Clark Asks Aid Again; ftp. Washington, i>. r. in jpTom C. Clurk.has urged the la m all within' tfceir pose}' to ?wppi the perpetrators to jtu>U_ succeed opfar L wtefB the cmxens of the connn**iriy wr aware of their reBpohsIbil- itV^and assort thohiH?tlveR t^ thp- E end that their local machinery of , o ' j | ' 5e#REegi In Brown $Dfc~ ANGKLES~tA^P)?Inos / Y - - J Do You Want powe;r. love? !(., : 1.. i Tfll 1MB I jks^l I I I r, ^Lij^^jpge &? L W? * Wake iw?? 7??%l %, ffitjWjff |X fflrr?lon Wltl< I. Ih ?l,r J% Bd will tielp y,m a*n*o??t MMNrfal and ruwt tntlw jT ^wF^B.yamwo tin n^Jj^v^SE ilfwTiuI BKt^J( l?r,r?. JII Si" mik) ? *"1' *! frtidraaa. fay poatH whM lia ?l?Mrari nn wniwn rnnrnrHW, or ?ncw*e J ' iBStuT* Wg . POT J lilt )rttji ftferj- nfrfifi T*)f?^ V** Wl ?f'(ml* ln'Miwt-rM ?nV cRiftittini P?ro?mi#nt. flE0K0 r>OLLS i : Mfd DOll. OlVf l?cr VfiAltitftil -{ Bto#bAI? Doll ror (;linf4inui. L V:" fflw UMhjr nwmlw.. -*liK 1. ?? UpV Voice. Moving B^o, , ht&jfajHl f? Wh **.## Or"NATIONAI. CO. " , wi w?i iiiuh .::: ; , * r- tru TWI H ?- ? r i v .7 ,Tr~r M '--r??r??:brifer"e ITUS Oi Lawyers' ;t Mobs Nl'A),. y- Attorney (icuernl 4 u\\ers-pj the country *,o <16 tss mob vTbToncu an I bring '1" 1(' t u' f~+hi justice -hr-f? ?f lorjd histicc! breaks dowii or is) lermttted to become inefT?-'Li\o so hat civil liberties are in, effect letiied to ?uiv citizen or group of It bseiis in riie commtinlty. 1 lepj _ hut adequate federal authority n_ hould . be provided to probi-t benu ? p ? CA tlRKAT FORCE * "Lawyers ure one of lluT great p 'orees in every community of the J ?ation for the preserv'tpiot; of jus ice.-- No gmiip of <-il i /iiin I letter the importance" of insuring __ ustlce or protecting the civil'liberties of our people in our demoo aey. in tins faith, I ui;ge all awyers in the nation l?> do all vithin their power- to ;uppn88 hose shocking" civil difltui IjaivTies uid to assure that the instigators ind participants' in these lawless exhibitions of mob violence are speedily- brought to justice ill aoeordance with the laws of. the Uv :1 :alities where they occur, ft flm ? irm in my belief that the Amercan lawyer, hv example anil lend* ~ jrship, can Jo much to bring' to * m ena those cancerous outbreaks md that 7n so doinjj he will renter a priceless service to his pro* Session, \o his community, ana to the nation. ' "1 am sending a similar let^r ~ to the President of the American ? Bar Association, the National Lawyers Guild and the-Dai Assonations of the several states with the request that they advise the local Bar- Associations throughout the nation of my request for their assistance. I shall "be grateful to ip-tn ^ipy-TW Awh^v^ ft nil fi\Y gnrth a uther assistance as your associa- r Lion or any of lis inemhors-caa--1 gi^e-lu ~ ?; .. ^ Made them so. ~jr. J. Eart-? . ' ~t .' - - . e On September 28 Mexico paid Z the United States a fourth install- 1 ment of $4,083,325 on the $?.- c uuu.Oou owed lor settlement, oi on ctatms-hy; Urdted states interests . under tly ngi-wn'^iit nf 104a On- -* ly one 'more pavment is to be made ? 1 h ionnaires 1 Beating American Legion, at the request . i>f San Francisc'b police. The men, u Walter Shaw", of ", ind.. ft and A. J. Harris. IrtdfarfapbTis, arc formally charged with having led a gang attack on Edgar G. Brown, director of the National Negro < Council. Charges of assault and battorv ; ware?filed ,?gamat the tww men ^ and a Ifst or John Does," as their * accomplices by Brown on. Oft.. 4,1 t appearing personally in the district attorney'*?office He told the authorities that _ during, the * American Legion National conven- I Hon, he and other mcmhf^'f tVin 1-. EftUneil had- made requests Tind de- | ' in amis that the L?Ri?^ take, ac- j ' tion agmns^soine j ] ltin"g*of^Negro enlistments in the ' Army to tO per cent, etc. * < SINGLED OUT Ljs fffa' cTb^iii 4ay they had | ] i ocii demonstrating In front of . Legion headquarters, when he was , singled out and set upon by the mobbists. T h e^__knockod?him K dwtftt. "ftiro "5" fwfiner from his hands?rtrrd?doMtroypfl TT dragged him a considerable distance, tore his clothes, and injured him painfully. . , ft is because "that by_ Gurlilornia I jaw, more than two men are Con- I siderod ? molt, and dragging any-.. 1 ojie a specified distance turns a / simple battery case into a kidnap- < my. thai San Kiarm>>Hco n<>tii?- f*W> } tuiXfoUH to cfcplure Brown's at- . tttokora. Mfiiriberfl'nf }trn\yjiV i>f- ' a??l':/--lLL"ll huru that br ntSo ] plans to sue tin- national body of ' 1 In* AinWimii Lotion for damages* ' Brow if oi?k an active |>?rt among 8 rRo. M'tfHtfrt fA ehrv ^pryTrfry A>n- j t ftMiMtcc Tit San Finuclaco a year j'' -y- ,n"?"P N > v " ' ' - ' - "T" n ~'. \ ...... . ^ aj'- *. V ' : . * 7 ?V" es Def ! Italiai SAIL THE AI)RfATK;?Otr fori , sail on the" bine* Adriatic ffo Uueriean lied Cross Worker' "Wilolmina Barrow, 409 Edpecomb u-.' V Y. C., ynd (Ms from the tod Cross manned club Tn Man- | redonia, Italy. Left to rijsbt, Cpl. 1 5 Indict Miss. LEXINGTON. Miss.,? NNRA) ? ?Five white men have-been inikled Fur "TTntTTft nufttif e r in coll- " lection . with the flogging death "IT ?"'V "f 1 McAttee. 36* ears old, a tenant farmer wnosc " x*>y was found in a bayouf ~ ^"Ulielr indictments by a Holmes bounty grand jury were revealed ust Wednesday as Sheriff W. L. W n rt ugh stdaSPtJKt man h I an g h t ef varrants 'had been sworn out for heir arrest. He 8ald_that tour of the five had >een released under $1,000 bond ach. They were Jeff _ Dodd* Jr., 15: .DT G. Roberts, 41; Spencei Slris, 62, and Jeff Dodd, Sr., 65, m^whose 300-acre farm Mr. Mc The -fifth' defendant, Private iHQgff hi Unhurt aj Ji), was on tkrty-r 108,130. Enlisted VIen In Regular ' 'I Army August 1 WASHINGTON. T>. C.~Oh Au- . rust U. rf)4(>, of the IS9.1?);: \>-1 rro enlisted peVsonnel in the I \rmy, 108,1*10 were in the R?gilar Army, their-terms of. enlfstranging -from rmr?Mrr -Tiir,1'. ? The majority-of these Kegulai ; Vrmy troops, Sl,71o, were station'd in *he Continental. Cnited* states, while 2fi,415 were staioned overseas. M ore than a fourth of the^ Ne io trnnp? who enlisted cKose the \tf Corps as their arm of service. ,1. . .1 . _ "uiiuwiuK hiv inv anus anu sen - | ire assigned: " Ail *1 ?11?..i iinii i er Corps, 27.025; t^orps'-of Ivngi- I icers, .12,1 >95: Infantry. j.frftftf ?Corps. h.TiTM ;?mr1" vrmrch assigned. r> itK; Ordnance apartment, 3,*>37; Field Artillery 1,723: Medical Department, 2,f?8K; , >o r (Wim, ?Governor William H. Hastie, through the Interior Department, Ipis ?iCim-wmimnl Hi i i ions Inc., to take over and operate two hotel? in the Virgin -Island*, itWHP learned last Thur.->day. Government Services, Inc.,. is a non-profit corporation which operates wojjt. of?the nrfrT^TTiur'and other installations in government building? here. .A spokesman for the tii 111 admitted last Thursday but said no -decision had yet been notched in the matter. Dies^Tn Plane Estranged W Tv^rrTT: rr ains, v v" (ANI'i? Despondency, is. stfid to tie last week" of Raymond .1. V'. He ' ro-ponsib}crTrrrThe airplane death raux near the home of lti'a estranged . wife, Mrs. Harriet | "Daisy" 1(icllaltDelv 'MlUMU.y. ?^ A note^fmimi-m?14e^-nux' mitket I | '?I i tie i.n|n???nimi ?i... c+dent- wfe? -ile)ihenttr- smrMrr Tt~: read: "fn ' rase of accident notify! M.'D'I in .^."i Pnct P..u/I WKifo T'lu+n+v Nv -Y." . ? * * .Heraux. wliu - xumTTtl a; pilot's license <>n .1 u??f l!l his iufe alaOj hut_ at tky. last minute hud cut the engine to prevent injujting hgrz?Had he mu- .t?t the "nrt^Qirof his plane when he went How To Relieve Bronchitis rrfWnuTfdon relieve? promptly because it goes right to the seat of the Wfoujle to help loosen end ?*pel tladen phlegm, and'aid nature the TSWrtexider. In ndlngyou must Ukc the way it OUfckly allays the o6ugh or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION) for Coughs, Chest Cold*. BroneWtf * ~ - r ' I f ? OHMER, COLUMBIA, S. C. :*vf * : sion f*'' lies Voting Sees Solid Split Of West, Soviets ' Molotov Advises Cooperation F\>r ^?t Democratic Peace PARI 8 ?NNPA>? The Hurts C<7hfercMiee lust Thursday morning completed approval of the peace treaty Witti Italy. leu\u?K decision on the future administration of Italian African colonies deferred for\ujic year. . ' ' i lh tHu voting on disputed issucVr'' the Wns-tc-rn-tmtioftH vxtU^trSulItlly-^.. ugulllKl the Soviet Union and the : p Slav stUt?^S flint yote with it. At I limes Ethiopia ubstained from vot- ^ >?K- . 1 \ Before voting -on lite proposed j E treaty started, Foreign Minislei j. Viacheslav M. Molotov, \s ho pre- ! J* sided, stepped down from the ros- j' ; trum to i?1vise the 21 nations re- i _ presented at the conference to co- j aiporato ?establishing- a more | p emocratic peace." i BOWER OF VETO I lie scoffed at the. iclea of .China Bdiu and Ethiopia being accented dotnoeratic states and claimed] Mere' were IS Soviet republics i Iti'. h W O r e nat rt'prospnl.'.i j B'ound the peace table. W TJie liuaaians aro demanding u a toothold in any United Nations m Intateeshiv < over 'Italy's African - Mehmvlnle, the British?~ ^big-a ^taiorit> of them. I Bfett^on_.tne Italy peace-1 hike place in New ! H* one: of the big-powers i Bed States, "Russia, Bri- ' t^^^^^BVance?can . */ . > ^ ? JlJL (S-A Kb- of?*&}.? 1T14 THayot ~ sfl I Algiers, Louisiana," was t ^tne National Association t Monday thmu^h the i^BJBprTs dealTi was strikingly J |intlfa*fto that of John C. Junes, * ic-tirnlff a ivnch omh in Mii.Hm. [ yai., months ago. and occurred * jnder Wreuri istanoes hinting a pus- * n xr than?lo mMcg ^ from Mew Orleans, oh Tuesday. j \ Theltttfod man. according to... ja-i,', 'orhnilon?Foewvt-tl, had been en- | gagedj in an altercation with Jo? j N seph WHict, white, a conservation ; fj agent /or the. Department of Wild Life ajnd Fisheries, on Tuesday. . That ?us the last time Johnson 1 scj?n alive. ' ; ' I- ~ Crash Near j; ife'k Home j d?n ?= H into- the fata! s^in there would I ^ have been a terrific explosion that j c Pr"i>'>j;ly Wunld havn?hts-wtfe's I ' home afire, pu'ice declared. . j Mrs.^Wtraux, the former :vuifo--of-j-jj ~Hr.~ li. Lifmoml. prmnitH'nt y N"| U ) oik Citv |itiysii.-i-n> i.^.t -4. )tf)au\_ iii_ Haiti ofter divuruiti^-L t>r. They came, to New i; York npd Fie mux obtained em- 11 ploymmii hk u lwM>kkr*rpor for the y MOol'i'-Mrl Inrimmk 1 innfl. In.-,?1, t Hroactwqjj-, ' York Coty. - } ? 1 t'"ti ' tfftsh hair and *ealpJ?J? ef- , festively medicated Palmer'a SKIN i SIH \ j-jiS Soap. Let dry. Then roh j n hull 106 year proved Palmer'a ' ij ! skin |ucoks8 Oidtmejht Lo palm. ?j !- t<*. ..ft? > nnl' then op** ^ ' si'iiTp ivr trie wonderful relief for . jf| lormtoiUnx itching from dandruff j nil ! 'f^optic niasge. Ciwrtteir Use ; onry Ik iirrected*- Guaranteed to 01 m < on money hack. Palmer'* hi lkin JUJ'JCESS Soap 2fte Palmer'a 1* :-Mf -'CMKS Ointment SBc. < /Be to si.T,- . U< i A M /. Ki*?The .Southern Uryaiilziny ampaign of thi?. American Fedrat lun ~ee?al iiviser 011 minority- problems, mong AFL?organise ro .in?the-r resent drive in the Crescent Citv AMEBis, Coriferen Open Rebellion, j Edict Disregard Behind Meetings W I L BERFQ KCE?(ANIM -=The shops' council of?the AME liurch released a special coinmucatimr "here ta.u TSattiYday to ex? ailji their reasons for approving le proposal for an extra session twereniM of t^ie "T3^r~coinniunication " proclaimed haB'the open rebellion andflagvM disregard of the solemn 'difLS and directions bfTfie coun:il. by certain of our-eolleggues, In ill effort to regulate -iml iuljii.p leplombie and unsavory conditions :om ariXied of -and reported to us >v large nunibefs of the minisem and lay members of certain action^ "f .mr chuyrrh "vor ? tcrmd of more than two years/' vas J he pdnH^l cause. In conion \ens made of the refusal of Senior' Hishop W. A. Fountain to 'execute the writ and expressed ote of the majority of the counil made in Kansas City, Mo., last lime 23" in the I'ishops Sims,Vright controversy, currently be>tig aired'~1? the New Yo^k Suteme Court. j. i iv crinmi >v > < >?o.i i u?..? f ' I I t 1 I M I II I * ? ?%VF f The oomimmicaUon, tinned by lishops R. C. Ransom,,. John A. *regg, S. L. Greenev G. H. Young, *Toah W. Williams, R. R. Wright. Fr.. D7 Ward Nichols, JFrank M leid, . A. J. Allen, George W. tobe.r and Jos'-nW J. ClayKom, rf. ealed that the needs of the hunch demanded they resort to a onst Rational provision of?t+tr* KME Book of Discipline to save he denomination "from ir reparole. leas, -disinteg nit ion Itii if Titter lumilialion before the Christian I'orld.' Thhj btvni^loh) ohhlled rial m|' bishops," providl'* that iT iia_4er.;?>c bishop?b= ncrostnl of mpropor leadership, the bishop lext in seniority may be called ipon by n uriVnMtv or bishops to S8UC a cal' a special council f the bishop for whatever action hey deem m <. .-'dry. j Bishop li. I Ransom, who orered a meether of the bishops in he missionary hcnd hold .special meetings to have inference members vote upon leii uuthorisat ion to call the gen ndictment Of -ymi"Bomar Urged Ts'Cu YORK CITY?U. S. At riicv (ieneral Tom Clark was rgod )?y the Workers I.H-fense eagvio li? hniniMlhiU'ly indict Lyijn, Tennessee public M.ewwhisonor, mr thci baslk-ot-.hlH lowlt. WHV. UT TTtt trial of 25 Nwvors Lawrpnoehurg. I'll*1 WXlL-.ivIrc to Ct.Yi k pointed it that"f'omar admitted stomping t a Negro's neek. entering Negro noes without warranty and perfrolllK OtherTuts in violation of ie fcMjea) civil lights law. The tjftnl in, which 25 Negroes pro charged 1 with "aUonitllod _ uM0 of the Office Employees Inter- 1 national Union who is. also secra- II tary of the AFL Organizing Cam- I paign in New Orleans; C. J.'Ga- a ney, Local 584 of the Ship Car- a prnters Union; ,7. F. Mcrcante, 6 Local 50 of the Office Employees 1-1 Sops Issue ceCommt . r - ^ ' * Says Real Ra< rReaT "^njoat^not | a "jf Mr. Trumani^Sjin^^ratee the under privileged tjilra . of the nation, or Uil- Negro ode-tenth, Ecfd ^Better establish a dfctatorship in the South," Mr. Rob^on_jiildedUr^ ft* Wtt# a surprkfe witness *% a series of hearings /nominally concerned with the Kd kiwt-JUan and1 lefT'Win# a? ti\ iti^a in Hollywood; Subpoenaed presumably because ..oX?P't1 F|J iliuiMnaimliih with Hrig. I Gen. Kvang Chrlsdn ^retired), -of . i the National Committee to Win the | I'eai'Q, his inemherslup on t-be T~ti5nal executive committer of the r Indt'pendeht .Committee of the l Aftr*. Sciences and-Profession#, and I his associations with Russia, the witness said he was not a member . of the Communist party, but de- ' pictt-'d himself as~ inevitably, ^itj 1 racted to _ "anti-fascist" moveI ments. . ^*1A It! KHIM1 1 I P1V " n^Kardlcss of Russia's totaliHASTIE NAfc OfRECTOR ? Bj Adolpb fiereau ST". . rHOMAS, V. h t ANP>? i Dudley \V. Stevenson of WDshii?gl w?n. ?>; C\. was released by the I L^lll/'n^-SUIW ni'Wl1. IQKI. PiMM-h to " * r.ccefi HTi poTTTionof director of | loHrt" fi. hifr? iu; f.fuiir tA -?L L rhnrria^M.IT;m j-"> (Tlfli hj ntn.Tnni. for wfirix^e t%f s\tcariug hr the new director of police. Cuj^t' &VVM\soii'& I.vthQj1 is a pcstn) employe in WftsnrriUoi}. Hfa^ ^rtfV^ngreJ; Irest country, in the world to test the principles of Marxism might be the Vmerim nf today. Russia in 1917 was too poor*'" ~ VT--, -S' v ' ~ . '* .1, . jl^i '!*? ' *f ' ' " VES NEW " i pp||ra' OF POLICE *" ' , V<* *1. V 4 earned, her pilot's license soma time ago. She also taught ground upCTur-jons ror uiers m a wa&iungton school -fur a year whiter J~ fiepr.. was aa overo? Capt. Stevenson > 1* being fgtert J hPTP. " tvs'first night here war ~~M spent as. the dinner guest of Mrs. WlUinm H., Hnstie, wife of * the t frml lih; .m-mid ulffrfr~^fteF? spmtr^the dinner guen^of At*their ptfjatlal'"i.'uartens oh govern- ,~J g?> 1 px^^ IHBHHv ^1 ^er^s fto?H- ^ ..; ' ' r - - --?'r r? -.- - "tt-^S.'. lifetfA>;,y^