? -r lRsonals and locals, j | 668 cures by removing the cause j E& Big Bill Spires from the sand hills: was here one day last week. N#? contains no alcohol, arsenic, J ||j| .no! other poisonous drugs. it GEORGE BELL TIMMERMAN W FOR CONGRESS Advt. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ernest Livingston l^and handsome little children, were jyvsitirs in Lexington. s8BS;Now is the time to lay plans for !fall gardens. Turnips are among i things that may be sown now. fix. Perry Lowman from the upper :k section spent Monday in Lexing >r. and Mrs. 0. L. Walters came r from Columbia Sunday in their dsome new car. apt. and. Mrs. W. B. Taylor and e daughter from the St John sec. motored to Columbia Monday, i iter a slight indisposition, Dr. J. "vfathias is able to be out again h to the pleasure of his host of >ds and admirers. -s. T. P.:Meetze, Mrs. Van Orand little Mary James Haltiwannote red to Columbia Monday to Miss Sqra Meetze. V G. T -Graham and T. C. Sturleft Monday for Charleston a both are engaged in defending ns in the United States court. jmimao Hoarlaohps BillioilS 8L;aess: Loss of Appetite,-or that jgpti&d aching feeling, due to MaBpjferia or Colds. Fine Tonic. WE SERVE THE PUBLIC. t. t Everything in drags and medicines, p"? we have them. Ask Rice, he knows ^poc, it, twenty years experience. |j| 2*. HARMON DRUG' CO: ?L Mr. Ioor Hayes, of Gilbert, on& dfi oest political prognosticators in j BaBhe county was here for a short while I Ha Mr. E. H. Addy of the Cedar Grove reaction was herej Friday. Mr. Addy ^ a candidate for': Magistrate in his HRLtrict mid has no opposition. Mr. D. E. Shumpert, one of the Pleading farmers of the Cayce section. IKpu^ here on business Monday. He HSepcrts a scarcity of farm labor in his IpSteiion. Mr* and Mrs. J. Ben Shealy from ? 'Chapin were visitors in town Mon? gjday, coming over in their new Chevro fet touring car. r/S' ?; Jf you fail to get your paper, call . -us ap. Many times the mails go "* ' wrong to say nothing of errors that, are^h^ble to occur in mailing. State trouble to us. jr" ; ; Mr.fSimion E. Bickley, one of the . leading planters of the Irrno section i a mighty clever man, was here V i J&qERy. %' * : Miss Alma- Long, the popular and r'tferactive local telephone operator, K I s returned from a pleasant visit tc --rs. E. P. Derrick in Columbia. Miss Sarah Meetze, the beautiful i .ad attractive daughter of Mr. and Mjps. Thomas P. Meetze, returned J.fonday from a delightful visit to iriends in Timmonsville and Chester. The many friends of Mr. Thomas 15 Wingard will be sorry to learn of Vji severe illness at his home five -dies north of Lexington on the Wysa's Perry road. Mr. Jos. W. Wessinger of the Chavm section was among the crowd in town Monday. Mr. Wessinger is not only a good farmer but a good autoisobile salesman as well. * Mr. James W. Oswald, a splendid farmer from Cayce, was here on busi ness Saturday. Mr. Oswald say; ihat the farmers along the Congaree 1 nve the best crop prospects evei known. Lieutenant M. L. Barre who has I just received his commission as an ; officer in the radio department of < ie army at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. j ' came home on Saturday, to see his. #? J "*? 1T7 TT7 T-k (parents Mr. ana jars, vy . w. carre. j 'before going to New York. The Rev. Irving: Frye, of Florence accompanied by his little son. Irving J4. was here for a few days thi? /'?&?. He is getting along nicely Mid is enjoying his work in his new field. - Mr. Lewis B. Roof, member of the firm of E. B Roof &. Sons and one of the. most popular young business men fat this town, left Sunday for Chariest He carries the best wishes of his many friends with j +? '; 1 ^ Jp . I ; ? fe''> w Mr. and Mrs. W. H Gibbes of Co-' lumbia, were here one day last week.! | Miss Cora Summers, an attractive | young woman from Prosperity is the guest of Miss Cora Wingard. Mr. William W. Taylor, represent-, ing Palmetto Lodge Junior Order United American Mechanics, is at. tending the grand lodge meeting in1 the city of Greenville. Dr. L. E. Dreher, of Leesville, popular candidate for the house of re; presentatives. was among the crowd here yesterday. M. and Mrs. J. H. Reel and family! of Edgefield, carle over Sunday, on: a visit to Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Callison: Mrs Reel is still here. Misses Thelma Cooper and Ethel : Harmon., two attractive Columbia girls, have been the much admired; guests of Mrs. Fred Lindler near Lex I ! ington. Mr. Oscar L. Derrick, whose head- j quarters are in Atanta, spent the i week-end in town with his mother. \ Mrs. Geo. A. Derrick. Mr. Tally R. Keisler has closed his grocery business to ;accept a posi-j tion as assistant teller at the Homei National Bank. Mr. Keisler is a! popular and successful young business man, and he will make good in his new position. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wienges, of Columbia, spent Sunday with Mrs. Wienges' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam uel a. tieorge. Mrs. A Sharkey, and .little children from Hopewell, Ya:, are visiting -3irs. Sharkey's another, Mrs, Ellen B. ?5eay. Miss Mary Graham, of Crescent City' Fla, attractive daughter of Col. and Mrs. G T Graham, is visiting her sietet, ^Irs. Karl F. Oswald.; . -' . #The t. M. C. A. Eagle Hut of Lon. don provides a satisfying meal for the sailors and soldiers for fourteen cents. .. It is rumored that Turkey has broken relations with Germany.Turkey is seeing a. new'light as' to the \ * way the cat is going to jump. y Mr. Julius. E. Sharpe, who is in (training for army servce at the University of South Carolina Training School, spent the week-end with his mother at Edmund. Many Lexington folk were present at the opening of the County cam paign at Gilbrt on Saturday, LeesviHe, Batesburg, and other towns were also represented, as were nearly every rural section in the county. The many friends of Capt. S. M. Roof will be pained to know that he is still confined to his room by illness. , Capt. Roof is one of the oldest and most honored residents of the county and his friends are legion. Now is a good time to bud peaches. | | Use a well developed leal bud ot the j present season's growth which is j distinguished from the fruit bud by the fact that it is smaller, firmer, ' and more sharpely pointed. Miss Minnie Lee Seav, a trained j : nurse from Savannah, spent a few' i days last week w: a her mother Mrs.! j Elen B. Seay. Dry all the fruit and vegetable",! you can. It cuts the cost of conservation. ! j Mrv Emanuel Price, one of the' popular and progressive young farm-; | ers of Priceville, was in town Mom : | day. Mr. Price expects a big ctowd, j at the Woodmen picnic at Oakville! j school house on next Saturday. Au- ( I gust 10. All of the candidates are j invited to attend Mr. J. Fletcher Jefcoat, one of the \ largest planters in the Pool Mill secj tion, was here on business - Monday. | Mr. Jefcoat says that he has the best | corn and cotton crop that he has ever | had, but with the present shortage iri i labor, he anticipates much trouble in i getting crops gathered. The time having been lengthened ' to August 31st in which .voters may1 TDcricfor? cn'vpc nrmortunitv to thosp who have not yet attended to that matter to do so. You will want to vote in the coming: election for i there will be some close races; therefore be prepared. The Rev. B. D Wessinger, of Cher, j ryville, N. C., but a former Lexington ian, was here Monday on his way to; attend the big Chapin rally. The Rev. Mr. Wessinger is one of the lead ing Luthran ministers in the country, and we are glad to know that he is doing well. Mr. T. Vasco Miller left on Friday: for Plattsburg, N. Y. to enter the offi j cers training camp. He is the second son of shriff Miller to offer his j services to the country since the enj trance of the United States into the European conflict Mr. Julian C. | Miller is now in the navy, where he is I rapidly going to the top. li ALLOTMENT i IS EOT OEETIIBO I \ ??? Two Pounds Per Person Per Month is Ration For August?But is Made Necessary By Present Critical Shortage. Columbia.?Two pounds of sugar per month per person. That is the allotment for the month of August. Because of the present critical situation as regards the sugar supply, the Food Administration has found is necessary to cut down the ration from three pounds per month per person to two pounds per month per person. In further limiting the sugar supply for home use. the Food Administration calls attention to the fact that already the makers of soft drinks and candy have been cut down to 50 per cent of their normal supply, or 50 per cent 01 tneir consumipion last year. Hotels, restaurants and public eating places are likewise further limited. Public eating places may not buy more than two pounds of sugar for every 90 meals served. Sugar bowls are disappearing from the tables of public eating places, and the sugar furnished guests and customers is carefully measured. It becomes necessary, therefore, for the home consumers to cut down the consumption! of gugar. Only a certain amount has been alloted to South Carolina for the month. The merchants cannot buy more than a certain amount. Unless there is the moat rigid economy practiced in the Use of sugar in the home, there will be sugarless meals before. September L; Two pounds per month,per pereoih That is the allotment. That is twice as much as the people of fighting France or the people of Italy are allowed?when they can get sugar' at *n- i ) " The Foejd Administration makes these suggestions to save sugar:? ' Do not leave sugar in the bottom of coffee cup. Substitute molasses or com syrup for part of sugar used in cooking. Make cakes without frosting. Use fruits for dessert in the place of dishes requiring sugar. v. Cut down the- use of candy audi a. I me s sweei annus. iney are luxuries. Portion the sugar used on the table. Sugar is precious. WILL BE AT RED BANK. E. Sloan Crout, enrolling officer for Boiling Springs township will be at Shealy's store at Red . Bank on Saturday morning next at 10 o'clock for the purpose of enrolling: boys between '16 and 21 years of age in the Boys Reserve forces of the United States. NEW DAYLOS AND BATTERIES A shipment of Everyreadv flashlights and batteries, new stock, directj to us by express, all at the same old prices. "Eveready the only real flashlights." HARMON DRUG CO. The Rexall Store. MISSIONARY SOCIETY TO MEET. The Woman's Missionary Society! of St. Stephen's Lutheran church will: meet Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock j in the church. FOUND PIG?A female pig, weighing about 30 pounds, sandy color. r*< ? i - c i_ ! uame to mv piace on ounuav axuernoon. Owner can eet same by paying: for feed and for this advertise* ment. John M. Caug:hman. TALKING MACHINE NEEDLES J Erilliantone. superior steel, loud and extra loud tone talking: machine' needles, 10c per 100. Can be used j on all disc records. HARMON DRUG CO. ; The Rexall Store, j Mr. and Mrs. H AMeetze and son : Watt of Leesville stopped over in Lexingrton a short while last evening: j .en route from Columbia. Mr. Meetze! was* -born and reared in Lexington ? and has a Iareg: circle of friends andi relatives here who are always g:lad to i see him. Mrs. Roy Randall from Columbia spent last week end in Lexincrton as as the gruest of Mrs. J. C. Kirkland. The friends of Mrs. Hollie Harmon j are g:lad to learn she is rapidly im-i proving:. Mr. Georg:e Hartley from Camp Jackson spent a short while with his j parents Mr. and Mrs. A. L Hartley. Miss MacCaulay from Walhalla | spent several days with Miss Winnie1 Hartley. 'Mrs. Lizzie Johnson from Atlanta, Ga. spent several days with Mrs. T j H. Caugrhman. Rev. Funderburk left Sunday mor-! nine: for Wards. S. C to hold a re-j vival meeting: Dr Price Timmerman from Bates j bure attended thfe state campaign! held here Tuesday _ I ANNOUNCEMETS ! GEORGE BELL TIMMERMAN !' ; < FOR CONGRESS THOS. G. McLEOD J1 BISHOPV1LLE, S. C. CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF j CONGRESS SEVENTH DISTRICT J ! I hereby announce myself as a 1 candidate for reelection to Congress j' from the 7th Congressional District j subject to the rules and regulations j of the Democratic Party. A. F. LEVER j THOMAS F. BRANTLEY ! Orangeburg, S. C. CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF I CONGRESS SEVENTH DISTRICT. i + HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - - 1 At the solicitation of many frien| ds from different sections of the | county, I hereby announce my canI didacy for the House of Representatives from Lexington County, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic party. I will abide by the result of the primary elections. D. J. S. DERRICK Recognizing his ability and feeling confident that he will represent ; the people of Lexington Copnty fearlessly and sincerely, we hereby announce the name of Dr. L. E. Dreher, of LeesviRe, as a candidate t for the. House of Representatives. FRIENDS. i ' .... * ' S. E. Smith, farmer?business rv,o? S-ojortcoo bprphv announces liiail VX wy ? ? himself a candidate for re-election to 1 the House of Representatives from Lexington )County, subject to the primary rules of the Democratic party and as before "A farmer for farm-' j ers." Recognizing his ability and spe,cial fitness t to represent his County in the General Assembly; and, believing that the lower section of the counT ty should be represented, we hereby announce Mr Hi D. Shumpert as a candidate for the House of Representatives from Lexington County, and pledge him to abide by the result of the Democratic primary. FRIENDS. Having^ been solicited to make the race,*JG??!Brooks Wingard is hereby 'announced as a candidate for the ; House of Representatives in the com- . ing primary election. He will be gov* erned by the rules of the Democratic : Party. In recognition of his splendid ser j1 I vices rendered the County and State j' ; during his two years as a member of 1 < j the House of Representatives from j < j Lexington County, we hereby an j -1 | nounce Hon. T. Haskell Shull as a: j candidate for reelection, and pledge j ! him to abide by the result of the dem ; i j ocratic primary election. FRIENDS i' ! 1 I hereby announce myself a candi 1 [ date for the House of representatives'] from Lexington county and pledge myself to abide by the rules of the, Democatic Primary J Perry Spires . ' ( FOR COUNTY TREASURER. \1 I hereby announce myself a canai;? date for re election to the office of ] County Treasurer and promise as' faithful service in the future as I:, have rendered in the past. I pledge j myself to abide by the rules of the Democratic party. C. E. Leaphart. I hereby announce myself a candi. < date for the office of Co. Treasurer s I pledge myself to abide by the rules 1 of the Democratic party. ! < HENRY D. LYBRAND. : t ' FOR AUDITOR I' I* Recognizing his ability and special | < fitness for the position, we hereby an- j nounce Mr. D. L. Shealy as a candi-1 < date for Auditor of Lexington Coun-! tv, and pledge him to abide by the. ^ result of the Democratic primary. FRIENDS. i lie ineiius ui tt . u, i/uii, iicicuj ( announce him as a candidate for re- " election to the office of County Audi- c tor and pledge him to abide the result of the coming primary election. | c Many Friends. K FOR PROBATE JUDGE jx r Recognizing efficiency service and : ^ faithful performance of duty in the' past, we the Many Friends of George! < S. Drafts announce him as a caridi j date for reelection as Judge of Pro bate for Lexington County and pled ge him to abide by the result of the c Democratic Primary. r I I Having: been strongrly urgred byi ny friends in different sections of { :he county I hereby announce myself a candidate for Judgre of Probate !? Df Lexingrton county subject to the: ules of the Democratic party. I will j abide by the result of the coming: pri |. nary elections. ' S. RUFUS SMITH. At the urgrent request of myj friends I hereby announce my candi- j iacy for the office of Judgre of Pro-i Date for Lexingrton County: and l! pledgre myself to abide by the result) Df the Democratic primary. CYRUS L. SHEALY. For Cotton Weigher I hereby announce myself for reelection to the position of Cotton Weigher at Swansea and pledge myself to abide by the result of the Democratic primary. If reelected I promise bonest and faithful sendee, as I have rendered in the past, pd. John V. Hutto. T Tiprphv announcp mvself a candi date for the position of Cotton Weigh" er at Swansea and pledge myself to abide by the result of the Democratic primary. If elected I promise honest and faithful service. H. BENNIE WILLIAMS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the position of Cotton Weigher at Swansea and pledge myself to abide by the result of the Democratic primary. / J. .G. Sharpe. MAGISTRATE 3RD DISTRICT . I hereby announce myself a candidate for Magistrate of the Irmo District and .pledge myself to abide by the result of, the Democratic primary;/? - - J. W HOOK MAGISTRATE 4th DISTRICT *? j I hereby announce myself a candidate for Magistrate of the Fourth District. If elected I promise a faith ful and impartial performance of the duties of the office. I will abide by vV,~ rocnlt +-1.r\ nrimarr? pi Potions wixc ui nxt r"* A-?-? E. H. ADDY MAGISTRATE 5TH DISTRICT. I hereby announce myself a candidae for Magistrate of the Peiion District and pledge myself to abide by the result of the Democratic Primary. Jas. W. Roof. I hereby announce myself a canJi didate for Magistrate of the 5th district (Peiion) and pledge myself to abide by the result of the Democratic primary. Boyd F. Berry. Recognizing the splendid manner in which he discharged the duties of the office for 10 years, we hereby announce C. R. Rish of ;Pelion, as a! candidate for Magistrate of the 5th j district, subject to the rules of the | Democratic party. Many Friends 1 Upon the solicitation of my many| friends I hereby announce myself a candidate for Magistrate of the 5th District and pledge myself to abide [>y the result of the democratic primary election. Pir?lronc f! RrmlrrnVht. MAGISTRATE 6TH DISTRICT. I hereby announce myself for rejection as Magistrate of the 6th Dis:rict (Swansea) and pledge myself o ibide by the result of the Democratic Primary. E. M. MARTIN. A POND DRAWING On Thursday Augsut 22nd we will iraw Jeremiah Shumpert's mill pond md will sell 40 shares at $5.00 .per share. The owner of each share will lave the privilege of keep'ng what he 1 matches. There will be no objection so a shareholder dividing his share nto as many parts as he desires. 3ash must accompany all applications :or a share. Dinner will be served )n the grounds. J C. S. and L. L. Goodwin ' Itpd 7-31 Gaston S. C. , VHAT TO USE TO ! ? PREVENT APPENDICITIS'? New Bookland people should know!j limple buckthorn bark glycerine, etc ts mixed in Ad ler i ka, flushes the} ENTIRE bowel tract so completely hat appendicitis is prevented. ONE SPOONFUL Adler i ka relieves ANY j 2ASE sour somach, gas or constipa | ;ion because it removes ALL foul , natter which clogged and poisoned j -our system. The INSTANT action urprises both doctors and patients, jandel Drug Co., New Brookland. Dr. D. R Kne^ce, popular physiian of Pelion, was in town Saturday >n business. Classified Ads. J. A. CLIFTON M. D SPECIALIST In diseases of the eye, ear nose and throat in Saluda on Monday and in Batesburg Tuesday with Dr Mitchell FOR SALE?One Maxwell three passenger roadster run 4000 miles; chean for cash N S GEIGER HANDSOME FRENCH LADY 21 worth $125;000. Anxious to marry honorable gentleman. L. Bryant 2216 1-2 Temple St. Los Angeles Cal. FOR SALE Pure bred, big: type, Poland China pigs from 8 to 14 weeks old. Price from $7.50 to $10.00. L. Magnus Shealy, 7-31-3tp Peak, S. C. SEED! SEED! SEED! Just received a new shipment of fresh Garden and Bean Seed; several varieties. GEIGER DRUG CO. i A new lot of Eastman Kodaks, the popular boxed and folding Brownie Cameras, low in price but does efficient work. New films of all the popular sizes at the regular old prices HARMON DRUG CO. NOTICE?All Persons are forbidden from employing or housing my wife Jettie Wray who is now away from home and her little children. Persons so doing will be prosecuted. 2tpd. 7-31. Heber Wimy. STORE-ROOM FOR RENT-r-On r main street town of Lexington dearable location, formerly occupied by Keisler Grocery Co. JPosession at once. - . ?. Dr. E.P. DERRICK, 2008 Marion street. Columbia, S. C. lwp. FOR SALE?Duroc Jersey pigs, 10 < weeks old, will weigh about; 35 lbs. Price $8.00. G. F. Keisler . Gilbert, Rt 3. ltpd. LOST?Last Thursday Between Post Office and Wingard?Roberts store, one Parker fountain pen. Liberal reward if returned to Chas. E. Tayor, ltpd. Lexington. LOST?At Gilbert?Silver plain back card case (pocket book) contain ing $1.40. Finder can have contents if they will return case to. Mrs. G. W. Adams or K. B. Price STRAY HOG. I have at my place a stray hog that came there Friday night. Owner can have same by paying for this advertisement and damage done. H. Ward Shealy ltpd. Lexington Rfc. 2. ^ "AT YOUR SERVICE." Telephone 150 when in need of anything in the drug line. Special attention to soda fountain trade. Deliveries without extra charge. GEIGER DRUG CO. / FOR SALE. 160 acres good farming land, clay soil part gray and part red; 5 room dwelling house and all necessary out buildings. Located in Hollow Creek township. Cheap for cash. About $1000.00 worth of timber and some good river bottoms. Apply to St, J. Leaphart, AgentNOTICE DEBTORS AND CREDL TUK5. All persons indebtedijto^the estate of Mrs. B. V. Hallman ,and all persons having claims against the said estate are notified to ^ray same to or file same with Drayton E. Clark^ 2wc Lexington, S. C. W?????????W??? ! ! ? ! !? ?WBi Sanitary Meat Market and Restaurant Fresh native meats always on hand* [ee sold in any quantity from 5c 3ur restaurant is prepared to furnish seals at all hours. First class meall prepared by experienced coofcs. CAUGHMAN & SOX MEAT MARKET Ntit Door to Poitofficc LEXINGTON, 9. C