University of South Carolina Libraries
LOCAL ITEMS ~j Beaufort, S. C?, SEPT. 27, i$77. The schooner Wave Crest, arrived at I Port Royal last Mbnday with 1,400 rolls bagging fro is Riston to the Railroad Company. t ? Mr. 'l'honjis Paine, the Fernandina pi-1 lot for the lew Fork and Port Royal Steamship liie, learned on Monday of the ; death of his 4iild and his sister, who were , in perfect heath but a few days fyefore. j Rev. J. ; P- Jenkins, of Pojt Royal, ! says some Auguia colored ?pe?ple> instigated by the dev.l, vainly tried to rob | Zion's church of ls profit on a recent ox- j cursion.and he waits the public to know i The card of Mfessrs. Torrent & Dnke will be found ii\our coltmns today. This youpg firm control all die .stevedoring at Port Royal a present, their work being done so specaly and satisfactorily to shipmasters as to prevent :ompetition. The Ounty Comiissioneis will meet at the Court House est Tuesday, when bids for the past idebtcdness of the County will be openet as well as bids for building bridges on crtain roads as advertised in our colunn. The schooner MaryVowell from Ma>. tanzas toPhiludelphiaio ballast, put into this harbor last Thrsday on account of the storm and will I loaded with luui-1 ber by Mr. Itundle if cr ballast is considered free from poise. . Monday evening last* row occurred in Mr. Pape's saloon in 1ft Royal, during which H. B. Lnbkin, (Augusta, stabbeu Geo. Klufcer, a laborcin the rail-road. Lubkin was arrested an brought before trial justice Cooper, wf committed him for trial in default of $o) bail. ? The Port Royal LimeCompany, Printnp & Co., proprietors, jve almost com pletdd their extensive wtrf at Poj t Royal. The wharf is to be D feet long and 100 wide. The [firm innd erecting a * *120 by 100 rt for storage purposes, and will erect aether the same e size if their expectations# business are realized. -?. 4 C T.. .1 1 tic Suiutor n /uum | Wiggin'a sentence of neat, upon Mose Wilson, was onevf the iuc impressive n:id solemn that we hart ever hcaru pronounced in a court room., ??? ?>? The Pilot Hoy wa?soM ttfdiarleston Jus* Thursday^ 1or JMRtySi Mr. d* Keefc. She w*l! stffl cosithc to run on the line between here and nricston. ? * % I The Howard Drake is carrv:i?most ol the freight at present, button the Drake advertises and the ht Doy ? duu\ 1 $ Mr. J. M. Mackayi of Abl^Je, has j been in town for several days (ting after the interests of his pet seme, the trutiding of a city on Foot Pit. Mr. Mackay owns a plantation o folic ton Neck and proposes to plant a tnty acre viucyard this fall of scuppering He owns a largo and thrifty vinoya at hi home, and has been very succesg in the manufacture of wine, and wo shM in, be surprised to receive, a ease it. for medicinal purposes. A new clothing store lias Lccnpcned in Port floral and parties are afofepen ine three additional dry goodjfores. among the number being Mrs. Mkpple of this place who proposes 'to <lis^ the largest stock of goods ever offeree the new city.- j * The proprietors of a new store Port Royal were hazed last Friday nighnl so terribly frightened that they wad to go home. The boys in large nbers visited the establishment and host turned the shop inside out and wot up with a fusiladeof pistols that brou^out the whole police force, and the iter was only settled by an adjournun to Wilkins' where every one of the >wd "took something.'' Sammy Green s turn having co to appear before the investigating uimittee in Columbia he left for the vital in obedience to summons on T ' ay J last. As Joe-Woodruff lias ally made a clean breast of the transact' of the past "the boys' mrty as well n up to the share which each one has , submit gracefully to the inevitable 1 let their places be filled by abler men. # ^ I It would seeiri unnecessary to large upon the complete and attrae stock of goods which1 h offered to public by Mrs. Apple. Rut superflu as it may be to say so, we cannot fort stating our conviction that a more ec dM<i rrr?e nn piCIC itssurviucui VI UIJ iiWU.-J >?a.-5 wvj placed before customers. The store is! well lighted in the evening as to be noti able, and uight or day is deserving oi visit. On Tuesday next an excursion by i to Charleston takes place under \ auspices of colored planters on Port II1 al Island. It will afford great conv^ ence to those who wish to make purchd in Charleston as a baggage car will attached to the train in which pari can bring home their goods without cn charge. Tickets are only two do! for the round trip, returning on Tin da}*. ? The citizens of Savannah have resjio ed liberally to the call for the striel city of Fernandina, arid money has I sent from New York and other cities would be a creditable thing for the pe< of Beaufort to circulate a suhscrip list and many would be found ti? / something to alleviate the suffering1 ^he victims of the yellow fever. k i? ?M ????vflKiiuor Mayor of Fernaudim n.t< ma le an appeal for assistance in which he sa?s: "It is with profound gratitude that wc acknowledge the receipt of many genererous contributions from Savannah, Jacksonville, Starke and other places, which donations have enabled us thus far to supply the wants of our poor and to alleviate the sufferings of our sick; but in viewofthe Hot that many of our citizens have left our stricken city, and that, therefore, the burden of providing for the large number of poor and sick devolves upon the remaining few, and also for the reason that the medical gentlemen present announce it as their positive belief that the dreadful disease in our town will not be stayed until after frost, we reluctantly ask our fellow-citizens who may read this call to moderately aid us in our trouble. We do not desire more than what is absolutely necessary, and in order to obtain that and nothing more, -we would ask that corporations, associations and private individuals who desire to exten 1 a helping hand, may be pleased to notifv us of the amounts of moneys or supplies by them collected, and give us authority to draw upon them as our necessities may require." It is stated on the* authority "of Governor Hampton that the President will make a tour of the Southern States this winter, and will include Augusta and ,n tli/i rirnrrvnTvmirt TTfi will v. Iianv.nvu a** be met at Augusta by Genera! Gordon and Governor Hampton. + > The Grand Jury of Abbeville, at the recent term of Court for that County, recommended the restoration of the whipping post. The New York Sun thinks that, under the circumstances, "the chances of Danfel H. Chamberlain's success at the New York bar-must be small. An Attorney General who conspired to rob the State he was appointed to defend, is hardly the sort ot man clients will wish to trust." The brig Glcndalc, which left Charles- j ton a few days ago with a cargo of wheat for Quot ustown, was abandoned la>t | Sunday morning uear Frying Pan shoals, j her cargohaviug shifted, and she being in a sinking condition. The Greenwood and Augusta Rail Road, work upon which has toen comm ucc d uj virtually au extension of the Port Royal Kail lioad into the interior of South Carolina aud is one of the links ?nt lie chum ot communication 10 uiu gn_?i West which, when complete, will make Port Royal what wc have always said it was bound to be, the future emporium of the South. With no other port upon the South Atlantic will the West be satisfied for the exportation of her grain and wo consider now the success of a great city upon our deep water basin as ass ued. A connection from Greenwood to Spartanburg and Ashcilic is next in order and becomes a commercial necessity. Kvery new Rail Road projection ro the sea coast looks to Port Royal as its teimints. We almost bear the whistle tif the Ir?ai ilorse" upon tju Sou; hem Pacific Rail Road and tin bu?y hum of gigantic works, mechanical and manufacturing, that will tohow ii. it* wake to the "Southern Great Cit\ by (he Ocean.'' ?.<>? Married. At the -ice of C. C. Haves Esq., in IJanrver, Ohio. September 20th. by Rev.-ft VY. Wallace. S. 31. V,'a!lace, oi l?eanfqrt, S. t?., and Miss Maraquiln Hayes of Hanover. Dr. J. G. Stoney, Dentist of Beaufort w'li return on the 10th of October. m w ENTERLI>.ST. HELENA SOUND. Sop*. 17tli, British tnig Franci-:, Johu Stor.lcr master, "3days from Tcneriffe, in ballast to Wyl. lie, Toeher & co. British Lark St Lawrence, Thomas master. '19 days from Rosario, ia ballast to Wyllic Teacher, Jtco. isth, British hark Portinscale, Xou'Iin master, 37 days from Pah ia, in ballast to Wyl lie Teacher Aco. CLEARED FROM ST. HELENA SOUND. Sq t. 17th, British bark Levant, Evans master, for United Kingdom with 501 tons of phosphate I rock from Coosaw mines. 20th, British bark Falcon, Ouiver master, lor United Kingdom, witlr 5S1 tens ofpho-phate rock from Coosaw mines. 2lst, British hrig Prioner'ncss, Richard master Car United Kingdom with 4il tons of phosphatt rock from FacCe indues. ?-Britisli shipCLmuTer, Cumming master, for United Kingdom with 112s tons of phosphate ro k from Coosmr mines. For Sale. Fntir Ttlack Walnut COUNTERS and ?-n ? wjtvo i/v TV 1... o TV OJ -A^ I'O. JV II. i'^ng o ii, wiuc; tav 11. Apply at tliis office. An Ordinance to Fix 'he Amount to Be Paid For Liquor Licenses. Bp it ordained by the Tntendant and Wardens of the Town of B.-aufort in Council assembled : SECTION I. That any person, firm or company, who' may apply for a License to sel; spirit ioi- Liquor, in accordance with the provisions of an o rdinance, entitled; "An Ordinance It -pointing the Sale of Spiritous Liquors within tne Town,' Ratified in Council on the 3rd day of July, A. I). . 1873, shall before receiving the same, pav into the Town Treasury the sum of one hundred I and fifty dollars, ($150) therefor. SEC. II. That all Ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance be and the same arc hereby repealed. [ Ratified in Council tlm 13t'u day or September. A. 1?. 1S77. Alfred Williams Intendant, J. C. Richmond Clerk of Council. f ORliMT & MlE t k * General m Stevedores )pi !l.? PORT ROYAL, S. C. zi v. ; 'SvScLs ,!!(! Io?.']c<] with <lis , >. > rrz . ~ v .v Ttr"r \-j- t xm ni isr^aBpsaoil i i j. GRAND v a I a i I a 1 | i V at r g S; * nM . A 1 .-* /\ r.L r? m .1 1 ? r* >"? t" ^ia! A/1 JL 11largusu ana yoi iv;v* j 0 (i stock of ! ' i Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, I Clothing, 3 Hats, Shoes &c Is now on exhibition at the .s .Ljliiliiiijl k Store of j MRS I. APPLE. 111 h w Our stock is complete in every r: respect. ^\Ve respectfully in vite the public to call on us ; and examine for themselves. j Remember the . ?M IteliaMe,. and don't purchase elsewhere, ,, before examining our C9HPLETESTOCK I 1 < Dont Forget tlie I | Grand I Opraii 3i^9 I ' ; AT I APPLE'S! for $>nir or i'cnt. ""for sale. One of the most desirable situatod dwellings in teaufort: House in complete repair and oon eniently arrange*!, with Miitahle outbuildings, and i garden sjH)t equal to any in the State. Fruit in .i'undance-Orangcs. Figs, IVfleh-vs. Pears, Apple*. Uums, Oherrie* and Grapes; also choice Flowers, md flowering trees. Will he sold at a bargain, and on easy terms. Cnqnire of H. (?. Judd, on 'Ue*prcnii.se3. July 17th, 1 77. To Rent. A Bakery ani> Shop Advantageously situated on Bay Street, ritli many conveniences and necessary itensils Ac. None but reliable persons teed apply to John Franz. TQ RE3NTT, wo desirable store* in the basotnmf <>f the STEVENS HOUSE, Trice ?10 and tlo respectively. tpply to W. J.VERDIER, Agent. for sale. ' AX EIGHT lionsE POWER STATIONARY TEAM ENGINE, Grist Mill, Saw Gin with 4? i\v< ami one I'tley's Lover power Cotton Press rith shafting, pulleys ami hands coniplcte in unitingorder. This machinery will ha sold c. t're r separate at a reasonable price. For particulars apply to Cnpt. J. G. Sipple at iruhamviile or at this office. Notice. Mr. J. M. Rhott, is hereby authorized to receive 11 papers pertaining to lite office of Probate. A. 1$. AimiSON, Judge of Probate lift, Co. JOHN BRODiE, Guilder, Contractor -ANDUNDERTAKER. Estimates and plans furnished at short j oticc. Opposite Express Office. Beauart, s. a ?. EL WHITMAN Bay Street iieaufovt, S. C. I)oaler in NEW CLOCKS. (ill'.TZ'S tt.VjfniME.V'S CMKK. For the ?lctecti<?n of Watchmen. K\ ry <>?:e injihivjn^ a walchnan .shiKihl li.tve oae- of thenlocka.-Soiul for circular. New Rotary Clocks-. S<miethin^ no\r. Jtuns nofsclwly. Itcjiiircs no ey. LACK WALNUT PENDULUM * LfK KS.'. Also Makixi-:, (.'iii'rcii, and othoj I/K'KS. Prices from ?2 to 514. Due West Female College. Next college year opens October 1st. Faculty, one as*-last year-full. First-class teachers of iiisie. drawing, and painting. Location retinal and ealthy. Tuition and, including fuel ane ashing, for college year, S17'. Extras at rcasonabl ites. For circular, send to ,T. I. RONXER., Due West, S. C UOVST 1st, 1 S'77. gort Jloual. R. P. RUNDLE, IHPP'G & COMMISSION MERCHANT PORT ROYAL, S. 0. otton, Naval Sfores, Lumber &c. AGENT FOR THE yew York & Fori Royal STEAMSHIP LINE. Mississippi and Dominion, West India and Pacific, and Liverpool and Galveston STEAMSHIP CO S. OF LIVERPOOL. D II llifteltifissoii. I Wholesaled Retail Grocer PORT ROYAL,"S. C. HaS AT)PRDGji?EATLY to his stock GROCERIES, with an addition ol'a Meat Market, (vhcre will be found on hand at all times 5 full and select supply of fresh Beef, Mutton & Pork, together with all kinds ot vegetables to suit the demands of the public. SHEPARDD.GrlLBERT NOTARY PUBLIC. Attention given to Marine Protests. Of fii-e in the Sea Island Hotel. H. M. STUART, M. D., Cor. Ilay & E'ghlh Streets, 33 canfort, 23. O. DEALER IN DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS, FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY l'ERFUMERY, BRUSHES, Ac., Ac., Ac., Toyr-ther a\ i! 1? many other 'article- too numerous to mention. All of which '..ill he sol<! at the lowes price forcaih. Physician.; nre.-^crii.tions cr.rduIN' com pom. til. wgpifT>iia? y# (^rijst and -feec?. V. .? -. KhF.tOTT. IttHMlorl S. f. 11*1 T*KJ\*KL, ?V ro., f'ltarltaton S. f. THE BEAl'FORT STEAM MILL COMPART,I i Ha vise rui ur a <;rist mill at tiif.i ii i ulvi stand, an? ji.vj and to U.rnisli Grist, Freil and Meal, anr q.t intitr, an>l at r asuna'dc rate?. M. S. ELLIOTT. | & I. WALLACE, COTTON FACTOR AND GRIST MILLER,! Wholesale Dealer in Grain, Hominy Mea!, Feed etc., etc., SKA ISLAND COTTON Bought Ginneil and prepared for market. Made on consignments. ' Having the best machinery for ginning cotton and g.inding corn and mial, he is prepared to execute all orders on the shortest possible no tiec The highest cash price paid for COTTON & CORN Cotton ginned on toll. Si MAYOj, 33ny iSi. EoatiXor't, ST. C LIQUORS, WIN ES, <fc<\ NET YARNS, FISH LINES AND CORDAGE. Glass, Paints and Oils, WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE. Special attention given to mixing paints and Glass cut to order of any size. Dec. 6 W. H. CALVERT. PRACTICAL Tin Sheet Ircn. Ccppsr Worker DEALER IN f? -ann 1 nial Staiinier? Tir: Wares. Constnntljror fiaiui, Cooking Darlur ami Box Stoves: TERMS CASH. Ajt?:it fur tlu- Colunrated Charts: Oak Cooking Steves. W. II. CALVERT Raj* St. hrtwee 11 8th & 9th sts. Beaufort. 8. C BANKING HOUSE, Win. If. Loekwood, BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE ?ox New, York Charleston & Sayannah Bought and Sold, Collections made on any point in the United States. Account.? received subject to check at sight. np.:27.f)U). PORT ROYAL Saw k Placing Mill BE At'POUT, S C. D. C. WILSON & CO., MANt^ACTVRERS OF ASD DEALERS IS VELLDW PINS TIMBER AM LIUCiR AND Cypress Slainglcs, ALSO Builders & Contractors P L AS T E 11 LATHES, All kinds of JOB SAWIXO promptly done. nooring & Ceiling torts always oiihawl Orders for Lumber ami Timber by the cargo promptly filled. Terms Cash. fl. C. WILSON A CO. AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT. Mixed ready for u?e in whiteaud over onehitndrcd different colors, madeof strictly pure WilliE LEAD, Zinc. :n 1 LirseO'l Oil. Chciuicalfr combined, wa anted to l.vst tv. see aIciijj as other jiaiut. F. W. SCHEPER, Wholesale and Retail Grocer. ICE! ICE! mm & EidHoiTs, ARE NOW.PREPARED TO FUR A NisirlcE in any quantity Customers may desire, from their lee House, Scvontb. Stroot. JOHN CONANT, J. A. EMMONS P.DESSESURE, BOOT And SHOE MAKER. All vork ontra-tcd tu Li is tare will receive j l'roaii>t attention. Sin.;. Next she ICE 1IOC6E. bi:i vEoar. s c F. W. S C J CANNED FRUITS, YEGE1 And a Full Variety of oilier flifngs u Goods Promptly Delivc SEA ISLAM ^ MAS BEENR TIIE PATRONAHK OF THE TliAV] M. SI. K I v <; M AN; Beaufort Ma* oIlaving opened a shop in Beaufort,. I am pri k Repair all fe Both'of WOOD Particular attention given to designing and pipe and fittings constantly on hand at Nort Personal attention given to setting ;.ud col Steam Boiler Furnac ???" Shop next to Post Office. T. * AT APPLE'S!! AT AP? J ' A T T E N **- : | how is THE Tffii i Closiug out Sale ot SUMMER ^Ifall and win o? ^ i * Extra Inducem ^ i . n* i FRUIT OF THE LOOM, 4-4 Ble; SPLENDID. 44 Ble ^ ; FINE CAMBRICS 4 4 EXTRA CAMBRICS, 4 4 co ; ! And a discount of 25 per cent on all j been heretofore sold at regular palccs aj! COME ONE, >1 To the Cheapest i ^ j Mr: ii&aiddv j,v iis.aidd MANSION II ?I S G. PORT ROYAL, S. C. Is beautifully situated, facing PORT ROYAL HARBOR, Enclosed with ample yarl nndT lire oak free the rooms are neatly finished and nicely furnished ami the table is well supplied p.nd kept. Guests from the North! find this a ir.os healthful and pleasant winter resort. United ^ates vessels are located in sight, ami fishing,, hunting, and boating can be enjoyed. C ntraets forhoanl will bo made for the season at reasonable rates. BENJAMIN BURR, c jl'roi'ei y.tor. MPOLLITZER, COTTON FACTOR AND | Commission Merchant : BEAUFORT S. C w. pTgraham, . 1 BOBXTV Ait I) PEXSIOS AGEXT, BEAUFORT, S. C. Will attend to any business entrusted to him. Information free. inar.l5-tf THE SEASIDE LIBRARY. , Choice ltooks no longer for the f-w only. The bo.-t standard novels within the reach of every one Books usually sold from ?! fo? J given (unchanged and unabridged) for 10 a::d lift cents. 1. East Lynne, By Mrs. H. Wmxl (double no.) 10c 2. JolfX IIai.pax, Gent., By Miss Mulx-k, 20c ' 3. J Ay*: Eyre, Charlotte Rr>nte.(doubI> no.)2flc. 4. A xvojtaN-Hatrr, Char! s R ad -V new novel 20c 5. The iilacr-indies, Jules Verne's latent. l<xf>. Last days ok pompkit. By Bulwep. 10o. 7. Adam ukdk, By George Eliot, (double no.) 2Or >. The akcndkt, motto, By Mary Cecil JIay. 10c 0. Old myddki:ton's m<v?ky, By Mary Hay 10c 10. The woman in jtiiite, By WilkfcCollins. 2oe 11. The mii.r, on the floss, Br George Eliot. 2Cc 12. The a'mkrican .senator, By Antony T rol (ope. . . 20c ' 19. A. rr.ixt kss of iholb, i-w ? uuaui wkb juv. 14. Tiik dead secret, By.Wilkie Collins. 10*-. 15. Komola, By George Eliot, (double no.) 2tK: 1G. Tiik excjlish at tiie north polk and kiklj) ok ice. In one l?ook By Jules Verne 10c. 17. Hidden perils, By 31 try Cecil flay. l'.c is. Barbaras history, By Amelia B. Edwards 20c 10. A tkrbiiile tkmptal iox, By Chas. Reade. 10c 20. Old curiosity shop, Charles D'ckeus. 20. 21. Foul play, By Charles Reade. ICc 22. Max and v.'ifk, By Wilkie Collins 20. 2:1. The squire's lkcacy, By Mary Cecil H*y. 20For sale by all Booksellers ar.d'NVwadealjrs, or sent, postage prepaid, < n receipt of price by GKOBGE 31CNKO, Publisher. P.O.Box 5G;7. 21,^, and *25 VwiderwaterS t., N. Y ; All the above bodis together with all the numbers of the "Lakeside," "Fireside." "Sunnyside," "New York Library" and other publications for sale at publishers' prices (postage added) at the NEWS and STATIONERY DEPOT OF W. A. Gordw, Beaulort. S. 0-' H E P E k j &W*fe?TBAS, COFFEES! Xpj'tTS Jc ^V^.r'" ~ A Srr^1^1 imurrB. rABLES, MEATS, &c. isually kept in a first-class Store. ired free of charge. ]) HOTEL, E-OPENED. GLLING PUBLIC IS SOLIOllTl): Manage?. ; uhine Shop* cp::red with the latest improved tools to Amh of Macklneit, AND IRON, pattern making for new work. Steam hern prices. istnictiug es for Saving Fuel. t ti'WTTAf*-V VAA-'-AI?-* I ,7 ; \LHTS!! AT TION! Ik ! tor BARGAINS!! ? ^ % GOODS, lo make room for j 2 TER GOOD SHI ? ? -> i tg tents Ottered. | Co . ^ ach, @ 12c. ach, 4% 10c: " 10c. ' : : " 12c ! fe* ?S ! SUMMER GOODS, that have j ^ i during the season. j COME ALL, j g 3tore in ToweE I tg ..... ; I&2 b. M. APPLE, j ^ V itY liS.aiddY iV V Til s s v. t. a -INBull and Coosaw Rivers -OR ATPORT ROYAk Will be supplied with FRESH WATER, From the celebrated Club House Springs, By Steam or sailing vessels. JUT*Orders sent to our office in Beaufort will re- . :eive immediate attention. PICK Sc SMALL, Proprietors. KIMSFORD'S Oswego Starch, tg the bc<t and moat economical In the world. [3 perfectly PURK?free from acids and other foreign substances that injure Linen. . [s STRO.VGEK than any other?requiring much quantity in using. . . . . is UNIFORM?stiffens and finishes work aWays the same. . ? KIXtiSFORD'S OSWEGO STARCH, 1 1 | t MJ, . is ilie 111</M ucnuuus uI an pirjiaiauuua lur Pi'ddiD^s, Blanc-Mange, Cake, Etc; "morning news" 1 Prize Stories The Weekly News WEDNESDAY, SEPTKMBEB I9th, Will contain the first chapter of an Intensely interesting and well written story, THE MARABLE FAMILY. 15 V 8. G. rnU.VEK, JH., Ol'Cuthliert, (la., * r '' r<j which was awarded the First Prize of Ou? Hundred Dollars, offered for the best story founded on incidents of Hie fate war The Weekly News, in addition to the Agricultural and Literary Departments rcceii'ly introduced, still maintains its distinctive featuri a as a medium for State/ Political and General News, and every effort will be devoted to making itti comprehensive medium of information for the [>eople. Its Market Kepprti are complete ai.df reliable. > - , i? ? , Prices.?Weekly News, 6 months $ 1.00; 1 year C-2.00: postage free. Eaily, 6 months $5.00; 1 year siO.i-ostage free. Remittances can be made by Po6t Office Order Kegister?xl letter, or Express, at my risk, Letter should be addressed', , , J. H. KATILL. . "Savannah Gi.' . at baddison, Judge of Prdbate.* for heaufort .County.. , Will be fn Bea'iforton tbe first Monday In ernf. month and remain until all business is attended to In the interim ho will be in Brunson. wfcerc b?^ will be prepared to attend to the duties of his ofiiro and any other business that mar be plUTa i' his hands.'