*i*l|ffWiWh(teiliiiini?i Mil urn iiTT l^f. . i x y Ttist Is the year for aft voters who j v ^t to participate la the Novem election to re-register.! 'heceuoty hoard of registration for; |f 3 W*ir Addy, and W. B. Rhoden? * B k*cp their office open in the vuatfc court house every day, ex >^?pt Sunday, during the months of and August for the convenience 3? the voters and in compliance with | t law. So far comparatively few *> certificates have been issued by the board. The intense interest, how j x v ?r that has already been aroused in tiie race for the United,States senate ( mid for Congress, will doubtless cause heavy registration from this j v c5lored council of defense to meet friday j mm | ; The Rev. J. S. Reese chairman of :he colored council of Defense foi Lexington county has called a meet ing for Friday afternoon Aug. 16 at ' o'clock at the court house. There will ho a number of prominent speak ieluding white and colored, and idid meeting is expected. The chairman is especially anxiou: is meeting be largely attended erybody is cordially invited. Timely Warning. t wjut until the last minute iocn as the first indications of zs stack appear, and you can ward it off. You have timeling as your appetite fails ours before the attack appears a keep on eating because it is me. Skip one meal and take of Chamberlain's Tablets and tck can as a rule be prevented the distressing symptoms aTry it. KL picnic and educational rally. nerland College students will eir annual reunion and edu[ rally at Grey Rock Springs 21. in attractive program tig of readings and songs by lege girls and educational ad. -WBBSses Dy invitea sp.eax.erb. ^^^ggwbery boys are most cordially in^ ?Errick, President of Newberry Col' fee will be with us and deliver an ad |jhe public has a cordial invitation the floor as Smooth as the corn never grew that "Gets-! BjjMy--flesh, never makes your toe sore.! Mi Just two drops of Gets-It" and pres|?MMi|he corn-pain vanishes. Shortly can peel the corn right off with _____ EjKSffi' Jtg * Vw^^aME| jf ftfllqBi K if. Wonderful to see "Gets-It" Peel; ^o?r finger and there you are?pain IIS free and happy, with the toe as smoo; gB|h and corn-free as your palm. "Getsglilit? is the only safe way in the world; ISto treat a corn or callus. It's the iKpBre way-r-the way that never fails. BgRr^\tried and true ?used by mil-; l&fioiis every year. It alwawys works BwSfog ?t a corn and fussing with ban|^pfeges. salves or anything else entire Bp; '"Gets-It," the guaranteed ,moneyoSfeyfr corn-remover the only sure way al||Pi^frut a trifle at any drug store. F-i :BW POSITIVE PROOF. Should Convince the Greatest Skeptic in Lexington. Because it's the evidence of a Lex- | ington citizen. Testimony easily investigated. The strongest endorsement of merit. The best proof. Read it: Lewie Hall, jeweler Main St. Lexngton says: "Kidnev trouble bothered me in the worst way about ten or twelve years ago and I certainly was in bad shape. Often times I had to stay away from mv business.I wat so bad off. Dizzy spells bothered me and my sight was affected. My back ached all the time and it was hard for me to bend over. The kidney secretions passed too often and broke my sleep atnight. I felt tired out all the time and often the secretions were highly colored and contained sediment. I tried different ? remedies without getting relief until I used Doan's Kidney Pills. It wasn't long before Down's cured me of all the trouble and I haven't been both, ered since." 60c at all dealers. Foster-Milburn Co.. Mfgrs., Buffalo. N Y. FRANK. E. WINGARD ARRIVES IN FRANCE. Mrs. F. R. Wingjard of this place is in receipt of a card from her son Frank E. Wingard stating that the ship on which he sailed has arrived saieiy overset. COUNTY CAMPAIGN MEETINGS. The following has been fixed as a schedule for the County Campaign meetings at the last meeting of the County Executive Committee. Pelion August lb'th. Swansea August 16th. Brookland August 17th. Chapin August 21st. Pine Ridge August 22nd. Summerland August 24th. Pledges of candidates must be filed either with myself or the Secretary of the Executive Committee at Lees ville, S. C. by twelve o'clock August 13th. C. M. Efird, Chairman Exe cutive Committee. For Sale?At Dispatch-News office: Real Estate titles and Mortgages, ? Magistrates and lawyers blanks. FINAL DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given that I will apply to Hpn. George S. Drafts, judge* of probate for Lexington County, on the 14th day of August 1918, at his office in Lexington, S. C. at 11 ?'clock in the forenoon for a final discharge as administratrix of the estate of G. A. Goodwin, deceased. (Mrs.) Maggis Goodwin, Admtx. | ________ j I cure Piles _________ without the knife without pain,: without detention from busi- 9 ness, without acid injections, and |>i^. without coutery; no danger. N o one need suffer \ from this com- f plaint when this humane cure is ^ awaiting them. I guarantee resuits. If you desire to consult a reliable, long-established specialist of vast experience, come to or write me and learn what can be accomplished with skillful, scientific treatment. I likewise cure Blood Poison, Varicose Veins, Ulcers, Kidny and Bladder Diseases, Rheu matism, Ga^ stones, Paralysis, Dis charges, Rectal Troubles, Strict- j ure and all Nervous, Chrofic and private Diseases of Men and Wo- j ' men. * Examination free and strictly confidential. i Hours: 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. Sundays, 10 to 2. j Dr. W. R. Register ! SPECIALIST 1206 1-2 Main Street, COLUMBIA, - SO. CAROLINA Haltiwf & We offer the peoj County an unusua save money by vi | this week. Clearance Sale I and some excellen you. Coats and Coatsuil to make room for summer Milliner: sacrifice prices. I Summer Drei Make our store yc when in the city. HALTIWi {1439 Main Street " ? . ~ New Sumi THE LATEST FR We have a complete line o: Clothing, Dry Goo The newest things out You are getting tired of nnH want something new. New Things. Why not fii CLOT For the whole family at f used to paying. Glassware, Chii : We have a complete lin GLOBE, DRY GO 1620, 1622, 1624 Main St., Lifetime I Had your grand father or lent judgement in the sel< would you have those ant so much ? This same kind of furnitr N us m Columbia, made by of the men who made yoi fnvo UU.JL\^? Or if you have not a cherii to you, what pleasure ar out-of furniture bought fi you can pass on-to future it will give them the sam you. Furniture like that Let us show you our comj priced. You will not be Do not hesitate to make quarters when in Columb VAN Ml LIFETIME F Funeral Directors Complete M 1313-19 Main St., Columbi The estimated acreage of Hay in j SOUTH CAROLINA on July 1 1918 i j was 260.000 acres the same as in j 1917: while for the entire UNITED j STATES it was 69,200 acres as com j pared with 69. 988;000 acres in 1917! The total production for SOUTH; f mger'S l : ' ole of Lexington j ,1 opportunity to i siting our store j I i | | Vines are now on I t bargains await ! | ts greatly reduced Fall stock. All i closed out at sses at Cost. >ur headquarters \NGER'S COLUMBIA, S. C.' ner Goods j OM THE LOOMS e ids and Millinery that old Hat by this time Your friends have the t yourself out now. HING >rices less than you are la or Crockery e for your inspection. 0DS COMPANY - - - COLUMBIA, S.. uirniture I mother not used excelection of their furniture ;ique pieces you cherish ire is obtainable from the sons and grand sons ir grand parent's furniI | shed piece handed down id comfort you can get rem us?furniture that generations, knowing e service it has given ; must be good. Dlete line, so moderately urged to buy. our store your headia. ETRE'S URNITURE and Maimers. Qav UlUI UC1 Tlione 111 C. CAROLINA THIS YEAR is csti mated at 310,000 tons, as compared with 329,000 tons last year; while the estimated production for the UNITED STATES on July 1. 1918 was 99,648,000 tons acrafnat 94; 930 ;000 tons in 1917. W SOFT, LONC.SILKY f| K I jV using ^Hcr(j!;2 rogsf-- Hair Pres.in?, | U| i.'-.t:::rtiJ. S?iff?_ si!!? ; , straight. la::? (:i:!"y ffl I ,'jj ij.;.r?tho Liiul you wn-it. Hr'illa L* ' i l'fd!? tbo sc.i!p m:d ir.ahcs kinky, liappy, lJ i j short, stubborn hair so > > t, l?:j?r a:;d lus- ft" that > at can easily hand!.) it and T |g put it up in any stv!\ ]; 1; yirar natural J rltrht to have line, lo7tiy hair, a:: i Eg j1* ohms you a ckaur?. T.-'e it? *-;:l , Chairman, I. M. MAULDIN, V. Pre*., FRASER DIAL, Assistant Cashier * aamuntx bmtop?-in iiiumih id Bank land, S. C.? ? )irectors: 7er. E. W. ShulL L. S. Trotti. P. J. Wessinger. Board: 3all. Jas. A. Snmmersett. Id Garage i , AUTOMOBILE Repairing )N, S. C. t the same old place doing airing Automobiles "W b that we turn out. es?the best ever made 9 . * ilty. Lathe and genen. ics that can be found. :hine work and we will t any hour in the building lbles and they will be Id Garage rietor and Manager. S. C.