>NT FORGET FAIR EXHIBITS. : While threshing your grain you | should remember and look carefully f<"r good bundles and save thern for 3 exhibit you are planning for your jrv. * anty fair. Don't neglect this as a , ir is just as necessary now as ever i d it is up to you to see th^t your _ anty makes a candidate exhibit. - >o many farmers depend upon the ler fellow to get up exhibits and len the time for fair arrives there ly be a dirth of material to show. 'U know how often you have visitfairs and have remarked that you " i better stuff on your place than s shown. Home is not the place g|bs keep good farm products during ggjig ' 5 Show the people what.good -f-f rftn /?nri raise and t.Viic; mav sti* m kte s0133? t0 try and do likewise. you don't send in an exhibit your.si f don-'t criticize the other fellow, ? v" he has done his best and you have jp% Lti-:d down on the job. Visitors to X- ir county fair judge your county tyy what they see and it is up to you - help make your county make as ir- >d an agricultural show as possii?.? - ? , <*R ' ' C. t Uet those good hogs and cattle in condition and send them up too. If yc i are trying to raise breeding st--4 and don't exhibit you very projfc-rg. I'A-Jky won't make a great success Is!?. because farmers like hogs that look eg-' eooi The county fair is one of the places to advertise your stock so - tr and ret up an exhibit for this v?Carolina Farmer and StockSTCP ^HE RED SPIDER. find that the red spider is, and h been doing considerable damage in jexington county, much more g?- th I have seen in any previous year jfe " xhe extremely dry weather has been very favorable for the spread of the Sf: . cpl-.?5.In nearly every instance where l?- I hrve answered calls to infested gk fa? is, 1 have Deen able to trail tne g?. spiu iT from polk stalks or violet Bfo-beds. I want to advise all farmers ep polk stalks cut off hedges and ^8 ten-ace banks or any other places WEMthzi they are growing on the farm. re cotton is planted near the keep violets out of the yard, jgjjfei There are other plants on which the ^^pspid r feeds, but polk stalks and vioare the best breeding places. How to Handle the Spider, "he red spider is a quite small inthat fastens itself on the under |pa jd-i of cotton leaves, and causes iietrt. .to turn red on top side. After |r ' 'be: * infested for a few weeks, leav -* rop off and the plant looses . coarig "fruit.When this spider makes ppearance on the cotton, cut L 1, clean up and burn the breedir,ir places. Then pull all badly in-; svr. d stalks of cotton and burn them Sjpl S; y around infested spots with the ^ v wing solution: Vo arsenate of lead. - ? slacked lime. +? gallons of water. - S'tray on under side of leaves-Keer *, .v.^tch on the above pest and put hint under control as soon as he leJrss his appearance. J. W. Shealy, Ballentine, S. C. f*A o?on+ T .Ovin(H"An Cd. V V Uli A. J. V/ V igust 3, 1918. : V- >ps Drill in Thirty Minutes After .'a Rain. nc thing that goes towards makihL Camp Jackson one of the best tary camps in the United States ,*> ie fact that the drill fields never s; rr muddy. a an illustration of this there was a v ?avy rain fall at camp yesterday. 71.. rain commenced falling early in t-L-' morning and continued until well t 3^ > the* afternoon. Within 30 min, 3 after the rain stopped falling V ' du ling commenced on the drill fields. 2 V -fini the men did not have to drill in mud either. The drill fields of t>np Jackson never get muddy.? W&Wjfflk Aug. 2. Hie government is calling for 25,i.' ) young women between nineteen * ^ I thirty-five years of age to enter Student Nurse Reserve. They i t * -.it be intelligent. educated. and ihv Jjthy. The country cannot too honor the noble young women *?: izo with a heroism as calm as that '; i t%e soldier as far to the front as the government will permit and und 'go the strain on nerves and strentbat tending wounded, lacerated . i involves. To the Public. C just want to say that we keep a fc ^1$ of Chamberlain's Colic and 0 thoea Remedy on hand all thej r v ^ and find it excellent for bowel ; 1 Sle," writes Mrs. H. P. Cook, An- j ol^v Ind. [ PELLAGRA! HAS IT BEEN CONQUERED? I ! ( ! Alabama Carpenter Makes An Amazing Signed Statement In Norfolk, Va?Saysj He?s Cured After All Else l Failed ?????????????? "ALL SY ML IU1V1S HAVE DISAPPEARED" [ Doctors Said It Was Pellagra Grew Steadily Worse For Seven Years, Finally Finds | Quick Reltef. Wants The World To Know ! i "I HAVE GAINED SIX POUNDS, TOO!" Here is the amazing: story of a man who had been given up as a victim of pellagra and who wandered through the principal cities of the South in an effort to find relief. It tells how, after seven years of I suffering, he finally discovers natural herb medicine that did what nothing: else seemed to have the power to accomplish. It wiped out his] disease, according: to the words of his own signed statement. Here it is: The doctors in Birmingham, Ala. and Atlanta Ga. diagnosed my case as pellagra. I thought I would soon die as most patients do. But they i treated me seven years and all the time I gradually grew worse. | "I saw in the newspapers how a herb medicine called Dreco had been discovered and how it was helping so many other sufferers from various diseases. I decided to try it. "When I began on Dreco the skin on my hands was cracked open and my stomach was swollen to twice its size. After taking three bottles of Dreco all these symptoms have disappeared, my appetite is improved and I can eat anything I want. I am now able to work and was promoted tody to be foreman at $8.17 a day. I have gained six pounds, too!" (Signed) B. J. Kincaid 1049 46th street Norfolk, Va. Mr. Kincaid is a native-' of Alabama. At the time of signing the above statement he was employed by Porter Brothers, contractors or the Bush Bluff Government Works. Dreco, referred to by Mr. Kincaid, is an herbial medicine made from ! roots, barks, herbs and berries. It j i contains no mineral salts or acids j and is recognized as a valuable body | recontructant and system invigorant Dreco may now be obtained fromj ; modern drag stores and pharmacies | everywhere and is particularly rec- j j ommended in Lexington by Geigeri j Drug Co. "NOTICE CONFEDERATE VET. ] j ERANS." j All old confederate veterans of! Lexington county are hereby reques- j ted to meet in each township Satur-j j day August the 17th at 3 p. m. to select a representative fiom their numj ber. Representatives thus selected I are hereby requested to meet at Lexington on Saturday Aug. the 24th at j 11 a. m for the purpose of selecting j the county pension board for 1919. r\ rp WAT?F! J.. ' Chairmamn Co. Pen. Board. $100 REWARD, $100 The readers of this paper will be; pleased to learn that there is at least' j one dreaded disease that science has ] I been able to cure in all its stages and j that is catarrh. Catarrh being great! I ; ly influenced by constitutional condi- j ! tions requires constitutional treat| ment. Hall's Catarrh Medicine is! I taken internally and acts thru the j I Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the i i I i System thereby destroying the foun! dation of the disease, giving the pa tient strength by building up the con.; | stitution and assisting nature in do-! , ing its work. The proprietors have! | so much faith in the curative powers' ; of Hall's Catarrh Medicine that they j ' offer one Hundred Dollars for any j case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO.,! Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggist,' 75c. * WOODMEN PICNIC AUG. 10TH. j I Priceville camp, Woodmen of the1 World, will five a public picnic at Oakville school house on Saturday. j August 10th. The public is invited i to attend as well as all of the candi- J dates for county and state offices, and also candidates for congress. I I INSURANCE \ ?p? After the currency pa ^ losses it entailed, wh; willing to pay for in such disastrous exper S* To-day, through o Federal Reserve Syst< it to you>'ithout anj T 0 J. ^FEDERAL RESERVE^ and SL kfc^SYSTEM^BI | THE HOME N f LEXING ^ CAPITAL $50,000.00 Saml. B. George, Pres. S Karl F. Oswald, Cashier: g? DIRE Saml. B. George, J. P. Drafts. ?L S. J. Leaphart. We Wa Busi We are selling fi: at Prices that wi Save Money. 1 store is to stand sold, and gladly if you are not sa COME TO SEE US. The Cayce Co-Opera! GROCERIES : The Va Mrs. W. D. : A BEAUT The Newest and Most S Goods and a full li When in the city, Come Phone 3436 Rear Bank of Columbi; SPECIAL i nP\TT A &JVJL l 111 | IT WILL PAY Y T\i* ^ ?k/F ./ jl^I kjir&r About Y< Since we Have Dr. J. I ated with us we are cate ing work. Dr. Boozer i< ing teeth with a painless REMEMBER { 1328 Main Street, (Pho ?ITHOUT COST f mic of 1907, with all the ^ I at would you have been 3 surance against another <|j ience? 51 j ur membership in the ^ j sm, we are able to offer |1 j r cost whatever. JS j can secure this insurance 1?j protection by becoming ?e8 of our depositors. ^ [ATIONAL BANK | TON, S. C 3|. RESORCES $450,000.00 ^ I [cers M J as. J. wlngard, vlce-pres. 3 , J. E. Kaminer, Asst. Cash. ^9 ^TTflRQ J V -A. V/ AV Jas. J. Wingard. E. G. Dreher. ^Jg T. P. Meetze, ^8 J.P. Matthews. nt Ynnr iness rst class Groceries ill enable you to ' ?he policy of this behind all goods refund the money fished. I 'ilTA r OUAA c r JVC uivic, vajcc, u. v. - FRESH MEATS T~X ' inity Box: j HALL. Owner. Y PARLOR tunning Creations in Hair ne of Toilet Articles to Our Shop. [ 1116 Taylor Street I. PRICES ON T LWORK OU TO CONSULT ! kTMFRS ! AAA XJfc, X_>' 3ur Teeth | 3D WIN BOOZER associ- Ij ;rinp: especially to extract- j j 5 very efficient in extract- j ; method. MY OFFICE IS ne 512,) Columbia, S. C. I ? P. J. O'NEII I _ . _ . _ _ buite INo. 7 Carolina Cor. Main and Washington Sts. New Sumro I in footwear, at p as they can be carry shoes for family in sizes a: fit every one. Our salesmen enced shoe mc cash system save: The Bo \ 1518 Main Street ?___________ mout have your set ready same da; our estimate, before having save you money. Is G T We Administer Nitrons Oxide Gaj Baltimore Bei 1329 1-2 Main St. COLUM] Look for Large Electric Sign an at Stain Buggies, Wago We Have a Splendid Line o We have every style and size in ab< Come in and see them on our floor OUR GUARANTEE ME4 Gregory-Conder Mi 1115 Hampton St., - - The Place Clothing, Shoes, Hat ! Furnishing When yon go to 1 uy your don't forget to look over my stool 1C "Mill r\ t Olflt lll'r O" V V | UCJJtll UilCUL JO JLUii V J. VIVUliuf,. | and Underwear for men, and wen i merous to mention. Everything o ! All at prices that will please Sole Agent for the famous 1 and also other brands of shoes longest. See us for bargains 1416 Assembly Street, racted Diseases ALSO TREAT 50drers, nervous debillDDER troubles, etc. \idney Troubles, Piles painlessly :>ut operation or confinement, latment are that unless you re:y results, no charges are made. )rnan is too poor to receive his le so rich thai they can procure than he is qualified to give, you the results he has given i the payment in your own hands 5 or. file ther Examinations Free onJMonand Friday . to 7 p. m. Sundays 10 to 2. X. M. D. National Bank Building COLUMBIA, S. C er Styles rices as low sold. We the entire nd widths to are experi- , m and our syou money oterie COLUMBIA, S. C. FT-OF-TOWN Patients, ave every convenience ?ur comfort when visitor offices. We will impression of your h in the morning, and y, where desired. Get work done. We will ilver Fillings, -50c old Fillings, $1. ?p 'eeth Cleaned, $1. t For Painless Extraction ital Parlors 31A, S. C. Phone 586 id Moving Dental Exhibit >. BWMHBBBBHHHBBMMHnHHBP ns, Harness. f Well Made Vehicles Hackney Buggies Washington Buggies Columbus Buggies Brown Buggies jNissen Wagons jjQld Hickory Wagons Hackney Wagons ove makes lNS something ale Co. - COLUMBIA, S. C. To Buy j s, Caps, Gents' s, Etc. Clothirg, Shoes and Hats \ before you buy. Every ices, Hats, Caps, Hosiery ion. Other goods tco ru?f latest style ar.d pattern. W. L. Douglas Shoes i that wear easy and Columbia, S. C.