| W anted , jp| ; lhree e -Permanent Departmei S| CI 1 Salesladies m salespeople I The One Suits at Beautiful LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES Ladies' $2 House Dresses, made of Amoskeag gingham. We have them in cheeks and stripes, every garment cut full and well made. Special sale I price $1.48 Ladies' $1.50 House Dresses, made of good chambrays and gingham stripes and solid colors, at $1.23 One lot of Ladies' $1.25 House Dresses in stripes and figures, long as they last, your choice for 98c BUNGALOW APRONS We have just received 50 dozen Bungalow Aprons from back order, all bought on low market, made of best gingham and percales. We have divided them into three lots. Specially priced for this sale at? t 98c, $1.23; $1.48 * . f - ... REMNANTS! REMNANTS! One big table loaded with 18c and 25c cotton goods, such as 36-inch gingham crepes, chambray; percales; voiles; organdie; etc. These would be eal bargains 2 years back. Your pick of this table, the yard 10c TON RIP, R.4R IIJL/il 1/1V i/xi&i GAIN COUNTERS OF SHOES COUNTER NO. 1 MEN'S OXFORDS Included in the lot you will find Tan. Black Vici Kid Gun Metal; Calfskin, etc. Vaues up to $6.00. Our Price During This Sale $3.48 COUNTER NO. 2 MEN'S OXFORDS Oxfords for Men in Black, Tan Vici Kid Gun Metal Calfskin, etc. Great values at $5.00. Our Price During This Sale ? * f'f' jjjj| dS?3EE2^ gg L*3Sf y. M xperienced Shoe Salesmen, three experiei it, four girls to sell Shoes, four Notion 5. Apply in person by 4 P. M. Wednesd r\ ir Great l< Less Than Market Price ? Dresses For Less This Sale GINGHAM DRESSES Ch One rack of Ladies' $6.50 Ging. Ju ham Dresses, just the thing for street ren's wear. Sale price $4.98 Dress 10 dozen Ladies' Fadeless Gingham sizes Dresses, regular $5 values. Efird's sale price $3.93 Ch 25 dozen Ladies' Juniors' and all si Misses' Fast Color Gingham Dreses lace every one a real bargain, all sizes 93 styles and colors. Efird's extra spe- Mi cial for this sale at. $2.98 Suits twill CORSETS price We have 25 dozen R. & G Corsets that we are going to close out during i this special sale, and they are regular $1.25 numbers. They have been ?hi] specially priced for this sale at..79c made 25, dozen $1.00 Corsets, full boned CM 7?ko double reinforced made of good hea " vy coutiL Special for this sale at69c for t Standard Bleachings, such as Can. Cors< non Mills; Barker Mills; Poe Mills; cial ! Cameo Mills; Fruit of Loom; First 21 Choice. $1 Teddy Bears, Gowns and Petti. Ju coats, made of soft batiste and long prett cloth. Special sale price 79c jn q, Gowns, Petticoats; Teddies; specially wash priced for this sale at? spec! 59c; 79c; 98c; $1.?3; $1.48 4SC, COUNTER NO. 3 MEN'S OXFORDS We have on this counter Oxfords for Men in all the kinds desired; all sizes On tl and leathers. \ Whit< Our Price During This Sa^e style* $2.48 sale j COUNTER NO. 4 LADIES' PUMPS \ ? The season's bebst styles in Patent Gun Metal Tan etc.; high and low LADI heel; sizes 2 1-1 to 8. Oxfoi Our Price During This Sale soles $1.65 < COUNTER NO. 5 LADIES' OXFORDS Stylish Oxfods worth every cent' of ^ADI $4.50to $5.00 for only $2;98. ^Be A not! here early and get first choice. \ less tl Our Price During This Sale ' ^ $2.98 lie and R nHHHI B iced Salesmen for Men s r?r!c fKrOP Df Hnflds VI11IO j iui vv ? J ~ ay. iarly Sal T oday's During IILDREN'S WASH DRESSES t received big shipment of child guaranteed fadeless Wash >es, made of gingham and voiles 3 to 14 years. Sale prices? 98c, $1.25; $1.48 ildren's White Voile Dresses in tyles and sizes, embroidery and trimmed. Sale prices? c, $1.48; $1.98; $2.48; $2:98 sses' $2.00 Gingham Middy , made of good heavy middy in^ sizes from 6 to 12. Specially d at : $1.48 WHITE MIDDY SUITS \ Idrei^s $3.00 White. Middy Suits t of gjood heavy middy twill, in from*. 6 to 12 years. Special his sale $2.48 jt Covers and Camisoles at spe. sale prices? 3c, 39c; 48c; 59c; 98c; $1.25 NEW SHIRT WAISTS Lst received a big shipment of y waists for this sale.They come eorgette crepe, crepe de chine silks voiles ogandies, etc. All ally priced for this sale? 69c; 98c; $1.98; $2.98; $4.98 COUNTER NO. 6 LADIES' PUMPS. WHITE So: lis counter we are offering ^ s Oxfords and Pumps, all good ^ 5 and sizes, less than (whole)rice. Our Price During This Sale $1.65 COUNTER NO. 7 ES PUMPS AND OXFORDS *ds and Pumps with gray rubber ^ at almost your own price. 3ur Price During This Sale $1.24. ... COUNTER NO. 8 ES' PUMP3 AND OXFORDS < le lot of Pumps and Oxfords at ian manufacturer's first cost. an( - ^ mi 1 Jur rrice Louring 1 his oale 98c ^ Sells It , ^ / .-/ ^ " ' - es Event Th No Matter Where You Live We Are as Near You as Your Mail Box. So mail us your order, whether large or small. You will get just what is described here and we fully guarantee that you will be pleased with your purchase. We Prepay Charges on All Mail Orders V* $1.50 Grass Rugs, 27x54, pretty green designs. Special this sale...98c Lenox Grass Rugs, 39x72, a real $3.00 value. Special for this sale 81.48 T I Ienox Grass Rug, 9x12, regular value. Special this sale at $7.95 $1.50 Soft Shirts 79c Big counter 51 different styles soft shirt madras and shirting stripes, $1.50 valne 79c $5.00 Silk Shirts..." $4.00 Standard Brands Talcum Powder at Under Price COUNTER NO. 9 LADIES' WHITE SHOES ? me women prefer white shoes.We ve some great values in high top ^ ? i nai Our Price During This Sale $1.48 MEN'S SA* HnaaBanaHaHflB| 200 Men's 75c oai COUNTER NO. 10 BUY NOW WH1 CHILDREN'S SANDALS ARE VE j hare them in sizes from 8 to 2. MEN'S UP Our Price During This Sale 2gc * Men's 50c two 39c. ?????mmtw amammmmmm $1.00 Union Su SILK PETTICOATS $1.50 Union Si r , , , - , . c.? , $2.00 Union Suits Just received a big lot of Silk and t . rcerized Sateen 'Petticoats in solid 00 ?^S ni( 1 fancy colors. All will be offer MEN'S HOSIER1 at special sale prices? loc. White Hose 98c, $1.23; $2.98; $3.98 D Corner Main i ?WW For Less!^3 ^ Sale Begins ! EFIRD'S GREAT 1 Boy Your Supply of Sheets and fl Pillow Cases 'fl Cannon Mill Sheets New Era .. Dan Rivpr Snernal 8lxl^*M-flll Regal Make 81x90 ft Courtland Brand ,...81x90 Jp Sleepy Hollow Special 81x90 ^Bj Sax ton Sheets Alcove Brand Cameo Brand.. 63:fl||j|g|| CROCHET THREAD, 8c H C. M. C. and Star Brand, white and all colors, at BED SPREADS at UNDER PRICES Clarendon extra size. Princess special {HnSl perial Brand, American made. V||||3 DIMITY AND CRINKLED SPREADS l|fii Very special as long as they last?72x$B||||| 63x90, 81x90. LONG CLOTH IN BOLTS |H Wamsutta Long Cloth, No. 500 Long Clotfl||g|| Japanese Nainsook, Baby Nainsook, No. 60(B||3| Long cloth. i Furnishings At L? a Manufacturers' Co^h 1ple belts 25c. Black Hose at nple Belts at ....39c 35c- Hose> a11 colors le the prices o0c black slik hose'" 75c. Fancy Hose at -HtlPii :ry low a $1 Fancy Hose JH||ffl jderwear ~-llll men's pants hg| -piece garment at , __ f ? , -frMm 1,d00 Men s S3 values at Ep||| _e $4.00 MEN'S FANCY WorMlS nts, at 75c v -yjm aits at 98c Serges ; at $1.25 $4.50 Fancy Worsteds and >n Suits, each..25c $3.48 'IS $5.00 Fancv Worsteds and SeHH Y department <.3 qg i - - < > ~ - r\ T". 'I I' .1 T"Y_ V- _ ?j^BSs