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~~LOCAL ITEMS Beaafort, S. C., OCT. 11, 1877. We would call atteution to the advertisement of Mr. J. C. Richmond in another column. His store is uew and attractive and so is his stock of goods. The citizens of Port Royal, in a J communication most touching in its expression of gratitude, return thanks to the citizens.of Beaufort for their contribution of ?99.25 tor the relief of the sick, and also to Commodore Hughes of the U. S. Navy for $125.00 from the officers and crew of the U. S. Ship New Hampshire, for the same purpose. The fast train on the Port Royal railroad came to a sudden stop at Yaruesville last Sunday night by the breaking of a wheel on the engine, delaying the train about four hours. During the delay Major Peeples generously furnished the passengers with lunch, for which a vote of thanks was tendered him. Within the last day or two a further amount of over $30 has been collected in Beaufort for the sick at Port Royal, making a total of $135.30 raised in this t wn. + 1 * T 1 AnI Uur ITonate ouage is uum I* Cilgagtu j buying cotton at lirunson, and seems to be prospering while dispensing cords of greenbacks to the delighted farmers. A large number of colored men in that vicinity have raised cotton by the bales and they seem to grow several inches as the crisp and coveted proceeds are stowed away in their pockets. Nine of our tradesmen were arrayed before the Intendant on Tuesday morning last charged with having allowed their desire to accommodate customers overcome their respect for the order requiring places of business to clos<r at 6 o'clock p. 111. They xcknowledged the soft impeachment, and justi -e tempered with mercy exacted a fine of three dollars from each. Our subscribers have not been worried by appeals for the amounts due us for ' subscriptions, as we expected to visit them for the purpose of receiving our dues. We have ct ncluded to accompany Major Gooding, on bis tour of col- j lections beginning next Monday and we hope our friends will in every case remember us and settle their bills of which wc shall have copies. In chronicling the wreck of the German , brig Nicholas in St Helena Sound anu i the re.>cueof thes:x survivors of the crew j from the tempest tossed spar to which thcv clung, more than brief me.ition j Hiould U- made of the ga Han try of the | young colored man Kit Jenkins, t lie boa: j keeper of the holy, who alone, at iiis own imminent peril, pulled in the >kiii . of the pilot boat through the boilinu i breakers and extended help and safety ! to the shipwrecked men. The schooner Ben with 422 tons of! phosphate cleared from Cnarie -ton for j J'hiladeSphia but having sprung a leak, J and failing to re-enter Charleston, crossed St Helena bar and came to anchor. Being unable to keep afloat she was run n>hore nearCombahcc bauk and in that predicament was relieved by the steam , tug Ivanhoc.|" ptain Craig, who finding five and half feet of water in her hold, pumped hdV out and towed her to the mouth of Bull River, lay .along side i and kept pumping all night and on Thursday morning last towed the sehoou-1 er up to the phosphate works. A libel for salvage was filed against the Ben by ! Thos. G. White E<q. in behalf of the j captain of the lvanhoe. The vessel and i cargo issupposcd to l?c worth $12,000. An eminent physician of New York whose experience in the treatment of yellow fever generally and whose sue- j cess last summer during the epidemic which prevailed in Savannah entitles his recommendations to the higher;: c moderation, writes to a friend in L>eaufort recommending the use of the following prescription as a prophylactic against the threatening invasion. We give the formula for the benefit of all who may he in the way of imbibing the I disease as well as those who may in future be placed in contact with an epidemic ; so clearly one of blood poisoning: Carbolic acid chryst: 15 grains Glycerine ] drachm Water 4 ounces. A teaspoooftil in a half wineglass full of water every night and-morning. The following is a list of the persons drawn as jurors for the October term of Court: Beaufort Township: Geo. Curtis, J. C. Mayo^ Silas E. Taylor. Bluff ton: Arthur Germond. Coosawhatrhie: Edward A. Grantham, H. C. Froliberg. Goethe: Benj F. Owens, James Ruth. Joe. Alston, William Blake. Law ton: Ned Ennis, Allen Miller, Monday Drayton, A'chy Brown, Sylvester Jones, J. H. McKouzie. Pteples:. Wui. T. Crosby, Ransom Ginu, R. G. Holmes, Ishrttu Harrison, W m. R Bowers, Wui. Gillison. Sheldon: Thomas Johnson, Henry Powell Sen. St. Helena: John Jackson Sen., Win T. Pritchard, Alfred Graham, Morris Izard, January Waring. London Singleton. Toby Watson. Yrmax&ec:..London Jauics, Cuffic Corbin, Dembo Bennett, Richard Powell, Caesar Rivers. Mr. Gateh, of Early Branch has raised on two and one-half tasks ot land cane from which he has realized 104 gallons of most excellent svrup. Pretty Little Bi.i k Ky>d Stranger. Is the title of one of the prettiest songs wc have ever heard. It was composed by Bobby Newcoiub, the celebrated minstrel professional. The melody is bound ! to captivate ever}' lover of a good song | j and remain fresh in their memory a life-| time. Price, 35 cents per copy. For: sale by any music dealer in the United : | States, or can be had from the publisher, j F. W. Helmick, 50 West. Fourth Street, Cincinnati, 0. Mr. Editor; Please find a place in your paper of this week, for the following, and oblige the Uudersigned: From the 31st day ot July to the 30th i day of Sept- [61 days] I have been absent (unavoidably) one day. No person whatever was left in charge of the quarantine ! Station. My boat's crew were instructed to ascend the look-out, with a glass, and' I upon the approach of a vessel, to come up i immediately to Beaufort for me. They i did not come. On my return, the day after, I found that no vessel of auy kind had entered. The public may judge of my? surprise upon being told, a few days since that I had been charged with having abandoned my post, and left, as Deputy a non- professional gentleman! Such falsehoods deserve to have the harshest language applied to them,?language in which I do not deal. My Deputy dur- , ing the month of July, was a graduate ot the Medical College, in Charleston. Jno. A. Johnson, Health Officer ! A petiton, unanimously and most! respectably signed, hus'been presented to ! the Massachusetts legislature, asking for | a law granting pensions to teachers of! twenty years active work. Good! This! is the next best thing to paying them 1 liberally all along. o* ENTERED ST. HELENA SOUND. Oct. 1st, British hark Croydon, Roach, 52 days ; from Bristol in ballast to Wvllic, Teacher A Co. 1th, Norwegian hark Natvig, Lundblad 51 : pays from Dublin in ballast to TVyllie, Teacher A I Co. CLEARED.FROM ST. HELENA SOUND. Oct. 4th, British bark Portinscale, Moullin, for , fUnited Kingdom with 707 tons of phosphate rock i ii in CuMWinim*. i Special Notice. j AT CHAMBERS, 2nd JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, Walterboro, S. C? Oct. 10.1S77. Authentic information having been eominunieat- ; ed to me by resident physicians and others, that j yellow fever is prevailing generally in the town of i'ort lloyal, ami 10 somcmnu in iin-iuwiiui xx-nu- | fort, the seat of Justice for the County of Beaufort,., ami that it would be dangerous to all persons con- j coined to attempt to hold the ('ou t of General Scs- ! sions at that place on Monday, the l"?th ilist., the day fixed by law for its sitting. In obedience to' See. 80, Title Chap. CXXII of the Revised Stat- , utes; It is Ord'ml, That the said Court of General Ses- ! >ions for Beaufort County, be adjourned over from . Monday next the 15th inst, until in a. hi., on Wed- j nesday the 14th of November next; of which Ju- i rors, Panics ami Witnesses, will take notice. The ' Court of Common Pleas will commence immcd'atfly after the adjournment of the Court of Sessions The ( t'l -rk of the Court fscharged with the cxteus on j of this order. j.*p. Rt:i:r> Pn?: ing Judge 2nd Cirvut. 1 S. J. BAMPFIKl.D. C. (i. S. A. C. P. for P.ea fort County, j Notice to persons applying for Schools, j District No. 1. lift. Co. S. C. You are hereby notified tli t I lie"* "School B >ard of Trustees for said IMstrict, require that; each applicant, show hy certificate from the lxwrd of Scnool Kxatuiners for .<siid Co., that they have complied with the requirements of -lie Statutes o' saiil State, hy seudiug the Trustees their annual i certificate accompanying their application, im- ] mediate attention is required. ItlUl.KY h*Cari.i.KiN 1 Trustees l>i.?triet F. C. Milukk, / No.. 1. " coroxeus' salXT ! Si ate ok form Ca r. u in a, Coc'kty ok Beaufort i IVui. Wilson Sheriff vs. Geo R. Hack. Judgement for Fur closure. By virtue of an Order of the Hon. T. L. Wiggin, j to me direct <1 and lodged in my offuc, 1 will seil at public outcry in front of the Court House in ' the Town of Beaufort. 011 the first Tuesday iu ! November next; being the sixth day of said month during the legal hours of sale the following pi overly to wit: All that piece, parcel or lot of land situated 1 lying and being in the County ana state aforo- j said, and known and designatid as, "Tract No., 1'" i according to the Purvey and p'at thereof made by j Archil-aid L. Campbell Surveyor, in November , 1874, by order of the Commissioners iu Partition,! in the case of Clara M. Paul against Kebccca Mc- i Bride et al bounded north-west by lands of Varus ' 1 & Stanley; north-east by lands of Alt man, south'- 1 east by lands of Alexander Stanley and W. Alt man; and south-west by "Tract No 2.," of above < mentioned Survey and by lots of the estate of McBride. in the village of Varngville, measuring and containing Five hundred aud ninety one and one ! half acres. Beaufort S. c. A. W. Mcc kknfcss, October 7th, 1877 \ Coroner of B. C. PROBATE ~ HOTICB. | ST ATP OF SOUTH CAROLINA, I Beaufort I ounty. j By A. B. Addison Esq- Probate Judge. Whereas Moses Jones has mad 3 suit to me to; grant him Letters of Administration of the Estate : and effects of Rebecca Gadsdeu. These are therefore to cite aud admonish all and singular the kindred aud Creditors of the said Rebecca Gadsden deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Beaufort on 25th. October inst, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, I if any they have, why the said Administration should not he grantee. Given under my hand, this tenth day of Octo. I bcr A. D. 1877. A. B. Addison, Probate Judge PATRONIZE THE TEMPERANCE GROCERY < OF J J. G. RIGHMOfllll i (BENEVOLENT BUILDING,) Where will be found at all limes a choice j and well selected stock of j TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, SPICES, BUTTER, LARD, CHEESE, MEATS, i Canned Fruits, Vegetables, Vestal and j Kerosene Oils, &c., &c., also a full varie ; ty of TIN and CROCKERY WARES, , and other goods usually keot in a first-class : store. Also on hand, and constantly ar. riving the best brands of Segars and Tobaccos, all of which will be sold at prices as low as at any store in Beaufort. Call and examine for yourself. No trouble to show j goods. All goods purchased at this store j will be delivered#to any part of the town ' free of charge. % I GRAND a ; _ r u pern u u at APPLE'S. The largest anl best selected o stock of ray goods,' Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes &c is now on exhibition at the / "OLD | Store of MS SI APPLE. ? 1 1 Oni* fttiwh w pmnnlpfp in pvp.I'V I' v v" " -?1 ? ~ J inspect. AVe respectfully invite the public to call on us and examine for themselves. Eemember the < Old Heliable, and don't purchase elsewhere, before examining our , o j COMPLETESTOCK Dont Forget the Grand Opening, I AT J APPLES! Sale pr Sent. j FORJALE. ~ One of the most desirable situated dwellings in Beaufort: House in complete repair and conveniently arranged, with suitable outbuildings, and a garden spot equal to any in the State. Fruit in abundance-Oranges, Figs, Peaches, Fears, Apples, f Plums, Cherries and Grapes; also choice Flowers,] and flowering trees. Wilt l>e sold at a bargain, and on easy terms, j Enquire of li. G. Judd, on the premises. July 17th, ls77. To Rent. A Bakery and Shop Advantageously situated on Bay Street, with many conveniences and necessary utensils &c. None but reliable 7 persons need apply to 4 John Franz. "to rent, Two desirable stores in the basement of the STEVENS HOUSE, Price S10 and 313 respectively. Apply to W. J.VERDIER, Agent. FOR SALET AN EIGHT HORSE POWER STATIONARY STEAM ENGINE, Grist Mill, Saw Gin with 4<i saws and one t'tley's Lever power Cotton Press , with shafting, pulleys and bands complete in running order. This machinery will ha sold ent:re or separate at a reasonable price. For particulars apply to Capt. J. G. Sipple at Grahamville or at this office. Notice. Mr. J. M. Rhett, is hereby authorized to receive all papers pertaining to the office of Probate. A. B. ADDISON, Judge of Probate lift, Co. JOHN BRODIE, Builder, Contractor ?AND? UNDERTAKER. Estimates and plans furnished at short notice. Opposite Express Office. Beaufort, S. C. P. M. WHITMAN Bay ."t trnel Beaufort, S. C. Uq&Iqf in NEW CLOCKS. SCHTI.TZ'S WATCHMEN'S CLOCK. For the d-t.ftion .of Wutclmien. Every one emptying u watchman should have one of the e_ Clocks.-3i.Mid for eitcular. / 0 New Rotary Clocks. ' Something new. Units tioisclrssiy. Itcjuires no key. BLACK WALNUT VISIBLE PENDULUM t'DM'KS. Also Makixk, Cmritcir, and oth-i clocks. Prices from $2 to 3l 1. Due West Female * College. Next college year opens Octnlier 1st. Faculty same as;.last year-full. First-class teachers of music, drawing, and painting. Location retired and healthy. Tuition and hoard, including fuel ane washing, for college year,$177. Extras at rcasonabl rates. For circular, send to J. I. BONNER, President, Due West.S 0 August 1st, 1S77. 9 girt Jlopt. R. P. RUNDLE, Sill PPT. & COMMISSION MERCHANT PORT ROYAL, S. C. Cotton, Naval Stores, Lumber &c. mt'vt vnd tup AVIUll CUlk A ft X U New York & Port Royal STEAMSHIP LINE. Mississippi and dominion, West India and Pacific, and Liverpool and Galveston STEAMSHIP CO'S. OF LIVERPOOL. D II Hutchinson, Wholesale & Retail Grocer POllT ROYAL. S. C. Has ADDED GREATLY to his stock ot GROCERIES, with an addition of a Meat Market, where will be found on hand at all times a full and select supply of fresh Beef, Mutton & Pork, together with all kinds ot vegetables to suit the demands of the public. SHEPARD D.GILBERT NOTARY PUBLIC. Attention given to Marine Protests. Of fice in the Sea Island Hotel. % H. M. STUART, M. D., Cor. Bay Eighth Street*. Beaufort, S. O. DEAI.EK IN DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS, FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, Ac., Ac., Ac., Together with many other articles too numerous to mention. All of which will be sold at the lowo price for cash. Physicians prescriptions carefully compouned. arec ? (ftiist anil ,?ml. .?/. A'. ELLIOTT, II tan fur I 8. . It.IfE.VEL, A* CO.ft'hmrtfBloa S. V. THE BEAUFORT STEAM MILE COMPAHTJ Having put up a grist mill at their old stand, are prepared to furnish. Grist, Feed and Meal, any quantity, and at reasonable rates. M. S. KIJJOTT, ! SM.WALLACE, COTTON FACTOR AND GRIST MILLER, Wholesale Dealer in Grain, Hominy Meal, Feed etc., etc., SEA ISLAND COTTON Bought Ginned and prepared for market. ADVANCES Made on consignments. Having the best! machinery for ginning cotton and g! ind-! ing corn and meal, he is prepared to exc- I cute all orders oil the shortest possible no ; tice The highest cash price paid for COTTON &CORN Cotton ginned on toll. S. MAYO, Bay St. Boaufort, S. O LIQUORS, WINES, die. NET YARNS, FISIT LINES AND CORDAGE. Glass. Paints and Oils, WHITE LEAD ANI) TURPENTINE. Special attention given to mixing paints and Glass cut to order of any size. Dec. G W. H. CALVERT. , I PRACTICAL Tin Sheet Iron. Copper Worker DEALER.IN, . . fa panned ami Stamped Tin Wares. Constantlyon hand, Cooking I'arlor und IJox Stoves. TERMS CASH. Agent for the Celebrated Charter Oak Cooking.Stoves. W.H.CALVERT I Ray St. between 8th A 9lh sts. Reaufort. S. C j BANKING HOUSE, Win. SL Lockwoo<l, t J BAY ST., BKAUFORT, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE New, York Charleston & Savannah Bought and Sold, L'oHcetions luacie oq any pouu in mu United States. Accounts received subject to check at sight. ap. 27. Gin. PORT ROYAL Sawls Planing Mill BEAUFORT, S C. D. C. WILSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN 7ELL0W FINE TIHSER AND UVEA AND Cypress Slxinglos, ALSO Builders & Contractors PLASTER LATHES, All kinds of JOB SAWIXfi promptly done. Plooriiii & Ceiling Boards always on toil Orders for Lumber and Timber by the 'cargo promptly filled. Terms Cash. I). C. WILSON A CO. AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT. Mixed ready for use in vrliitcnnd over one hundred different colors, made of strictly pujo WHITE LEAD, Zinc, and Unseed Oil. Chemically combined, wa anted to last twice as long as other paint. F. W. SCHEPER, Wholesale and Ketan Urocer. j " ice! ice! mm a emmohs, 4 RE NOW PREPARED TO FUR i1. nisii Ice in any quantity Customers may desire, from their Ice House, Sovontlx Street. JOHN CONANT, J. A. EMMONS P. DESSESURE, BOOT And SHOE MAKER. All work entrusted to His cars will receive Prompt attentien. Shop Next the ICE HOUSE, BKA UEOftT, S. C. W?Bi?????MHTWHI-.ll l-'tJII. 1 F F. W. SC Of all Grades. CANNED FRUITS, VEGE And a Full Variety of oilier things Goods Promptly Deliv SEAISLA* HAS BEEN R THE PATRONAGE OF THE TRAV M. M. K ING5IAN, Beaufort Ma oHaving opened a shop in Beaufort, I am pi \ i An l lviiiifi ft itqiiiir 111 Both'ofWOOr Particular attention given to designing and pipe and fittings constantly on hand at Nor Personal attention given to setting and cc Steam Boiler Furnat E&* Shop next to Post < )ffier_J. AT APPLE'S!! AT AP! J ATTEJN | iftOT is THE mi ^ j Closing out Sale ot SUMMER ^iFALL AND WII : _ 0 h j j&xtra inaucec ^ + o i FRUIT OF TUP) LOOM, 44 Bl SPLENDID. 4-4 Bl w I FINE CAMBRICS 44 | EXTRA CAMBRICS, 44 QQ! gq i And a discount of 25 per cent on a ^ j been heretofore sold at regular palcc aj j COME ONE, X I * I To the Cheapest ^ j Mi ! iiS.aiddV lLV iiS.aidd 'mansion hojjse. PORT IROYAL, S. C. Is beautifully situated, facing PORT ROYAL HARBOR, Enclosed with ample yard under live oak tree the rooms are neatly fiuished and nicely furnished and the table is well supplied an^kept. Guests from the >"orth will liiul this a tnos [ healthful and pleasant winter resort. United 'tates yessels are Iocati-d in sight, and fishing,, hunting, and boatiug can be enjoyed. G utracts for board will be made for the season | at reasonable rates. BENJAMIN BURR, I ^PROritlKTOR. "M. POLLITZEIt, COTTON FACTOR axd Commission Merchant beaUPOIIT s. c W7P. GRAHAM, BOfXTF AND PENSION AGENT, DEAL'TOUT, S. C. Will attend to any business entrusted to him. Information free. uiar.l5-tf"THE SEASIDE LIBRARY." Choice books no longer for th? f.-w only. The bast standard novels within the reach of every one Rooks usually sold from $1 to f-'l given (unchanged and unabridged) for 10 and 20 Cents. 1. East Lynxe, By Mrs. II. Wood (double no.) 10c 2. John, Gent., By .N)iss Mulock. 2-ie I 0. JAxk Eyrk, Charlotte Br ?nte.(double no.) 29c. 4. A woman-hater, Charles Iteade's new novel 20c 5. The ulacx-ixdiks, Jules Verne's latest. 10c 0. Last days ok pompeii. By Buiwcr. Kie. ! 7. Adam dkdk, By George Eliot, (double no.) 20c | The arundel motto, By Mary Cecil Hay. 10c | 9. Old Jiyddklton's money, By Mary ('. Hay 10c ! 10. The woman in whit;:, By Wilkie Collins. 20c 11. The mill on the floss, By George Eliot. 20c 12. The American senaiou, By Antony Trollope. . 2^c 13. A. princess ok Till lj:, By Willirin Black 20c. 14. The dead secret, By Wilkie Collins". 10c. 15. Komola, By (??org Eliot, (double no.) 2?c 16. Tin-: English at the north i*ole and , field ok ice. In one book By Jules Verne 10c. 17. Hidden perils, By Mary Cecil Hay. 19c 1 *2 II ? ? tn n i u tfi.TAD \* Ru A inolt'i li V/l oraivlw ')/W? in, iu* ?/. i-m ?? 19. A terrible temptation, By Chas. Rcade. 10c 20. Old curiosity shop, Charles Dickens. 20. 21. Foul play, By Charles Jteade. 10c 22. Man and wife, By Wilkic (Collins 20. 23. The squire's legacy, By Mary Cecil Hay. 20c For sale l?y all Booksellers and Newsdealers, or sent, postage prepaid, on receipt of price by GEORGE ML'NKO, Pi bllsiikr. P.O.Box 3G37. 21,23, and 23 VauderwaterS t. N. Y All the above bo 'ks together with all the numbers of the "Lakeside." "Fire| side,'' "Sunnyside," "New York Library" and other publications for sale at j publishers' prices (postage added) at the ! NEWS AND STATIONERY DEPOT OF W. A. Gordan, Beaufort. S. C. HEPEIi, 5 - fruits. 4 TABLES, MEATS, &c. usually kept iu a first-class Slcre. ered free of charge. ID HOTEL, E-OPEJTED. .. . ELLING PUBLIC IS SOLIClTm - Manager. chine Shop, ieparcJ with the latest improved tools to 7 kinds of Machinery, > AND IRON, pattern making for new work "Steanx tnern nrices. ' . instructing ;es for Saving Fuel; A. WHITMAN. MeHinnVal Engineer. . PLE'S!! AT ApiSiE'S!! TION!;. j ^ Sfor BAR?AINS!!k , GOODS, to make room for , [ ^ fTER GOODSHl^ . ' . '- - ! 65 aents Offered. ; " i &3 each, @12<*. v ' ! each, '"10c. v '."icv . "10c. ?v. .u?r s . r... -: : ? -IScv *?.,> v * *-' { ^ 11 SUMMER GOODS, kbit ,fcaYc j ^ :s during the sciWon.j ^ COME ALL, V 13 Store in ,ToWn. ^ I ^ 153 S. M. APPLE. p tv iv iis?artddv j,v v r. a 9 t< f1 V -U KJ KJ XJ JLI hJ : \.r * . -INBull and Coosaw Rivers -ORAT?. '/* PORT ROYAL. Will be supplied tfith FRESH WATER* From the celebrated . Club House Springs, By Steam or sailing vessels. asr-Orders sent to our office irf Beaufort will re-* ceivc immediate attention. I)If K & SMALL, Proprietors. Oswego Starch, ? la the be?t and moat economical In the world. Is perfectly PUIIK?free from acida and other foreign substances that injure Linen. Is STRONGER than any othsr?requiring much less quantity in using. Is UNIFORM?stiffens and finishes work always the same. , . r KINGSFORD'S OSWEGO STARCH, Is the most delicious of all preparations for Puddings, BlaRC-SIangc, Cake, Etc; _MMNTNG~NEWS~ Prixe_ Stories The Weekly. News wrnvtxn t v cciyrt-uDci) miu *i i f '71'V li/lii, "Will contain t|ie first .chapter o?an inteny?Jy interesting and well.written story, THE MARABLE FAMILY. liV S. (>. HiLLYKK. JH., Of Cutlibert, 6 a., ' *' To which was awarded tlw FinrtidMrc of <^pa Iluedrrd Dollars, oflfem}-. for, Iho best story founded on incidents of the late wjit.. ' if The Wo kly News,?? a^'rhtdn ta the Agricultural and Literary. Departur-ixts recently introduced, still*ntaintaius its dL.tinctfve features as a medium for Stale, l-'olitical and General News, and every effort will be devoid to making it a comprehensive medium of information for the people. Its Market IU ports arc complete and reliable. ' Trices.?Weekly News, 6 months' 11.00; 1 year f-'.OO: j>r.8tage free. Pally, 6 months $5.00; 1 year ?10.i?ostagc free. lit mittanees can be made by Post Office Order Registered Letter, or Express, at my risk, Letter should bo addressed, . .. - J. H. KSTILL. ?arannah <ia. A. B.ADDISON, Judge of Probate.FOB BEAUFORT COUNTY. Will be In Beaufort on the tirst Monday in every mouth and remain until all business is attended to. In the interim he will bo in Brunson. where he, v ill he prepared to attend to the duties of his office and anv other business that maybe plaerd'i? his hands. ?