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LOCAL ITEMS. By Judge Bryan's decision the Washington Engine Co. is entitled to about S3.000. Mr. F. W. Scheper is about erecting a handsome store with rooms overhead on the lot occupied at present by Mr. G. W. Roberts. # i The condemned tobacco advertised by Mr. Crofut, was sold on Monday for from 24 to 47 cents a pound. The Dauntless base ball club will go to Port Boyal next Monday on the morning train to play a return game with the Olympics. Several of'our citizens have added greatly to the beauty of our town by j painting their residences and others afe preparing to do likewise. White seems to be taking the place of the ugly jailroad colors that used to be popular. The Court of General Sessions convenes next Monday. There is a heavy docket -j 1. ?.;n r,OI.^]v suffice to clear 8no out' HCCK niu I.ui-v ? it. Sheriff Wilson went up this morning 1 to get the men concerned in the St affords Cross Roads riot, and they will be tried on another indictment. Rt. Rev. P. N. Lynch, Roman Ca'holic Bishop of Charleston, adminis- ! tered th.* sacrament of confirmation at j St. Peters Church on Sunday morning; last, and entertaiued an audience in the j evening with an interesting lecture on " Christian Antiquities. We are under obligations to our correspondent at Hoovers for favoring us with items of news from his section and we wish that our friends in other parts o* the county would furnish us with infor" uiation about matters of interest which are constantly transpiring in their neighborhood. Ou Tuesday p. M., last, Rear Admiral j Trcnchani and Commodore Hughes, paid ! a visit to the Natioual Cemetery and j expressed their satisfaction at the excellent condition of the grounds. Great credit is due Superintendent Christenscn for the untiring care which he has exercised in the discharge of his duties and by which he has transformed the barreu field of a few years ago into a most attractive 8fK>t, lined with avenues of flourishing shade trees and bordered with choice and beautiful flowers. A correspondent at Altman's Station t informs us that Mr. Paul Buzzette, an Italian gentleman residing there, ordered last spring from Japan a few silk worm eggs and has produced a beautiful sample of silk, and has reserved eggs enough to make quite a business of it next year. Mr. Buzzette deserves credit for his enterprise and it is hoped he will succeed in 1 is efforts and induce others to follow his : example. We need a diversified industry to make us a prosperous community. ' 1)ecoraTto?c Day.?About one bun-: dred persons gathered at the National j Cemetery yesterday to decorate the graves I of the soldiers and sailor*. As rhc buried there number over ten thousand it was impossible to place flowers on every crave, so the ladies ma le about thirty | handsome wreaths, one for each State represented and one each for the soldiers i of the regular army aud the sailors. The only exercises consisted of a prayer , by Rev. Mr. Middleton, the reading of, an address by Col. IngersoM by Mr. Gage and a poem writteu for the occasiou by ' Mr. Judd. Exports. Messrs. Bobbins Boddington & Co., | cleared on Saturday last the Norwegian j bar* Fortuna, Capt. Kristetisen, for Piy- ' mouth Eng.r with 45.808 feet of lumber ) valued at $690, and 21,503 cubic feet j timber valued at $3,096. The Steamship Calvert, Capt Foley, > cleared on the 24th with 250,000 feet of' lumber, 63 bales gunny bags and 20 bar- j rels manganese. D P \Yil?nn X' Co.. cleared on Tuesday the Sehoouer Eila, Capt. Hatch, for Quiucy Point Mass. with 162,000 feet lumber, and the saui? day the sehoouer C. C. Berry tor the same port with 272,000 feet lumber. ><pi We should judge from a glance at the I stock ot new goods just received by Mr. j Calvert that the ingeHouity ot tuan was ! directed especially to the tin and tiouse turui>hing line. One i f the most a.trac- i tive irtscles is the " Summer Comfort ! Od Sto\e " that t urns kerosene oil and bakes, boils, broils, and does almost everything required of a cook stove. The machine is small and cheap and n ? v c ll regulated family can, or should, get along without one. A Young colt which uufortunately while in search of marsh grass passed through under the bath house bridge and was cut off from retreat by the incoming tide, created a great commotion in front of the hotel Sunday evening. The wives ot naval officers bearding at the hotci were first to discover the supposed dangerous predicament of the colt and a rush was made to devise a plan fer his rescue. The tide was coming in fast and it seemed a5 though the water would be at fast a foot deep nest the wall when the tide was full. A crowd soon collected and an effort was made to induce the auiuial to walk up a perpendicular wall as high as his ears but he refused. A gallant young gjutleman then rushed off aul brought a piece of board about six inches wide which the colt refused to walk and all this time darkness and salt water were approaching. An effort was then made to get the colt to go to an adjoining rum shop the ladies invading the establishment to give him courage but he positive ly refused to enter the cocktail emporium. At !a*t a savi'Mtr in the pe:snn of a hov named Prince was found bold enough to ! mount the animals back and swim him to the opening uuder the bridge and amid the applause of the now large crowd j the colt was rescued and the lucky Prince received a handsome sum for relieving the anxiety of the ladies. It was a j pleasant sight on a Sunday evening to see a large crowd of people making a great ado over nothing on Bay Street|and especially to hear the cheering at the close, and not a policeman present to prevent the noisy assemblage from disturbing the quiet of the church goers. Some of our citizens have been greatly ; troubled at reports circulated during the past few days that the naval station here was to be broken up and all the vessels ordered North. The monitors have been ordered to Norfolk to be cleaned and repaired, the first to leave being the Ajax j and Lehigh. They will be convoyed by theOssipcc and Essex and will stait * tl. ?a immcuiuiety. iik c>vaiu<u ana uuivu are expected in a few days and will cun-1 voy two others, the two remaining will go at some future day. During the prcs-\ ent week work has been lively on the j monitjre preparing to leave and men and j officers from the Hartford, Essex and j Ossipee have been transferal to them to ! make up the crews to work the machinery. The Hartford airived on Sunday with Rear Admiral Trenchard on board and left yesterday for Norfolk. The stories of the abandonment of this j port are denied by the Admiral who says 1 the monitors will return when repaired, and that the New Hampshire will not be boarded up, as is reported, and sent away. The contracts for supplies are out in a lew days and this may be the cause of the circulating of these unfounded stories. THE HARVEY MILLS CASE. Decree of Judge Bryan Fixing the Salvage at $27,805 00 I After hearing the pleadings, proofs and arguments of the proctors representing the several libellants, as also of the Harvey Mills and her cargo, it is now ordered | adiudged. and decreed, That the entire i salvage service reudered by all parties ! who coutributed thereto; shall be as f'ol- j lows : The value ot the Harvey Mills, at the time when the salvage service was completed and the vessel saved, is estimated at 70,000 ' The value of the cargo, at the same time saved, is estimated at - - 208.059 Total value of vessel and cargo when saved $ >278,059 ' The several parties and agencies em-j ployed in the salvage service were, besides j the four libellants in the case, the ; Augusta Fire Engine Company, the J Seaweed. Carmdelet, the officers and c ew of the United States Navy at Port Royal, and the assistance afforded by the United States Ship Huron before the Harvey Mills was towed to, and then at the wharf at Port Royal. If all these now named, with the four Iihcilants, were in Court claiming salvage ; estimating the value of the Harvey Mill- j and her cargo at the sum name 1 the dec:Co 1 would be for tbe entire salvage .-orvice, the sum of $27,805 90. The AuL'u-ta Fire Enirine Com nan v has received from the owners of the j Harvey Mills ami cargo the sum of $500. The value of the salvage service rendered ( by the Seaweed, the Uaron lo'et. and the i officers and crew of the I nitcd States! Navy at Port Royal, ami the assistance ! afforded bv the United Ship Huron before j { the vessel was towed to and at the wharf at Port Royal, is to be estimated at the amount of $3,500. For these services no claim lias been made and the value of them enures to J the benefit, of the Harvey Mills and cargo. The entire salvage service then being $27,805 90] and from this amount being deducted the amount paid to tiic Augusa Fire Engine Com pan y (85(H),) and the estimated value of th 3 services rendered by the Seaweed, the Carondelet and the officers and crew of the United States | Navy at Port Royal, and the assistance ; afforded by the U. S. ship Huron, before the vessel was towed to and a the harf at Port Royal, amounting to $3,500. The difference, that is, the sum of twenty-three thousand ei.irht hundred and five dollars and ninety cents ($23.80590.) , is th< amount now ordered, adjudged a d decreed to be due to the libelants for the salvage service by then rendered t;? rhe i Harvev Mills and her curio And the sa. 1 libel!ant< :iiv at tibe:'. >? | enter, in their joint name*. exeodtioi id - j | the said suui of $2*5,805 90. so ordered. ! adjudged and decreed to be due to them for the salvage service by them.rendered, against the patties to the stipulation made in these cases. and because of vrhicli the Harvey Mills and her cargo were released from the orders of arrest uiade , in these cases. I # But either of the said libelants shall be at liberty to move at the foot of this j decree for an order of reference to the ' clerk of this Court to report in what proportion the sum n?w decreed to the : ! said libellants as salvage service in these cases should be apportioned and divided j Ut'lWCCII UIUIU. The lil?ellants are entitled to their sev- J eral costs to the date of the order direct ing the consolidation of the several libels : after that date they will be allowed only the cost of a single libel. Geo. S. Bryan, U. S. Judge District of C. 2Q\h May, 1ST7 Hoovers 8. C., May 26. I Editor of the Tribune. j A large number of citizens assembled at this place to day, for the purpose of organizing a Mounted Militia Company. On motion Gen. D. II. Ellis was called j to the chair, and B. 11. Lewis, Esq., appointed sew . tan*. I The chairman explained the object of the meeting. The meeting was addressed n a very appropriate manner by Capt. Geo. H. Hoover, and Major W. J. Gooding. An election was held for officers and the result was as follows: A.*A. Browning, Esq., was elected captain ; J. S. Lewis 1st Lieut. J. B. Binnicker, 2nd Lieut, aud D. G. Siunnons, 3rd Lieut. B. B. Lewis, Secretary. The Graves of Custer's Men. General Sheridan proposes to send an expedition to the scene of Custer's fight with Sitting Bull for the purpose of re moving the remains of the gallant band that was massacred upon that occasion, and giving tlicm a burial with proper military honors at such points as may be designated by the War Department. General Crittenden, whose son fell in the fight objects to their removal, and has written a letter asking that the remains of the heroic band be permitted to rest where they are uow interred, that they may signalize for all time the spot where they so nobly toll. General Crittenden, in his lerter, says : "There can be uo better resting-placejbr the true soldier than the spot which hisb!o.?d has hallowed. I1 would be vandalism to dig up and scatter widely the bones of those men who have been buried as they died. Shoulder to shoulder they all peris! ed together, fighting without hope, and the comradeship thus cemeuted should never be suudercd." At the last session cf Cougrcss authority w?s granted for the erection of two additional military posts in the Yellowstone Valley, leaving the location discretionary with Gen. Sheridan. It is understood that he has selected the scene of the Custer massacre on the Littlo Big Horn River as a site for one of the two forts, to be called "Fort Custer. " It is probable the spot where Custer's troops fell and arc buried will be preserved as a cemetery. ^ i A gold headed cane, long ago presented to Hon. W. D. Porter, State Senator, and believed to have been burned in the Columbia State House, is in the possessionofa Chicago gentleman, aud will shortly be returned tq Mr. Porter. The excellent ice cream served at Mr. Kressefs establishment attracts many customers this warm weather, and his abundant supply of. eocoanuts, oranges, lemons and all the fruit,- obtainable in the Charleston market makes his place very attractive. He also has a large assortment of candies, nuts, and canned goods frtsh and of the best quality. Marine Intelligence. ENTERED. May 21, St. Helena Souml, Nor. Rk. I.indola | Ko>ru]> 4S days from Da Win in Ballast to C: W. A Co. May 21, Russian Ship Iinartra, Pottsar, 42 days, from LUvrjKol'ia ballast to Campbell Wylie A Co. May 24. Russian B!:. Finland, Berjtoman, 42 days from Harwich in ballast to Catni'bcll Wylie, A Co CLEARED. May 21, Nor. Bk. Carine! (ijrruidsen, fort*. K. with >>.) tons jdiosjihate Uock fro it Coosaw MinesMay 21, Br. Brig Blanche, Mallgraf with 4*7 ton* of ]>hos]diat<-rock for Inihd Kingdom 1 rom Coo. satv Mint-h. May 24, An<t:iin Bk. Volunteer, Merlato, for Cnit.d Kingdom with 021 tons of phosphate H?x-k. irotn Coosaw Mines. May 25, Hr. Bkt. Artisan, (Jrlfliths for Flitted Kingdom with 9<>o tons of Phosphate Itock from Oak Point Min ?. | May 24, Beau for', S. Calvert. Foley for Baltimore witli lumber etc. May 2f?, Norwegian bark Fortnna, Kristensen for Plymouth England, from Atlantic Saw- Mills. " I AT r A I. VERTS May be found a new and varied assortment of Gool.s just received from New York ronsisting ill part of, Pird Cases, every size and style. Kird Food. Bird Medicine, Insect Powder, Chi Wrens' Bath Tubs, Adult's sponge and hip hath tubs, Patent Fly Traps, Green Wire rloth for safes and windows, Patent Creai i Freezers, Oval and round Wire Dish Covers, Britania Tes and Table Spoons, Knox's Fluting Machines, Knamelled Preserve Pans, Enamelled Sauce Pans, Cracker and Bread Trays. Waiters, a large assortment, Cage Awnings, Cook Stoves of every description, Tin Ware, wholesale and retail RAFFLE. A beautiful B.iy Horse will he raffled Saturday evening .Tune 2<1 at the store of Mr. Johu P. Boycc, Only four chances left. NOTICE." QT<xKH?'U>- R8-?E titK BEAUFORT PATIIIN<' 11 US!! f'<?MPANY ar- requested to meet at th < flice-fthe lO.vUFORi TRIBUNE Thursday Juii" 7th, next a: four O'clock, p. in, (j eo. WATER HOUSE, Trent. PROBATE NOTICE. STATE SOUTH CAROLINA,1 v Court of Probate. County of Beautort ) By a. B. Addison. Esquire, Probate Judge. \\"JIKKEAS Janus Daniels, made suit tome, * ? t?? grant him letters of admiuistratiou of the e>ta'e and effects of Elsie Mixon. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kin dred and Creditors of the s id Elsie Mixon deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Beaufort on the ^th June next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to shew cause ifanv th"y have, why the said administration should not be granted. Ciivon under ray hand, this 24th, day of Ma A. 1>. 1S77. A. R. ADDISON". Judge of Probate. P. DESSESURE. BOOT And SHOE MAKER. All work entrusted to His care will receive Prompt attcnticn. Shop Next the ICE IIOl'SE, BE A I'EOJtT, S. C. Found Adrift. I PICKED CP in Hull River, one ft) Rull Lumber, -M, 1 in., 1 1-1,1 1-2 and 2 inch. Apply to W. WLYMOUTII, Pacific Landing. ' Pjiffl< t v- - r Vj, j,tt. i Notice. NEITHER the Captain nor the undersigned consignees of the German Bark OTTO. Captaiu ; I>anuer, will be responsible for debts contraetod by I any of the crew. ROBBINS, BOPDINGTON A CO. NOTICE. Vf EITHER THE CAl'TAIN* NOR THE T'Nil PERSIGNKP consignees of the Norwegian Itark Albion.("apt. Frederickson,will Irresponsible for debts contracted by any of the crow. Kohbins Boddinotox & Co. JOHN BRODIE, Builder, Contractor ?AND? UNDERTAKER. j Estimates ami plans furnished at short ' * u no: D HOtlCe. \_rppubiiu ij.\pivyiuuc. m-<iufort, S. C. /or fair or Jtrnt. For Sale. Block 122 in rear of the Court House Dcaufort, Also. SEVEN LOTS IN BLOCK 120. Also the following described Lands : Lot No. 19 Sec. 31 Town 1 N. Range 2 W . 10 acres formerly owned by Ishniael Simmons. Lot 47 See. 18 Town 1 S. Range 1 W. 10 acres, midway between Beaufort and Port Royal. Kmc. % of Lot 21 Sec. 13 Town Range 1 N. 1 IV being an excellent water frontage on Coosaw river. For terms or other information inquire of C. II. WRIGHT, AUT. Ap!.-26-3m. " for sale; Very Desirable Property, OK BAY ST. BEAUFORT, S. C. The block occupied by-Odell and comprising three fine stores with capacious yards and storage in the rear and the finest water frontage or the river. For terms apply to I). C. WILSON, or to C. H WRIGHT, Agt. Beaufort, S. CM Mtrch 20, 1877. . to rent. The dwelling on Bay St., lately occupied by Capt. C. 0. Boutelle. a 1_ i\ppiy IU. WM. ELLIOTT. TO RBNTT, Two desirable stores in the basement of the 8TEVENS HOUSE, Price S10 ami $1.1 respectively. Apply to W. J.VERDIER, Agent. For Sale. ONE SIX-HORSE PORTABLE HOARD A SOX Steam Engine with shafting, for cash, or will I barter fir one or two FIRST-CLASS MULES, with cash adjustment either way in accordance \?ith appraised values. C.G. KENDALL, Port Royal. FOR SALE. ' THE VALUABLE PROPERTY KNOWN AS the BEAUFOET STEAM MILL J is offered for sale. For terms, apply to M.S. ELLIOTT. Mav 10-tf I ; A. B. ADDISON, Judge of Probate. I FOR BEAUFORT COUNTY. Will be in Beaufort on the tirst Monday in every 1 month and remain until all business is attended to I In the interim he will be in Branson, where In will be prepansl to attend to the duties of his office i and any other business that'may bo placed in | his hands. P. M. WHITMAN I Barstreet ?ieaufort,S. C. De&leriit WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. AND SILVER WARE, ROGER'S KNIVES, FOLKS, SPOONS 1 LADLES. Personal attention given to re pfllu^ In Mis line. 'SDiyilBty String Clocks, S3.S0 to S3. | 0 ' GENTS' GOLD fttlASS, PINS, RINGS, SLEEVE ! BUTTONS. STUDS, WATCH CHAINS, LADIES GOLDaud PLATED JEWELRY, QOLB PENS, AC., AC. { (JESTS' GOLD A SILVER WATCHES. Call and examine before purchasing, and satisfy ] yourself you can save ten to^ twenty-five per cent : froui Charleston or Savannah prices. I ? P.N SCIIILTT Manufacturer and Wholesale dealer in ! SODA WATER, GINGER POP, GINGER ALE, ' . AND SARSAPARILLA, I Orders from the country carefully attended to and goods delivered at the depot or wliarl' free of I charge. Office on New Street opposite the jail, Apr. 12-tf. ICE! ICE! COHAHT 4 SMHOHS, ! A RE NOW PREPARED TO FUR XjL nisii Iok in any quantity Customer uiay desire, from their Ice House, Seventh. J9troot. JOHN CONANT, J, A. EMMONS ?list andi fyti. t .V. 8. Jit.I.IOTT, Ht t C. RoM VEJS'KL, it CO., Chmrlfton fir. C. THE BEAUFORT STEAM MILL COMPAQ HAYING PUT UP A r.RIST MILL AT TIIEIR old stand, are prepared to furnish Grist, Feed and Meal, , any quantity, and at reasonable rates. M. S. ELLIOTT, | S. M. AVALLil'E. COTTON FACTOR AND GRIST MILLER, Wholesale Dealer in Grain, Hominy Meal, Feed ETC., ETC., SEA ISLAM) LU1TUA Bought Ginned and prepared for market. ADVANCES Made on consignments. Having the best machinery for ginning cotton and g. inding corn and nu ai, he is prepared to execute all orders on the shortest possible no tice The highest cash price paid for COTTON & CORN Cotton ginned on toll. S. MAYO, Bay St. Beaufort, S. O LIQUORS, WINES, &o. NET YARNS, FISH LINES AND CORDAGE. G-Ihhs, Paints and Oils, WHITE LEAD ANI) TURPENTINE. Special attention given to mixing paints and Glass cut to order of any size. Dec. 6 W I ill IrAJLiVJCinii PRACTICAL Tin Shestlron. Copper Worker * DEALER IN Japanned and Stamped Tin Wares. Cnnstantlyon Land, Cooking l'arior and Box Stoves. TERMS CASH. Agent for the Celebrated Charter Oak Cooking Stoves. W. II. CALVERT, Bay St. between 8th A Oth sts. Beaufort. S. C BANKING HOUSE, Win. II. Lock wood . BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. rnrn inn FYfHANf.F 1 UUUU mi V idAvuniiww OX I ! New, York Charleston & Savannah Bought and Sold, Collections made on any point in the United States. Accounts received subject to check at sight. a p. 27.6m. POUT ROYAL SiiwtV Planing Hill BEAUFORT, S C. D. C. WILSON & CO., IfAXUPACTUREBS OP AND DEALERS IN YELLOW PINE TIMER AND MMtiR1 AND Cypress Sliinglos, ALSO Builders & Contractors TL ASTER LATHES, All kinds of JOB SA1V7XG promptly done. flooring & Ceiling Boards always on baud Orders for Lumber and Timber by the cargo promptly filled. Terms Cash. I). C. WILSON A CO. AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT. Mixed ready for use in whiteand over one hundred different colors, made of strictly pure W1U1E LEAD, f ; Zinc, and Linseed Oil. Chemically combined, war; anted to last twice as Ion.-; as other paint. F. W. SCHEPER, ! Wholesale and Retail Grocer. j D II Hutchinson, Wholesale & Relail Grocer ! PORT ROYAL, S. C. Has added greatly to his stock j ot GROCERIES, with an additiou of a I Meat Market, ' where will be found ou hand at all times I v full and select supply of fresh ;; Beef, Mutton & Pork, together with all kinds ot vegetables to 1 <-uit the Icui.iii'l > of the public. ^jf. w. sc CANNED FRUITS, VEGE Ami a Full Variety of other things i Goods Promptly Deliv seaislaS Si^B^^D&Sm&SeII HAS BEEN R THE PATRONAGE OF THE TRAV JAMES 0 D EL L, Beaufort Ma oHaving opened a shop in Beaufort, I am pi Build & Repair all 1 BothofWOOD Particular attention given to designing and pipe and fittings constantly on hand at Norl Personal attention given to setting and co Steam Boiler Furnac fiST* ShoD next to Post Office. J.. CHEAPEST STOi NEW"GOODS, NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, oJust Re I Just Re< Just Rec AT APPLE'S, AT APPLES, AT APPLES, DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, HOSIERY, DOMESTIC GOODS, MATTING, CLOTHING. SHOES, FUI CLC Cheapest place in Tow: MANSION h orsK. PORT ROYAL, S. C. Is beautifully situated, facing PORT ROYAL HARBOR, Enclosed with ample vanl under live oak tree the rooms are neatly finished and nicely furnished and the table is w? supplied and kept. Guests from the North wil! find this a mos healthful and pleasant wiuter resort. United tates vessels are located in sight, and fishing,, hunting, and boating can be enjoyed. C ntraets for board will be made for the season at reasonable rates. BENJAMIN BURR, Proprietor. M. POLLITZER, COTTOy FACTOR AND Commission Merchant BH tUPOHT H. C W. P. GRAHAM, BOUNTY AN!) PENSION AGENT, BEAUFORT, S. C. Will attend to any business entrusted to liim. Information free. mar.15-tf. J. ESTEYJ The Most Extensive Ma IN THE ILLUSTRATES CAM In POWEE combined with PUBITY OI Ibese Org?n% HEPER, TEiS^FTEES TABLES, MEATS, Ac. usually kept in a first-class Store. * ered free of charge. J) HOTEL, ? jw|W ^ E-O PEiVED* ELLING PUBLIC IS SOLICITFD. Proprietor. chine Shop, eparcd with the latest improved took to rinds of Machinery, ? AND IRON, pattern making for new work. 8team ;hern prices, nstructing ses for Saving Fuel. A. WHITMAN, Mechanical Engiottr. IE IN TOWN. ? i NEW GOODS NEW GOODS, NEW GOOD8, ceived, reived, reived, AT APPLES, AT APPLES, v AT APPLES, i RNISHING GOODS. HATS AND CAPS. >THS AND CASSIMERES, OIL CLOTH. n. rs. Iff. APPLE. BEEF AND MUTTON. THE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST. 1AM NOW IN RECEIPT OF THE TENT ' best. TENNESSEE BEEF and beg to inform my friend* and customer* that I will sell as cheap as any one and WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. JAMES JENKINS. Meh. 1 tf. VESSELS -INBull and Coosaw Rivers -OR ATPORT ROYAL. Will be supplied with FRESH WATER, From the celebrated Club House Springs, By Steaui or sailing vessels. # *3-Orders sent to our office in Beaufort will receive immediate attention. DICK A SMALL, T roprietws. COMPANY, I ft I to - BORO, VT. nufactory of Beed Organs WORLD! XOO02S SENT FBE? - ______ i ' TONE, In DURABILITY tad HM are Unrivaled.