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r LOCAL ITEMS Beaufort, S. SKPT.,6, 1877. Mr. J M. Crofut, deputy collector, has been ordered to Charleston on dutvas the deputy there is ill. The government launch advertiseu last week to be sold was bought by Captain Willett for $75. I ^ I We learn that range lights are to be ierected on Hilton Head and also on Paris Island, the land for their sites having already been purchased aud the work upon them is to be beguu this fall. ? ( - rtf flin T?A?irrl r\f l Liu regular UICC11115 i/i iui/ wu<? v. Commissioners of t ilotage for the Bars of PortJRoyal and St. Helena was held at Port Royal Monday Sept. 3rd 1*77. Present J. C Richmond and D. H. Hutchinson. A communication was reeeived from the pilots on the bars which was endors cd by the commissioners and ordered spread upon the the Journal An explosion which might have caused a severe conflagration occurred Wedoes day eveuing at the residence of Mr. Miller lately occupied bv Mr. Cleaves Servants were'attempting to'fill a kerosene stove whenja lamp held too near the can ignited the oil. Robert Barnes who was passing the house at the time and heard the noise, rushed in and managed to smother the spreading flames with blankets which were fortunately at hand. A young girl named Curtis was severely burned upon the arm. The rumor of the presence of Yellow fever in Fcrnandina caused some commotion in Port Royal last Friday as the news was broughtby passengers on the Dallas who reported-that there had been twenty eight cases and seven deaths. AVhen the Austin arrived on Monday from New York she had orders to proceed no fupfK^r hut nffprwards was instructed to go 011 to Fernacdina and unload her freight but on her return to pass by Port Royal. The town authorities of Port Royal informed the captain of the Austin that his ship would be quarantined for 30 days on his return" if he went t ^ Femandina. The health officers and the Mayor of that city deny that there is or has been a case of yellow fever in that city this year and claim that the disease is only billious fever and not contagious. Snper-phospliatic. It will be seon by Dr Stuart's communication in another column, that the board of health decided that there was nothing 10 be feared from the landing of unwashed rock. If the rock as dumped here now 4*is as free from animal and vegetable matter as any unwashed rock ever is, " we can attach n > meaning to Dr. Lobby's dispatch. Omlar in sp ction only confirms what our nostrils inform us of that the pores of the rocks are filled with marine ntrmaljlife which the hot sum decomposes, ana a< lovuie vegetable growth the odor is simply nauseating. There is almost a grim joke ia speaking of phosphate not causing the Coos;iw and Bull river-locations to be more unhealthy than they were foimeily? perhaps nothing could effect that. The thousands of tons of r<?ck piled a few years ago on the Bennett dock had been thoroughly washed before it was landed there, and the occupants of houses in that neighborhood already make complaint of the present accumulation, which may possibly be owing to die difference bet teen washed and unwashed. We arc g'a 1 to believe that there is nothing really deleterions in the disagreable odor which permeates our office and to which by the aid ofa patent clothes pin on our nasal organ, we are trying to become accustomed. 11 would certainly be a pity to pur a stop to an industry which seems to be causing money to circulate in our Town, if there is do greater objection to it than a little personal annoyance. . Th y number of lighters and of per=ons engaged in digging the rock increases every day aud we hope the enterprise may prove a success to the Town and all concerned. I ^ | The County Commissioners at their meeting last Monday were greeted with a hungry crowd clamorous tor checks for all sorts of claims, but especially were the holders of jury and witness tickets in full force as the commissioners had promised to pay twenty-five per cent on their face value. The County Treasurer reported the following collections: On account of Poor Fund, $400.00; 4* 44 41 1 mill tax, 447.15 41 44 " 3 44 44 1,385.05. rm i*i n * ilie dru tor past indebtedness tor the years 1874?5 were then opened. Mr. Brady offered $50 at a discount of five and one-half per cent, and Mr. Judd bid for $978, the whole amount, at a di^ount of one-half of one per centThere were two' other bids but as the law requires the claims to be registered 9 and these had uot been they were thrown out. As the next duty of the board was to pay out tlte county fund of $1,585 and the claims against it amounted to five thousaud, business was brought to a stand still and tire mathematicians were set to work to figure out Jiow it could be done. Nothing, however, was accomplished and the citizeus and speculators occupied most of the time until Tuesday evening each pressing his own claims for payment. There was evidence that the commissioners had been bulldozed by the speculators in jury and witness tickets Greaves insisting in appropriating $300 for those that had been reported and seconded by Scott but before a vote was had the latter was so overcome with the flow of arguments on every side that he refused to sanction the resolution wln?n he was greeted with the | jeering and sarcastic remarks of a ring that was now baffled and showed itself j plainly. After long delay tlie board passed a resolution, which should have been passed twenty four hours sooner, that al! claims on file in the office should i ! be pro-rated and all share alike so far as ! j the money would go, As no one could ! i complain of tuis action a comparative ; [ silence eusued. After a list of all the; ! claims had been made out the amount was : found to be over seven thousand dollars j and the amount available was stated to ! j be ouly one thousand the board announe-; j ed their readiuess to pay fifteen per cent on the dollar. Inquiries as to the balance 1 of the ?1385 developed the fact that the j Commissioners had all drawn their pay. | ; in full up to June 1st, and public credit-! ; ors and officers of the court were put off with a percentage, The amount drawn ! by the board and their clerks are as fol! lows: R. J. Martin, chairman, Si90.10 Renty F. Greaves, 173.35 Vincent S. Scott, 225.95 Paul Pritchard, 80.35 Thos. H. Wheeler, clerk, 213.00 making a total of $882.75. If this aniouut had beeu pro-rated among the cred-! ' "* * * 1 j 1 A* AAA I ltors ana commissioners, witn me 5i,wu distributed, the amount paid on all claims would have amounted to over 25 per cent. v A communication was received from Mr. S. D. Gilbert complaining of the loss of a bill, filed in the office, and giving notice that unless the same is produc- j ed he would apply to the Court for an order for t heBcaidt show cause why they should not be proceeded agaiust under their official bonds. ? _ | Beaufort S. C. Sept., 3rd. 1S77. To th? Hon. Board Pilot Commioncn Port Royal and St. Helena Bars. Gentlemen: The following is a copy of the proceedI ings of a meeting held by the pilots of 1 the above Bars on Saturday Sept. 1st. 1. Resolved: That it is the object of; I this meeting to promote our interests, j and to establish among the pilots, a 1 snirit nf harmonv and union, in all mat i ters which concerns their affairs as pilots. Whereas: It is an undeniable fact that there are at present fifteen pilots ! and that of this number from one half to one third are at all times unem ployed; and whereas the number of ' vessels trading to these two ports docs j not in our opinion, justify the granting i of anymore licenses to persons who are [ now applying for the same. 2. Re*o!ml: That there arc now more pilots than the commerce of the] ' ports can at pitsent maintain, and that j no persons shall be examined for the! purpose of having licenses grained them. , unless they have served regular appven- . ticcship, and are in all other respects j qualified by law to bold such liccnsesv Whereas; It is argued by applicants | ihat nooncof the pilots as they now j exist, has served apprentice.-hip and therefore could not be entitled bylaw to bold a lieen-e, arid that ali applicants are entitled to have certlfi ates on the I same grounds. ,'J. Rr&dtxl: Tint the answer to thi.-. aiguiuent is, that the commerce of j these I>ars having betti established but \ a few years, and there being at that lime no regular pilots or apprentices a com | inencemeut had to be made, and licenses I issued to a sufheent number of persons 1 to perform the' duties of pilots. That : such requirements no longer cxi-t. and I there being now enough pilots to supply the demand, no more licenses should 1 e j ! granted, unless applicants are legally i! qualified. 4. RcjtolcnJ: That the numlier of j 1 apprentices for the time being shall not exceed four, and that articles of . indenture for said apprentices shall be drawn out on or before the 8th of Septe nber next. From that date no more apprentices shall be taken in any of the boats without the affirmative vote of a majority of the pilots. 5. Resolved: That pilots holding' licenses for twelve feet, shall not be entitled to a branch for fourteen feet I until the expiration of one year aftirj first license has been issued. And shall, j not be entitled to a full branch until a further period of two years has been J served. 0. Resolved. That no pilot, shall be allowed to take charge of any vessel on j either of the Bars, unless attachedjto a : properly numbered pilot boat belonging I on said Bars. 7. Resolved: That any master telei graphing to the connnis>ioners for a pilot ! or any particular pilot shall be supplied i with the one most available, without : partiality to any one in particular. Whereas: It has occurred that on I several occasions, vessels have been con| ducted over both Bars, by parties not ( holding licenses as pilots: thereby doing an injury to our business, as well as placing themselves amenable to the laws i of the state. Be it ^ R 1 J - rl' 1.1. i- iUn An I IICSIHCCW A I lilt HIC IIUAV v?a-?v> j I shall be prosecuted by the pilot first j offering his services to the vessel, and : j any expense he uiay incur in such -prose j ; cutiou shall be shared equally among all | the pilots. Rcsolcca: That a copy of the forei going resolutions be sent to the Board of j Commissioners with the suggestion that the resolutions 5, G and 7 be embraced in the new By-laws about to be issued by ! them. Wm. S. Samuels, Secretary. I 1 7 j The new and handsomely finished pilot ; boat Bertha, just finished at the dock! yard of J. G. and I). C. Marsh, was tested yesterday afternoon. The entire work wa- performed by Charleston mechanics and builders, she having been built, painted and fitted up at Marsh's wharf. ' The tonnage of the boat is 31 91-100. The entire cost amounted to $6,000 She will be employed at the harbors ol St Helena and Port Royal in the piloting business; in which locality her captain and owner, Mr. Buckley, is extensively and favorably known.?Journal of Commerce. The following vessels were at the wharf at Port Royal Saturdav evening: Schr. Lewis Ehrmen, capt. Collin con unloading guano to the railroad and will load phosphate rock in Bull River. Schr. F. A. Hallock, capt. Mole, load* ing timber for New York from R. P Rundie. Schr. T. 31. Parot, capt, Randoph loading timber for New York from R. P, Ruudle. Barkentine Kiola, capt. Long, loading lumber for Amsterdam iroui oteinmeyer & Stoke . British Steamship Mex ienn, capt. Whitburn, loading flour &c. for Liver pool. ENTERED ST. HELENA SOUND Aug. 2!Mh, Br. bark Levant, Evand, It days from St. Thomas in ballast to Wyllic, Teacher A Co. CLEARED. Aug. 27th, Rr. ship Mary S'cwart. Fullerton, for the-United Kingdom with 1.540 tons of phosphate rock from Oak Point mines.* NOTICE TO LIQUOR DEALERS. Office County Commissioners) Beaufort County, / Beaufort So. Car., Sept 4th., 1S77. The Board of County Commissioners have this day authorized the issue of licences to sell spirituous liquors by the quart. All persons who desire qnart licences can now receive them by paying the County Treasurer for the same. T1IOS. II. WHEELER, , Clerk of the Board. TAX NOTICE. Town of Port Royal. Town Treasurers Office, Port Royal S. C. August 31st, 1*77. Notice is hereby given that the books for the collection of taxes for the year 1S77, levied by the Town of Port Royal, anow open, anil will remain open until the 15th day of September next. A. C. MCEALL.. Tax Collator and Treasurer. " QUARANTINE NOTICE. TO ALL OWNERS AND MASTERS OF VESSELS. You are hereby notified that a Quarantine of thirty days will be enforced on all vessels coming from Feruandina, Florida to this place from this date until further notice. By order of the Board of Health. G. S. Harrison Chairman Tort Royal, S. C., September 3rd, 1877. OFFICIAL. By virtue of orlers from?he office of the Adjutant and Inspector General, I hereby notify all parties in Beaufort County who have in their |s?sse.?sion any amis or accoutrements belonging to the State, and who are not properly authorized to retain them, to turn over the same to Col. Wm. Stokes, or any other field officer of the ".rd Regiment ofMountod Rifles, to the <*ommanding officer of any company of said Regiment or to the itnd er.dgncd. JAMES W. MOORE, Au ust 2tst. 1R77. Aide de (tamp. EXEC I' TOliSXOTHlf . Gr.ihamvilh',S. ('.July 27th. 1*77 All jiersons having demands against General John II. Howard ilate deccas/d; o Graliumvillc So. Ca ace hereby notified to pre# nt tin in duly attest* d to WILM AM C. Howard i:f!, .l Kvj'^oior THE SEASIDE LIBRARY. Cilir*K Itooks H'? lon-.? t ;or tin .f *r only. Th" b<?>t standard novels within the reach of every one Hooks usually sold from ?1 to ^:t given .unchanged a i <1 unabridged) for 10 ai.<! 20 c. nts. 1. East Lysxk, By M<s. If. Wood (tlouliK* no.) 10c 2. John IIat.fax. (lout., !5y Miss Multk. > k; .tank Eykk, Cliurl >tt Broule.'double iio.)2'>c. I. A woman-HatRK. Cliarl sH -ad -'a new novel 20c Tick rlack-ixdika, Jul -s Verne's latest. 1 iT. Last days or pom tutu. By lUilwcr. 10e. 7. Adam rede, By Geotge Eliot, (double no.) 20e s. Tiik aki'ndti. motto, By Mary Cecil Hay. lite D. Old myddklton's money, By Ma rv C. Hay 10c 10. Tiik woman in white, By WilkieCollins, until. The mill ox tiik floss By George Eliot. 20c 12. The American senator, By Antony Troll ope. . . 20c IT A. princess or tiii t.k, By William Black 2nc. II. The dead secret, By Wilkie Collins. inc. 13. Komola, By George Eliot, (double no.) 2ttc 1g. Tiik knolish at the noi:tu poi.e and fikld of ice. In one book By Jules Verne 10c. 17. Hidden perils, By Mary Cecil llay. 10c 18. Bariiakas history, By Amelia B. Edwards 20c l'.?. A terrirlk tempt at ion, By Clias. Kcadc. 10c' 20. Old ct'RiosiTY shop, Charles Dickens. 20. 21. Foi'l play. By Charles Head?. 10c. - ?r... ...., ........ n.. ltrtlMa P..t:ine Oil. 23. Til k squire's i. eh act, By Mary Cecil Hay. 20c For sale l?y all Booksellers and Newsdealers, or sent, postage prepaid, on receipt of price by GEORGE Ml'NKO, PUBLISHER. P.O.Box 56T7. 21,23, and 2o VandcrwaterS t., x. Y. P. N. sciiiLT. SODA WATER, GINGER POP, GINGER ALE, AND SARSAPARILLA, Orders from the conutry carefully attended to and goods delivered at the depot or wharf free of charge. Office on New Street opposite the jail, Apr.2-tt 1. RIU'SFORltS Oswego Starch, Is the be<t and must economical in (he world. Is perfectly PURK?free from acids and other foreign substances that injure Linen. Is STRONGER than any othvr?requiring much less quantity iu using. Is UNIFORM?stiffens and finishes work always the same. KIXGSFORD'S OSWEGO STARCH, Is the most delicious of all preparat ions for Puddings* Blanc-Mange, Cake, Etc. H. M. STUART, M. D., Cor. Hay & Eighth Streets, Beaufort, S . C . I'EALKR IN DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS, ^FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, Ac., Ac., Ac., Together with tuany other articles too numerous to mention. All of which will.lie sold at the lowos price for cash. Physicians preset ipt ions carclitl y compound. (for Sale or itrnt. f()r_sale. One of the most desirable situated dwellings in Beaufort: House in complete repair and conveniently arranged, with suitable outbuildings, and | a garden spot equal to any in the State. Fruit in j ! ai'undanco-Oranges, I'igs, Peaches, Pears, Apples. i j Plums, Cherries and Grapes; al<o choice Flowers,, j and flowering trees. Wili be sold at a bargain, and 011 easy terms.' i Enquire of H. G. Judd, on the premises, j July 17th, 1 >77. To Rent. A Bakery and Shop Advantageously situated on Bay Street, with many conveniences and necessary utensils Ac. None but reliable persons need apply to John Franz. TO R S?KTT, Ttvo desirable stores in the basement of the STEVENS HOUSE, Price 810 and SIJ respectively. Apply to W. J.YERDIER, Agent. : FOR SALE! AN EIGHT HORSE POWER STATIONARY STEAM ENGINE, Grist Mill. Saw Gin with 40 , ___ luin-or Potion Press I saws anu one i n^j a i with shafting, pulleys ami bands-complete in running order. This machinery will be sold ent're or separate at a reasonable price. For particulars apply to Capt. J. G. Si'pple at Grahamville or .it this office. Notice. Mr. ,T. M. Rhett, is hereby authorized to receive all papers pertaiuing to the office of Probate. A. B. ADDISON, Jndge of Probate Rft.Co. JOHN BRODIE, Builder, Contractor ?AND? UNDERTAKER. Estimates and plans furnished at short notice. Opposite Express Office. Beaufort, &C. P. M, WHITMAN Bay street Beaufort, S. C. Dealer in NEW CLOCKS. ! Sfl.Ti.TZ'S lVATflUIEX'S CLOCK. For She d-t etion of Watchmen. Every ?i:c employing a watcMbinn should have one of the < Clocks.-Jjond for thcular. New Rotary Clocks. #?omethiug new. Ituns uoiscl ss!y. Requires no k y. it lack walnft visible CLOCKS. A!s? jIarint, Ciirccii, and otlnn i'l.'K'K.L Prices from >'2 to $11. Due West Female College. ? Next coll -go year opens October 1st. Faculty j same as last year-full First-class teaeher.s of music, drawing, and painting. Location retired and healthy. Tuition and board, including fuel an^ washing, for college year, $177. Extras at reasonabl rates. For c ircular, send to J. I. BONN Kit, President, Due West.S. C Arotvr 1st, is77. fgort -i! oil ill. R. P. RUNDLE, SIIIPP'G & COMMISSION MERCHANT PORT ROVAL, S. C. Cot.011, Naval Stores, Lumber Ac. AGENT Full THE New York & Port Royal STEAMSHIP LINK. j Mississippi and Dominion, West India and Pacific, and Liverpool and Galveston STEAMSHIP CO'S. OF LIVERPOOL. D H Hutchinson, l Wholesale & Retail Grocer PORT KOI AL, S. L\ o AS ADDED GREATLY to his stock ot GROCERIES. with an addition of a Meat Market, where will be found on hand at all times {. full and select supply of fresh Beef, Mutton & Pork, together with all kinds ol vegetables to* j suit the demands of the public. # SHEPARD D.GILBERT NflTARY PI1RI If! 11 V 1 n a * VI Attention given to Marine Protests. Of fice in the ?ca Island Hotel. ?4 BARNES' Foot Power W MACHINE It Y. THIRTEEN LjLrs-."different machines with which Builders, Cabinet Pi Makers, Wagon Makers ~ / ^?Kfi and Jobbers in Miseellancous work can compete as ; to QUALITY' and PRICK with steam power 1 manufacturing; and amateurs, supplies, ! I saw blades, fancy woods, and designs, j Say where you read this and send for catalogue and prices. W. F. & John Baunfs, Rock lord Illinois. 3TaeMBJ?EMHgBBMMMi I I 1MHIWIIH II" ?rist anil f t(&. .71. S. ELLIOTT. Urn it fori S. C. RJJ'E.VEL, S CO., Charleston S. C. THE BEAUFORT STEAM MILL COMPANY, Having put up a grist mill at tiilip. oKl stand, are i>roj?aml to furnish Crist, Fret! and IWral, any quantity, an I :it reasona'ole rates. 31. S. ELLIOTT, S. M WALLACE, COTTON FACTOR AN'D GRIST MILLER,' 3 Wholffslc Dealer in Grain, Hominy Meal, Feed ktc., etc., ? tot t \rn /1/ ^Pfr/\VT M'iA lftLiA^D IU1 I Bought Ginned and prepared tor market. ADVANCES Made on consignments. Having the best machinery for ginning cotton and f inding corn and nual, lie is prepared to execute all orders on the shortest possible no tice The highest cash price paid for . COTTON & CORN Cotton gifincd on toll. , S. MAYO, BnySt. Eoaufort, S. C I.IQUORS, WINKS, <fco. NET YARNS, run t tvro .^vn^nl?n^nl., X'lOll JJ1.1 UC ^1.11/ VVUI/.1UU. Grlasw, IJaintM an<l Oils, WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE. Special attention given to mixing paints and Glass cut to order of any size. Dec. G W, PRACTICAL' Tin Sheet Iron. Copper Worker DEALER IX Jaynhned and Stanii>ed Tin Wares. Constantlyon hand, Cooking Parlor and Box Stoves. TEliMS CASH. Agent for the Celebrated Charter Oak Cooking Stoves. W. II. CALVERT Day St. brtweon Sth A 9th sts. Beaufort. S.C a BANKING HOUSE, Win. IF. Lock wood . BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. GOLD AND'EXCHANGE ON New, York Charleston & Savannah Bought and Sold, Collections made on any point in the United States. Accounts received subject to check at sight. ap.27.Gm. PORT ROYAL SawtV I'laning 11 Hi BEAUFORT, S C. D. C. WILSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OK AND DEALERS IN YELLOW FINE Tim AND LUEiS AND 0 Cypress S3a.iaa.slos, ALSO Builders & Contractors PLASTER LATHES, All kinds of JOH SAWING promptly done. Flooring & Ceiling Boards always on M Orders for T/.riplier and Timber by the ear^n promptly filled. Terms Cash. D. C. WILSON A CO. AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT. Mixed ready for use in whiteiuid over oncliandred different colors, made of strictly pure WHITE LEA D, Zinc, and Linseed Oir. Chemically combined, wa mto.i tii'ii-p :n Ion" ns other i>aii)t. F. W. SCHEPER, Wholesale and Retail Grocer. ICE! ICE! COHAN! A EMMONS, ARK NOW PREPARE!) TO FUR xl nish IrF. in any quantity Customers may desire, from their h-e House, Sovciitla Street. JOHN CONANT, J. A. EMMONS P. DESSESURE. BOOT Anil snoK MAKER. * All work fiitriisivil l<> His t:irj will receive j Prompt attention. shopNVxt the icr: Horsi;, F'WT, S. ~ I'. W . S(J Dealer Ix v j ' FINE GROCERIES V^sjf * ;V -^r-* U?'- it HOll! Of all Grades, i / J.f Butler, % , ' r'l' \ VrP \ C .I eese jak From tin- Inst l?at?ia CANNED FRUITS, VEGt And a Full Yarlely'of oIImt (bin,sis G*oods Promptly De!i\ SEA ISLA? HAS B EEN H THE PATRONAGE OF THE TItA) M. If K I N 0 31 A N, Beaufort Ms c Having opened a shop in Beaufort, I am j Build kRepair all 1 Both.of WOOI Particular attention given to designing and pipe and fittings constantly on hand at Noi Personal attention given to setting liiJ c / Steam Boiler Furna Shop nest to Post Office. J. AT APPLE'S!! AT AP J A T T E ]> $5 I.. . c i iiwn is inui nil H ; I Closing out Stile of SUMME1 SlFALL AND WI] * I : 1 f?i ! Extra Induce] ^ 1 . FRUIT OF THE ROOM, 44 B SPLENDID. 4-4 Ii _ I FIXE CAMBRICS 4 4 1 EXTRA CAMBRICS, 4-4 5Q I j And ^discount of 2-? per cent *on t Si i been heretofore sold at regular pale aj i COME ONE, ^51 . I To the Cheapest ^ i : * j Ml iis^iddv iv iis<aia< MANSION II i\ IT Q 1? 11 WUI5 I'i . PORT ROYAL, S. C. Is beautifully situated, facing PORT ROYAL HARBOR, Kudosed with ample yard under live oak tree the rooms are neatly finished and nicely furnished and the table is well supplied and kept. Guests from the .North will find this a inos healthful aud pleasant winter resort. United dates vessels are located in sight, and fishing,, hunting, and boating can be enjoyed. C ntracls for board will be made for the season at reasonable rates. BENJAMIN BURR, Pkopkiktok. M. POIiLITZER, COTTOX and Commission Merchant be X V f out s . r, W. P. GRAHAM, ROINTV ANi) PENSION AGENT, BEAUFORT, S. C. tVill attend to any business entrusted to liim. Information free. mar.!5-tf. BRATTLE The Most Extensive Ma IN THE ILLUSTRATED CATj In VOwtR combined with rrt?ITV O. thc^o Onjaiio ii e i? e u tcas corrrrs ?wrs ii, r?"ei3.n r\&*:: J-d^- ~ KiiiriTs. TABLES, MEATS, &c. usually kv\ l in a first-class Stoic, rered free of charge. fD HOTEL, l K - OPENED. CELLING PUBLIC IS S0LIC1TFD: - Manages. tchiiie Shop* >repartxl with the latest improved tools to' kinds of Machinery* ) AND IRON; pattern making for netf work. Stcaiit rthern prices: oiistructing ces for Saving Fuel. A. WHITMAN. Mcqhanical Engineer. - PLE!S!! AT APPLE'S!! f Ti ON! E lor BARGAINS!!! * | , { GOO*DS, to make room for * j ^ NTER GOOD S?! h i i tg nents Offered. i Co , i s> lcach, @ 12c. leach, 10c. " 10c. :i m 4 " 12c | k >11 SUMMER GOODS, that have | : e cs during the season. ! come all, 1 "5 ! c"1 Store in Town/ i ^ ! &> ?Si M. APPLE. I ^ IV LV liS.aTddV LV BEEF AND MUTtON. THE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST. T AM NOW IN RECEIPT OF THE VF.ltT X best. TENNESSEE BEEF and beg to inform my friends and customers thai I will sell as cheap as anyone ahd WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. JAMES JENKINS, Meh. 1 tf. VESSELS -IN? ! Bull and Coosaw Elver3 ?OR AT? PORT ROYAL; Will be supplied with FRESH WATER; From-ihe celebrated Club House Springs, By Steam or sailing vessels. /^ Orders seut to our office in Beaufort will receive immediate attention. DICK A SMALL, Proprietors. COMPANY, iORO, VT. "* %k& ' ^ " tnufactoiy of Reed Organ-?' WORLD! flLCC-tTJS SENT PEEE; F TONF. !m DURABILITY amll LVL ^ are Unrivaled.