Lexington dispatch-news. [volume] (Lexington, S.C.) 1917-1919, November 20, 1918, Image 3

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. ;t'-> t?-v-' =? I^TKL <- :?s? - | brings cheer to all who \ | mdy be -sufferers as he | t I was. Eea-* it: ?j can say that I ovre jj r Site to I*crr.22. After some of g 0 best doctors in the country .ve me up and told rne I could ?t live another month, Pertmn red me. Travelling from town town, througho i\t the country id having to go into all kinds badly heated stores and build- j gs, sometimes standing- up for urs at a time while plying my p side as auctioneer, it is only g tural that I had colds /re- S ently; so when this would 3 cur I paid little attention to it, j? til last December when I conicted a. severe case, which, rough neglect on my part ttled on my lungs. When alrst too late. I began doctoring, t without avail, until I heard Pemna. It cured me: so I nnot praise it too highly." jBp|?. CITATION NOTICE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, : /-County of Lexinj 'on. m^ojiy GEORGE S. DRAFTS, esquire, Pro bate Judge. jV 'WHEREAS, M. A Ricard, made Ssuit to me, to grant him Letters of " Administration of the Estate of and ?f" effects of H. S. Ricard. THESE ARE THEREFORE to cite end admonish all and singular the jklndr^d and Creditors of the said H. p. Ricard, deceased, that they be and % appear, before me, in the Court of Pro ibate, to be held at Lexington, C. H., St C., on 28 Nov. 1918 next, after pub lication hereof at 11 oclock in the ^ v forenoon, to show cause, if any they ?.,~ have, why the said Administration ;} should not be granted. GIVEN under my Hand, this 13th " flajr of Nov. Anno Domini 1918. ; ^ . GEO. S. DRAFTS (L. S.) o, Probate* Judge Lexington County, S. C. - Published on the 20th day of Nov. 1918 in the Lexington Dispatch-News SOME PIG. -* Mr. Charlie C. Fulmer of the Macedonia section in the Fork, killed last jpreek, a 15 months old pig that weigh , cd 483 pounds. Mr. Fulmer is an in- ; dustrious and progressive young farm er of his section. imsfru?Between Piseah church and ! my home. 1 pair of gold frame spectacles and case. The case has the Jiame of T. A. W. Elmgren on it. Fin - der -will please notify me and receive areward. ORIN LiINDLcER, ^ -*5pd. Lexington rt. 5 nHp Greensboro Lady Now Able To Do Own WeB KaownTLady Suffered Rye f Years From Headaches, Nervous iadiffestion. Constipation. (| Liver Troubles, Claims The New Medicine Dreco Has Broagk Full Benefit **T have just finished a bottle of JDreco and I have not only gained five pounds in weight but am able to id? all my own housework," is the as; .tonishingr signed statement of Mrs. G. F. Alberty who resides at Proximi ty ?tatioh, Grenssboro. "Before I began taking the medi'cinc, she.continued, "I was n such a down condition and so weak, and had been sfck so long that at times I felt that I would just have to give up. I could not eat anything hardly and jg* could not sleep to do any good. What ^|ittle food t did take into my stomach Seemed to lay there and ferment and j form gas that would almost choke me : sometimes Constipation bothered; sme so bad that I had to take pills or; Sr- something like that every night for a, year. My trouble began five years ; ago and nothing ever prescribed for! me did any good and I was almost a mental and physical wreck. 'After saging I would have smoth taring spells, and get dizzy and sometimes blind for a few minutes, and my heart would almost jump out of my. t>odv. This condition made me awfully nervous and I was easy to ex- * cite. In fact my whole system, was all out of shape, my blood was thin, and J had a bad color. I just felt so ; bad T couldn't take any interest in | anything. "Nearly every day I would read a ! bout what Dreco had done for some |person suffering just like myself, so f- V ^ ^ 1 1. J X. X _ 1 Xi.1 ~ J. my iiusua.ua w> get u, uutuie for me. and after the first few days T felt "better and I knew I had at last : v found the very thing- ray system need*1 am now so much better than I . Can eat just anything I want and as ( j|Sf much as I want and do not feel any , ' bad after effects. My husband ! &jj? J sleep so sound it is all he can do to wake me up. I have actually gained ffive pounds in weight and my color is fine. The constipation is entirely rolierved and my strength is wonderful'' >y increased. 1 can now do all my own ??.>- housework and as for a headache or 'ifJ. ' dizzy spell. I never have one. My husband is going to take Dreco too. i for he has seen the great imnroveUi ment in my case and I koow it went be long before both of us are well and i happy." Dreco, the "herbal medicine refer^Hpred.to by Mrs. Alberty in this article I Bnmay be procured at most first class stores in this section and is parElicularly recommended and sold in iLexington at Geiger Drug Co. , $ ; ; ; -- t ' iv^\vjuu^r^M^ULjvmi u un-tuj. n| | IM A * & W a >v? | pFFIF^Epl ! tt p%?1Sft^ | I& r-'*r I ?iiL f* P*lllSW a ?'! *}& :v* ^m^I^sSH a ra$& v ? Mr. Samuel SlcKJnley, 3507 E. 12tb St.. Kansas City, Mo., Member of the Society of U. S. Jewelry A notinr.iprs. Sold Everywhere* Tablet or Liquid Form RAINBOW DIVISION COLONEL COMMENDS j Y. M. CJ. WORK Colonel Screws Says Alabama Resl idents Are Appreciative Of Red Triangle Service To Soldiers There Birmingham, Ala., Oct ?.?"In mj opinion there is nothing that the Y. M. C. A. can ask of the people of Ala ; bama which they would not give il | they, only knew half of the excellent work being done by your organization," writes Col. William P. Screws,) Commander 167th Infantry (Old 4th Alabama), in a letter to Borden Burr, who recently returned from .France where he was engaged in War Wort for the Young Men's Christian Association. Leaving out expressions ol personal praise, at the request of Mr. Burr, Colonel Screws' letter is as fol lows: "On behalf of the officers and enlist ed men of the 167th Infantry (former ly the Fourth Alabama Infantry), 1 | wish to thank you for the excellent ! and valuable work that you have done I with tifi and with other American troops, since your arrival in France. "In my opinion too much prais9 can not be given the Y. M. C. A. for the excellent work they have done anc ! are now doing for our men over here As you know, from personal observa tion since you have been with us, the "Y" workers are present in time oi need and get some of the luxuries ol life to the men that they would nol otherwise get. "As the commanding officer of the regiment, I wish to thank you per sonally lor your excellent efforts anc your many deeds of valor and kind ness shown all through our hard cam paigns, in which you were presem with us from first to last." Alabama residents are to be giver an opportunity to give during the weel of November 11, when $170,500,0(M will be icised to continue another yeai the work of the Y. M. C. A. and othej welfare work agencies. J++++#++++++t+; kyBBBE&BRjB^BB^^USfflS&KSEeStnBIGBw Mm As the head of the Salvation Army of the United States, Evangeline Booth is finding many duties in connection with the United War Work Drive, which is to be staged November 11-18, the Salvation Army* being one of the seven organizations in the drive. The workers of the Salvation Army are active at home and abroad and, under the general direction of Miss Booth, they are mending clothes, urging soldiers to write home, providing innocent games, music and other wholesome forms of amusement in the "juts, and are doing their work with a true Christian spirit. Serving the allies on the western front the Salvation Army is maintaining 410 huts, hostels and rest rooms. The Salvation Armv entered upon its work as an interna .ional organization within 14 days, aftei Germany invaded Belgium. Xciv Soda Fountain Supplies We have received a fresh supply of soda fountain supplies for use the balance of the season at The REX ALL Fountain. This shipment consists of new* crush ed fruits and syrups, Ligget's Root Beer, Cherriade, Orangeade, Grape Juice, Etc. Yv'e arc serving Coca Cola. HARMON DRUG CO. t TRESPASS NOTICE. The Law will be enforced against i all persons hunting, fishing , shooting ' fish, Stilling or dealing in whiskey in 1 any manner whatsoever on my prcm : ises. Hunt 'em up Joe. I L. Jeff Sliealy, 4w4 < s, . Lexington, S. C. j , Boy Detroit Yi % vg<T77\ *"* DOTOlIflJlfoS* ^\ ' H*JS* ? *+C^PF??' s i ??? ?? HW ^ | SAFE AND 1 No Wicks to Bi No Burners to Will Give Abso] Ask those who Visit our store j strate. Barre Hai . Lexingtc _ Ginnery Our Ginnery is now rur we are rendering the bes your cotton to our gins if service and absolute res ging and ties. I We pay highest mark( Cotton Seed. Meal and Hulls for sak LEXINGTON LEXINGl Subscriptic The Effective October 1st, 191f The State will be as folio Daily and Sunday, per ^ ? T __ uany only, per year.... Sunday only, per year.. Semi-weekly, per year _ Short term subscription: invariably in advance. Until October first rene\ year in advance will be $8.00 per year." Subscribe to The State n mi', r paper, covering local, Stat; your home as a daily visito Address, The State r columi rrnur.wmraiaiwh m.i mm i s \ ' 1' <> a?wSj 2 -i S B j^H HPM| CONOMICAL irn Out Get Out of Order lute Satisfaction use them and let us demondware Co >n, S. C. Notice! ming on full time, andj t service possible. Bringl ixrvn nrnrrmt* jv/VA jr"" v-~rF ~ ults. We furnish Bag;t price for Cotton and ; or exchange. MFG. CO., ON, S. C. \ X >n Rates of State the subscription rates of ws: year $9.00 " 7 on ...... 2.00 ..... :...ri.5o s at same rate. Payments vals for not more than one accepted at the old rate, ow, and have a real newse and general news, come to r. Company, 3IA, S. C. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmmm? ? i, pwa?? Cost gpaPP^P. Stomach Di| i Skin V 'ease , ! Pipf JT.trei; :d with best efforts,^01 ! 1 '' Hours: 9 a, ir P. J. O'NEII Suite No. 7 Carolina Cor. Main and Washington Sts. Shoes For 1 Guaranteed to and Ion We carry shoes family in sizes a fit every one. i Our salesmen enced shoe m< cash system save The Bo 1518 Main Street mout have your set ready same da; our estimate before having save you money. 20-Year Guarantee, ^ FREE EXAMINATION T We Administer Nitrons Oxide Gas Baltimore Der 1329 1-2 Main St. COLUMI Look for Large Electric Sign an at Stain Buggies, Wago We Have a Splendid Line o |j <' Wp have everv stvle and size in ab Come in and see them on our floor OUR GUARANTEE ME/ i Gregory-Conder M 1115 Hampton St., - - Money Saved is Just What You You Buy Clothing, Shoes, Ha Furnishings, Lady Readv-to-we Sole Agent for the famous | and also other brands of shoe ! longest. See us for bargains o o Assembly Street, ? 3 ! wiiii iii 111?? wwnnww i nw? ?T racted Dif eases ALSO TREAT SODRERS, NERVOUS DE3ILUDDER TROUBLES, ETC. Kidney Troubles, Piles painlessly out operation or confinement, satrnent are that unless you rery results, no charges are made, ornan is too poor to receive his ne so rich thaa they can procure i than he is qualified to give, you the results he has given a the payment in your own hands s on file )ther Examinations Free on'Mon and Friday ; t. to 7 p. m. Sundays 10 to 2. ?, M. D. ; National Bank Building | COLUMBIA, S. C I Everybody wear easy gest. I for the entire nd widths to \11 Styles. ^ are experien and our : :s you money oterie COLUMBIA, S. C. ' JT-OF-TOWN Patients, t i ave every convenience ' v our comfort when visitour offices. We will impression of your.. h in the morning, and y, where desired. Get work done. We will ilver Fillings, 50c op k)ld Fillings, $1. op 'eeth Cleaned, $1. t For Painless Extraction ital Parlors 5IA, S. C. Phone 586 d Moving Dental Exhibit i. ns, Harness. * VV7 ?? ? m 1 V 7 1 V t Well Made vetacies Hackney Buggies Washington Buggies Columbus Buggies Brown Buggies jNissen Wagons yO\i Hickory Wagons Hackney Wagons I ove makes | kNS SOMETHING ule Co. - COLUMBIA, S. C. Money Made i Do When From I IRY 1 ' A. xu. A ? I ts, Caps, Gents' rs Furnishings, [ ar Etc. W. L. Douglas Shoes j s that wear easy and / i Columbia, S. C