Lexington dispatch-news. [volume] (Lexington, S.C.) 1917-1919, September 25, 1918, Image 3

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I T f ' 3 | ane? MPMMJJ" ( I ^ 7. | Sirs. E. IT. .- . E. \ I N:0? 3j - i 6* 1 j; a n;c-o.:L;;> v.. :.!. '.: . 2d.-i-J * K " T | arid US-U;'- i'' : : . -. '. ... ' -ws.fi euro,.* ' ' " ? I tfcT?:?C ??v v ' . I :. I su:i- r---v Wfcea i ci r;:r.a .1 ; ; . ? - ' r. . without sw?-r '- ' -g . v: . . . I CITATION" XOT'V. .-^JFATJB OF SOU IT CAIX ANNA Cour',: of ). -ah: "ton. rrv?~ By George s. Drafts, Es^nCc rrcXrfe Judge. " WREI-haa :.I. A--:.'-;- made suit to 1.1V, to m him Letters cf AdYr. inis;trat i o n cf the Estate of and effects of Sat lie A. Woods. ,1. THESE AiiE THEREFORE to cite ar.G admonish all and singular - the kindred and Creditors of the said "-wSaliie A. Wood, deceased, that they "be arid appear, before mc ini the Court of probate, to be hold at Lexington, C. H.. S. C. on 2$ Sep! 191S next after publication hereof at , 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause if any they have, why the said Admin o : istration should not be granted, fb GIVEN under my Hand, ths 14 day V cf September, Anno Domini 19jl S. GEO. S. -DRAFTS (L.S.) Probete Judge Lexington County, S. C. | ?1 Published on the IS day of Sept. 1918 in the Lexington Dispatch-News _ b 2 weeks. . . NOTICE OF FINAL DISCHARGE. 'To All Whom These Presents Hay Con Corn: * % Whereas, Mrs. M. E. Tiikard has made application unto this Court for Final Discharge as Administratrix re the estate of H. Z. Hikard deceased. . . on this 16th day of September 1&1S. -v.-' THESE- ARE THEREFORE, to cite any and ail kin a ret, creditors, or parties interested, to show cause bofore lie at my office at Lexington ,Court House, South Carolina, on the 14th day of October at 11 o'clock A. -M. why said order of discharge should z not be granted. i George S. Drafts, J. D. L. C NOTICE OF F1XAL DlStTIAKGE. \ To all Whom these Presents May ConX cem: /t ' Whereas, J. I>. Jcfcoat has rrhdc ap I plication unto this Court for Final Dir. Neh&rge as Administrator in re the estate of V. S. X. Jefcoat. deceased, on this 16th day of September 19IS ? THESE ARE THEREFORE, to tj&te any and all Kirorea crouiuuv ui parties interested, to show cause be? -Tore me at my office at Eexington Court House. South Carolina* on the 15 day of Oct. at 11 o'clock a. m.why said order of discharge should not be granted. > ". George S. Drafts, J. P. L C. It NOtlCE TO DEBTORS AND i CREDITORS. j 9 , b .*11 persons indebted to the estate FA'of J. G. Farr, deceased are hereby &?.v notified to make payment to the un'if-f dersignea on or before the 16th day of October 10IS. And al} persons t. hawing claims against said estate litust file them duly verified on or before the same date, with the undersigned at Union, S. C. W. F. Farr, Amr. Union, S. C. . TRESPASS NOTICE &':* All persons are hereby warned not ?v, to trespass upon my precuses, by hunting, fishing; hauling wood, straw Jightwoori or in any manner whatever . , The la-"* will be stricly enforced against all partes violating this notice. H. A. Wessinger P-" v" - FOR SALE I offer for sale one pair of mules "weight about $50 lbs and 900 lbs. will N. sell both together or separate mules in srood condition and gentle, age 4 and *v 5 years, old shipped and worked one year on farm and also one two horse wagon good as new. A oly to C. R. Adkins R. F4. D. 1 Ne.v . ookland 6. C. "t 2t49pd. WOMAN'S STATEMENT WILL KELP NEW BROOKLAND "I hated cooking because whatever j I ate gave me sour stomach and a bloated feeling. I drank hot waterand olive oil by the gallon. Nothing helped until I tried simple buckthorn bark glycerine etc. as mixed in Adler i ka." Because ^flushes the En TIRE bowel tract co nletely Adleri ka relieves ANY CAHJS sour stomach gas or constipation and prevents appendicitis. The INSTANT action is surprising. Sandel Drug Store. SOUTH CAROLINA ->?.1.1*1 J MJLiIJIKK. In crossing: over, the ocean must have treated him pretty rough. "Am jes over an" leaving for France pretty soon, eh ? Yes, an* I'm offen dat Atlantic ocean from now on. Why's that? You know an heaven only know'd, t,hey was so much watah set in 'tween ovah heah 'an th* good old U. P., an' when dis heah wah is ovah, an' if they aint got a bridge built back across dat der Atlantic, or some way to go 'round i's goin' to be a Frenchman fo' life, sur'. Am dun bid dat gal I left 'hind me, in old So.uth Carolina, farewell; I'm gon'. I}e talk'n of do French'n is mighty queer, but da seem mighty good folks. -ff.i fczH & I III IMIMW >11 I I - - - ~ l ; S%\ I * ' ' :* ; it P v -* / . ,A. f ' . {/" \i ?d? i ; & r?^- M /*? r ? > c * | Cri*zrr2: c: *.":o i|| J o -?'* ' * . _ | t ; S.' i " *" ri "v Y" v T T- ' L * i - --"i. < 5 . ?.. STAT" (<** SOC^K 'AvROLIXA. ft Cotmiy ? i' Lexington. Court of i ? - >- * F,. ' ouuiion i-iC;"-.. ? t. c. :?tur]:;o and \. IX Martin.' r Piamtifss, > rsus glarthCL W silver IJ)6~ Ey virtue of authority vested mi mo ; < ;.hy ord-.:r of the Court lie rot of ore 9 made in the above- entitled care. I 51 will soji before the Court liov.se door 5 * .t Lexington, S. C.. during the legal ti hours of rale to the highest bidder & ion the first Monday in October next, t ! the same being the Ttir day of said o ! month, the following real estate, io- ; | I "Ail that lot. piece, and parcel of ? 'and; situate, lying and being in the | j County of Lexington; an 3 the Cm to of j g J South Carolina, containing eight and jo ; one half acres, more or less: bounded -j | by land? of Frank Drafis. Siila Card- * 1 ncr, : >. F. flciidrix and the Augusta ej J public road, being* a auction of the B i Levi Smith tract of land of about fifty j B ! acres." !? j TERMS OF SALE?CASH, ptmchas | i or to, pay for paper?, recording and 1 9 : revenue stamps. H. L. HARMON. j| C. C C P & G S < H j Sept. lSlh, 19IS. || Cl.ERit'S SAl.il." i vn-ATTa nv :X:i"TW carolina. ? -- *- , County of Lexington. Court of E : Common Pleas. Palmetto Fertilizer Co. Plaintiff. rrs.us ?.linnio Arthur Rish, et ah, De fendants. ;\ Fly order of the Court heretofore j : made in the above entitilcd ease, I I i will soli before the Court Mouse door t j at Lexington, s. during thb legal j ! hours of sale, to the highest bidder, J ! on the first hi or day in October next, j j the same being the 7th day of said | j month, the following real estate to- j | wit: J "All that certain piece, parcel or i ! tract of land situate lying and h< ing in | : the County and State aforesaid. I bounded as follows, to wit: cn tlie south by J. A. Jyactts, on the north, I cart and west by Y\*. T. Martin and son said tract of land containing seventy j (70) acres, more or less, and being j the same tract conveyed to II. V. Rish I , by J. A. l.-ucas on the twenty second I led Xov -n!;er 1913." | TITRIvTS OF 9.AJAZ, CASH, pvrchas- I i or to ;:;>v for naoers, recording- and re i I * , " * ; yonue stamps. , ]-i. L. Karmon C. C. C. P. & G. S j Sept 14th 1918. J TRESPASS NOTICE I All persons are hereby warned not [ to trespass upon our premises by ' hunting, fishing, hauling wood, straw, i light wood, making roads through or J in any manner whatsoever. The law i will be strictly enforced against all I persons violating this notice. N. J. Burgess. i\ H. J. Burgess. F. S. Burgess. j ? J. B. Jonnson. | 48pd j r TRESPASS NOTICE. ' | ! All persons arc hereby warned not j to trespass upon my lands by hunting | fishing, hauling straw, wood lighti wood, making roads or in any man ner whatsoever. The law will lier strictly enforced against all parties I violating this notice. ELIZA E. SXELGROVE. XCTICE OF FINAL DISCHARGE. To all Whom These Presents May I j Concern: Whereas, W. F. Farr has made j j application unto this Court for Final j j Discharge as administrator in re j | the Estate of J. G. Farr, deceased, on 1 | this the 16th day of September, 191S. j THESE ARE THEREFORE, to I cite ar.y and all kindred, creditors, or j j parties interested to show cause before me at my office at Lexington _ Court House, South Carolina, on tlie ~~ 16th day of October 1918 at 11 o'clock A. M. why said order of dis- j ' charge should not be granted, George S Drafts J P. L. C. I Sept. 16 th, 19 IS. J* Wood's Seeds i Crimson Clover Increases crop production, improves the land ' - 1 ? ? ?~ ana maxes cm ca^cucim. grazing and forage crop. WOOD'S FALL CATALOG Just Issued Tells All About Crimson Clover, Alf alf a, Fulghum Oats, Abbruzzi Rye and all other Farm and Garden Seeds ( FOR FALL SOWING. Catalog mailed free. * rite for it, and prices of any Seeds re- , quired. T.W. WOODS SONS, Seedsmen - Richmond, Va. | 71* '-f ii jS0*l!:8 D'fV-i ill?] our o\v L ":.'Cv >) ::. La . JE) Vi , . ^ their interest end ? cure ere Thrt ?n : pro^ cr ''pirmin E> ?J> for the u^buiidins cl our io State. sr> _ JJ? As a IIerao Uanic interest |u? ^ ticiiig" a liberal poncy anc service, we feel "justified in pL As your fall , activity bs with us. & P> Liberty Bonds and Wa p* . Sale here. s> loL iiuiVlL r<J A i iS*p. LEXINGTO I? gcP-* on. ffj* K ' [ }'. '-J' K ... i |/^ e 1 ^0 iBA *7^^ *5T "v3 & i I I Our Ginnery is row rmir h gwe are rendering the best Eg |your cotton to our gins if ; Iservice and absolute resu M |ging and ties, i We nay highest"; market ?yj x \J O ?L ||Cotton Seed. 11 Meal and Hulls for sale i Lexington j LEXINGTi ^WS?3!5I?^ j The Marinello I jjThe Marinello Beauty Shop, [exclusive Beauty Parlors in [manicure, massage, j JWe now have a large fore* fable to handle the trade, g fii "5 1 rco an Swiches made up to order (The Marisieilo, |1512 Mam St., (up staii We War Busii We are selling firs at Prices that will Save Money. Th _.i_ JL- J 1 store is to stanu. n sold, and gladly re if you are not sati ]OME TO SEE US. The Cayce Co-Operativ GROCERIES - - 1 ci-u i I < * 1; ' > ' -., i"i V."" - '/"*> *" > *' '*' ,*" . * - i ' r?'-4 sy- : our Coui:!y our > *1 V V " r rv* if I 7 !"# r* t I *i 7#CT ; ?> < _ A.L . il LL V'*i- c*. l.M.ii. Of ! /! CC\?. 7 , / t [ afford highly etHeieni fd inviting your business. <-Sv^ ?;?ins, open an account .. 7A oj r Savinprs Stamps for ^?2 riONAL BANK -1 ?N, S. C. y -^3 V*' <3&j w II || I ! I i Is i ling on full time, and$j service possible. Bringf vou appreciate prompts : Its. We furnish Bag-f j W | price for Cotton and! I 1 I iiS ! or exchange. g | K ' I MF' CO 1 ON, S. C. S-i Beauty Shop. j , the most high class and! the South. | shampoo; AND chiropody.! j 3 cf operators and are] ivir:<r nrr.mnf nffpntinni ? ? ? - Q jw/* W WW V VVJ.A \ \ 3 i Beauty Shop) s) Columbia, S. C.j it Your 1P66 . t class Groceries enable you to e policy of this )ehind all goods ifund the money shed. e Store, Cayce, S. C. FRESH MEATS 1 > 1 ;T,r7^31 r ! /- ' >- > ::v^; v"ka " 'X' Sw Stj cTA'i! \ f*T v I feirM STOMAUi i ^ 3*>:V}.' i ; vim' :;c V < / " j }v?$ * -.i v.'i S Iff . xi '"s;.:,-. . i I.& ; vv . I I Ifv ? " NJ ???\ '' * . . J 1 lfe'?. :j ... N \< '4 I; . 0* ... ... . ! . . jj ^ ^ 8 -V I J| ^ V p**r" /*^5 : J ,*r*^-' ^r"^1 * " w' ~ 1 3 .-' ' - : j 3 V : ? T\ T p "P rp P M 17 2 v .? ^.v.,. L- <?-<. ;? >_- _ i L i i o-. . l ?.]. IO VV <? ^ r?' *<:- n r~* >, V w '_ f. li.j. y Ci.'.cv ramily in sizes ht every one. f f\ " ] ? p i v cp 5 ytp <=? ax oC'.Avyv. Ai:e 1 n ? CiiCfC.1 yiiOC I cash system sa\ rpw'tn Vi 'rr-Vry iff. ?8 .y% fid //' if f I icfn^fc -Mi4 i . ! lie; iill ri:a 'Zfo ^u:y ?kdl^ \ 11 1518 Main Slreet J ^ ^ mo" have your set ready same c our estimate before bavin; S save you money. 20-Year Guarantee, FREE EXAMINATION i We Administer Nitrous Oside Baltimore Be 1329 1-2 Main St. COLU3 Look for Large Electric Sign at Eta ?me? ii i i b iw in i | i ??i ? i ???p?J? ?a?m II 11 ? 11 Busies. 7 ^ We Have a Splendid Line ! j xw We have every style and size in Come in and see them on our fk OUR GUARANTEE M Gregory-Conder P | 1115 Hampton St., - - I " S d"? Just Wfeat Yc v_. irx? 1 unr BEi | Clothing, Shoes, H | Furnishings, Lac Ready-to-v Sole Agent for the famoi J and also other brands of sh I longest. See us for bargai B. BE] 1416 Assembly Street, iXrr,cttxrt - ^?-4fc ?* W ?? 1?.j ?. v v< W W ? - v. - v>* .. - cxl t*\ i >i<o:>b:~:rs. xkkvous debilL .X~, ETC. EJ : .h ie . EC painlessly thou: ' ;. r. .. ;. <,: unonu-nt. . i :. : i" l.. you reoM.. . i- u.-o made. . . >,1' < r-.V-UVC hi3 procure * . i ' *}. > i'!< :> ^ivcn : y? . own hands . :v iv.: ions V: ce or/I>Ion."s 10 to 2. r ,i ...... ^ 'j gl f- 0? / * Bxnk Building V_^i-U.'V*>V:.A, C. L. r ~ .: *- . ?.. f rt"ufYWHD iff i 7?? o v ?? Any 1 V ;lLI\ 1 ilO'U 1 j r> wear sasv V f'" 'T> o j" t- -1 w -W 4. c frv.- v h P ^"n fr vo a w J. L * *. <w * ? w Jl jl ^ p r", r-! t ', r' r] r n q f- o, C?Aav- v * .vilii j LU A 1? O, t Ail oivies. n are experinen ancl our fes you money " s ? iv COLUMBIA, S. C. ' i ixsrrrr.. jerrr^i lsjc :'j.t c*rr r-7xrcg3".atwm nrrrf-MaapaMBOPBBM???| z men ..~~i JU'I-W-I'UWN raticnts, \ : have every convenience your comfort when visit* our offices. We will e impression of your, uth in the morning, and lav, where desired. Get j / g work done. We will 'Silver Fillings, 5Dc np Gold Fillings, $1. np \ Teetii Cleaned, $1. Gas For Paioless Extraction mtal Parlors 4B1A, S. C. Phone 586 and Moving Dental Exhibit irs. ohs, Harness. i of Weil Made Vehicles Hackney Baggies Washington Buggies Columbus Baggies Brown Buggies x^Nissen Wagons Old Hickory Wagons Hackney Wagons above makes )or | JEANS SOMETHING ^Sule Co. - COLUMBIA, S. C. I ; Money Made | m Do When f From RRY. ats, Caps, Gents' | !ys Furnishings, 1 rear Etc. I lis W. L. Douglas Shoes oes that wear easy and L ns RRY, Columbia, S. C. '