van 'tBimHE and COMMERCIAL, j W. M. FRENCH, Editor. W i htati, ui Ma 8. WiUacs, PROPRIETOKS. ~ -? ?( lEACFtKT, S. t. oil. ii, ism, ; ICBSCBIPTIOSI. Om Tear, t'4 00 S Is 1 00 | AlrertterKfiito will kt Inwrted at the | rate *f $1 30 per H?srr, 10 Nonpareil I nee* for Ike Ant Inaertloa; eabeeqnent I neertlone bjr eontraet. THE BEA LI 11 OF BEAUFORT It is in a spirit of deep thankfulness and not of exultation that we give utrerance to the belief that at the present time no place enjoys better health than the town ot Beaufort The ouly cases of yellow fever which hare existed here were brought from Port Royal at the beginning ot last week aad both terminated fatally. Mrs. Casey dying on Saturday and Mr. .Stern on Sunday. The undoubted fact is that our town was put into unprecidentcdly excellent sanitary condition before the heat of the summer mouths came on, and from that time to the prescut the persona^ attention of Intendant Williams has been given to the scattering of disinfectants and deodorisers into every lurking place of pestilence. Of course, since the appearance of yellow fever at Port Royal the vigilant town officials have been doubly vigilant and large fires of sawdust, tar and refuse rosin are burned in the streets from sunset to sunrise. Meanwhile the entire freedom from any kind of sickness and the present auspicious weather permit us to indulge in the be! ief that Beaufort will maintain its character as a remarkably healthy locality which it has heretofore been noted for. Our deepest sympathies are aroused at the condition of our sister village o* fort Royal which is now suffering from a visitation offerer probably introduced by the steamer City of Dallas oji a trip from Fernandina, which after entering and leaving Port Royal was quarantined in New York on account of her having sailed from Fernandina, where the telegraph had in the mean time made known the presence of yellow-jack. The increase in the number of those stricken with the ferer has caused a total cessation of Lus * M? and a eon sequent increase of want of the necessaries of life incident to such a state of affairs. Several physicians and nurses have been furnished from Charleston, Savannah and Aucusta as well as from Beaufort At the present time some <oftheriek have become convalescent, while there still remain under treatment -46 persons, 34 white and 12 colored. The number of deaths has been 12, all white persona. Ibis is a time, in our opinion, when the heat feelings of our nature are aroused nod not a season for charges or counter-charges to be made. We therefore print the letter of the Health Officer with reluctance and hope that further discussion will be poetpoued for the present. YELLOW PETES IT AUGUSTA. _ \ The authorities of Augusta have seen it to quarantine citisens of Beaufort because the yellow fever is raging in Port Royal, igooring the fhot that no case has vet originated in onr town. The Au gusta papers have not yet learned that there have been a doaen cases in their city, mostly refugees from the workshops in Port Royal, and that one of them named Oscar Mills, a fireman on the railroad, died in Aogusta 1 sfc Saturday with black vomit. It would be much I more in accordance with reason were the officials of Beaufort? to quarantine Auguftta. President Hayes' Southern tour is a notable parallel of a journey made by President Washington soon after the organisation of the government. This visit was made as soon as was convenient aAer the final adjournment ot the first Congress. Hamilton's schemes for funding the State debts, levying internal taxes on spirits and establishing a United States hank had excited great hostility in the South and it had been boldly claimed that the taxes on spirits could never be collected. It was the aim of the administration to reconcile all sections to these first measures of the new. National Government whose permanency was then, and for many years afterward, constantly doubted by every faction on whose interests particular measures were thought to bear with an excessive weight. The President had previously visited New Kngland and had been most enthusiastically received. The Southern trip was made bv himself without any uicin ber of the Cabinet accompanying him. In the month of March Washington set on* travelling with one set of hoises ?^ and making occasional halts. The route projected, and of which he had marked out the halting places, was by Frediicks- | burg, Richmond, Wilmington X. C\, and Charleston to Savannah; thence to Augusta. Columbia and the interior towns of North Carolina and Virginia, comprising a journey of 1887 miles, all of which he accomplished without any interruption from sickness, bad weather or any aeeideot. He returned to Philadelphia on the 6th of July much pleased with his tour. It had enabled him, to see with his own eyes the situation of the country, and to learn more accurately the disposition of the people than he could have done from any verbal information. He had looked around him, in fact, with a parental eye, been cheered as usual by continued demonstrations of the nation's love, and his heart had warmed with the reflection, how much of this uational happiness had been won by his own patriotic exertions. Now. after a lapse of SG years, and J e?n?ii ! '! l'i" ! mi after infinite trouble and disa ter, there I is an appearance once again of a disposi- i don in tho Southern States to accord to ! the Federal Government a hearty < support in wielding the national authori- ' ty and enforciug the laws. Now, as i nn o r?i I witb tho simp rrrvn.l motives. ! < iUVilf HUM ft % > w - "I , ^ the President of the United States has i passed through several of tho Southern States for the purjKise of meeting the people and cherishing the growing sentiiueut of regard for the Union, and the increasing disposition to obey the laws. ? The Charge of Bribery. The examination of Robert Smalls was mm it* Pi-.inmKift nn Saturday last and I lAT^UlI III VVIMMV... ~ ? postponed until Monday'in order to'secuie the presence of that essential witness for the State, Joseph us Woodruff, who testified under oath that on the 18th of January, 1S73, he paid to Smalls, then Senator from Beaufort County, a check for $5,000 as a bribe to secure his vote as Senator for the passage of the bill appropriating the enormous sum of $325,000 for the public printing in which WoodrufFand A. O. Jones were jointly interested. Leroy F. Youmans Esq., Counsel for the State elicited in evidence by reading the Journal of the Senate, the fact that Smalls voted for the passage of the bill i when it came up for a third reading. It was also shown by the production of the check used in consummating the /bribe and the books of the South .Carolina Banking and Trust Company, that on fhe 18th day of January 1873 Woodruff was debited with the check for $5,000 and on the same day, that amount was credited to Smalls. No witnesses for the defence were offered, and further examination being waived* Mr. Smalls was bound over to the wext term of Court in the sura of $5,000, Senator Nash and his wife and Postmas' ter Wilder furnishing the bail, temporarily at least, with the understanding that ' * ?:f other security couia oe suusmuicn ? deemed by the Court sufficient. The next scene of the drama will open in the Court of General Sessions in Columbia on the 22nd day of October and we must not forecast the issue, for it must be remembered that the defeudant., Robert Smalls has not hesitated to hold his right hand up to Heaven, in the presence of his fellow citizens in this Town and call upon his God to witness that he has never been a participant in any fraud whereby the people of this State have been wronged of a dollar. Senator Maxwell of Marlboro' county underwent an examination similar to that of Mr. Smalls, except that the amount which he was charged with having receiv ed at the same time and for the same reason was only one-fifth as much* During the course of the examination by a slip of tho tongue Woodruff let fall the information that ex-Senator Jones and A .T T?in?ior linft hppn rpoininnfs if checks under similar circumstances. ? i Chief Justice Carter of Washington having issued a warrant, on tho requisition of the Governor of South Carolina, for the arrest of Senator J. J. Patterson, a visit was soon thereafter made to the residence of the Senator by the Marshal, when it was ascertained that the Senator was not at home. His counsel, however, knew of his whereabouts, and accordingly prepared a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in advance of the service of the writ for arrest by the Marshal. When all the preliminaries for the petition of a writ of habeas corpus were completed, the Marshal was informed of the locality of the Senator, whereupon the arrest was made by him, and immediately | thereafter counsel appealed to Judge Humphreys for a writ of habeas corpus, the petition based on the following grounds: First That Senator Patterson was regularly elected a Senator of the United States in 1872 and shortly after came to the District of Columbia, and has remni ;ed here in the discharge of his duties; that during the interval from that period to the present he has visited South Carolina several times, but that he has committed no cri ne in the State, and that he has continued to reside here temporarily as a Senator, and therefore, it cannot be .ca:d, in the terms of the requisition, that lie is a fugitive from justice. Second?the term of the court at which the indictment was found was not the regular term of the court. It was not hold at the time and place authorized bv the law, and oonsequen'lv I the finding is of no validity and the indictment on which the requisition was founded is void. Judge Humphreys issued the writ of habeas corpus addressed to the Coroner, who served it on the Marshal, demanding that he produce the body of Senator Patterson. The Marshal, in obedience to the writ, did so. To allow time for the arrival of the Attorney-General of South Carolina, a hearing was postponed until the 17th. insf, and Mr. Patterson gave bail for his appearance in the sum of $2500. ?x-Trcmurrr Spinner's view the situation. Ex-Treasurer Spinner, who so long and faithfully watched the money bags of the Government and who understands the working and necessities of our financial machine as well as any other man, in a recent interview with a newspaper reporter said: "The financial question is in reality not so difficult as many suppose. I was brought up a bullion Democrat, and am quite willing there should be a metallic currency for those who wish one; but 1 think paper is best. Wm. D. Kelly has the true idea, though it is not origica with hiui. A metallic currency is wanting in elasticity. At times an expansion of the circulating medium is necessary j for the purchase of crops, transportation, ; etc. What we want is an issue of legal j tender note9, convertible at any time into ! tl in interest-bearing bond of the United w States?* bond for which the holder S could Ret currency with accrued interest si whenever he should desire. At a rate of p interest no higher than 3.65 per ceut. the a desired amount ot circulation would be t absorbed when not used tor commercial | purposes, and the bonds would be con- j vorted when the business of the oouotiy , " required a large amount of currency. Such currency would so<:n be on a par with gold, and it would be the parent of a new prosperity and of a new era of patri- c otism. The present plan of resumption J will have no other effect than to oppress , the people and cripple the energies of Government. Without a change in the financial policy the worst is yet to be apprehended. The people will not stand too much oppression. Congressional Representation. Tho communication from our corres- 1 pondent at Early Branch makes some f pertinent suggestions concerning the * situation in which our Congressional 1 Representation will be left in the event of Smalls seat being declared vacant by ? * _ .i. d: reason 01 nis implications in ine rung doings. A new election will undoubtedly be ordered. It will never do for Mr. Tilluian to be the alternative of what the great tidal wave has done. The most sanguine could never have predicted such adenouement. When Mr. Tillman received the nomination it was surely not the choice even of the Democracy itself. While we agree with the writer that Col. Jas. W. Moore would worthily represent the District in the National Councils and we would heartily support him in the eveut of his nomination by the convention we are of opinion that there are others who arc not only better ( entitled but whose experience and whose 1 acquantanceship over the Congressional ' District would give them the advantage 1 of not only receiving the nomination but 1 of carrying a flattering vote against any opposition that might be started. There is Gcnl: M. W. Gary for example who is second onlv to Genl: M. C. Butler in the Herculean services he performed in bringing about the present avalanche .that ; has swept over the ; political sand banks and buried forever I ' the power of resurection of all corI ruption all knavery and all thievery in the future. < We want an unequivocally strong man J for the place that will soon go begging. ! Lot us not have too many aspirants. | Let the place seek the man, not the man 1 the place, and let us have such a man as Gary or one equally prominent and ' imposing. I WW ? w* 1 A i rt.l Jttarly JBrancn ucc. cm ibh. Messrs Editors: Upon the fate of our Congressman Robert Smalls now under charges before the Investigating Committee depends the future representation from this Congressioual District to the House oi Representatives of the U. S. The contest of Mr. Tillman for Small's seat will no doubt be ignored and a new election will probably be ordered. The candidacy , of Mr. Tillman against Smalls was an 1 unfortunate one, as Mr. Tillman would J scarcely have been the nominee of the ] Democratic Party except that it wa regarded at that time a forlorn hope. 1 We hope that an able and prominent , candidate will be put forward in the event of a new election being ordered. We think that the able and eminent , services of Col. Jas. W. Moore as chair man ot tlic executive comnmiee or micounty entitles him to the next nouiina tion. His efforts at organization of tinparty in this county under the discourag 1 ing circumstances through which he i succeeded in placing the party for he first time in fighting trim, entitle him to , consideration. He is a lawyer 01 ability j and a politician of marked industry and force. Let his claims be urged and let ? preparation be at once made to elect \ him in the coming contest which we J think will be inevitable, so soon as the. i vacancy is made by the removal of Smalls, i which we regard as a foregone conclu- ' sion. i Col. Moore is strong in the upper part i of the county and is popular here. lie } is one of Gov. Hampton's aide9 and ] worthily enjoys a large share of the confidence of the Administration. i Harmony. J The citizens of Anderson, are very J active in their efforts to secure success in building the Savannah Valley Railroad. < Meetings have been held at the j Court House, and at other points in the < neighborhood future meetings are called, ' and prominent citizens chosen to take up subscriptions. A committee consisting of five gentlemen from Anderson and five from Abbeville County, has been appointed to petition the Legislature, at its next session, lor a charter, and every body in that section is working in the j interest of a railroad from Anderson to Augusta?Attention is also being directed to the propriety of making an effort to secure control of the Blue Ridge Railroad. i Hon. J. C. Sheppard of Edgefield will be urged as a candidal e lor Speaker of the House of Representatives of South Carolina should the present Speaker, s Gen. Wallace, be elected to the Circuit j Bench. 1 A graceful comflimcnt to President Hayes was paid last week by the Southern member* of the Board of Trustees of ihc Peabody Education Fund, in nomi- I nating him to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Judge Jackson of Georgia. It is the custom of the Board to have the Southern trustees make a selection to supply any vacancies occurring in the membership from their section. In accordance with this custom it was supposed they would name a Southern man, and it was a pleasant surprise to the Northern members to hear from the Hon. ( A. H. H. Stuart, of Virginia, that Presi" * dent Hayes had been unanimously chosen.?Journal of Commerce. If Democrats participated in the frauds and thefls of the Radical rule, they should reccirc sercrer punishment than I heir Republican associates. Re they 'ho thoy may?if the bluest blood of the ? Itate oourses through their veins?they hould wear the striped clothes of the enitentiary, under a less tender-hearted uperintendent than Parmele.? Dailingon News. f (OffirialJIotiffS. < OFFICE COUNTY AUDITOR ) Braufort County / Beaufort 8. C. October 2ml. 1877. AH |>crson? who have bad conveyances of real state placed on record in the Clerks Office since une I'th are hereby notified that the law requires , record of the wiuie to bo made in this oftico as leretofore. B. B. SAMS, \ ( County Auditor. TAX NOTICE. ' OFFICE COUNTY TREASURER, Beaupobt County Beaufort S. C. October 1st., 1877. The County Treasurer will attend at the folowing places named by the Board of Equalization or the collection of the 63Cond instalment of State ind County Taxes, forth? fiscal year beginning Is* iovember 1876, viz: Blutfton, Wednesday, October 10th., Peioltivilr illn TKiim/Ioi* M 11th i A U1IIITUMJ ' "'II Levy's X Roads, Friday M 12th., Hardecville, Saturday, " 18th., Gillisonville, Tuesday, " 16th., Xixville, Wednesday., " 17th., Itobcrtville, Thursday " 18th., Brighton, Friday, " 19th., J-awtonville, Saturday, " 20th., Giffonl's Store, Monday, " 22nd., Brunson, Tuesday, " 28rd., HooTer's Wednesday, " 24th., Early Branch, Thursday, " 26th., Yemasaee, Friday 41 26th., Gardner's Corner [Sheldon Mills] Oct. 27th. AT Grahamrillc Monday October 15tli. Persons who hare not paid the instalment called 'or in Juiy will be charged interest on the same a t >ne per cent, per month from 1st August. All per10ns liable to poll tax who fail to pay ?the same rill render themselves liable to fine and imprison" uent. The hooks will close on th^.llst October. W. J. GOODING, County Treasurer. ~ PR23AT3_ HOTICB. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,) Beaufort County. > By A. B. ADDISON Esqr., Judge ol Prolate WHEREAS W. B. McKee has made suit tome to rrant him letters of administration of the estateand . fleets of Henry McKee with the Will annexed. These an'therefore to cite ami admonish all uid singular the kindred and Creditors of the said Henry McKee deceased, that they lie and appear l?efore me, in the Court of Prolate, to he held at Beaufort C. II on the IGth October next alter puhli. nation hen-of, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to shew cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be grunted. 'jiven under my band, this first day of October A. I>, 1877. A. P.. ADDISON, Judge ol Probate. PROBATE "NOTICE. STATF. SOUTH CAROLINA. 1 Dkackokt Cocxty. > Court of Probate J By A. B. Adiuso.v Ksqiikk Pkoratk Ji dck. IX7IIKRKAS, Frank Heywanl has made-nil to V? me, to grant Mm Letters if Administration jf the Esta'e and efl'o t> of Frank Heywanl J The?eare therefore toeiteand admonish alien ' dngultr the kiudr-d and creditors of th s-iic Frutk llcyward Sf. dwe.ised, tliat tiny I*- atgl apl?ear, l^ fore me, in theCou rt of I'roiiatc, to l*- h 1 it Beaufort o:i th- 1.sib. day of OctolK?r n 'Xt, aftet >uhlieali?n h !l o'elo.-k initli f le-ioon, to dt-w cause, if any they have, why the said Admin istratio.i should not lie grantisl. tiiven uid t py liand, this second day of Oeto lK?r A. I). M77, A. B. ADDISON. Judge of Prolate. HUT K STATE INSPECTOR OK l'HOS^ PIIATES. Charleston, August 1.1S77. The following Is published for the l?-iictii oj iv horn it may concern : An Act to l'r? h'hit th-^PIgging. Mining or Rouoving of I'hospate Rock*and Phosphide l> |*osits without Ucens"1, and the purchase of the same from L'nauthorir. d Persons. Skctmx I. /?' if mnded hy th-* Senafr and lions'-of Rrpnueiitatives ?f the Mate of South Card in a, now met and sitting in l?en?Tul Assembly, itui by the authority of the same, That every fierson oreonnration who shall dig, mine, or renove any phosphate rork or plm-phntic deposit rrom th - b.sis of the navigable streams and water* if the Stae without license therefor previously ;r*uted by th" State to'such person or corporation, ihatl ho liable to a neimltv of ten (Hi) dollars for racli and ev-ry ton of phosphate rooks or uhosphaic deposits mi dug, miiKil or rcinovea, to he recovered by action at the suit of theftatc in iny t'ourt of competent juiiadietlon; one-half of taid jKMialty to he to the use of the Stj^te, and the ither half to the ti*e of the infortucr. Skc. 2. That it shall not be lawful for any jerson orcorporation to purchase or receive any ihosphate roek or pho?nhatie deposit dug, mined or removed front the navigable streams or waters oi be State from any person or (corporation not duly uithorized by Act of the General Assemblv of his State to dig, mine or remove auch phosphate ockand phosphatic deposit. Src. :t. Any pernor. or corporation violating the [ rececding Seetiou of thia Act shall forfeit to the itate the sum of ten doiiassfftlO) for each aud ev? ry [on of phosphate roek or phosphatic deposit so lurehased or reeeired, to he recovered by action in iny Court of competent jurisdiction; one-half of aid forfeiture to be to the iim* of the State, the ither half to the use of lite informer. Approved June 9, 1877. Informers must have evidence to convict if they expect to receive the reward of $3 per ton inenioned in the Act, hut they utav rely upon a rigorous aud prompt prosecution if they have such rvidence, and an immediate and full payment of he reward if the parties infornnd upon arc conricted. (Signed) THOMAS TAYLOR. State Inspector of Phosphates INSURANCE. THK MASSACHUSETTS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF SPRINGFIELD MASS. Capital and Surplus $G.500.000. TTIE HOME FIRS INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Cash Assets over $6.000.000.# This, one of the strongest Fire Insurknee Companies in the world, is now prepared to take good risks in the town of Beaufort and vicinity. For full particllars, rates, etc., enquire of J. H. Clancy, Agent Beaufort S. C. TORRENT & DI KE i General STEVEDORES PORT ROYAL, S. C. Vessels discharged and loaded with dis- 1 >atch. ?ffirial flotirrs. Notice To Taxpayers. OmrK County Treasurer, ) ( Beaufort County j Beaufort, S. C. Sept 20, 1877. Notice In hereby giren that this Office will be open ( or the receipt of the second installment of State * ~ - M.-j? ?Ua intl tOUDI)' 1 axes on miuuajr tuc uu; vi Xtobcr next, and continue open until the 31st day >f October 1877 inclusive. The tax levy for the fiscal year beginning , <fov. 1st 1876, is as follows : For Si ate.purposes 7 mills For County " 3 mills For County Past Indebtedness 1 mill , Poll Tax, per capita one dollar. Persons who hare not paid the First Installment :alled for in July last will be charged one per ,-crtt interest per month on the instalment then iue from the31st day of August until the date of payment of the same. All taxes remaining unpaid on the 31st day of October next will be liable to penalties and costs. Timely noticcrwill be given of the appointments of the Treasurer to receive taxes in the County as fixed by the Board of Equalization. W. J. GOODING Treasurer Beaufort County. Sept 20: Gt. .TAX NOTICE] Town of Port Royal. Town Treasurers upkice, Port Royal S. C. August 31st, 1877. Notice is hereby given that the books for the collection of taxes for the year 1877, levied by the Town of Port Royal, are now open, and will remain open until the 15th day of September next. A. C. MCFALL, Tax Collector and Treasurer. QUARANTINE NOTICE. TO ALL OWNERS AND MASTERS OF VESSELS. You are hereby notified that a Quarantine of thirty days will be enforced on all vessels coming from Fernandina, Florida to this place from this date until further notice. By order of the Board of Ileal!h. G. S. Harrison Chairman, Port Royal, S. C., September 3rd, 1877. NOTICE. Having been appointed by E. W. Moisc Esq A. and I. General, State of.SouthJCarolina, to collect arms and monitions in Beaufort county, all persons having such arms munitions Ac. in their possession and are not prepared for inspection to be held on the 19th of October, to turn them over to mc or have their in readiness when called for. Wm. Kuks.sel, Beaufort, S. C., Sept. 18th, 1877. State of South Carolina. ) Court of County of Beaufort j Common Pleas C. J. C, Hutson, Referee ") Summons plaintiff V for against J Relief Sarah E. Glover ) ("complaint defendant j" not served.) To the defendant, Sarah Ii Glover. You are hereby summoned ard required to an swer the complaint in this action which has lieen fil.-d in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for the said County, and to serve <? ? ti,. T1I0S. H. WIIEELER, School Commissioner And ex-oflicio chairman of the Hoard. NOTICE TO' LIQUOR DEALERS. Office County Commissioners ) Beaufort County, j Beaufort So. Cur., Sept -1th., 1877. The Board of County Commissioners have this day authorized the issueof licences to sell spirituous liquors by the quart. All persons who desire qnart licences can now receive them by paying the County Treasurer for the same. , T1JOS. H. WIIEF.LER, Clerk of the Board. NOTICE^ All authority heretofore given to any one to purchase cattle on niy account is hereby revoked and I will not be responsible for transactions o any one claiming to represent me in such tratsac- j tions. J. H. TONKING, Beaufort, S. C., Sept. 10th 1877 For Sale. j Four Black Walnut COUNTERS and STANDS. 10 ft. long by 3 ft. wide each. 1 Apply at this office. Horses and Cows. " The Ordinances relative to horses and cows j running at large on and after the 20th ult. will be rigidly enforced. JOS. COHEN, Town Marshal. a copy oi your answer iu uiu ?iu wui|iuii? >.?. subscrilicr at liis office at McPherson ville S. C ( Ycmasace P.O.S. C.) within twenty d:iys after -orvicc hereof exclusive of tiio clay ot ser?ice; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintilf in this action will apply to the Court for relief demanded in the complaint. Ihitcd Sept. tth.. 1^77 C. J. C. Hitsox, Plaintiff attorney -5..T. Pampficfcl C. C. P. (L.S.) To the defendant Sarah E. Clover. Talf * ?>tice that the summons in this actieu of which the forynini? a Copy together with tlie eomplaint was filed in th" otliee of the cIitIc of the court of common pleas at Itenufort in the county f lW-aufort in the State of S>uth Carolina on the ?th. day of September 1S77. C. J. c. llnsoN, Plaintiffs attorney Septemlier J.877. OFFICIAL. Hv virtue of orders frwii he office of the Adjutant .md Inspector General, I hcrcliy notify nil ptrties in Beaufort County who have in their |ios;K.?Mon any arms or accoutrements In-Iouging tit the State, and who are not properly authorized, to retain them, to turu over the same to Col Wut. Stokes, or any other field officer of the :5rd Regiment of Mounted Rifles. to the commanding officer of any company of said K.-ginu-nt or to the undersigned. JAMES \\*. MOOR!-; August 21st. tS77. Aide de f'anip. NOTICE. All persons furnishing supplies to the Town of Beaufort arc informed that the Committee on Accounts will audit no bills unless the same unaccompanied with the orders for the articles furnished. No bill for articles furnished the Town will be paid uuless obtained upon an order signed by the Inteudant. ALFRED WILLIAMS Intendaut, George Holmes Chairman Committee on Accouuts. Notice to School Teachers. OFFICE SCHOOL COMMLSSIOXER, i bkaufort Cocjcty. J Beaufort, S. C, Sept. 5th., 1877. The Board of School Examiners will meet at the Court House in the Town of Beaufort on Monday October 1st for the purpose of examining candidates for the position of teachers in the public schools in this county during the coming year. The law requires that every teacher shall have a certificate from the board of examiners, and no teacher will be recognized who shall fail to nroeiire such certificate. JratflUrs (Suidr, LOW JIATES. < CHARLESTON, BEAUFORT, COOSAHATCHIE AND WAV LANDINGS. The Str. Howard Drake 'i CAPTAIN TOWNSEND, * Will run regularly, leavlug Charleston every ^ rhursday, stopping at Beaufort Friday?. Returning will leave Beaufort Mondays. ] Freight carried at lower rates than by the other 1 routes. F. W. Schepeb, j Agent, Beaufort, i Roacii & Moffett Agents, Charleston. NEW YORK & PORT ROYAL STEAMSHIP LINE 'pnE FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIPS CITY OF DALLAS, CAPT. IIIXES, CITY OF AUSTIN, CAPT. CHESTER. Are intended to leave Port Royal for New York, alternately, every FRIDAY at ,12 m. For freight and pns.sagc?-baving unsurpassed accommodations, apply to RICfl'D. P. BUNDLE, Agent, Port Royal, S. C. PORT ROYAL RAILROAD. Magnolia Passenger Route. CHJJVGE OF SCHEDULE. Port Royal Railroad, 1 Augusta, Ga., August 25th, 1877. { The following passenger schedule will be operated on and after Monday, August 27th, 1377: fast mail, daily. NO. 1-GOlXG SOUTH. Leave Augusta 4:45 a. m. Arrive at Ileaufort ..?10:U5 a.m. Arrive at Port Royal i. 10:20 a. in. Arrive at Charleston - 8:00 p. m. Arrive at Savauuab ~ ..I'h40 a. ni. NO. 3-GOlXG NORTH. ' Leave Savannah .. ^..2:20 p. m. Leave Port Royal - - 2:30 p. in. Leave Ifc-aulort ~ &10 p. m. Arrive at Auguda 8:15 p. m. day accommodation?daily, sunday | excepted. NO 3-GOING SOUTH. Leave Augusta 8:00 a. in. Arrive at I$eaufi>rt 2gVi p. m. j Arrive at Port Uojal :t.-no p.m. \rrive at t harlestmi 5-.: 0 p. m. Arrive&t Savannah : .JiM p. m. NO. 4-GOING XOHTH. Leave Sa van nab 7:00 a. m. Leave Charleston -. 7:00. a.m. Leave R anforl ".si ? ... I (.rave run u >y;ii .. .... , Arrive at Augusta 7:An p. m. Train* No#. 1 and 2 will stop only at the followngstations between Augusta and V<tnasscc, viz. Kll nt?n, lt-1 oc. All ndah.\ llruuaon ami Varus vill r. Trains Xns.and 4 will stop at all stton. fur the accimnnslali- ti of tin* lo?af travel. The only Hii" wakiii.' elos connection with the Atlantic andtiulf Itai-mid at Savannah. an. an.I to .lac isouvillc ami al points in Florida, Avoiding thvioiig. tedious an i w. ll-kuuwu Oiuiiiixis rraushwer through that city I'lte only line running Through I'ay Coaches wit', out change between Augusta ami Savannah. Connections ma te at Augusta with theSvut! Carolina Railroad lor Allan, S. arlottc. Co umiiin ami Augusta Bail road for ail points No:t ami Southwest, Wot ami Nor'invest. Sleeping Car Berths engages! at Augnssa hv applyiiiij to ag? nts at Beaufort or fort K- yal. Baggage becked Through. B.C. FI.KJJIXfi, Superintendent. T. S. PA V A NT, (icn'I. Pass. A EiliND SH o E. A. Sclieper, The Leader in Low Prices IS now prepared to show his friend* and custom- j ersof Beaufort and surrounding country tin- ' choicest and cheapest stock of DRESS GOODS. Notions, Embroderies, BOOTS AND SHOES Laces, flosLrr. Gloves, Handkerchiefs, fassi- I meres, Jeans." Twc.tls, Flannels. Homespuns, | Shirtings. Sheetings, Prints, Cambrics, Linens, j Towels, Table Damasks, Napkins, White Goods, ; Gents'FumLhing Goods, Ac.; ever exhibited in j Beaufort. His assortment of goods has only to be seen to be appreciated. He has selected them with the greatest care. ALL ARE FRESH AND NEW! anil defy competition. Those needing Spring and Sttlhmer supplies for j their families would SAVi; MONEY by looking at j his stock and purchasiie-; what they require. A well lighted store, wiili polite ant agreeable salesmen, to attend to customers. E. A. SCHEPEE.j B OMESTIC SEWING MACHINE, OMESTIC PAPER FASHIONS, OMESTIC UNDERBRAIDER, OMESTIC MACHINE FIND GS, OMESTIC MONTHLY. . ; T JSC JE2 LIGHT-RUNNING "DOMESTIC" I SEWING MAC HI HE IS THE BEST ' j GREATEST RANGE OF WORK, BEST QUA LITY OF WORK, LIGHTEST TO RUN, ALWAYS IN ORDER ; DOMESTIC Sewing Machine Co.,; New York and Chicago. I The " Domestic" Fnderbralder and Sew. ing Machine, the only perfect Itraiding , Machine knowp, costs but $5 more than the Family Machine. The " Domestic*' Paper Fashions arc unexcelled for elegance and perfection of fit Send 5 cents for an illustrated Catalogue. The " Domestic" Monthly, a Fashion and Literary Journal. Illustrated. .Acknowledged authority. $1.50 a year and a Premium. Specimen'copy, 15 cents. Agents wauted. Most liberal terms. Address, "Domestic" ScAving Machine Co New Y'ork and Chicago. +? <6rortrirs and provisions. GEO. WATERHOUSE. A. BAY ST. DEALER IN rFAS, COFEEES, SUGARS, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, CHEESE, ARD HAMS. BACON. BEEF. TORE. FLOUR, HOMINY, SALTS, RICE, ARENA, JII RUSH ED WHEAT, AND FARINA, J AN DIES, STANDARD KEROSENE OIL, PURE CIDER VINEGAR, PICKLES, IN PINTS (ITS A HALF GLL. JARS. LYE, SAL-SODA. CREAM TAUTER, r NATIONAL YEAST CAKES, STARCH' MUSTARD, PIPES, CIGARS A TOBACCO, BY THE CASE, WHOLE A GROUND^SPICES WARNT'D PURE. DRIED A GREEN APPLE A POTATOES, A (.001) ASSORTMENT OF CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE, LAMPS BRACKETS OIIANDALIF.RS, AT WHOLESALE, CHOICE WESTERN N.Y. BUTTER IN TUBS MACKEREL IN KITTS. J. F. HUCHTING, Wholesale and Retail Grocer. COUNTRY MERCHANTS Will find at my store at all times a large and complete stock of Meats of all kinds. * The only place in Beaufort where is kept Charleston Grist, An article superior to be found in Beaufort. A full stock of STAPLE GROCERIES, CROCKERY, WILLOW and TIN WARE. FBE8H GARDEN SEEDS, Ac. Jan.lS-tf jas.eTboyce, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, ?-Dealer in? ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCOS. SUGARS, HARDWARE, FISH LINES, &c.. A pure article of WHEAT WHISKEY, Double Sweet MASH CORN WHISKEY, Jno. Gibsons. Sons & Go's. ^ ? Cabinet, and Nectar Whiskeys. titct nwnvun W t'l.u 11JJV/JU V iil/ 300 Ltw. TENNESSEE BOLOGNA SAUSAGE. 2 Ca.?ks of Celebrated Boston Ginger ALE. 1 Cask of Tivnli LAGER, Cheap Meat, a specialty. C.mnrry Merchant. will find it to their advantage to give me a trial. JUSTOPEN !_JUST0PEN11 j A Store <>n Scott Street :our doors froiu I?ay which c ?n<ist.i if the it at ynblu ?." |,?tcut inudicinn, ibi j fancy toil- ta ?-f all kind*. Win* not u.<e Dr. Dennis . I. A B. I'. ?yrii|?* u.*?or inrntK r. rn tlv. it will reach any picknc-.t that the mu?t .ikiliAtl Physicians have failed to discover. JUL DKN.VIS. I'roj rictor. j M.J. ('RAIIAM. Business >ui n age . TUTTSJILLS A Noted Divine says They are worth their weight in gold. READ WHAT HE SAYS: Dr. Tutt??Dear Sir: For ten years I hare bees a martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation, and Plies. Last spring your pills were recommended to me; I need them (bnt with little faith). -1 am now a well man, have good appetite, digestion perfect, regular stools, piles gone, and I have gained forty pounds solid flesh. They are worth their weight in gold. Rev. R. L. SIMPSON) LoajaviUc, Ky. TIITTIfl IMI I A ^ Tutt baa been en. TWITS PILLS ESiS&sa CUBE BICE HHP- foraloogtimewasdemorv ?. Auksk. strator of anatomy ia the tutto phis <mi CTBFXPSZA. tee that they are prepared i ii on scientific principles. turns pills He his succeeded in * COM conbtipatiox ta ii)tm in ii in ii ii a heretofore antagonistic turns pills ss55&&3!3? COM PZLX8. i/rtmgumit. mmmmm Their first apparent efTUTTIO nil I A feet Is to increase the apIU I ro rlLLO petite by causing the food , to property assimilate. J WES* **** Thnsthe system is nourisfc^L by tMr tonic tutts pills COM BXLXOUS COLIC The rapidity wHhwhieh ??' Atrtamt tarn* om Til I 110 Ml I O while under the influence IIII I'd lILLo of these pills, ot itself in?S33! fZS?S%?gS%?l hence their efficacy in ciu> tutps pills COMTOMDUm riskness chronic constipation, and imparting health and strength to the system. Sold everywhere. Office, jj Murray Street, New York. BTTSSST I Gray Hair can be changed toil ffloesy black by a single application of I Dr.TlTTT'a Ha& Dye. It arts llks magic, I and is warranted as harmless ss water, g What b Queen's Delight? Read the Answer It is a plant that grows in the Sooth, and is specially adapted to the cure of diseases of that climate. ' nature's own remedy, ~ 1 Entering at once into the blood, expelling all scrofulous, syphilitic, and rheumatic affections. Alone, it it a searching alterative, bet when combined with Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock, and other herbs, it forma Dr. Tutt's Sarsaparilla and 'Queen's Delight, The most powerful blood purifier known to medical science for the cure of old ulcers, diseased joints, fool discharges from the ears and nostrils, abscesses, skin diseases, dropsy, kidney complaint, evil effects of secret practices, disordered liver and spleen. Its use strengthens the nervous system, imparts a fair complexion, and builds up the body with HEALTHY, SOLID FLESH. As an antidote to syphilitic poison it is strongly ^ recommended. Hundreds of cases of the worst type v have been radically cured by it. Being purdy vegetable its continued use will do no harm. The best time to take it is during the summer ar.d fall; and instead of debility, headache, fever and ague, you will enjoy robust health. Sold by all druggists, frice, $ Office, 35 Murray Street, New York,