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# The Wickedest Town in America. correspondent of the New York Sun gives the following account of life in Uheyenue, on the Union Pacific railroad; I have seen wicked cities in my time. I have seen spreeing at the Esler in St. Petersburg, seen fellows " make a night of it" in the Orpheum in Berlin, seen the wickedness at Nijni Novgorod during the September fair, seen the Mabille packed with depravity when the empire was at its meridian, but I never expected to see hell itself. I sauntered out on the streets of Cheyenne at midnight. Fifty saloons and a ilozpn lin^naod oromV?lir?or houses line the principal street, all thronged ;md gaily illnminated till the morning suu puts out the lights. What makes Cheyenne the wickedest city in the world ? I. Cheyenne is the metropolis where the rich owners and the buckskin-clad drivers of fire million dollars' worth of cattle rendezrous for a weekly spree. II. It is the nearest point where the Black Hillers can sell their gold dust >uid nuggets, and then gamble and spree awav the proceeds so as to go back to the mines. III. It is the point to which all the ? Iudian-fighting army officers come as a place where they can spree away a hundred dollars in a nicht and nr? for Clergymen 6hake him by the hand, and bankers chum with him like an old schoolmate. The profits in the one building are $1,000 per day. I suppose there are a dozen houses on one block i where gamblirg goes on day and night 1 with open doors. Sometimes the mar- 1 shal and the policeman take a hand. The judge goes out and " bucks the tiger" while the jury are agreeing on a verdict. You will see colonels in the army standing by private soldiers, and \ see cow boys in buckskin dividing the , chips with a Cheyenne Indian?ell in the most enterprising border town in America and the wickedest city in the world, i Withdrawing the Troops. The following communication was sent j by the President to Secretary of Warj McCrary, relative to the withdrawal of > troops from New Orleans: Sir?Prior to my entering upon the : duties of the Presidency there had been stationed, by order of my predecessor in i the immediate vicinity of the building used as a State House, in New Orleans, T.iniaianft mill tnnnrn an AfcwiVtortimi Tn_ etitute, a detachment of United States infantry. Finding them in that place, I j have thought proper to delay a decision I of the question of their removal until I could determine whether the condition of affairs is now such as to either require or justify continued military intervention of the national governmentin the affairs of the State. In my opinion there does not now exist in Louisiana such domestic violence as is contemplated by the Cou^ stitution as the ground upon which the military power ot the national government may be invoked for the defense of i the State. The disputes which exist as to the right of certain claimants to the chief executive office of that State are to j be settled and determined not by the executive of the United States, but by such orderly and peaoeable methods as may be provided by the Constitution and laws of the State. Having the assurance that no resort to violence is contemplated, ; but, on the contrary, the disputes in j question are to be settled by peaceful methods under and in accordance with the law, I deem it proper to take action in accordance with the principles an-' nounced when I watered upon the duties of the Presidency. You are, therefore, ' directed to see that the proper orders are issued for the removal of said troops at | au early date from their present position to such regular baiTacks in the "vicinity as may be selected for their occupation. The World's Population. The most trustworthy estimate of the : number of the human family for the year 1876, as furnished by statisticians is, 1,423,917^000. The majority live in Asia. About four-sevenths of the human race, or 825,548,500, is Asiatic. Europe comes next, with over a fifth, or 309,178.300; Africa with abont a seventh, or 199,921,-1 600; America with less than a sixteenth, or 85,519,800; and finally Australia and Polynesia, with the very small fraction of 4,748,600 people. Europe is the most densely populated, having eighty-two person to the square mile; Asia, fortyeight to the square mile; Africa, seventeen and a half, and America and Australia five and a half aud one and a quarter respectively. Sponge Cake.?Four eggs, beaten f< ?r half an hour; one cupful su^ar, one cupful Hour, lost time on the Big Horn. TV. It is the stopping point for all the swell demi-monde from San Francisco, St. Louis and Chicago. In a word, it is the American paradise for licensed drinking, lighting, gambling, etc. Walk with me into one licensed house on the principal street in Cheyenne at three o'clock in the morning. The house is a medley. It is the Parisian Varieties on Sixteenth street, New York, John . Morrissey's Saratoga gambling house, the Argyle rooms on Sixth avenue, New York, and the Alhambra, 'with its fifty waiter girls, in London, all crowded into one. The building is perhaps 50 by 130 feet, and two stories high. On the ground floor is a theater stage, room for three hundred cow boys, soldiers, ranchmen and waiter girls, and Z just out of it are the gambling tables and w bars. At the tables every known game is played. Among the dealers are sev- i eral French women dressed in silks and i diamonds. Utterly devoid of delicacy j they -shuffle and deal the cards and! handle the chips for the swearing, drinking crowd which throng around the tables. | On the stage there is a constant variety show going on. Skillful variety ! actors are employed, and there the j f tight-rope walkers, the song and dance women in tights, the low-necked ballad ! singer, the clog dancer, the negro ini11- } strel, the model artists, and the female bathers come ont in a continuous btream from ten at night till morning. On.the first floor every drink is twenty-five cents, and abont thirty English, 1 French and American waiter girls keep the crowd constantly drinking. Above j this motley crowd of cow boys, ranchmen, Black Hills freighters, miners and soldiers, is a row of private boxes filled with rich ranchmen, officers, touristsand j follnroo vrrV*r\ Uovn /?Amn rlnwis crolrl AVUV *V U ?? UV UUT V VVXUV uvnu HilU ^V4V4 * dust from the Black Hills. These boxes j all communicate with the stage. Twenty j or thirty waiter girls supply the boxes with champagne, the price of which is $5 for pint bottles. All drinks in the ; boxes are fifty cents. It is a common j tliiug for a ricli ranchman, after selling a thousand- cattle, to come here anil; spend $1,000 on a spree. A colonel in the army, who had been fighting up in j the Big Horn country, came in the other evening and spent $1,000, and finally; left his watch on the red, and lost that too. The proprietor of this gambling and variety saloon is a very generous man. Everybody likes him, and lie is ! considered a good citizen in Cheyenne. CHEAP AND EASY. flow lui migrants Lire on their Way Across the Continent?The Black Hills. Immigrant life on a Union Pacific train is certainly an interesting life. The time 1.1 1. t t\ v. A., a TI ; | mrougu iruui wmtuia. i<j oau x iuuciocu id eight days?a little less thau a voyage from Cork to New York. The immigrant; train generally contains about 400 men, women and children. Children generally j make up half the load. In one car tins morning I counted twenty-five babies and small children, says a correspondent. In another car a mother had thirteen children. This good, patient, self-sacrificing mother was doing all her own cooking and washing on the train. Every night she places the seats cross- ! wise,* makes up a bed for her little ones, . and then they all go to sleep in a nest. 1 The cars run smoothly, very smoothly, on the Union Pacific?so smoothly that ' you can write or shave on the train, j They run about fifteen miles an hour. | The expense of riding is about $5 per ; day, or $15 for eight days. i am astonished at the supply and cheapness of the food along the road. ' , At every station women bring in milk, butter and eggs, which are sold cheaper than you can buy them in Fulton mar* ket. Eggs all the way to North Platte are twenty cents a dozen, milk ten cents per quart, and butter twenty cents per pound, though prices are higher at j Cheyenne and Sidney on account of the Black Hills innovation. The immigrant buys his butter, eggs and milk, and a few loaves of bread; then makes liis coffee and boils his eggs on the train stove as he goes along. " How much does it cost you a day to live ?" I asked a rosy-cheeked mother with two healthy children. , " Oh, about fortv-five cents a dav for i all of us." " What, fortv-five cents a day for you ; and vour children ?" " *Why, yes. See! two quarts of milk and a half-pound of butter, that's thirty cents, , and then coffee and two loaves pf bread, that's fifteen cents more. Forty cents is enough, and we could get along on twenty-five cents, all of us." Professor Blot once said people could I live in New York on ten cents per day. I know they can live on a Union Pacific railroad train for fifteen. Everything is cheap for the immigrant out on the plains. The big eating-houses for the Pullman trains charge one dollar per meal, but anyVhere along the road small eating stations only charge twentyfive and fifty cents per meal. To-day I had fresh-fish at Elm Creek station, caught from the Loup Fork, as sweet and juicy as Moon's Saratoga bass, j mealy potatoes, ham and eggs, delicious beef,* and a nice desert, for fifty cents. It is very amusing to see English tourists fill up big baskets with provisions in Omaha, expecting to find no food as they go over the plains. After the first two days I notice they begin to pitch their stale roast chicken and stale boiled eggs out of the car windows, and regale themselves on the delicious country food, fresh cooked at the stations. Middle and western Nebraska, up to the 100th meridian, is a strange country. The land looks good till you get toward North Platte. It is blacl-, like the Illinois bottoms, but it does not produce as well. The people say they have not: had a fair chance yet. For the last four years the grasshopper has eaten up the4 country. Last year they raised a half crop. This year they are in a state of desperation. They say that if the grass-! hoppers come again, and the crops fail this year, they will give up all and move back into Iowa. But if good crops come here in Nebraska this year, I am satisfied that the thousands and fifty thousands of people who are now moving toward the Black Hills will return and settle in the grasshopper-cursed State. The Black Hills excitement i? doing one ffood. If they do not get rich there, ! many of the immigrants will see the , fine lands along the Platte river in Nebraska, and finally lodge there and settle. The fare from Chicago to Deadwood, including stage fare, is from $35 to $40. Besides the railroad trains, I saw innumerable wagon trains all along the North Platte bound for the Hills. large wagon train started out frcgn Grand Island yesterday. The Black Hills immigrants are mostly from Illinois, Indiana, or points in the i West. On tlie train is a speculator who has two carloads of provisions, which he is j taking to Sidney, The potatoes cost him j forty-five cents per bushels near Omaha, beans #2.25 per bushel, and bacon eight i cents. Potatoes are worth in Sidney 81.20 per bushel, beans $3, and bacon ten cents. In Deadwood, potatoes are worth 85.50, beans 88, and bacon twenty i cents. The Union Pacific charges 81 per hundred pounds from Omaha to Sidney, and the freight from Sidney to Deadwood is $6 per hundred?that is, seven cents per pound from Omaha to Deadwood. Recollectiong of Don Quixote. Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open. The absent feel and fear every ill. Self-praise depreciates. The dead to the bier; the living to ' good cheer. All women, let them be ever so homely, are pleased to hear themselves cele- , brated for their beauty. Squires and knights errant are subject to much hunger and ill luck. Liberality may be carried too far in those who have children to inherit from them. Virtue is always more persecuted by the wicked than beloved by the righteous, i Every one is the son of his own works. Honey is not for the mouth of an ass. No padlock, bolts or bars can secure a maiden so well as her own reserve. Wit and humor belong to genius alone. The wittiest person in a comedy is he V. n nlora fit A fnnl There is no book so bad but something . good may be found in it. We are all as God made us, and oftentimes a great deal "worse. Let a hen live, though it be with & pip. We cannot all be friars, and various are the paths by which God conducts the good to neaven. Covetousness bursts the bag. It is easy to undertake, but more difficult to finish a thing. The term is equally applicable to all ranks?whoever is ignorant is vulgar. By the streets of "By and By" one arrives at the house of "Never." Between the "yes" and "no" of a woman I would not undertake to thrust the i point of a pin. Patience, and shuffle the cards. A soldier had better smell gunpowder than musk. Other men's pains are easily borne. A bad cloak often covers a good drinker. Pray devoutly and hammer on stoutly. When a thing is once begun it is almost half finished: Lay a bridge of silver for a flying enemy. The jest that gives pain is no jest. I Masked by Mature. A Puris letter says : Senator Arago has a proverbially large nose. He is an hereditary Republican, and royalists sweai by his organ and artists are loud in their praises of its vennilliou color. A few days ago, during the carnival in Paris, he was going to Versailles, and in the same compartment of the railway carriage wprn hrnthpr apr.ntnrfl And a iadv with an infant on her knees. The chii<i commenced to cry, and Arago endeavored to coax it to be calm, bnt the child cried the more. The lady begged he would cease his pleasantry, as she was flying from Paris, her infant being terrified with the masks and false noses, so she would be obliged if Arago would remove his and conceal it for the remainder of the journey. Mr. Dioffenoi*. This singular man lived in Greece. He was distinguished for his eccentricities, had manners, and bad disposition. It was his chief business to find fault. For example, he took a 'lantern one day wlieu the sun was shining brightly and went out to seareh for an honest n an, thereby insinuating that such persons were exceedingly scarce. When Alexander, a distinguished military gentleman, paid him a visit, and inquired what he could do for him; he | had the impudence to tell him to "get out of his sunshine." To cap the climax of his oddi- : ties, he dressed like a beggar and lived in a j twb! He was a sour, crabbed, crusty old bachelor. We infer that he had no wife! first, because history does not mention her; second, j because no woman wauld take kindly to one of his habits, dress or manners, or aspire to become mistress of his mansion. "There wasan old woman who lived in a shoe," it is true, but the woman who would live in a tub, and especially with such a companion, lias not been i heard from. The misanthropic spirit which possessed this man was doubtless dne to disordered digestion and a biliousness, one of the promiuent symptoms of which is a morose, fault-finding disposition. The tongue is heavily coated, giving rise to a bad taste, the appetite is not good, and the patient feels dull, sleepy or dizzy, and is apt to be fretful. Unfortunately, Mr. Diogenes lived several centuries before Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets wero in- i vented, a' few doses of which would have re- j bin* " ftiul htlhblp/l liim fn ' find scores of "honest men" without the aid of his lantern. Under their magic influence, com- ! bined with that of the Golden Medical Discovery, to cleanse his blood, he might have J been led to take a more cheerful view of life, j to exchange his tub for a decent habitation, to "spruce up" in personal appearance, and at last have taken a wife to mend his clothes and his manners, both of which were in evident > need of repairs, and become the happy sire of little Diogeneses who would hare handed down to posterity the name, not of a cynic philoso-1 pher, but of a cheerful, healthy, happy, virtuous man ! A Card for Rational Readers. Irrational people always reject good advice, and in nothing is their folly more frequently conspicuous than in igfioring precautions necessary for the retention pf health. Forecast, on , the other hand, is a notable characteristic of j the rational, and it is the exercise of this quality which we would suggest to them. Protect i the system against diseases which fasten upon the debilitated, the nervous and the dyspeptic, j by bracing the physique, regulating* the stom-! ach, bowels and liver, and banishing despondency, with the purest and most efficieut. of botanic invigorauta, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. That these effects follows iW use, aud , that it prevents as well as annihilates intermit- i tent ana remittent fevers, are facts established bv indisputable evidence. To enjoy the twin blessings of " a sound mind and a sound body " j iu all their plentitnde, trv a course of this | -a?u j?!:_. * ; lUriT-ilVO YOttf5 UJU, WUU UOU 11Ut uuuc (? uaj r? work for four years. The back should first be washed, then rnbbed with a coarse towel. AnEly tlie liniment cold, and rub in well with the and. - ???^? Important. When von visit or leave New York stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central depot. 350 elegantly furnished rooms. Best restaurant in the city ; prices moderate. Baggage taken to and from said depot, free. Cars ana stages pass the hotel for all parts of the city, i Durang's Rheumatic Remedy never ' fails to core rheumatism. Sola by all druggists. ! Burnett's Cologne is prepared from i the purest and best materials and is unrivaled | in richness and delicacy of perfume. Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam, the Great New '< England cure tor ooughs, colds and oonsump- ! fcian. Cutler Bros. A Co.'s, Boston, only genuine. ' Facts for those who have been dosed, druggecf and quacked. Self-help for weak and nervous sufferers. Information worth thousands to those out of health. The new Health Journal that teaches all, sent free. Address, Electric Quarterly, Cincinnati. O. Smoke, Soot and Coal Gas, And all worry with fires that will not burn, and where it is impossible to cook properly, can all be remedied and a saving in fnel obtained. Send stamp for circular. Henry Colford A Co., 726 Sansom St., Philadelphia. A positive cure for rheumatism?Durang's Bheumatie Bemedy. Send for circular to Helphenstine A Bentley, Waahingtojj, D. C. t. . ' -* v sterling uieuicuie. Bismarck. This month the reading pnblic is to be delighted with the authentic Diograpliv of the i foremost statesman in the world, disclosing : curious researches into his ancestry and lively j incidents of his vouth and student life, coupled i with a close analysis of his remarkable public j career down to the present time?a translation j from the German, with an introduction by ; Bayard Taylor. A spirited, absorbing and in- j structive narrative, replete with anecdote, wit ' and wisdom, its pages gather luster here and i there from characteristic speeches and private ; letters of Bismarck himself. The story of his ! life is rendered doubly vivid by upwards* of one j hundred illustrative home scenes, battles, por-! traits, etc. It will be sold by canvassers, whose time for ' real Bin-marks the hour of its publication, j Fersons desiring to arrange for its sale can write ! to "Von Bismarck," P. 0. Box 5629, New York city, and secure advance sheets. Close observers of humanitarian tendencies must have noticed that nothing is so j common among the working classes, male and female,?as old ulcers, which resist all ordinary applications for their removal. Glenn's 8kl- I phcb Soap will heal them. Sold everywhere. ! Depot, Crittenton's, No. 7 Sixth avenue, N. Y. ! Hill's Hair A Whisker Dye, black or brown, 50c. ; From Peter Cannon, Esq., General Agent of the Sussex Railroad at Newton, N. J. " Having used Dr. Wistar'b Balsam ok Wild ! Cherry in my family, with great advantages, j for many years in cases of severe colds, I most I cheerfully* give my testimony of its efficacy, and ' recommend it to tho#e who are suffering from Coughs. Colds, and Pulmonary Diseases of j long standing as being a safe and reliable remedy." 50 cents and $1 a bottle. Sold by all druggists. * The IIintorv of Civilization might be written in the gradual processes of ; improvement wrought out in articles of food, j Every progressive step is a public blessing. To j no one article is more dne than to Dooley'k i Yeast Powdeb. This with proper care insi res tho most delicious aud digestible brea*t biscuits, pastry, etc. A Miserable Being is one that is bilious. Get from vour druggist a package of Quirk's Irish Tea. frice 25 eta. A Tribute to Merit. Tho New York Sun, in a recent article on hotel matters, speaks very favorably of the steady and increased patronage to the Grand ; Central Hotel since its popular reduction of j rates from $4.00 to $2.50 and $3.00 per day. | This is nothing new, however, for the Grand ' Central has always been the first among the leading New York hotels to reduce, and now it I has mado the last reduction the lowest of ! themalL ^ Rheumatism cured at once by Durang's ! Rheumatic Remedy. Send for circular to Hel- j phenstine <k Bentley, Washington, D. C. "Horsemen," and others who pretend j to know, say that the following directions had better be observed in using Sheridan's Cava by Condition Fowlers: Give a horse a tablespoonfill every night for a week; the same every other night for four or six nights; the same for a milch ; cow, and twice as much for an ox. The addi- i tion of a little fine salt will be an advantage. J We have heard recently of several j severe cases of spinal disease cured by John- \ son's Anodyne Liniment; one case of a man ' * a? j o /lor'a I | A New Freacb Revolution. According to Emmeline Rayniond.the Pans { I fashion correspondent of Ila>~per't Bazar, we ; ! are on the eve of a revolution; Lut it will, in all probability, be bloodless, and one that American ladies will hail with joy. We refer to the de- ! acnption of a' new costume (see Bazar of March which renders crinoline indispensable. ! Not the discarded styles of former daya, but t ; sensible,' small-sized', elegant skirts; flat in front and close at the sides, with a graceful train at the back; admirably adapted to sustain the new Princesse and Gabrielle robes. We learn ; from various sources that this new Paris fashion ' is superseding all others.?Lady"* Journal. Five Tbonadnd Books Given Away for the Asking. While Dr. H. James was attached to the British medical staff in the East Indies, his high ! position enabled him to call about him the best chemists, physicians and scientists of the day, I and while experimenting wim ana among uic i native#, he accidentally made the discovery that I ! consumption can be positively and permanently cured. During the many years of his sojourn there, he devoted his time to the treat- 1 mc-nt of lung diseases, and upon his retirement | he left with us books and papers containing full particulars, showing that every one can be hirt | own physician and prepare his own medicine, and such information as we have received we now offer to the public without price, only asking that each remit a throe cent stamp for postage. Address CRADDOCK A CO., 1082 Rate 8t, Philadelphia, Pa. The Markets, NSW YOBS. Beef Cattle?Native 10,Jtf@ .11 Texas and Cherokoe.. 10 @ To?^ Milch Cowa 65 0.) @5 00 Hogs?Live...-. 05J<@ 05.%' Dressed 07 @ 07 If Sheep C6#@ 07 Lambs li @ 15 Cotton?Middling 11 Ji@ 11H Flour?Western?Hood to Choice... 9 05 @11 00 State?Good to Choice 8 05 @ 8 10 Wheat?Red Western 1 45 @ 1 50 No. 2 Milwaukee 1 85 @ 1 85 Rye?State 1 05 @ 1 08 Barley?State 6i @ 63 Barley Malt 1 30 @ 1 80 Oats?Mixed Western .. 46 @ 69 Corn?Mixed Western... 65 @ 68 Hay, per cwt. * 65 @ 70 Straw, per cwt 65 @ 74 Hops........ 76*s?10 @17 ....75'i 16 @ 10 Pork?Moss 16 20 @16 35 Lard?City 8tearn 11!4@ 1154 Fish?Mackerel, No. 1, new 18 00 @20 00 " No. 2, new 9 00 @ 9 60 Dry Ood, per cwt............ 4 75 @5 00 Herring, 8caled,per box..... 16 @ 17 Petroleum?Crude 09\'@0O Refined.... 15 Wool?California Fleece 25 (9 27 Texas 44 21 @ 26 Australian 41 39 @ 41 Butter-State 18 @ 22 Western?Choioe 17 @ 18 Western-Good to Prime.. 17 @ 19 Western?Firkins It @ 14 Cheese?8tateFactory...., 12 @ 1854 State Skimmed 05 @ 07 Western 12 @ 14)4 Eggs?State and Pennsylvania 12 <@ 13 BT7FTALO. Flour 8 00 @11 00 Wheat?No. 1 Milwaukee 1 72 @ 1 72 * . Corp?Mixed 60 @ 60 Oats 60 @ 59 Rye 85 @ 65 Barley 60 @ 60 Barley Malt 1 00 @ 1 10 PHILADELPHIA, Beef Cattle?Extra 06)4 @ 06 Ji Sheep 05 @ 0714 Hogs?DressetL.... ^?.?.?..?.???... 08X@ 0934 Flour?Pennsylvania Extra 7 50 @7 62)4 1 Wheat?Red Western 1 61 @ 1 61 Rye 93 @ 9.< 1 Corn?Yellow 63 @ 61 Mixed 62 @ 62)4 Oats?Mixed 49 @ 49 Pttro'eum?Crude 12)4 @12)4 Refined....16 Wool?Colorado 22 <?> 24 Texas 16 @ 25 California 20 @ 25 BOSTON Beef Cattle 0534@ 03)4 1 Sheep 05*@ 06)4 Hogs 06 @ 09 F:our?Wisconsin and Minnesota.. 8 50 @ 9 2i 1 Com?Mi ted 65 @ 69 Oats- " 68 (n 59 Wool?Ohio and Pennsylvania XX.. 46 @ 46 California Fall 16 @ 18 BBIGHTON MASS. Beef Cat tie O5J40 06)4 Sheep 04 (fb 07 Lambs 07 (a 08 Hogs 07 4 @ 07)4 j WATXBTOW*. MAM. Beef Cuttle?Poor to Choice. 5 50 ? 8 60 Sheep 3 76 3 6 75 Lambe 8 75 3 6 76 PAAf Made by 17 A rents In Jan. 77 with Jlk ?C ? my 13 new articles. Samples free. Ww V VV m Address C. if. Linington, Chicago, Ain lA Al A A A Invested in Wall St. Stocks makes ISlMTllNI 11|||| fortunes ewry month. Rook sent VlU IU ipiyUUU free explaining everything. j > R WTFR & CO.. Bankers, J 7 Wall St.. N. Y Ullllllfl HAB1T CURED AT liUJttsT llrlllH No publicity. Time short. Terms ni<xl w I I Vila erate. 1,000 Testimonials. Do. scribe wise. DR. F. E. MARSH. Quincy, Mich. W. L.ILlTDE*,Tescher of Outer,Tlute,Cornet M|H^^|^^^^Ajtt.forTUu>nPatGuiUr,thebestin UN. a ? ^^^^^^Dealcr in Mosicaljnitrumenti, Mutic, Strings. Catalogues free. 120 Tre moot St. Boaton. SA AAA Mold Dnilv. The newest and best rj\Mrd thing ont. Everybody buys one. Sells at sight. " I cannot tell a lie, I carry my little Hatchet." Send lOcts. for sample. 3 for 25 eta., to E. S. H AFF. 114 Centre St.. N.Y. Agents make $10 a day. Try it. WA NTFfl?AfJFNTM?To Mil tbs Best Patent flit I CU poubfr-Hrteti Metal Mnfrty Lamp, Made far Burning Coat Oil. Write for particulars to Cincinnati safety lamp co., Okfimj, o. _? CIIK ' PEST Articles ever offered to the pnblic. On receipt of 15 cts. we will send by mail, post-paid, one Ladies'gold plated ornamental Shawl Pin, also one of the newest style Hat Ornament*. These goods are of the newest and latest designs; are worth ten times the money. Trv ns. you will send again. NEW YORK MANUFACTURING CO.. 231 Church S^et. N. Y. Western Lands! Ever} thing desirable, location, climate, markets, schools, churches, etc. One Million Acres, in quantities to suit porchmeers. Ten years credit; Six per oent interest; no payment of principal forfonr years. Rebates on improvements, R. K. fares and freights. For information and circulars apply to PLINY JlOOKE. Lnnd Agent, Burlington A Missouri River R. R.. 317 Broadway, New York. SOU STSEL E1SB0T TEETH Strength Combined with Llghtnem. Upon receipt of a Post-offios money order, we will leliver to the express or railroad? _ a gi ?<-inch square teeth, 10% inches long, for 84.50 4u ?,-inch square teeth, 10% inches long, for 3,25 KICILT BOXXD. ?Ml ?nt,n no (niKiin K V VTAA1 O Jl r u w.i . ~~ " ' t Every Family should have a Religious Xeurspaper. Are YOU a whecriber to any? If not, then discharge that DUTY MOW by subscribing to thai good old reliable Family Journal, THE PRESBYTERIAN PUBLISHED WEEKLY. ? Price, lii.Qj a Year, Postage included. Not*.?In Clubs of Fire or more subscribers, the price is 92.16 a Year each. Every family should hare The WASHINGTON Centennial Memorial (Religion and Patriotism), an attractive and instructive Parlor Ornament Price, postpaid, 60 eta (in Colore, 91.00). or witb The Preehyterian, one Year, only 93.20. Address by money order or check, THE PRESBYTERIAN, 1512 Chestnut Street. Phila j Kansas display of products at Centennial surpassed all other States. KANMAN PACIFIC KW. CO. offer* laraest body of rood lands in KASSAS-at lowe* prices and best terms. Plenty of Ghv't lands FREE for Homesteads. For copy of "KANSAS PACIFIC HOMESTEAD," address. Land Commissioner, K. P. Rw., Baling, Kansas. FASHIONS Jh flunk ^Br^Ldvt UKwdSstT The latest?most popular style. |Bra*H$L- We will mail this nittem sod Cloth Model free,for 10cts.(or jUS&BrSSJ 3 sumps), lo paytnall expenses. ^"c will Mod the Pattern with pn?7t9n^C'ioth Model of this New T&SSb? Princess1"Polonaise. free, for WW Tea Cents (or 3 sumps), I "Princett Potonai**" To pay mailing expenses. i Smith's Instruction-Boot & Catalope. Hundreds of Large Illustrations of the New Styles, with .ample Instructions to Home Dressmaking," ''Cutting Out," ' Fitting," etc. Send Two Stamps snd get It hy return msu. Doth Put terns and Rook for 35 cts. (or 8 stamps). : SEE oar STYLES and TEST OUR PATTERNS. A. BURDETTE SMITH, Edit?. e.0. Mo? 50M, It Cnt Mill tl. N. V. City. ROYAL Absolute] Ifc^Will go one-third further than adulterated or ah< powder of grocers; or send (JO eta. for 1 Th Can to ROY receive it, postage paid, by return mail, with recipes for m Bread, Muffing, etc. Sold only in Tui Cans. In writing, at ^HA^E*S ^ HONEY OF HOREHOUND AND TAR! FOR THE CURE OF (NC^bf, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Difflcnlt Breathing, and all Affections of the Throat, Bronchial Tabes, and Langs, loading to Consumption. This infallible remedy is composed of the Honey of the plant Horehound, in chemical nWWW Sat teen, $1 75. To Agents at I /'/MilI VJ 25 centa leM* Order siae two I VJH ffV/ 1 Inches smaller than waist meaMfthTfJtUSNAr sore over the dress. WarnarBros.85lBroadway.y.T. F+ -f%-f +FREE GIFTi-L tto every subscriber to this pa I j per. Webarelustissueuanel- A . * ?xant WHllK UK08S. - t + which is entwiucd In beautiful mi roses,the wholeon dtrk back ground and ezeentedln French . Oil Colors. It Is 11*14 in size, ! and Is a perfect i'fm of art, an ornament to any household We have made arrangement* , * sothatany subscriber of thl J paper can receive 1 hisbeat^ui B cross free bv sending UsMcts. k I to pav the cost or postage, tub tlng.directiug. etc. We make L this offer to Introduce our ait 1 productions. A(lcress F, W. * ' MoCLEAVK & CO.. Boston. " V ; 4h*.+++i M Young Men and Boys Starting oat in lifo and wanting the beet assistance to promote their success in securing a good living, making money and m striving fur the world's prises; Middlenged Men desiring to change their course of life, or peeking places and business more satisfactory and remunerative; Fathers and (inardlana wanting their J boys to be useful, prosperous citixens; Academic and I College Csmduatea desiring to put a practical and 1 ? ??.*!? pni.), tyi their theoretical and unnrolitable 1 education, and All who believe in directing and stimn- | lating young men and bora to " Earn their own Bread." 1 and to " jet on in the world," will find THf >'ew, short, i practical coarse of study of Eiutnaa Business Col- 1 li'tir, Poujchkeepeie, N. Y., the beet aid ever devised. . It is the only Institation in the United States devoted to tliia specially? sod that assists graduates to business situations. It is the largest and most popular private school in the Union, having an attendance to-day from \ every State. Refers topatroua and graduates in nearly every city and town. Terms are low. Applicants enter any day; no class system and no examination at oom- j mencement. Particulars in College Journal, mailed free. For Catalogues of Three Thousand Graduates in business and valuable information, inclose three letter stamp: f HASTMAN, L.L.D.. President Poughkoepgie, N. Y union with Tar-Hai.m, extracted trom uie Life Principle of the forest tree Abeis Balsamea, or Balm of Gilead. The Honey of Horehound soothes and scatters all irritations and inflammations and j the Tar-balm cleanses and heals the throat I and air passages leading to the lungs. Five ! additional ingredients keep the orgrmc er>-l. j moist, and in healthful action. 1*1 no pro ' judice keep you from trying this great nicdi- I cine of a famous doctor who has saved thou- j sands of lives by it in his large private practice. I N.B.?The Tar-Balm has 110 bad tasil 01 i smell. prices 50 cents and $1 ter bottle. Great saving to buy large sire. "Pike's Tootliaclie Droits" Cure ill 1 Minute. Sold by all Druggists. C. N. OBITTENTON, Prop., N.Y. BLACK uses Cartridges [3d ' eta. per box], or reloadable shells [AO eta. per boxl; long j range, .moveable tights, finely rifled, STEEL barrel, j "A Remarkable Bargain."?.V. }'. Sun. Sent by express for 8 A. Circular for stamp. O. W. TURNER A ROBS, ! 26 Central Street. Boston, Masa. Cut this out. I BOSTON WEEEY. TRAHSCWPT. j The beet family newspaper published: eight page*; fiftysix columns reading. Terms?Q2 per annum; cluba of eleven, 815 per | annum, in advance. SPECIMEN COPY GRATIS. j T7AT1 CAT "LT?Planing Mill, Saab and Door ! rUll Jriv AJlZi Factory. Good Waterpower, ' well furnished with Machinery. Location?Village with 1 fine school and church privileges and surrounded by a ! r>d and extensive farming district. Lumber cheap. | mechanic who understands the business can command a good salary. Will sell Quarter Interest and ' Residence cheap. Reason for change, ill health. Address, W. COBBAN, Bloomer, Chippewa Co.. Wis. headache. DR. ('. W. BENSON'S CELERY and CHAMdai ilk PILLS are prepared rxpresslv to cure SICK HEADACHE. NERVOUS HEADACHE, DYSPEPTIC HEADACHE, NEl'. KAL&1A, NERVOUSNESS, SLEEPLESS. : ness, aud will cure any case. Office, 106 X. Kutaw St., Baltimore, >Id. Price 50c., postage free. Sold by nil rirnufffcta and conn, try stores. REFERENCE-Howard Bank, Bat 11 in ore. JHd^ ? Maize Flour Toilet Soap! ~ ? Maize Flour Toilet Soap!? ; ? Maize Flour Toilet Soap!? ! great discovery !?a new soap compound ! It soothes, j softens, and whitens the skin, baa wonderful healing and j superior washing properties, and is equally suited for the bath, nursery ana general toilet. It is delightfully per- i fumed, and sold everywhere at a moderate price.' Regis- i tered in Patent Office. 1876, hjr the manufacturers, I McKEONE, VAN HAAGEX A CO., Philadelphia. I I AGENTS WANTED -FOR TIIE Work days of ood i By Prof. HERBERT W. MORRIS, A.M..D.D. s TDf irrana History ox ine u onu m-iorr nunm* Its dateless origin, thrill in* and mynterioDH change,* in becoming a tit abode for man. The beauties, wonders and realities of Plnn as shown by Science. So plain, clear and easily understood that all read it with delight. Strongest commendation*. Send for Circular, Terms and Sample IIlustrations. Address. J. C. McCURDV CO., Philadelphia. A GREAT OFFER! ?,?**5 dispone of tpo PIANOS & ORGANS, new and second-hand of flrst-clasv makers Including WATERS' at lower prices for cash or Installmenls or to let nntll paid for than ever before offered. WATERS' GRAND SQUARE and UPRIGHT PIANOS & ORGANS (including their NEW SOUVENIR and BOrOOIR) are the BEST MADE. LOCAL and TRAVELING AGENTS WANTED. Illustrated Catalogues | Mailed* A liberal discount to Teacher*, MiniMort. Chureht*, School*, Lodge*, tie. Sheet music at half I price* HORACE WATERS & SONS Manufacturers and Dealers, 40 East 14th Street, [ Union Square, N? Y. i DR. WAWER'S HEALTH CORSET. With Sldrt Supporter anV j ffiSu Self-Adjusting Puds. Mi *f Secures Hsalth and Coupon*of j Bvjf Body, with Gates sod Bbsutt of Form. Three Garments in one. ; fcuJL/tX APProved by all physicians. rafSs&gI agents wanted, i tmXVniflBL Sam plea by mall, in Coutll, $8; BAKING i - POWDER.; Ly Pure. irtrweight kind*. C'onanmers may obtain this nneqnaled AL BAKING POWDER CO.. N. Y-. Box 070, and aking the celebrated Vienna Rolls, Biscuit, C'&kee, Corn ate where you taw this notice. Woodward'a Ornamental and Fancy Alphabets, j Foot part* just published. 50 cents each, postpaid. ' WOODWARD'S ArMc Drawing Studies. Heads, Figurra, Animals, LaailoraPM. Two part* just published. AO otnU each, poat-paia. j Woodward's Designs for the Fret Saw. i Two parts just published. 50 cents ea?h, poet-paid, i Order free Catalogue by Postal card of Art. Architectural and Rural books. (j?0. K. WOODWARD. i Publisher. 138 Chambers Street, New York. A f\ PUP CENT. NET If \ I VjII. for the money lender. ; H I dHAV Interest paid semi- t nil annually first rear in advance. SeB] H curity 4 to 10 times the loan in ( ?] land alone, occlusive of the hni'd1| I ires. (Present cash value by sworn i It 1 f appraioen.) No investment safer, i H \ J N.. payments more promptly met. . ?P< ^ of references given. Send t stamp for partioularv D. H. H. JOHNSTON* Negotiator of Morta ge Loans, Sr. Pxiu MivwraoTA. TTEEP'M SHI UTS?only one qua!ifr_The Best, j XV. Keep's Patent Partly-made Dresa Shirts Can be finished as aasy as hemming a Hamhiercbief. The vesy best, six for 07.00. Keep's Custom Shirts?made to measure, The very best, six for 09.OO. An elegant set of gennrae Gold-plate Collar and Sleeve Buttons given with each naif doc. Keep's Shirts. Keep's Shirts are delivered FRKB on receipt of price Is any part of the Union?no express charges to pay. Samples with fall directions for self-measure a. est Sent. Free to any address. No stamp required. Deal directly with the Manufacturer and get Bottom i Prices. Keep Manufacturing Co., 105 Mercer St.. N.Y. I Every Year You Lose : More than one coit+? Ours always right?No pay till ! tested and suited?No risk, we pay freight?Be your own Agent and Save Commissions?Four Too HajHcaleM* ! complete (none better) 050* tUlivred. Send for free j Price List all size Scales ana judge for yourself. JONES OF BINGHAMTON, I ItlXGHAJirO.N', X. Y. , Mothers Who Have Daughters That | Have Weak Lungs, Should arrest the di.-oase when it ia in the incipient ! stages. It is indicated by a hacking cough, peine u the | eh est, difficulty of breathing, or oppression of the lungs If this be permitted to run on, tubercles will form, and ; Consumption will be the result A most valuable remedy will be found in ALLE.VM LUNG BAL*A.H j to cure and check this disease in its first stage. For sale by all Medicine Dealers. ! NATURES REMEDY7V TCCHHDc | The Cheat Blood Punnen^^ Recommend It Heartily. 8outh Bos to . j Mb. 8TEVENS: Den* Sir?I hare taken several bottles of your VKG R- t TINE, end am oonvinoed it is a valuable remedy for I Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaint and general debility of ' the sykem. I can heartily reoomraend it to all auffering from thv ' above 00m plaints. Yours respectfully, Mas. MUNKOE PlkKKR, * SM Athens Street 30,000 Copies Sold in Ttco JfontJm .'1 riT. I Are made in all styles and of every [ I llv | description, from the lightest, finest, and most elegant in use to the heaviest and strongest required for any kind of work; are Cam AASfll unequal ed in style, OI1C O r U Iworkmnnsbip, Strength and durability. They received the high, est written award at the Centennial Exposition. Uo.rnCC "I None genuine unless j Hdrncod. I they are stamped with oar name and Trade Mark* A liberal ** fi?an for in forma tior K6WUlQ that will convict any one who sells harness as the .Concord Harness 1 that are not made by no, . Extra inducements , offered. Send for circulars and price lists. Address J. R. HILL & CO., Conoord, X. II. j CHEAP, SIMPLE, RELIABLE ! -s-FRUIT All Glass BETTEfTHAHPoRCEiAiH Lined j LOSS AfclfJcONVbJlENCE AVOIDED BY UDSaUdDIAMPSjn ONE PitCE j FIRSTVREMIUMS ' AMERICAN INSTITUTE. ' ?1875-1878-*SSr-TrS'l PHILAD'A BsiMPlESrfl ft THAN yIfrankun institute*, . *n?'J1 I^ORCELAINI ? 187+ ? ktlEAPyg L^CENTE N N IAL . IS 7 ? s lpateHt-ba^el-cement JAM ' IFOR QLASSorTIN' cove"s*i'd^i"e? ' ~FI FTY-TWO OF THE MOST PROMINENT STATESMEN of lit CODNTBY WILL WRITE FOR THE TOLEDO BLADE (Xasbv'* Paper). Rvarts, Sherman, Kev, Soburz, Morton, Blaine, Foster, Windom, and others of equal note, contribute an article during the year. The Nasby Letters are written exclusively for the blade. The Best and Cheapest Pmper in the World. {Specimen Copies sent Free to any address. Sena Postal. Address, "BLADE," Tolrdo, Ohio. // Perfect . ( // Hair Dreeling \\ // A Promoter \\ / of the , [' Grovrtk cf the Hair# y I A Preparation A I1 Free from irritating matter# \v /< ill. \ BURNETT'S V i COCOAINE. i For preferring mad beautifying tb? Hair, and rendering it dark aad gloity. i The Coroaine hold* In a liquid fcna, . I; a large proportion of deodonxed iiCocoa-nut Oil, ! 1 prepared expreaaly for thie parpoee. No other compound poeeeeeei the ; peculiar propertiea which ?o exactly ' auit the vorioui condition* of the hu- : { roan hair. I It (often* the hair when hard and dry. It aoothe* tli* irritated acatp akin. ' It afford* the richeat luitre. It remain* loogeat in effect. It is the Btsi ar,d Cheapest i HAIR DRESSING Iff TBK WORLD. 9 DIRECTIONS. * " 1 Apply with the hand, or a aoft broth, every other day, or a* often aa the eaaw may require, rubbing it thoroughly * into the root* of the hair. To remove Dandruff, Scurf, he., wash the head with Brxirirr'a Kal LllTUJ,ruuu7 *un unci, inu id- ii | ply the Cocoai im a? directed. ritriiiD oslt it JOSEPH BURNETT & CO, | BOSTON. [ I En!'re J. seecrdinc r* Act of Coo peee, la Ctm 1 year 7. t?j Jotzru B: err k Cv.. in the . Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Die- , J trict of j .s* 7.20 PER QUARTER FOR TEN QUARTERS. Mason &hamli || CABINET ORGANS. N @U10BXrr AWARDS AT GREATW WORLD'S EXP08ITI0R8 Paris, Vienna, Santiago, 18s7; " 1873} no 1875} PHILADELPHIA, 1876. Oily Ouo.xa aasicxko Finer R.*? at r- 'tat wif, of gtjfUg at peine wkirk rnrnlA kg ttaptmtklt for n.-L <tf tuek attUtntt m tkeat untqnaltd foe Unit* far manm/aatnn. EXAMPLES OP SET CASH PRICES: Five octave double reed organ, <$> 1 rvfl with tremulant, Five octave organ, nine stops, Q1 1 A with voix celeste, tpxirr SoUi aha far montht) or quarterly yanmento, or roM until " / pay. A inferior organ may note be furcbaiei kg thr faff iMlcat Iq |7.AI prr qua'tor jar ton quartert. CalaleqMei free. MASOM A HAMLIN ORGAN CO. IMTremnnt Pi. ySl'oiooSq. tiU Wabath Are. UQSSQd- KEW YORK. CHICAGO. Catarrh A pl?n<Jid Ramadj. Rem i?* watarrn ^qcU, bJ Dr (TWooni, :w-^Waltham J Medical iflrice Free! J T)KINTERM, xrt "Mtron* Hint M ('uranid X by Vahpkkbuboh^Well* * Co.. IB Pntch 8t,y.T, >552877 p. ?\?V1CK EfiY.' A^iHta^jdairve.'' $5 to $20 1 oruni urD97'bot?00-70rt*?- /I/- <*?*/*". nLlULTEllWumaQOM ffOMi, Chieaco.IlJ. (fifi ? week is roar own tow*. Tm and 85 outfit *PP free. U. HALLfiTT 8 (X).. Portland. Maine. 200 FARM A. Elr.. FOR MALE in DeL. Pa. Md. Va. and Fla. Bargaina. J. K>LK, wilmixotok. Del. ^ CiO QA A MONTII. Awnta rarttdmqwkm g^OU Addrem G. PIRRUWG, Barwnawood. fli. "| 2J Meat Flirtntiou CnnU yoa eraraaw, bjrjnall JL tj lor 1ucm. ?. o. nm, 1 i? mn www. Q.A i\ A WEEK. Catalogue ud Sample FKKK. CMbU r'KLTON J CO.. 119 Nima 81.. New York. (5? "T O a day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit an/ CjJL Ad terms fro*. TRUE* CO., Augusts.. Maine. A GENTS WANTED to collect amall pictures to iV copy and enlarge. Money in it. For particular* address E. P. GEROULD A CO., Comcoep. X. M.\ A (JENTM'hfapfst Cbromo* in the World. -V 25 assorted, post-paid, 81, or 3 for 25 cents. CoMTINENTaL C'lUOKO Co.. 30 Nassau St., New York. A Good~Well our 4-foot Well Auger'Scud for our auger >>ook. U. 8. AggjDI Co., Cinetnnart, 0. DF.lfOREHT Qcaetkklt Joubval of Fashions. Single Copies, 5 eta.; Yearly, 10 eta., poet-free. Add'* Jtanmtoa Demoekst, 17 R lAtnat.W.Y. T? A D 4f Q in the best part of Maryland, at peaie F J\ JLVx'A jo prices. For catalogae. with map and price list, address Makcha A Qibsom, Centrerille. Md SOLID Rubber Trpe, Stamp# A Rubber Good*. END FOR CATALOGUE, or aak your Stationer omothing New. H. 8. Iwoebeoll, 205 B'way, W.Y ELECTRIC) BELTS.?A NEW, CHEAP, PERFECT Cure for premature debility Send for oircu. lar or call on PR. H. KARR, 882 Broadway. New York. A #| WATCHED. A Great Sensation. Sample Sh jC Watch and Outfit free to Agents. Setter than h>y Gold. Address A. COULTER A CO.. Chicago. AAnA A Month.?Agents wonted. 30 beet sell5<hl| inn articles in the world. One sample ?rco yUVV Address JAY BKOXSOX, Detroit. Mich. AAFAII1 year to Agents. Ovt/i mJ a JC VBhllllSa .shot Cun /rre. For terms adiPfcyll || dress, /. Wmtb A Cs., dMouu, Jfo. GEM HEATER. Sent postpaid for 25 cents. \ 8. H JENNINGS, Deep Rlrer, Cone: Vny relation of the Jennin*# Families in America/nr nterested in Jennlng# Estates in England, may hear A something advantageous, by sending 3c. stamp to 318 A McCLIESH, Poet-office Box 520. Georgetown.D.C. OTJCVCT/^TWC Procured or No Pay, for every FiyBplUfllfl my uyumi or uiwwu ooiumr. auuicw, *?. ?? FITZGERALD, U. 8. Claim Att>. Washington, P. 0. A RTIFICIAL LEG8 ud truiiportatira to U. 8. IX Soldiers from even part of U* 8. FREE oo Gov't infer. Apply to C. M.ETAN8, Gov*t MuiPf? CINCINNATI, P., or LOUISVILLE. KY. fh4 A YEAR. An eicbt-ptct Story Paper VL I (chroma 16x28 " Oar Boys.) Six months lH I ("Floral Cross" chromo),5Q cte. No free samples. ALBUM, Box 152$, Boston,Maw. 11/ AWTED V V 111 V and all traveling expenses paid. Address OKM Man'fg Co., St Lonis, Mo. Ap<1 AGENTS' PROFIT par weak. Will Itfl f Nil pro*? it or forfeit JSOO. Now articles, IpVI bVW just patented. Samples seat free to Jl. Address W. H. CHXDX*xrB,218 Fnlton St. N. Y. 10 Per Cent Iowa Farm Mortgages, Bought and Sold and C'ollertloBi made in all parts fljf lows. Any information desired given free on applicaion. Adoress J. A, F1TCHPATR1CK. NoTsdaTIowa. MftNFY HI Ulv t I cents for sample* Outfit complete. Et'LIPME M>PG CO., Cincinnati, O. ? And Net ^^NJ2nS2C3S?ElSC2E^CBN wear o?t Sold by Witch maim rs. By mail, 30a. C iron lara free. 1. 8. BIRCH A CffTsS Dey Street, New York. 1R8T PREMIUM U. 8. Centennial BxhMticn or hoj$an>8 Pictorial BIBLES 1,800 Illustrations. Address for new circolsrs V. JVIIOLMAX Ac CO.. 93Q ARCH Street. Phils Mftw ^8100. REWARD. 8100. r " Tm? MOL'STAl'HK produced oe sameolh Iter i ft mbl by the u?c sf 1>vka* Kuu Kuxia withoet \ JLj^UkJ injure, or will forfeit SlOS. Prim by mail la fcWM sealed package 15 cents, tor ibrea M oaeta. A. lTsmiTH A CO- Aft*. Palsdas. Ot rrtT? A CJ ?The choicest m the work!?Importers, IJjAij* prioee?Largest Company in America?'" ;irti< le?plein>ea everybody?Trade continually In. creesing?Agents wanted everywhere beet inducements -don't vr&Hte time?send for Circular to ROBERT WJCLL8, 43 Vese) St. New York. P. 0. Bog 13871 Praf. Hall's Magic Cosqwese r*^. is the only preparation,one pockageor which m m Sf will force thr heard to p?? thick and heavy on the smoothed face (without injury) la 11 ? days in every rate, or money ehcerfnQy iw 'USA e^Vw* frr-rsmcffla^ ** 1 Wanted AcrnU tn rr-ry County to wu our m New Household ArtieliHi. 8end for circular*. E 7I0LIN STRINGS! Genuine Italian Violid String*, alao for Banjo or Otxiar. 15 and 2i)o. ejcli,?r $ 1.50 an<L?2 a dos. Boot y m..ii en receipt cf puce. Dialers! Send card for catloguo. J. SAKMSPKi Importer of Moaioal InatmmnUimd String*. IOO ChambersWt? NcwYorfc. A BOOK for the MILLION. HEDICAL ADVICE itfWSSffilffiS >now, Oata-,. IUptofe, Opium Habit, etc., SENT ? RKi. on racwpc ol stamp. Addreea Dr. Butta'Diipeu my, Na 12 North 8th Stoeet. St Look. Ma. nVERpAHT GREEN. KK3S B I sistlbly funny from first to last. Vesprjn jdawyhaa more "adventures" and funi1 _nea, than ever bcfus^efel stforfi /TMal man. If "every lauj^Bblls a *n? 1 luHbJ*X4iirom one's coffin," read tNu book and e^.'V^paughst Diseaxo, Death and the Doctors. 5 ft* With ISO humorous engravings. Prlco ' /2\r 1 t^tonly 80 cents} by nialLiifi cents . lLj^V^RoraiMry price J1.7W). flwdbjr All V k v7Z^2 A Newsdealers, orsent, postpaid, by Doc- ^ Q Vrz- I M aelloy, Loyd A C^w. yula, (iucaeo AA A YEAR. AGENTS WANTED S|yn( If I on onr Graad Combination f||WUvV Prospectus, rapnaeattng 150 DISTINCT BOOKS * wanted everywhere. The biggest thing ewer tried. <uu. mm/fa fmm thin whan ill imata Books fail. Airo VgenU wanted on our MAUNIFU'ENT FAMILY HI BLEH. 8up?r or to all others. Wdib Invaluable Illae* trated Aids and Superb Bindings. Tbeec RookM b*?? t the World. Foil Particular* free. Add res* JOHN K POTTER A CO.. Publisher*, PHILADELPHIA. THIS NtW ^Hfflflj^ELASTlC TRUSS with &U AdjaaUa* Bah mur, adapt* ItMlf la *a m* tKStfe* body, ehll* U# bail Is gTKMt>t..E VtM sap prtMM bank th* in?eo*r*l? day aad al?kt. *ad a radiasl **r* aortal*.. It i* ta^, larablt ood ehoap. :*??t by nail. Circa lar? freo. COOLI8TOM TRU? CO., Mnfftall, H8tu Church's Musical $20 "Visitor. K\e y number has 32 Pa*?s of Mu-ic and Musical Sturie*, Sketched, Editorial*, Letter*. Leo* >B*, etc., etc. Choice of Four Elegant Premium Volutno* Frrt to every snto-criber at SI .041 a Y??r. Send stamp for/til particular*. or to rents for sample, with latt *vr.$ of P. P. Blisa. Ad,irew?, JcCHI Kdi A- CO.. Cfnrlnaml. O. PILES I Dr. Brown's Herbal Ointment Seppoeitoriee are gnuan teed to cure any ease of Piled that can be foend in the United State*. A sample box at the** Suppositories will be seat tree by mail to any sufferer on receipt rf 20 oeutg to prepay postage and packing. Regular price 41. Address l?r. O. PHELPH BROWN, 21 nrand 8t? Jersey City, N. J. TH??S??P LOWEST PRICES. 8*4 fir PtspUst ?f Ua BsliaUs BuUagt* 1*4. Address, ltr#CcEJ??ieier,8. k X. L S. lit. BCRLINOTON, IOWA. in The united staTEo C0UJNS& Ptof*o*) *|T> Collins fcCo. * c?. /g-> 212 water sT mcw-yowk cITY. BILLIARD TABLES. Best in Use. Balls, Cloth, Cue> and everything appertaining to B>lliasda,at Lowest Prices. H*vin* the largest stock and finest facilities for manofaetnrin*, orders can be promptly filled. Good second-hand Tables cheap. Till Bilxjjlbd Cxtb, an Ulustrated newspaper sent free on application. H. W. COLLENDER, 738 Broadway, If. T. H. T. N. P. We 17. WHEN WRITING TO ADVERTISER*. TV WMMeay that jehNWthf Mt I# Uk MNT' I