LOMELMAKES jfiljjifcH'tf DEATH Y SICK .^Li beh'eve you need vile danger a bottle of Dodson's LiSh 2Tl^ ^ spoonful tonight. Bflvhten you right up better than Re! &?id; without griping or mak" ' ^ w??4. ttav, rr/-? VlQplr tfl j I* fii*.Zk..x tvaiib jr va w gv re and get your money, e. calomel today and tomorrow It feel weak and sick and nauDor. t lose a day's work. Take sfu] of harmless, vegetable Dod uiver Tone tonight and wake ing great. It's perfectly harm } give it to your children any It can't salivate, so let them NG ELSE LIKE IT IN NEW BROOKLAND * has never been anything Brookland with the INSTANT >f simple buckthorn bark, glyetc., as mixed in Adlerika. ONE. SPOONFUL flushes the ENTi&E bowej tract so completely it sieves ANY; CASE sour stomach, /A Q* constipation and prevents apApendkhtis. -The INSTANT, pleasant ^ action of Adlerika surprises both doc I tors and 'patients. Sandel Drug 1. Store.- ?A dirt. Town Taxes 5Notice is hereby given -' that the ac- ~ ...... jr^T gr^jpirTirn uounca ai tne xown ox xex-i? i ington has placed a seven mill levy ^ - on all property, both real and person"within the incorporate limits of --*he Town of Lexington, to defray fte expenses of fSe tfbwn government for the fiscal yjear ending July lifc, ' 11918. This tax^U be due and pay|able from July 1st, 1918, to August ; |. 1st, 1918. Aftj^r* August 1st, 1918 * ten per cent penalty will be collected ?n unpaid taxes. After August 15 ;the Treasurer's books will be closed and executions issued for the purpose \ot collecting all delinquent taxes. : J' All persons are notified to pay said tax to the undersigned Treasurer of the Town of Lexington, at his office in The Homi National Bank build ing between July 1st and August 1st. t . JOE M. CAUGHMAN, jtf Treasurer of the Town of Lexington. , ? PJ Littleton College Has just closed one of the most successful years in its history. The * 37th annual session will begin September 25th. Write for new illustrated calalogue, also and quickly for particulars concerning our special offer to a few girls who I.can not pay our catalogue rate. Address J. M. RHODES, Littleton, N. C. .. -* * i Sanitary Meat Market ' 5 . and Restaurant Fresh native meats always on hand, lee sold in any quantity from 5c up. Our restaurant is prepared to furnish .meals at all hours. First class meads prepared by experienced cooks. CAUGHMAN & SOX MEATMARKET Next Door to Postoffice. LEXINGTON, S. C. FOR SALE. 160 acres good farming land, clay soil part gray and part red; 5 room dwelling house and all necessary out buildings. Located in Hollow Creek township. Cheap for cash. About $1000.00 worth of timber and some good river bottoms. Apply to S. J. Leaphart, Agent. . POND DRAWING / r. On Thursday Augsut 22nd we will y draw Jeremiah Shumpert's mill pond and will sell 40 shares at $5.00 per share. The owner of each share will have the privilege of keeping what he catches. There will be no objection to a shareholder dividing his share into as many parts as he desires. Cash must accompany all applications for a share. Dinner will be served on the grounds. . S. and L. L. Goodwin 4tpd 7-31 Gas.ton S. C. \ y r ' V . # ' Miss Inez Ri.shton of Branchville is visiting Miss Pearl Caughman. ANNOUNCEMETS : I GEORGE BELL TIMMERMAN FOR CONGRESS t THOS. G. McLEOD B1SHOPVILLE, S. C. CANDIDATE FOR MEMBER OF CONGRESS SEVENTH DISTRICT I I hereby announce myself as a candidate for reelection to Congress from the 7th Congressional District! subject to the rules and regulations! of the Democratic Party. A. F. LEVER HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Recognizing his ability and feeling confident that "he will represent the people of Lexington Count;, fearlessly and sincerely, we hereby announce the name of Dr. L. E. Dreher, j of Leesville, as a candidate for the HouSe of Representatives. FRIENDS. S. E. Smith, farmer?business man of Swansea, hereby announces himself a candidate for re-election to the House of Representatives from Lexington )County, subject to the primary rules of the Democratic, party and as before "A farmer for farmers." | Recognizing his ability and special fitness to represent his County! in the*general Assembly; and, believ* - * - . A a .a | ing that the lower section ox tne coos ty should be represented, we hereby announce Mr H. D. Shumpert as a I candidate for the House of . Repre'setetafovfes from Lexington Cbutity, and pledge him to abide by the result iof the Democratic primary. J FRIENDS. Having been solicited to make the race, J. Brooks Wingard is hereby announced- as a candidate for the J3ouse of ^Representatives in the coming primary election. He will be governed by the rules of the Democratic Party. In recognition of his splendid, ser vices rendered the County and State during his two years as a member of the House of Representatives from Lexington County, we hereby an nounce Hon. T. Haskell Shull as a candidate for reelection, and pledge him to abide bv the result of the dem ocratic primary election. f*iends I hereby announce myself a candi date for the House of representatives from Lexington county and pledge myself to abide by the rules of the Democatic Primary J Perry Spires FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re election to the office of County Treasurer and promise as faithful service in the future as I have rendered in the past. I pledge myself to abide by the rules of the Democratic party. G. E Leaphart. I hereby announce myself a candi-. date for the office of Co. Treasurer/ I pledge myself to abide by the rules of the" Democratic party. HENRY D. LYBRAND. FOR AUDITOR Recognizing his ability and special fitness for the position, we .hereby announce Mr. D. L. Shealy as a candidate for Auditor of Lexington CounVim 4-s\ o Ki A a +Vl a I ly , ttliU piCUgC mill W UWiuv vj vuv result of the Democratic primaVy. FRIENDS." The friends of W. D. Dent hereby announce him as a candidate for reelection to the office of County Auditor and pledge him to abide the result of the coming primary election. Many Friends. FOR PROBATE JUDGE Recognizing efficiency service and j faithful performance of duty in the past, we the Many Friends of George S. Drafts announce him as a candi date for reelection as Judge of Pro bate for Lexington County and pled +/-> omHo hv flip result of the -VJ V"? ? ? Democratic Primary. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Judge of Probate for Lexington county and pledge myself to abide by the result of the Democrat j ic primary. B. D. Clarke ! Having been strongly urged by I my friends in different sections of i the county I hereby announce myself a candidate for Judge of Probate of Lexington county subject to the i ?ules of the Democratic party. I will abide by the result of the coming pri mary elections. S. RUFUS SMITH. At the urgent request of my friends I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Judge of Probate for Lexington County; and I pledge myself to abide by the result of the Democratic primary. CYRUS L. SHEALY. For Cotton Weigher I hereby announce myself for reelection to the position of Cotton Weigher at Swansea and pledge myself to abide by the result of the Democratic primary. If reelected I promise honest and faithful service, as I have rendered in the past, pd. John V. Hutto. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the position of Cotton Weigh* er at Swansea and pledge myself to abide by the result of the Democratic primary. If elected I promise honest and faithful service. H. BENNIE WILLIAMS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the position of Cotton Weigher at Swansea and pledge myself to abide by the result of the Democratic primary. J. G. Sharpe. MAGISTRATE 3RD DISTRICT At the solicitation of many of my friends, I hereby announce myself a candidate for Magistrate of the 3rd district, subject to the rules and reg. ulations of the Democratic party. If elected I can but promise to dicharge the duties of the office as I have done in the past?without fear or favor? and dealing out justice to all with'ail even hand. r Wallace E. Lorick I hereby announce myself a cart, didate for? Magistrate of the Trrab District and pledge myself to abide by the result of the Democratic primary. * ' J. W HOOK' MAGISTRATE 5TH DISTRICT. I hereby announce myself a can. didae for Magistrate of the Peiion District and pledge myself to abide by the result of the Democratic Pri i. 9 mary. ; Jas. W. Roof. I hereby announce myself a can4 didate for Magistrate of the 5th dis. trict (Pelion) and pledge myself to abide by the result of the Democratic primary. Boyd F. Berry. Recognizing the splendid manner in which he discharged the duties of the office for 10 years, we hereby announce C. R. Rish of iPelion, as a candidate for Magistrate of the 5th district, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. Many Friends Upon the solicitation of my many friends I hereby announce myself a candidate for Magistrate of the 5th District and pledge myself to abide by the result of the democratic primary election. Pickens C. Bouknight. MACTSTRATF fiTH DISTRICT. I hereby announce myself for reelection as Magistrate of the 6th District (Swansea) and pledge myself c abide by the result of the Democratic Primary. ' E. M. MARTIN. WARNING. All persons are hereby warned not to hire, harbor or shelter my son Rufus Black. He left home Tuesdaj aftetnoon without-a just cause and 3 will reward any person givkig nu information as to his whereabouts He is 14 years of age, about 5 feel in heighth, weighing between 90 anc 100 pounds dark hair and eyes and dark complexion. When last seen he wore a pair of blue serge trousers anc work shirt and was bare footed. Haii cut very short. Notify. J. J. BLACK, 2tpd. New Brookland. S C CHRONIC CONSTIPATION. Perhaps you have never thought oi j it, but this disorder is due to a lack I of moisture in the residual matter oi I the food. If you will drink an abur dance of water, eat raw fruits anc take lots of outdoor exercise, yoc may be able eventually to overcome it entirely. In the meantime use the most mild and gentle laxatives Strong and harsh cathartics take toe * * ? j i mucn water out 01 rne system anc make a bad matter worse. Chamber Iain's Tablets are easy and pleasant to take, and most agreeable in effect, Give them a trial. NOTICE?All Persons are forbid. !'den from employing or housing m\ [ wife Jettie Wray who is now awaj ! from home and her little children Persons so doing will be prosecuted 2tpd. 7-31. Heber Wray. Subscribe to the Dispatch-News. Classified Ads. 1 FOR SALE?One Maxwell three; passenger roadster run 4000 miles:> cheap for cash 1 N S GEIGER HANDSOME FRENCH LADY 21 worth $125;000. Anxious to marry j i honorable gentleman. L. Bryant | 2216 1-2 Temple St. Los Angeles Cal. j - I LAME BACK RELIEVED. For a lame back apply Chamber-' Iain's Liniment twice a day and mas: sage the muscles of the back over the seat of pain thoroughly at each application. FOR SALE?1000 lbs. fodder and 50 bushels good sound corn. M. J SENN 2tpd. 7-31 Gaston Rt. 2 FOR SALE?Some choice Duroc Jersey pigs ready for delivery Aug 20 Write or phone. 2tpd. C. A. Wingard 7-31 Chapin S. C. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Black visited their parents and other relatives at Prosperity during last week. Miss Annie Carroll of Columbia was the guest of the Misses Efird last week. PIG FOUND?A red and black spotted boar pig weiglgng about 25 -pounds came to my place yesterday Owner can have same by identifying pig and paying for this advertisement <^ 7 M. M. KLECKLE^'j ? New Brookland ."Rt&l* . ltc. ' , r/,.v .. V ' " .* 323? WANTED? The people"*of Lexington and^yicinity to know that Wall and Wise "fall be here Friday August " ? * 1-1 1 __ 2nd at T. Li. narman's siaoies Duying mules for the British government. They will buy any first classmules brought here. , . : sf ^LOST 1 Black and white spotted hound dog, answers to name 4 'Jack/' Was lost Wednesday night, July 24, in the St. John section of the county, Finder will please notify S. E. Hendrix or D. F? Efird and receive liberal reward. 7-31?2tp . 7 : FOR SALE Pure bred, big type, Poland China pigs from 8 to 14 weeks ol Carlisle, of College Place, Columbia, are confined to their beds with typhoid fever. HOME DEMONSTRATION CLUB TO MEET ON 6TH 1 ______ The Lexington Home Demonstration club will hold its regular meeting on the afternon of the 6th of August at 5 o'clock in the high school building. ' WE SERVE THE PUBLIC. Everything in drugs and medicines, j we have them. Ask Rice, he knows ! about it, twenty years experience. | 2f. HARMON DRUG CO. I BARBECUE AT GILBERT SATURDAY AUGUST 3RD. I will furnish a first class barbecuo with refreshments at Gilbert on Saturday August r third County Campaign Dav. Meats will be cued by one of the best cuest everybody is in vited to attend and en.iov the best ! cue of the season and hear the candi1 dates speak; charges for dinner reas.i | onable. J. D. HARMAN WANTED?The peonle of Lexington and vicinity to know that Wall , and Wise will be at T. L. Harmon's i stables Friday August 2nd buvinir I mules for the British government. ; Thev desire a trood class of mule-. I 1 ' i PERSONALS AND LOCALS. 666 contains no alcohol, arsenic, nor other poisonous drugs. Glenn Leaphart was a Sunday visitor in Lexington. Mrs. Alice Rankin of Columbia spent the week end with her sister Mrs. B. D. Clarke on Depot street. C C, Justus and familv of tho Edisto section spent Thursday of last week in Lexington. The first meeting of the County campaign will be at Gilbert Friday August 3rd. J. V. Gunter a good farmer from Lexington route 3 was here one day last week and reports good rains and fine crops in his section. Miss Jimmie Fort of Pelion is visiting her sister Mrs. L. 0 Rast. at Swansea. Mrs. A. C Sawyer has returned to Lexington after spending sometime with her parents in McCormick. GEORGE BELL T1MMERMAN FOR CONGRESS Advt. ?????? Thos. W. Willis of Batesburg visited us Thursday and placed his name on the mailing list. .Israel Gunter of Steedman was a visitor in Lexington Thursday and paid us a pleasant call. R. B. Barre of the Selwood section was here Friday attending a meeting of the County Executive Committee. ; Vi E. L. Derrick of the Newburg sec. tion was here Monday attending the meeting of the Executive Committee. v I ,. J. V. Hutto one of Swansea's best citizens was a visitor in Lexington Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bluth Bisinger of the-*. Hollow Creek section passed through town Thursday enroute to Columbia. H. Bennie Williams a leading citiw zen of Swansea was a visitor in Lex. ington Monday. W. H. Witt member of the Local Board has gone to Glenn Springs where he will spend ten days or two weeks recuperating. M. Argoe of Pelion was a visitor in Lexington last week and while here subscribed to the Dispatch-News. J. K. Gannt a prood citizen from r.ear Steedman was in Lexinjrtcn Saturday and paid us a pleasant visit. G66 cures Headaches. Biiliousness, Loss of Appetite, or that tired aching feeling, due to Malaria or Colds. Fine Tonic. Miss Sadie Huiett who has been the sruest of the Misses Efird for a fortnight returned to her home in Marion hi on day. She was accompanied home by Miss Ruth Efird. SEED! SEED! SEED! Just received a new shipment of fresh Garden and Bean Seed; several vo-riofioa GEIGER DRUG CO. . T. P. Hall a good citizen of Steedman was a visitor in Lexington Monday. While here Mr. Hall subscribed for the Dispatch-News. The many friends of Mr. E. L, Wingard will regret to learn that he has been somewhat indisposed for several days. Earle B. Seay a leading farmer, of the Providence section was in town Saturday and renewed his subscription to the Dispatch-News. i i j George R. Sease one of Lexington | county s best farmers was a visitor in Leexington Friday and paid us a pleasant; call. Mr. W. Q. Jackson a leiyiing planI ter of the Pool Mill section and one of j the most popular men in the county j was here oa business yesterday. Miss Smith a popular and attractive young: trained nurse of Colum; bia was a visitor in Lexington one i day last week. ; I ! A new lot of Eastman Kodaks, the ' popular boxed and folding Frownie Cameras, low in price but does efficient work. New films of all the popular sizes at the regular o d prices HARMON PROG CO. i