service give you "Well Fitted Glasses" ELMGREN Optoir. ,trist and Optician 1207 Hampton St. COLUMBIA, S. C. WRffWWWWR fW T J rid Bank kland, S. C.J Directors: I liver. E. W. Shall. L. S. Trotti P. J. WewinfrM* y Board: 1 Hall. Jai? A. Summamtt. Ford Cars I . Supplies I 9 and Full Line of rew Plates, Chisels I . Cutters 1 Kinds of 5 bfA Greases | s^oociim"- I Charges and Satisfaction I wrance Inc. j RETAIL DEPARTMENT | o Merchants on Request ^ A