Lighthouse and informer. (Charleston, S.C.) 1941-1954, February 06, 1949, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 6

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-PC',. . r ' - ?:=__ pack four : '; . . Published weekly by The I touv Harden Struct, Columbia 4, S : I. TELEfHQ Entered tis second- class matter i'i C, under the Actuf Match 3, 18' SUBSCRIPTION RAlES, PAYAI -?T-^?~ - S3.75; 6 mos., $2.30; 3 mos, '. ADVERTISING RATES furnished - repreaentiiu'-jJL?1. . ? ^ L John II. McCruy - - ' .VA-WOWAt.- KWVffTT I'M* : &4fi KIETH AVKNUK, NBW YORK. 17. N. DEADLINE: NEWS AT NOON TUKSD, NO NEWS ITEMS' ACCEPTED W ITHOb" ? MEMBER-ASSOCIATED NEGRO PRESS ? TAI. FEATURES l LOOK!N(? HACK ( This issue of The higntl " lhat fact."this edition has a s ovina a. little uvtu- tenyoars^ :ome true and, who down thr / YLth looming ami menacing o< Th-adilil-ion to having. iabo *npet?oltWhtreTraid Trf-pijhtis >f the secular and social 1'ici 44 ?-A'ockly schedulc^ivo had to n fiatorial, and mrsh it-to-a pia minting tlVen?week after u lope and pray that our pa}.',*! ~ * ' nich a condition as not to cinh, Iroam. Wo worked and kept i { Xewspapers-of 1 he class, o : or are'more or less . souvenirs There hasn't been another ju: who strove to do some of the t short time iuul-are "this day ii L so. heavy-were the-odds again? 1 sons consulted before the "firs! ? ? ? ??it migh14ive.-4t- has. * And it has served South Ca " ?. oui'seivesr?i-t -has been t lie-ha y- among Wgrnos for hotter lb launched' the fight for equaliz _ by itself, gave birth to the4c ?erats and figured heavily in ; right to vote which is about > ~ . iIn constant nlei tuu.s.. -many . . LhuillOl'lll' practices would-4t?= v, known, as they had been bef< Elko lynching, the blinding o v / land slaying,"the prison farm 1 A rc hie- Wa re a re but a lew < I trig*." aTTW hrmi tinier and' without any* thouj. * given freely of "its pages-to make South Carolina a happi< out the newspaper's support t ? in-fron^of the other-Smrthcri ./ ' -?-class citizenship for all people i done. thinli more of the ;|)r these yet with us. It is our hope to increase soon possible, putting out e< on a dailv basis. We i -but-th^v ny like The Lighthouse wheTV we oil <nrrwi lfinrl-/'kf' r\f tVmii ~- ? -reused- iteetIs in many -fields -have filled fTie bill ten years aj taken tyive made the need ot on a ""slate-wide basis, a desidi And'-th is can be done. Th in the stale, represent i'ng at ; offfhe fmnnie^'wd!-. :i sdhsT: subscribed, of one-fourth of would be materialized . . SOr.NDS HI 1 n them annhr ot the la ft liam Morrison of'Charleston ! receiving a request JjauruJa+Hi ACP conference.- a?fK7ng that s is supported in part by public ? ?'taxpayers in September and "Ft ' . to Negroes, something aside. \ ?- Waxing anger, and probal y of fh"e~*'white"men are t reat ' . Morrison retorted in effect.:.' > herare we'll .-ulmit :i NJepi-n in But before the clapping o us look at the issue "itself: raised ill the Wrighten, Me!v cases. On these and other sim ~"'V hast ostabbFhcd -ttte- taw and around ttio issue excepting <><n cracks don't do any good; nor proach- And Negroes .W411I?u. that they have to ask for c?|ii - - "white only" co.ntroLand-hone Unless we haw mis-road \ an- certain that Xooto -dude Ur>llt j i of Uh;u'tf'Ton ' ;ind ;u there <**re not e^ua-l provisions riShn ought to know ?^ irift to the college.front the cit it entireJy. In either case No will he the white -peophv KTrmvingthat the NAM court on the. item, aa Mr. Hi be interesting to see what is 1 ArPfKem-.iym- wont h:i\ i' t> ?--??Hecwhiriff the words of < _ voting isitfim nour no Imnrer ?? diet the outcofneT" Uotifrorit rrt . for admittance into tlie'TJmK j' man 4? reported as saying. "1' let a single Negro in our pari dead but where he went we ct jg?V * .?? *- , ?i : - ? " 1. The only Christ some *" they see of Him in you and m ifr' 'HV' mjtf: ' ; , ' ' yHSp -.*. ^ 1__ U?t?; : lighthouse.. Publis^m Cunipai I. c. * JCE i the Post OjJJwe^C^tw^iq, RLE IN ADVANCE: One y< single copy inc. I on request. Make cheeks payo ompauy?aaU m>t -to? indiviih EDITOR - PIBLISI i AI r';i?Tf-^rrrrrrnr-i Y. VT. XBVERTISINO. ( I'M.. TUESLL r THE KIUHT TO EDIT KOK VALUi . CALVIN NEWS SEKVICK. CONT'I > mOL_X?^ ilLAHS louse atni Informed. its" i;u. owned hv thi' news-paper, j pccial meaning to those of ough the ycur.s haw -tuck it was itil r u in' ;m.- ,V rZ\ Ids. . ; ' tyd h'-yrt-n;rt rr'genr-T Fi sitrrir^ anrtwtfiiTiions rr;'^ Id?we liiivt* worked agaii lake in order td assemhl.* * ikr- outs-id c~of thi' state Ll oek?sit hack and wait . a s eame hack an lime andurass us. Yet, \ve clung to o faith. f The Lighthouse and In for. Til hoath I amima > lustoi st lrke it and . fiose before iiings it ha> d oiv. lived h-..t jrgotteu in, the main... lit fa >1 it "TtlTTT "billy one in six m r~erlition Wns-fuinte<IT>etie\ rolina well, though we say v'ing eonditions. Jt. J>v ilst :alion-of teachers salaries;, tea T)f the .lh* ogressive T>Y?n the sustained' fight "for t ,VOii. In other spheres, hut hii-lil.(.{' Ullij-;. i-f- ; this day btf burivu ? and < lire it came on the- scene. 'J f Isaac Woodard, the ;Pine brutalities, the beating of K )t' its n)>i'?y evi-ln<i\.> "ore n imb.daniiaft d. .'AL .the rht of. making' money, it 1 the organizations woi'Ltng; L3i* place for all citizens. Wi he state would j.ot now be < ii stfivtes i(t "the < >;tt?t 1 e TOT fi ny others, thu hard to <l> . ; esent and the buture.-'vVe li; the frequency of our p?q>or lit ions first, twi.e a week. ; anhut du en iter rlie. e n TNngiT>osrTaT'"iTeTI. a' newspa] rXtfst produced it. They ne f own, ilut tcit vv.-iis hiiv.7" and whereas it weekly -ma jo,.fhe"rapid chamres. in evei my things ha\e to lie uru a daily newspaper, one! ii' eraturn. e!\* are some * 1 bono Xegr? ieasi _2_(kM'HH' Xirr. iii? T:'~ infrrrr'ny i'," .. e-liaif of in ? I ' .. . . I M.'. ?LLLU (-1 >'? ^ - j ' (. HIT .... or-day l >i.\i?vr;\tmayor hit the eoilimf. SaUmlav m rsdVtrTli 1 i 1 oI., <i: t.he state 2 hue the ('olli t'i' ot ('hai'Io-' lumis, ?t bo opened to N> rrrT my doles ih the aniont'f frt\ el unala ompti wad. I.m )!y appealing tot ho adh. ed "superior" philosophv Ws-.-jJr-.-lorr to il..'.' ? !' tlie iiifolerat N s>h; , ! It is- nothing shot-' tr iu Alston, Stood oa Swt'i lihrr cases t ho So* -. m - ('m. 1 tiei e?is no vv.v pf pottfi lality of-opportunity. "Smai do they perm . 1 a -Suit.- sil>le u -.St'iusiltlo?ilppr --r't'h ~ I hjU -hi illity holies '.- - onndatiorSty" * ? do volvino.' . >*?!i-i nilii.f tits can h> admitted mtu t iv other ins1 ol toil I'm u'h; for Nopr- ?->. A+ul mayor ,\1< atid pot iia|is dt>es. ; to cut off the $5<T.f)0 a'hnl "y, or oven the closing ilown uroo- will 'T > ;ill" roady trr move ii ntmV^ U>tUo 4+H!W!+nh ft nh [o happen. If we know the 1 ) wait very long: iiU) i-Vi?Hp?tnn rmiynr on } tth n.i. we iim.i hi' 'alHh'trr-p with the ro<mo.ft-+?ficratU' Pfrl'hV, t ho late gent d die,and to hell before ty." NfegTtte.s have voted; h in not say. individual will see is wl le. - ' + . * ?\ ; * * HhTTkK 1JK( ??' .Senator Kussoll of l.worgi r ^eral government af>end billion ?Negroes out ofT and'northern ' av. the mcaips tvTsdlving the race" Were it stipulated that a mM>eHt*ving in "white sttpromr S the Mason-Dixon for any reast -from businesses beyond those ? itself, exclusively, we would : ear- proposal and urge Negroes ai <>t the mind, to leave the Sout tjjje However-, we don't think . should - pay the bills, beyond t , ^ U iprgia klmiimei: and "win ?? 1. so a jdow boat to China.? IKR_ __ - . ... ;N(-:- SKNT i:\ri; S Modern science. His feat '1'N"?*?are ta-'only u;ies e ln> i an wet 3. l'heh if we betray our tn '-?t dece:' and u lust. 4., il gives His .followers tl nts t.leo. imitate th- \o:co. t-itt p.- i~> . i .*ti-=e -m*rt|>het s an?l us .kingdom "trays ami tu Ills -lit b. J es i. \ i r ;i ,r?: :r< ,i, < -mi?hi Hi. am! 11. are t v. t.mi.,l > lb t da. _ : "C",- it. 1 lie i.?; <rr7^?i?c':" me rr r^tdvnsrN to-fid fill iiiu; S. I* 1 n11 ' i !oat !Ve( - oitlv . Me lit- praters |?r; ailil woman IllL. H" c.-ii the humbles c< n:u<i<?n wluf- Murmy- biih>\v> i 1". Yea. Cmmi's kintrdom do tir yivat tureas no' v.itlion; (tiri-t l '!"> ill - . 1.1. W.L1 are 1?..: 11:11 a \ r\ <la I li l' I . Vt - - Jtftrf- it IV it ilia' i\'r !\*11ft laa\i'r.t:, < ' a rj./.htit spota ?: in'ey niai i-{, n .v .e.a. imde-rsta:.'' t hat " 11 <it. >r_ . i'T jouna ' V ' i win sluij'c ' -ia?ra 't i!i IHli. i t:, i n i Y i l S it, Hv ( ari (?. KoIm to- vm AXP'.F . h't it v.qu:ti.- a shock when Mrs. t(?r U.'itaa absolutely rel.used t > e+>n[TjTi si-aa rmvrn~^ tour-ycar-oh: ,hmu~n ./;!> 1 ? Q~i' -t !!v*'" tvi.-l j. , an older bcothef arid a baby rsister. Each tunc 1 had treated any one?them before, their x-^ rnbthec hod been intelligent ami. UK- (.uupuraliVP in her attitude! me tV e wcje discussing the m;iV.vr las i" my office shortly after J:m?my had recovered from, another severe attack of tonsillitis. I but know that ?t-htr child's " tonsils ^ be taken out. beeaust they- were. dangovou- 'o nh; "leal'i. uVi t'.-v il'O would additional ti tore ati\ e .taehs- of tnnstfhtis. ' Mrs. Dolan told r.iu tnat she couldn't see . "any g ><?<". reason" a> for the ODerati'ui now that Jim llHi vj;V auuin h?? : iwivd from lvii ii l^trf??\vr!i. ? :t.:. .1 1 ?-rrr exi- .>a:d. that -thr - -r. uls- vvrr .1 kind V- !)' ' . .^-v4 J"4"rt v UlUlL-i'Cd?LL. HU.Uf.l ;jl IVn,^ ::-MVuri. -h~ ad-jed. >i.vj !??tr ? ..'Min Tn~it! a" r . > >y .i ' *v 'V ituu : an * - , i v.- p: . u.I.:... ' ' wii-t ::4 r-j-j-?-?? . ': > * .?1? i x 'i. .1:: ii - r-?? ? .. .. a!iy ,-ed -[ .JJ ; ' 1 ? "' - i?~~ ")i puiiUi. t , ..a,n: U*' S \ my s 1 riii- .. . diseased *? ?? . n.'lnhfc' 1 : n J, r.\ - ? 1?a-y11 ../< !>?-u-rtn?trrr? ? r's- nr.: u ; '.?! w:vi*r> .,vt-r !.? : Illici t an opt ration. !va" l. I M I". ? ^ unii'Viii < >i 1 a i-?i l ; -a.i< <! v?t\ ! . rr.ofi and sale__ojp?'r;i'.u?i; l<<' . a,?v fhrn v. as n?. .. ? : ; u .11 inniv < -xii hiil:! 1 >1. ' FTTFrv fTTT .-.iu'i:. t lii ' " ~~ lrt A . I talkt ct. I mull . Mr 'tit I > ?1 tr"? was gradually giving in ifct ^,! no sin. tvali/oi! slu- was irt i<Tu:illy ht -lping^ im plan* J:m ffrr *t*y ?* v-lstf- t?> iilo lipTpitnl nrri j"? f.vrifr concnvnrrt* oV'T such thin/is .1 whether i.i' rffit Jimmy could hnng his fav^ite stuffed .ihnrtal . Of rj)urse, not'ovcrvTjTr>r v~thrunt HT '"! every case of tonsillitis mean*; > . iiukk \\n iiiiki 1^. ?? ..-*1- it > t+i Lp > . rrrr i, . ..mmg?'h.'ir-? i>r- '?. y>ed <?vt ; rum ^ thai (,t the civir rights piogran^ m Conil a I gross I.-. to L}(.- '"'Vomprumisecir' ' ol Elks have planned a lousing ral- >' 1?frrt*?kt'iu uiify?11 1 W m?Wa?h. uuiiuu I- triun all guns on Capi1-4 H-ill. Call for -mdem ts-under-. kT] writlpji by some o'f the most .y, yT \ prominent liberals in the coun, * try. Should be quite a conclave. ?r >? ' '' ' 1 u"'- Over in VA, Joe Albright has i1(, "^" Iuade .tt vnrv- ctoar' to nil ron- v,; cerned th;iT"Tie" Ts ITW flH'ti fbt- hf 'w| * any effort to by-pass the agen- <a '? * cy^t 'TTTrculHr S3." the nondiscrimination in employment directive (supplementing Presitftt dent Truman's executive order p, 0,030 ?-Xoe?and VA's Fair . * ** * 1 y THE LTGHTHOU Jl'OSAL - ^ a proposes that the fed s ol' dollars to transport whites into, the South as iSvSiKL : ll whites hating .Negroes icy" be forbidden to cross )ti, were this class cut off it could produce and run support Senator Kusstfl's ud the white southerners the federal government providing means by which KHMONS ures cannot trace; you and ir His futae?=?;?? listi We make of- Him a God le right ol "choice and deputy e r t rt nt I ttf f-rrt"*'--He* |.?ur|M)sos and progress will ' s>Ti'i)H <?i >>ii.yaRt?>TT?rI.aTTv? ' mI'e-nV- 'Aaiit his follow*, i ill won; anu deed lie' jyreaie\ery need. Retract. li'oiii His Majesty i of love and purity. t so'ii and brine jov out oj -oil. es not depend on numb'w-; are making terrible bluild y ai?<mi nicii oj fXpoririK lif inu, liMiin.] 1>\- t h.'ir nv, hri?t out or tlu.'ir plannn iikind every lu-iv shall t - sllall _XilUrn w}HMVVrt,-k'r s its sue runFlis kinjrt'Fom sr.- 1 niiMiii shall want' no niniy1', ttll\ XTTT^l ~ rls, M f). ou!u;v . " i ' . . I -- y 15* i ' "7 I r* r~ ?tV: " ' } . : t . v~L LilOii. ill . 1 .,1. .r'.'.-lt u Chuatjo .> 'i!pKif;.a' ; ! ?:n-. AinvnB >ard ?> Surgery. fi-iioA .. f : "Li.? l j-' j' yi r~* ^ ; N M :. A : . edit-' t :.' : nt .? ?;, .?;. I . ; Vtn. ' , ;! t. : . .- i ,?ther r;-?? ;?j?!. v.,? : : '; v.-: :; porat >, ; t' . .an: _ / ; n V' - : Vi ' a: "-'M)-'1 . -.4. w- ' : a be - . > i <:! <u< h <i(n' I ' * ,U'!y ' at- -a, .! \ *oJia. ' ' ' i. i; T *ui??; , '< i:it.i'ri ::i t lu _.. n o_; -_o] u.L 'i-**<' > ... 1. *? a l> u iuut-iiau?iu. very IrttHty 1 ashion. Imni( ;,'.ally, 'inn' Hollar:.] VA Uai.v n reiM/ntatlve. an J A i h i i ^ h l' .<li. >n V.Y Honi'l ot "Hi'va w for Ls;^i.uuru An busy >viil_ - rrvtm a Uu> end of"- the -nTaTod r Foi i r fii'iil Reason AK to iilii, lull integration of N?' ot's in all branches. Happy Tri?t*?tH?rhrr?Alhrit'tTi?teftn r~rrp,t-'?[ !nt? rrr-.tir>rrv>TH^Tf bor'amr tho first No^ro in AF st'(?ry'"TA' ^TrTfvrr~ trrnim? tn ntt hito prrs'nnnrl bark in 1f)44. ind wow's on. ton i * And hv tbo -wftv. Air Form, ns this moan that Col Ron ?vis is^fn bo a hricndior conor?l Wfl?ho no'l? ; SE AND INFORMER, COLUI A VOICE IN By Robert Durf Justice?whJ?Brotherhood ? It ^"important In this perilous time that our leaders be nssurec that justi$6 and brotherhood wiL prevail, and that our thinkint and efforts be directed positive ly instead of negatively to tha irrefutable fact. And thab'wrtl our thinking be coupled to sus tained efforts in our small waj whereyi' we to make thi a reality in our time. It can bt done In our time i-? we contrive .tii?i??our iiimhl-ln persuade people to want to do what, the? an as individuals ~to establish justici .ind brotherhood. We can have justice anc brotherhood if we want ^t, anc .f we are willing to pay th< price Less than justice anc 0; e'l.n hood is?cost in ?frrr?more in '-e can pay.. There is st n uen to be done in this area .anc L'tle time to not what ough _L-o dene that none can profitab attitude. There is a cross for you ??rt Hrf- -rnu 'and e'v< T'vh~hf> ? . is a i i 77 for me. 71 ??T-r-T?upon .t umc-n. iamolli ' 'mjII team U"iit to a distan town to" engage another team u grid iron classic which season d>iv brought iiDuord of a quai r minimi tans out to engage ir good time by all. rho boys were shown '-then deeping ijua! t e!'s for the nigh' bolore ri c h:g game'. In tin meantime *hc coach had steppcc "Ot t.o?s.c f-Lg?th the rival lean >ach. In Mi ,i,i?each?lujj,?u-i'i < i r OS " l n i hrrtd-rrmnrr"Trr h^d~TB~tfT5tructcd 1 uch .11 ?LLTidrc.'.^eU on, hi*, .huni -saving next to rjpthmg. seem " '> waiting for the: pther t< -e>,kc ? certain "n>ove.. JSnnn The _tuach?u^U+wvod? ark .vithoUt saying a word, undress '(). It U pray beside hL bunk. A- he did so. each sym photwpusjy ' did likewise anc crawled to bed. Throughout their framing pe i".'1 *i?l'"1. -?" 1 i been tMTii'.'h1 mac ruiThL . before . iv ? e ' -dv' ianr iKcI" led llien as i\n h in own way prayec for ' stri'iigth .and guidance a; / " 7 v i $li ?? E ft ' tif.r i t 1'. !1 uncock ( oii>p'.? uutis Hour ~rc.-. e.. ;h .. '.heaw? hues?~art ?~c"?r rrrr: ? ~ 1 um.m i; :.y ?v-yn -- a* i'resident ??1 : . -n in stunned amazement P a ri- arc. a :h< "Qsanu reason: v. i:y T: .:mar. -u.ul.i not ' b? ' 1 r?* .s .iiiiy .phv ';: .' ~~ T : ..* *: > n i'uuiHl 1 ' \;> '' - Iwiu . . ' . * - a. ! . ?; tin- r-1* I t:u ...i. ri:u ^ ri?vn;!;nn TT7'-: , ... , .11 t . ; ;rr u-.h !; ?, Yi'.tw- ,r, "77-T? "TTtkxiu-t ' ; t l, . t.i 1 u:a ; not. be > !> "bav.: . 1 a p.jpulai ? ?-??-r????S?rr-r-?btrr ^1?.? ??T? ;:i UMV.-tafiiv; li- a- };: ;? towards the ' .h i! w o-i !.} affords :i v ! he L'nitec u.-'f he cs ."- U-'-t?i- i.-rp'-puhir. out TUsflj : . ' . \ L II hlH'rSfl ' i bi - v a t .ami t ht K_nefi a :i;an without ; ? ' " : v:; nw and ii > '; f iii i r. i' .1 ' ( ??rm u.ativ Hud I'ditJ ' in in'ual majesty. Ir 1 ?i' l- a cinptty when :mu 'j .: . i it -, > line a. mama n. M ism all i iuirp the crust o ;> 'I ui'ti;t> st without ; : a!Id :n this nation's history " &A.S Y I -H A"4H M ? ? i> mi.mi iienry iltMI I .. ulv>ni sit in i iisy i hairs II "'Ml i h \ 'I". m.ikf' mi' la/v7 ! 'T?tt* nThfTs 'sit iff1 thriis Ev'n Though they call me cra*> I sift on puncheon benches. Sometimes 'mid blood and brin; tears As boys had in the trehchffa. ADVERTISE IN THE lilOHTHCH'SE and TNFORMEI t / ' ' . - --?'-gq_- >* . : ' ? HBIA, S. C. . , J : THE SOUTH they went forth to play or vie tory: to the end thnt tneu seho<: - hold? forth n | only good football players,, bu good men. They had been taugh to follow as they were Jed *i ? prayer, but not having bee ^ taught to lead in prayer the 1 initiative in leading their cojr fades in prayer. If anyone c ^ them had done, what the coac ^ did upon hei?eeturn, the7 othei * would have followed suit. 7 In this busim^s_of_Jacililaia ~~ the prevailing of ^justice an brotherhood, leadership is oe * great need. The world waits t j-l'oilow, ????*?- ? ? j I recall hearing a man say one that atone time during the dar : days of the depression in Chic* there were dqse. on to fiv hundred thousand men- who wer f?rrnrtr?fo march uport that eib forcibly break into ware house: stores and what have you, in a " effort to take the clothes, fW> and medu-ihc they nnd thci Xaiuilitis-- >o-sorely- needed""" " A++v- /'valm?mii; ht ?have?rfsc ;mb .said "follow iw. t wilt ^ you in doing what you withoi discipline want ' to do," but th men <hd not march, pJundei murder, all because no one vol 1 Justice and brotherhood wil ^ prevail when l^adeix ark^e wh ' as ill lead men to pray and wor to be guided by God as the : fearlessly stand and work fa - justice and brotherhood. The am1 si ak part in Ameri . ra's armour :> its lack 01? spiritual leaders fQr a time lik t his -leaders- upon wbom Go has laid his hands and wh , recognize that the* < - enemies c justice and brotherhood are sir 1 tieis before God ant^ can mak . ihum understand the old fksh i juried truth that there is no e.: . < aping??kv-e must reap what w j sow. ' Hooker Waslun^|gJir:c?iaid: "Th ehams" of endless justice bind ;? ?tt?'ppi'cy-- :?.nth 'tiii'.'i^ipi essei . .itui?a*-clo>o-as sirr "and sufferin \ iojiie I. they "m a r eh to fat r A . > tii- 11" >n it ...a?w.?cuu t * ? -o i V w .1 V . - \ LS iJw-L i kJ Ul-V'a K/ y V_UI ; v;n News Service.*) m-tm-?It i> true, Lincoln went froi h.'s rail-splitting to the pres . dency; it is.also true that Bookc i T. Washington went irVma a Slav . ? ohin tu the: Hall f F-rtSfv Tti f these two greats h^ed id a" da . when learning Was ao*. sa wor shipped as today. They lived be . ford our nation asked "about th wiegrees l.rsf and character nex Truman Is no sensation as a : -o.w^? ' dim idei 1 ant^edhnt. Tru , man is just a v-yeti fellow and_ ~-.t" >].)]( v ;n in. ;mj as su< h he ha nr-Hich! to this nation ??ne of i! ispicuou.- ivuirs Trt , ..., , tm. , tartly I r.:< i'e.ii vmcn to i1 I;. U .r.g pi.eMiient -of all th need e> ! :t> h'.-pe < and dreams t 1- ' , lom.m for th vft-rjT- hberal elc-mdnts; but =??"'- r "n??that?fr P"e: dead Hi^ roa . 't \ : It a J 1 ? U111 a ' :. I- the prayers of a natioi . '1' - are lying in v. a 1Hi?' urnT i . > ,,1.-4 vi'-M'tif 1 if:-: are eagerly mvaitinfe th i ' '>*" v };? > can join th "Av ;,v \V:th "Crt " *: f\ TTinT*" ~ u -?iviv i rtie jungl ---e n. e ; h-gnu re for-th ii'.ud of their pi t y than a eertai ' ?!' i the .at;. ;n hungry fc dt-triK'; n of Trunin . T Trutunnism If hi~ prngrni r> . .t temporary sot-bat; not \voi\". u? "planned, ' niw<t n<?t grow too itr patient?-and ton quickly Tri ' man has shown where )'iis lioa' m; and v.?. must not'- play int ' the hands r?f the Dixiecrats' wh f - . Janibor-ng fo'r his th stria Tnitn.m ha.rpfr.Y?r"htpwlf TT :i t Knight ever to ehampfu: v ^ ;ni in.led TiummiiV i . t.. t)i.i }>( ?rs?rrr i of the most irrefutable test l* menial* democrat y will ev< , flaunt to the world. He maty t j? tilr*"" n nation's conspieuoi f ,h? ur' -<-( Distributed, by the A i srwiated Negro Press,.) ? i i > , , ^ ? Here And There One of the _best fiwws fv< made by the NAACP: ereatir the office- of ohnreh?secretary * * m And this column says it aga' ~ at'THENI!' MgTnry MAKs rj\?r Negro in your home for ye V children, to read. The gre -* *o-orks of J A. Rogers, Carti Wbodson. etc., are the fine . reading vnu coTild provide fi ."v vour children. Let them learn * he proud' of their heritage. ' \ strrsrr - . auiii Z : . . ... THE MEED EOI By John H. 1 n Bowfl ??t Charleston theer'is a so] [? dtstingaignca frhite I arrm i it whose?family ttce?dates way?gr !t back, . who definitely belong to Sc it the "first" families in, any coun- mi n try, which this day greatly dis- ha illusitmed and troubled. . th In r e c a n t gr r_-months the hus-? in\ band and wife "* - . an have given de ^ more than pass- pb -?mg?atteutiun Jo ~ ?-the?race ques- ?' ? Hon. They dis- - . / ,V, d covered, t h t te; tr facts before the - ot the tacts wore '-Tfc e and hot as they lit It jiad been reared to believe in tj* k. overlooking facts in : sympathy uU e with Negroes*. that they thorne selves had been missing the c privileges" ~of doing some good ^ s> for the community and the an n dowry trodden qq, d Alter talkmc it. over the fam- i,.. T fly headA--decidelL JiiiiX lj.ke_ too sITi -- nva-ny ?other white- people, they pi-?didn't?-tea 1 ly know? Negroes. Their knowledge of the race w-ag m< ? prej uchced and synthetic. So U'i they moved to correct this. .They 0f e scanned the city's roster, picked hu r, about half a dozen from among <eI i 4 *c: ;.4?? : ? 4 u ~ I- HMVU Ui ilUt'M III lilt! 11 these, all ladies, into tea.. - j^i o Having spent most of.piy. life thi k in .and around Charleston, I cad sm y testify that Charleston Teas.s.are th 'r you are invited to one they make wl sure that you know how to bal- inj ance a cup and saucer on yorp: an l~- :uiii -lh:it niwf nt tdo Kr'ew- nrd?>piUi, Kii' milady's fine rugs. The?ete test, and_ teas in Charleston are siu d?white^-1 : ?: be 0 There wasn't anything super- *h< >f ficial about the invitations. The 1 u ilost and hostess, are far above e ley el and . considered the affair pt] [I an. asses "to themsetvesT" "This Tualli^ would, in relaxed atmosphere, an enable them to get better acau-~~P^ and, moreocer, could also move fbi en into other white homes.'You Tif e see,. these white Charlestonians, Th< is natves and proudly bred and tht i. i?dnv.'n.''jihej'e, after?reading?mi ]y Negro newspapers and follow- Pit ^ mg Nou"h baUfthf. ih 'courts and 1 . around t? e j^SuiH^l don't be- 1?1 . loive any longer-m segregation and differet, between races. . pu The" invitai ons went out and The Labor View K n I i->r Hy George F. MiCray _U e / r 1 - r Murder?and Free Enterprtre L y .-Because lie, was a thoughtful afcd entet prising * ?iz,en, Rojaet' Mallard, _a successful farmer and " e businessman, lies rotting in the t rctTTJarrh of the cracker state of fh* _ Georgia. -* ; .C*V a""" His; murder is a crime com- ^ l_ to:tted hv the white" pehpTe nif Tn A. a state which is guilty of a long ls 'SeVfes rf crimes . against iTs Net gro citizens., The hooded cowards . who shot down this-respectable C]1; rf h.:r i citi.^ did- ho ho Ti-i , c,?u>e their small souls could not as > urb -4+itr "Savage iealouslv and ie ''aroused by. the . sight.. of . a ^u. : m i-os,ful Negro- P1' n Th.;.. ii'.iu; A>f murdefvdor gene- cor :' it i> 'Hs has denied the South the 'a' |t> benefit of much if its best brains ? ,T ami u.i u tun,si\;Ur!iu' 4?n?main ? f-." 'hiUVriZZZi-tl?0.4...?wa-tst-Cw*** ?of--" Vj do- area ~ iv s '?ndilated by the eon^ (In ' of the trial aruj the .iubiiahin of the degenerates who , packed the court room, the . ^ hooded muv.(lr!'ei .1 w-erk- i?fting : r 0 as the exeVutionors .if the white t0" o It., -is necessary to ^c' >Trite thly matter so bluntly in ^ older to understand it in its ? true light. . trr- rrrnng a Negro." who "had outstripped his white neighbors r m spite of all handicaps the .? ? wiot?-'?I'umntumty had? hgaped? -?m'*""?hno.' t iv-?ivniyderm y?knew ? they would have the support ol a majority of whites. means all white > citizens, but t " certainly a majority who see in tu the success of a N e g r ir. a refleetibn on thoif own 'atstfity.The murder of Mallard is particularly shocking, but the ugly, ; v-Tmce rails, __tthcL cowardly fear r ' revealed by his killer is even >n more so. -Apparently, 4he people no not believe in free ^ ' " "'Tprl -f nor 40,1110?basic icieas- --'. of .American -T>emocjacy. They ha .certainly do not- believe * that L"r every American is entitled to LS- the rewards which. _. theytT.: IS might honorably and decently s~ win in competition with their fel- .! ol'tvs. They fear they can't rom0?^e with Negro brain and mus- j ^ pfe ; " in? Purely murder is not the way mi the "master race" mtends 4o ho m theet the competition of the frc ig "disadvantaged'' Negro". jui ? : Lf?Southern?whites?persist?m their extreme hostilitv to the In slow hut STtoicty forward march m( J^circie&. lhcy will only ?w- ^ , thatthey are a stupid and brutal ^ri people. To hold back the Negro they must hold back and destroy 'r America, r? (Distributed by the > "t Associated Negro Pre?$.) ' Le 'f . ~r ?? ' Od to READ THE LIGHTHOUSE *, IT LEAPS THE STATE. )AY, FEBURARY 6, 1010 a O M ? ii imia I CHANfilHC HcCray mehuw, news ufthem traveled ' . o Negro underground and ape vine. Then, It .happened, unebody yn the colored side arched straight to .this white usehold and informed them at * they .< were committing ^a eat "sini that theyr were invitS? the wrongtypeof peopjjf \ ?-vs d considerably other purely spicable bostr-dntelligent peol* ought not ever mention., The host and hostess were / jhned,_ confu^d__and iett '% -Lull?i;uv mo through with the a. And as things have a way doing, th^ shoek wore off and ey did some further thinking. icy wonder now if Negroes be? . ~ ve in equality; if sp, why do ey try to down one of their "r ,n and make attempts to keep q w hole race in the proverbial '' rab basket." . / '.--"iT" . Then, they?checked?further. 7 ley were shocked to find that long Charleston county's 50, 0 Negroes, less than 2,000 be- .. igod to the NAACP: Thev rea . lljthat 1 at Charleston. of alj r.. ices, at Charleston where tne dueous and mtghTv Judke War lose fair ruling in the behalf Negroes the'past five years ve written a brand new chap in the Negro struggle, that so, . ' v. Negroes Support the organition' which promoted the issue ' d oefore Mr, Waring.?And L*y wonder, in light of the tall NAACP membership and e pressure and persecution ntes hav?.Jaid on .|Udge Wari, if it is worth the while for y white people to stick their^U,^ cks out for Negroes; if white ? ople, on their uwu, uught to?;? ish as segregation barriers and ?^ L?y were somebody. Of course what is . the case, re is also the case in Too many ier "Charlestons." < Too many justr^ionT think rightly, C d in their quest for smiles, and rtaaps- r\'en teas,?from white.? .ks they nip in the bud many ~ ie opportunities .of benefit to >J e whole race, the two races, ^ ; South and country, and more v. porUntly,?to themselves as a^ ft ol the whole. .. . rr; "i utriTTiii aiTT< Tanuage, u ? I of Negro just mws up where ey ought to shut up and keep I net. * n ww ocKeieiier Jtieaas | NCF1949 aniDaigi*----^^ j --r- . ~ - " 1 * '1 vEW YORK CITY?John D: ckefeller, Jr. will serve as .irman of the National Couao " the United Negro. College_ nd tor its 1949 appeal, Thomas ' Morgan, chairman of th? y"^ nd's board, announced Mon- . r - . m Vlr. Rockefeller also' served as lirman in 1948, when the :._x Cuuiic-j, wa^ established a continuing \a)mmittee, aHd de a permanent part of the nd's organization. Guided by s committee, citizens in sixty immunities throughout the jntry raised $1,145,896 hv 1948 help cooperating college^ and LieL'^itics meet -current? iting expenses, and uhpfoVF?? jcational facilities for thetr dents. H rVinthrop W. Aldrieh, ^hair-'^g' n.of the board of the Chas^-wi tional Bank, who was nationat^W a.s'urer in 1948, has also agreed TTTTThe sa nre post for?this -?7ar's appeal,_ scheduled for -g rrl Mr. Morean said. ? - ~ T ? * oothache Adds . . "If 00 To Ben Davis ~ 1 A YORK CITY? Usually P-^LX-iien- Davis," Jr.,- one of the ?t ejv? loadinp Communists .on ::t-rri -States; treepan the "heavily 7 ar.')t*vi session with a double - t-rrsTT r.f misery. " - . . -r?, <.j Davis, a city councilman Wrn ' uihattan, had an inflicted tooth." "1 - "'jg after uf wyjiruglifrg Hop the nvirniriK-' shs'-ion, he *T d to e? off from the aftelfhibit--.^ " ' -SJf lie was <'excused to see a den~ ? ^ " M 1110,000 Negro^ .tuiU^ .k. iupuration of President TrU?, in. ^nd now Unit ill that opla is over/ where do we >m here? (That's up tt> us,* yor, that's up to us, Amen). tidily nfwfinanrrn) lwrrn tlm., . .. )\yed in hotels. (Lord, Lo^d, w long!) '-i * Joined the NAACP and Urban ;ague yet? We cart*t win with* ?X. t intelligent fighting (the nerican way), and -we can't ? ?j