University of South Carolina Libraries
/ MJT?????J????? LOCAL ITEMS Beaufort, 8. C. NOV. 8, 1877. Capt. McNelty is again in command of the Pilot Boy although her trips are dis . -i i oontmuecl to tms place. Several of our citizens intend visiting Columbia next week on the occasion of the State Fair Exhibition. Robert Small's fine carriage and horses is now on the line as a common hackCupid handles the reins and any one can now ride in this famous equipage for twenty five cents. Messrs. Robbins, Boddington & Co., cleared last Monday the British brig Derwent for Maryport, England, with 16,159 cubic feet timber and 13,750 feet lumber, valued at $3,160. The three masted schooner Lucy Wheatley, Capt J. N. Sipple was cleared at Port Royal last Saturday for New York with 195,000 feet of lumber from the mill of R. G. Holmes. The British steamship Mexican, one of the vessels charged with bringing the yellow fever to ^ort Royal, and which loaded at port with wheat, has never been heard from since she left. During the month of October Major Gooding collected on account of State and County taxes $13,000. Of this amount 917 *aa(nr nnlls. makinc $3,219 for f iv* v?.?- j _?w . r polls collected this year so far. ?# i Mr: Kingman proposes to give a hop at the Sea Island Hotel Thanksgiving eve, and as he always makes these occa sions successful, a good time may be an ticipated by those who delight in the mazes of the dance. 1 # i On the night of the 25th of last month a boll robbery was perpetrated in Hardcville by certain parties breaking into and entering the store of C. A. Williams, Esq., and taking therefrom dry goods, groceries, clothiog and tobacco to the value of about three hundred dollars. At last accounts there was no cle to the thieves. During the month of October there was paid by the State Treasurer to J. J. Wright, as associate justice on accouutof salary, $1,480.41. There was also naid to Judge Wiggin $608.18, to B. B. bams $372.96, to County Auditor of Beaufort fnr tho vear 1875-6 $145, School Cora missioner of Beaufort $243 69, Health Officer of St. Helena $431.33 ami Health Officer Port Royal $336.66. The Mjhooncr Lucy Wheatlcy has been lying at the wharf at Port Royal lor nearl ly two mouths loading lumber and during that time no member of the crow has been sick a day. while two watchmen on the wharf have died with yellow fever. It would be interesting to know how such an escape was possible, especially as the crew was in the town while off duty, and are the only white men, except three we believe, who have escaped sickness. Port Royal is almost free of yellow fe vcr, owing, however, to a lack of people on whom to feed. .During the past week there have beeu two deaths?Pat Layne, a watchman, who died Sunday morning, and Lizzie Holton, a colored woman who died Saturday. There is not now a white person sick in the town and but few color ed, only one, the wife of Maicus Stuart, dangerously ill. The citizens who refu gecd have not returned, under adviee of the physicians, and the town will remain deserted until a killing Irost makes it en tirely safe. The Coosaw Mining Company are now using 700 cords of wood a month. The best quality of their wood is furnished by Messrs. Stenmeyer & Stokes of Early Branch, who have a conditional contract to supply monthly 400 cords, but the Port Royal Railroad cannot furnish cars for its transportation from Early Branch to Broad River. Messra S. & S. complain that they are only able to ship 200 cords a month when they are able and willing to supply the whole 700 cords if they could ooly get transportation for it, and as they pay $7.25 per car for a distance of eighteen miles they cannot sec why they should not be accommodated inasmuch as the railfoad has no difficulty in supplying cars for through freight from v Augusta to Port Royal, 112 miles, for whieh it receives bnt nine to ten dollars per car. It is estimated that it costs on such roads as the Port Royal to transport freight nine mills per ton per mile which a little figuring will show leaves no margin for profit on through freight, while * ' * 11 .i j tftewooil Dusiness wouia pay me roau one dollar per too for eighteen miles; an excellent chance to secure a paying freight if only it was worth while to give it proper attention. The County Commissioners. mi i i r n i . n 1 'J tie Doara or uoumy uommissioners met at their rooms in the court house last Thursday and were greeted bv a large number of claimants for the mo new to be reported by Major Gooding. The report ^howed that during the previous thirty days the treasurer had collected on account of County Taxes, $2,913 00 Past Indebtedness, 971 00 The large amount for claims against the County made every one feel glad and Mr. Judd was busily engaged figuring up how much on the dollar the money would pay. ft was finally discovered that $2,110 would pay fifty per cent on the dollar oil all claims and leave a handsome balance for the pay of what is called special contracts, such as clothing, medicines, etc,, for the jail and poor house. It was then decided to pay these claims in full, and as they amounted to about $700, and a few more cVims from the county came in to share in the fifty nor was found that all the money reported would ! be absorbed, but it was not until Saturday ! afternoon that the checks were finally 1 drawn. When a check in favorof R. II. i G loaves was issued and his name was | called the chairman was advised to forI ward it to Canada. The Commissioners I themselves were unable to draw their pay I owing to the absence of the couBtv auditor. No money was reported on account of licences and the alms house got nothing. Orders were drawn for lumber to repair several bridges in different parts of the county if the saw mill men were green enough to sell on credit. The board then adjourned to meet on the 16th inst., when bids will be received for the past indebtedness and some more money will be divided out among the county's creditors. The Augusta Chronicle and Constitutionalist says: "We learn that two hundred thousand dollars of the bonds of the Port Royal Railroad, endorsed by the Georgia Railroad, were sent to New York recently to be protested in that city. The Georgia Railroad resists payment on the ground that the bonds were illegally is sued. By shipping them to New York it is presumed that the holders expect to commence proceedings by attachments in the courts of that State." The case of Robert Smalls was called in the Court in Columbia yesterday morn iog, when his counsel filed a petition praying for a removal of the case to the United S ates Courts, on the ground that the Judge was prejudiced against him on account of his race, color and previous condition of servitude. We are in receipt of a communication in which the attention of the Legislature is called to the necessity of amending the Quarantine 1 rw. Want of space compels us to delay this article until next week. We hope our Trial Justice system is not so black as it is painted by our cor respondent "Don," but it cannot be de nied ihat a great reform in the practice of these courts is necessary. T1 e Darlington fair was opened last Friday. Gov. Hampton was present and delivered an address in which he deplored the great debt imposed on the people by the corrupt government of the past few years but he denounced repudiation in the strongest terms. . ??1 ? We advise all who are desirous of in swing in a good company to go to Clan cey and procure a policy in the Home of New York, the strongest Fire Insurance Company in the United States. The best company and lowest. * Cotton was quoted in Charleston yesterday as follows: Ordinary, 9}; Middling, 10]. In Savannah middling was quoted at 10}. Arrivals?Sea Islaud Hotel. F. E. Wilder, Hilton Head. A. I). Bend him, Savannah; W. S. Casey, R. W.Allen, S. Jv Jvogan, J. Cooper and G. II. Cooper, U. S. S. New Hampshire; W. J. Gooding, and W. B. Hammond, S. C.; W. S. Lynch, Benj. Burr, D. C. Wilson, Jr., Mrs. Dick and daughter and and J. H. Jenkins. Augusta; M. Bat ker, Maine; J. W. Henry andThos. Pow ell, P. R. R. li.; John Masson, Beau lort; J. H. Killnn, Augusta; J. D. Rob ertson, BJufhon; E. Lvnah and W. H. Brio lean, S. C.: J. C. Snowden. Coosa w; K. F. English, St. Heleua. entered st. helena sound. <vf 50th.. itr. lip. rlaiiclii*. matlnraff. 4:><lays from 96. Lore's Victory, by B. L. Faijeon, 10c 97. Mysterious Island?The Secret of the Island, by Jules VerriC, 10c 98. Harry Lorrequer, by Charles Lever, 20c 99. From the Earth to the Moon and Around the Moon, by Jnles Verne, 10c 100. A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Pickens, 10c r i For sale by all Booksellers and Newsdealers, or > sent, postage prepaid, on receipt of price by | , (1EORGE MUNRO, Pi nusiiER. i P.O.Box 5657 . 21,23, and 25 VanderwatcrS t: >7. Y Funchal, in ballast to WyHie, Teacher A Co. Oct. 29th., Br. Bg.Hondeklip, Bhldle. .'16 days from Funchal, iu ballast to Wyllic. Teacher A Co. Nov. 1st., Br.' Bkt. Brizo, Pepperell, 7 days from Porto Rioo, in ballast to Wyllie, Teacher A Co. CLEARED FROM ST. HELENA SOUND Oct 29th., Russian Bk. Findland, Bargnian. for U K. with 800 tous phosphate rock from Oak Point nines. Oct. 30th., Br. Bk. Towry, Atthousc, for U. K., with 523 tons phosphate rock, from Coosaw mines. PROBATE HO TICS. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1 Bean fort County. J By A. B. Addison Esq. Probate Judge. Whereas R. G. Holmes has made suit tome to grant him Letters of Administration of the Estate and effects of Tamar Brttnson. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and Creditors of the said Tamar Brunson, deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to l>e held at Beaufort on the 19th. of Not. next after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my band, this third day of November A. D. 1877. A. B. Addison, Probate Judge To Holders of County Checks or Audited Claims. For tlie Years 1873-74 and 1874-7*.# OFFICE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, Beaufort, S.C., Nov. 3d., 1877. In accordance with the provision of a joint resolution entitled "A joint resolution authorizing the County Commissioners of Beaufort County to levy a special tax," approved March 24th., 1876, sealetf proposals will be received at this office from parties holding checks or audited claims allowed during the above years, and wh ich have been registered as reqnired by the Act levying this hax until I RID A r, NO VEMBER16, 1877. at 12 o'clock, M., at which time said bids will be opened and the Board of County Commissioners | will draw orders on the Treasurer to the amount of $971.IK, in favor of the person or persons who shal I have offered the largest per centum discount on their chock s or audited claims. Proposals must be addressed to Robert ,T. Martin, Chairman of the Board and en dorsed "Proposals for settlement of past indebtedness of Beaufort County, R. J. MARTIN, V. S. SCOTT, R. F. GREAVES. County Commissioners. Titos. II. Wheelf.r, Clerk of Board. AT B. ADDISON, i ,iJudge of Probate. FOR BEAUFORT COUNTY. Will l?e in Beaufort on the firs' Monday in everj [ : month and remain until all business is "attended u , In the interim he wiU be in Branson, where hi 5 will be prepared to attend to the duties of his offici t and anv other business that maybe placed it 5 | h!r bauds. T "THE CLUB," OX TIIK EUROPEAN PLAN, TilE Riding and Supper; Rooms Will be opened to the public i November 1st., 1877. o OYSTERS, 1 { A Specialty. ' o 1 < Billiard Parlors Second to none in the State. , s SIDEBOARD, Stocked with the choicest of mm m LiQtro&s, AT REDUCED PRICES. M. FOLEY, ManagerTHE SEASIDE LIBRARY. 1 I Choice books no longor for the few only. The i best standard novels within the reach of every one Books nsually sold from Si to $3 given (unchanged ^ and unabriJged) for 10 aud 20 cents. " 1. East Ltxsx, By Mrs. H. Wood (double no.) 10c A * t* . - ? . ? in- orb,. 2. JUIl.S n.\U(AA, Ul'llt., 07 .Ulxt 1'iuiun. >w 3. JAne Eyre, Charlotte Brontc.(double no.)20c. 4. A woman-hater, CharlesRoade's new novel 20c 5. Tiie black-indies, Jules Ve*e's latest. 10c 6. Last days of roxrEii, By Bulwer. 10c. 7. Adam, By George Eliot, (double no.) 20c 8. Tub arukdxl motto, By Mary Cecil Hay. 10c 9. Old myddelton's money. By Mary C. Hay 10c 10. Tiik woman in white, By Wilkie Collins. 20c 11. The mill on the floss, By George Eliot. 20c 12. The American senator, By Antony Trollope. . 20c 13. A. trincess of tiiite, By William Black 20c. 14. Thf. dead secret, By Wilkie Collins. 10c. 15. Romola, By G? org.* Eliot, (double no.) 20c. 10. The English at the north tole and ? field of ice. In one book By Jules Verne 10c 17. Hidden perils, By Mary Cecil Hay. 10c ^ IS. Barbaras history, By Amelia B. Edwards20c 19. A terrible temptahon, By Clias. Readc. 10c < 20. Old curiosity >h0p, Charles Dickens. 20. ( 21. Foul play, By Charles Reade. 10c 22. Man and wife, By Wilkie Collins 20. 23. The squire's legacy, By Mary Cecil Hay. 20r 24. Never Too Late To C. Readc, tCc 25. Lady Adelaide's Oath, by Mra. H. Wood, IQr 1 26. Aurora Floyd, by Mis* M. K. Braddon, 20c ] 27. Victor and Vanquished, by M. C. Hay, 10c . 28. A Daughter of Hoth. by William Black, 10 29. Nora's Love Test, by Mary Cecil Hay, 10c 31. Her Dearest Foe, by Mrs. Alexander, 20r , 31. Iiove Me Little, Love Me Long by C. Reade, 10c 32. The Queen of Dear's, by Wilkie Collins, 10c 33. Handy Andy, by Samuel Lover, 20c 34. A Simpleton, by Charles Reade, 10c 35. Felix Holt; The Radical, by George Eliot, 20c 36. The Wooing O't by Mrs. Alexander, 20c 37. The Mystery, by Mrs. Henry Wood, 10c 3 38. Antonina, by Wilkie Collins, 20c- 1 39. Ivanhoe. by Sir Walter Scott, 20r | 10. The Heir to Ashley, by Mrs. II. Wood, 10? 1 41. White Lies by Charles Reade, 2' c 1 42. Hide-and-Scek, by Wilkie Collins, 2?K 43. Hector Servadac, by Jules Verne, 10c 44. The Tower of Loudon, b) W. H. Ainswortb, 20c 45. A Life Secret, by Mrs. Henry Wood, 10c 46. Heritage of ]*angdalc, by Mrs. Alexander, 20c 17. In S lk Attire, l?y William Black, 10c 48. The Strange Adventures of a Phaeton, by William Black, 10c 49. Granville de Vigne, by "Ooida, 20c 50. Under Greenwood Tree, Thos. Hardy, lOo 51. Kilmeny, by William Black, 10c ' 52. The Lost Bank Note, by Mrs. II. Wood, l('c 33. The Monarch of Mincing Lane,by W. Black, 10c 54. Under Two Flags, by "Ouida," 20c 55. A Winter City, by "Ouida," 10c I 5G. Strathmore, by "Ouida, 20c 57. A Voyaga Round the World-South America, by Jules Verne, 10c 58. Silas Marner, by George Eliot, 10c 59. Chandos, by "Ouida," 20c 60. A Voyage Bouud the World-Australia, l>y Jules Verne, 10c 61. Bebec; or, Two Little Wooden Shoes, by "Ouida," 10c 62. Folle-Farine, by "Ouida," 20c 63. Dene Hollow, by Mrs. Henry Wood, 20c 64. A Voyage Round the World-New Zealand, by Jules Verne,* 10c 65. The Nobleman's Wife, by Mrs. H. Wood, 10c 66. Rqry O'Morc, by Samuel Lover, 20c 67. Castle Wafer, and Henry Arkcll, by Mrs. Henry Wood, 10c , 68. Five Weeks in a ,Balloon, by Jules Verne, loc 69. To the Bitter End, by Miss M. E. Bradnon, 20c 70. Middk-uiarch, by George Eliot, 20c 71. Ariadne, by "Ouida," 10c 72. Meridiana; and The Blockade Runners, by Jules Verne, 10c 73. Bessy Kane, by Mrs. Henry Wood, 20c 74. Rupert Hall, by Mrs. Henry Wood, 10c 75. Tho Fur Country, by Jules Verne, 10c 76. The New Magdalen, by Wilkie Collins, 10c ? ??? *?? .1 l... if:? Yf..i..u m. ii. iumni? 3DU IUIIU, u; .<ti? .'tuivtk, iw 78. Griffith Gaunt, by Charles Reode, 10c 79. Madcap Violet, by William Block, 20c 80. Daniel Peronda by George Eliot. 20c 81. Christian's Mistake, by Miss Mulock, 10c 81. My Mother and I, by Miss Mulock, 10c 8. Verner's Pride, by Mrs. Henry Wood, 20c 84: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, by Jules Verne 10c 85. Marjori Bruce's Lovers, by Mary Patrick, 10c SC. Put Yourself in His Place, by Charles Reade, 20c 87. A Journey to the Centre of the Earth, by Jules Verne, 10c 88. The Two Marriages, by Miss Mulock, 10c 89. The Lovels of Arden, by Miss M. E. Braddon, 20c 00. Mysterious Island?Dropped from the Clouds, by Jules Verne, 10c 91. The Woman's Kingdom, by Miss Mulock, 10c 92. Mrs. Haliburton's Trouble, by Mrs. Henry Wood, 20c 93. Mysterious Island?The Abandoned, by Jules Verne,- 10c 94. The Law and The Lady, by Wilkic Collins, 10c 95. Dead Men's Shoes, by Miss M. E. Braddon, 20c ?ot ?alr or ^ctit. For Sale. j Four Black Walnut COUNTERS and i STANDS, 10 ft. long by 3 ft. wide each. Apply at this office. To Rent. A Bakery and Shop Advantageously situated on Bay Street, svith many conveniences and necessary utensils &c. None but reliable .persons iced apply to John Franz. TO RENT, Two desirable Mores in the basement of the STEVENS HOUSE, Price 810 and 815 respectively. \pply to W. J.VERDIER, Agent. FOR SALK AN EIGHT HORSE POWER STATIONARY STEAM ENGINE, Grist Mill, Saw Gin with 40 aws and one Utlcy's Lever power Cotton Press vith shafting, pulleys and bands complete in unningorder. This machinery will be sold entire >r separate at a reasonable price. For particulars apply to Capt. J. G. Sipplc at jrahamville or at this office. Notice. Mr. J. M. Rhett, is hereby authorized to receive ill papers pertaining to the office of Probate. A. B. ADDISON, Judge of Probate Bft, Co. Horses and Cows. The Ordinances relative to horses and cows unning at large on and after the 20th ult. will be igidly enforced. JOS. COHEN, Town Marshal. JOHN BRODIE, Builder, Contractor -ANDUNDERTAKER. Estimates and plans furnished at short loticc. Opposite Express Office. Beaubrt, S. C. P. 2YX? w urrmAin. Bay Street Beaufort, S, C. JQe&ler m NEW CLOCKS. 0 iCIIULTZ'S WATCHMEN'S CLOCK. For the detection of Watchmen. Frery one 'mploj-ing a watchman should have one of tbe*o .'loclca.-Send for circular. New Rotary Clocks. Something new. Runs noiselessly. Requires no cey. SLACK WALNUT VISIBLE PENDULUM ^LOCKS.; Also Mari.kk, Cuuroix, and other Blocks. Price* from $2 to $14. Due West Female College.. Next college year opens Octolier 1st. Faculty tame as*.last year-full. FHst-class teachers of nude. drawing, and jwinting. location retired and lealthy. Tuition ami hoard, including fuel ane cashing, for college year, 8177. Kxtr&s at reasonabl atea. For circular, send to J. I. BONNER, President, Due West.S. C UOIVT 1st, 1877. gort loyal. R. P. RUNDLB, ?HIPP'6& COMMISSION MERCHANT port royal, s. c. , Cotton, Naval Stores, Lumber &c. AOENT FOR THE New York & Port Royal steamship line. Mississippi and Dominion, West India and Pacific, and Liverpool and Galveston STEAMSHIP CO'S. OF LIVERPOOL D H Hutchinson, WhoIesale& Retail Grocer port royal. s. c. Has added~gr?eatly to his stock ot GROCERIES, with an addition of a Meat Market, where will be fonnd on hand at all times r full ond ??W.t snnnlv of fresh Beef, Mutton & Pork, together with all kinds of vegetables to suit the demands of the public. SHEPARD D.GILBERT NOTARY PUBLIC. Attention given to Marine Protests. Of fice in the Sea Island Hotel. ? * ?? H. M. STUART, M. D., Cor. Bay At Eighth Streets, Beaufort, S . O. DEALER IN DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS, FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY PERFUMERY. BRUSHES, Ac., Ac., Ac., Together with many other'articles too numerou to mention. All of which sold at the lowe price for cash. Physicians prescriptions carefull eosjpo.ined. ?rist and f fed. S. ELLIOTT. Btauforl X. C.'E^EL, K VO.y Chmrlttlmn X. C. THE BEAUFORT STEAM MILL COMPANY, Having tut rr a grist mill at their old stand, are prepared to furnish Grist, Feed and Meal, any quantity, and at reasonable rates. M. S. ELLIOTT, S M. WALLACE COTTON FACTOR AND GRIST MILLER, Wholesale Dealer in Grain, Hominy Meal, Feed ETC., ETC., SEA ISLAND COTTON Bought GinDed and prepared for market. ADVANCES Made on consignments. Having the best machinery for ginning cotton and giinding corn and meal, he is prepared to execute all orders on the shortest possible no tice The highest cash price paid for COTTON & CORN Cotton ginned on toll. S. MAYO, Bay JSt. Beaufort, JB. C LIQUORS, WINES, Ac. NET YARNS, FISH LINES AND CORDAGE. G-laas, Baints and Oila, WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE. Special attention given to mixing paints - i ni x i. 0:.A ana uiass cui iu uruer ax any oxac. Dec. 6 W. H. CALVERT. ^ft?0FWL ?^ PRACTICAL Tin Sheet Iron. Copper Worker DEALER IN Tapanned and Stamped Tin Wares. Constantlyon J hand, Cooking Parlor and Box Stoves. TERMS CASH. Agent for the Celebrated Charter Oak Cooking Stoves. W.H.CALVERT Bay St. between 8tb A 9th sts. Beaufort. S. C BANKING HOUSE, Win. H. Lockwood, BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE \?ON New, York Charleston & Savannah Bought and Sold, Collections made on any poiut in the United States. Accounts received subject 1 * ~ nX oirtllf IU CIIUUIV at oignt> np.27.Gm. PORT ROYAL Saw& Planing Mill BEAUFORT, S C. D. C. WILSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS I!f YELLOW PIKE TIMER AHB LWCiR AND Cyryoas 81ilnflesf ALSO Builders & Contractors PLASTER LATHES, All kinds of JOB SAWING promptly done. Flooring & Ceiling Boards always on band Orders for Lumber and Timber by tbe'cargc promptly filled. Terms Cash. d. c. wilson A co. AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT. Mixed ready for use in white and oxer onchundrw different colors, made of strictly puro WilliE LEAD, Zinc, and Linseed Oil. Chemically combined, w anted to last twice as long as other paint. F. W. SCHEPER, Wholesale and Retail Grocer iceiicet mm i EMMOHS, Are now prepared to fuj nish Ice in any quantity Customci may desire, from their Ice House^ Seventh. Street. JOHN COtfANT, J. A. EMMONS P. BESSESURE BOOT And SHOE MAKER. IS All work entrusted to His care will recei * Trompt attention. v . Shop Next the ICE HOUSE BE A I'EOjiT; S. C. ! Jt1'. W . SO From the l>cst Dairies. CANNED FRUITS, VEGE And a Full Variety of other things i Uoods Promptly Delivi SKA 1SLAN HAS BEEi\ R THE PATRONAGE OF THE TRAY M. M. KING MAN, Beaufort Ma oHaving opened a shop in Beaufort, I am pi Build & Repair all t Both^of WOOD Particular attention given to designing and pipe and fittings constantly on hand at Nort Personal attention given to setting and co Steam Boiler Furnac Shop next to Post Office. J j AT APPLE'S!! AT AP] J ATTEN I (now is THE Till [ Closing out Sale of SUMMER ^iFALL AND WIJ i o^ r Extra Inducen ^31 oFRUIT OF THE LOOM, 4-4 Bl< SPLENDID, 4-4 B1 . I FINE CAMBRICS 4-4 j EXTRA CAMBRICS, 4-4 SQ I ^ | And a discount of 25 per cent on a] ^ I been heretofore sold at regular palce a| | COME ONE, ^ i I To the Cheapest ^ ! ^ j Mr iiS?3PIJaV XV iiS?gUd t a n \r p tf 1/ XX XI X DEALE Ship Chandlery, Oils, Paints, Varnish Ploughs and Plantation Supplie Mat?x BEAUFOl you want to purchase fine and chc FLOUR! FLOU JSTJ f you want a good Loaf of Bread, < JOHN FRANZ. JS-HAMS and BREAKFAST BACOJ JOHN FRANZ. Special attention is give MANSION) HOUSE. PORT ROYAL, S. C. Is beautifully situated, facing PORT ROYAL HARBOR, Enclosed with ample yard under live oak tree the rooms are neatly finished and nicely furnished and the table is well supplied and kept. Guests from the .North will find this a mos healthful and pleasant winter resort. United States vessels are located in sight, and fishing,, hunting, and boating can be enjoyed. Contracts for board will bo made for the season , at reasonable rates. | BENJAMIN BURT?, Proprietor." hli\(iSFOKI?S 1 Oswego Starch, Is the best and most economical In the j world. Is perfectly PURE?free from acids and other foreign substances that injure Linen. Is STRONGER than any othor?requiring much less quantity in using. ' Is UNIFORM?stiffens and finishes work always , the same. KlftWORD'S OSWEGO STARCH, Is the most delicious of all preparations for ' Puddings, Blanc-Mange, Cake, Etc. ' INSURANCE. THE MASSACHUSETTS r LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY " . OF SPRINGFIELD MASS, Capital and Surplus S6.500.000. 3?HE HOME , , . FIRB'INSURANCE COMPANY , . OF NEW YORK. Cash Assets over .. $6,000,000. This, one oftlie strongest Fire Insurance Companies in the world, is now vc prepared to take good risks in the town ol Beaufort and vicinity. For full particulars, rates, etc., enquire of J. H. Clancy, Agent Y ?j P 0 ?1 U 0 -fc -IN? , . Bull and Coosaw Rivers' -OR AT? Port royal: Will be supplied with fresh water, frohi the celebrated Club House Springs; 1 By Steam or sailing vessels. | . M ??-Onlers sent to our office in Beaufort will receive immediate attention. ' *,? . #*. ' { DKK A SMALL, Pmprfeton. E-OPEAEU., . ELLING PUBLIC IS S0LIC1TFD] Manager. * chine Shop* ...... *'? epared with the latest improved tools to [iuds of Machinery] AND IRON, pattern making for new work. Steam ;nern prices. nstructing :es for Saving Fuel. 4 WHITMAN. Mechanical Engineer, PLE'S!! AT APPLE'S!! TION! 5torBARGAINS!! ? GOODS, to make room for \ I T E R GOOD S!!l & ; ^ ients Offered. | ? ^ jach, @ 12c. each, " 10c. " 10c. ! o " 12c - : k, II SUMMER GOODS, that have i ^ - Ik; s auriDg me seasuu. I jCOME ALL, j g Store in (Town. j ^ i 1*3 s. M. APPLE. | ** [V XV iiS,a7ddV iLY 'EAfZ^ R IN Groceries, Oils; . c es, Putty and Glass. S) Wheolright & Blacksouth's" *ials. I T , 8 . C. ap Groceries, go to JOHN FRANZ. R!! FLOUR!!! >'> * *f or nice Biscuits, buy your FLOUR at i, BUTTER and LARD, tlte choicest at n in putting up Cabin Stores. JUST OPENED!! nu tun unuTrn PTftnu ran ahu irinitn Mm E. A. Schepfer's The Leader in Low Prices o , - . .. I HAVE the pleasure of announcing to 1117 trieodsand. the public. generally,! that I ain now receiving my Fall ana Winter stock of .... ? , ,,. r. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, embracing the choicest and cheapest selection of DRESS, GOODS.' . . ? *1 ? Notions, Embroideries, BOOTS AND SHOES Laccs, Hosfefy. (jfovrs, ITr.ndkerchiefs," Cassi? mere?, Jeans," Tweeds, Flannels. Homespuns,. Shirtings, Sheetings, ? Prints, Cambrics, Linens,. Towels, Tabfe- Damasks, Napkins, White Goods,1 Gents'Furnishing Goods, Ac.; ever exhibited in Beaufort. BCy assortment of goods has only to u *en to be appreciated. I have selected them w the greatest care. ALL ARE F&ESH AND N and defy competition. r Those reeding F a LL and WINTER snpplles for< their families would SAVE MONEY by looking at ^ my stock and purchasing what they require. A well lighted store, with polite and agreeable salesmen, to attend to customers. __ E. A. SOHEPilR; TT T1 O a T1 T CS HE PER, k^I VVyyV^tx.^^ T . . .SKLKfTKD , COFFEES SPICKS<tcy FIIUITS. ' TABLES, MEATS, &c. . . .. - * '- ' ?- - ** -* .l..a Ci?M usually Kf])i m a nrsi-ciasn t??vic. ered free of charge. D HOTEL,