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LOCAL ITEMS Beaufort, S. August 9, 1877. ? + ? ~ j Solicitor?. J. Lee, has resigned his i office and is out of jail. Oftpt. Buckley's new pilot boat, the Bertha, was launched in Charleston yesterday. j The Naval Court-martial lor the trial i of Lieut. Fletcher, charged with leaving his ship, is now in sessiou in Washington. : The three-masted schooner Flora Coudon, captain French, arrived on Sunday with 200 tons ice, 33 tons hay, 20,000 ! bricks and 109 casks lime to Conant & ! Emmons. It is a good thing our town election I occurs but once a year. Several of our j citizens were so excited over the event that they need a long time to cool off. The water boat Ilattic has undergone extensive repairs and was ready Saturday night to supply any of Uncle Sam'sships that might happen t*be dry, with Club House Spring water. Watermelons were plenty and cheap in town last Saturday, fifty poua 1 ones celling for ten cents each and one large one weighing sixty pounds was bought by one of the boys in this office for twenty five cents. They cauie from Hilton Head. 4^4 County Treasurer Gooding forwarded five thousand dollars to Columbia last Saturday on account of State taxes?male ing $6,500 for warded; in addition to $1,000 of Hampton tax receipts redeemed. The books will remain open until the 22nd for tin receipt of tixe> without penalty. The grand excursion to Charleston and back under the charge of Mr. 3IcKnight and others leaves Beaufort on Monday next and returns Wednesday. <_)n ly two dollars for the round trip. ? ? - The Beaufort Temperance Union will give mi exhibition at the M. K. Church ^ 0 on briday evening the 17th inst. The programme and other particulars will be published in Tiik TiUBUNF/ncxt week. " Tlie low rates ot excursion tioxets to the mountains induced many of our citizens to take advantage of the opjortuuitv to visit Greenville, for v? hicb place they started on Sunday last. > i The newly elected council will be sworn into office at a special meeting next Monday evening. There is little said about the offices of Town Clerk and Marshal : which are to be filled by an election, but there is no doubt a strong undercurrent is at work bv the candidates who are numerous. Kach of these offices is now worth : a year. | It I a> been said that apples, pears, grapes and other fruits would not thrive on the Sea Islands and many have believed the story. If any still entertain such ; notions wo can convince themofthtir <.irror if they will eitll at this office and." inspect sonic fruit raised on Jj?diclslatid. as fine as will grow anywhere. The Chatham base brill club of Sa*an- I nnh, came up on an excursion last Mon- ' "'1 Iilufuil wirlt flirt Drinntli'ss <-!llb i Mil ? rtuu j'i njvvi ? ?vt4 ? mv ?- ? v%... ? of Beiuforf. The Chatham* were the victors in a scor of 1G to 5. and .showed that they weie much the better posted 1 on all the tricks that country clubs 1 never dream of. ' ??> i The grand jury in their presentment at ] the Februiry term of court recommended that an e.\i>crt be appointed by the Judge to examine into county affairs, aui especially into the work of the County Commissioners. Judge Wiggin appoint ] ed II. (1. Judd Esq. last week as ail ex- t pert an 1 he will at oaee seek to unravel the mysteries of our county indebtedness. ] A petition will soon be presented to <?o\\ Ham j ton to appoint a commit lee to j investigate the debt <4 this county in accordance with the act passed at the last legislature. If a committee can sift to the bottom the iniquities of the debt of - Beaufort county they will find that there arc stranger things in this world than ^ their philosophies ever dreamed of. The sheriff sold on Tuesday the lot in ^ Beaufort known as lot C, in block 9 to C. M. Houzeal for $750. Also a 10 acre 1 tract near Port Boyal for $16 to W J. Gooding. Also 1372 acres in Pocotaligo ( townsh p to N. Chrirtensen for $950. Also the lands advertised in the case of ' W. F. Hutsou, trustee, va W. Elliott fur $2,ooo, * i; Bev. J. B. Middlcton. nastor of the i M. E. Church in this place, has written ' letters to Charleston showing up the rec 1 ord in no very creditable light, ot George j Curtis who seems to to be one of the leading spirits of the Liberia scheuic. If! any recruits are expected from this sec- 1 tion its advocates will have to be men of a different stamp from Curtis, and even then the colored people are too prosperous and contented on the islands to go the wilds of Africa. The odcs we would willingly spare are the very ones that would he the last to go v here the pick, ings and stealings would le rare and where work would bo ucccrsary to gain a liviu,'. 3 We doubt if there is a town in the, state where such extensive repairs and so j much building is going on as in Beaufort. It would be too long a list to enumerate ! those who have completed repairs dur- j ing the Summer, bnt the improvements on the propcrfys of Dr. Stuaft, Sheriff | Wilson, Mr. S. M. Wallace and Mr. W. j 11. Lock wood and others deserve special mention. Mr. Scfiepcr has almost rebuilt the house near the couit house and } what was formerly ail eyesore is now an ornamental residence divide 1 into apartmeats for two families. As to tf e list of \ houses, neat ami tasty, with paint and blinds, and in other respects ornamental that are built by the colorcd^pcopic all over town it is impossible to 'seep track. 1 he evidences 01 prosperity shown by them and the investment of their savings in houses arid lots shows that the Freed- ; men's bank, that swallowed up the sav- ; ings of many of these same people, J learned them to put their money in a safe place. Wo hear of several projected . btiildi. gs for business purposes on Hay St., and for our own part regret the delay J in their erection. Mr. Scheper has already laid the foundation for his new store building at the head of No. 2 wharf! and the building will be up as soon as' possible. For the first time in their lives many j of the loud-mouthed political strikers' hereabouts will have the pleasure of pay- j ing tlicii poll taxes this year or go to jail- j It is well known that a large number i of the turbulent politicians in Beaufort pay no tax, their names not even appearing in the tax books, but the treasurer is now in possession of the poll list of last year and is determined that every man who voted shall pay at least one dollar to support the schools. As it was asserted that if Hampton was elected the schools would be closed, the people in this county who voted sit the last election will be required now to contribute their share to the school fund which will be sufficient, together with our share of the S 100.000 appropriated by the Legislature, to give as many schools as ever, and it is hoped under more couipe ent teachers. One of the perquisites of trustees has been the building of fictit'ous, or selling imaginary school houses, and an investigation might result in hous es being built that have, been paid for long ago or the refunding to the treasury of money drawn for this purpose for which it was never intended to render an equivalent. County Commissioners. On Tluirsday a crowd of claimants assembled at the rooms of the County Commissioners with their bills in hopes to get a share of the $2,90j reported by treasurer Gooding. After some delay it was anuounced that the money was mostly appropriated already, the following amounts having been allowed: Wm. Wil* >on, $1,000; Auditor Sams, for avesmonts, $400, W. II. Loekwood, money advanced to pay expenses of prisoners to Columbia, $4.r>0; Commissioners Scott and Greavcs-and the clerk of the board 8571; S. J. Bampfield, $100. There were a few jury tickets presented on which was paid one fourth of their face value. These payments left on hand but $.103 for the public at larce an 1 after i? lively scramble the few claimants present ? /*> ?. sivnriWl .'13 wiits on the dollar on Lheir accounts an 1 it was not until midnight that the hungry ones secured their ;hecks. In the meantime the hovs becoming hungry h ni been feasting on Jxrdines, fried slice i shead an 1 crackers 'O that they were in a measure relieved ol j : their hunger. One kind hearted youth thinking to relieve the tedium ol'the long procrastination of the board brought a Bddle and struck uj>a tunc right in the liice of the chairman, but was a! once dleuced. Some of the crowd ret rod to he 'escrted rooiu on the no:th cast cor- 1 icr and for a time t! e lu? s 1 a r r.n 1 catgut made i he hours pass lightly away. 8ueh a meeting is one long to be reuic i tiered by those who fought it out to the ast. The Election. \ The election on Monday 'ast for an ' [etendant and Wailcnslbr our town esulted as follows: ( Whole number of votes east, 400. [?o;t 1NTKNDANT?Alfred.Wii iams 315, W. C. Bellows 87, John Hall 2. < For Wauukxs -tl. F. Bicker,277,Geo. Holmes. 308, J. 1*. Boyce 300, S J. i Baiupfield 275, Cato Perry 273, B. Washington 274. This is known as the Arsenal or regular ticket. The Reform or Independent ticket re- ' tcivcd the following votes for wardens: P. W. Schcper 170, Geo. Watcrhousc 119, Z. Met!ill 110. J. B. Middlet n 111. r Wm. Mitchell 107. Mr. Holmes was on both tickets which accounts for his almost unanimous election. An effort was made by sonic of our citizens to defeat Mr. Williams and the '"Arsenal" ticket and much labor and money spent to accomplish it, but the* ivbo'e affair was so managed that tlioir c efforts proved fruit!es<. Another year a 1 more systematic and thorough organiza- ' tion may accomplish what was seemingly i possible this year under different auspices. The refusal of Mr. Elliott to accept the nomination for Iotcndant was a severe Mow to the cause and when the . position was offered to others and s*til declined, many who were prepared to work for the new ticket became disgusted and refused to either vote for or support it. The new council is an improvement on the last and we arc assured that taxes are to be reduced and less money paid to our ineffective police force and town ctn ployccs. There is no more money to pay on the engine and as the payment of i old debts has always been the excuse for exorbitant taxation we hope to see Beaufort run next year on a tax of five mills: This will give us $3,000 which added to $3,000 from liquor lieenecs j should be sufficient for the need of a (own of .TOW inhabitants with it streets i and drains in good order and an absence of any spec al expenditures. Whenever j oar people feel like engaging inr public j improvements again, the project of a Town Hall should be pushed through and give us a decent place for public ; meetings. Figures show that such a building would derive enough from rents } annually to pay the intere>t ou the debt: | and leave a balance towards a sinking ? fund to pay the principal. We hope | this subject will receive the consideration of the new council and if considered leasable will he pushed ibrward. Homicide at Hrunson's. On Saturday afternoon last an altercation occurred between 13. J. Martin and T. T. (Jill, regarding a dilapidated ten-cent bill and a twenty-fivc cent duebill of Martin's that Gill had negotiated. It is said that Martin had been drinking, and, upon the due-bill being presented for payment by the purchaser, he quick1/went to Gill's house and asked him j ' 4 Why did you trade my paper?' ' Gill ! giving no satisfactory answer. Martin cursed and told him lie intended to cowhide him. Martin then went to his house, which is adjoining Gill's, and got a double-barrel shotgun, and swore he would shoot Gill, and, going in the yard, he presented the gun at Gill, who was standing at the window. Gill immediately closed the door and got his pistol. Martiu laying the gnu against the fence, went to the door and told Gill he was ready to meet him in a fair fight. ( Jill then half opening the door, fired on Martin as he stepped on the bottom step, the ball striking him in the left breast. Martin fell, .and upon rising Gill fired a second time, the ball taking effect in the back. The first shot would have proved fatal. Gill then ran in, and seizing his coat, left at once, and running across the railroad, called to a colored man named Nero to tell them all about. The jury of inquest reudered a verdict on Monday, Deputy Coroner B. R. Lewis officiating. The verdict was that B. J. Martin cause to his death by a pistol shot fired by the hands of T. T. Gill in self-defence. Mr. Jas. P. Younians was foreman. Public opinion is undivided in favor of the verdict of justifiable homicide. Mr. Gil appeared at the inquest and offered to give bail. No warrant has yet been iss-icd for his arrest.?News and Courier. Arrivals at the Sea Island Hotel. Alter, J. W. Craig, Oakpoint; S. C., C. F. Sam mis, \V. Proleau St: Helena; J. F. Cavanaugh, Savannah; II. M. Fuller S. C., J as. L. W Lately, Ga; J. M. Skimmer. S. C.. W. S. Lynch. Augusta, II. D. Elliott, Conibahee; J. J. Dale, Ladies Island; W. GUnion Sinmons, Mid U ay S. C., Mrs. C. G. Kendall and daueliter, S. C., W. II. Mauldin, S. C., \V. II. Manner, Savannah; N. F. Petit jr., Cha.le.ston; J. P. M. En nine. Laurel Point: G. II. Nye. N. Y. saw blades, fancy woods, anu designs. Say where you read this and send for catalogue and prices. W. F. John Barnes, ltockford Illinois. FlsrillLT SODA WATER, GINGER ] <rl', GINGER ALE, AND SAILS Al'ARILLA, Orders from the country carefully attended to 1 ami goods delivered at flic dej>ot or wharf free of . charge. Office on New Street opposite the jail, Apr.-2-tl K \V. If. Lock wood, city; W. M. Reed, Augusta; W. II. Scott. Port Royal; Mark A: pie, San.mnah; II. "J. Martin, city; A. 15. Addison, Brunsou; Geo. M. Wells, Charleston; J. S. MeToer, Early Branch; Owen Puke, Port R\>y?'. Jo litis Dreyfus, Atlanta; J. T. C'ldW, Cairo. I I.. J. P. Wells. N\ Y, Notice. Mr. B. It. Sa:n< is hereby authorized to ri?eivr ill pajiers jHTtainioj; to the oHiee of Pn.b.ite. A. It. A1UMSOX, of Probate lift, Co. NOTICEEITHER the C:iii nor the nnd-T-iumsl con signers of ihe llritbh Bark (iOKlMlX, Captain I'rown, will Ih? responsible for <!i bts* onira-red by my of the crew. BOBBINS, BOWNlSTON A CO., Beaufort. S. f\, July "iiith, l?-77. FOR SALE. AN EKillT HORSK TOWER STATIONARY TEAM KNiilXF, <' rbt Mill,Saw (iin with to aw< and l*i ley's Lever power Cotton Pes* villi shafting, pullers and bunds comp'o e in 'uniting order. Thin machinery will lie sold e t :o ?r separate at a ren voi aide price. For particulars apply to ("apt. J. G. Sipplc a Jrahamvillc <?r at this oflic?. LOW RATES. MIA It I.E-TOX, BEA V Ft > RT. COOS AIt A TCI 11K AND WAT LANDINGS. The Str. Howard Drake CAPTAIN TOW.XSEXl) ' I Will run regularly, leaving Charikston every Phursd ty, stopping at Rkaukokt Fridays. Returning will leave Beaufort Mondays. Freight carried at lower rates than I v the other outes. No charge for Wharfage. F. W. SchRpkr, Agent, Itcaufort, It OA (LI A MOFKKTT Agents, Charleston. JUST OPEN I JUST OPEN i f" A Store on Scott Street four doors from Bay which consists of the test grad1* of patent medicines, nl<o aucy toilets ofall kind*. Why not use I?r. Dennis \ U. A B. 1\ Syrup a never failing remedy, it will each any Mcknos that themo>t skillful Physicians lave failed to discover. DR. DENNIS. Proprietor. M.J. Graham. Business manager . BAKXHS' Foot Powrr R MACHINERY. 1 Jw THIRTEEN different machines with which Builders, Cabinet w Makers, Wapon Makers and Jobbers in Miscellanecus work can compete as to quality and price with steam power manufacturing; and amateurs, supplies, - - ^ i i l for Sale or iUut. , " FOR SALE. j 1 SLOO? RIGGED. YACHT. Fait Sailer-hi ' I -'.V ;.<;ou oi<l? i utsil W?:5 fcur.d in twry ic. y.a. Price very lo'r, apply to J. <1. Nuncus \ Co. .St Helena Isluml. IMUiUlT, tUJItniUIVI ?AND? UNDERTAKER. Estimates .nml pl.t lis furnislinl at slmri notice. Opposite Express Ofiiee. IJeatifbrt. S. <\ P. m. WHITMAN Hay lr<?el xteuufort, a*. C. Dealer in NEWCLOCK8. I SCHULTZ'S WATCHMEN'S CLOCK. For the detection of Watchmen. Every one ' employing a watchman should have one of the ? (.Tocks.-Send for ciicular. New Rotary Clocks. ( Something new. Iluns noiselessly. ltc(|iures no i k y. BLACK WA1.NVT VISIBLE PENDCLU.M CLOCKS. Also M.ikisk, CilCRCH, and otlnr CLOCKS. fnim ? >?,, 411 ?ort Jtopt. 1 R. P. RUNDLE, MIIPP'G k COMMISSION MERCH ANT ] l'ORT ROYAL, S. C. Cotton, Naval Stores, Lumber Ac. AO EST FOR THE New York & Port Royal , STEAMSHIP LINE. Mississippi and Dominion, West India and Pacific, and Liverpool and Galveston STEAMSHIPG'O'S. OF LIVERPOOL. ? D H Hiiteliiiisoii Wholesale & Retail Grocer PORT ROYAL, S. C. IT n IIas added greatly to his stock ot GROCERIES, with an addition of a Meat Market, where will be found on band at all times s full and select supply of fresh 1 Beef, Mutton & Pork, together with all kinds ot vegetables to 3uit the demands of the public. SHEPARD D.GILBERT NOTARY PUBLIC, Attention given to Marine Protests. Of iko in the Sea Island Hotel. TO R SAL E.j One of the most desirable situated dwellings in Beaufort: House in complete repair ami eon- i veil inn t If arrange.!, with suitable outbuildings, ami ' a garden <q>ot equal to any in the State. Fruit in i abundanee-Oranges, Figs, Peaches, Pears, Apples, ! i Plums, Cherries and drapes; also ehoiee Flowers, ! I and flowering trees. Will he sold at a bargain, and on easy terms, j Enquire of II. G. Judd, on the premises. July 17th, 1 77. To Rent. A Bakery and Shop Advantageously situated on Bay Street, with many conveniences and necessary utensils &c. None but reliable persons' need apply to ^ John Franz. For Sale. Block 122 in rear of the Court House Reaufort, A SEVEN LOTS IN BLOCK 120. Also the following described Lands : Lot Np- E' Sec. :?l Town 1 N. Range 2 \Y . 10 acres formerly owivd by Islimael Simmons. Lot 17 Sec. IS Town 1 S. Range 1 W. 10 acres, midway between Bean fort and Port Royal. Erne. } ? of T/Ot 21 Sec. IS Town Range 1 N. 1 Wbeing an excellent water frontage on f'oosaw river. For terms or other information inquire of C. II. WRIGIIT, A<JT. Apl.-2G-3m. FOR SALE. Very Desirable Property, OV BAY ST. BEAUFORT, S. C. The block occupied by Odell and comprising three fine stores with capacious ' ' . r_ *i._ 1 *1.^ yards ana storage in u?e rear <uiu mo ???- , est water frontage on the river. For terms apply to P. C. WIIjSOX. ortoC. H WRIGHT, Agt. Beaufort, S. C., March 20, 1877. TO n. SIVTT, Two desirable stores in iho basement of the STEVENS HOUSE, Priee ?10 and $13 respectively. Apply to W. J.YERDIER, Agent. For Sale. 0XESIX-H()11.SK PORTABLE HOARD A SON Steam Engine with shafting, for rash, or will , barter for one or two FIRST-CLASS MULES. with cash adjustment either way in accordance with appraised values. O.G. KENDALL, Port Iloyal. JOHN BRODIE, DaaSRl Alt lilt All i. _ n I i i | 6list and feed. .11. S. ELLIOTT, ftrru fort Si C. R.t V'EJ\*I:L, it CO., CharlftJon S. C. THE BEAUFORT STEAM MILL COMPANY, H aviso im t rr a c-kist mii.l at tiieiu old .stand, aro prepared to furnish /" - _ 1 1 IV i.risi, * ee:i ami jirai, any |uaiitity, an<! at r -a.i<?nal>le rates. M. S. ELLIOTT, S. I. WALLACE, COTTON FACTOR AND GRIST MILLER, Wholesale Dealer in Grain, Hominy Meal, Feed irre., etc., SEA ISLAND COTTON Bought Ginned and prepared for market. ADVANCES Made on consignments. Having the best machinery for ginning cotton and g inding corn and nual, he is prepared to execute all orders on the shortest possible no tieeThc highest cash price paid for COTTON &CORN Cotton ginned on toll. S. MAYO, Bay St. Beaufort, S. O liorons, wines. &c. NET YARNS, FISII LINES AND CORDAGE. GtIhrh, Paints and Oils, WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE. Special attention given to mixing paint.' and Glass cut to order of any size. Dec. 6 W, H. CALVERT. PRACTICAL Tin Shsat Iron. Copper Worker I) K A I.Kit IN Jayanned and SfanijMtl Tin Wans. ConMantlyoe hand, Cooking Parlor and Box Stoves. T Kit MS CASII. Agout for the Celebrated Charter Oak Cooking Stoves. W. II. CALVKKT Hay St. hrtween 8tli Jk IMh sts. Beaufort. S. ( BANKING HOUSE, Win. If. Lock wood. j BAY" ST., BKAl'FOI.T, S. C. cm n ai\m fythancf U V b u n t a v New, York Charleston & Savannah Bought and Sold, Collections nnule on any point in tin United States. Accounts received subject to check at sight. n p. 27.0m. POUT ROYAL ?a>v& Planing Hill BKAVFUUT, S C. D. C. WILSON & CO., MANUFACTCREI58 OK AN? DKALKRS IN i'ELLO'V FINE IIHSER AND LD3Cd AM) Cypross Sliinslos, AI JO Builders & Contractors PLASTER LATHES, All kind.-or JOB SAW INT. promptly clone. riooriiig & Ceiling Brat always oil baud Orders for Lumber ami Timber by the cargo promptly filled. Terms Cash. I). C. WILSON A CO. AVERILL CHEMICAL 4>AINT. Mixc-<1 ready for use in wlntcand over one hundred different colors, made of strictly pure VtllllE LEAD, Zinc. and I.insced Oif. Chemically combined, wa anted to last twice long nsother paint. F. W. SCHEPER, Wholesale and Retail Grocer. ICE! ICE ^ CONANT I mm, A RE NOW lTiEPAIIKI) TO FPU A. Nisrr Igk in any quantity C'u*tomct> may dcsfrc,* from their foe House, Seventh. Street. JOHN CONANT, J. A. EMMONS P. DESSESURE. BOOT Ami SHOE MAKER. I All work entrusted to His car J will receive Prompt attcntien. SLoji Next the ICF-; HOI'SK, HKAUEORI, is. C > ~ F. vv . si; 1 ",:A",: * '. ji , te 'H FiNE GECCERE& ; '4 ".' V ! - v. 2* V ? > If LOUR &.[+' \ Sjcv. V- ' ** : | () f all G r a 1! 0 *. ^'-O^ "- - ^ /. ? I Ruff #*r S Cheese Jfi\yft y Kroin the l>cst iHiirirs. ".,5i?T^e_ CANNED FRUITS; YEGET And a Full Variety of oilier filings it: Goods Promptly Deiivei SEA 1SLAN HAS 15 K K X IIV Till'] PATROXAGK OF THli TRAY K M. M K I N (> M A N , Beaufort Mac o? Having opened a shop in Beaufort, I am prcj Build & Rrpair all ki Both of WOOD. Particular attention given to designing and pi pipe and fittings constantly on hand at Nortlu Personal attention given to setting ;.nd eons Steam Boiler Furnace Shop next to Post Office. J. A. AT APPLE'S!! AT APP: J, AT TEN | (now is THE tTSe a* : . ' ^ j Closing out Sale ot SUMMER G > |FA L L AND WIN] hj Exlra Induceme ^ : o ! FRUIT OF THE LOOM, 4-4 Blcac SPLENDID. 4-4 Blcac ^ ' FINK CAMBRICS 4 4 Blcac i EXTRA CAMBRICS, 4cr> i *s Z ! And a discount of 25 per cent on all S ^ i | leen hcretolore s-old at regular palces d ^ I COME ONE, C ^ ? i To the Cheapest S! V-1 : ^ { M rs iis.aiddv iv iis.inddv MANSION " ii its E . PORT ROYAL.S.C.!1 Is heautifuljy situated, fae:n,; PORT ROYAL IIAIiHOR, 3,5,1 Knelosed with ample yard under live oak tree ! 1 W1 the rooms are neatly finished and nicely furnished BE and the table is well supplied and k"j?t. Cuests from the North pill tind this a ntos M health'ul and pleasant winter resort. United tat's vessels are located in sight, and fishing,, ' " hunting, and lioating can Ik* enjoy.d. C ntracts for hoard will bi made for the season at reasonable rates. BENJAMIN IT till, PltdfctCTOB. | g M. POLL ITZ E R, COTTON FACTO 11 J AND Commission Merchant J Rrl 4 IT F <> u T * . ? W. P. GRAHAM, ; ( BOUNTY AX J) PENSION AGENT, BEACFORT,S. ft. ? Will attend to any business eutrusted to I.inn TnAirniatimi free IlMr.lo-tf. The Most Extensive Manu IN THE V ILLUSTRATED CATALC in POWEBcombinca witti PCKITY Of TV ? tbe.-te arc i tir kK f \ ' 11? 111 r. y\ \ )' V li-4-1,3 aj'^'r COFFEES \ ^ T v ,v ' ?W-C/*.V i(%c i_ > r i: r i a j. t t toc&tl -vu? -*g I c eign rptetetis ' ~ r.'ij Ttf a Dies, Meats, Zc. ii?li3 *k([ t <h a ! rct-clats fclcrfi red frco of charge. f) HOTEL, ' ' " " "I ^; CO ;-()!> E X E I) . LLIXG ITBMt' IS SOLIOllFfcl. M*NArifr; liiue Shop, >are?l with the latest iiwpvbtcil tools ttj ! i . ? ?? TUT - ^1. S ? i.. I litis oi ifiiii'Hiiicry, AND IRON, attcrn making for now work Stcairf mi prices, truoting s for Saving Fuei.WHTTMAX. MerlinVal Kncinwr. . LE'S!! AT APPLE'S!! TION! k for BARGAINS!!! ^ ^ IOODS, to make room for \ ^ TEH GOOD S!!l? ? i ^ snts Offered. } c? h, @ 12c. ill, " 10c. % : li, " JOc. i . t " 12c : i Hj UMMER GOODS, that have' i * i * inuring the season. i JOME ALL, - j 2 ; N ;ore in Town. 1 I Co . M. APPLE. !** j,v iis.aiddv iV BEEF AND MUltON. IE CHEAPEST AND TOE BEStf * AM NOW IN RECEIPT OF THE VERY best. TENNESSEE BEEF , ^ beg to inform my friends and customer* thai ill soil as cheap as ar.y one and WILLNO^ UNDERSOLD. JAMES JENKINS, eh. 1 tf. VESSELS -I Ni .ill r?,1 rl /\nntot Uifr/CMtl liij. cxijlli i;uuoaw ujtuio -OR AT? dO RT ROYAL, WiH be s?j?f?lir<I wftft RESH W At ER, From the celebrated * Hub House Springs? Steam fir sailing vessels. 7/ Outers sent to our office in Boaujprt will rere imiiudiaie attention. DIC K A SMALL, Prcpr'etors. COMPANY, ORO, VT. factory of Keed OrgaHj? (TOKLD i GU3S SENT FEEL >>r, in DriLlIflJUfTY aadrzrcT3H/ lrarira!?i.m