Lexington dispatch-news. [volume] (Lexington, S.C.) 1917-1919, December 04, 1918, Image 2

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JNFLUNZA A ROBBE HEALT -??? Leaves Victims of Recent Rundown Condition 1 Slow to r SATS GOOD NOURISHING FOOI BUT MUST BE ASSIMIL M?.. ~ II you like thousands of others, va nnme thixmerh an attack of "feifluenza, you know how greatly it Itaa weakened and undermined your -whole system. You are back at work %ot "weak on your pins" and unable t? stand the strain of hard daily efJert without quickly tiring. Tou are weak, listless, run down and lack strength and reserve force at the very season of the year when y?n should be at your physical best to withstand the risers and hardships of Mm hard Winter season just before you. Strength and health come back very slowly after Influenza or "Pneumonia nless you adopt a systematic plan of body building. It is folly to let , Ifature take its course without help and equally foolish to dose the stomach with strong stimulants or socalltonics when whip or lash the jaded werves into spasmodic temporary acfttoo. The best way to quickly regain lost -strength, flesh and health, says a well Mnown authority, is through the ori- j jtfnal source of all strength your daily ; food. Food however, produces flesh, ! Strength and normal health only inj the proportion in which its nourishing dements aro absorbed by the blood. Tour illness has thrown your assimila' Ore organs out of condition and you j failing to absorb the full nourish* j 4 ??- J Artnfaino PimfcablT ! JIlUkLr J U UL1 iwu wu?M?uu< ? . sixty per cent of the fats, sugars, starches, proteins; etc of your meals; iBre, Instead of going into your blood MISS NOIA MAE BUSH. V ' , , ? In remembrance of Miss Nola Mae ISoahf daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. JBush died Sept. 30, 1918, age 20 je&ra She leaves to mourn her loss &mr father and loving mother, brother and sister, Clarence Alvin Bush and Annie Lee Bush, beside a host relatives and friends, who will be MId to hear of her death. Oone but not forgotten. Sleep on dear Nola Mae And take thy rest - God calleth you home, He thought it beet. p We miss thy kind and willing hand. - Thy fond and earnest care. : Ow home is dark without you. We miss you everywhere. 1 v { fm the cemetery quietly resting. In a lone and silent grave. ' lies the one we love so dear. Our dear Nola Mae we could not ' save. * A loved one from us has gone I A voice we loved is stilled " A plaoe is vacant in our home Which never can be filled. S * I \ \ J Nola Mae dear, thou has, left us. For a bright and happy home above * Where precious one? have met thee * And with a savior's love. like a (lower you passed away v JBeetroyed in all your bloom. T Tou left this world and all your friends, lb moulder In the tomb. v- , ^ But God alone can co fort ua. ; The heart that mourn ?.h\. here,4 And our only consolation is to try And meet you there. * I .v' t Ton have gone from us forever, ] > longer here you could not stay J Ton have reached a fairer region j Far away, far away. ! Sleep dear No la Mae thy peaceful sleep. tn the dead beneathh the soil. I will for thee ever pray. * .. . That thy soul may be with God . Always faithful loving and true - We will gather round your silent tomfc. ' And breathe an humble prayer. f We have missed loving Xola Mae from our homes. Who norw lies mouldering there. T^iou no more sorrows shalt know. Yet again I hope to meet thee. When the day of life is fled Then in Heaven with joy to greet thee. v Where no farewell tears are shed. Now we miss her gentle footsteps Miss each kind and gentle word. Now in the lonely houshold Will her tender voice be heard. The golden gsdes opere-' wide. A gentle voice said come And angels from the other side. - Welcomed our loved one home. <Jo take thy rest dearest Nola Mae O? to thy dreamless bed. Wliile yet so gentie undefiled "With blesisngs on thy head, Ood in his wisdom has recalled. Tfce boon his love had given And though the body slumber here. Her soul is .safe in heaven. "Dear loved one we have laid thee In the peaceful grave embrace. But thy memory shall he cherished. j fill we see your heavenly face. Heaven now retains our treasure. Kartb the lonely casket keeps. - And the sunbeams love to linger t Where our dear Xola Mae sleeps. ' ^ I * R OF H AND STRENGTH. Epidemic in a Weakened :rcm Which Most are Recover. ) iS BEST STRENGTH MAKER, ATED, NOT WASTED. to nourish your body .passing right through you as waste?undigested and unassimilated, such as unburned coal through an open furnace grate. This merely means that the assimilative functions of your stomach and intestines need stomething to get them working- right again. There is noth ingr better for this purpose than the famous assimilative agent known as Dreco?which has been called the missing link between food eating and strength making. Dreco is not a tonic in the ordinarily accepted sense. It does not of itself build strength and flesh but a spoonful, taken with your meals for a few days acts upon every mouth ful you eat, first separating all the fats, oils, sugars, starches and other indgredients that make flesh and strength, from the useless waste matter all the fatmaking nourishing elements into a ?orm which your blood can readily absorb and distribute throughout your body. The effect is quickly felt. Strength energy and lost weight are quickly re stored in a natural way without the need of false tonics or stimulants. In just a few days you should look, act, feel and be your old true self again. Dreco is perfectly harmless and strongly endorsed by the physicians who use it. It is dispensed here in Lexington by Geiger Drug Co. If you have had Influenza and are still feeling weak and run down, you should by all means give Dreco a trial. -ft-Kcim W U Jiupv IV jrwu. When the day of life is fled. Par away, far away. Dear Nola Mae No longer here you oould not stay, On this green earth. And in heaven with joy to greet you Where no farewell tears are shed. Written by one of her loving friends. Iziline. Cattarhal Deafness Cannot Be Cored by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure catarrh al deafness.and that is by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result. Unless the inflammation can be reduced and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Many ?ases of deafness are Jcaused by catarrh,, which is an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. Halll's Chtarrh Medicine ach tnru tne oiooa on tne mucous suriaces of the system. Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Circulars free. AH Druggists, 75c. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. | TRESPASS XOnCEL All persons are hereby forbidden to ! trespass upon our premise? by huntf ing, fishing, hauling wood,, straw, lightwood or in any manner whatsoever. The law will be strictly enforced against all persons violating this notice. J. W. BSghtler, A. T. Guignard, 4t8pd, !a family medicine | k Ba Hi Boe, Sm lb I Gwgi?L?dy, Repr&fBhdfeDnofht RtEef Fm Heaitdbe, Malaria* CUM, fie, Ringgold, Ga.? Mrs. Chan. Castas, ; of this place, writes: 1 am a usar ; of Thedford's Black-Draught; In fact, ! It was one of our family medicines. Also in zny mother's home, when I was a child. 'When any of us childi ren complained of headache, usually J canted by constipation, the gave us ; a dose of Black-Draught, which would rectify the -trouble. Often in the j Spring, we would have malaria and ; chill* or troubles of this kind, we would take Black-Draught pretty regular until the liver acted well, and i we would soon he up d around ! again. We would not be lthout it, i for it certainly has saved us lots of ; doctor bills. Just a dose of Blaek[ Draught when net so well eavee a lot of days in bed." ) Thedford's Black-Draught has been , In use for many years in the treat! meat of stomach, liver and bowel j troubles, and the popularity which It ; how enjoys is proof of its merit, j If your liver is not doing its duty, you will suffer from such dlsagree| able symptoms as headache^ bilious! uess, constipation, indigestion, etc., J and unless something is done, serious trouble may result Thedford's Black-Draught has been i found a valuable remedy for these troubles. It is purery vegetable, and acts in a prompt and natural way, regulating the liver to its proper functions and cleansing the bowels of impurities. Try it. insist on Thed* lord's, the original and genuine. B 79 FOR A SOUR STOMACH. ' Eat sparingly, particularly of meats ; masticate your food thoroughly nnd | take one of Chamberain's Tablets im| mediately after supper. Clironic Constipation. ) This disease is nearly always brought on by bad habits. To effect a permanent cure you must correct your habits. In the meantime take ChaniberIain's Tablets. They are easy to take and most agreeable in effcet. Thy only cost a quarter. Learned the Real Value of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "We first learned of the true value of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy sev- j oral years ago when we lived near Clif I ton Hill, this State," writes Mrs. Jam es Malone, Moberly Mo. "At that! time I had a severe cold and an annoy ing cough. I got a bottle of Chamber j Iain's Cough Remedy, and after tak- ( ing a few doses of it my cough loosened up and my lungs felt better. I 1 ued one bottle of it and by then my cold had entirely disappeared." FOR SAFE. 1 tract of land containing 2S and 8-10 acres; about 15 acres open, balance in woods. Good stream of water runs through the place, 1 good 4 room house all out buildings good. 1 good we1! of water in yard. Good orchard on the place. Near Saxe-Gotha Mills. Also 1 mule and wagon and farming implements. Will sell all fOr cash. Prioft reasonable. J. H. Warren, Lexington R. P. D. 3. Timber on 100 acres of land, pine, oak, ash and other valuable hardwood some cedar.Supposed to cut 1,000,000 feet 7 miles from shipping. Reason for selling want the land cleared. S. J. Leaphart, WANTED?Several loads of wood on subscription. Oak and pine cut in stove lengths. TRY THE The scales seldom fail t< a fair gauge of health. If are not feeling up to the i place the loss and build U] | a unique combination oi f having definite the blood, restores we tone to the whole syit< ground, try Scott'e Em Scstt&Bswa nrrov ane iiktq LTWl Villi LiiiVJLU Do not forgetj toj rememb< acount with us. It does not i gifts but increases^ value, , which we add to the deposits. f Accountslare invited. The Palmetto COLUMI RESOURCES 4JPer Cent Interest'Paid oi f _________________ t ATTEI A A | AutO V ! We want you to| | doing'business at ! We want your bi | in return Good S< Auto Parts'and Access* eter^and^ElectricHorns.i i and Tubes. I We have installed! a! I " * complete in every particu * LEARN THE WAY t Good Service guarante< AUTO SERVK i i ! Claude D. Thorn k j Day; Phone 127; Night 114 S LEX1NGTI i ' iPure Food Bakery | i Where you always find BREAD, CAKES, PIES, Etc. Made of pure food ingredients. Everything sanitary, fresii, clean and inviting. Call and you will i be pleased. John Udell, j 1200 Block Taylor St., Columbia, S. C. ! Sanitary Meat Market | ; and Restaurant Fresh native meats always on ham* lee sold in any quantity from 6c op. Oor restaurant is prepared to formal meals at all hoars. First class meab prepared by experienced cooks. CAUGHMAN & SOX MEAT MARKET Next Doer to Poetoffice. LEXINGTON* S. C. j SCALES 1 '1- ? 1 m .lL lilkA..* MWA o reveai me uuui, uicy cue you are losing weight and nark, it is high time to reE> the powers of resistance. mm f tonic and nourishment, utraetive properties, enriches ight and imparts vigor and an. If you feel yourself losing ulsion?ihe Strength-Builder, t,BtoeslfM.il. J. 1H TO BE REMEMBERD *r the children with a bank ; depreciate like many other aided by the liberal interest National Bank j sia, s. c. $10,000,000.00 n Savings Accounts VJTION woers! know we are still ; the same place, ismessand offer ervice. jries, Stewart Speedom;Fcrrjyi\jr,:'a[;Cffirff iattery* Charging* Outfit lar. Free air o tho Service Station. ; 3d. i :e station : i ipson, Manager. j Neit Door to Meetzo & Son ON, S. C. | Farts For | and Auto, We have a Complete Wrenches, Pliers, Sc Spring AT All A1S0 All Automobile Oil " j MAIL ORDER I We Prepay Deliver) Guarantee i ?i? ? ??? ?? i ???maamt Lorick & Lc COLUMBIA, S. C. Wholesale Prices Furnishe ' LORICK E JOBBERS AN! Mantels Sewer ] Grates and.Tiles Flue Pi Stoves and Tin Pla Ranges Pig Lea Stove Pipe Sheet A Hollow-Ware Iron Pij "Kohler" Plumbing Fixtu "Y LORICK I COLUMBIA S. C a nn WAIT UrAni/ItT AKfc IUU WURIUO' Work of any sort is pars drn< yoar existence. Bat with f par] for s reward and it lighten* yo pleasure. Bats a purpose in life! Hall budding op a savings account h yes with the means to attain yo independence, wealth?they aU persistently save. Same rate of interest (4 per ci THE OLD The Carolina Nation W. A. CUrt, President T. 1 firyu, T. President [safety i strei I I | IT IS OUR DUTY as well as erery way consistent with tie j I the financial strength and growth '0, community. Cose in and let us | more than Bankers?we are a ? j ? it is a matter of pride with us, th '& we have developed in our busine* j i ship of those whom we serve. I Prosperity is reflected to thi $ perity of our patrons. I _ | The Bank o ^ Columbi I 0% Ford Cars . Supplies 11 n i MMHBM? .? > and Full Tiinp of rew Plates, Chisels I ^ Cutters I Kinds of s and Greases 1 5 SOLICITED. j " : Charges and Satisfaction 1 |f% -V V ' iwrance Inc. IJ d to Merchants on Request I n ' --rl| BROTHERS ) DEALERS IN Pipe J?M Asbestos and pe Asphalt Roofings ite Asphalt Shingle. id Metal Shingles letals Tinware | j >e Enamel Ware res ale" Locks and Hartbrp? ? f I I BROTHERS j mOHBC? I I G WITH A PURPOSE Itery If it means merely eantifeg ?om back of It you are working ur tasks and makes work a real jt your life a success! Start by i this institution. It wiQ fomi ur object. A comfortable home, some within your reach 22 ye* sat) paid on both Targe aid lad1 RELIABLE ial Bank of Colombia Jmu WL BeQ, Cashier. fmm, D. IT tiP. Aui CetMfT MGTH | SERVICE onr PLEASURE to promote is principles of SOUND banking, of tbe business interest of tins get together?we are something ery hnman lot of indrridnals, and lat aside from the responsibilities ?, we bare cnitrrated the friendis Bank fcronxjtbe increased pres' 4 f Columbia j fP