Lexington dispatch-news. [volume] (Lexington, S.C.) 1917-1919, September 25, 1918, Image 6

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| IN ME HOUSEHOLD fe Tkee are Helped * > Sayder Ms of Grat f:iP TTTf T*= 7T J9-" 1 tOfinff tf^scs r-vtr < ivjniig flc, Fnesas iia&s ea fe:" ? * A?C J?f? r" 7 V" HTjf a/i!j tift g?^ 1 * Wa? Fmi nr l>re? to Take W Cli 1 ?!?>* I'. a .. v t? -j n . ?- * 1 anlac But i&ey ^a^er . f"r p " "t ^ i " r; -> ? '' |* , vJ* v- ??- !> '?. ?-i < i-?* V -4 - 4 ? ? ?- : '? .* 5& *" ' iX;-' i Tanlac. the Master Medicine, received the highest indorsement when George Snyder, Inspector, cf 112 La fayette St. Schenectady, X. Y., made Bp. a public statement. His story involving three members of his household is so interetir.g that it is worthy of repeating in his words. ,Y V ' a . "I felt so badly when I got up in the morning that I was unable to eat any breakfast." Mr. Snyder explained. "I could eat very, little at noon, c- and being half starved in the evening I ate a big meal and suffered most of Y the night. I was in a generally run down condition from stomach and kid "6 ney trouble. I slept so badly I would hate to get up, for I never felt rested. I had pains in my back that were <V'hon 1 StOODCd. * CI - My wife was in almost as bad condition as I was. -She aways felt drowsy tred and weak. A boarder who lived with us suffered in about the same way we did. He complained of lack of appetite, poor sleep, jumpy nerves and as we did with fermenting- of his food on his stomach. *'I began to take .Tanlac and when 1 my wife saw the benefit I was receiving, she also began taking it, and a lit tie later our boarder became just as enthusiastic as we were. Tanlac lieved my kidney trouble and the ; - pains in my back became hardly noticeable. I was built up, my stomach i- was put in good condition and I ate three hearty meals a day. I rested r: , well and gained strength rapidly. My wife was improved as much as I, and , - so \fcis our boarder.We all were made -to feel like new people and we agreed ** that Tanlac is the greatest medicine- of Tanlac, the iraster medicine, is !?r;. koid exclusively at Eaimon Drug Co.. Lexington; Burnette and Whetsell, New Brookiand; Harris-Cain Drug Co., Batesburg; Crosson Drug Co., Leesviile; Eargle's Drug Store, Ckapin; Dr. W. T. Brooker, Swansea; Pelion Drug Co., Pelion; W. J. Cayce, <3ayce; A. E. Leaphart, Gilbert; The Loriek Co., Irmo; W. JJ. Suber, i Peak. Price, $1.00 per bottle, straight. a Advt 0 J AMERICA LEADS THE WORLD EV SHIPS AM) SHIPYARDS It is said now that America leads the world in ships and shipyards. The United States now has at its command 2,220 merchant ships of an aggregate dead weight tonnage of 9;669;437. This nation has in operation 203 shipyards with a toal of 1,020 ship ways. Amerca's rignt to the title of the greatest maritime nation of the world is made indisputable, that with the .momentum she has gained even Great Britian probably will not surpass hei in the future. Russian Rulers Called World Outlaws In expressing the own horror at Bol "shevicism rule of blood and ruin in Russia, the United States government has suggested to the allied and neutral nations, which if accepted, will i.i :i.: : ^ ^ x : 7 prouiuim uie ?>oisxit:\iivi isittri xiuiiuiieii outlaws, and propose taking immediate action against such horrors perpetrated by such acts and depredation as they are coinmiting on the helpless inhabitants of Russia. Japan is over anxious to get into the fray and only awaits an opportunity to pounce in upon Bolsheviki and his followers. r . SALE OF LAND. Under ano by virtue of the authority vested in ir?e by the will of Charlotte B. Leaphart I will sell at public auctioin at the court house door ir Lexington S. C. on Monday the 4th day of November A. D. 1918 during the usual hours of sale all that lo piece or tract of land, situated in Si iuda Township, about six miles soutl west of Chapin, S. C., containing 18' acres more or less; bounded by th< lands of W. H. Dreher, William Ful mer, D. I. Epting and Frank Sons Amos Sons and Jasper Amick. Terms of Sale?one-third cash, bal a nee in two years, deferred payment secured by first mortgage, bearing a the rate of seven per cent per annum interest payable annually. With op tion to the purchaser of paying mon or all cash. Samuel M. Leaphart, Executor of Charlotte B. Leaphart. Sept. 13, 1918. ?' SS\. ' v?"o:.n:x xow sailers i w aii m a m i o\ gVjuiax ships ' 1 t i Air.si'rdp.m, Sept. 21.?Gorman v.*0- I/ovlor, l-: ! men ore heinar used on Gorman ships l/m'Son r.ov>\ or. account of the nam shorts pre. :i -i.'< 'i :5 Gcn " :t vessels reeenty arrived i " 'a " :v Mr'-* i had entire woma n crews ex- ' >'> ":'ji \V? ; ! OVCS 1 i;' a iivin?;'." *'. lister. Nowadays thai is all chan . V. o :: e -.yrVi - year or i rcss. f;/ * f 'vv ' \ i + - * - . * . ' ' : ) ' . } *% * - y & - . ' .... v, ? /- ? . e., . v - . / - . . ? ... 5 . : ::' : , . , . ; ' : Mv : ?k iJ' f ' >' .' ,.y?> /. " *J - * ?* . ,'VS*-v >/ ;;. /O '. "> * v . W'r. V- ?>* j -i.' ,v...v. , |||p . y v ;xf - ";v;-; . i i H H & I i $. >. \ 4 fe P ?C. . P- r- f, jilfA fif ' * ' >?? ;?| i - I ! " j Gas Stove Kitci i; at Kerosei There's no sweltering over a red I with coal, wood, ashes and soot, Cook Stove brings gas stove comfo T-M T 11 -\ 1 he long blue cnimney cunvena cvc clean heat directed against the cool 11 a big penny's worth of heat out > Aladdin Security Oil. Turns on and off like gas. Like J stantly and accurately. No smoke, 3 kitchen?and inexpensive, always < ,! Made in 1-2-3-4 burner sizes, wi and oven. tj STANDARD OIL toMPA _; Baltimore, 1 9 Washington. D. C. Richmond, ^ Norfolk, Va. Charlotte, N. skew h- .' ii iff EES mi Then yon realize the utter weakness j; - that rchs ambition, destroys appetite . : i. and makes ivcrk a burden. v-- : > -.a i To regain your strength nothing has ever ooualcdoi co'.nnr.red vi.h Scott's :'g ; " ' v :;t Emulsion; its Mova-crriching r rcperties give energy 1 > bo.iy v.uile its tonic value en a proa a tee cyyr'..te in a natural, parmam-v. way. Jf rcu. are ran born. tired. rrrvcus, overworked or lack at o . ,h. on sure lC g-t a a. a. - S"*:rT" V .. ? 4 C ' f r 'v *> '' 2 ' fj ?.. X1.Ca.-0v)'3 Gv?lj-' V?2>..v0Cy Oi ' ri' ' t I .'C } c7"T^OC-C C'? P'T-OV ' C V ' " ** -; " f! ,*? . ? / ' ..) '> ? "' ? A v^' . - V-/ r> .. . ' A. or- 7' . < ^ r> c:~. , .*\i V'. W -CV8C ' VTVY'^'C* ^-r/%^o ^<1 t: i 7 * ^V % - -* .JiOu. <-" !/,'j* ~ J * D - V V? 5 OA //f ^ \v ^ t- * L \f. v.fi . fj'--rt jO?5 <*- J-> o ptr * /.vv2? V\ Ui ft.war fc! A;7.v,T V tiic tangent rxioijientain oi a F?* %* '/ ' <V r-.f+r' ri ^"'+''1 (i " ""i c< |"VV" <: ' O ...- '?. <^> ?.>-? .4. 'i. ..?? .li. ?, i. _ w 1* wUii>^ -y \J?, Wfl . {/.$% * rv-:~ -;' f|'k^ ^ I ,VwVl,-.'~. W?i. ^ i. A? -L> -i.-CfJ' : ' r'.V " tv- i r . ? j 3 . o ?? , ' i-*, ? ,Jwi wi j.O ^i-1 * _i_xV ' ~ *'e \k r ->,' -?i\ 0'~,'""'f. '".r^ 'J* i ^c,3"ry*r*vo(r?o CV wvVviwv^o O C^JL ? ? r '4 i he Dr.isy i rcaa prints a rnes7 ' "7i sage of honest long-lived wcrthi vrhcrevcr Portage TireotraveL vl:?v\4 ' V : \ K??? Miles "i " ' .'. ' *? " ': - \ f' '/' * '* J . ."I".* ar-*7-1 V-~ ' f i ^ }\ /l \i ? 4 ?**3 ; i *1 ?~*>r '^',a ?? 0. |s> t'K1 V t ' ' ' '^' ~\ 2- V *:i \v. f, v* -J09,(,? y f." /; V&'T ' '' / :-^v.vv.v'i- ?.* ? -?U,j5> i?? I-iiiA- ..\? kAkuJasCrttlU ? H??r ?A X' . .'-.I? AT\; r-, .?/? ;.Ar:-^v-.-'k-vVt /+~~\ ? ? T ? >. , . . . .'. M ** rr <r?? ?;,<9 "t"* ,? > ?i /-? ? t- t S-fe :i ?Aii ii kLv^i-'O <Uii Xi-'J/ SlSfellS^W /-* 4 . WV, Klfe s f< an*hlIKI1l kfW I m 'vmt&Mil& 1 Mtj&e, * PS' It I w | IP# -1 *3IM3 Assed>!y ?!. CcknbiaS.C. ' pspa^Ti P&sp jj| g RFECJ "JU JNJ ^STOVES ^|BI ien Comfort le Cost lot stove, no work and dirt when a New Perfection Oil rt into the kitchen. :ry atom of fuel into intense, o :mg Utensils only. You get Perfection Keror ? ,1 ? seneWater Heater. or every penny s worth ot J \ gas you can regulate it in- ALADDIN smut or odor?a cool, clean available fuel. * :th or without cabinet top SECUMTYOIL I STANDARD CHLCOMPANY .NY (NEW JERSEY) "" Vld. /ft. Charleston, W. Va. , C. Charleston, S. C, 8 .< ' J p. t ;/ ^ 2$ I >'< /I v " '""-'T? ^ ' ? :> o - 'i , . u & &' v '>' V^ : \.y >,_ / ;>.;.j, v.y . .k ?/* JAr.*# -..- A ?, ". -? v v ^ i j bCiICi?3 / CI-:! .... N . j 2 j , c: - 4 - - ?' - ;: *'/ % C; .C V "' - ^ *.? -i ?; :IW.\ O 1 /- . .. ' - - X. y *Ji - * ? -- - 4- -*- i; 3 1-2 inch : : Panic.-: i?:;:f:S: Poize?:, 3* ? I z'i-., i' .,. ' ~'* ?t '} tij i i?i- ;r.c* . .i *?. i..o . '".r.'.sji, Cu.cn M C .c?c'o:; j: i/f-Oi'r. i'.nfrs, crxj fJi -, ' 7 4 ? ? ; " i4')i' ' '.rCi. A* ;> '. cr..*:, cc.cn ? A&satalely :cd-;s the car? c.c-?p? ilcc *? ' j'sj cere, ijclic the iCnitzoi'i uA cc 'i ccx s ] i f?.-fip'rj rig L> ..... . $ Fc-rd Steering V?hc-Ci A.z'c Leefcs, cr.c!>_. ? I rr f - 1 i ' . m- r '.i-l-r..-'. rnrr noni'' i r v M vav-v-vi J iuvuwj , v ... r -. ;*$ car. Protect :i with a ftkibr Sveerir.? ' We have a complete and full line r jjjjj Plates, Chisels. Spring Cotters j also al : and Greases Mail oders solicited. Wc ; rq guarantee satisfaction. *? t O 7 Kj rt g d"i>V* 1L~<2 ii. j. A:. V\ !& COLUMBIA, S. C. ; M . ; y Whqlesale Prices Furnished to ? . j 1 ? jrgiVUT.uniy nir?MSJfr.Js^sjrcLix^ .tt v.'v3?XU3cix? rjv.1T. x.-?* rr a. --.-rrrviac. | J 77 TT?a 7* x"*3 r 7" ZTTi 11 vR iv Rfk 1 ( JSimtdI *? 'dk*?fc V^/mi .ifctk \ i| JOBBERS AND E i 1 J Mantels Sewer Pip< ; Grates and Tiles Flue Pipe 1 , | Stoves and Tin Plate Ranges Pig Lead I Stove Pipe Sheet Met* 1 Hoilow-Ware Iron Pipe "Kohler" Plumbing Fixtures I 'Tale' I rr r- r*LORltK ?R COLUMBIA S. C. i i !| ARE YOU WORKING \ Work of any r.ort is pure drudgery your existence. But with r, purpose for a rev,ard a7.d it Tightens your t; picture. Hive 3 purpose in life! Make yc building up a savings account in thi yc^ with the means to attain your o independence, wealth?they all com persistently save. Same rajie of interest (4 per cent.) accounts. THE OLD RE The Carolina National W. A. Clark, President. T. S. Bryan, V. President. i t ! ? ? 'l !| SAFETY if ??? T 10 ?JS' J. __ \% s ig !| 5; I ^ .?, i, jjJ! IT IS OUR UU1 \ as wen as cm ^ every way consistent with the prin the financial strength and growth of i ^ community. Come in ard let us get more than Bankers ?v/e are a very it is a matter of pride with us, that i I % we have developed in our business, \ ! ?S ship of those whom we serve. j ^ # Prosperity is reflected to this B i ? perity of our patrons. \& 1 The Bank of J Columbia, i t : J % Nm\VMV^V\\YA\\\Yt\\TO\V\\\VK\V\\V - ???-? Y' $ at-; ? * &,s j ^ 4 \~v < ?; ~?i v?.cy ry^ v . "-: /*-<\ / h rgj .n* | *;h: > fi r ?> !i^'| k 1 ' c-^ y-^f, ^ ?Oi ft ly* a ^ v? a!? /?. ^a,.? '? jL> ?.! 1 -w?/ '-"^ ftt .. :., v.-I .: >. Lilc i u-io fv v 13 6i? |j 17 So 33 14 30 I $ 18 35 | ; " .. ,v- ; > b-?. | I /5 ^ ^ps,r y " Yl?. I aeap, caca ;? 2^ m A C.J ffl 2 00 I 75e j| ':ikf- r;j}'? ije pkked, for Ford | brat: iiiis means absolute pre- 3 $ 5 00 | property, why not your | 5i V.'roncnes, Pliers, Screw g I kinds of Automobile Oils 9 5 prep iv delivery charges and 3 Trance Inc. 1 RETAIL DEPARTMENT f rvCercr.tr.":s or. Request * , pv* *? ? T?-S 7f*> <ri Jj I huRS DEALERS IW . ji / * -m 2 J?M Asbestos arc! Asphalt Roofings Asphalt Shingles - I hiatal Shingles vis Tinware T" 1 TTT Lnamel ware ' '' Locks and Hardware OTHERS 1 -v'Jj PHONE 498 J in V"' >' ' ' vj . ? ?ITH A PURPOSE I 7 if it means merely earning back of it you are working asks and makes work a real * .j / iur life a success! Start by s institution. It will furnsb bject. A comfortable home, e within your reach if you . paid on both large and small LIABLE _f fi_1 L!~ - MM 011'OiUSMUia I Jos. M. Bell, Cashier. Jno. D. Bell, Asst. Cashier. GTH j IERVICE ! . f: PLEASURE to promote in ciples of SOUND banking, the business interest of ibis tncrelber?we are something "O" w y human lot of individuals, and iside from the responsibilities ^ ve have cultivated the friend- ^ % A ank frcm'the increased pros- ^ m Columbia I J S.C. I ? i\\v\\m\\^^ Ui . --2