C ' ~ ^ r~ If lb | This is or.e cf the I ft Branch House Men. | * - * . - . j-i1 They are 2-1 -pretty - ( ( way they feel toward th? fri is- what this ad :s about. \/\ T: ?y hr.otv that :t:c . I I ca^road rneara.0 f *? ' ? -? - - , i < *? ? ? \TC vi'v. ij j* \ - --k J in, i. | j of v/'rch th-v ::a r' r.r fhhoh~:,v-:',: i * c: ; "V-r.j.- r :. v ; a' I I ' V ' ? t.\ ' > v ' - : - ? V * C T ' ~ V1 > * { ^ j J.'v - ^ V( h. ^ . .. I ', ; ? 1 . (? I . . > ; , * *i "?C V -"r. 1 ' * Ir ?"?/ . .' , ' 1 ' } i % ? ..v -r" *8*, .. ? " : J { - . # Tt i V& 8f:&rw t*?*' x ? . i /& if c 7 _ 'v . /y' If ; * The Fall Wonderful [ Coats, Dres . You will find here many in no other Columbia store, "Printzess" Suits, for whi embraces many striking: m< r,nd colorings, including sty I Say figure. ; "Fair Sex" Dresses in ser or sxoart moaeis. Coats, the fin stunning models at very re; 1300 Main Street \ ! ' ?y,T,r-v - . 5f)i j I ff ^ if jj "v mrnmi y/timw Ifer , '"ik'A //Marco-* 7 ? ^ ?-,??-- * <*-* ^ rr\ ?-? /rVj^ C: ^ 1 Swift & Company Company branch that it is up to ,. run it. prcpcriy. reach av.:e in tns iir vvcvk?end that Ar.y branch see hie- sveri: in ^ ,, seme elder place \-/c peep,.: /'.I which he is betti rr.o'-.y ana v:n.\j the brauc.i , bey ere p :r-. house men. , Eve h.,,..-f-v p. steak c-r chop, or < , v. . ' gnttdui thought 1 t.* r. <_' ?-w Vi ... j ::: - . * a /.-nc rcnieml everything that i -. .. shorec? n^cnieat i - . : :b.;ae..: thcnafcthilriess ai .- : v. ,*k of vvner-t you has i . _ :,;; C om'pany, U. S. \ IMP i v 11 i i Buy War Sai S.r. r "" I i * ' * "? :? \ Columbia's Si w ' * * *V? Cr' Af&k H MV:' m W |\ . $&/?. . ^t>: |\ cf&^y^\ I? I WPP? L MWm J4 '&WMP v^aS$E0c< r-v?w8)tt Fashion Display showing of attra .ses, Hats, Etc. exclus'vc things in dress to be found among which we might mention: ch we are exclusive agents. This line )dels in a wide range of new fabrics lish stout sizes up to 56. We can lit ge and combinations, a very full line est lino of Coats brought to Columbia. asonable prices. * '* " A i~ ^ c ' t * i ! ~h, 1 11 ?p| || s=;3=SUS==3=S^??^E^ ! !l in is it J ; tfeil | ! a house won ' run itself, and the branch :louse man to g P ; house man who doesn't jv this light is transferred to with Swift & Company to er adapted. jj K ! icked men, these branch ?ry time you sit down to a :ut cf roast, you can give a :o the whole crew of them. ier, in a general way, that | -nakes life smoother and for you,is the result of the id effort of a lot of people re never heard. A. . mi * '?yHSviPi., /;V*wr ; -.>?. "%V- , '^'3. v ________ hi - ? r ?: : & /ings Stamps 1 nartest Shop I/.'11#'H i 1 \\t if t C 'M \V: If/ JJj i ii k|M Wi; W y1 i if!. I \Wm$ %?ct* !" U-iryH i| is at its feest h ctive New TM Jersey Dresses in Silk and \V< very smartest styles. A wonderful collection of new stout figures up to 56. Perhaps the most select line o State?"Ruark," "Gold Medal" ai inous New York prize winning lin< Special showing of Silk and "W Petticoats, Furs, Etc. New Fall r f UJUU % NICHOTS WINS FOR CONGRESS*. | Tho In test returns from tlie fourth ' Congressional district indicate that j Sam J. X'chojls of Spartanburg lias ; defeated Horace L. iiomai' aiso of j Spartaneursr bv about U?ft votes. i UGH; CALOMEL MARES YOU PEATS Y SCX Oicp dangerous et. o 1G yr- r? ' TV 1' i I? ?..Cu.vuLvu J ' . F* ' - ^ t')-i J A?. O liui .. leu re 0U10US, RlUggisn, J.-n J'C"ted and believe you need vile danger ous calomel to start your liver and clean "our bowels. Here's ray guarantee! Ask your druggist for a bottle cf Dodson s Liver Tone unci lake a spoonful tonight. If it doesn't start your liver and straighten you right up better than calomel and without griphig or making you sick I want you to go back to the st'ore and get your money. Take calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak and sick and nauseated. Don't lose a day's work. Take a spoonful of harmless, vegetable Dodj son's Liver Tone tonight and wake up feeling great. It's perfectly harm less, so give it to your children any time. It can't salivate, so let them eat anything afterwards. Sauiiary Meat Market and Restaurant Fresh native meats always on hand. Ice sold in any quantity from 6c up. Our restaurant is prepared to furnish r eals at all hours. First class meali prepared by experienced cooks. CAUGHMAN & SOX MEAT MARKET 1*\ v*. , * ' i ?v ?-- ?' I Next Door to Posftoffico. LEXINGTON, S. C. ' *%i-- . ** . I ii- r : ?r*- : 'S y h\ J? A - W 9 srs now. A ags in Suits, )oI, beautiful colorings and the r blouses, including Waists for if Millinery to be found in the ad "Cupid" Hats. And the fa5 of "Vatel" Hats. rool Sweaters, new Veils, Skirts, uodels in "Modart" Corsets. Columbia, S. C. ; h *V I i Just ! ,w j.<4 D^,-* .,.3 |/\\ :v;-3^^:; , :.cCSi twU ; ^ o'v'^'. -vi ;x /n>-'\\ " " j r /J^i \ v " r~ !"' r*~, ~r~>. i " ujl iop miggies tna OCT : v* c -r/-\-m i : ;-J"v>,t)C' A.1 j.CI< .vc^i UiaVe SI xciigc SlOCK ] G? j ' i i n we oner to the pnoi able prices. 1 Kttoii to o.n,rJ o ! \; > -> YOU li-^cu d UQv] cy . CAiirPPM n U 1A ilII, ! 111343 Assembly! c/ Bank Xo. 4 01. j Statement of the condtion of I BANK OF WESTERN CAROLINA j i. | located at Lexington, S. C., at the f close of business Aug. 31, 19IS. RESOURCES Loans and discounts. . 215.3G0.37 j Due from hanks and bankers 246.35 ; Currency .:.... 1,630.00! Silver and other minor coin 1,238.99 Checks and cash items.... 1,527.92 3rd Liberty Loan Bonds. . . 1,250.00 TOTAL 221,253.63 T T A "BTT rmvs UI/lUAJLJi. J. lAJk;. Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid.. 732.73' Individual deposits subject to check.... 54,092.03 Savings deposits, .... 115,517.96 Time certificates of deposit .... 500.00' Cashier's checks .... 1,372.02?171,482.01 Due head office, Aiken, S. C. 49,038.89 j TOTAL, 221,253.63 i STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA?: County of Lexington, ss. Before me came John T. Sox, manager of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and f-oregoing statement is a true condition of said bank as shown by the books of said bank. JOHN T. SOX Swon to and subscribed before me this 6th day of Sept. 1918. H. L. Harmon (L. S.) Notary Public for S. C. Correct Attest: H. M. Dibble, W W Muckenfuss, C K Henderson. Directors: Bank Xo 221 Statement of the condition of THE BANK OF SWANSEA, located at Swansea, S. C., at the close business Aug1. 31, 1918. * RESOURCES Loans and discounts.... 232,046.51 Overdrafts, 776.54 j Furniture and fixtures . . 2.600.00 i Banking House 2,518.54 j Other real estate owned... 464.38 j Due from banks and I bankers 58,234.00 j Currency 1,248.00 i (lold 45.00 ; Silver and other minor { coin - 894.01 j Liberty Bonds, Second \ Issue 5,950.00 | Liberty Bonds. Third Issue 29,250.00 TOTAL 334.026.9 S I , LIABILITIES. 1 'Capital stock paid in... 30.000.00 j Surplus fund 8,000.00 J Undivided profits less cur! rent expenses and taxes paid 6,418.12 ' Individual dei posits subject to check... 156.607.31 j Savings de! posits 55,062.97 j Time certificates I of deposit 6.000.00 ' Cashier's Cheches ...1.938.57 ? 219,608.85 Bills payable, including j Certificates for money Borrowed yu.uuu.uu i TOTAL 334,026.98 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA? County of Lexington, ss. j Before me cainc K E Craft, cashier of the above named bank who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank as shown by the books of said bank. B. E. Craft, j Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10th day of September 1918. Percy L. Lybrand, Notary Public. Correct Attest: W. H. Witt B. E. Williams D. E. Craft Directors. 0 ' ' . . ' J \ J V? rilMBMMMBM?? a* I ^?X1 H I t >jr /ii.*?,iX//k 6 B &? ^a r-ir/'Xj a H 5J f ?jT ?> K/V A-s :-. J $?# ^ ? Qf rt ip\r - | OtCCft. / !\'\ / /\ \ / r -7 \ y i " -vv-' - - _f? I 1 vc ; T" O ""^'"X V" ^ rz, r\ r\ -i- -4- y, ?j L CX.L O i-16-V,i*0 v,? J_ L'-i. iv .i ~ T T T . o* i "? vp p "r p ?:?f J W p OVJ-a l/vvuii V V ^ v-v 1 . , now on hand that v : r f' 1c at very reason. 41 "--j , ' . ,.y.. " ^kr ' rgy come to see us., w A fa 1% fill JlJIVU'lJey St., Columbia, S. C. *| Bank Xo. 220. ' *'^11 Statement of the condition of THE BROOKLAN'D BANK, located at New Brookland, S. C., at the close of business August 31, 1918i RESOURCES Loans and discounts,. ... 177,179.93 ' v; Overdrafts, ' 137.14 Bonds and stocks owned * by the bank 6,000.00 .! Furniture and fixtures,... 2,000.00 ^ Banking- House 4,500.00 Other Real Estate Owned, 1,000.00 Due from banks and Bankers, 28,462.50 : Ai Currency 5,867.00 vjs| Silver and other minor coin, 575.32 , TOTAL, 225,721.891 ^ LIABILITIES V Capital stock paid in,.... 30,000.00*1 . Surplus fund, 3,500.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes ^ paid, 6,476.83 . x Individual deposits .-v subject to check, 86,644.24 Savings deposits, 66,220.07 Time certificates of deposit 10,031.21 Cashier's checks, 849.54 163,745.06 ' jp Bills payable, including certificates for money bor- ; rowed 22,000.00 JQ TOTAL 225,721.89 '4 I STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Coun" i ty of Lexington, ss. | Before me came J. C. Lybrand, cash ier of the above named bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the ? books of said bank. Jm J. C. Lybrand. S3 Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6 day of Septembber, 1918. L. S. TROTTI, Notary Public. Correct Attest: E. W. SHULL, A. D. SHULL, ' HENRY BUFF,. Directors. / Bank No. 304. Statement of the condition of THE BANK OF CHAPIX, located at Chapin, S. C., at the close of business August 31, 1918. JIESOURCES 0^ Loans and'dscounts 33,438.49 ; Overdrafts 173.51 >^gj Bonds and stocks owned by the bank 1.400.00 Furniture and fixtures,.. 1,881.03 Banking house 1,714.24 >3[ other real estate owned. 1,749.11 J Due from banks and Af bankers 21,056.17;=. ;i i a -lie. A-A 'v urrcncv j,v-y.vu Gulil. 400.00 | Silver and other minor coin 1,763.11 ^ Checks and cash items,.. 191.81 T< >TAL 65,393.47 ^ J LIABILITIES. ! Capital stock paid in 10,000.00 Surplus fund 1,000.00 Cndivjdod profits, less cur- / I rent expenses and taxes ! paid 333.37 vV'i ' Individual deposI its subject to check 31,355.49 >| Savings deposits 1,885.96 1 Time certificates T of deposit, 30.637.69 Cashier's . | Checks. . . 180.96 ? 54,060.10 TOTAL 65,393.47 STATE OF Sol"TH CAROLINA,? ! County of Lexington, ss. Before me came Harry E>. Wessin? ' ger, cashier of the above named bank ., who, being duly sworn, says that j above and foregoing statement is > true condition of said bank as show^^H by the books of said bank. Harry D. "Wessinger. Sworn to and subscribed before md this 9th day of Sept. 1918. ? -wr -r> * r j. xi ! no., xr. jLdaaxer, N. P. for S. C, Correct Attest: J0 J. S. Wessin^er, W. B. WiUiaaas, ' P. M. Friek, Directors. - ?