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/ LOCAL ITEMS. Beaufort, S. C. NOV. 22, 1877. Gov. Hauipton has appointed next Thursday as a day of Thanksgiving. Mr. W. H. Cuthbert, one of the keepers of the Hunting Island light, killed two deer on that island last Sat-1 urday, A boat loaded with colored people capsized opposite the residence of Mr. Pollitzer last Monday morning^ but the passengers were rescued by the phosphate fishermen. Any one desiring a sewing machine for little money can be accom* modated by Mr. W. B. Lawton Jr., of Lawtonville with one of Wilson's superior machines ior only thirty dollars. i ^ i J^Major Chas. E. Bell has been appointed Ordnance Officer on the staff of Brig. Gen. Jas. F. Izlar commanding the Third Brigade S. C. troop. Capt. Willett has been drawn as a grand jury to serve at the n^xt term of the U. S. Court in Charleston, and A. Mark ?nd E. Max to serve as petit jurors. * * 1 There are eight hundred destitute families at Fernandina who have , to be supplied with provisions to keep them from starving. i ^? Remember the Sea Island Uotel . Hop next Wednesday night Nov. 28th. Music has been engaged from Savan5 nah, and a pleasant evening is anticipated by our social and pleasure seeking friends. Tickets for sale at usual places. * We are informed that the resignation of Sammy Green is to take effect on the meeting of the Assembly, and that there are to be two vacancies in the House from this oounty. 1ST John N. Clark, a man who has been living in Beaufort for some time past, but who recently went to Charleston was shot by a uegro boy who he was trying to put of the stables of Mr. ?Gra ham where he (Clark) was employed as a watchman. Dm ing his residence here Mr. Clark earned a little occasionally painting sigi 8 but seemed generally out of work. He lodged in the hall of the Washington Engine Company on a sofa aod was considered as being quite destitute although there was plenty of work if he had chos en to accept of it. He was a native of Newburg N. Y., but his history is unknown in Beaufort. i text* A gaug of men was set at work last Tuesday to break up the pile ol phosphate rock in the rear of our office and load it in the barge Bockwood, to bo taken to Savannah where the rock is . Used as ballast for cotton ships. The Palmetto Company have over 2.000 ton and will ship weekly to Savannah to their agents, Messrs. ilder ?fc Co. A vessel has also beeu chartered to load here for a European port with rock now stored on the Bennett wharf. The payments here ? ? ... 1? f M 11 lor laoor are gemng iu oe 01 cun.Muoniuie niuouut, the wage? of the wcu of the l'uluictto Company amounting to ?3(X) last week, and they all get their money " eveiy Saturday night. t?- The train from Augusta on Sun day failed to connect at Ycmmassee with the traiu for Savannah and a number of passengers who were obliged to lay over tame to Beaufort and-spent the day and expressed ttauuselves highly pleased with our towu. rCingmajy would like some more such visitations if his hotel was only a little larger., the house being about fuB at present. y ?4^4 Paymaster lloxic and Lieut. Commander Woodrow returned to the New Hampshire last Sunday. These two officers were on leave when the fever broke out iu Port lioyal and were obliged to proloug their stay Noith much longer than at first coniemplated. WtBF The County Commissioners opened bids for the past indebted.icss at their office last Friday and awarded the money on hand amounting to $971 to S. D. Gilbert and H. G. Judd Esqs., they being the only bidders. The treasurer reported the following collections: Ou account 3 mill tax $1,363 64 " . 1 " " 464.54 " *' Licences 250,00 After issuing three checks the boaid adjourned till Dec. 5th but met again next morning and checked out uearly the ' whole amount of county money reported. ? ? A meetiug of the citizeus of Beaufort was called last Tuesday afternoon to hear the report of the committee sent to Columbia to see Gov Hampton regarding the increase of the naval fleet iu our harbor. Capt. Dick reported that the Governor received the committee very cordially and promised his hearty co-operation in furthering the object they had in view, and that he would write Messrs. Evitisand Aiken, Congressmen from this State, on the subject. The meeting then adopted a resolution to secure the opening of the mail in Beaufort on Sunday, as the officers in the navy arc now com pelled to go to Port Royal on that day when if the Diail was distributed here on Sunday they would use our post office in preference. It was also resolved to send a representative to Washington to en deavor to secure the ordering of the navy vessels to this place, and to raise money to publish a circular for distribution show ing the advantages of Beaufort as a win ter resort. It was also suggested that an effort be made to call our citizens together once a month for the purpo>e of discussing pub lie affairs, and to tiy to infuse a little more public spirit than now prevails among us. * I The Town Council. A regular iueetiDg of council was held Wednesday evening Nov. 14th. The following bills were referred to the committee on account: Silsby Mfg. Co., Sl83,02F. W. Scheper, 3.66;^ II. Chisolmn 89.90; G. Waterhouse, $8. Warden Washington gave notice of an j ordinauce to raise supplies for the year 1878 which passed its first reading. An ordinance forbidding the keeping of hogs within the town limits was passed and ratified. A petition was received from J. A. Harrison for a renewal of his licence to sell liquors and the prayer granted. Dr. Stuart tendered his resignation as a member of the board of health which was accepted. The Inten* dant appointed as a committee on Hnl ITU'S. S. J. Bump ilOOti>OUJV/U V* Vfl VV( ? _ field, J. P. Boyce, G. Watcrhouse and Dr. T. G. White. The Iutendant submitted to council the rules and regulations prepared tor the government of the police which was referred to the police committee. The Intendaut reported the suspension of policeman McTureousaud the appointment of Mr. Johnson, and council ratified his ac ion. The treasurer's quarterly report was received and placed on file: Warden Washington offered a resolution, which was adopted, directing the Marshal to strictly enforce the ordinance on gambling and authorizing the Intendant to take such steps as are necessary to carry out the law. A special meeting was held Monday evening last. A petition of John Franz for a green grocer's licence was granted. Warden Boyce gave notice of an ordinance to amend the ordinance to amend the market ordinance, which passed its first reading. Warden Washington offered a resolution to print 500 copies of the hog ordinance, but several members objected to the expense of the printing, " tho jit. ixiinpuum sjjiuuiiuaucii^ iiiuv .... hogs could not read and the resolution was lost, and to still further economise the expenditures Bampfield moved to go into an election of auother policeman. Three applications were received and after two ballots in which there was a tie vote the Intendant cast a vote for Mr. Johnson and declared him elected. Warden Bampfield questioned the right of the Intendant to vote and cited the practice ofthe late legislature, to carry his point, but couucil voted to sustain his honor, the vote standiug, in favor Holmes, Boyce, Perry and Kick er; against, Bampfield and Washington. The question of erecting a town hall and engine houses was then discussed at length and the subject was finally referred to the committee en the fire department. We have received, too late for publication this week, an article from I)r. Johnson in reply to the report of Dr Sheftall, regarding the origin of the yellow fever it Port Royal, which gives an entirely lifferent view of the subject, disproving nany of the allegations of Dr. Bheftal1. flic "article will be jmblishcd next week. Arrivals?Sea Is laud Hotel* J Willis M M Ifutfton, S C.; E Stanton, Baltimore; \V S Lynch, I) E Ross . lie, II T Porkens, .1 M Davis J I' McNally, 11 II Colcock, J 11 Jenkins, 1> Har. grove, J W lleny, Augusta, Ga; W Dearborn, J V How, K M Frieud.G Collins, J Hays, J U Wimherlv. II A Duncan, K M Teunant, J LSpaun, Porl Royal; T B Chaplin, J G Nicliois, St. Helena Ishl.H M and H W Fuller, Sh-1 Ion; J W Fretwoll, S; vauuah, Ga.; It M Pierson. Klngstree; W Prioleau it M Adams l/t'autwell, Mrs Towusend, Misses N and C Towusend, Charleston: G M Cooper J II <nai>iuau, J W Battle, R \V Allen, A Sheppatd, C. S. N.; C W Jewell, J Fitzsintmons, Coosaw, J "Y Solomon, laiwtonviile: W Eccleston, G Mandelbam. E It Li'gree, J P Tuckerman, D Veller, Nk Y.; T W Howard, Grahatuville; A Bennett, Allendale. ? ?- ENTERED ST. HELENA SOUND. Nov. 12th, Itr. brig Hugh Rolierts, Jones, .'?days Iron) Funclial, in ballast to Wyllie Teacher A eo. Norwegian bark Porro Olscn 48 days front Dublin, in ballast to Wyllie Teacher & co. 14th, Swedish bark Jacob Rauers, Petersen 24 days from Maranhaut, in ballast to Wyllie Teacht r St, co. Br. barkcntine Millicant, Jones 42 days from Swansea, in ballast to Wyllie Teacher ?ico. 15th, Br. hark John Peile Newton, from Funchal 23 days in ballast to Wyllie Teacher Aco. Br bark Midas, Barker 12 days from St Thontas, in ballast to Wyllie & co. Br. barkcntine Glynwood, Taylor, 42 days from Santos, Brazil in ballast to Wyllie Teacher A co. CLEARED FROM ST. HELENA SOUND Nov. 12th, Swedish harkeatine svea, aioiner, ior United Kingdom with 601 tons phosphate rock t'foiu Coosa w mines. loth' Br. barkentine Brigzo, Pcppcreil for United Kingdom with 374 tons of phosphate rock from ? oosuw mines. Russian bark Waaia. Hogman, for United Kingdom with 699 tons of phosphate rock from Coosaw mines. 14th. Br. brig Maggie, Bush, for United Kingdom with 399 tons of phosphate rock from Cco->aw mines. < A NEW WILSON Shuttle Sewing Machine, Sent to any freight office in Beaufort County for THIRTY DOLLARS. W. B. Lawton Je. Agent Lawtouville S. C. TENNESSEE BEEF and MUTTON, SAUSAGE MEAT, BOLOGNA SAUSAGE, HOG'S HEAD CHEESE, CLEANED TRIPE, PIG'S FEET, ! | Always on baud in the market opposite ; the Post-office. For roast of STALL FED BEEF and MUTTON, two days notice is required. An Ordinance. In Relation to the keeping of Hogs. Bo it ordained by the Intendant and Wardens o the Town of Beanort in Council assembled: That on and after the pas*agc of this Ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person or persons t< keep within the limits of this town any hog or pig: and all j>ersons so offending shall be deemed guilt] of a misdemeanor, aud ti|>ou conviction thereof shall be liable to a fine or imprisonment. Ratified in Council, this 14th day of Nov. A. P. i 1877 r ALFRED WILLIAMS, 1 T. C. IlK'UMONP, Clerk. Intendant. * "THE CLUB," ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, 0 THE Dining and Supper Rooms "Will be opened to the public November 1st., 1877. o OYSTERS, A Specialty. o Billiard Parlors Second to none in the State. SIDEB OAR D Stocked with the choicest of mm m liquors, AT REDUCED PRICES. M. FOLEY, Manager. Administrator's Final Discharge* The undersigned will apply to Judge of Prolmte for Beaufort County, at his office in Beaufort on the 10th day of December next for a final discharge as administrator of the estate of Daniel llortoti deceased. 8th. Nov. 1877. HOWELL G. WALL. Pound Adrift. A large phosphate lighter with tongs and pick axes inside, marked M. R. P. A M. Co. The owner can recover the same upon paying charges on application to CHRISTOPHER CHAPLIN, Eddings Point St Helena. Nov. 9. Notice. At the expiration of sixty days from this date 1 will apply to the Clerk of Court for Beaufort County for a Charter fo^tho Preacher's Aid Society ol the South Carolina Conference M. K. Church. J.B. M1HHLKTOX, Beaufort S. C. Nov. 15. lr*77. OFFICE AIMVTANT ANT> IXSPECTOR-GENL. Coluuihia S. Nov. 12, 1877. Notice is hereby given that the Inspection of the S. C. Volunteers and National Guard ordered for the 26th and 27th inst. will take place at Early Branch on Friday the 2-'tnl and Beaufort on Satnnlay th 21th inst. All commands both white and colored must come forward on those days for inspection. E. W.MOISE, Adjutant and Inspector-General. SHERIFF'S SALE. Edward Lynch vs. Heywanl and Guerard. Warrant of foreclosure of Lien on Crop*. By virtve of a" warrant of foreclosure of lien on crops In the above stated case to nie directed and 'odged in my office, 1 will sell at public outcry on the plantation of the above named Defendant* at New River, on the first Wednesday in Deceml>er next, 1877, being the 5th day of said uionth, during th* legal hours ofsaletbe following property to witTwelve hundred bushels of unthrashed Rice :nor or less, levied upon as the property of Heyward A Gu?*rard, at the suit of Edward Lynch. Terms Cash. WM. WILSON. Nov. 20, 1877. S, B. C. SHERIFF'S SALE. Geo. A. Trenholm A Son vs. Heyward and Guerard Warrantof Foreclosure ef Lien on Crop*. By virtue of a warrant of foreclosure on crops In the above stated case tonic directed and lodged in my office, I will sell at public outcry on the plantation of the above named defendants at New River on the first Wednesday in December next, 187"; being the 5th day of said month, during the legal hours of sale the following property to wit: j Twenty eight hundred! 2S00 )bushels of un-| thrash d Rice, more or less, levied upon as the property of Heyward and Guerard at the suit ol Geo. A. Trenholm A Son. Terms Cash. WM. WILSON. Beaufort S. C. Nov. 20th,1877 S. B. C. "SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias to nie directed and lodged in my office, I will sell at public outcry infrout of my office in the Town of Beaufort on tbo first Tuesday in December next 1877, said day being the fourth of said month, during the legal honrs of sale the following property to wit: Mary R. I'richer vs. R. N. Kittles, All the right title and interest of II. N. Kittles in and to "all that piece parcel or tract of laud " - tj_! IU1III.?. P..!.k Wgintnir biniiifU in rriiKu iriiitttiuo & t?i >ou, thirty acres bounded north by lauds of estate of East is and it, N. Kittles east by lands of estate of Joseph liucks south by lauds of It. O. H. 1 Tucks and public ltoad to Augusta aud west by pnblic road aforesaid and lands of cstatsof Eustis being a part of the tract of land belonging to K. N. Kittles near Blount ville'' levied upon as the property of It. N. Kittles at the suit of Mary It. Pricber. Terms cash purchasers to pay for papers. W1L WILSON. S. B. C. Beaufort S. C, Nov, 13th 1877 SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order and Judgement of foreclosure to rac directed and lodged in my office I will sell at public outcry in front of my office in the town of Beaufort, onjthe first Tuesday in December next, 1877 being the 4th day of said month, during the legal hours of sale the following property to wit : James W. Moore vs. f Oliver P. Law ( has. J. C. Hutson. "All that Plantation or tract of land known as y Bolan Hall situated in the county of Beaufort s ! bounded north by lands of estate of Earr and Mor1 rail, south east, and west by Hazzards or Bohn Creek; containing two thousand three hundred t, J300 ) acres more or less. ,, Terms cash. Purchasers to pay for papers. WM. WILSON, S. B. C. Beaufort S. C. Nov. is, i?77. ^or ?ah tx $f?t. For Sale. Four Black Walnut COUNTERS and , STANDS, 10 ft. long by 3 ft. wide each. Apply at this office. To Rent. A Bakery and Shop Advantageously situated on BAy Street, with many conveniences and necessary utensils &c. None but reliable . persons need apply to .John Franz. TO RENT, Two desirable stores in the basement of the STEVEN8 HOUSE, Price $10 and $15 respectively. A^ply to W. J.VERDIKR, Agent. FOR SALE. AN EIGHT HORSE POWER STATIONARY STEAM ENGINE, Grist Mill. Saw Gin with 40 saws aftd one Utley's Lever power Cotton Press with shafting, pulleys and bands complete in running order. This machinery will be sold entire or separate at a reasonable price. For particulars apply to Capt. J. G. Sipple at Grahamville or at this office. Notice. ? . # * A? i 1 .AOAlra I | Mr. J. 31. Kbetl, is nereoy auiuuriKu >u UVVHV | all papers pertaining to the office of Probate. A. B. ADDISON, Judge of Probate Bft .Co. Horses and Cows. The Ordinances relative to horses and cows running at large on and after the 20th ult. will be rigidly enforced. JOS. COHEN, Town Marshal. JOHN BRODIE, Builder, Contractor -ANDUNDERTAKER. Estimates and plans furnished at short notice. Opposite Express Office. Beaufort, S. C. P, M, WHITMAN Bay Street Beaufort, S. C. Dealer tn NEW CLOCKS. 0 SCIICLTZ'S WATCHMEN'S CLOCK. For the detection of Watchmen. Every one employing a watchman should have one of ifce-* Clocks.-Scnd for circular. ^ New Rotary Clocks. Something new. Uuni Dok'l'wly. Requires m> key. BLACK WALN1T. VISIBLE PENDULUM CfXJCKS. Also M.uiixk, Cmmil, and othn Clocks. Prlc*^ from $ > to $11. ' i i >> Due West Female College. Next college year opeus Oetolicr 1st. Faculty same as last year-full. First-class teachers of music, drawing, and painting. Isn-ation retired and healthy. Tuition and board, including fuel ane washing, for college year, Si 77. Extras at reasonaltl rates. For circular, send to J. I. BONNER. President, Due West.S C Arorsr 1st, 1877. gort Jtopt. R. P. RUNDLE. SHIPP'C & COMMISSION MERCH ANT PORT ROYAL, S. C. Cotton, Naval Stores, Lumber Ac. AGENT FOR TIIE New York & Port Royal STEAMSHIP LINE. Mississippi and Dominion, West India and Pacific, and Liverpool and Galveston STEAMSHIP CO'S. OF LIVERPOOL D H Hutchinson. Wholesale & Retail Grocer l'ORT ROYAL, S. C. Has ADDED~GiTeATIA' to his stock ot GROCERIES, with an addition of a Meat Market, where will be found on hand at all times a full and select supply of fresh Beef, Mutton & Pork, together with all kinds ot vegetables to suit the demands of the public. SHEPARD D.GILBERT NOTARY PUBLIC. Attention given to Marine Protests. Of ficc in the Sea Islaud Hotel. Found Adrift. On Friday the 9tli inst at Coffin Point, was picked up three flats. The owner can recover the property l>y paying expenses on applicat ion to tony A. baily, Coffin Point. ; P, ELLIOTT, Beaufort S, C, BA VKJ\'EL, if CO., Chmrltiton S. C, THE BEAUFORT STEAM MILL COMPACT, Having put up a grist mill at their old stand, are prepared to furnish Grist, Feed and Meal, nay quantity, and at reasonable rates. 31. S. ELLIOTT. <?ri$t and ?tt&. S. E WALLACE, COTTON FACTOR AND GRIST MILLER, Wholesale Dealer in Grain, Hominy Meal, Feed ETC., ETC., SEA ISLAND COTTON Bought Ginned and prepared for market. ADVANCES Made on consignments. Having the best machinery for ginning cotton and giinding corn and meal, he i.s prepared to exe cute all orders on the shortest possible no tice The highest cash price paidTor COTTON & CORN Cotton ginned on toll. i?~ S. MAYO, Bay St. Boaufor^ S. O LIQUORS; WINES, <fcc. NET YARNS, "TfiTT T TVTT.CI A vn /l/\I?r? IPt? Grlana, Paintf* and Oils, WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE. Special attention given to mixing paints and Glass cut to order of any size. Dec. 6 W. H. CALVERT. PRACTICAL Tin Sheet Iron. Copper Worker DEALER IN Tapanned ami Stai?|>ed Tin Ware*. Constantlyon J hand, Cooking Parlor and Box Stoves. TERMS CASH. Agent for the Celebrated Charter Cak Cooking Stoves. W:H.CALVERT Bay St. between Stb A 9th sts. Beaufort. S.C BANKING HOUSE, Win. H. Loekwootl. j BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE ?ox? -- ? A ^ New* York tnariesion & savannah Bought and Sold, Collections inside on any poiut in the United States. Accounts received subject to check at sight. ap.27.6iu. PORT ROTAZi Saw& Planing Mill HKAUFOKT. S C. D. 0. WILSON & CO., MANCFACTLRKfcS OF AS1> DEALERS IN YELLOW FINE TIXEE& AND LDNOtiE AND Cypres? Slilnglea, ALSO Builders & Contractors PL AS TK R LATHES, All kinds ot JOB SAWING prompt If done. Flooring & ceiling n always on nans Orders for' I.umber and Timber by the cargo promptly filled. Terms Cash. D. C. WILSON A CO. AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT. Mixed ready for use in whitennd over onehundrcd different colors, made of strictly pure WMIE LEAD, Zinc, and Linseed Oil. Chemically combined, w anted to last twice as long as other paint. F. W. SCHEPER, Wholesale and Retail Grocer. ICE! ICE! mm l EMMOHS, A RE NOW PREPARED TO FUR xl. nish Ice in any quantity Customers may desire, from their Ice House, Sevonth. Street. JOHN CONANT, ? J. A. EMMONS P. DESSESURE. BOOT And SHOE MAKER. All work entrusted to His care will receive prompt attention. Shop Next the ICE HOUSE, BEAUFORT, S. C. H. M. STUART, M. D., Cor. Bay Eighth Streets* * Beaufort, 0. C. DKAI.KR IN DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS, FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, Ac., Ac., Ac., Together with many other "articles too numerou to mention. All of which will,be sold at the lowe Yrice for cash. Physicians prescriptions careful! componucd. p. w. sc: FINE ^1ES F row the Dairio*. CANNED FRUITS, VEGE" And a Full Variety of other things 1 Goods Promptly Deliv* SEA 1SLAN HAS BEEN R THE PATRONAGE OF THE TRAY M. M. KINGM AN, Beaufort Ma oHaviog opened a shop in Beaufort, I am pr Build & Repair all ft Both'ofWOOD n *' ?' Ia .lnuirrnlnrr oml rarucuiur aueuiuMj given iu u?nQM>uj, pipe and fittings constantly oo hand at Nort Personal attention given to setting and co Steam Boiler Furnac J?"" Shop next to Post Office. _____ J. j AT APPLE'S!! AT API ?:! .AT TEN | Now is THE TMI ^ i { Closing out Sale of SUMMER ^IFALL AND WIJ 05-h i Extra Inducen : oFRUIT OF THE LOOM, 44 Blc SPLENDID, 44 Bl< ^ i FINE CAMBRICS 4 4 ^a in IflnitTnO A A j JUATilA tAJIDlViVC, ft ! ^ j And a discount of 25 per cent on al ; lxjen heretofore sold at regular palce 5 | COME ONE, ^ i To the Cheapest ! Si j Mr iiScSlddV J,V iiS?!ITdd J OHN F DEALE1 Ship Chandlery, Oils, Paints, Varnistn Ploughs and Plantation Suticlia B E E*of HoTlf you want to purchase fine and che FLOUR! FLOU fiSTTf you want a good Loaf of Bread, < JOHN FRANZ. 19-HAMS and BREAKFAST BACON JOHN FRANZ. Special attention is givei MANSION" hojjse. PORT ROYAL, S. C. Is beautifully situated, facing PORT ROYAL HARBOR, Enclosed with ample yard under live oak tree the room* are neatly finished and nicely famished and the table is well supplied and kept. Gueat* from the North will find this a mos healthful and pleasant winter resort. United States Teasels are located in sight, and fishing,, hunting, and boating can be enjoyed. Contracts for board will be made for the season at reasonable rates. BENJAMIN BURR, Pkopriktor. ? , aingsfords ^ rr j 1 Oswego starcn, Is t he best and most economical In the world. Is perfectly PURK?free from acids and other 1 foreign sul*tancos that injure Linen. Is 8TRUX6EH than any other?requiring much less quantity in using. Is UNIFORM?stiffens and finishes work always the same. KINGSFORD'S OSWEGO STARCH, Is the most delicious of all preparations for Puddings, Blanc-Mange, Cake, Etc. : INSURANCE. THE MASSACHUSETTS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY . OF SPRINGF1KIJ) MASS. Capital and Surplus $6,500,000. THB~HOME FIRB INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Cash Assets over $6,000,000. This, one of the strongest Fire Insurance Companies in the world, now * prcparetrto take good risks in the town ot s- Beaufort and vicinity. For full particr ulars, rates, etc., enquire of . J. H. Clancy, Agent h e per; ' . * 4 - ? . fUeft ^=>4r-- Fiiurre. rABLES, MEATS, &c.. ; isually kfjil in a first-class Store* 3red free of charge. i) hotel, E-OPENED. ' ?. ELLIN'G PUBLIC IS SOLICITED. "' # Manager. chine Shop, cpareil with the latest improved tools to rinds of Machinery, AND IRON, 7 .1 pattern making for new work. Steam hern prices, nstructing :es for Saving Fuel. A V WHIT-MAS. Mcclwircal Eminwr. ' PLE'S!! AT N APPLE'S!! TION! ^ ? j s i for BARGAINS!! j ^ GOODS, to make room for j ^ ITER GOOD S!!i ? ! <3 ients Oflered. 1 to. jach, <$ 12c. jach, 4* 10c. " 10c. I . " 12C j &*; 1 SUMMER GOODS, that have j ^ s during the season. j ^ COME ALL, ||5' ? ri; Store in Town j I gg : ' s. M. APPLE, j ^ V JjV nRgTdJV J.Y RANZ, I'm a yx mm Groceries, Oils, es, Putty and Glass, s, Whee&gbt & Blacksmith's c. ap Groceries, go to JOHN FRANZ. R!! FLOUR!!! ; )r uice Biscuits, buy your FLOUR at [, BU'iTER and LARD, the choicest at 11 iu putting up Cabin Stores. just opened iiFILL HID WIRTFB STOCK E. A. Scheper's The Leader in Low Prices 0 I HAVE the pleasure of announcing to my trieods and the public generally,1 that I am now receiving my Fall and Winter stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, embracing the choicest and cheapest selection of ' DRESS GOODS. Notions, Embroideries, , BOOTS AND SHOES Laces, Hosiery, Glorrs, lie n<lkerchiefs, Oaaai hktos.""Wwuis," Twewls, Flannel*. Homespuns, ' SMl iu?, Sheetings, Prints, Catabrirs, aliens, ' TowrWv^Table Damasks, Kapkinsfwhite Goods, Geota*ruriiL?hiug (WmkIs, Ac.; ever exhibited in Deaufort. My assortment of good* has only to b seen to l>e appreciated. I have selected theM w the greatest care. ALL ARK FRfc^H AND N and defy competition. < , Those residing FALL and WINTER supplies for their families would SAVE MONEY hv looking at . my stock and purchasing what they require. A well lighted store, with polite and agreeable salcsuieu, to attend to enstomera. E. A. S CHE PER. VESSELS -IN/I Bull and Coosaw Rivers ?OU AT? PORT ROYAL. Will be supplied with FRESH WATER, From the celebrated Club House Springs, By Steam or sailing vessels. 5-Orders sent to our office in Beaufort will receive immediate attention . ... DICK A SMALL, Proprietors