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LOCAL ITEMS. The Catsk l' arrived last evening. ? Another sale day and not a sale by the sheriff. The Xe? Hampshire's launch lost her propeller while on her way down Saturday morning. Mr Valentine, for several years a resident of Hiltou Ilead, has gone to Texas to locate. Sheriff Wilson left ibr Columbia on Tuesday. Judge Wigein left yesterday tor Coltnubia. He opens court in Aiken next Monday. Lieutenant Chenery, U. S. N. who has been sojourning at the Sea Island Hotel for some time past, left this morning for his home in Ca i brnia. Mrs. Jas. H. Ton king died last Saturday at the residence of her mother, Mrs. Mann. The fuueral servicesv were held in the Episcopal church on Sunday. 8. D. Gilbert Esq, has been appointed Special Referee to take testimony in Beaulort in the case of the owner and master of the schooner F. W. Schepcr Jr. vs. the schooner Meta. Messrs. Bobbins Boddington and Co. cleared last Thursday the Norwegian bark Fimafergcr, for London with 195.000 feet lumber and 15,667 cubic feet timber, valued at $4.47S. Drum fish are stiil abuudaut in the market, but it takes a colored fisherman to catch them. Several parlies of white people have tried their luck but so far their efforts have been almost entire failures. A family in Beaufort that has been mourning for si viral month-; the loss of a father have just received word from him stating that while traveling in Tennessee he became der ngeil and was eonsigi e 1 to an asylum, and as the^authoriticscould * 1 L?.-? InmiKf fl i \ not g t the aaurcss o; ns? ..... were left in ignorance of his affliction. The Monitor Lehigh arrived from Savannah Saturday evening after a stormy passage in which she behaved herself nobly. Th^e may be a de lay in thr return of sqjpc of the Monitors i as there are not enough firciuen here to work the furnaces in four of them. An inquest was held last Sund ay by Dr. Johnson on the body of a woman named Ellen Smith, who was found dead in her bed the previous evening. The verdict of the jury was that ;'thc deceased came to her death from natural causes, produced by asniuia or other disease o; the chest." The woman was living alone in a caliu in the wc.>t end of town and had Ikjcu sick for several day attended by her neighbors. She was left about du>k on Saturday evening ; n? when a neighbor called about 10 p. m found her dead. The picnic at Cuthlert's Point 01 Tuesday la<t in aid of St. Peter's Catho lie church was quite largely attended and all seemed to enjoy themselves. Tin beautiful grove is itself worth the trip t? see, and the additional charm of dancin shooting, croquet, and a pleasant sai well repaid the excursionists. The wa ter-boat Agnes, through the kindness o' Captain Dick, carried the people out and back, in addition to numerous suial'e ' .1 I craft that were presseu inro nic .-unin The festivities were kept up till long af tcr dark, and this second annual pic nic was voted by all a complete success. r The mournful tolling of the bell of the Episcopal church on Tuesday last was occasioned by the funeral of Dr IloHert i.. Gibl>cs, whose sudden and deplored deat^ I took place ou the Port Royal steamer while on her southward trip. The deceased was a son of our rcspecte 1 town* man Dr. A. S. Gibbes and having held a commission as Surgeon in the Confed erate Navy, at the close of our civil w;u he removed to New York where he gained an honorable and successful posi tion iu the medial profession. !# THE DICTATOR GOXE. The Monitor Dictator has at last left us. In company with the Powhatan she made an early start Monday morning, but meeting with an accident to the teed pipes when off Bay Point, was obliged u> come to an anchor for another twenty four hours to repair dauiages-a second, and this time a successful, start wamade at G:30 a. m. Tuesday. there is every promise of a pleasant" week of weather the twain will probably arrive at League Island Saturday night or Sunday morn i i)<r. ?<q>? The Mclntire Inquest. The Coroner's iury in the case of the murdered Mclntire met for the last time at Hilton Head last Saturday and after examining all the evidence so far elicited rendered a verdict ';that the said Robert C. Mclntire was foully murdered, in his store, on Hilton Head on the evening ol February 5th 1877, by gunshot wound> inflicted at the hands of some party ?c the jury unknown; but that it is th< judgment of the jury that James Giles Morris White and David Grant, now ii custody, arc in possession of some know ledge of facts and recommend that the; be detained until the matter can be full: iuvestigaied by the proper authoiities.' The verdict is signed by the coroner an* all the jurors, only two of whom had t make their mark, showing an exception ably intelligent jury, when it is remem bered that they are mostly colored men. Two negro boys got into a difficulty a Allendale, which resulted in the on stabbing the other near the heart, cau? iug a paiuf.rl but not dangerous wound > wnrmmmwmmmmmMmfm* - 11 ' rrwg. t i THE NEW CHURCH OF ALL SAINTS. Priucc Williams Parish. This beautiful little cliurch, the gift of our esteemed fellow citizen, Major Jno. II. Screven, was consecrated on OAtk ,iltn Kv the Rt. , -a 11141 .?u?i v lint a#vvi| uivv* wj Rev. Bishop Howe, assisted, in the services, by the Revs. Dr. Elliott Cornish, Hamkcl and Bellinger. The interesting ceremonies, (new to most of ns) took i place in the forenoon. The Bishop entered the west door, followed by the attending Clergy reciting alternately the 24th Psalm. Mr. Thos. 31. Hanckel read the "Instrument of Donation,"' and the Rev. Dr. Elliott the u sentence of i consecration." iSeveral members of the choir of St. i Helct.a church, Beaufort were present and conducted the music. The Rev. MiBellinger, who will have charge of the congregation preached an excellent sermon after which the Holy Comuiuni n was administered to a goodly number of recipients, christians of other denominations partaking also. An infant was baptized during the day. The service was closed with the "Gloria in Excchis. " in which many of the congregation joined, under the lead of the choir, and organ. The parish was much indebted to the kind friends from Beaufort who attended and materially assisted in the services. The church is located with n a very short distance of theB. R. track about two miles above Yemassee. It is about 50 by 30 or 35 feet, has a stained glass window in the chancel, which is furnished with a very teat altar, lectern, seats &c. of walnut. It has also an organ, and will have a bell. The generous christian gentlemen whose gift it is, is said to havedesign cd the plan*; if so it certainly reflects much credit on his taste. The Bishop pronouueed it a model. It will seat over i two hundred worshippers. I .1 NEED UP NVR1ES 0.\ COO- ! > AW. An outrageous case of superstition is creating great excitement on Coosaw Island and it is feared bloodshed may result before the interested neighbors are convinced hat they are the victims of their own blind faith in the supernatural. It seems that a man named Snipe died a short time ago of consumption and on his death bed remarked that if he died his death would be owiDg to the influence of one Dago Hagood who some time last | January come up behind hiin and putting v.,.-, Konrt an shoulder asked k Who | V/UU iiuim vu ^? I is it?" a common custom anions all ! classes. The circumstance was forgotten by both and but for the death of Snipe would probably never have been recalled had not Suipc before his death pro 'eased to have had a vision revealing to hiui that Hagootj's playfulness had been the cause of his sickness. Tne friends of'Aipc believing that h:> lying declaration must be true, sent fo: Dr. Johnson to hold an inquest but tin Dr. after hearing the pmticulars declin 3d to do so. Snipe's fathrr th-n threatened that if the law would not puni h II a good that he himself won d 'hoot him on sight. The neighbor again came to Beaufort for a coroner and after consultation Mr. Carleton concluded or the sake of preserving the peace he had better go; and went and held an in quest but no further testimony could b j elicited, Mid when the jury retired tt leliberate he told them that no verdict | against IIagood could be rendered ai there was nothing to implicate him in th< death of Snipe. The jurv all coloredifr>r m Ioni? deliberation refused tt render any other verdict than that of murder agains* II a good and so the case stan ts at present.Since the above was written we have -*>cn a copy of the verdict of the jun which is worth preserving and is as fol 'ows: 1 "That Adam Snipe came to his leath at Coosa w Island in Beaufort "ounty on the Uth day of Aptil 1877. and that his death was caused through one Dago ILgood, he having some time previously put his hands around deceased's neck producing a cough and poisoning said Adam Sniie thereby wilfully unlawfully and feloniously causing the death of the said Adam Snij e. contrary .0 the pence and dignity of said State." Mr. Carleton very properly refused to commit Ilagood on such an absurd charge. A Shooting Affray. A serious shooting affray occurred on the Pilot boat F. \V. Schoper while the vessel was lying at the wharf at Port Royal on Monday evening last. Pilot Casey who had been running on the Schcper, but whose connection with it had ceased, went aboard at a late hour and requested permission to sleep in one of the berths. After some dispute with the hands he caught pilot O'Brieu around the neck and drawing his pistol shot him in the leg the ball passing al" most through the member. At this pilot Young interterred when Casey fired sev ' ? ? -1 3 erai shots at him ana men enueavoruu ; t) throw him overboard. One of the i hands on the boat then came up and dealt F Casey a couple of blows over the head ? with a stick felling him to the flecli ? when he was tied. Dr. Thompson ; extracted the ball from the leg of 0'Brier , who was theu brought to Beaufort i Casey was arrested and jailed and was - j foundjto he severely injured by the blow: j I he received during the row. The ease \r : will be tried to day before trial justice Carleton. 0 On the night of the 24th, Henry Har ^ ris and Thomas Goodson went to the house of Lawyer Davis, living about fou miles above Hartsville, in Darlingtai county, called him out and shot him t< t death. An inquest was held and thi e verdict was in accordance with the abovi ! ' statement. Harris is now in jail; th< !. other has not been arrested, . . < B it C K (KfT ' jJVTJUfl A paper states tnat PaeK' aril's metropolitan police before cvacua. | ing the destroyed over one | thousand stand of arms by sawing off the stocks. Only about two hundred rifles were found fit to be used. Vet these .l/wti.u/'.tii.rk iiiptrrmrditans have tllC uv^uutinv tnvvtv-|/-,......... hardihood to ask of Governor Nidioils pay for services rendered Packard, and this too after such a wholesale destrue , tion of property belonging to the State. In the House on .Monday eight mote i Mackeyites were permitted to take their seats after satisfactory evidence of their penitence and lack of all manhood had J been fuHy snown. The seats of Thomas ; of Newberry and Strakcr of Orangeburg ! were declared vacant on account of their gross contempt and defiant attitude while i in the .Mackey House. Robert Gardiner, a colored man at Allendale. who is thought to*bc insane, and i is tired of living, made two attempts at i suicide, hut was prevented by his children. Phy>ieians think him a fit subject for the asylum, and preparations are being made to send him there. Mr. James Gordon Bennett is in Russia, and says the story that he went there j to get out of the reach of cowhides is a knout and knout falsehood. A negro man by the name of George ' Sadler, was shot and killed in Chester County while it the act of stealing bacon from a gentleman's smokehouse. George was a bad character and had a number of gun-shot scars upon him. Cremation in India. The immolation of widows on the funeral pyres of their husbands has been almost completely suppressed in India by the British government, but now and I then a ease occurs in the independent States. A ease has recently occurred in Nepaul, on the northeast of India. The 25th of February being a holy day, Sir Jung Bahadoor went to bathe at Bagouuttee; he entered the river betore sunrise for that purpose in the highes spirits, and after performing his ablutions he sat on the bank to perform poojah. Soon after he was noticed to be motionless Un his loiiowers ap preaching him the}* found that life was extinct. An express was sent to the ' apital and on'e s arrived to postpone the fuueral rites. The three principaj Ranees (wives) and the brother and son -oon arrived, and the Ranees expressed their desire to sacrifice themselves. The brother trie! to dissuade them, but he f ?iled: and the funeral yrc was prepared with sandalwood, redo, and a large quantity of ghee. When the arrangements had been made the ladic' bathed, performed poojah, aud made prcseuts to the Brahmins. The next step was, they took measures for the government of he country and tu maintain pea e then general directions were given to tie brother-in-law. Their la>t act was to release some prisoners. They the: entered the funeral pyre quite uncon eruedly muttering prayers. The corps? was then laid on its back and the c!dc>* dances to >k its hea I in her lap and tl e .wo others took the f -er. They wen hen surrounded by odorous combusti oles, aiifl the llancos irazv.l on t!ie lea lures of their liusbni d. as if forgo rfui >f every other consideration. The fire was then applied by his son and all wasover in a few minutes. For a fine assortment of candies and outs there is no place that offers so grea' ittraction-j as the store of Mr. Odell, a* the stock is fresh and of great variety. The warm season having come his patrons will find Mr. Odell prepared to -amply them with his excellent ice cream e ther by the plate or quart. * Mechanical ingenuity culminated in the invention of the dewing Machine and millions of toiling woman were elevated from drudgery and poverty to intelligence i industry and competence. If this be trite in the abstract as regards the average sewing machine, with what force must it apply to that marvelous embodiment of all that is useful and beautiful in sewing mechine machanism, the Victor Sewing Machine, which has fairly' eclipsed all others, not only in its adaptability to do all kinds of work but in the ease with which it is done. It may be said to have carried its admirers b\ storm as soou as its capability for work became known. The aim of its inventor has been to discard every' useless complication pecul arto ordinary machines, ' and only familiarity with the machines will enable our readers fully to appreciate how fur he has succeeded. It is not too much to say the machines will last a liferime. Salesroom 54 East 10th Street. New York City, and in all the large cities of the country. t-f. Dont forgot !o try a bottle of pure Vcrmont maple syrup for sale by Rol?ert's. Nothing better th'.n Guava Jolly for your si. k friends.?If you want any call on Robert's. Dates only ten cents per pound ut Robert's. I shall receive per next New Yoik steamer an other choice lot of pure confectionery, Robert's. Strawberries to-morrow atRokrt's. Oranges and Lemons "at Robert's. Graham Flour aud Kiln dried yellow meal at Robert's. Choice Muscavado molasses at Robert's. The finest Raisins in town at Robert's. Waluuts, Filberts, Pectus, Brazil nuts ai d ' Almonds at Robert's. ' Salmon Trout at Robert's. BEAUFORT. Arrived Apr. 28th?Norwegian bark Fortuna from Havana to R bbins Boddington and Co. CLEARED Apr. 29th?Norwegian bark Finiaferi ger for London with lumber from Atlantic Saw , Mills. Entered St. Helena Sound. 5 April 23rd British Brig " Edith, " Thomas mas; ter30davs from Dakar in ballast to Campl>el Wyllie and Co. " 2ttth Norwegian bark Alpha, Maronl, master I 5G days from Cbristiansand in ballast to Campbell i Wyllie and Co. - ; " 27th britidt brig Blanche, Mallgraf, master, .10 r ; clays from Dakar, in ballast to caiupoeii, n vim 1 audCo Cleared. ; April 23rd Ilritish barkentinc Glvnwood, Taylor 2 , for United Kingdom with .">60 tons of phosphate e nek from Coosaw Mines, j April 25th Nor. hark Xoah, (Ijeruldsen master ? j for United Kingdom with CIO tons of phosphate | ro k from fft.wair Minos. r jcrwawcn? wt - -wvjc. ;GflP SMMii!, E. A. Scliepcr, j The Leader in Low Prices IS now prepared to show his friends ami custom crs of It aul'ort and surrounding country the i choicest ami cheapest stock of DRESS GOODS.! Noti'.ns, Embroderles, I BOOTS AND SHOES| i I>aces, Hosiery. Gloves, Hr.n<ik> rchi -fs. Cassij meres, Jeans," Tweeds. Flannels. Homespuns,' ; Shirtings, Sheetings, Prints, Cambrics, Linens, j Towels. Table Damasks, Napkins, White (hauls, : dents' FurnMiiiig Goods, Ac.; ever exhibited In Beaufort. His assortment of go<ids has only to l?e I seen to l?e appreciated. He lia- selected them with the pr- atest rare. ALL AUK FRESH AND NEW J and defy competition. Those reedingSpiiug and ftminrr supplies for I their families would SAVE MONEY by looking at j his stock and purchasing what they require. A well lighted store, with polite an I agreeable I salesmen, to attend to customers. E. A. SCHEPER. .for Sale or Rent. For Sale. Block 122 in rear of the Court House Beaufort, Also. SEVEN LOTS IN BLOCK 120. Also the following described Lands : Lot No. 19 Sec. 31 Town 1 X. Range 2 W . 10 acres formerly owned by Ishmael Simmons. Lot 47 Sec. 18 Town 1 S. Range 1 W. JO acres Midway between Beaufort and Port Royal. Frac. % of Lot 21 See. 13 Town Range 1 N. 1 W* being an excellent water frontage on Coosaw river. For terms or other Information inquire of C. II. WRIGHT, ACT. Apl.-26-3m. FOR SALE. Very Desirable Property, - - ? % * ir rtfn OX ttAI S?. BEAUFORT, S. C. The block occupied by Odcll and comprising three tine stores with capacious yards and >torage in the rear and the finc.-t water frontage on the river. ~ ^ For terms apply to D. C. WILSON, or to C. H WRIGHT, Agt. Beaufort, S. CM March 20, 1877. TO RENT. The dwelling on Bay St., lately occupied bv Capt. C. 0. Boutelle. Apply to. WM. ELLIOTT. TO RENT, Two desirable stores in the basement of the STEVENS HOUSE, Price S10 and $11 resjiectivcly. Apply to W. J.VERDIER, Agent. For Sale. OXKSIX-HOR.SK PORTABLE HOARD A SOX Steam Engine with shafting, for cash, or will ">arter f >r one or two FIRST-CLASS MURKS, with cash adjustment either way in accordance vith appraised values. C.C. KEXDAI.L, Tort I' ?yal. LUMBER. f^or sale hv the undersigned: to bo delivered a: V jieau ort Wharf. f? Rafts \% 4 to 6 Flooring. 1 Raft laiths, > inch. 2 Rafts 3-4th inch hoards wide. 2 Rafts 8-all West her Boarding S inch Length 20 f et. loOO feet to Raft. Term* S12 jx r M. cash, or approved acceptance at 60 divs sight. Apply to RORRIXS UODDIXOTOX A CO. Atlantic Saw Mills, 1'ctufort S. C. Xothlng less than a Raft, of 4!>0J foct sold. A. B.ADDISON, Judge of Probate. FOR BEAUFORT COUXTY. In Beaufort on the first Monday in every month aud remain until all business is attended to In the interim he will be in Bruuson, where he will be prepared to attend to the duties of his office and any other busiuess that may be placed in his hands. P. M. WHITMAN Bayitreet .tfeaufort, 3. C.' Dealer in WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. AND SILVER WARE, ROGER'S K NT YES, FOLKS, SPOONS LADLES. Personal attention given to re p allng In his line. SBiy&lDay Striking Clocks, S3.S0 to S3. GENTS' GOLD CI1IANS, TINS. RINGS, SLEEVE BUTTONS. STl'DS, WATCH CHAINS, LADIES GOLD and PLATED JEWELRY, GOLD PENS, AC., AC. GENTS' GOLD Si SILVER WATCHES. Call and examine before purchasing, and satisfy yourself you can save ten toj twenty-five per eent from Charleston or Savannah prices. P.N. SCIIIIVI. Manufacturer and Wholesale dealer in SODA WATER, GINGER POP, GINGER ALE, 1 AND SARSAPARILLA, Orders from tlio country carefully attended to and goods delivered at the depot or wharf free of charge Office on New Street opposite the jail, , Apr. 12-tf. NOTICE. Neither the captain nor the undersigned consignees of the German i Bark Otto, Captain Darnier, will I*- responsible ' ; for debts contracted by any of the crew.' Ronnixs Boddinotux A Co. i I (Srist and 4ff* Of. S. MjLMOTT, Uimurort 8. C. RJ VR+ViiL, H CO., din rift on S. C. THE BEAUFORT STEAM MILL COMPANY, Havixc; pi t up a <;rist mill AT THEIR i old stand, are prepared to furnish Grist, Feel and Meal, any quantity, and at reasonable rates. M. S. ELLIOTT, | S. 1. W ALLACE, COTTON FACTOR AND GRIST MILLER,; Wholesale Dealer in Grain, Hominy Meal, Feedi ETC., ETC., SEA ISLAND COTTON Bought Giuneil and prepared for market. ADVANCES Made on consignments. Having the best machinery for ginning cotton and g. inding corn and meal, he is prepared to execute all orders on the shortest possible no ticc The highest cash price paid for COTTON & CORN Cotton ginned on toll. S. MAYO, Bay St. Beaufort, S. C LIQLORS, WINES, Ax. NET YARNS, ^ _ FISH LINES AND CORDAGE. Paints and Oil^, WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE. Special attention given to mixing paints and Glass cut to order of any size. Liec. 6 1 W. H. CALVERT. PRACTICAL Tin Sheet Iron. Copper Worker DEALER IN Ja?anned and Stamped Tin Wares. Cnnstautlvop hand, Cooking Parlor anil Box Stoves. TERMS CASH. Agent for the Celebrated Charter Oak Cooking Stoves. W. 11. CALVERT, Bay St. between 8th A 9th sts. Beaufort. S.C BANKING HOUSE, Win. II. Lockwood, I BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE OK New, York Charleston & Savannah Bought and Sold, Collections made on any point in the United States. Accounts received subject to check at sight. ap.i27.Gui. PORT ROTAXi Saw A Planing Mill BEAUFORT, S C. D. C. WILSON & CO., manufacturers of and dealers in 7ELL0W PINE TIltBEE AND and Cypress Slilugles, also Builders & Contractors plaster lathes, All kinds of JOB SAWING promptly done. Flooring & Ceiling Boards always on hand Orders for Lumber and Timber by the 'cargo | promptly filled. Terms Cash. 1). C. WILSON A CO. AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT. Mixed ready for use in white and over onelmudred different colors, made of strictly pnto WillIF. LEAD Zinc, and Linseed Oil. Chemically combined, war_ anted to last twice as long as other paint. F. W. SCHEPER, Wholesale and Retail Grocer. D If. Hutchinson, Wholesale & Retail Grocer port royal. s. c. Has added greatly to his stock ot GROCERIES, with aD additiou of a Meat Market, where will be found on hand at all times | i full and select supply of fresh Beef, Mutton & Pork, 1 together with all kinds ot vegetables to I suit the demands of the public. F. \X . S C Ix a FINE GROCERIES 3 ()f all Gra<1 cs. ^ CANNED FRUITS, YEG1 Aiid a Full Variety of other things Goods Promptly Deir SEA ISLA? HAS BEEN H THE PATROXAPrK OF THE T1LU J A M K S ODELL, Beaufort Ms c Having opened a shop iu Beaufort, I am Build & Repair all i Both'ofWOOI Particular attention given to designing and pipe and fittings constantly on hand at Not Personal attention given to setting tnd ci Steam Boiler Furna< #aT Shop next to Post Office. COOPER ] Dry Goods & Milliner? FALL AND WI I have just laid in a larj DRY f OODS, CLOT Ladies' Hats, Notions, Embroideries. Corsets, Tics, Lace; of all. No trouble to show* goods. JOHN COOPER, Bai CHEAPESTSTO new noons, NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, Just Re Just Re Just Rei AT APPLE S, AT APPLES AT APPLES, DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, DR ESS GOODS, HOSIERY, DOMESTIC GOODS, MATTING, CLOTHING. SHOES, FU CL< Cheapest place in Tow M MANSION nojisE. PORT ROYAL, S. C. Is beautifully situated, facing PORT ROYAL H ARMOR, Enclosed with ample yard under live oak trt-c the roo:u< ar* neatly finished and nicely furnished and the tabic is well supplied and kept. Guests from the North will find this a rnos healthful aud pleasant winter resort. United States vessels are located in sight, and fishing,, hunting, and boating can be enjoyed. C ntracts for board will be made for the season at reasonable rates. BENJAMIN BURR, , PbopbIetoi:, J^QY.AXj HAVANA LOTTERY. Draws Every 13 Dny?. Tickets for sale and prizes cashed, fckad 1W clr?u lars, to MANTEL ORRAXTIA, 108 Common Street, New ()ileans La. M. POLLITZER, COTTON FACTOR AND Commission Merchant BR4UFORT S.C M. B SAMS, DENTIST. Mechanical ami Operative PentNtry. WOR'v WARRANTED. Office at the Itoithncco ' Pit. M. M. Sann.Corner Craven and N*-,v M*. ? \ ? * - tVWJii. ^ ?rr< c?* OTSMZTW r?f 11. E P E i, F lYStLFCTF.D TEAS COFFEES ^v- 'XX,&^ stives ETABLES, MEATS, &C. ; usually kept in a first-class $(tre? vered free of charge. si) HOTEL, / ' $ [E-OPEXED. CELLING PUBLIC IS SOLICITFD. - - Proprietor. lehiue Shop, i? t ireparod willi the latest improved tool* to ^ kinds of Machiaeir. \ ? ? f ' X* ) AND IRON, * pattern making lor new work. Steam tliern prices, onstructing ces for Saving Fuel. A.WTMAN, Mechanical Engineer. NTER GOODS, ;e and complete stock of HING. MILLINERY Dress Goods, s, Hose, etc. At prices within the reach j St., Beaufort, S. 0. RE IS TOff.V NEW GOODS NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS ' iceived, ceived, ceived, at apples, at apples, at apples, I * rnishing Goods. hats and caps. 3ths and cassimeres, oil cloth. n. Irs. m. APPLE. W. P. GRAHAM, bounty an)) pension agent, BEAUFORT, 8. C. Will attend to any business entrusted to him. Information free. mar.l6-t& " BEEF AND MUTTON. the cheapest and the best. T AM NOW IN RECEIPT OF THE VEBY 1 best. TENNESSEE BEEP . laud beg tu Inform sny friends and mtonon thai I will sell as cheap as any one and WILL HOT RE UNDERSOLD. JAMES JENKINS, I Mch. 1 tf. VESSELS -INBull and Coosaw Rivers -OR ATPORT ROYAL. Will be supplied with | FBRESH WATER, From the celebrated [ Club House Springs, By Steam or Mailing vessel?. *3 ^Orders sent to our 'dice in Beaufort will re . ei lve immediate attention. PICK ?l SMAIL, Troprietett.