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f Anecdotes of Animals. The Danville (N. Y.) Advertiser has j the following stories of strange animal predilections and cunning: Here is a story which our veracious Deacon E. S. Pain er relates to us, and which we are * therefore bound to believe: About two years ago one of his trusted hens hatched a brood of chickens,and they were domicded in a coop in the garden. Close bv, in an asparagus be<l, rested a fine old cat, the pet of the household, with some j new kittens. One of the kittens looked upon the chickens and loved them? loved them so well that it abandoned mother, and brother, and sisters, and went to the old hen and asked to be admitted into her family circle and become a member thereof. Biddy clucked assent,and thenceforward hen,chickens and kittens mingled together in mutual sympathy and sweet accord. It astonished the deacon, yet did his heart good, to see chickens and kittens rubbing against each other and lving close together, and his favorite hen l>roodiug them all with her wings, and the entire family acting all uay as if kitty, in spite of four claws and her fur, had been hatched from an egg. The kitty of two years is now a grave old cat, but from kittenliood to the present it has lived and roofed with the chickens and hen. There are several witnesses to the truth of another story. The affTi ition in this case was between a cat at the Hylaud House barn and four small pigs. It commenced last summer and continued some weeks, on the grounds and street adjoining the Hyland House. The cat saw the pigs, went up to them, made ; friends with them, and became their con- j stant companion until they were shut up j in pens. \\ hen they ate, the cat was always present, and they followed it about, running when it run and walking when it walked, and each night the cat and pigs alept together in the straw. Just after the last heavy fall of snow a man in West Sparta, while in his barnyard feeding cattle, heard a noise among his geese, close by. He turned and saw a fox take one of them by the neck, sling % it over his back, and start across the lields with it to Hartman gully, a quarter i?f o mile nwnr The man Aliased -with a p'tchfork. but the snow was so deep that the fox gained on him. So he called his shepherd dog and showed him the game. The dog quickly caught up with tliQ fox, but the fox dropped the goose, turned around, whipped the dog, aSid then took up the got se and trotted on again. The dog was induced to tackle the fox three or four times, and each time the result was the same as we have described; the goose was dropped, the dog whipped, i and a forward movement with the goose. The fox finally got safely into the gully \? ith his goose, and probably never had a better opinion of himself than he had when he was satisfying his hunger on the choice meat that he had secured with so much risk and courage. About five weeks ago a quail flew into one of our village yards, and was picked up by a kindly hand and given* to Mr. Thomas O'Meara, who put him in a large cage in his store. In the same room were two canary birds, in another cage. The canaries would sing and the quail would whistle in response, and so much reciprocity of feeling was manifested that after a time Mr. O'Meara transferred the canaries to the cage of the quail, who ; received the songsters with evident de- ; light, and when nigUt came, seeing them ' place themselves on a perch in the top j of the cage, it hopped to another perch just below and slept there. This it has done each night since, although before, in accordance with quail customs the world over, its roost was the bottom of the cage. The Oriental Business. A good citizen of Croghan street was reading the other day of a good Persian gentleman who always walked about with -a^mile on his face. When this Persian was asked why he always looked so happy when other men looked sad he replied : 441 smile because it may be sunshine to some poor soul surrounded by shadows." It was very nice in the Persian, and the Croglian street man said he'd be hanged if he couldn't outsmile a Persian or anybody else walking around on two legs. He at once began to smile at his wife. She stood it for a few minutes, and then observed : 44 What's the matter, William?got the colic again?" 441 smile because I want to carry sunshine to your darkened soul," he replied. She wanted him to understand that fifteen minutes at the wood pile would help her more than all the grins he could grin in a straight week, and when he x ii. _ x -i went inuj me Kxwuieu to siuue some sunshine at the hired girl the wife followed him and raised a row that put dinner three-quarters of an hour behindhand. However, one can't get the hang of Oriental business in a day, and this man tried it again on the street car as he came down town yesterday. Oji^osite him sat an old woman with a basket, and he undertook to smile the shadows from her heart. She watched him for two or three minutes, growing mad all the time, and presently she asked : 44 Do you think you know me, that you are grinning across the aisle, like a circus baboon ?" 44 I smile, madam, because?because " ?he stammered, forgetting what the Persian said. 441 smile because "? 44 You are grinning because I've got sore eyes !" she shouted. 44 No, madam. I smile that I?that I"? 44 I'll not stand it!" she cried, and she hammered him with the basket until he escaped off the platform. 44Now grin over that, will you!" she called after him as she snook the basket in the air. " The Persian who went around smiling was a fool and I'm his first cousin!" growled the man, and he quit smiliDg and picked a fight with a harness maker. ?Detroit Free Press. The Angler, or Fishing-Frog. This extraordinary fish may be ranked among the ugliest of the finny tribe, from its huge, cavernous mouth and its otherwise repulsive appearance. Dangling along its sides is a sort of fleshy fringe, and sprouting out of its headjs a miniature fishing-rod or flagstaff, which bears at its end a thin streamer of flesh. The creature is a slow swimmer and with all its capacious mouth would be unable to procure sufficient food were it not for the mode in which it captures its prey. When hungry, it lies in some dork spot where its rod or staff is alone visible, and waving the fleshy little flag or bait just alluded to, it attracts its prey to the very verge of its armed jaws, when, with a noiseless forward motion, it engulfs it with one swoop, much iu the way that we sweep in a fish with a landing-net. The waters around New York ubouml with these creatures, which are the plague of anglers from the fact of their ooqstfimtly devouring his hook and confining hiui to out it out of their maw, FARM, GARDES AND HOUSEHOLD. Useful Recipes. Ginger Nuts.?One cupful lard and butter mixed, one cupful brown sugar, 1 one cupful molasses, one-half cupful water, one tablespoonful ginger, and one of cinnamon, one teaspoonful soda, dissolved in hot water; enough flour to make a fairly stiflf dough; roll out quite thin and cut in round cakes; bake quickly. A Breakfast Gravy.?Dried beef makes a very nice gravy for breakfast cooked in this way: Shave off the beef thin, aud put in the frying pan, with nearly as much water as you wish for gravy; let it boil a few minutes, keeping it covered. Then thicken with a little flour moistened with cream; add butter, pepper, and salt to taste. Lemon Pie.?The juice and rind of a lemon, one cup of sugar, yolks of two eggs, three hiblespoonfuls of flour, milk enough to till the plates; line the plates with flour, pour in the custard, and bake till done; bea* the whites of two eggs, add four tablespooufuls of powdered j sugar, spread over the pie, and brown lightly in an oven or stove. Essence of lemon will do for flavoriog in the place of fresh lemons. Peach Pudding.?Pill a baking dish about three-fourths full of ripe, juicy peaches, pared, stoned, and cut in medium-sized pieces. Beat light the yolks ; of three eggs; add four tablespooufuls of white sugar, three tablespooufuls of i milk or cream, %nd the same quantity j of sifted flour; add the beaten whites, i and after sifting three tablespooufuls of sugar over the fruit, pour on the batter. | Mix all well together, and bake threequarters of an hour. Eat hot, with sauce. Beef and Vegetable Soup.?Two pounds beef, a good sized bone, salt and pepper, one turnip, one carrot, one, onion, one leek, two sprigs parsley, one sprig celery, two tomatoes; put the beef (free from bones) in your soup-pot with j about two quarts water; put the bones and marrow in a separate vessel with two quarts water, and when boiled strain and add to the beef; cut the vegetables in | small squares, and about half an hour before you want to use the soup put them in with the beef; toast bread and cut it1 in snndl squares; put in the soup just before dishing. Home Manures. The most successful farmers within the writer's acquaintance are those who make the most home-made manure, who depend mainly upon sod, a heavy turf, wliich means heavy crops, whether of grass or of grain, if the sod is inverted, i Here, all the way from seventy to a hun- i dred tons per acre of rich material is i turned down to rot and form pabulum for the crop to succeed, and of a nature exactly suited to plant growth, containing all the properties, being in fact a reproduct;on in the growth. Here no art is necessary to compost or select for the 1 different soils, adapting manure to I ground or product. Sod, supplemented by the manure of stables, answers all the ! purposes, and is of a high fertility, lacking but little of the highest if the manures are kept undercover so as to retain and concentrate their strength. All the alflmonfo ara olu-nva in rrrwul nmrvnrtifvn ClCUlVill/O r*vI I It only needs applying properly, what is ; made, on all the land, the soil originally > (in its mineral composition) not materially defective, which embraces most of our drift and all our alluvial soil. And this mode can be prosecuted successfully for au indefinite period. We know farms 011 which it has been practiced, uninterruptedly, for more than thirty years, where adjoining land has been incorporated, sometimes of a reduced and almost worthless character, and, in a few years, made as good as the rest, the whole farming the most successful, the most profitable farming within the writer's knowledge, continuing, unabatedly, its high yields up to the present. We see more or less of this all over our dairy section. It needs but concentration, an adoption of the full method, to reach the highest success iu farming; this is because the manure is obtained cheaper, and a full use is made of it?all the land will bear. ReHtortnK Gray Hair. A lady vouches for the following simple restorative: I have read somewhere, that to restore gray hair apply the juice of grapevines in the spring. A French lady told me once, that it would also remove tan and whiten the skin, but as I have never tried it, I cannot vouch for it. ! A good hair renewer is sage tea, and if one is inclined to turn gray, put into a J pint of strong sage tea a few rusty nails i and two ounces or more of bay rum.* A very little glycerine in it will be nice to soften the hair. I forgot to say you may add to the above a tablespoonful of salt; bottle, and cork closely. This not only promotes 4he growth of the hair, preventing it from coming out, but restores the color. Keep Straight Ahead. Pay 110 attention to slanderers and gossip mongers. Keep straight on in your own course and let their backbiting die the death of neglect. "What is the use of lying awake nights brooding over the remark of some false friend, that runs through your brain like lightning ? What is the use of getting into a worry and fret over gossip that has been set afloat to your disadvantage by some meddlesome busybody who has more time than character ? The things cannot possibly injure you, unless indeed you take notice of them, and in combating them give them standing and character. If what is said about you is true, set yourself right; if it is false, let it go for what it will fetch. If a bee sting you, would you go to the hive to destroy it ? Would not a thousand come upon you ? It is wisdom to say little respecting the injuries you have received. We are generally losers in the end if we stop to refute all the backbiting and gossiping we may hear by the way. They are annoying, it is true, but not dangerous, so long as we do not stop to expostulate and scold. Our characters are formed and sustained by ourselves, by our own actions and Durooses. and not by others. Let us always bear in mind that " calumniators may usually be trusted to time and the slow but steady justice of public opinion." Revolting Indian Customs. Recently a Yuma chief died suddenly in Arizona. The tribe, accusing' his wife of having bewitched him, beat her to death with clubs and then cremated eer body with his. At the wake twelve head of horses were killed, partly to provide funeral baked meats for the mourners and partly to furnish the late lamented with saddle animals in the happy hunting grounds. Cremation is the rule with these Indians, not only of the corpse, but also of all his property. When a squaw dies in childbirth, the babe is burned with her, whether dead or alive, being to some extent considered guilty of the mother's death. A good sneeze will help a man won| derfully in pronouncing some of the | Russian names, Try it on Ki*ch?jHT, The reports from the country, barring . the Western regions afflicted with the \ pestilent grasshopper or locust, indicate that we are to have a year of good crops, j Fruit looks well, the peach country of , New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland j especially presenting unusual promise. The spring has opened very favorably, and the general prospects of the farmer 1 are encouraging. This is a happy out- j look in dull business times. Knowledge 1m Power. This is & nation of enlightened freemen. , 1 Education is the corner-stone and foundation of our government. The people are free to 1 think and act for themselves, and that they < may act wisely it is necessary that they be well j informed. Every individual gain increases \ public gain. Upon the health of the people is i eased the prosi>erity of a nation, by it every | value is increasod, every joy enhanced. Health , is essential to the accomplishment of every purpose; while sickness thwarts the best intentions and loftiest aims. Unto ns are committed important health trusts, which wo hold not < merely in our own behalf but for the bene51 of ' others. In order that we may be able to dis- . charge the obligations of onr trusteeship and thus prove worthy of our generous commission, j it is necessary that we study the art of preserving health and prolonging life. It is of para- i mount importance to every person not only to ' understand the means for the preservation of health, but also to know what remedies should be employed for the alleviation of the common ailments "of life. Not that we would advise even- man under all circumstances to attempt < to be his own physician, but we entreat him to acquire sufficient "knowledge of his system and the laws that govern it. that he may bo prepared , to take care of himself properlv, and tberebv i 1 * - i 4 Cveni sicuness ana pruiung me. m uu it. k will the people find the subjects of pliysi- . " ology and hygiene, or the Bcienee of life and , the art of preserving health, more scientifically ] discussed or more plainly taught than in "The ( People's Common Sense Medical Adviser," by J It. V. Pierce, M. P., of Buffalo, N. Y. It is a , < volume of oyer nine hundred large pages, illas- j trated by over two hundred and eight}-two 1 engravings and colored plates, is elegantly 1 bound in cloth and gilt, and is sent, post-paid, ' to any address bv the author at the low price of one dollar and fifty cents a copy. Nearly one , hundred thousand* copies have already been sold, and the present edition, which is revised and enlarged and more especially adapted to tho wants of the family, is selling very rapidly. [ 1 It treats of all the common diseases and their i remedies, as well as of anatomy, physiology, j hygiene, human temperaments, and many other topics of great interest to all people, and is truly what its author styles it, " Medicine ' simplified." ' Decidedly the best remedy that has ever been , discovered* for rheumatism, swollen or stifT joints, fiesh wounds, sprains, bruises, cuts, and burns, is Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. ] We use it, and always recommend it to our friends. Spring Debilitt, languor, lassitude and that low state of the system peculiar to the spring ; time of the year, are immediatelv relieved by I the Peruvian Syrup, which supplies the blood with its vital principal of life element?iron? j infusing strength, vigor and new life into all j parts of tbe system, ueing iree irom mcuuui, i its energizing effects are not followed by corresponding reaction, bnt are permanent Sold by ail druggists. Pamphlets free. Seth W. Fowle & Sons, proprietors, Boston. After an experience of over twentyfive years, many leading physicians aeknowledge that the Graefenberg Mar shalCs Uterine Catholicon is the only known certain remedy tor diseases to which women are subject. The Graefenberg Vegetable Pillx, the most popular remedy of the dav for biliousness, headache, i liver complaint and diseases of digestion. Sold by all druggists. Send for almanacs. Graefeuberg Co., New York. _ We are satisfied that Hatch's Universal Cough Svrup is one of the most valuable cough remedies that we sell. If any one in need of such a remedy will call on usj we will refer them to those who have used and will fully corroborate all we can say about it. We have sold it some four years, and it has become the leading medicine of its kind. J. T. & H. F. Wood," Dexter, Jeff. Co., N. Y. A positive cure for rheumatism?Du rang's Rheumatic Remedy. Send for circular to Helphenstiue A Bentley, Washington, D. C. It is said by those who know, that Dooley A Brother, the manufacturers of the justly celebrated and well known Yeast Powder which bears their name, have the largest and most complete establishment of the kind in the world. The capacity of their mammoth factory is simply marvelous, reaching the immense quantity of five millions of pounds annually. Tr? Irreconcilable Conditions. Debility and health are irreconcilable conditions. Weakly people, that is to say, ptople who lack the vitality requisite for a vigorous discharge of each and all of the bodily functions, are invariably afflicted with some, "though it may be a trifling, disorder of the system. Atony, or a want of nervous and muscular vigor, is accompanied by poverty' of the blood and leanness. A certain way to overcome it and prevent the aggravated maladies to w: ich it must ultimately lead, is to use Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which promote digestion and assimilation of the food, and thus are the means of furnishing the body with a supply of 11?J -* - oonantiil fn if a nrrmer nour uy>uu UI a IJUOIIII cmvuiw V" ... t 1 ishment Invigoration through the instrumentality of the matchless tonic protects the feeble from a host of bodily ills which lurk in ambush i for the debilitated. * The Bitters are an article which it is most desirable to keep constantly on hand. Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam, the great New | England cure for ooughs, colds and consumption. Cutler Bros. & Co.'^ Boston, only genuine. Rheumatism cured at once by Durang's Rheumatic Remedy. Send for circular to Helphenstine <fc Bentley, Washington, D. C. The Markets. KEW YORK. Beef Cattle?Native 10*@ 10* Texas and Cherokee... 10 0 , 10i? Milch Cows 60 00 @61 00 , Hogs?Live 01 @ C6* I Dressed 07*0 07* 01 @ 0J* i jjambe 09 0 11 Cotton?Middling 11*0 11* ; Flour?Western?Good to Choice.... 8 85 @10 7> State?Good to Choice 8 i0 0 8 95 Wheat?Red Western 1 60 0 1 66 No. 2 Milwaukee 1 85 0 1 85 ! Rye-State 115 0 1 .0 Barley?8tate 62 0 68 Barley Malt 1 30 0 1 I Oats?Mixed Western 56 0 67 i Corn?Mixed Western..., 75 0 75 Hay, perewt 65 0 70 I Straw, per cwt 65 0 75 Hops 76's?10 @17 .... 75's 06 0 10 i Pork?Mess 16 10 @16 10 I Lard?City Steam 11*@ 11* ! Fish?Mackerel, No. 1, new 18 00 @20 00 " No. 2, new 8 50 @9 50 Dry Cod, per cwt 6 00 @5 00 Herring, Scaled, per box 15 @ 16 I Petroleum?Crude 09*@09*'Beflned 15 Wool?California Fleece 25 @ 27 Texas " 21 @ 25 Australian " 38 @ 41 Butter?State.. 20 @ 22 Western-^Choice 16 @ 17 ??' ? 1L Ok weBwni?\JWU w x tiuiv... Western?Firkins 10 @ 11 Cheese?State Factory 11 @ 13 8tate Skimmed 05 @ 08 Western 12 0 14* Efgs?8tate and Pennsylvania...... 12*@ !3* buftalo. Floor 8 00 @11 00 Wheat?No. 1 Milwaukee. 1 72 @ 1 71 Corn?Mixed 67*@ 87* Oats CI @ CI Rye 85 @ 86 Barley.. 52 <4 53 Barley Malt 100 @ 110 philadelphia. Beef Cattle?Extra 06*@ 08* Sheep 06 @ 07* Hogs?Dressed 08*@ 09 ? Floor?Pennsylvania Extra 7 00 @7 00 Wheat?Red Western 2 10 @ 215 Rye 114 @ 1 16 Corn?Yellow....... 72 @ 73 Mixed 71 @ 72 Oats?Mixed 49 <d 61 Petroleum?Crude 11 @12 Refined....15 Wool?Colorado 18 @ 20 Texas 16 ? 20 California 19 @ 25 * boston. BeefCatile G5*@ 09)4 Sheep 05*@ 06* | Hogs 06 @ 09 | Flour?Wisoonsin and Minnesota... 8 00 @ 9 00 | Corn?Mixed. 76 76 i Oats? " 6> @ 68 / Wool?Ohio and Pennsylvania XX... 42 @ 41* California Fall 15 @ .7* brighton, mass. Beef Cattle ?5*@ f6* Oteep 04 (a, 07 1 I aVubs 07 @ 08 U,***...,, 071,@ 07* WA*tBTO*Pi MAM. ! tioff. Oattd "Choicd. ? .. 5 C<? A t M i fSgfc,.. -x... J2? $ 9]* Am You CoMlrff [f so, be careful of disease. Aroid it by taking Quirk's Irish Tea. Price 25 cents. Fremature loss of the hair, witch is so common nowadays, may be entirely prevented by the use of Burnett's Cocoaine. We should not hesitate to recommend to any friend of ours Partem*' J'urgativr Pills ; they ire scientifically prepared, and are adapted to ill the purposes of a good purgative medicine. Durang's Rheumatic Remedy never fails to cure rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. Facts for those who have been dosed, irngged and quacked. Self-help for weak and , lervous sufferers. Information worth thousands ; :o those out of health. The new Health Jour- j lal that teaches all. sent free. Address, Elec- , lie Quarterly, Cincinnati, 0. A Great Chance to Make Money. Good A(renta wanted. ' nL Write at once to Hush Mko. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. To 9(0 per Week Easily Made Sclllnjr TEAS to Families. Send for Circular to fHK CANTON TF.A CO., 14H Chambers St..NewYork. Farmers, boy fisher's patent sickle GRINDERS, Hay Forks, and Farm Bella. Sold by | Dealers. Circular* Free. H. FISHER, CANTON, O. nOH! AGENTS. OH! EVERYBODY. The MUSTACHE Protector f 1 ?1_ n f .. .ir W M I uniy room. \^u<ui?to i?w ? ..... c. H. BARROWS, Willimantic. Ct. KITCHOUXE, KITClIOIifNE. Soap " counted oat." Ask your Grocer for large, free , uunp'e package. If yon don't get it, a*k nnain. Agents n the tr::de wanted.?HAMi'E.V MANUFACTURING JO.. 4 I I ORKENWICK STREET, NEW YORK. Tits GrenM I Fainn City tariss' Horai Calendar. Journal, and 3 Sample Plants, tW eta. UstafVee. J. GREIVES, Sec., Box 837, Patcraon, N?J The Big Horn Gold Region. >ver the Government route to the " BIG HOHS " leaves Haw'ins. Wyoming Territory, from the lOtb to the 25tb lay of May, 1877. Kaw.ins is on the Union Pacihc Kail oad, 120 miles from the Big Horn Mountains; good I oeds, plontr of fuel and water, and every facility for ! juthtting Reduced railway fares. Every information furnished on application to Executive Committee, Kawlins, Carbon Co., V> yoming. Inclose stamp for reply. 3 NEW BOOKS and Fanciers, by G. P. BURNHAM. (1877.) 1. " IliscaHcs of Poultry, how to cure them." 1!. "Secret* in Fowl Breeding," same style. 3. " Tbe (<nme Fowl?for the Pit, or the Spit." (With elegant full-page frontispiece in color*.) rw Illustrated Circulars of the Books* and of my choice Hrahiuaa and ('orbing (largest and iixst Fowls in the world), mailed for 3 cent stamp. Either Book cent, post-paid, for 50 cents, by <;uo. p. blkxham. llAlnnap. ifma. HOWARD IRON WORKS, BUFFALO, N. Y., Manufacturers of Hand and Power PAPER CUTTERS ? AND ? BOOKBINDERS' MACHINERY, Of the Most Improved Patterns. Parties intending to purchase will do well to address as .ibove, or GEO. H. SANBORN, 25 Beekmun Street, New York.* Mattresses aid Bedding - FOR ? Hotels, Institutions and the Trade. Feathers, Hair, Moss, Husk, Excelsior Comforters, Blankets, Bed Linen, Cots, Etc. Send for Price List. WJI. 8. FOGG & SOW 171 A' 1T3 Chatham Street, NEW YORK. IBWiMWl I A positive remedy tor 1> ropey and all diseases of I the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Or- I leant. Huafi Remedy it purely vegetable and prepared expressly for the above diteates. It has cured thoutaodt. Every bottle warranted. Send to W. ?. Clarke, Providence, R.I., tor illustrated namphlet. I | If your druggiat don't have It, he will order it for you. J CASTIGHT FOR EVERYBODY! Si Per IOOO Feet! Cneai>er than Coal Gas ? Safer than Kerosens ? A more brilliant light than either. Indorsed by leading Insurance Companies. ? An Automatic Machine ? Easily handled ? Adapted to Dwellings, Factories, Churches, Stores, R. R. Depots and Ottices? From a Single Burner upwards?Nothing liko it in the Country?Send for Illustrated Catalogue, on ? i DO ?t , vrTVifTTTRINtt CO.. I nc< rfIlAiir?IV AIAll v A nvr , P. O. Box 37fM)t No. 4 Murray St., New York. Too,000 Facts for the People! For the Farmer, the Merchant, the Horseman, the Stock-raiser, the Poultry-keeper, the Bee-keeper, the Laborer, the Fruit-raiser, the Gardener, the Doctor, the Dairyman, the Household?for every family who want* to save money. The Book of the lOlli Century. FACTS FOR AGENTS. Male and Female Agents coining money on it. Send to us at once for extra terms. INGRAM, SMITH A BLACK. 731 Walnut Street. Philadelphia, Pa. Foot-PoWv.r Scroll Saws 3Hgr TR ST j0\. Wilmington, j '>rlce' ^6.00 DEXTER Emery Grindex* and Polisher, $6. The*e Machines warranted in every renprrt Send for Circular and Illustrated List of Designs o Brackets. Frames, and Fancy Articles. Don't Start i'ktit vrnt u a W PnnOITRFn | A .Policy of Insurance AGAINST ACCIDENTS! A prudent roan will always carry A Yearly General Accident Folic] ? in the ? TRAVELERS LIFE AMD ACCIDENT Insurance Company \ Of Hartford, Conn., Whether Traveling or Not THE TRAVELERS haa paid, for Death or Disabling Injury by Accident, $2,600,00(^1 Eight of the victims of the ASHTABULA DISASTER flared 835,Odd to their Families bt Insuring in THE TRAVELERS. | AO?.NT? KVllHVWjroUK J^E\ QB?rmr Beit fc the?*11 AtTHMA3'11""* t pophaji aon,t?a?h8a.?> LADIES S!W* Fruit and Jelly Press! On*-third mot* juice than by the old process. A household necessity. Every 1 family will bur one. Quart and gallon eL^ sizes. Liberal discount to tho trade, t *'or circu'w sod terms address, with K " I American Fruit and Jelly Presa HI ' Company, Cincinnati, Ohio. Agents Wanted In Every Town ^wCLiilip^ and County. Every Family should have a Religious Xeicspaper. Are YOU a subscriber to any? If not, then discharge ! that DUTY NOW by subscribing to that good old reliable Family Journal, THE PRESBYTERIAN PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Price, 92.G5 a Year, Pontage included. Vrt-T-0 T" r\9 Viro nr rrtnra ?nhfif*rilu>rs tVlA nPlCA I in 92.15 * Year each. Its seed-thought* for Sunday-schools, "News of | Churches," and the " Work of our Church," at Home ; and Abroad its correspondence from all parts of the | world; its able contributions from eminent men, and its ! editorials, make it one of the Cheapest and Most Valuable Family Newspapers in the Country. It will contain (at frequent intervals) Sermons by Rev. Dr. Wadsworth and other eloquent divines, any one of which will amply pay for the subscription. Send the . amount by Potst-office money order, check, or registered letter to THE PKE.sB YTERIAN. 1512 Chestnut Street, Phila. i Washington Centennial Memorial, gocU., additional, plain; or 91?00 in colors. Specimen Copies of Tlie Presbvfprinn sent free. Note.?For 91*50 we will give The Prerdytkbian ! one year, and one copy of the BIBLK DICTIONARY I bound in cloth, over 1000 pages, which retails for 94.50. | Pleasant as Wine! Earless as Water"! VAN BUSKIRK'S TONIC INVIGORANT! Many persona have obtained the best health of their lives by the use of this excellent and remedy. Nearly every form of debility and disease has been cured by it, and without any of the usual advertising It has become so favorably known that it is being sent for from all parts of the country, and the facilities for making it have had to be Increased to the capacity of hundreds of thousands of bottles to meet the constantly increasing demand. The success of this remedy has no paral'e), and wherever known it has acquired a reputation never equaled by any other medicine, Its wonderful magic-like effect surprises all, it does evtry one good, and insures good health and strength to all who take it. It is a certain cure for dyspepsia, constipation, biliousness, headache, neuralgia, and all affections of tho stomach, liver, kidue\s and nervous system, and for every form of debility it is without doubt rhean?st. plcasanteet and best medicine in the world. Price only SO cents for Half-pint bottles. FAN BCSKIRK & CO., Proprietors, 18 Vesey Street, New York. Burnett's Extracts For cooking purposes. Burnett's Extracts " Preeminently tunfrirtr." ?Parker House, Boston. Burnett's Extracts LEMON, VANILLA, ROSE, ALMOND, NECTARINE, CELCRY, ORANGE, PEACH, NUTMEG, CINNAMON, CLOVES, GINGER Burnett's Extracts "The hest in the tcnrlrl." -Filth At. Hotel, N. Y. Burnett's Extracts "Used exclusively far years." ?Continental Hotel, l'hilo. Burnett's Extracts The superiority of these Extracts cmsis's in their perfect pttrity and grout strength. Tiny are warranted free from the i>ou>oiiou? ciin and neids which enter into the cot?i>opitioii < f many of tho factitimu fruit flavors now in tlio market. They are not onlv true to thvir r.arr.ea, bnt are prepared from fruit* of tlie beet quality, and are so highly concentrated that a comparatively s.uall quantify only ne d l>e used. JOSEPH BURNETT & CO.. BOSTON, PROPRIETOR*. VEGETINE Purifies the Blood, Renovates and Invigorates the Whole System. ITS MEDICAL PB0PEBTIE8 ASE Alterative, Tonic, Solvent and Diuretic. ' VEGETINE| Reliable Evidence. VEGETINE MR.H.R. 8T*V*WS: ? Dear Sir?I will most cheerfully add my testimony to the great number you ' VEGETINE p >^^o^^edicine, v'KGrfl'N R for I do not think enough oan be Mid in ita praise, for I was troubled over i/rnrTitir thirty rears with that dreadful disease, . Vtut I Irlt Catarrh, and had such bad coughina spells that it would seem as though I never could breathe any more, and VEGETINE has cured me; and I do VEGETINE fe*>l to thank God all the time that there is so good a medicine as > EGETINE, and I also think it one of the beat medicines for coughs and weak. VFRFTINF sinking feelings at the stomach, and . WfcUCllHC advise everybody to take the VKGE TINE, for I oan assure them it is one of the best medicines that ever was. VEGETINE Cor. Magazine and Walnut Streets, Cambridge, Mass. , VEGETINE ' GIVES vegetine Health, Strength and Appetite. , VEGETINE K th1 Mr daughter has received great benefit from toe use of VEGETINE. Hei declining health was a source of great VEGETINE anxiety to all her friends. A few bottles of VEGETINE restored her health, . ""'r^TILDEN, I VEGETINE ? "Nr?R?,?^idA?nt' Boston, Mass. VEGETINE ? J Cannot Be Excelled. ' VEGETINE Chahlestowts, March 19,18?. H. R. 8m?l: A , Dear Sir?This is to certify that HCOCTltlC have used your "Blood Preparation ' I VtutllNt in my family for several years, and 1 think that, for 8crofula or Cankerope Humors or Rheumatic affection*. it | I cannot be excelled: and as a bl -od vegetine purifier or spring is tnc 'tU , best thing I have ever used, and lh m need almoet everything. I can cheerfully recommend it to any one in need vegetine MBS. A. A. DINSMORK, No. 19 Russell Street r vegetine _ vegetine fecumeoii ii heartily. South Boston, Feb. 7, 1870. . Mr. 8tivens : I ..pnrriur Otar Sfr?I hare taken several bottlei Vcut lint of yourVEGETINE. and am convinced it is a valuable remedy for Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaint and general debility vegetine ?Vcanyheartily recommend it to all suffering from the above cotnplawits. Yours reepectfslly, I MRS. MUNROE PARKER, , vegetine 3&i Athens Street PREPARED BY ' H. R STEVENS, Mod, Mass. . fl'tftllMt; I* Built IM* A!t HfNgflriri # OLD Bounty Land Warranto bon?ht, byrheet cuh price p.tid by Gilmokk A Co..W?;?hinirton.D.C. SOLI D Rubber Stuup? A Hnhbo Goods. KND FOR CATALOGUE. or uk your Stationer. ome thing New. H. S. Iwqkhsoli.. 2Q3 B'wsy. N Y. rriTT* A C ?The choicest in the world?importer*' JL a_J/a tie prioeo laryeet Company in America? staple article?ploaaes every bods?Trade continually increasing?AgenU wanted everywhere?beet indaoemenra ?dont waste time?send for Circular to ROBKRT WKLL8, 43 Veeey St. New York. P. O. Box 1287. FIRST l'UFMII.'M U. 8. Centennial Exhibition. AGENTS WANTED! Medals and Diplomas awarifcl W*""' Pictorial BIBLES 1.800 IlluMtratlonn. Address for new circulars, A. J. HOLMAN dfc CO., 930 ARCH Street, Phila. _ THIS NEW ^HanSvELASTIC TRUSS C.^^WHaa a r?4 Algeria* hr?ai all etberv, U ,, n iiifr"'"'"' *tu Self adjaettas Bet? ^RiM^Wiris eeaier, iliis SmU te afl po?l ^%**7BlUeeef Ue bejy, white the ball U WSCNCIBLXjVthe eep prims back the ln|B| g TRUES M tewUnen J oat aa * pernio would with the flnrsr. Bus w us Hfht prsssrs Us Bsrale Is liM seerely 1m sat Q|M, sad e radleel tare eertals. II U ~i.:, Barmblt sad sheep, heal by wall. Clreelare tree. EOOLItTON TRUES CO., May halle TlOh. 9M| RP The Tip Top Package Is the beet eTTtns d ? S^9^kJ*ci-'1,0 W,Htf READ AND 71 || IWScE, J S Sheets Nute pBiirr. lfei ?'nu p. S IiMicll. Penholder, Golden Pen. Set i>:K!*-.:intOo'?l htoii# Sleeve Buttons cents Lake George Diamond Pin. Am.-ihvst Stone King Inlaid with gold, Amethyst St-mo Scarf Pin, <}.- d plated Wedding Ear Drop., Ladies Fov-rd end Silvered uat Fin. Lidles P.-tury Sot Fin and Drop-., <;..:.|.p|?ted Collar Button, Gents Uold-pUteil V.'ntch fbxlnand Scr of Three Goldplated Studs. Tht fu'lrr l?t *,?t for (\O emit. XXTHinmn.WASr l.SOiCLXi'AWlwr T0_A0EST8. Eli J. BBIDE & CO., H a M BV Clinton Place, New Yi4. B wB "The Best Polish in the World." $1.00 $1.00 Osgood's Heliotype Engravings. The ehoieest household omattirn's. l'riee One Dollar each Send-for catalogue, JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO. BOSTON, MASS. A $1.00 $1.00 Kansas display of products at Centennial surpassed all other States. KANSAS PACIFIC R. W. CO. offers largest lody of pood lands in KANSAS nt lowest prices ana la-st tcrrEs. Plenty of Gov't lands FSEK for Homesteads For copy of * KANSAS PACIFIC HON INSTEAD,** address, Isind Commissions K. P. Dir., Sal inn, Kanenn, ^ 6 f 1^^ | Are mede in eil styles end of e.Tei M C | description, from the ll|hte?t, finest, end most elegnnt in oae to the heaviest and strongest required for any kind of work; are C_ II nnequnled in style, oncordlw.rkm.isi.ip, *trength end durability. They received the highest written award et the Centennial Kxpoeition. Uopnace J J | None gennlne nnlew narnC9D. Itbey ere stamped with oar name and Trade Mark. A liberal n ... _ ^ J will be riven tor information that la vWulQ will convict any on* who sells hnrness as the Concord Harness tbnt are not made by as. Extra inducements offered. Send ; for circular* and price lists. Address J. R. HILL & CO., CONCORD. N. H. FIFTY-TWO OF THE MOST PROMINENT STATES1EK of tte OUTS! WILL WRITE FOR TiiF TOLEDO BLADE (tiaubv'a Paper). Evert*, Sherman, Key, Schnrz, Morton, Blaine, Foster. Windora, and others of note, contribute an article I durtnr the year. The N'osby Letter* are written exclnsively for the BLADE. The Best and Cheapest Paper in the World. Specimen Copies sent Free to any address. Send Postal. Address, "BLADE," Toledo, Ohio. Burnett's Cocoaine Prevents the Hair from Falling. Burnett's Cocoaine Promotes its Healthy Growth. Burnett's Cocoaine Is not Greasy nor Sticky. Burnett's Cocoaine Leaves no Disagreeable Odor. ? - - wa _ , Burnett's wocoaine Sulxluej Refractory Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine Soothes the Irritated Scalp-Skin. Burnett's Cocoaine Affords the Richest Lustre. Burnett's Ofccoaine . Is not an Alcoholic Wash. i Burnett's Cocoaine Sills Dandruff. Burnett's Cocoaine Oives New Life to the Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine Longest In Effect. S 7.20 PER QUARTER FOR TEN QUARTERS. Mason a hamliii CABINET ORGANS. R @H1SHK8T AWARDS AT GREATW WORLD'S EXPOSITIONS Paris, Vienna, Santiago, -I867J f I873| m 18751 PHILADELPHIA, 1876. Oman ami.its. Tnmt Ilui at CmvrunriAL. G-tat wmrutf #/ dyitt at print ukitk wdSll impaaaiMa fat wort if tad tottUratt mtiami anifaaltd/aeiliti? for mamm/aatmry EXAMPLES OP NET CASH PUCESi pl,eoola^doubUnHjdor*... |100 F-?OC,.w,;|j.?op.. ^114 S-UA alio for monthly or fuarUrtp paywunta, or rnM antil rtalpapt. A ittptriar organ map a? it pwrxkaaai bpUU tat| no. msmi./ .1.90 nor aaarUr lor U? anarUri. CaUlofmtt frtt. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO. IMTr.mont St. 25 Union 8q. 150 Wtbaih Art. BOSTON. jCTW TOBJL CH1CAOO. POND'S EXTRACT CATARRH.?Pond's Extract w nearly a Spe? ciBc for this disc .?e. It can hardly be excelled, even in old and ols-tiuato cases. The relief Is so prompt that u > one who haa ever tried it will l? without it. CHAPPED nANDH AND FACE.-Pond'i Extract should be in every family tail rough weather. It removes the sorenew and roughness, and softens and hcalj 1 the akin promptly RHEUMATISM.?During severe and changeabh weather, no one subject to ltheumati* I Pains should be one day without Pond*! Extract, which nlwnya relieve-.. SORE LI NOS. CONSUMPTION, COUGHS COLDS.- This cold Weatnvr tries the littngit aorely. Have Pond's Extract ou hand always. It relieves the pain ami cures the disease. CHILBLAINS sill be promptly relieved ant ultimately cured Dybathing the afflicted parts with Pond's Extract. FROSTED LIvTBS.?Pond's Extract Invnria bly relieves th? paiunnd flitallv Cures SORE THROAT, QUINSY, IN FLAM Ell TONSILS AND AIR PASSAGE* are promptly cured by the use of Pond's : ni.ToRV^fV""'"^1'- 1? ? * Medical iitrice Free! ft'lf? PRINTER*, ?et ^Mcr*?r Mlau'? 1Tv* by Va>dkiibpiioh. Wells 4 Co., I ft Valeto st.,n.Y CPA f week in your own town. Ternu and outfit #vu frf- H. HAL! .KIT A CO.. Portland. Mum*' & f7 A Week to Agents. MlO Ootfl *" ?QtJt) HQ/ / P Q. VICKRRY, Augusta. Maina. CR fn (90 P?r day at homo. Sample* worth ? > 10 fag. STIifSON k CO.. P- rtland. Maine. Dmni |fP||S7abot$8.0u.70?tyl?fc Huf ULf tnW?rrm?<Gtm Woem. Chloago. PI. ! &/4/1 a WEEK. Catalogue and Swnpi. EJUS*. FKLTU.V A CX).. 119 Nuwu St., Wow York. (fitOa day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and OP-L^I terms free. TRtJK A (X).. Aayu.iU. Maine. ACCENT* WANTED to eolleet email pictures to , copy and enlarge. Money in it For particub r? addreea E..P. GKROULD i CO.. ConcOfiD, N. AC1ENTH-C hraprM ( hromow In the World. 2.1 assorted, postpaid, Ml. or 3 tor 2.1 cent. Cowtiucttal Chbomo Co.. 30 Saaaau St., New York' DAPAA1 year to AAents. o*//H ami a llll$2S Sh<.' Omm jrr*. For terms udtyfil V U |f drees, J. H'ortA A Co.. Si.Cvuit.JIo. T?I.E(:TKIC BELTS.?A NEW, CHEAP, PKRIJ FRCT Care for di> mat are debility. Send for circa lar or pall on Db. H. KA RR. 832 Broadway, New York A1% WATCIIEN. A Great : *n?/*tioo. dunph Watch and Outfit free to Agent*. Better than W1j Gold. Addrera A. COULTER 1 CO Chicago. CftAI Made by 17 A fronts In Jan. 77 erlfta Jlh M niy l.tnewartlclcs. Samples free. " wwlf f Address c. St. Limingtom, Oiraya; A Asa a A Ascents wanted. Mi oeft sell jkXKII in* uri.ciae in the worli. One eainpn irw. j ytftftf Acdms* JA V BKONSON, D. troit. Micb. /h H AT".YEAR. An eight-page Story Paper \|u I (cbromo l?x22 "Our Bojrs^). Si* months til 1 (" Floral Crone" chroino). 60 eta. No frre samples. ALBUM, Box 15H6? Boston, Maas. Iff f ITCH i??n to trarel and tax* oraers of UV A l\l > tu Merebanta. Salary flifUO a year 1 VVn|l and ail traveling expenses paid, j Addreea Gr.M Man'Pg Co., St. 1/3am. Mo. 1 An AA AG It NTS* PROFIT per week. Will ; jK if ? B% II prove it or forfeit S&00. New article*, IpVllUU jnet patented. Sample* sent free to ! all. Addreea W, II. CgiPKaTKB. g|8 Fulton St.. N.Y. o al I CHEAP HOMES' Cft Smith T Cheap Ticketa Reli VIU WUUlll e able information as to be?t loc tiona. S*nd 10 eta. tor South *rtt Hernl/i. Ada's GAINES A Y1NCL1NG. No. ? Aator Honae, New York ^^Wiuit^^CtfSS^^wr^Count^^ellourB I New Household Articles. Send for circulars. ?I HTXBtt - And Not W"- o*u Sold by Watchmakers. By mail, 30c. Gircolars free. J. 8. BIRCH A CO.. 38 Dey Street. New York. M fl N F Y K.THs^?S III wliL I cent* for sample*. Outfit com Ki'UP.MK CO., Cincinnati, O. JBk . Prwf. Hull's Made Compwwnfl la the only preparation, on* package of which will force the beard to grow thick and hasvy on the smoothrat flies (without injury> in 21 days ia every rase, or money cheerfully re^ VA ftmdrd. ss cents per package, postpaidi S ft* IWlA to oent*. ft, W. JoNES. Aahlawd. Mea A BOOK for the MILLION. MEDICAL ADVICE and (Jhronic Diaeaiea, Cancer^ ' atarrh, Rupture, Opium Habit, kc^ SENT FREE on r txiti tatamp. Add rota, ^ 7>r Biifta'OiTwnasry No l?N.yut.St Lonis ??. M STEEL H1BB0I TEETH {Strength Combined with Llghtnrts. I Upon receipt of a Post-office money order, we wii leliver to the express or railroadto nch square teeth. lOfc inches long, for $4. AO AO Viuch square teeth, U>X inches long, for 3.25 1 NICXLY BoXZD. SWKRTS MTO CO.. 8rmcra?. N. Y. ^TEsQTRUE ?**>?.?> n.?i!ii'i!isw?_aTIML iteTIME-ICffPER, %?&fff If afi"rl ' " ieifaiaESkllk.i.U'rmnlnnU. jail I- AN' I^r-k7.fcw?.?a(u,sv?aviK?i)r4~.W.prt.^llT[| V*cy\*lnwi?,?u41 ! liJ ?-/I .it i.a Hutfauiisa^. LytfiS (p7 4 a yf ~t??-?|.win- Hi m sji w wu. jWb . ^ * ? two t ro., Xtfium'. v., F?r " i*1*-' nm*M rw r~. ?* *? ? f" ' e". TIM.-IM^TI. Ml ItMf an ...... .M.M1 MUtMfM. T? . "yerfa-t Immm MUM, MT^aul 11M /WJ r <,4 4?.n f. an, 4..11.M. fm ?s.i r?. . 11 j... mi . mm f~ ?T ?r~. a?M.r.n. ...M. juiiu'. rulb. . ^ ' li 1. w A ttiu KTKlJ v. 4mm. ?m m. m ? k?. h 4 , r a.rly n4-Tm im fma *.'14# *. .11 TV. Mrf.l WiaaM 4 ! IM .... h, UM'MMhM'H-*, IWS W CmWIM TijMfc WriafainaM *W?| la. XiStl a cu.. VI. VatkAM d/k/i Warra Tlantrhfari That UVkliCJ B IT UU 1AQ T w Have Weak Iniigs, Should arrest the disease when it ia in the incipient ->tagee. It i* indicated by a backing ooogh, paina ia the cheat, difficulty of breathing, or oppreaaion of the lnnge [f thia be permitted to ran on, tnberelee will form, and Consumption will be the result A moat valuable remely will be found in AI.LEN'8 LL'NG BALAAM jo cure and cheek thia diaeaae in ita first stage. For sale by all Medicine Dealers. CHURCH'S MUSICAL AAA Worth of illade IIICITAB }uU During the Year. WlOl I tllll Every number has 32 pages of Musie and Musical Stories, Sketches, Editorial*, Letters, lessons, etc., etc. Choice of Four KUwant Premium Volumes Ft** to every 'uhscriber at 8 1.50 a rear Send stamp for full par-iculars. or 15 cents for sample, with last ttmg of P. P. Blisa. Address, J. CHURCH ?V CO., Cincinnati, O. A r\ PPB CENT. NET Ilk | ||II, for the money lender. HI I I UU Interest paid semi annually first year in ad ranee. Se II curity 4 to 10 times the loen in III land alone, exclusive of the buiJdIII <a4* (Present cash value by sworn | W appraisers.) Ho investment safer. M 1 / No payments more promptly met. m ^ Beet of referenoee^ jirmLSrvd damp for particulars. D. M. B. JOHNHTON* Negotiator of Mortgage Loans, St. Paul, MnntMOTA. T7" KKP>fl SIIIRTK?onlyone quaMtv-The Beet aV Keep's Patent Partly-made Dress Shifts Can be finished me easy aa hemming a Handkerchief, rhe very beet, six for 97.00. Keep's Custom Shirts?made to measure. The vary best, six for fS.OO. Aa elegant set of gen nine Gold-piste dollar and Sleeve Buttons given with each half doc. Keep's Shut Keep's Shirts are delivered FRKR on receipt of price In any part of the Union?no express charges to peg. Samples with full directions for self-measurement Sent free to any address. No stamp required. , Deal directly with the Manufacturer and get Bottom Pncee Keep Manufacturing Co., 165 Meroer 8i.,W.Y. AA A TEAR. AGENTS WANTED /Al II I on our Grand Comblnntlcn PrMpectan, representing ISO DISTINCT BOOKS mated eyerywhere. The bl?|Mt thlax erer tried. 8. lea made from this when all single Books fail. Aim Agents wanted on our >1 AliS'lFK'EXT FA.KILT KIBLEN. Superior to all others. With IuTaluablelllua trated Aids and Superb Bindings. These Reeks heat the World. Full Particulars free. Address JOHN ?. POTTER A CO.. Publishers, PHILADELPHIA. Erery Tear Ton Lose More than one ootte?Ours ahrayi right?No peg MB tested and suited?No risk, we pay freight?Be your own Agent and Save Commissions?Four Ton Hay Menlrs, eomplrt* (none better) B?jO? dtliv^rtd. Send for free Price List all site Scales and judge for yourself. JONES OF BINGHAMTON, BINGHAMTON, N. T. > [COLLINS A COlS iSSwFOTWS i? g*n *jii inV f fti i irn ft- fir r^CC. /g^ 212 Watch St NEW-YOftK Crrv. ? Maize Flour Toilet Soapf^? Molwa Blaiir Tnllab fiaon t mui*v I IVMl VIIV? VVMf# ? Maize Flour Toilet Soap! ? A met disoovery!? new soap compound! It Mx>th?w softens, and whitena the skin, has wonderful healing and superior washing properties, and ia equally suited f< r t he bath, nursery ana general toilet. It is delightful!j perfumed, and sold everywhere at a moderate price. Kegi* tered in Patent-Office. 1876, by the manufac urers, I McKKONK. VAN HAAGRN A CO.. Philadelphia. 11 AGENT8 WANTED FOR THE WORK DAYS OF 80D! * By Pbot. HJEBBEBT W. MORRIS, A.M., D.D. The Grand History of tha World before Adam. IU dateless origin, thrilling and mysterious change* In becoming a fit abode for nan. The beaotiea, wonders and reeSaea of Plan aa shown bv Hclence.. So plain, clear and aaaUy understood that all read it with delight. Strongest oommendationa. Send for Circular, Terms 1 and Sample Dlustrations. Address, J. C. McCURPY dc COTFMIadelphla. TP^If LOWEST PRICES. ? Send far Pamphlet of tha Reliable Bnrlinfte* Road. I Address, Lizi Cfrair?lraer,B. k B. I. ?. | ||| ^ BURUN&TON, IOWA. ; IN The united staTEo O 11 COIL ENOCR BILLIARD TABLES. ' AVmll ^8LES Best in Use. Balis, Cloth, Cues P and everything appertaining to 1 llflDBilliards, at Lowest Prices. Hav' 1 r JDvv m* the larffcat stock and finest fcji\|r-r facilities for manufacturing, ' orders can be promptly filled. 1 VXJHWVJBjJl Geod second-hand Tables cbesp. -V bq V%\ W r Thx Btli.iabd Cux, an illns--7|i trated newspaper sent free on ! H?W*COLLENI>EB, [ ^ 73B T^roadwAT. H- T. _ , WYTY^^ WO. 18 > W?*w WHITING TO ADVRKTIBKIUJJ TT fioaoe ?o7 thnf 0?w Ueo MTOrfifb m%B%U Oil pb?tfi