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"_L(HJA ?7 JTEM^. ~ The U. S. S Essex arrived yesterday morning to escort one of the monitors to Norfolk. Pr. Johnson relieved Pr. Thompson as health officer Monday morning. The latter will spend the summer iu the North. 4 ^ I The British brig Maggie, captain Bush arrived at St. Helena on the 6th iust. from Dakar, Africa, to load with phos* nKate rock. The members of the Cleburne ITose company, of Savannah came to Beaufort last Monday on an excursion trip, on the steamer Cumberland. It wiil be seen that the grand jury lias recommended the county commissioners to issue no more quart licences and have reduced the priceof retail licences to $150. J. G. Thompson, Esq editor of the Union' JJeraJd, has been on a visit to Beaufort. We sec it stated that he is to be deputy collector of iuterual revenue under Mr. Braytou. The Atlantic Saw Mills look lonely without a fleet of ships at their wharf, as has been the case tor some weeks past. A short time ago five large vessels were awaiting a cargo but the mills have ruu early aud late and in a remarkably shoit time given each a load and sent them to Europe. Two more vessels are now due and expected daily. Our citizcnsarc promised a delightful trip on the Allisou soon ta the city of Savannah. It is intended to leave BeauA 1 ? * ' ? it' lull' 9ml sif 7 A ion OQ U1C UJUIU1I1? V? 'J U'; -..v., ... . ? M., and after spending four or five hours in the city return the same evening. We hope the originators of this enterprise will receive the support, they deserve and the trip he made a success. For further information enquire of Dr. Claneey or John X. Waliace. ? ?i The government is becoming extremely economical. Last- week two United States officers in Deaufort in different branches of the service, were ordered to sell government property iu their hands and in each case they were instructed from Washington to write the auction notices oud stick them up as nothing would be allowed for printing. A San Francisco firm has contracted to pay forty cents apiece for the unlicensed dogs slaughtered in that city. The skins arc to be tanned for glove making, the hair will be Used in plaster, the bones ground for clarifying sugar, and the fat manufactured into oil. It would be a benefit to Deaufort if we could dispose of a few hundied of the worth'ess curs in t our stiects for tjieir skins and bones, but when it comes to the fat there are but few that would furnish any. JP | The office of Commissioner of K'ec ion in thisjeounty has heretofore been worth seek ingan Ican lidites i.a cbaennumerous but the legislature has passed an act which says "That, from and after tire pas ape of this act, no per diem, mileage, or other c >mpensation shall be allowed or paid to the commissioners of elections and uiauagers of elections, or the clerks appointed by them. ? Th^ Rail Knack leading out of CharlcstonTip into the mountains have arrange 1 an excursion rate for the round trip. Why cant the Port Royal Railroad and ittributaries establish a similar schedule oi rates for the benefit of tourists desiring to enjoy a mountain tour of a few weeks? Beaufort county is rich in trial-justices Gov. Hampton having appoint* d fifteen just before the adjournment of the Legislature. The following is the list John G. Barnwell, Beaufort; It. II. Gleaves. Beaufort; W. S. Drayton, Blufftou; M. K. Cooper, Port Royal; J. W ltiley> Brunson; Henry Goethe, Goethe's Town" ship; *\V. C. Johnston, Stafford's X Roads; C. K. Bell, Grahamvillc; W. X. Hey ward, Hard -viile; S. M. Mikell; Lawtonville; Pierre Roberts, Robertsville Thos B. Chanlain. St. Helena Island; L. \V. Ilaskell, Savannah River; Henry M. Fuller, Sheldon; W. D. Gregorie, Yemassee. k Messrs Bobbins Boddington & Co. ^ cleared on Monday last the Norweigian bark Albion, Capt. Fredrickson, for Cardiff, Wales, wi h 22,318 feet lumber and 52,223 cubic feet timber. On the same day by the same firm ti e German bark Otto, Capt. Drainer, fir Bniake, Germany, with 50,340 feet lua ber and 31.355 cubic feet timber. The excursion dowt, ihc bay on the Allison which was to have come. off last Tuesday was necessarily postponed on accouutofthc storm, but those who were disappointed will be glad to know that the AlJisou will go next Tuesday, stopping at Port Royal, and a good time may be expected. She will hereafter ^ run on the line between Savannah and Beaufort touching at Port Royal and way landings both ways. The Coosaw Mining Co. have erected in front of their office at Cooeaw landing a wooden tower 63 feet in height, on which is placed a circular iron tank that will hold h),lk,0 gallons of water. A steam pump at the base of the tower, will supply the tank with water. This arrangmcut is further security against fireThe tower rests on a brick foundation 24 feet square. A convenient stair-way will lead from the ba>c to the top of the tower from whence a view can be had of Beaufort. St. Helena Sound, and the adjacent - islands. A strong signal 1'ght will be placed on the top of the tower to aid the captains of their stcaui-l?oats, during L n'clit navigation of tin; river; also. a flag IP sft'T from which the Stars and Stripes, will C^at gracefully in the breeze. t I -vv ? i.' a?'. rv. /va ?? -- ! V\o were tendered this morning an aa vcri.seuieui nuiii 'mo L uitcu >v. ia.c. 1 Government asking for proposals for furnishing beef, water, and bread to the 1 navy at this placcjduring the coming year. The price offered to be paid fur its insertion being only one-fourth our i regular rates aud at a figure less than the | cost of setting up the type we were : obliged to decline the use of our columns , to the United States. ! The term of court just closed has been I a decided failure. There were about for! ty persons indicted on various charges and but three convictions, and these for | assault and battery ouly. It is true that Mr. Jackson was convicted of manslaugh-1 tor but lie has been granted a new trial a? d his ease therefore is not decided. The last ease tried, that of the murder, i C's lUborers at Pacific landing who fired 1 on their successors in the mines, shows the disinclination of ignorant jurors to m >et out duejustice to.intendud murderers Uutil we get intelligent juiies we are bet- , j ter off witnout these expensive courts. Rev. James H.Elliott, pastor of St. Peters Church iu Charleston, died in that city on Monday last. Mr. Elliott ' was born in this place in November 1819 and was the son of Mr. Stephen Elli ,tt. lie graduated at the South Carolina Colj lege in 183S, and studied law in the of ' fice of James L. Petig/u. After entering the bar, he practiced tne profession in Beaufort. Here marrying Miss Harriet Fuller, oldest daughter of of Dr. Thomas Fuller, he aband oned law and studied divinity. Upon his ordination into the Protestant Episcopal Church he officiated in 'xrahamvillc until 1851, when he was called to St. Michael's Church, Charleston. September, 1870, he became Rector of St. Paul's Church, in Charleston, where he officiated to the close of his ministry and life. We are requested to state that the meeting held at t?he residence! of Mr. Christenscn last week was only the committee having charge of the circulation of the pledges, and not a regular meeting of the Temperance Union.- At the meeting one gentleman signed the pledge for life and two others for ninety days, an 1 others webcl:evefor?lifrerent periods. One of the committee writes us that H hue the laaies most nearuiy congratulate these gentlemen on the step, they have taken they do not wish the public to understand that their action was due ! to any persuasion on the ladies part but I rather to the good sense of the gentlemen ! them elves, one of whom decided to celebrate his birthday in this way and induced some of his friends to join him." ? Another wicked device h as been in vented by our town authorities, at the instigation of the devil, (court week) to prveut the faithful night watchman from taking his accustomed nap during th long hours of the lonesome night. j The first thing to trouble their dreams | was the unnecessary fuss our merchants j male Over the loss of a few hundred dollars worth of goo Is and jewelry. Th" next imposition was the refusal of the Iutendant to permit policemen to collect fines and to convert the hush money to their own use. lint the last and great cU outrage is a clock-like arrangement which has a string attached to it that the night guardian is obliged to pull every hour and which records the very minute that it was pulled, showing whether the aforesaid guardian is at his post. It i intended to put up one of these infernal8 machines at both ends of Day street >o that it will require the constant vigilance ..a ,.i ui li.u v?iiiviiiuuii n.? niuuiiu 111 ui'ivi to give the necessary jerk. Every tiuie a More is robbed it is well known tlia* the watebmeu were at that very moment at the farthest part of the town watching the movements of a desperate gang of burglars aud now that they are to be obliged to keep on their heats all night we expect to hear that the unprotected parts of the town are nightly ravaged by marauders. The Town Council Last evening was the regular meeting of the town council. A bill from \V. J. I \Y'tipper for lumber for ?->0.30 was pre! sented and referred. Applications from J. E. iioyce and John A. Schroder for liiiuor licences were recieved. The first was granted, but the latter being a new arrival bis petition was refused by the easting vote of the Iuteiidant; on motion, I however, of Warden Boyce the vote was : reeousidercd and left open until next i meeting. A protest \va- received from I our llorologis: that crazy Eiiza lives too uear his residence for the peace of the neighborhood, and her scanty wardrobe yrhtle parading the streets is a disgrace to the town. Council ordered that Eliza should be abated, aud as the State authorities would not let her stay 111 the lunatic asylum, and it was fouud to do 110 good to jail her, the marshal was instructed to remove her to some spot where she and her children will not give offence if they choose to go naked. The resignation of Touy Creen was received and accepted after council had approved o. his su-pension by the lntendaut. Joe ldobiusou, policeman, was called up to explain how the store of Mr. Seiieper could have 1 been oj?en all night it he h:ul done his j duty in trying every door on the street every hour, liohiuson said lie did try , the door every i ^ aud it was not uuloe: ked, but council ordered him leinstatcd after a reprimand from the lntendant. The watchman's clock was exhibited and an hour spent discussing the efficiency of i the police. Warden Washington asked lor the treasurer's quarterly report, but was informed it was not ready. The important question then came up . "Have we an undertaker among us" and Mr. (Heaves convinced the council r that yve have not, and that any carpeli. t.T may make a it ?x with ml li - mcc an 1 : that a man eouj.l not br made t'? J flire" cut a K?osec as nr- Wr.k r . j ' i ' ^ n" * . i j a - i.uii. i acre will u a r it . : -of the dry bones, however, next Wednes-; day as all aspiring undertakers and grave ' . diggers arc requested to be present. ! Bog badges weio next discussed and the . clerk stated that be was waiting the' . pleasure of council before making war on the canines and the subject together with I the hog and pig problem was left for 1 | solutiou at the next meeting. From Hoover's Station. I A Pit* Xlc, l>ase Uall, and n Rail. Hoovers, S. C., June 9tb, 1877. I Editor of The Tribune : I I thought it would be interesting ! to the many readers of your paper, to give a brief sketch of a picnic and match game of base ball ^t hat came off at this place, on Saturday the 2nd inst. Capt. Ceo. II. Hoover has a fine large gin. bouse which was put in complete order and handsomely decorated, by Messrs J. II. Binnickcr and J. S. Hewitt, under the superintendence of Misses Connors and Ellis, while in "the upper story a large table was prepared. About 10 o'clock a. m. the young folks of Bruns'on, Yarnsville and this place assembled, and a band of stringed instruments w*s prepared ready to play for the party. A cotillion ?,,,-w nnil tl,n nrnwd kont was suun luiiuv; njf, i*.iv. ...~ ??_ ?, it lip ad libitum. The elite of the neighborhood were assembled and I venture to say, i'or refine-' ment, intelligence, and female beauty that the company has never been surpassed in this section of Beaufort county. At 2 oclock dinner was announced, when the table was sought and found to be well arranged by the ladies of this place, and groaning un" der the weigh Cof good things, ice cream and lemonade in abundance. The ladies all deserve praise for the management of the affair. I noticed Mrs. M. of this place, who is always affab'e, and has a pleasant way of making all feel welcome and agreable. In the evening, a match game of base ball came off between the Lone Star of Brunson, and the Oriental of Varnsvillc. The game was close, and the Lone Star club, after a hard struggle, proved victorious by only two runs. A beautiful wreath was prepared and presented to the victors by Misses Connors and Ellis. About dusk the merry party dispersed, being well pleased with the enjoyment o* the day. E. ? o? Judge Wiggin declined to allow several candidates for admission to the Bar to be examined at the present term of court on the ground that they had not, as the law directs, studied for two years in the office of some practicing attorney: From ilt<* p.ixo wire which lnr_re batches of law yers (?) have been added to the list in tins county heretofore it was thought that study was unnecessary, and that it was only requisite to put a law book under a man's pillow over night to he able to (.graduate him with honor. Judge Wiggin's course is wise, an 1 lie has the : hanks of all who regard their profession , as worthy of protection from imposition Irom ignoramuses who would bring disre" putc to the heretofore unsullied reputation of the Beaufort Bar. On tiie first of June, after an absence of seventeen long years, the much dreaded locust male their appearance in the ! state of New Jersey, covering the whole j d strict of the Orange Mountains and eat 'ngall before them. "In less than twenty i minutes after th*y leave the shell," write.! an astonished native, 4'they begiu to feed, and whatever they touch dies." To Kent, A Bakeuv and Shop Advantageously situated onrtJay Street* with many conveniences and necessary utensils Ac. None but reliable persons need apply to Joiin Franz. AT CALVERTS May bo found a new and varied assortment of Goods just received from New York consisting in part of, Bird Cases, every size and style. Bird Food, Bird Medicine, Insect Powder, Ch ild i ens' Bat It Tubs, Adult's sponge and hip bath tubs, Patent Fly T raj is. (ireen Wire cloth for safes and windows, I Patent Cream Freezers. Oval and round Wire Dish Covers, Britania Tea and T^M Spoons, Knox's Fluting Machines, Enamelled Preserve Pans, Enamelled Sauce Pans, Cracker and Bread Trays, Waiters, a large assortment, Cage Awnings, Cook Stoves of every d 'script ion, Tin Ware wholesale and retail P.N. SCltLT. Manufacturer and Wholesale dealer in I SODA WATEll, GI NO Ell POP, GINGEll ALE, AND SAKSAPAEILLA, j Orders from the conutry carefully attended to and goods delivered at t lie dej>ot or wharf free of j charge. Office on New Street opposite the jail, Apr. 12-tt. I j PORT ROYAL RAILROAD. CHANGES IIAVF. KEEN MAPE IN Til P.OUGII I , ticket forms, a LIMITED TICKET having been introduced to prominent points, via the Pout Loyal , Hailkoai). l: low will be found the prices of first-class tick- j ; ets, and son-tjjiitkd, and the time for I which they remain in effect: Hays To Limited, good i'or. Unlimited, j i New York, all rail, ?20.00. 4 ?37'1(?. I j New York, O I) S Co. 24.03. 5 :>7.|0. ' j Philadelphia, all rail, 27.00. 1 34.o0. I i Baltimore. ' " 2"#.oo. 4 xi.s.~f I , Washington, " " 21.23. 1 : I'ielimond, 22.V>. 21.-'<f Petersburg, 22.*>o. 2-".."". ' Portsmouth, 2:!..">s. :: 2A<">. i Lynchburg, 21.^0. 23.10 New Orleans, ."-".2*>IVnsaeo!?, 1 i ;? : tastx.- s? > mtiaaxM JOHN liRODiE, T ' I Builder, Contractor -ANDUNDERTAKER. J Estimates and plans furnished at short j ] notice. Opposite Express Office. Beau- | ftrt.S.C. a fox Sale oe Sent. For Sale. Block 122 in rear of the Court House Beaufort, A SEVEN ROTS IN iil.OCK 120. 4 Also the following described Rands : * Rot No. 1!) See. :!J .Town 1 N. Range 2 \V . 10 acres formerly owned l>v Is'imael Simmons. Rot 47 Sec. 18 Town IS. Range 1 W. 10 acres, / midway between Beaufort and Port Royal. Erne. J J of Rot 21 See. R5 Town Range 1 N. 1 W. being an excellent water frontage on Coosaw river. Eor terms or other information inquire of C. II. WRIGIIT, Aut. j Apl.-2r.-rtm. j * FOR SALE. 3 Very Desirable Properly, * OX liAY ST. 1 BEAUFOItT, S. C. c The block occupied by Odell and com- * prising three fine stores with capacious yards and storage in the rear and the finest water frontage on the river. For terms applv to D. C. WILSON, or to C. II WRIGHT, Agt. Beaufort, S. C., M grcli 20, 1877. 3 TO RENT. The dwelling on Bay St., lately occupied by Capt. C. 0. Boutellc. Apply to. W.m. ELLIOTT. TO RSXT, Two desirable stores in the basement of tbe STEVENS HOUSE, Frice $10 and $15 respectively. Annlv to W. J.VERPIER, Agent. ^ For Sale. a ONE SIX-HORSE PORTABLE HOARD A SOX ^ Steam Engine with shafting, for cash, or will bnrtt r f>r one or two FIRST-CLASS MULES, with cash adjustment either way in accordance vith ap- ^ praised values. C.G. KENDALL, Port Royal. FORTS ALE. t?t rs r.nAr?fT>TV XT VAU'V A? rpHIv V.\LLAl>LCi iiiuixim ? 1 the BEAUFOET STEAM MILL, is offered for sale. For terms, apply to j M. S. EI.LIOTT. May 10-tf A. B. ADDISON, Judge of Probate. ; port BEAUFORT COUNTV. Wil! l>e in Beaufort on the tirst Monday in every month and remain until all business is attended to In the interim he will he in Branson, where liwil! be prepared to .attend to the duties of his office and any oilier business that may be placed in his hands. P.M. WHITMAN ' tt'iv itounf/ti.t S C' Dealer in WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, AND SILVER WARE, ROGER'S KNIVES, FOLKS, SPOONS LADLES. Personal attention given to rep uiin^ in Ui* Hut*. | 0 k 8DijS12:j Strikiag Clech, 53,58 to 58, o GENTS' GOLD CI11ANS, PINS, RINGS. SLEEVE DUTTONS. STUDS, WATCH CHAINS, LADIES GOLD and PLATED JEWEL- \ RY, GOLD PENS, AC., AC. GENTS' GOLD <Si SILVER WATCHES. Cull and examine before purchasing, and satisfy yourself you can save ten to" twenty-five per cent from Charleston or Savannali prices. J gsrt Royal. R. P. RUNDLE, I MIIPF-'G & COMMISSION MERCHANT , PORT ROYAL, S. C. Cotton, Naval Stores, Lumber &c. * AGENT FoR TIIE New York & Port Royalj,' I STEAMSHIP LINE. Mississippi and Dominion, West y India and Pacific, and Liverpool and Galveston STEAMSHIP CO S. OF LIVERPOOL. ? II fiiiteiiiiisoi). | ?/ho!esaIe & Retail Grocer POUT KOYAL, S. C. o J AS A1 >PK f > < U EA'i'LY to his stock 11 ot GROCERIES, with an addition of a Meat. Market, where will be found on hand at all times ' ; full and select supply of fresh Beef, Mutton & Pork, toucher with a-! hind.* ot vrrreiables to suit the ih't:; ;i. Is > {'the public. ?>vivt and iced. Fl. S. ELLIOTT, H emu fort 8. C. B.f Imr.~VEL, A" CO., Charlnton 8. C. THE BEAUFORT imu mil CQMPAHY, LTAVIXG PUT UP A GRIST MILL AT THEIR ! L old stand, are prepared to furnish Grist, Feed and Meal, ny quantity, and at reasonable rates. M. S. ELLIOTT, S. H. WALLACE, COTTON FACTOR AND 5RIST MILLER, Wholesale Dealer In irain, Hominy Meal, Feed ETC., ETC., SEA ISLAND COTTON Sought Ginned and prepared for market. ADVANCES dado on consignments. Having the best uachincry for ginning cotton and gi indnrr onvn nnd tin :il. be is nronared to cxc "5 7 r s utc all orders on the shortest possible no ice 'he highest cash price paid for COTTON & CORN /Otton ginned on toll. S. MAYO, Bay JSt. Beaufort, S. C LIQUORS, WINES, &c. ;et yarns, fisii lines and cordage. G-lass, Paints and Oils, vhite lead and turpentine. Special attention given to mixing paints nd Glass cut to order of any size. )ec. 6 W. H. CALVERT. PRACTICAL Tin Sheet Iron. Copper Worker DEALER IN Japanned and Stamped Tin Wares. Constantlyop band, (booking Parlor and Box Stoves. TERMS CASH. tgent for the Celebrated Charter Oak Cooking Stoves. W. II. CALVERT, Bay St. between Sth A 9tb sts. Beaufort. S.C .BANKING HOUSE, Will. If. Lockwood. j BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE [Hew, York Charleston & Savannah Bought and Sold, Collections made on any point in the United States. Accounts received subject :o check at sight. ap. 27.0m. pom1 noYAL ?aw& Planing Mill BEAUFORT, S C. D. C. WILSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN lim FINE 1X111 m L'yTtiS AND Cynrcss, ALSO Builders & Contractors PLASTER LATHES, 111 kinds of JOB SAWING promptly clone. 'looring & Ceiling Boards always on hand Orders for Lumber and Timber by the "cargo iroinptly filled. Terms Cash. D. C. WILSON" A CO. A.VERILL CHEMICAL PAINT. . fixed ready for use in whiteand over one hundred ifTereut colors, madeof strictly pure Will ft: LEAD, line, and Linseed Oil. Chemically combined, waranted to last twice as long as other paint. F. W. SCHEPER, Wholesale and Retail Grocer. ICET ICE! COSAST I EMIvlOHS, | A RE NOW PREPARED TO FUR fx nisii Ice in nnv quantity Customer? nay desire, from their Ice, Seventh Stroot. JOHN CONANT, J. A. EMMONS P. DESSESURE, BOOT And SHOE MAKER. All work ?*tiIrri?t?**l t>> Hi- <ar,? will iwivvc !j'. .I't 'lliil'll tv irr* TTr?,, s. c. fi "s. t r tt ( \ v . V. . h t Di: > r IN " j FINE GROCERIES. I i ;< iLOVR >| Cheese ' J|l\ f >~v From the best l'airics. -? CANNED FRUITS, VECE And a Fnll Variety of other things Goods Promptly De!iv SEA 1SLAJN J? ?-? ' HAS KEEN 11 THE PATRONAGE OF THE TKAY J A 31 E S ODELL, Beaufort Ma oHaving opened a shop in Beaufort, I am pi Build tV Repair ail 1 Botfcfof Y/OOE Particular attention given to designing and pipe and fittings constantly on hand at Xort Personal attention given to setting tnd co Steam B&iler Furnac fiSf* Shop next to Post Office. J "CHEAPEST ST01 NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, oJust Re Just Ret Just*Rec AT APPLE'?, AT APPLES, AT APPLES, DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS. DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, DOMESTIC GOODS, MATTING, CLOTHING. SHOES, FU1 CLC Cheapest place in Tow: wr *v*< MANSION H 01ISE. PORT ROYAL, S. C. j Is beautifully situated, facing PORT ROYAL HARBOR, Enclosed with ample yard under live oak treet the rooms are neatly finished and nicely* furnished and the table is well supplied and kept. Guests from the North will find this a mos healthful and pleasant winter resort. United tates vessels are located in sight, and fishing,, hunting, and boating can be enjoyed. C ntraefs for board will ba mads for the season I at reasonable rates. BENJAMIN Jtl'Itn, PROl'ltlKTOR. POLLITZEB, COTTOy FACTO It AND f? IT , T j_ uommission mercnanx l\7. \ U PORT S . C W. p; GRAHAM, BOUNTY AND PENSION AGENT, BEAUFORT, S. C. Will attend to any business entrusted to Mui. Information free. ui:ir.l5-tf. ^77.. The Most Extensive Ma: IN THE ILLUSTRATED PATA In rOWEr.cfin:" v . . Wili:" i*ios? Or^ms j ? i liiiri V >?Yr taMm TEAS COFFEES spjc?S dc - i_ -p38b a specialty. Foreign teaM? Domestic fkuits. TABLES, MEATS, &c. usually kept iu a first-class Store. * ered free of charge. : n HrtTPiL. \I ^ y. E - OPENED. ELLLVU PUBLIC IS S0LIC1TFD, Proprietor. chine Shop, eparcd with the latest *ii3proved tools to m -m r.\ -mm- ? mm oi n acumen, i AND IRON, pattern making for new work. Steam Jiern prices, instructing ;es for Saving Fuel. A. WHITMAN, Mechanical Engineer. ^ IE If TOWf NEW GOODS NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, ceived, reived, % ;eived, ' AT APPLES, AT APPLES, AT APPLES, RNISHi.N'G GOODS. HATS AND GAPS. . iTIlS AND CASSIMERES, OIL CLOTH. n. rs. M. APPLE. / * ' BEEF AND MUTTON. THE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST. j am now in receipt of the vebf teskessebbeef and heg to inform my friends and costotnen that I will soil as cheap as any one and WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. James jenhixs, Mch. 1 tf. VESSELS -INBull and Coosaw Rivers -or atPORT ROYAL. Will be supplied with FRESH WATER,, From the celebrated ' Club House Springs, By Steam or sailing vessels. reorders ?ent to our office in Beaufort will receive immediate attention.. DICK & SMALL, Proprietors C*ANY,_ . uufactory cf BelS Organs WORLD! .LCG'JSS SENT EltEE. V-' > , :<i DURABILITY ttndTTYlSH;