University of South Carolina Libraries
r | LOCAL ITEMS. ** ? The Cumberland came up from Savan nah last Mouday with a colored excui ^ sion. I i 40 i The British barkcutiue Marion, cap tain Kvans, arrived at St. Helena la> Wednesday 41 days from Kio Jaucrio t< load with phosphate rock. Col. Jas. W. Moore of Gillbonvilh has l)een appointed by Co v. Hampton a: an Aid on his staff with the rank of Lieuteuant Colonel. A wrestling match on the green and a foot race on Bay street arc among the attractions promised on the fourth. Frizes valued at fifteen dollar are to be awarded to the contestants. At the recent term of court at Walter, "boro, soine fifteen of the colored men who were the leaders in the Combahce section strikes were tried and convicted of riot. State taxes must be paid in two instalments: the first from 1st of July to the 1st August, and the second instalment from 1st October to 31st October, 1877. On delinquents, the rate of interest to be charged is one percent per month. The Blaokville Xacs has suspended publication from the want of pationage. The office is the same that was used by Whipperin Beaufort when he published the and although the establishment has changed hands and politics it cannot be ma le to succeed. The projectors of the excursion on ihc Pilot Boy to Savannah next Monday have Teceived such encouragement as to ensure its entire success, and the trip will no doubt be veiy j leasaut.Jciving our citizens an opportunity to enjoy a sail and a little relaxation from the cares of busiuessA convention of the officers of the mounted rifle ciub.s in this county was held at Varnesvillc last Saturday to nominate regimental officers for the regiment that is to be formed. Col. J. W. Moore was elected chairman and (Ico. II. Hoover secretary. Col. Moore explained the object of the meeting and the purjx>se of the organization after which the assembly proceeded to the nomination with the follow, result: Col., Win. Stokes; Lieut. Col., J. T. Morrison; and Major, W. A. Itiley. Peter Holmes, the murderer of Mr. Mat. thews, at Coosaw in I8G7, and who was in dieted recently in the court here for being concerned in the robl>eries around Sheldon was a nested near Charleston < n Friday night for crimes committed bv his gang of thieves whose headquarters ha\e lie n at the Teii Mile Hill on the Smith Carolina Railroad. (Jo?\ Hampton issued n proclamation recently offering a ic vard <->r the capture of Holmes and others which no doubt had its effects in stirring tip the officers tosectire these norcd criminal*. Reports from all parts' of the county represent the prospects lor a good crop as unusually good, the late rains having come just in time to give cotton and corn such a start as to secure a good growth. The planters arc also delighted with the entire absence of the petty thieving that .lias annoyed tlieui so much of Lite year> a nd t he colored people are represented as being industrious, well fed and happy. There was almost a burglary in Port Reyal last Saturday nigl t. A boy named Isaac hid himself in the store of Air. Hutchinson and after the place was locked Up he began to see what he couM ca r off, and could have secured plenty of plunder but he had to try the alarm moi fey drawers and they told the residents over the store that something was wrong. The police were notified, and MrHutchinson was called and the boy found hidden in the back yard so heavily loaded down with pennies that he could not climb the fence. Trial justic Cooper Committed the young thief to jail to await the October terra of court. A New Railroad. The residents of Lawtonvillc arc in fcreat hopes of soon having steam communication with the outside world by tneans of a narrow gauge railroad to run from their village to some poiut oh the ^ort Royal Railroad-possibly Hoover's. There are two objects in building the proposed road; one is to open to market the vast forests of timber through whii li it would pais, and which the many mil's Hong the jailroad now need to keep them running, and ihe other is to enable (he planters and luerchauts of Lawtonville and vicinity to market their cotton tfnd get supplies without hauling them ?o wagons from ten to fifteen miles over roads thart in wet leather are almost impassable. The' road wonld be about 12 fiuilcs long, and from the encouragement ind aid offered the projectors have no doubt of its early completion. THE HARVEY MILLS MONET. 1fhc long expected money awarded the Washington Engine Co., for service* rendered the shrp Harvey Mills, arrived Saturday cveniirg and the boys were ii a state of mind to' know just how much each one was to receive for his service! dfcrrirrg the fire. A committee of five had been appointed by the cowpanj who were authorized to call in all claim: for supplies, services, transportations etc and who were to pass upon the claims o aH, audso far as the awards .for service: in forking the engine at Port Roya their decision was to be final. We lean that there was a wonder fill difference o opinion as to the value of the time of th< members, some expecting a house am lot for a" few days work, others cxpectci fair wages while still others cxp<ctc< little or nothing. The committee hat bard work to satisfactorily arrange thesi c?lerouces but finally deride 1 thai only lair way was to pay all the same per diem and on Tuesday the claimants , received the coveted checks, and as the 1 crisp greenbacks were handed over the ! i counter at the bank a smile was visibleon the countenances of all, and each one appeared to be well pleased. It was t noticeable, however, that some of the j i recipients took occasion to avoid the sec I retary, who was present witli his little j j book, and slipped out without paying J ; their small dues on the company's books. : 5 The entire amount to be paid the mem- j ' bcrs will not exceed $1,100, and, after paying the bills for supplies and board at | Port Royal, the town bond amounting ' i; to $1 COO, with one years' interest will i 1 be taken up and, it is hoped, a coniforta t ble sum will be left for a company fund ' and for furnishing the company's hall in J appropriate style. Some talk was made ; o i the street by a rumor that the bond was not to be cancelled but we are as! sure 1 tint it will be, and the tax payers j will derive the benefit of a reduction of one-quarter of one per cent on their taxes which will be appreciated by all property owners. A man named Fox was brought before j U. S. Commissioner Wright, on Monday last, charged with selling tobacco without. a licence, and bound over to answer at 1 the uext term of the U. S. Court. The moral atmosphere of Beaufort w:.s . purified last Tuesday evening by a sud* j den and unexpected descent by the Ma shal and a posse on three houses I of alleged ill repute. The occupants of* j the houses to the number of eight were ; carried to the guard house and those having no money nor jewelry were locked up while the others were allowed to depart. Yesteiday morning a large crowd assembled to hear the unfortunates tried, j or to gratify their curiosity by gazing! on the array of the fallen. The first case j called was that of Alice Burton charged ' with being the mistress of the house on Federal street. Dr. White appeared for the defence, and claimed that the lutendant had no juri- diction to try the case, and also if the'case was to be tried lie demanded a trial by jury. He refused j t > cross examine the witness and Mrs. Burton was sentenced to pay a fine of $25 or be confined in the guard Jiouse thirty days, and to work on the streets. Lilly Rippen and Lena Whitney, inmates, were fined $10 each which they paid. John If. Page, was arraigned for keeping a bawdy house on King street, and after ; exceptions by Mr. Whipper to the rights ; of the I itendant to try the case, ho was , sentenced t > pay a fine of $25, and each of the four girls found in his lnu*e were j 1 ~n>d $10 or thirty days itnprisonincn*. ! It is hope I now that th i authorities a e ! enforcing the ordinance against these ' I houses that the establishments harboring , 1 colore 1 prostitute* who not only receive ; visitors at their houses but parade the 1 streets in search of victims who arc j robbed and ] lundcivd in those dens, j will not bo forgotten. Hoovers, S. C., June 20th. 1877. Editor Tribune: For thela*t two years ' there has been a!m>*t a^omplete failure ! in the catjts, not only here, but through. j | out the entire State. Xotwi;hstanding the extreme scarcity of money, provi ions, ami, of course, credit, t lie fanners! ' set out'' this year, with double j the one gy and industry with a determiuto make up for ' lost time". The crops; hive been vervbackward, but the recent. and continued showers have brought them out beyond description. The farmers are now in the "tree tops", and still working "as nettr men worked." The fact is that there are larger crops planted this year, in this section, than has been since the war, and if the season holdout, an abundant crop of every thing will be made. There | is a very heavy iruit crop in this section, j for the first in several years. The prospect is good tor a large crop of melons, ! I uuipkius&e. Vegetables are in abundance. Messrs Picnicker and DeWi t j have raised the finest crop of Irish pota- | toes ever seen in this neighborhood, both j ; fo.-size and quality, many weighiug four tcei oun::e<. E. Geo. P. Wood, a former resident of St. Helena, has for sonic years been looked i upon by his n ighbors as the legal hus* band of a colored woman who has a mar riage certificate showing that they were 11? A olinof fix,/, <11*11 V Iiml j ri'suy iiiaiiit'u. n ^uui v nutv< n^v ?? wv* was employed in the Tybcc light house and the colored wife hearing of hie where" abouts went to look him up, when he left fv/t Boston where he formerly resided. : Tne Savannah Netis published an article giving him a very severe ca^tigation and \ he now sends a letter to the Xeus in which lie says: ^'Having seen the article in a late number of your paper entitled ''A Carpet-Bagger Deserts His Dusky Spouse," I beg that you will publish my rep'v to the same. I do not wish to say anvthinc about the attacking or>a man in j ???r v# his absence or intimating that I ran away from Savannah to escape an avowed! . trouble in this matter, execpfthat I deny ; j the latter assertion, and say that I shall j |; soon be iu Savannah and Beaufort and j i will prove to all parties interested that t 1 the article above mentioned has no foun< [ dation and is a libellous article published f by Susan Ulmer to injure, and as I ber 'ieve, to extort money from uic. . In regard to the allege] marriage I will, in due time, prove that I never was j P lawfully married to Susan Ulmer, afid ! . that the whole affair is a fraud from 13- : ] ginning to end, and that this is well, j known by Susan Uhncr. All that I ask f is that my friends will not be satisfied in 2 my absence of these, allegations of Susan [ U'uier and, constiue my absence ] as an admission of them and accept I them as true, but wait until I have arI ranged some business matters here, and . I wiil on my return prove the truth of my t : above statement." Major \V. J. bonding, oar new county treasurer lias been hard at work during j this sultry weather getting in readiness to receive taxes. 1 lis notices of the rate of taxation and his appointments for mak ing collections will be found in another column. * <sm * The steamer 0. M. l'ettit went to Sa- J vannah last Monday to receive her final i repairs, when it is thought she will be as good as new, A large amount has been j spent on her, she having been almost rebuilt at the mills of Messrs Robbing, Rod dingtou A* Co, her owners. The city of St. John, N. B., was almost completely destroyed by fire last Tuesday night. The hotels, public buildings, news-paper offices, the best portion of the city aud extensive lumber yards and all j the leading business establishments are gone. Several lives are reported 1 st. St. John was a thriving city of nearly thirty thousand inhabitants. The Town council met last night. The heat was intense but a large crowd gathered in and outside of the buiiding to hear what was to be done with the cases of the frail damsels who were convicted in the Intcudant's court in the morning. After some unimportant business council resolved itself into a court 1 1 \ V/llllt.J I'Uljrv. V.^ V For County past Indebtedness 1 mill Poll tax per capita one dollar. One half the above levy is due and payable from the first day of July to the first day of August, ami the other hall from the first day of October to the first day of November. One pc~ cent interest per month will be charged on the first installment of this tax on a 1 pen on* who fail t? pay. the same before the first day., of August. W. J. t'rOODTSO, Treasurer Bca tfort County. STATE AND COUNTY TAXES. To- th * eo venienee of the tax payers of Beaufort County T will be at the places name!, for the purpose of roeeiv- [ ing Taxes for the fiscal year ending Xc i vomher 1st 1 s77. as fo low*: Jvirlv Branch Monday July 0. Hoover's, Tuesday 44 10. Brunson. Wednesday 44 II. I nwtonville Thursday 44 12. . Brighton. Friday 44 13. (lilh'sonv lie, Saturday 14 14. Orahamvillc. Monday 44 l'?.* I favdeeville. Tuesday 44 17. BlufTton. Wednesday 44 18. Levy's X Bonds. Thursday Julv 10. Savannah, [Sheriffs Office] Saturday July 21st. The total levy for State and County purposes is as follows : For Srate . 7 mills. For County 3 mills. For County past Indebtedness 1 mill. Poll tax, per capita, one dollar, The County Auditor will accompany the Treasurer at the above named appointments and receive returns of property for the year beginning November 1st 1877. Timely notice will be giveu of other appointments. W. J. Gooding, Treasurer Beaufort Count}*. Ak BARNES* Foot Power W MACHINERY. , THIRTEEN different machines with which Builders, Cabinet H ^kcrs, Wagon Makers and Jobbers in Miscellaieous work can compete as to quality and prick with steam power manufacturing; and amateurs, supplies, saw blades, fancy woods, and designs. iNiy where you read this and send for catalogue and prices. W. F. & Joiin Barnes, Bock ford Illinois. PORT ROYAL RAILROAD. CHANGES HAVE KEEN MADE IN THROUGH ticket forms, a LIMITED TICK ITT bavin# Leon introduced to promiuent points, ria the Port Royal Railroad. Below will bf found the prices of tirst-class tickets, limited and non-limited, aud the time for which they remain in effect : Days To Limited, good "for. Unlimited. Now York, all rail, $29.00. 4 $37*40. New York, O D S Co. 24.<io. 5 .17.10. Philadelphia, all rail, 27.00. 4 31.30. j Baltimore. ' " 23.00. 4 St.V,- I Washington, ' " 24.2.3. 4 30.33 ) Riehinoud, 22.30. 3 2480* Petersburg, 22.30. 3 23.35. Portsmouth, 23.3*. 3 2<i.S3. Lynchburg, 21.80. 3 23.40. j New Orleans, .13.25 | Pensacola, 2*>.25. I A. B.ADDISON, Judge of Probate. FOR BEAUFORT COUNTY. Will lie in Beaufort on the first Monday In every mouth ainl remain until all business is attended to In the interim he will l>e in Brunsou, where he will be prepared to attend to the duties of his office and any other business that may be placed in ' his hands. SHEPARD D.GILBERT NOTARY PUBLIC. Attention given to Marine Protests. 011 liee in the .Sea Island Hotel. $'oi' ^alc or Sfilt. To Rent. ' A l>AKKltV AMI Sl!ul? Advantageously situatedon I >ay Street, with many conveniences ami necessary! utensils Ac. None but reliable persons i need apply to John Franz. For Sale. Block 122 in roar of the Court House Beaufort, Also. seven I.OTS in block 120. Also the followingtlescrilwl Lands : Lot No. 19 Sec. at Town 1 N. Range 2 W . 10 and went into the merits of' the case and final!}' by a tie vote left matter just where they were at the start. Found Adrift. ? Picked up ofr Bay Point on llio 21st inst, a BATTEAU BOAT wiih oars and oar-lucks, a pair of pants and a pair of shoos. Tho owner can receive the property hy paying charges. Apply to W. J. Vkrdier. Beaufort S. 0. TAX NOTICE. _ A.,...nn Tortci'Dl'D ) UtMtfc tl'l.'U J rvr.;ici tvr.iv i Beaufort County ) Beaufort, tS C. June 28 1877. Notice is hereby given that this office will be open for the receipt of STATE AND COUNTY TAXES on Monday July 2nd. The following is the tax levy for the fiscal year ending October 31st 1877: For State purposes 7 mills V >? nilrrwwnc M mills acres formerly owned by Islunacl Simmons. Lot 47 See. IS Town IS. Range 1 W. 10 acres, midway lietween I'.eaufort and l\>rt Royal. Krac. J j of Lot 21 See. 13 Jown Range 1 N*. l \Vbeing an excellent water frontage on Coosaw river. For terms or other information in<|iiirc of C. II. WRIGHT, Agt. Apl.-26-om. FOR SALE. Very Desirable Property, OX HAY ST. BEAUFORT, S. C. " The block occupied by Odell and com-1 prising three fine stores with capacious yards and storage in the rear and the finest water frontage on the river. x For terms apply to 1). C. WILSON, or to C. H WRIGHT, Agt. Beaufort, S. C., March 20, 1S77. TO RENT. The dwelling on Bay St., lately occupied by Capt. C. 0. Boutelle. Apply to. W\r F.T.TJOTT TO H ENT, Two desirable stores in the lavement of the STEVENS HOUSE, Trice $10 and $15 respectively. Apply to W. J.VERDIER, Agent. For Sale. 0XESIX-TIOHSE PORTABLE HOARD A SON Steam Engine with shafting, for cash, or will barter f?>r one or two FIRST-CLASS MULES, with cash adjustment either way in accordance >?ith appraised values. C.G. KENDALL, Tort Royal. FOR SALE. THE VALUABLE TJIOTEBTY KNOWN AS the BEAtJFOET STEAM MILL, is otl'crcd for sale. For terms, apply to M. S. ELLIOTT. May 10-tf JOHN B.HODIE, Builder, Contractor' ?AND? UNDERTAKER. Estimates and plans furnished at short notice. Opposite Express Office. Beaufort, ?S. C. P. M. WHITMAN 1 I3ay etreet neauibrt, S. C. Dealer in WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, AND SILVER WARE, ROGER'S KNIVES, FOLKS, SPOONS LADLES. Personal attention given to rep nilng in hU line. 0 ODiyllB&y Striking Clocks, S3,SO to SO, o GENTS' GOLD P11IAXS, PINS, RINGS, SLEEVE BUTTONS. STUDS, WATCII CHAINS, LADIES GOLD and PLATED JEWELRY, GOLD PENS, AC., AC. GKBITS' GOLD & SILVER WATCHES. Call and examine before purchasing, and satisfy yourself you can save ten to* twenty-five per eent STEAMSHIP CO S. OP LIVERPOOL,. D I! lIiEtcIiiiison, WhoIesaIe& Retail Grocer port royal, s. c. i Has added greatly to his stock, ot GROCERIES, with an addition of a i ' I Meat Market, I ; where will be found on hand at all times ! r. full and select supply of fresh Beef, Mutton & Pork, together with all kinds ot vegetables to i ?i\jr tho l??tnon'N *>f pu'>':r\ / C>ii$t and ?tt&. ,Tl. S. ELLIOTT, llr?uTort S. /'. //.I I '/v.A'f'//, A" TO., ffiarl/*ton ?'. T. THEBEAUFORT STEAM MILL COMPANY, Having itt n? a r-nisT miu. at their oM stand, are |?rejiar< d to furnish Grist, Fee;! and Meal, any piautity, an I at r -as >nahlc rates. M. S. KELIOTT, j " S. 1 WALLACE 1 COTTON FACTOR AND GRIST MILLEKJ Wholesale Ih-aler in Grain, Hominy Meal, Feed: KTC., ETC., SEA ISLAND COTTON Bought Ginned and prepared for market. jsl. 3DV j\. 1st C EI JS Made on consignments. Having the best machinery Tor ginning cotton and g.ind??-*/? nAvn on.l tn/ ol la/A tarnno frttl Lt OVO. ItlU. V-VII1 iliut III> lll^ J I V-? AO |'IV|'UIVU K\f V?\V cute all orders on the shortest possible no ticc The highest cash price paid for COTTON & CORN Cotton ginned on toll. S. MAYO, Bay St. Beaufort, S. C LIQUORS, WINES, <fcc. NET YARNS, FISH LINES AND CORDAGE. G-lasH, Paints and Oils, WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE. Special attention given to mixing paints and Glass cut to order of anj* size. Dec. G W. H. CAI.VERT. from Charleston or Savannah prices. gort gopt. R. P. RUNDLE, SIIIPP'G & COMMISSION MERCHANT PORT ROYAL, S. C. Coltou, Naval Stores, Lumber &c. AOENT FOR THE New York & Porl Royal STEAMSHIP LINE. Mississippi and Dominion, West India and Pacific, and Liverpool and Galveston PRACTICAL Tin ShestIron. Ccprer Worker DEALER IN Fa .tanned ami Stamped Tin Ware*. Constantly on haml, Cooking Parlor aud Box Stoves. TERMS CAS1I. Agent for the Cclebrati d Charter Oak Cocking Stoves. W. II. CALVERT, Bay St. between Stli & 9th sts. Beaufort. S. C BANKING HOUSE, Win. H. Lockwoml. j ISAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE New, York Charleston & Savannah Bought and Sold, Collections made on any poiut in the United States. Accounts received subject to check at sight. ap.27.6ui. PORT ROYAL Saw k Planing Mill BE.VUFORT, s C. D. 0. WILSON & CO., MaNCFACTCRKRS of and dealers in VELLuW FINS TIMER - AND tUMiR AND Cypress Slilnglos, | AliO Builders & Contractors j PLASTER LATHES, All kinds of JOB SAIN ING promptly done. flooring & Ceiling Boards always on hand Orders for Lumber and Timber by the cargo promptly filled. Terms Cash. D. C. WILSON A CO. AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT. Mixed ready for use in white and over one hundred different culors, made of strictly pure WHITE LEAD; Zinc, and Linseed Oil. Chemically combined, waranted to last twice as long as other paint. F. W. SCHEPER, Wholesale and Retail Grocer. TfTTC! rCE! COHAUT & EMMOHS, JjKE NOW PREPARED TO l'UH x\. nisii Ice in any quantity Customer may desire, from their Ice House, SovontH Street. JOHN CONANT, ... J. A. EMMONS P. DESSESURB. BOOT And SHOE MAKER. All work enlru>tiit to His e uro will r< l 1'iouij't at ten tic m. i Shop Noxf tlto I<"E If't'-t-* 1 DL.i f. aeaea??i ?? * ..v.?? jw-t nwn Jb . W C 1'i xri :: Iy j " FINE GROCERIES. if .'fi U'Ovn . '''% Of .ill (1 r.'tdos. Y-/1^ Butler, ! Cheese JkM^ From tlii'Ih>i I);iii i- s. " *' CANNED FRUITS, VF.GE Ami a Fall Variel) of other things Goods Promptly Deliv SEA JSLA? II A S BEE X It TIIE PATRONAGE OF TIIE TRAY JAMES ODELL, Beaufort Ma oHaving opened a shop in Beaufort, I am pi Build k Repair all i Both of WOOE Particular attention given to designing and pipe and fittings constantly on hand at Nor Personal attention given to setting tnd cc Steam Boiler Furnac S?aT Shop next to Post Office. J *4 wff *1 4 i\in n rai n LIlMrfiSI ?IIM NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, Just Re Just Re< Just Rec AT APPLE S, AT APPLES, AT APPLES, DRY GOODS. FANCY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, DOMESTIC GOODS, MATTING, CLOTHING. SHOES, FU1 CLC Cheapest place in Tow: m MANSION ii qjus E . PORT ROYAL; S. C. Is beautifully situated, facing PORT ROYAL HARBOR, t Enclosed with r.mjile yard under live oak treet the rooms are neatly finished and nicely furnished and the table is well supplied and kept. Guests from the North will find this a inos healthful and pleasant winter resort. United tates vessels arc located in sight, and fishing,, hunting, and boating can be enjoyed. C ntracls for board will be made for the season at reasonable r^tes. BENJAMIN BURR, _ PROPRIETOR. M.POLLITZER, COTTOyFACTO 11 I AND ~ Ti /r ? uommissicm lviuruiiaut BK i U F O It T X . C ~~ W. P. GRAHAM, BOUNTY AND PENSION AGENT, BEAUFORT, S. 0. Will attend to any business cutruslid to Lira. Information free. mar.l%tf. I The Most Extensive Ms IN THE ILLUSTRATED CAL la rOWEK combined with Pr?!Tv O OrTJLIJ HE PER; -Jjf 1 j; V y ) V , mKD teas coffees i -?'* J. f )>J V v"i ' 5L M9WF8 4e - FRUITS.' TABLES, MEATS, &c. usually krpt in a first-class Storci ered free of charge. i'D HOTEL, E-OPEi\ED. ELLIXG PUBLIC IS S0LIC1TFD. Proprietor. . chine Shop, . .... ' "t * re pave J with the latest improved tools to timls of Machinery; ? AND IRON, pattern making For new work. Steam' l hern prices, instructing ;es for Saving Fuel. A. WHITMAN", Mechanical Engineer. HE IK TOWK NKW GOODS KKW GOODS, NEW GOODS,' - ceived, ceived, ;eivcd, AT APPLES, AT AfrjjIS?, at apples," rnishixg goods. hats and caps, i )ths and cassimeres, - - ' oil cloth; q. PS. M. APPLE. BEEF AND MUTTON. the cheapest and the BEST.' T nr vmv TV PPTPTPT OF TTTF! VERY J. best, -j _ .? TENNESSEE BEEF . .. * \**I ? and beg to in form my friends and customer* that,. I will sell as cheap as auy one and WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. { ^ r j. JAMES JENKINS, Mch. 1 ii. VESSELS -I N? Bull and Coosaw Rivers' ?OR AT? PORT ROYAL. Wifl be supplied with FRESH WATER,< . From the celebrated Club House Springs, By Steam or sailing vessel?. ?? f! HV) Orders sent to oitr office iu Deaufoct will receive immediate attention. DICK A SMALL, Trcpretors. . COMPANY, uiufactory of Reed Organs' WORLD I . * &L0GUSS SENT FBEE. r TON?!, !n T>rilADJLITY nod FINISH, , .iro rrr'TaVd.