^. t ' ^ ^.i^iiiiilf^ ^ J^L ^SkJ&L I Ik jlLzsdS ^ ^jjP%' ' ? :r=== ? ? ~ zr^rzzi^rr--^zi^i^ - ,v ' LEXINGTON. S. C., WKDNKSDAY. -|# No. 48. ? ? - -? 1 s mum accepts f ACE TERMS OF | ' .vV- . . ays Bid for Peace Sepre-1 I, i German People as Well as Government. j. President Wilson's inquiry, t i firtifce Invaded territory as a preto an armistice and that the UlgKr peace represents the German msm as well as the government. 'XiSpiOUgh on its face the text of the jjBm note seems to he a complete ; link the people of the United States Allied countries should be v- mean immediate cessation ; Kfresident Wilson was in New and reserved comment ^#0^ his views cannot be stat" none of his official famihere in Washington cared to speak ^^pfeout any attempt to discount an acceptance of the terms ^pBp|MBfefeident has laid down, officials - Ji^sfrere very positive as not accept MK/jArman ruffa as a document Ie&ns the end of the war. It he examined and fully con-efore the views of the AmerPresident Wilson finally dethere is enough sincerity in that G'reat -"Britian, France other Fntente nations must |^hether an armistice should J erts. to continue the victories | k": On every side in official i &w: L-U.C i/ACOViAV viviiutwi present German- Government Svear^ ~ ARE 'THEEEJFORE to cite . " , NE WS NOTES 4TH j LIBERTY LOAN! (By Miss Ethel I. Brooker, Swansea, Publicity Chairman). The County Chairman reports that several township chairmen are sending in some splendid reports of the sale of Bonds. Others are doing practically nothing with the sales; but we feel sure that the chairmen and committees are put ting the facts before the citizens of their communities and the fault lies j at the door of those who refuse to j buy Bonds. The call of country is j clear and imperative; the appeal made by our matchless President and 1x1 V?--VT?<>? TtrVi A o 'Oy our uru-ve suiuicx uu>o miu having war's worst perils for "the deTense of our liberties1' should be enough to cause any person?the tight est wad in the country?to lend his last dollar in this crises in the history of the world. Your money will come back to you ?a larger amount than you let go; 'and with a sense of satisfaction in the knowledge that you did your duty; and had a part in bringing a righteous fight to a victorious ending. CWX3UTTEES APPOINTED TO DO PATRIOTIC WORK The following ladies have been appointed by the chairman, Mrs D. E. Hammond to work the Fourth Liberty Loan Drive. Shiloh and vicinity?Miss Berthu Rawl. ' Oenterville and vicinity?Miss Pearle Long. Hollow Creek and ' vicinity?Miss Esther Price. Beulah and vicinity?Miss Sarah Drafts. St. Johns and vicinity?Mrs. E E Hook Cherokee and vicinity?Mrs. Jennie Harmon. Each committee is reguested to report to the Chairman each week the suscriptions they have received. Buy Bonjds! Buy Bonds! Our boys are eagerly listening for these few words. "Over the Top." Mrs. D. E Hammond, Chairman . 'lips Agnes Long Ex Chairman. ' Miss Sue Addy, Pub. Chairman. BUT ONE MEMBER LEFT Florence, Oct. 14.?The death of J O Finklea oh Thursday, with the death of Dr. Covington last week, reduces the Florence County exemption board to one member, W. H. 1 Keith of Timmonsville. Dr. J G Mc- j Master will probably acccept the ap- j pointment to succeed Dr. Covington. | It has not been decided who will sue- j ceed Mr. Finklea. . I . NOTICE OF ELECTION. ? I TO THE ELECTORS OF PROYIj #DENCE SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 5: j You will please take notice that an ' election, upon the proposition of vot ing: a four mill levy for sehool' purposes, will be held in Providence School District No. 5, on Thursday, October 31st, 1918. Said election will be' held at the School House at Providence Church, and will be conducted as provided by law for the conduct of general elections. As to qualifications of electors the Statute pro'vid [ es, (Section 1742): "At which said election only such electors as return real or personal property for taxaI tion, and who exhibit their tax receipts and registration certificates as : required in general elections, shall be j allowed to vote." Karle lb Soar. W. Hv Weed. H. W. Lawhornc. TRUSTEES. I October 15, 1918. i NEW SHOE STORE. Mr. T. Ilayne Williams has opened I up a shoe sore at Swansea, with a i splendid line of good shoes for all ' sexes. The stock embraces the latest up-to-date shoes that are bound to please his customers. He is going to handle good shoes at popular prices. I We advise the people of this section {to give him a call,.whether you buy | or not. ! I DISPATCH-NEWS GOES TO SOLDIERS IX FRANCE We acknowledge receipt of eighty ! cents brought to this office by a pa! triotic young lady of the St. John's ! section of the county; with the rc' quest that it be used towards sending the Dispatch-News to a soldier in j France. All the boys from Lexingi ton county are very anxious to receive the paper and nothing for the same amount or money wouiu uo ! highlv appreciated. i , _ HARTLEY - RROS. j We are carrying- in (his issue. an half page advertisement of Hartley ! Pres. of Pol ion, announcing to the ' pub lie their big $10,000.00 cash raJo for 15 days "beginning Monday Oclo!)< 21st and ending Friday Noveiuibor Sth. 1 'uring this sale th--y will Toffcr everything in their huge stock of general merchant!:-:" at "bar - in prices. This is an oxvt (lent otipor :n ' ity for the-buying public t > pendable merchandise at -a.rga' pri< v:e Mrs. Mat tie Gibb.es is confined to I her home with a severe attach oi iny MORE MEN TO CAMP OCT. 39. Lexington Board Names Half Hundred Young White Men Who Will Go to Wadsworth. The Local Board met yesterday and issued calls for 55 registrants of the June registration to report for service at Lexington October 30th and will leave the same day for Camp Wads wortn, topartanourgForest E. Meetze. * Butler Craps M. Jeferson Sharpe. W. Seaborn Jones. George A Hall man. Lester Crout. Lonnie Elton Fr^ck. Horry E. Wessinger George A. Moore. . John W Shumpert. Charlie W. Wessinger Ransom Bartow Sharpe. Jesse Gantt. Victor H. T Shealy. ' "* Roy Vanburen Neese Talniage Sightler. Leon H. Williams. Henry Oliver Clarke. Henry Walter Slice. Arthur Eugene Amick. Otis Odell Kelley George Lester Whitman. Wilford Leon Mack. McRoss Hudson Boyd. Harvey Albert Hook Gillie Altman. William Tillman Mack. #iobson Govan Lee Irby Monroe Epting McClendon Oalvin Sturkie James Moak. Charlie Sercy. Robert Edward Craig. James Henry Rucker Julius Eugene Wingard John Arthur Taylor Charlie Maddox Paul Anderson Walter Ballenger Holiey Marion Derrick Herbert Anderson James William Riser Ceron Clifton Hall Claude Frank Corley Jones Coel Hutto Cleveland Chaney Ronnie K. Wessinger William. It. Huffstetler James David Slice Luther William Hyman Henry Rister William Ea.rlc Zinker Frank Cockerel 1 Allan Julian Connelly . Albert Risli Notes From Local Board. Classification cards will be mailed to all members of Class 1 this -week. ! Physical examinations will be posti poned on account of the influenza epi j demic until it is deemed, safe to call j them together. Classification cards fdr men in de! ferred classes will be mailed next week. First installment of list of registrants of Sept. 12 1918, showing their order and serial numbers will be published in the Dispatch-Xews next week and other installments will follow as rapidl as paper can handle them. It ! is especially desirable for registrants ! to remember their order numbers as ! this is the key to the filing system in j the office of the Local Board and greatly lac-mates giving mtormation to registrants. LEVER?HUNT. Mr. and Mrs. J. A Lever, announce the marriage of their daughter Miss Eva G. Lever to Sergeant Irving W. I Hunt of New York City, now staticn; cd at Camp Jackson on Sunday Oct. j 20, 19IS at noon St. Jacob's Lutheran church, Chapin So. Carolina. j G. W. Corn, superintendent of the | weave room at Lexington Manufactur ! ing Co. is confined to his room with influenza. Notice To Subscribe * Bo Those having subscril Bonds through this Bai * J-~ XV essary arrangements ?i not later than Saturday kJ time the Loan closes. If you need financial ai modate you at a libera Buy more Bonds. Yours for the Fou: nr7*"p |as#b? U ; -J-! p-=?s5! 5 ? r. - 'i sw u a f> a* s 3 >2 s V??h ? . s vd If ? C & cwlflnrOTB r* Li <* A?il hi ti>* n? * if?S?r?W *7 FfeSTO?! 1 lJ f 15 P i N ft? P W W jiEUilfS/ iiutjil i T- A V AFPIAI? S I AX lii'i it'Ee ! C. E. Leaphart County Treasurer, Has Busy Opening. i ! I County Treasurer C. E. Leaphart had a busy day yesterday the opening day for the payment of taxes for 1918 i and early Tuesday morning taxpayers j from all sections of the county prc| seated themselves at the treasurer's window ready to pay their taxes. I Judge of Probate George S. Dfafts | was the first man up and carries the distinction of beyig the first person to i pay taxes in Lexington county for the | year 1918. I Treasurer Leaphart said last night | that the collections were tne neaviest ever recorded in the county on the opening day, and he expects taxes to be paid earlier this year than has been customary during previous years. I MARSHALL BARRS BARX BIRXEI) LAST NIGHT ! The barn and stables and two fine mules belonging to Marshall Barrs a well known farmer residing near Pelion were totally destroyed by fire last night about midnight. Sheriff Miller was summonsed by telephone and immediately went to the scene with his blood hound. The dog took up the trail of the incendiary near the barn and followed it to the public road where they made their escape by automobile that was waiting.Mr. Barrs financal loss is heavy as his barn, food and a pair of fine mules were burned to ashes without any^insurance. SERC.T. MrSF OP BROOK LAXT> AWARDED SERVICE CROSS. Sergt. Ezra M. Muse, Company B, Seventh Machine Gun Battalion. For extraordinary heroism in action at Chateau-Thierry, France, 31st May to 4th June, 1918. While ' commanding a machine gun in a building which had been struck three times, he remained at his post, though told he might leave, because he had a better field of fire from this building than could be obtaned elsewhere. .Home address: Mrs. E. M. Muse, I wife, Xew Brookland, S. C. .. sale: of real estate. } A troet of 90 acres good farming | land, and OS 1-2 acres in town of I Loesvillc goes on the block. Under and by virtue of the last will J and testament of Geo. C. Clark, dcI ceased, the undersigned will sell at J public outcry at Lexington, S. C., bei fore the Court House door on Monday i the 4th day of November A. D. 191S j the following described real estate, to 1 wit: j All- that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in Lex! ington County, South Carolina, containing ninety (90) acres, more or less adjoining lands of Curtis Spires. Jason Ball ington, Abram Stork and pei haps others, same being Geo. C. Claris place. Also, all that piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being ir town of Deesville, Lexington County S. C., containing thirty eight and one half acres, more or less adjoining lands of estate of Geo. C. Clark, Lam or Alley Way. Lee Street^ F. E. Bro^ die, John W. Smith, Palmetto Nation al Bank of Columbia, J. P. Able anc perhaps others, same being the Geo j C. Clark land in Leesville, S. C., ex cept the four acres contained in th< I i-inmfi r?lnrr? Terms of sale, cash. Purchasers t< pay for papers and revenue stamps. J. 1j. Matthews, Administator. .with will annexed of Geo. C. Clark. ; St. TIME CHANGES OCTOBER 27TH J Sunday; October 27th has been dei ignat^d as the day for running bad the time one hour. On this date al trair schedules will change to on< ! j hour later; and all timepieces will b< ' | turned back one hour later. ; j Subscribe to The Disratch-News. rs for Fourth Liberty nets! )ed for Fourth Liberty nk, will please make nec>r the payment of same, r, October 19th, at which id. this Bank v/ill accomI rate of interest. l*til Liberty Loan, & 1 lOimL liAim ontfe Carolina. !M?'?] WJli\ WIf I i MEh Vv tit) mil t j : 1 IjT over, an j k | Liberty Lovers Working Hard and Lexington Will Soon Go "Over The Top." r:r.r.rrrr> Tinnnmnnn. Plinir-1 man. John T. Sox, Asst Chairman, i K. F. Oswald, j W. O. Kaminer. * J. E. Kaminer. f Dr. J. J. WinWord | Dr. G. F. Roberts ! Dr. J. H. Mathias. Sam P. Roof. C C. Brigman. J. W. Nipper, i E. E. Wingard. T. H. Wingard. H. F. Rawl. Q. E. Caughman. Lonnie Adcly. E. A. Roof. ? ^ D. F. Efird. * - , * : i'trrk George. . . - - * s Julian Sharpe. has. E. Taylor. R. F. Roberts. J. S. Caughman. W. J. McCartha. C. g. Roof. R. Yoder Cromer L. C. Sox. Jno. W. Gregory. Willie Dooley. Lcv*i A. Lown. H. C. Hcndrix Wellie A. Harraan L. M. Kyzer. Littleton Gates. H. B. Oxner. . Thomas Kannauy. I H. S. Sease. : ; J. Albert Keisler G. A. Rawl. T. P. Drafts. J. C. B. Price K. A. Keisler J. J. I^ongD. A. Hendrix Pickens Sease. T. Wade Done. J. A. Dong ' ' *.' ' j Rufr* " . Craf>s J. C. aly. 1 1 ! H. P. Bachman W. A Smith I Rudolph Oswald j Alonzo Smith, j George X. 'Buff. A. Harper Shull . I E. B Roof. [ Jno. A. Griffith. { Sol. D. Shumpert j D. M". Fulmer. i H Dee Kleckley ! Bay lis B. Gable j Charley Meetzc. ,\ S. E. Shealy. Jno. J. Taylor, Jr. , j I. J. Alewine Ward Shealy f Quitman Roberts. | Hamp. B. Harman Hamp W. Keisler . J. D. McCartha C. P. McCartha. E. X. Taylor : J. W. Roof J. Andrew Taylor r: s. l. Henarix. [ E. E. Hook. W. IT. Hook j W. K. Hook ^ T. H Shull. \ J. A. Eallcntine. " SOUTH CAROLINA 1 STILL BEHIND ^1 Columbia. S. C. Ocober 12?The close of Libetv Day found'South Caro 5 line still far behind her schedule in the Fourth Liberty Loan Campaign, hut the results .reported during the last half of the week were the mosl encouraging yet to come in, and from every section of the state telegrams and letters have been assuring the ' state headquarters that, despite 5 Spanish Influenza, and the inevitable c ! effect of Germany's skillfully timed I j peace opiate, the various counties - i were determined to do at least theii allotted duty. owing to the .sickness prevalent ir ! many portions of the state it has beer 1 requested by state headquarters thai - | other organizations lend aid to the j crippled canvassing forces. In Coi lumbia the Fntcd "War Work Cam; paign personnel was placed at the i disposal of the Loan authorities this j week and the War Camp Community ! Service has been an active agent in i helping solve problems such as circu{ larizing. "Every individual in. the state niusi ! become, not only a buyer of bonds ; but a talker of bonds and a seller ol bonds, if this drive is to be put. a; cross,'' said State Chairman W. L ' Melton, of the United War Work Cam paign, in offering that organization's ! servic es. "This is not *ho job of a j few men and women: ir is the job ol I every South Carolinian." i Ti e plan ol." Governor-elect Cooper, ! . .i ? ?...i .. ,?r !-?, >1L .1 J. iiW.l. VI il>v state executive committee, to pit'oiish in the various county papers the names of those who refuse to snh>(*i i' vi! as who purchase. i will he put info effect in many eoun' tics. ueror<:ir.? to won! received iicro. i It is fi ll thud: with success iti this loan especially needed to make the '.Jermuns' winter thoroughly : " :t!>' ' :?)?' with the hoys , .' so making he supr- r?".. f Al? CArAvnl CU iU 1VU.H IVI OVIV1U1 vc?.J .J if an attack of Influenza, is .somewhat improved. Lester Miller, who. is suffering from pneumonia following an attack of influenza is reported much improved. f Julius Sharpe, who has been at home for several days with influenza i and a mild attack of pneumonia, is improving rapidly and will in a short while return to Camp Johnson, Jack'[sonville, Fla. and leave in a few days | for over seas service. i I * I i { W. O. Kaminer, assistant manager , j of the Hank of Western Carolina has : returned to his duties at the bank afi! tre an absence of several days, caus; ed by an attack of influenza. ; Dr. J H Mathias who has been. >: quite ill for several days is still confin >! ed to his room with an attack of ink; fluenza. i 11 ; | T. IT. ftawl, who met with the mis ! fortune of having his shoulder disloj cated by a runaway mule is improvi 1 ing as rapidly as cc*ild be expected. L ; tj, TV. J. McCartha, manager of tho - * * - --- ' - - ??k-v C1A hoc 11 .'D. liuucrpriso iiiuun.uc v^w., . I cd to his work after an absence of .{several days suffering" with an attack ?' of inf'ucnza. ; ! Mrs. T. R. Keisler who lias bee* i { confined to her room for several days .. with a severe attack of influenza, is ' improving. i ! I i , i J. Y\\ Nipper, Sunt. "Lexington Man Ufa during Co. is confined to his room . ' witli influenza. > 1 i Mr. and Mj-s. George tfwartz have ; sufficiently recovered from an attack l of influenza to again be able to be up. '! The f.iiailv of Mr. It. M. Roof have 1 been seriously i;i for several days ' ' willi influenza. * -vii.i iviv lioon . Ill *\yy :: ;..: ? -f i-; rayi-.lly improv 'nr.v. W:*vdr r. was car . i! ; Hospital .Saturday s ra.to-l on .Sunday for . t-:i-Hv:? w. THo 1 report is v. ell e : CO aid V*. Shca.Iy, Railroad . South *'arelina is : ! e l"s l'ociii. With, all attack ] lis friends feel somerr-.asy about ondition as - - a! v. with pneumonia.