Lexington dispatch-news. [volume] (Lexington, S.C.) 1917-1919, October 09, 1918, Image 4

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1 " WEPXESPAY, OCTOBER 9, 1918. ! Messrs. George Boll Tim..mermnn, Sam P. Roof and Thos. W. Hendrix ; motored to Goldville Sunday where they attended the funeral of their j friend George B. Browning. Mrs. Iva M. Harth and Mrs. Luther!' Garron and daughter Josephine were | visitors in Lexington Saturday afternoon. Miss Caro Efird returned today j from Washington D. C. where she has; l>een for several weeks visiting her! sister Mrs. Rabt. F Bowe. The friends of Miss Sarah Meetze j will regret to learn that she has been j quite ill at Converse College with a j severe attack of Spanish Influenza. However she is very much improved now and will soon be able to resume her studies. Mr. Sam Long- has purchased a j beautiful up-right Ludwig piano \ from Mr. William P. Steele there is no better piano made than the Ludwig piano its sweetness of tone and its artistic designs will please any one who can appreciate and instrument upon its merit. }?RS JULIAN STOXE. Mrs. Julan Stone died in Columbia 1 this morning. Mrs. Stone is well known in Lexington where she formerly lived, and still has a large num ber of friends and relatives. AD. KIXG. Ad. King a colored soldier was was buried her this afternoon, having * died Monday at Camp Hancock, Augusta, wit\^ Spanish Influenza. ED. STROTHER. Ed Strother a rolored soldier from this county was buried Sunday afternoon at Eethel A. M. E. church, having died at Brooklyn, Xew York with ^Spanish Influenza. 3ITLL XOTICE I take this means of notifying my friends and customers that I will run my mill only on Tuesday Thursday And Saturday of each week. Please take notice and come only on these days. Jas. M. Spires 2t51pd. Edmund, S. C. LEVER ILL WITH GRIP Washington, Oct. 7.?Congressman Lever, who returned here Saturday :from a trip to South Carolina, is confined to his home with grip, although he does not yet elieve it of the severe kind generally prevailing throughout this country. If Mr. Lever gets along satisfactory he should be at his office again in a few days. SEED SEED SEED We have just received another ship ment of Wood's new crop turnip and Ruta Baga seed all varieties of new -?rop seed, bulk or in packages Geiger Drug Co t : ? ? mi iiwinr iniT i ?r~i i? wuuwi ?E? HBga - - <tm | > - -xffWBBC -? 1 * " " -"J- 'r=?ra ' TVi/Ci \T?iT t7 -LliC- VtlJ into 17 small far This plant at miles from Edm loam soil with cl I and stables on f< over before the < TERMS OF we will give you Mr. Home S | & V A % -jj W. W. BAB? J. A. CLIFTON M. D SPECIALIST! In diseases of the eye, ear nose and! throat in Saluda on Monday and in Batesburg Tuesday with Dr Mitchell j 1 CORN* PRICES PROP. Chicago, Sept. 2j7.?Corn was out | ;u- much as five cents a bushel in val- | ue today as a direct result of the ac (ion of Bulgaria in seeking an armis-j iice. BOARD FOR TWO YOTXGMEY Good Room and Board for two young men?rates reasonable. Apply to. Mrs. Blonie Harman, Upper Main Street. Walter's People who can not see clearly j ing glasses are at a disadvantage. "n i i .-1 <1 frequently tney are emoarrasse and acquaintances, and constantly sity of removing their'glasses?or Kryp glas the invisibl KRYPTOK (pronounced Cripto( in^the crystal clear lens.You ca from nearjor far. KRYPTOK Glasses give ycu th< back of the seam or hump of old s that KRYPTOK are double.vision are clear andj'smooth. Examination without charge. Office hours, 8 a. m. to 7 p. m; 0. L. WLTER OPT 12211MAIN STREET : - - ? 30 2^ ^ %a e sirable Faim knowr ms and will be sold Thursday, ion is in Lexington und on Southern Re ay subsoil and has1 3Ur of the farms. J day of sale. SALE: One-third 5 per cent, discoun eeker and Mr. Inves mm n ~ ~ i HaanBMnMWM Jsome G IE, P# A? HOEM * BsIOXCHIATJ TROUBLE Mr.*:. A. E. Sidcnborder; Rookfieldi, Ind.; states; "For an attacks of bron-i cliial 1 rouble which usually assails me; in the sarin?: f find Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the only thins: that 'gives me relief. After using it for a j few days all signs of bronchial trouble ; disappears." ' i | If your system is run down: you | need a good Tone. Try a bottle of Gentian Iron Xux. "A real system Tonic." Sold only at. Geiger Drug Co. Lexngton, S. C. V I Glasses it a distance through their readd by failing to recognize friends j they ore annoyed by the neces fussing with two pairs. TOfcT iSES .E BIFOCALS iks) combine near and far vision n instantly adjust your vision I me advantages without the drawstyle bifocals. No one can tell i glasses because their surfaces Sundays, 1 1 a. m. to 1 noon. ICAL COMPANY _ : - - COLUMBIA, S.. C. ?? - ??. . . ? .1 TO c 100 %%fWQ c?j | H p 5 k ? &L ? . lis JT i as the Freeman PL at auction to the hi * v . * * County, six miles fi lilwav and near aut( eery good dwellings, - /T_. n t~>^I .1 LVir. Mm noianu, wi cash, balance in tw t for cash on the de: stor, come to this sa ? ' I" !. ? , ^ its Will F 3ES. J%gS82&%f N A True Test of yjj p rasa *-* ^BwaaaaaaKucavp nm If Back Up Your H 1 Buying 1 | A Jfouril) III IJ Buy All You J Then Buy Sor m ment plan. It'a I Buy 'Bto; || This Space Geiger Dn I Lexington's N< J Phone 150 | J || Q,QY ace, adjoining the "Rock He ighest bidder, rain or shine, h, 1918, at 11 A, 'om depot at Lexington, th< ) highway. It is healthy, s , containing from one to tin 10 lives on the place, will s o equal annual payments w ferred payments. le?you will never regret it ,'1' f riV tadD W I? le Given Aw< ::- W.L.BI ? . - mmU^m? Your Patriotism j| Government By n ... Zi . til rhe Limit 11 At % M.rlh? Ill Can For CashI ne on the Install- fe ' Safe Investment (j s Donated By | lg Company ewest Drug Store SI Lexington, S. C,gttt i ill in in mi ii ii hub iuwi hi iimu wrirwniw?rrnnr \p|7 A If || j? ?%.& k ? ?i% g >use," ha-s teen &ucdiviclecl jj M. |j ~ ^ .. 4-~T O X-n ?> 4- ^ -f-. /~i ^ ouuiny OfciL, emu tin cc f| i portion of it with dark I see rooms each, with ^barns 11 ;how you over it. Look it | ith 7 per cent, interest, or || ler Valuable ay 1NNETT, Auctioneer J