Lexington dispatch-news. [volume] (Lexington, S.C.) 1917-1919, August 28, 1918, Image 6

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; * -v | PROFESSIONAL CARDS : J. FRANK KNEECE Real Estate and Insurance BATESBURG, S. C. . JAS. B. ADDY #Ml Estate, Insurance, Collections, Etc. LEXINGTON, S. C. Office in Home National Bank Building. DR. H. W. WALL DENTIST, $016 Street, COLUMBIA, S. C. Office Hours: 9 to 1:30?2:30 DR. J. WM. BOOZER DENTIST, $$eea*or to Dr. D. L. Boozer & Sons, #0ke 1515 Main St., Columbia, S. C. PHONE 211. ML D. L HALL, Dentist COLUMBIA, S. C. Lutheran Publication Building, 1626 MAIN STREET, Office Hours: 8 A. M., to 5:30 P. M JL H. FRICK, ATTORNEY AT LAW % ffifl practice in all courts. CHAPIN, S. C. A. F. SPIGNER V" ' ' AttocMj and Counselor at Law, itK^cs in County, State and the United States Courts. COLUMBIA, South Carolina. BVArYWffTI & THOMAS WUnVAITMA Vfc JI nviunv ATTORNEYS AT LAW* Wabeg to announce that we have ifjsmnl an office at Lexington, S. C., A Tbe Home National Bank Building ?md In the future will practice at both ftohsmbia and Lexington. \ COLE L BLEASE ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, -Oetombia, S. C. - Lexington, S. C. QBea at Lexington in charge of Mr. ^ t^B^Addy, Home National Bank E. J. BEST Attorney and Councellor 203 2nd Floor. National Loan and Exchange Bank Columbia, S. C. Good Sight f ig priceless Good Vision Ib bee?try to good sight. j / My strain is common. JBye strain can be overcome. Headache, squinting and cross-eyes ?* ean?e<l by detective vision. We examine the eye8 for defects. We correct the defects with propei Wfag C2uhie AytRYT^pEWELER COLUMBIA.5.C -1^ ^ t I SOS MAIN STREET. Wl drive from your system the poison that i ?9iues Rheumatism. Corrects Constipation, Kidney, Liver troubles. Makes rich red blood. So*are are we that Bliss Native Herbs will do v!J we claim that our Agent is authorized to guarantee them. Thousands testify cheerfully to the wonderful curative powers of Bliss Native Herbs. Get a box of Tablets at once and iocpver rid yourself of CONSTIPATION and m arising from blood impurities, that cause RHEUMATISM. KIDNEY and LIVER Complaints, female weakness, etc. Does not contain anything of harmful nature. Our Agent will de liver or mail you. upon receipt of $1.00, Jit Tablets. with a guarantee. i. C, SWYGERT, Agent PEAK, S. C. SOUTHERN RY. SCHEDULE A C!!\mi V cn/iiTUJLi/ junum : The schedule of passenger trains operated between Columbia and Au- j gusta changed Sunday, and the following schedule is now in effect: No. 19 Due at Lexington 6.30 a. m. No. 8 Due at Lexington 9.22 a.m. No. 31 Due at Lexington 11:45 am No. 32 Due at Lexington 3.02 p.m. Mo. 7 Due at Lexington 6.33 p.m. \ SSVE SUGAR I i IQRTHE ilH i QnDjnGHIS^^ ' -4 .1?1 I m ? II 1 ! 11 Women! || ffin Her0 *s a messa^e to Bj gj suffering women, from If g| Mrs. "W. T. Price, of $3 H Public, Ky.: "I suf- p ? fered with painful...", |Wj she writes. "I got down. IW u E with a weakness in my 3 E .: & '"back and limbs...I g 1 :1 i: felt helpless and dis- n H couraged... I had about M m hi : | given up hopes of ever , m SB being well again, when R 91 in! iif ft friend Insisted I |Mffl Take ; His Woman's Tonic ! i fffim I beean Cardui." In riBH I ft short while I saw a g 1 marked difference...- B J I grew stronger right fl ^ along, and it cured me. fl J I am stonter than I Ng S fl have been in years." p f f - If you suffer, you can m | | fi appreciate what it fl B | m^ns to he strong and \q |;'j ? B Thousands of wo- m I rl n men give Cardui the IJL W m credit for their good W 8 health. It should help || H you. Try Cardui. At all fl |f druggists. E-73 B I cure Piles without the knife without pain, without deten- . tion from busi- f ness, without ac. id iniections. and I without coutery; l4P|S^j^ j ho danger. N o . one need suffer jl from this com- / / \ plaint when thist humane cure is awaiting them. I guarantee re- | suits. If you desire to consult a reliable, long-established specialist of vast experience, come to or write me and learn what can be accom- * plished with skillful, scientific treatment. I likewise cure Blood ( Poison,- Varicose ;V6ins, Ulcers, Kidny and Bladder Diseases, Rheu matism, Gall stones, Paralysis, Dis charges, Rectal Troubles, Stricture and all Nervous, Chronic and private Diseases of Men and Women. Examination free and strictly confidential. Hours: 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. Sundays, 10 to 2. Dr. W. R. Register SPECIALIST 1206 1-2 Main Street, COLUMBIA, - SO. CAROLINA I " I | FLOWERS Beutiful Astas, Gladiolus. ! Roses. Seeds and Bulbs. Daisy, Pansy, Sweet Peas, j Chinese Lillies, Callas, Freerias, j Lawn Grass, Alfafa, Clover, Vetches, High Grade Vegetaolei Seeds and Plants. Rose Hill Greenhouses 1542 Main Street COLUMBIA, - - S. C. rrs\TTD A fTADC SUPPLIES- ' Machinery Castings and Repairs. Steel Beams, Rods, Ropes Tackle, Wheelbarrows, Trucks, Wire Cable, Boilers Tanks, Stacks, Etc. Ventilators, Grating, Etc. Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co., GEORGIA I Ford Supplies and Repai 2 in Stock. Clear Your ^ | ffM?pN2?p\ Complexion f itfflfc Tfe [ 1|1p^ ^ 1 Reliable \j ^ [ Remedy *?s^#mieo<iihr SulphdrCompound . For pimples, black-heads, freckles, blotches f and tan, as well as for more serious face, scalp . and body eruptions, hives, eczema, etc., use this scientific compound of sulphur. As a lotion, it soothes and heals; taken internally? a few drops in a glass of water?it gets at the root of the trouble and purifies the blood. Physicians agree {hat sulphur is one of the ** ** * 1 Pp. most ettective dioou punu?3 ? member, a good complexion Isn't skin deep I ?it's health deep. Be sure to ask for HANCOCK SULPHUR COMPOUND. It has been used with satisfactory results for over 25 years. 50c and $1 the bottle at your druggist's. It ihe can't supply you. send his name and the price in stamps and we will send you a bottle direct. HANCOCK LIQUID SULPHUR COMPANY _ Baltimore, Md. Earutti Sulphur Compound OirO' ^11*1*5"^ rrunt?25 and SOe?,for tut with ths Liquid Compound, ??? GASSED IN FRONT LINE HI T. Rev. Daniel / R. Kenendy, Jr.. formerly of Savannah, Ga., a Red Triangle Worker has been mentioned in dispatches to America from Paris as having displayed splendid coolness and bravery wren gassed in a "Y" hut during a German attack somewhere in Fance. He is recovering now and has written back, "I guess no one is afraid to pay the price if necessary." DuPONT BUILDS "Y" BUILDINGS. Two Red Triangle buildings, one for white men and one for colored men estimated toe ost $20,000 each, will be erected for DuPont Powder company employees at Penaman, near! Williamsburg, Va. * I GOT MOST MONEY. Mr. M. Li. Warner a leading farmer of the Dutch Fork, sold a bale of cotton in Lexington last Fiday to Mr. Sam Jr\ kooi, anci says ne receivea more money for this bale than he ever received for one bale of cotton before' in his life. Specia ~c . Mens' Suits and U Boys' Suits, Hats, G Ladies' Skirts, W< and all kinds of u styles and make. OHOES for MEN, L ^ all at reduced Don't forget to c( 6th and 7th wher be offered at real you will be please ings L. NA 1107 Washington St., I C. D. Kenny Co. I ! Coffees, Teas, Ric Kenny's Special Che-on Te< C. D. KENN 1637 MAIN STR Everything Sanitary New Star 1 ?FC LADIES AND Open Day ai Food of the Best Quality Preps Polite Attention with Qu Share of the public patrc cordial welcome awaits tl 1312 Mala St, Phone 3 VOTERS MUST REGISTER. This is the year for all voters who expect to participate in the Novem ber general election to re-register. The county board of registration for Lexington, Ben F. Derrick chairman; J. Weir Addy, and W. B. Rhoden? will keep their office open in the county court house e.very day, ex cept Sunday, during the months of July and August for the convenience of the voters and in compliance with the law. So far comparatively few new certificates have been issued by the board. The intense interest, how ever that has already been aroused in the race, for the United States senate and for Congress, will doubtless cause heavy registration from this time on. FINAL DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given that I will apply to the Hon. George S. Drafts Judge of Proabte on the 13th day of September 1918 for a final, discharge as administrator of the estate of Caroline P. Summer, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate should present them duly verified and those indebted to the estate should make payment on or before the above named date. G. H. Koon. Admr. Estate of Caroline P. Summer. Dec'd RED CROSS SHELTER FOR MANY REFUGEES Washington, Aug. 24?Twenty thou sand Czecho-Slovak refugees, of which number 4,000 are children, are being cared for by the Ameican Red Coss at Vladivostok, according to cable advices received today by the Red Cross war council.The medical braenh of the organization ,in addition is attending hundreds of wounded Czecho Clovak solders who have reached Vladivostok. Dr. R. B. Teusler, head- of the St. Duke's Hospital at Tokyo, is at the head of the relief organization at Via divostok and is assisted by 14 American and seven Japanese physicians. J Sale ?F~ Underwear aps, & Underwear lists, Plush Coats, nderwear of latest 4DIES and Children i n * i /* ac JJ 1 i I, )me see me, Sept. 1 everything will special prices and id with your savUFUL, Columbia, S. C. Special Dealers in e and Grits a'caS8 Coffee at 25c lb. a at 60c lb. yrO Phones I 153-152 EET, COLUMBIA At Reasonable Prices >R? GENTLEMEN id All Night ired in the Highest Art. ick Service. mage is solicited, and a le Lexington Folks. 151 Ja Columbia, S. C. i ' "WE are .never | * * well's Syre home and never will b< it. We have used it fo it has saved us many a for the children and tli (From a letter to Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Harr A St., Eh Dr. Cal I Syrup The Perfec Sold by Druggi 50 cts. 6 Constipation makes childre irritable, just as it does old Syrup Pepsin acts easily ai normal ^regularity. A trial 1 charge oy writing to Dr. W .1 ton St., Monticello, 111. CHAPIN NEWS: Mrs. J. S. Wessinger has been vis-} ifincr Tftlativoc in T/ivirurton fr\r ttiA past few days. Mr. Lonnie K. Fulmer of Camp ; Jackson came omeh las? Sunday even 1 ing and will spend several days with his home folks. Mr. Claude Lindler of near Lexington was visiting his uncle and others in and around Chapin last Saturday night and Sunday.Be carefull Claude j you may have a blow out. How about those joy riders last Sat-1 urday night taking sardines and crack j ers along for a lunch and making ! dates in the meantime. That is good business?next. Mr. L. E. Shealy the efficient oper- j ator here and better half visited the ! formers paents at Little Mountain last Satuday night. Miss Connie Shealy, of Columbia, visited Miss Floy Shealy and Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Wessinger, last Sunday Rev. J. A. Cromer and Mr. R. "W. Frick attended Cedar Grove and Sumr mit last Sunday in the interest of the adequate support of the ministry. Rev. F. K. Roof and Mr. R. E. Shealy had services at Chapin church last Sunday evening in the adequate support of the ministry. The new brick Lutheran church at Chapin which has been completed which serves as a good index of worth that1 the members of the Mt. Horeb Lutheran church therein. There are about one hundred and fifty members in this congregation and this congregation has built a nice two story build ing for the parsonage and now have completed one of the prettiest brick churches in our community. This church serves as a monument and show the interest that the people have in the christian work. Out side of te regular services at Mt. Horeb church at Chapin next Sun day morning, there will be a patriotic rally at 4 o'clock, with the unfurling and dedication of a service flag in hon or of the eleven boys of the congregation in the United States military service. Several addresses will be made. Ever^ member should be present. The public in geneal is invited Come lets fill the large new church. M. P. Lu Chapin, S. C., August 26, 1918. NEW TROLLEYS FOR CAMP JACKSON* , I The street railway company expects to add six cars to the system within the next ten days. The soldiers overcrowd the trolleys | late at night and fear of accidents and as a matter of safety for the boys in khaki has moved the authorities to provide certain restrictions until the congestion can be relieved. The military police will assist the motormen and conductors in controlling thee rowds. As soon as the new cars are put on the cantonment line they will be divis I ioned oc so as to reserve accomoda- { tions for colored people. The mova- j ble card system, will be used. Every, , precaution will be taken to. avoid fric I j tion among the passengers and the ' soldiers and civiliaons wll be expected | to assist in securing the best service. i KNOW IT WELL i Familiar Features Well Known to Hundreds of Lexington Citizens. A familiar burden in many homes. The burden of a "bad back." A lame, a weak or an aching back < >ften tells you of kidney ills. 1'Joan's Kidney Pills are for weak j kid neys. Here is Lexington testimony. L. W. Kedd. Craps St.. says: "I used I man's Kidney Pills some time ago when ! was troubled a great deal with backache, f was injured at that time in a runaway and from that time on my back caused me a great deal of pain. It was hard work to straighten up after I bent over. A friend | advised me to try Doan's Kidney Pills laud I took his advice and did so. Af- | iter 1 had taken a half a box, nearly i all pain left me and after further use, j all the pains disappeared. Occasionally i have used Doan's Kidney Pills since and they helped me in the same I splendid way." tiOc. at all dealers. Foster-Mil burn Co., Mfgxs., Buffalo. X. Y. Adv. without Dr. Caldip Pepsin in our ; as long as we can get r the past four years and doctor's bill. It is fine ey love to take it." . Caldwell written by\ y Robbins, 22C7 So. 1 ivood, Ind. / d well's Pepsin / Laxative ists Everywhere ?) $1.00 :n uncomfortable, cross and ier people. Dr. Caldwell's nd naturally andc promotes 30ttle can be obtained free of r. B. Caldwell, 458 Washing'Entertainment at Old Soldiers' Home' 1 A very unique entertainment was . . given Friday evening in the nature of a surprise party for the men at the Old Soldiers home, by the normal institute .and playground directors. A pogram was arranged before, consisting of readings, music and songs. At the conclusion of the program the en tire crowd went out on the lawn and made littlle caps out of the different colors of tissue paper, and then put them on and had a grand march, all joining in. The men told some war stories of many days gone by, but. which are still fresh in their minds. Ice cream and cake were then served, after which the old soldiers gave some of their old war yells and ended up by singing the '"Star Spangled Banner." ?Columbia Record. We were just thinking and wondering if, while the ladies were so enthused and so liberal,(as they should be), with their unlimited kindness and hos pitalitv, in entertaining the soldier boys of today,'what had become of the "girls of the 60s." Surely notuiW mindful of their duty and feelings, with that kindness and thoughtfulness bestowed in those days, as not to remember the old confeds, occasionally, while they were throwing sugar plums, dining and doing everything to make the boys cheerful and * happy, ere they leave for France. The above entertanment, we know was enjoyed and appreciated by our old fellow comrades more than they could expess to the ladies, to know that they were "not forgotten" by the noble ladies of Columbia. They did their "bit" in responding to the call and needs of their country, when they were called in 61 and endured the hardships and trials of war, with wornc and tattered clothing; bleediftg feet and at times scanty rations. These unfortunate fellow-soldiers not long ere they will have heard the last taps and "passed over the river to rest under the shade of the trees." They are not jealous or envious of that treatment of our soldier boys of today but at the same time; think they should have some recognition in j these patriotic times. "UNCLE JOSH" \YTN GATE?PRICE. Of interest to many in South Carolina will be the announcement of the marriage of Miss Alma Lenora Win* :,i- o +/-V iilam gate 01 -viayesvuie, o. v.., ^ ? Erastus Price of Gilbert, S. C. j The marriage took place Saturday ! night, Aug. 17th, at 8:30 o'clock at <0 ! the Christian Church Jacksonville,. | Fla. Rev. J. T. Boone officiated, us(ing the ring ceremony. The cere; mony was witnessed by only a few ! special friends. Mrs. R. H. Solomons ! of Estill, S. C., a special friend of the j bride, accompanied her to Jackson! ville, to be present at the marriage. ! The groom is a soldier now stationj ed at Camp Johnston, Jacksonville, Fla., he having volunteered in June. I Mrs. Price will reside at Jacksonville while Mr. Price is stationed at Camp Johnston. SOLDIER BOY WRITES FROM NEWPORT NEWS To the Lexington Dispatch-News and to my dear mother and father, sis tors and brothers; mine loving and true: 1 have left you'all to fight for you. May the good lord take care of us all Until our task is done! / 1 miss you all and I love you all, But we know our cause is right. We have our chance to run. We will fight with all our might. We won't falter in our task dear mother, Just light as well as we know how. This is the message from your so* and brother, SAM MI E J. OXXER. tvr \th rr mats \ BELOVED WOMAN" Mrs. James Shealy, one of the most widely known and highly esteemed, women in the county, died at her home near Dclmar on Saturday. She was buried at Mt. Hebron Lutheran, chuch. the funeral being conducted by her pastor, the Rev. J. D. Shealy. The deceased was 74 years of age, and leaves two sons, Dr. A. S. Shealy, \ r> of the Phillipine Islands, and Mc A. Shealy of Oklahoma. She was a da* ghter of- the late Rev. A. W. Lindner, and a devout christian.