University of South Carolina Libraries
% r ! jmwib?I II LOCAL ITEMS Bca-ifort, S. (., SEPT., 13,1SI7. The schooner Addie Fuller, captain j Jorgessen, from Boston, arrived yester* day with merchandise to Mr. Watcrhousc. The yellow fever has appeared in Brunswick and the City of Darllas will | not be permitted to touch at Port Loyal tomorrow on her way North. I # I Two more steam hoisting machines have been bought and will soon be put up on the docks at Port Royal. The Town Marshal gives notice in this issue to person? having est ray horses and cattle that unless they look alter' them he will. ? The Port Royal Railroad docks arc! being extended up Battery River and work will soon begin on the other endseveral hundred feet being added in each direction. Mr. Joseph Campbell, late of the firn of Campbell, Wyllie& Co., has engaged wharf room at Port Royal for one thousand tons of washed phosphate rock. This rock will be used as ballast for cotton ships during the coming Winter. There is a report that Mr. Henry Williams has been appointed Jury Commissioner. If the appointment lias not yet been made the Governor should be noti" fied so as to fill the vacancy in time to draw the jury for the October term of Court. On Sunday the Pallas while in latitude . 36:30, longitude 75:15 fell in with the American schooner Western Star of Boston, water-logged and sinking. The officers and crew were taken off and brought to Port Royal. The vessel was 317' tons, loaded with coal and bound from Georgetown, P. C., to Portsmouth, N. H. Monday evening last the wife ot Capt. Peterson of the schooner Lulu Amerman. loading at the dock at Port Royal,- fell through an open hatch, breaking two ribs gnd sustaining other severe bruisesThe lady fell about twelve feet striking on the large timbers and her escape from more serious injury is almost miraculous. The City of Dallas had a stormy trip I on her last voyage from New York, being l obliged to turn back oil Friday evening, and only got away Saturday morning. She brought a lull cargo and especially a heavy shipment ou deck of cabbage, potatoes, and other truck. Mr. J. II.Tonkiug, the butcher, found ! on opening the market yoterday morn- ! ing that sonic evil disposed person had 1 been there before him and robbed him oi j valuable papers hi tides doing utho. j damage ?o his stall. Dr. Priiehard has three acres in sugar [ cane from which he e&pec s to make 40' gallons of syrup to the acre. When we j get the sample p.omiscd wo will try li. ; do the subject justice, especially it the j supply is urge. The Board of Equ .liz.Uion met at lh<; j courthouse yesterday but nothing ol j general utcre>t was done. Therej werej a few applications fur a reduction o; assessments granted .but in most cases the iietitious were denied. The election in Brtinsou for Intendant and Wardens last Mouday resulted hi ' ? - vv 1 >!.>i>i|.inr tne cnoice 01 vr. ?> \uwu >ui , 4 and for Wardens, J. (J. Wilson, W. J. Causey, II. W. C. Folk and Wm. j Simons. The Magnolia Route sent out its new and elegant ears last Monday of which the officers arc very proud. The cars are frames of old ones newly painted and upholstered and arc a credit to the cui ployees at the works at Fort Royal where all the refitting has been done. The phosphate diggers are increasing in numbers and when the tide is low enough the fleet of boats makes the liver interesting. We counted last evening twenty-seven flats and three sailing vessels engaged in the work. The flats are owned mostly by private parties who receive $2.50 per ton for the rock landed on the wharf, the laborers receiving one halfth s a j. u .tfor doing the work. The British stcam>h p Mexico has taken aboard 10,000 bushels wheat 2400 * ? a -J ctf M?l TI,/> Damns nour aim oo iuu;? cv??. xhv t is so full that even her cabin is piled up with sacks of wheat and barrels of flour. The firm of Torrent and Duke stowed the cargo which was, of course, douc satisfactorily and speedily. Joe, the pilot, sticks to the ship and will accompany her to j sea aud very likely to Euio;>c. The Secretary of the Navy is going the 1 rounds of the Southern navy yards to j decide for himself where he will order ' the erection of the dry dock and what I changes are to be made iu the different | naval depots. He will visit rort Koyal j during the present month if he makes no ! changes in his present plans. # The residence of Mr. W. C. Howard, in Grahamviile was totally destroyed to- j gethcr with the contents, early Sunday morniDg last. It is said that the silver communion service of the Episcopal church was also lost in "the fire. The residence was the finest in the town and as there was no insurance the loss is very heavy. In the Towu council last < ight the time was spent iu discussing varioumatters of no general interest. The committee on streets, of which Mr. Bauipfield is chairman, reported that they had bought Tom Hamilton's mule for Si IK). The Marshal's bond with E. A. and F. W. Schepcr, as sureties, and the Trcas ir-rrvr.wiriMiff-nr-~ 1 ' ' -urer's bond, with Geo. Gage aud J. W. f Collius as sureties, were approved. An oruioancc fixing the price of liquor licen- i cos was passed aud ratified. The ordinance lo regulate the police passed its second reading, and the election of police was postpone 1 until next meeting. The Savannah Xc.cs. whose advertise- j uicnt we publish today, deserves a larger ! circulation in Beaufort county than it! cnjo}*s at present. It is not only one ot i the best papers in the South but its nearness to our county limits makes it of: especial interest to many of our citizens j especially the rice planters. Its mar-' kct reports are full and reliable and its columns are filled with the best subjects of interest to our merchants and planters The ffity of Port lloyal is showiug signs of improvement in the way of new buildings. Mr. Sibley, of Augusta, is erecting the first brick building to be used as a store, and on the street in the rear the same gentleman is putting up a handsome house for a residence. The new and elegant building to be used as offices, both general and local, for the lailroad company is nearly finish ed and will be occupied in a lew uays. Last Sunday' night while a shout was in progress in Port Royal a difficulty arose between John Henderson, colored, and a negro named Kill during which John used his razor on bill with such success as to endanger his life. John was arrested and locked up. Only a few days j before the Town Marshal ot the young city narrowly escaped a severe wound from a razor in the hands of a negro, the blade cutting through his uniform and grazing his arm. Port Royal is an embryo city and these little deversions arc matters of course. : The crop of Sea Island cotton on St. Helena and Ladies' Islands promises a good yield as a larger acreage has been planted than of late years. The caterpillar has appeared iu almost every field but the dwiuage done, as yet, is not very great. Many fields are entirely stripped of leaves while adjoining fields seem to have escaped with little or no injury. The. people even-where arc busy picking but no cotton is yet offered for saletlie people on St. Helena having learned to get all their c;oj) in and market it altogether, thereby getting bctier prices than when it is sold in small parcels. The corn and rice crops look well and the colore people have a prospect before them of plenty to cat and money to spend. r?7.v.? 71 ?// c/ff> JL t 1+SilUK . I:? your last issue I noticed an article as ; a suggeston to the bond holders of the Port Royal R lL,but the writer ignores the fact that three fifths or Sl.f?:X)tKK> of l lie Roods arc held by foreign capitalist^ who will no: bo vc:y liko'y to dccu|dc the J Investment in c;-try in trout what is surges. Jed to them, as in these times of coinpc tition. nothing loss that: ;li ottgh trunk ! incs as the Baltimore an! Ohio, the! Pennsylvania and other like Roa is can he i financially successful. Local branch roads /have always proved ruinous to e pital invested by opposition of interest: having no back-bones to sustain them, the big fish always swallow up the sum 1 fry. No Port Royal or Knnxville Railroads could 1c a success unless con so! id: fed with other roads, tints forming through trunk linos towards Loitisviile, St. Louis, Chicago, Iiidianapo'isand Cincinnati, and controlling all the export ng and imi?o:ting traffic with the heart of the U. S. The di.ficulty existing now 1 ctwecn the G.orgia and the Port lloyal R. R. at the instigat'o i through spite of one of the late Presidents of the Port Royal R. R.> although on the wrong track, is not intended to contribute towards the enhancuien! of the value of the Bonds of that K. B. There are snakesTin the grass which wil1 com dc 1 the Bond-holders to get rid of their 'Elephant" as best they can, but as to investing one ceut more it is quite out of the question. There is but one way through which they can clear themselves to b -st advantage, and this is to purchase the road themselves, and lease it to or consolidate with the Chicago and South Atlantic R. R. actually pushing through at the North end, and which is to make Port Royal Harbor the deep-water terminus any how; either by the above arrangnients with the Port Royal R. R.,or by building their own line by the side of that road which plan would not increase the value of the bonds oftbc Port Royal 11. R, and if the Georgia R. R. purchases it for, itsconncction to the West via. Atlanta, tl e Chicago and South Atlantic R. 11. will be compelled to build its own councction with P. Royal Harbor. * Two young men who were former residents of La Crosse, Wis., went to Florida eighteen months since. They bought twenty-six acres of land and commenced the culture of vegetables, which they raised and shipped to New York si ce January last, and up to June * * * i * ^ on t 27th last, their uci receipts were o-.n-i. These figures were taken from the retuin bill of their commission men iu New York which show the net profit after deducting the expenses. Dr. J. G. Stoney, Dentist of Beaufort [ will return on the 10th of October. ! * It is the duty of every man to insure ; his property ! (Jo to Clancy and get a j Home policy and be happv. * 4-^^* PI RSITIKB, COAL, ETC.. CHEAP! 1 JuO rtt?ivMl at the store of (leorge Waterhouse, a large stock of Chairs, painted, wood, CO i cents'each; Oak Piniug Cane Scat Chairs, Boston Bookers, and Ladies and Children's ' hairs ; correspondingly low. I Bod Kooni setts of 3 pieces $20. : Painted Suits of 1ft pieces ^!0 and upwards. Also llurl, Ash and Chestnut suits iu Pressing Ca.-e and Bureau styles. Crockery and Glass ware. Lamps, ( hand -lit rs, Lamp Chimneys. 00 TONS SfOVK COAL at $.< per tou delivered. For Rent. I Tin' >ior<' and residence nearly opposite the j office recently put in thorough repair for reut 011 reasonable terms to a good tenant. For particulars apply to ROBERT S.MALI.S. Hstics to School Teachsrs. OFFICE SCHOOL CO\>nsSIOXEIt,l Beaufort Gov nt y. ) Beaufort, S. G, Sept. ">th., 1S77. The Board of School Examiners will meet at thc Gourt House in the Town of Beaufort on Monday October 1st for the purpose of examining candidates for the position of teachers in the public schools iu this county during thc coming year. The law requires that every teacher shall have a certificate from the board of examiners, and no teacher will Iks recognized who shall fail to procure such certificate. TIIOS. II. WHEELER, School Commissioner And ex-oflkio chairman of the Board. NOTICE TO LIQUOR DEALERS. Office County Commissioners 1 Beaufort County, / Beaufort So. Car.. Sept 4th., 1877. The Board of County Commissioners have this day authorized the issue of licences to sell spirituous liquors by thc quart. All persons who d<-sire quart licences can now receive them by paying the County Treasurer for the same. TIIOS. II. WIIEELER, % Clerk of the Board. TAX NOTICE. Town of Port Royal. Tows Treasurers Office, Port Royal S. C. August 31st, 1^77. Notice is hereby given that the books for the collection of taxes for the year 1S77, levied by the Town of Port Royal, are now open, and will remain open until the 15th day of September next. A. C. M OF ALL, Tax Collector and Treasurer. QUARANTINE NOTICE. TO ALL OWNERS AND MASTERS OF VESSELS. You are hereby notified that a Quarantine of thirty days will t?e enforced on all vessels coining from Fernandina, Florida to this place from this date until further notice. By order of the Board of Health. G. S. Harrison Chairman* Port Royal, S. C., Soptciu!>er 3rd, 1S77. OFFICIAL. By virtue of-orders from the office of the Adjutant and Insjioctor General, I hereby notify all parties in Beaufort County who have in their l>ossession any arms or accoutrements belonging to the State, and who are not properly authorized to retain them, to turn over the same to Col. Win. Stokes, or any other field officer of the 3rd Regiment of.Mounted Rifles, to the commanding officer of any company of said Regiment or to the undersigned. JAMES W. MOORE, An.ust 21st. 1S77. Aide <le Camp. EXECUTOR' S XOTJCE (ir.ilmniYille,S. f. July 27th. 1S77 All persons having; demands against (Jeneral John II. Howard (late deceased) of (irahainville So. ('a are hereby notified to pres. nt tlicm duly attested t? Wii.uam r. lTo\v.\i:n Qualified Kxeeator THE SEASIDE LIBRARY. C*ii-?!* ;: n > l.xi ,' r for the f * only. Tlx* l? "-t standard novels within tin- reach ?>f civry one ti-.olcs usually .sold frnui *1 to given MiiichungMl a. il unabridged) lor 11 > n <5 _'<) c. nts. I. V.\<J I.YNXK, By M .S. If. V?'<? -1 (double ?".) lJr i .loll:: II.vt.KAX. <l?nt., Iiy Miss M?1 <k. 2fic !. J A X Kvrk, Ciari :? Bro;itvd>ib! ii i.)20c. I t. A woman-ha run, Charl s tt?*ad"'s ie*w* novel 2U* j .*?. Tin: iii..\ckmn!>iks, .jub-sAVrne's latest. lOe Lt>nr pays Ity Itulwcr. Me. i 7. ADAM ur.DK. Ity <;. ? ??' KIint. (dotihl no.) 2lv 1 Tin: AKfNPi l. motto. By Mary (Veil Hay. ItJr 9. 0u? m's muxky, )5v Mary f. Hay Me 1 ?. Tijk woman in wimtk. By Wilkict'oll'iis. 20e II. TiiiiMii.i. on tiie n. >ss By tJeorge Idiot lite !2. Till: ammkkwn >KAA JIMS, Hi .nuvii. Trol !< ]?: . . 20c 13. A. imjinckks ok tin r.k, By AVillinm Black 2 k:. 14. Tin: l>K.\n SKCKKT, Hy Wllkle (Vlins. !?> . 15. Kkm ?l.\, By tjcorge Kliot. (double no.) 24c Ki. T:iK 1 NCMSIt AT TUB NoUTll I'ol.K AM) piki.dof u k. In one 1? >ok By .Tules Vcmc Bk* I". Hidpkn I'kkii.x, By Mirv Cecil Hay. 10c 1*. Bauiiakas history, By Amelia B. Edwards2tk10. A tkrtusi.e TRxrTAiioN, Bv Chas. Reade. 10c 20. Old curiosity ?itor, Charles Dickons. 20. 21. Foul play, By Chariest Bead.1. 10c 22. Mas asi> wifk, By Wilkio Collins. 20. 23. Tub sqcirb's i.koacv, By Mary Cecil Hay. 20c For sale by all Booksellers and Newsdealers, or sent, postage prepaid, on receipt of price by (rKOROE NUXKO. Publisher. P.O.Box vC<7. 21,23, and 25 VaudcrwatcrS t., N. V All the above bo >ks together with all the numbers of the "Lakeside," "Fireside." "Sunny.side," "New York Library" and other publications for sale at publishers' prices (postage added) at the NEWS AND STATIONERY DEPOT OF W. A. Gordan, Beaufort. S. C. r. K sriiiLT. SODA WATER, GINGER POP, GINGER ALE, AND SARSAPARILLA, Orders from the country carefully attended to and goods delivered at the dc]>ot or wharf free of charge. Office on New Street opposite the jail, Apr.2-tt 1. klHSIMDS .Oswego Starch, I* the br?t anil most economical In the world. Is perfectly Pl'IlW?free from acids and other foreign substances that injure Linen. Is STRONGER than any othor?requiring much less quantity in using. Is UNIFORM?stiffens and finishes work alwnjs the same. KIX'GSFORR'S OSWEGO STARCH, Is the most delicious of all preparations for Puddings, Blanc-Mauge, Cake, Etc. H. M. STUART, M. D7, Cor. Buy & Eighth Streets, Beaufort, S. C. DEALER IN DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS, FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY I'EKFUMKRY, BRUSHES, AC., AC., AC., Together wRh many other'articles too numerous to mention. Alt of which will be sold at the Iowes price for cash, ]>|)vsicians prescriptions carefully i feompoapid. MMMMHK ton Sale or Sent. ' FOR SALE. One of the most desirable situated dwelling* in 1 Van fort: House in complete repair ami conveniently arranged, with suitable outbuildings, and a garden s|>ot equal to any in the State. Fruit in a'Mindance-Orange!,( Figs, Peaches, Pears, Apples, Plums, Cherries and Grapes; also choice Flowers, and flowering trees. Will be sold at a bargain, and nti easy terms. Enquire of 11. G. Jndd, on the premises. July 17th, t 11. To Rent. A Bakery and Shop Advantageously situated on Bay Street, with many conveniences and necessary utensils &c. None hut reliable persons need apply to John Franz. TO RENT, I^wo desirable store* in the basement of the STEVENS HOUSE, Trice S10 and $1-5 respectively. Apply to W. J.VERPIER, Agent. FOR SALE! AN EIGHT HORSE POWER STATIONARY STEAM ENGINE, Grist Mill. Saw (Jin with to saws and one Utley's Lever power Cotton Press with shafting, pulleys and bands complete in running order. This machinery will be sold eut're or separate at a reasonable price. For particulars apply to ('apt. J. G. Sipple at Grahamville or at this otfics. Notice. Mr. J. M. Rhett, is hereby authorized to receive all papers pertaining to the office of Probate. A. B. ADDISON, Judge of Probate Bft.Co. JOHN BR0D1E, Builder, Contractor ?AND? UNDERTAKER. Estimates and plans furnished at short notice. Opposite Express Office. Beauv.?i. o n iurt, U. Vy*. P. M. WHITMAN Hay street .Beaufort, 55. C. defile f /? N^W^OLOCKS. O Snitl.TZ'S WATCHMEN'S CLOCK, For the ?i?*t Ttioli of Watchmen. T'vory ?nt employing a watchman should have one of the.t Clocks.-.Scud Tor cl.cuiar. 0 New Rotary Clocks. Something new. Ituns noise! ss'y. Itifiuirw in key. ! r.i.ack w.u.nit vismi.rc ri:ni>n.r.M ! 'locks. a is?, CiiCKi.ii, and othci I | Clocks. Prices from $'2 to sit. Due West Female College. I Next c<dl -kc year opens Ocfolvr 1st. Cacti It; j .-anie as la>t year-full First-class teachers n j iiiu-ic. drawing, and paintine. laieation retired am | healthy. Tuition ard board, including find air | w; shing, for coSh ge year, $177. Extras at reasooabl ! rates. F\?r eiicnlar, send to J. I. lMNXKR. President, IUic West, 8. < ArorsT 1st, is?". ?ort iloitiil. R. P. RUNDLE, SIIIPP'G & COMMISSION MERC HANI PORT ROYAL, S. 0. Cotton, Naval Stores, Lumber &c AGENT Foil TIIE New York & Port Roya! STEAMSHIP LINE. Mississippi and Dominion, Wcsi India and Pacific, and Liverpool and Galveston STEAMSHIP CP'S. OF LIVERPOOL D II Hutchinson, Wholesale & Retail Grocei POUT ROYAL, S. C. IT n Has addep greatly to ir,s ?toci ot GROCERIES; with an addition of a Meat Market, where will be found on hand at all time; i full and select supply of fresh Beef, Mutton & Pork,, together with all kinds ot vegetables ti sait the demands of the public. SHEPARDD.GILBERT NOTARY PUBLIC. Attention given to Marine Protests. Of fice in the Sea Island Hotel. BAKNES' Foot Power F! MACHINERY. , THIRTEEN different machines witl wuMhHW whieh Rudders. Cnhinpi jf. $ re Makers, Wagon Sinker: and Jobbers in Miscellan iflhi T eous work can compete a: to quality and price with steam powei manufacturing; and amateurs, supplies saw blades, fancy woods, and designs 1 Say where you read this and send for cat ! aloguc and prices. W. F. & John Barxks, I Kockford Illinois. tllCM? I || >* 1BMJBOPMMMM? C?rist and .frcd. h- - - ' - - I ; .n. S. FJ.i roTT. Beaufort >. K.tetWJir, tf Ctf., < harl'nton >. THE BEAUFORT " j j STEAM MILL COMPANY, , HAVIN'C ITT CP A Oil 1ST MILL AT THEIK old stand, arc prepared to furnish Grisl, Feed and Meal, i any quantity, and at reasonable rates. M. S. ELLIOTT, S. M. WALLA<% COTTON FACTOR AND GRIST MILLER, Wholesale Dealer in Grain, Hominy Meal, Feed etc., irrc., SEA ISLAND COTTON Bought Ginned anil prepaid for market. ADVANCES Made on consignments. Having the best machinery for ginning cotton and g. hiding corn and mial, he is prepared to execute all orders on the shortest possible no tiec The highest cash price paid for COTTON & CORN Cotton ginned on toll. S. MAYO, Bay St. Beaufort, S. C MUCOUS, WINES, &c. NKT YARNS, FISII LINKS AND CORDAGE. GlafH, Paints and Oils, WIIITK LEAD AND TURPENTINE. Special attention given to mixing paints and Glass cut to order of any size. Doc. 6 W. H. GALVERT. ruaci n .\u . Tin SheetIrcri. Copper Y/orker DKAI.EIt IN Ja>nnned nn?l Stami>?*d Tin Wares. Constant Ivon iuuiJ, Cooking l'arlorami Box Stoves. TICK.MS CASH. Agrnl for ihe Celebrated ' Cherter Oak Cooking Steves. W. II. CALVERT 1 Bay St. between Stli Jt Dili sta. Beaufort. S. C ' BANKING HOUSE, . % Win. li. loekwood. BAY ST., BEAUFOI.T, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE ON New, York Charleston & Savannah Bought and Sold, Collections made on any point in the United States. Accounts received subject to check at sight. P ap.27.Gm. PORT ROYAL Stnnl Planing Will BEAUPOKT, S C. I TA n WTT QHM Rr PH XJ. v. VV lXJWVi.1 \M Wi) MANI'PACTUKKKS OF AND DKALF.RS IN 1 YELLOW FINE IIMEES AND LOO AND Cypress Shingles, ALSO Builders & Contractors PLASTER LATHES, All kinds of JOB SAW I NO promptly done. ' Mill & Ceiling Boarils always on liaud Orders for Lumber and Timber by the cargo I promptly filled. Terms Co ah. D. C. WILSON A CO. AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT. Mixed ready for use in whiloand orcr one hundred different cotyrs, made of strictly pure WIII71S LEAD, ) Zinc, and Linseed Oil. Chemically combined, wa anted to last twice as long a* other paint. F. W. SCHEPER, . ' Wholesale and Retail Grocer. 1CL>! ICE! mm l EMMONS, ARE NOW PREPARED TO FUR xjL :NlSll Ice in any quantity Customers may desire, from their Ice House, Sovcntli Street. t JOHN CONANT, ? J. A. EMMONS _ ? P. DESSESURE. ! BOOT And SHOE MAKER. ? All work entrusted to His cam will receive Prompt attention. Shop Next the ICE HOUSE, i>h'A WORT. S. C. E. W . 8 C Di amu l.v ~ -r*7 "* I ' iV riNE GROCERIES J >? noun ,^W4r4 0 f all G r a d c s, l -V ! $ _ ' ?*5*1 '. I | Butler v : Cheese From the N^t Ihiirios. CANNED FRUITS, VEGE And a Full Variety of other things i Goods Fromptlv Deliv SEA 1SLAB I: : - H A S B E E X R THE PATRONAGE OF THE TKA\ M. M. K I N G M AN, Beaufort Mo o Having opened a shop in Roauf'ort, I am p Build & Repair ai! I Both'of WOOI Particular attention given to designing and pipe and fittings constantly on hand at Noi Personal attention given to setting :.nd e Steam Boiler Furna< fifciT* Shop next to Post Office. J. AT APPLE'S!! AT AP J A T T E N | NOW is THE Till ^ ; *1 | Closing out Sale ot SUMM El ^iFALL AND WI] : 0 ! Extra Inducei ^ ! < I FRUIT OF THE LOOM, 44 U SPLENDID. 44 U FINK CAMBRICS 4 4 i EXTRA CAMBRICS, 4 1 CO i gq | And a discount of 25 per cent on i ^ I been heretofore sold at regular pale | COME ONE, ^ i To "the Cheapest ^ j My iis<aTddv J.V iis.aid. MANSION II 01 SE. PORT ROYAL, S. C. Is beautifully situated, facing PORT ROYAL HARBOR, Enclosed with ample yard under live oak tree the rooms are neatly finished and nicely furnished and the table is wel! supplied and kept. Guests from tiie North wil! find this a nics healthful and pleasant winter resort. United -tales vessels arc located in sight, and fishing,, hunting, and boating can be enjoyed. C ntraets for board will be made for the season at reasonable rates. BENJAMIN BURII, _ PKO.'KIKTOK. M. POLLITZER, COTTOX FACTOR AXD r . , Commission Merchant BR A V ?M> R T S . V W. P. GRAHAM, , t * * ' BOUNTY AND PENSION AGENT* ... ..BEAUFORT, S. C.. Will attend to any business entrusted to bim. Information free. iiiar.l5-ff. J,m bi^L */ # The Most Extensive Ma IN THE I * " . ILLUSTRATED CAT, In POVTZB combined with fb'KITY O rw- ir"?r .~y am?am????? 11k p e k ; k : rg rsLJ ^ iT^-?TEAS COITEES \^T" >V/7(7 >S'.<ff. . ' '* A s i'KCI..\ LTV bocrv Foreign ? ir* * * v-lM ' v fpSM" -iiU# Ecjr.estic - IT I? U ITS. TABLES, MEATS, Ac. Equally Kc|:f hi a iirst-rfass Store* ered free of charge. ;d iiotkl, ~ Jill C0 E-OPEXE D . ' ! " ". KIXINti PUBLIC IS SOUCtTFD. 7> : i . ^Manages. lehine Shop, !'? *-> rcpnr'd with the Ititcst improved tools to kinds oi siavfiinerv, ) AND IRON, , . pattern making for new \v6rk Steam thorn prices." imstrnetiug . " ess for Saving Fuel. A. W HITM A N. Mechatiieal Engineer ? PLE'S:! AT APPLE'S!! I T I O N.! , ta 8 for PANAMffij 2 a COODS, to make room for >. r j ^ PJTEE GOOD S!!l N i j fcg Bents Offered. j 1 _ : leach, @ 12c. leach, 4' 10c. " loe. * t \ " 12c 1 iS ill SUMMER GOODS, that luive .; , cs during the season. I ^ ! COM2 ALL, j g Store in Town. ! ^ CS; MLAPPLE. I ^ 2V iLY iiS.aiddV iLV T0r.'l.'f IVIl UTTTTftK uijyji: mi u mux iyu? TEE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST. ' 'v ' Vq*' : f f 'J \', ' r AM NOV* IN UECEIPT OF THE VERT 1 best. TENNESSEE BEEF and be* to inform my friemU ind customer* that** I will sMl as cheap as any one and WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. JAMES JENKINS, Mch. 1 tf. 4 ; VESSELS -IN- __jj ' Bull and Coosaw Rivers I. ?OK AT? '* * i | PORT ROYAL. Will be i<ij>idicti with - * ? ** FRESH WATER,' t From the celebrated . .. . Club House Springs, By Steam or sailing vessels.. , t ... 07 -Orders sent to otir nflioo iu Beaufort will receive immediate attention. . PI< K ii SMALL, Proprietors. itmmt + - -I mufactory of Ilccd Organs' WORLDt ILOGUIS SENT F3EE. ..... -v%? 4?v/ F TOM:, in IWKABII.ITY und FlNiaifc arc I'tjrlrtkltii.