The crescent. [volume] (Beaufort, S.C.) 1879-1881, September 11, 1879, Image 2

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w / /THE CRESCENT. / ULT PAPER IS BEADPOST COUNTY, S. C. ?- =7 8. II. llOIIGKKS, Kditor. * 1 BKAFFORT, S. SEPT. 11, IS|9. ? subscriptions" One Year : : i s ' : $2 00 Six Months t : 1 00 ^4dTWtUMMBtS will be Inserted at the rate of $1 50 Per Square of Ten Nonpareil Lines, for the First Insertion. Subsequent Insertions by U0Btr?ci. Red Mark means yourSubhas ruiiput. Pay Up, pq^er will be Stopped. ^ * ItDteAD tfctPg Will no longer be, * Srrrtntfc tt7 Tr ?~y The One Black County. / <*? H feWfe 'lit V ,.S ; ?\f> ; .hf'?$ have always maintained 'thatchis county, and particularly the Town of Beaufort, though over-' whelmingly negro and Republican, possessed a more liberal and catholic spirited population in politics k tluui -mriy otlier section of tibe country. Without attempting to aefcouitfor it either from the pqs* si^efeason that it was here that ? th* fitst eiperienoes of einancipa. and it has been worn *>f its novelties, or thai grown ac^eiLatomed to freedom of speech ajul action, or that trained to a tofoia-J v- jtioft of iUfeteut and differing poli J| /tjteal teiHjte by its eoirtact with ttie large honle of Northern aimy and j? debouched upon (it ch^ 'war ikaf . ikniiA the Iso muc* m t he.jnajqrity, aa^lfolare * ajgaiawticBiieiittol whea 4iiep*.iare ftftid tadbefeitler insotenWor mvtr " bearing. Wiitet qwpapet^^ilb'^sheffin the hit ?rest-of th^Benv almost every Democrat in Uli^Wllti'WMog counties, Bpeas alpvge ohvukition among the 8trtli^j^t>u^thro?ghout the 8 fate. We? led to these remarks phrticulaffir wlafc .noticing how libe, ral^SHpEpafifehri^o the Kep*6: I ieaii pjper published just oppQ| _ ??MStL thtk town, and. in ? jWSgfy ^kntified with the 4 tfe, merely mention ^w^fewjg^veyy creditable exhibit i<^p to be charged ami ^;' ^<^x^g tfe^ ilored chiefs we contwitted abontt our plain, bold ut j iy4*Wawbemiid-attnude, we have ever ' .^^HlfffrHced : th? wtmosyjordiality ^JwrS^pecfcfiff expression *r pur dU" : Terences of opinion, and have yet * a single one to withdraw lrom our paper for our Mfitooiitiref^inions, however strongly aiKbiefciblv they may be, pvk IV footle number among our bu!T serifcefs most of the proiftifieujt chiefs and IcadOrf who, vhjfe ?$ fiP* ' *>W Qn&. read our mahojio 4*tforeuep In > the distribution of their^arinting fUjfqage to our job offiot'on aceOitWt of our politics. In spite too of oCr wholesale denunciation o 1 / Mdieals, of our plain and outspoken condemnation of aErjhjng that is- not Straight-out, our paper is looked for arid copies bought in excess of our regular subscribers by the reading negroes Of" the town. WelffcVO no cause of crim^ "V. A lr.i r\f fl>o WMloVlfv /\/ piiUMk IU 111CHVV WA lAl^jJuciJV/iiij v/A the Republican officeholders and county officials, who not only read our paper as subscribersvbut make their, patronage not a question of -V politics, but one of business. So if with the great majority of our Northern residents, many of whom are Republicans from principle and "^Aucation* and. whose obtained, we re H^^HBHHHHpfuir paper almost BHHHHPKmd who are among rons, who unqualifiedly ad miration for the ability' y efi9e$Jf> and fearlessness of oaf 2 tiow? and Vftio, by the bye, afO appreciative critics of our style composition. These latter indulge in our columns as a lilqrary treat Jfihun the hum drum of BourJ Mkmi journalism. We say it is an of catholicity as one of advancing civilization when dif*Wren&S of opinion in pcditics as well as rdligiori may be indulged in without T^secution from onu ?r other accidental majority in a ' y f&oifcjt We venture to as that tnejre 1$ Jiov a smgie piace 7? Sg.this county, even upon islands ft aSttost entirely inhabited by ne:fj JfQpH anV ^un can not S? ana fully express bis political views either-in public speech or in . Vii-coavewntion with perfect freedom and impunity. We are sure that -so far as tfce leaders of the blacks are concerned that such an one Would not only receive a respectV fid hearing, but if replied to, that would be done entirely divested of vituperation or abuse for the w*idyidd*r4noek?noompnomiHiii? and WHjgt unreserved expression. It is -more tfianyreditable, Jnnd we do a simple act of justice to onfcOinvty which is often represeted as being 1 under the ban of negro domination. r . V ^ We eojfef^ that^e hAve bean exS)tioially bafiffree /startlingjy str?dit-out -and uncoij^xfBi- * sinewy DemyAtic,! ai^l yet Bx' i haB had nanny oi the bittewpt lhlWwls to wlmffr our articre^ must set heavy upon their digestion, to say to us: "While down upon your politics, we can not help admiring your pluck, your fortitude, your honesty and fixedness of purpose. With half the ability you display, exerted uponi* our side (which will be the winning:" one) vol! might expect_U _ re Willi.. iiQwli-ii'ft tlioii in Hoavi^ri " 1. **v? i vm> ? D*'> ' 3 n*? The Charleston Election, 'a ' ^Wefeel very little interest/in tltd. Charleston municipal election only so far as it may be the key to the door of the county Democracy which commands the throne chamber of the State. The Repub lican paTty was broken and driven from the State for their corrupt jobs rtinong Vhiefc the1 Gonsolida-11 ted Bond scheme of Chamber la irt' and the Charleston capitalists, and the phosphate- monopolies were the most conspicuous. For these they were Called Thieves. They have been banished, but their accomplices, those who received the Jjeiv^ifcare of the booty from the efune schemes and for the same interests remain in the sheep's i clothing of-thereof! shell Democra1 h*lW ^ev ^ave 1y ilHfed .the Republican otie of'the causes j^pmyj^^^i^ns^the "money , jw?erj ^owOperating in i \ tte of ill u ndrodrt. ^ t ka*y be said of so*ne of the < > htagenwrperstidhs which will regularly enter the field ;in the cam*$sfiTgn as partisans, and will seek by the influence of the/r local power tcwedt R#slattii-&,,make lawlegislation ami sen^h 1' repteserftthe General *As-, um Bm J ML, ik/v^ W11JUIU wm? art* jicue nunc nwut j tetaifted attorneys of their special 3ilstice' cy requires, liiat the same verdict which-has Ueeai rendered against l?hftmh?r>aftl A (.Why 4lie people 1 slrwrid be retarded -against*Wso?t shell or fusionist DfahPCiat^ who 5 r# ?* A ^ it i tC?/ rfominatiojiB. ^s, I *mm hwl> yw 9t fji T! , u ^Somejofr*wr exchanges tobmk it f Is premature to nominate candidates for the State ticket in 1880. *"? * 'i L ii-i ?i -- utners xniiiK iiku it is uitiucuj v impolitic to talk of such a thing in 4>resenee o? the incumbents who should be consulted as to their ^ W1 111 M^yTl : o retire- before* others can be thought of to till their Others think that it will oe impossible to find another set *of suitable men to fill the positions f m'" the happy family." But by far the gryiUpr number are wait. in&for the lending journal's boom and ink Charleston to name the onler4bi- succession in the royal ?JibaW dT "Haphazard." * / v-?^ / ^LBfrjvisit of Lieut. Micah J.deni fcns, eldest son of Gen. JVIicah Jenkins, Carolina's model soldiep > rm the war between the Staj^s, brfctefl to mind the sad circums(2nces ^fMi deprived the Conf/derrate tt&Nrice of a brilliant ^and spleuddjkbrigadier. _ ' J ,, j ? oh tfye dawn of one f? \h^' battles of the wilderness andjt&n. Jenkins, in command of his }b|ig ade, and. in l'ronl. suddenhj co^lfronjed another aiyision of the armV in the.gray of the morning. It was a Toggy aawri, and* as* I he] r two Jin^s, gfc&rcely discernible; misl tooV each other i'or enemies and a volley from eacli was fired, i The smoke and mist cleared awaV to discover the accident and to seiM a thrill of sorrow throughout the 1 lines and all over the country when it was seen that the beloved Jenkins had been fatally pierced by mortal wounds. Several olflcers on the same occasion were i phot, but ,1-he ?a}araity, centred in the lifeless form of the bright, the cliivalric, the beld\ie<LiiGheit.iMicak I umams rep6se ? *t\i& tnod'esWrfllkgeatf Summervill^ * m the soil offlie Cftrtflina he loved crv waII - '?" ? r w ;(so well* f, ,i ^ ^ ts Jfct?. . ruJ More than nine-tenths..;of the population of the totnte are laborers, that is in the broadest acceptation of the term are employed in some industrial pursuit; thetoul^ fcvaie ijie farms, work the liijnes. (<ruu tlie factories or are engaged fa i some manual toil. OueslSJitSiBfe neither without employment or lire engaged ?<# the aot'nmolation of wealth produced hy' the rhdustriW of the nine-tenths. . Legislation hr run in the interest of tlie noh-producing tenth. From them 'is selected, those who are to govern the nine-tenths. Offices of honor,, profit or trust are considered the property of the minority by a divine right. Place, power and patronage which eminates from the nine-tenths are all bestowed upon the favored representatives of the exclusive arbitrary schismatic, tenth. The majority submit to such condition as the logic of events and from year to vear make 110 effort to disenthral them?elvp#' j f.rJ;u ffir power /tftlic few. "Tb^Press of South C.rolina and Carolina Statesman." ^ A corresj^Diidcjai ot-tiie "Abbe-* ville MfSctMpffiver % ii?u tie 1 plume JtreeiaaJi,* Irishes; that paper Kvitn aa ^bJ*aTOie pu J "The rress ''erf -SbirtfWarolnre ana Carolina Statesman." ;We wish we had room for the flGJ article; but will have to conteiiourselves with reproducing thevAsUsalient parts. In the main Mr* l agree with his views, and TfcfVg that Einc ^SHfingj U^fSntemptible^ pamRhip^so pr^Yaits.Lix iii uuum vaiu^. ?? y tiiid none of it in Georgia,none of it in North Carolina, but it s a fungus on our social and politiallfcfe by the leading journals of lie tropolis which, straugd e sa^. have always been in the possesion of foreign or imported talent, and who by their training early education and natural ptvlivities guide the thoughts of our reading people into tneir own channels, and ed ucate them to a staucard unffcvtafhble to independence or ttf dn|jhatfty of thought or utterance, and apply a I'rocrustean b$l fothe thoughts, the senliuientsjiijtl feelings of ail our people, nakive or foreign born. They usedicall it conservatism in-old GharSRton to subside-into lethargy and % swear by the old ^Charleston Carrier" owned and edited by A. S. Wellington & Co., of Northern birth, extraction and education, and they still call it conservatism to discountenance anything tnat the News and Courier, edited certainly* by* a. hiost' hrilliint and able * foreigner, pronounces reactionary, not remembering the saying of Burke that "a St ate without the means of some changcis without the means of its conservatism." However, extracts from this article will be found on another page. " i' $100 Worth of Braiii8. ^ A\ ? v- I7 w >',<(- * \ f A writer in the Augusta Evenin a Newsd*kes us to tasfrbecause we urgc^b^ebj^ctions in our last issue fo the Town of*Beaufort appropriating $100 for the-purpose jjiayiiSaguide boQkpuolisned. I Tliparticle any*: , "Dboo the editor of the jCukscent put uo volition cu time or brain ?" ^ We value bptli tiyie antrbr&in. idtne we cannot control. Brian ? a\cominon -' commodity, and ? h offered ttp<M the wm-kct daih^ye? IfohrH, and its value, like ali mar ketabie pr^uce, is depended upon its'.quality. As a Virginia humorist once remarked the great difficulty one meets with, ill a dis ctission ul>oiiT Thtr~\ailtJii* 1 ;f?ft power of me Main, is that allowance is. seldom fft&ctefor those hear pieces \tfhich are 9pmj>tecd in the | ipain 6f soap'Tat, with a h?rv? ! fibre here and therethrough whicl thought .struggles with pain. .. Tin mistake is so often made that i tjjorough investigation of one's cranium might yiekl as many start ling facts on the inside as the nimble fingers of a phrenologist dis .play on the outer, for many an egotist, who supposes tlvat nature has endowed him with rumirkabk force, would lind his sktHl I?KT*j the accumulation of u*|ftp fat nnlit ~i V \ w-?? > /\t is understood that no decis ion of theXJonsolidated Bond question by the Supreme OouitrwhicJi is known to l>e favorable to then validity, will be rendered until after the Charleston municipal election; as it has been intimated that such decision in the interest of tlyf bondholders would damage' tjie chances of the Ring and administration candidate for the mayoralty with the rank and file' of the Straightout Democracy. / MARRIED. TOBRENT-IIARMS?On Wednesday evening, September 3, in Beaufort, at St. Peter's Catholic Church, by the Rev. r. Gore, Jerome Torrent, tnXtrea Fir/i H llicus nnlr nf thf> llU -? ? - - t: ^-Charleston and Savannah Waere please odGr J<Mrr Grand Opening ^ -Mlt U?aM: 4>'T* tlx! rt v-:* s f^MNOS CHEAP! -fe *?> W frMi '( ORGANS CHEAP! Mr. I. ILuiHCJl, at Vhe office of the Sea Inland News, Biiy>Wre t.'offers Pianos that cost $800 for 88*0, rtd moowthal cotf $600 for $250. Organs that cost* 8tM 4>r $65, and those that cost $250 for 8125, , wftL.., ; M m DOLLAR," - - -. ? i L .... ?-w . You can btjya SHIRT, bast muslin, finest Iipen, best workiuajHSttj>; It also has a is entirely finished, ready fur the Laundry. A fit guaranteed For sale only by WALLACE & DAJVNHL W. I. DELPH, g# WIteiesale and Detail Dealer iu'J#*' (HHlfiNlij STOfl^ ^Heating Stoves.^ Tinware, &c.f dec., 265 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. .CooKBWql^vss aUWlowingprices: $1 \M~- - - WW. $15.0fl $lfc0fc >?v ^ $22.00r 17 $30.00. i;> 1 ''$4.00 ' $35.00 . $40.00. . $45.00 $50.00. Are guaranteed to please purchasers. \ ,W. I. DELPH. " ^ r" S. U. Marshall. E. C. Marshall. J. J. Wescoa r 3?,-rtrt..* \L^ -r. tf.-r ? * S. E. MARSHALL, & Gc Importers of HARDWARE, , , CUTLERY, GUNS, tc., - Tf"- U 1 !' ?AND? Agricultural Implements 311 King St., Cor. Society, Sign ot Golden Gnn. r Also, 55 and 57 Society Street* 'm* ? ~ II * 0*ARLKSTOH, Si ft f AKroti For OleferatHl "Watt Plows millrSmi. t> - .Ssir...., ill mil mm 1?,;- ih " " ! <. ? *iT -ryr rDAILY.?BETWEEN w*?*V -nit bHIfrvfF* , rJ'* ,; ? MI i ? * mmd Smvanrirfli <t mr.rt ' 'i.-jt j \ s4 p tl 'Wwji* tof **' L uwis and Charleston. [^! "'"I Ml 'JtHl 4.') *??*** ] . Freight. Received ?#ne Day ; > '-? - ti.. ftitTrerof ine Aiwre ruimt, | and Delivered Kbrly j . on the Following A -> - Morning. k { KATfiS ALWAYS Aft' DOW 'A STEAMkK? *fE 1 TA&EFLS rtiGM ALL PtfQJT ; BAST AMD WEST i Supplied upon Application to I?AUL tt"AllILTOK, * J,S. ^ATlSt, Ag?iW, BeauArt, S. 6 j urn'k Kuth't A^i_, .AqpMtvGa, f -- - ^J'^T i N. CHIUSTJiNpEI !.i. LUMBER ,t .. , >r? . tK \ L, ^ of very choice af* we ^ ttfrfck-w as second quality, vei 4 DKLSSKI> yuHIKING ?ul SJDING. A CTPKKSS SHI N< i1?, * PLASTER LATHS, . PLASTER MAIK. I J?0 ' IASHES, f BUNDS, MOl'LDJNt -[ash 11 AND i, us, I PALMETTO T/X ;8, SQUARED FENCE 1'CSTS, * NAILS OK ALL KINL , BRICKS, LIME. . . > CEMEKTr PLASTER PARI llARPtf ARE, of all kind*, ANCHORS 111 Bfffij . "k CHAINS, PUTTY, . v , OAKUM, I r ROPE, TAR. ^ W. W. BBP9HES, PITCH. Bhek?ftV? Materials, Wheelwright'* Material Harness, Saddles, Brklles, Etc.. Flower-Pots, Garde* awd Flora! Tools. FIRE WOOD. OAK. PINE. For sale at Christenseu's Lumber Yard, ; t k Beaufort, S. JO Doc. 19-tf. , ... Tin A DTATAin VJ. id* ' pLEASANT BOOMS AND " Good Boarc^'"*,i may be had at reasonable Bates, by applying to MBS. A. MASH, (Over Schcper's Dry Good Store) Bay St., Beaufort, S. C. ,* May.l-fir. ' * ti K -. A.'. M.\ : BABBOkl CHAPTfcK, No. 44. The Regular Convocation of this Chapter will 1 held on the first Tuesday in each 7 P.! The Craft are requested to be punctual. Do /..jMar iL. w c k P Jan30 ' J. A. WHITMAN, Secretory. ' **''* M'" HARMOHYLOPGK N( The Regular Communicath of thi* Ivoa^e will be held on ti second Thursday ('Jih day) i October, 1879, at 7 o'clock p. i Tb? Crftftare reqaested to be punctual. By order of the W. M. ,ii. GP>, w, ROBERTS. _ * t ' ; Secftr. To Inventors and Mechanics, PATENTS ami how to obtain them. Pauiphh of 60 pages free, uppa receipt of Stamps for Pot age. Address OTt.MORE, SMITH A COv Solicitors of Patents, Box .11, Washington,I>. ' tgfjC. BEi^Of jjl' m m - Offers the most coinptete and best assorted stocks of LADIES' lllffi GOODS, To be found iu the Town of Bcanfort, consisting in l>art of I r ivrv T.AWKS GilANAPINES. ^ BATISTE, CAMBRICS, V . . NOVELTIES in v r BOUBETT5, X SATfSj^T jj in seasonable shades. Alpacas and Bunting, f<a\ gel her with a line of Idack and colored Silks in * populat shades, for trimming purposes. Superior line of white and lancy l'earl Buttons, offered at asacriiict'. An elegant assortment of Embroideries on Muslin, Cambric and Linen?in white, blue, black, brown and cardinal. My stock of Ladies, Gents, Chil drcn,and Misses Hosiery is most 1 complete, in sewed, cut . and covered, as well as full regular goods, at as low as the I lowest. A new lot of Breton, Blond, " Guipure, Torshon, and Italian Late, instO|K>ned. Ladies Ties, and Bows, Table Linen, white aiul colored, with Napkins and Doyleis to nritch. 8heeiff#w) and pillbw case materias Always on hand. A auperior article of 11-4 Linen Sheeting at 90 Cts. White Goods) Hi Ijrwm, Swiss, Nainsook, Mull, Piquc?,amt lBai>eB. I wish to call attention to the very low price oliny Imperial'all silk Gros Graiu Ribbon, price much reduced to compete with infeliorsilk and part cotton good-now in market. Also I v?.wt and Two-Toned Fancy lvibiion.s at re duced prices. A fuH line of Ladici?i Gents and Children's UNDERWEAR. My stuck of Boots and Shoes is well sustained,and* ItsirahU.^Mie-of Clothing >) y way he lcKiud ou aiy counters, at jwpuJar prists. ** ' ? * *11 hsiTf Exanwiwv. i V; ?? tf*? - ja . At theOMPtaad, Nofth side of Bhy JSL, between 8th and 9tnL . ' ft C. 0 ?! Hi iliip | ii%itiii iiiT?~fT-r-iT.-|i^-i r~" At GEO. WATERHOUSE, JUST RECEIVED, It? ! >t: .1 v vUvl 0 M: Direct from .Man iiiHcturcra, a large " line ?T **?&! I "i tUi B>ni fcpCQWtlTURE, romp.l.lhs r T -mteak *"* '>?fha'n* Walm!**^ ^ 7 ,(5# A!RSy * Consistfag o&jjl?ir? binfng; iC*~' ? Ash* GrwHai^thndren's Dfnfog,,^ Oftee, Nurse, ftockiug, Easy Chairs, Ac., " Ai*f m fcrge luCof cli'eS^r tavsJen chaffs at 50c. X . TABLES. Marh* top. ftktoaeh*, painted. I U Hound and Squareaud ti, ^ . WaLwiCcnWeTahhaa? CROCKERY. a v?^' suJw^w^m3v of while ^ - sstow?#s? "* * S f IMIbawuidi ifttektoghanw Wate isnyaeat Tarfcty. J ' * ^*Gfc4?S&WAR?. TnfliMMi, Golfm, Tea Scffa Plalw, '* : Emit tftauds, Ac., Ac. ' I LAMPS, 0 HANl>RI/f KB8 And BrackHs?>ulffnidn^ alHof the fittest Ihiprovemcuts and lowest prfw-s. This Nno is partu-uihrfy ^ attractive. A complete assortment of Wood and Willow Ware, ; * * " * -??'V.rvw 1 OWIDI JlH M .1 III11 HIOOK 01 rA.^tl IDUOKV4 IWI uiuivi IVam I nuimu~er~j y DRUGGISTS, Bay St., Opp. Free Efcnding. - ?t 4 * 1-1 ? Offer to the public a select assortment of DKJGS, IAKCT ARTICLES, M " "' hr"* rt - T s. ?&C., &C.i' AO,,* | Physicians prescript ions prepared with utmost care" * S. MATOV s Bay St. Beaufort, S. O ? inirnite Wives *r NOT TARNS, "FISH JANES AND CORDAGE. -j Glass, Paints and Oilu, WHITE "READ ANJ) TURPENTINE. Special attention given to muting paints and Glass eut to order of any size. a; Dec. 6. fr-t V"r t> 'U" i i* . uj*1 HARDWARE! !' * lii* * it*'i >i .-'? ? t. _ My stock of HARDWARE comprises now all the leading articles In that line, which have been bought direct from the manufacturers for cash which enables me to well theih greatly below the _ usual retail prices. t ? ? Ji' ftcmusniMs. Dealer in Lumber, Hardware and Builder's Materials. W. J. WHIPPER, , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BE4UJR8MT, 8. C. ,n Practices in the 8tate and United States Courts ie af m /k| KAA TO $G000 A YEAR, or $5 to $20 a day in x I rllUI >'our OWR locality. No risk. Women tj) I. Hill do as well as men. Many make more r *v v v than the amonnt stated above. No one can fail to make money fast. Any one can do the _ work. You can make from 5 cts. to $2 an hour br devoting your evenings and spare time to the business. It coata nothing to try the business. Nothing like it for money making ever offered before. Bu. sin ess pleasant and strictly honorable. Reader, if 84 you want to know ail about the best paying busiit ness Imiore the public, send us yonr address and we will send you full particulars and private terms free; samples worth ?h a No free; yon can then make up your mind for yourself. Address GKQftCK STIN| SUN \ CO.. Portland ,Maine S==:&:==s:M THE BEST STOCK OF :! M \ \ I i Groceries |{: || AND ill j | Provisions 11 _ ; EYES OFFERED IN TH1SMABKET. \ i ill .? f .fov jjl opurDtD 9 MITTT 1 i fJPW j | s|j j COR. 10TH AVE* 4. 8TH |T., (Sign of the Sailor Boy.) | r ! i: ' _ : : M PORT ROYjfBplft^ \\ -..DKALKES 1> I | A ' |(%V\ ifM : : All kiads of V UMl IN> im tic j li^H j { GROCL&IES, flh|* , ? j Wk i | i nto visions, T | .iki Xt wpt sr* I Tjf CIGARS. fl IfkO^miyir M . "riu * | |^l FRE 8H MEATS! | i f : : * ? j * i : 1 \ : i . . .1 . J * TIK BEST BRANDS 09 It i If CAN NX D GOODS | CONSTifSTLY ?* lfA *1>. 11 'i * If j : ? 4 'f - I j ill CffOICE HEATS M I i j (|||[||||A \r J | J: A Full Line of Goods Suitable for the j F Trade. : f I ------ P. M. WHXTM^H IjMKK-diplmfaf ^LuSoLWATf llKS. Hfl.VKR* rr^flcJfc JBf Jewelry (linrt from ttw mantel*. . ^ darken? Sea Mean fhnrm?in sit styles. Solid < inKT Heva-nf Jewelry fur $7 and $8, formerly sold lor $tf>. Oner? f?Ikjne* &JM awl up. ladles GoM Watches $22 and op. ' J > > *' ' ' f ' 1 PliOTTiMi^ ^ V1TI111 * WW 1J1M1U Vil * ' Are now Prepared to Furnish in anjrtjtmnfily P^n?(o?<#ri^row thoir Icebouse, fiPoveatb. Street. ? JOHN CWTANT. J. A. EMMONS. ? Judge of Probate, . . BKAVPOKT, 8. C. Ottcc opea , Apl.l7-lf. V I. WALLAf E, COTTON FACTOR AND GRIST ^CILLER, Wholesale Dealer in Gr?r#uniny Meal, Feed v : SEA ISLAND COTTOW Bought Ginned and prey red tor market. Made on oonajgnmeat. Hirieg tbe&ewt ?ehtnery --? K J ?i-JI nM| ha lor ginUlUK CUHUIl >UU KI11IUIU| VV/JU ?uu ? 1 ? is prepared to execute all orders on tbe possible no* tice. The highest cash price paid for COTTON & CORN *W i. * f Cotton ginned on toll. * / IMfb not easily earned in these times, bat ill lean t>eguide in three months by any one, AM M Mof either sex,in any part of tbe country VII V who is willing to work steadily at tbe employment that we furnish. $66 P?t week in your own tows. You need not bs-tway ftem borne oref iflght. You can give your it hole time to the work, or only your spare moments. We hare agents who are making over $20 per day. All who engage at. once can make money fast. At the present money cannot be made so easily and rapid Ivafany other business. It costs nothing to try jfce busii nexs. Terms and $.? oulftt free. Address at once, j II. H AIXKTT A CO., Cortland,Me. >'orI2-Iyr