University of South Carolina Libraries
\ r . JNU.IL V^MC?Sr?.ra "T , \ ' 1 I ? S ' ^ ! > v f ^ t L0( AL 1 I LAIS. The pilot who took the monitors to j the .Savannah liver received S.'hX) for his services. We arc promised a visit shortly from a minstrel troupe who will doubtless have i a crowded house as amusements here are scarce. Col. T. W. Dariuolce, Superintendent i ol the penitentiary is on a vi.sit to Capt. Weaver of the Dictator. A sensation was created in Beaufort by J the report that a prominent factor in I Charleston who has large <1? aliugs with our planters had failed. ? Six barrels of sweet cider arrived in i town a lew <ia\ s ago but the temperance ! movement prevented bs cistribuiiou1 uutil it is converted into v'ny.r. .?j> ? We have another :-o la w.?ie? and git,-1 ger pop establishment in Beaufort under the direction of Mr. P. N. Schult, an experienced manufacturer from Charleston. The Abbeville Medium suggests that the uanie of Gordon be given to the new county to be formed from Beaufort. This is suggested as a cotuplimcut to Seuator Gordon. 1 ^ ? Messrs Waterhouse and Bicker are en larging their wharf, which, when completed, will be the most commodious in town. The s'oop-of-war Powhatan arrived Tuesday momiug after a stormy passage, i in which she lost one man overboard and had two boats carried away. The Powhatan is a side-wheel vessel of 2,182 to.;s and carries 17 guns. Steam was gotten up yesterday 011 the Dictator to test her boilers and niachiu eiy. The Powatan brought 90 men to complete the force require 1 to run the big monitor aud she will probably leave in about two weeks. Messrs R obbins Boddiugton & Co cleared last Friday the Biiiish bark Glenalla for Liverpool with 50,487 feet of lumber and 40,220 culic feet of timber, valued at $6,399. On the same day the same firm cleared the German ship Australia for the same port with 62,252 leet lumber and 29,662 cubic feet of timber valued at $5,040. During the storui on Thursday last one of the immense sheds of the Coosaw mining Company was discovered to be on 1 fire* and owing to its great height the fire hose could not reach it, but with the assistance of the rain the fire was extinguished without a great loss. The company are now erecting a tank sixty fee: from the ground t nd will next time b able to work to letter advantage. ? Reports from the monitors in Savan nail s-eeui to indicate dissatisfaction on the part of the officers and men. T! c sand - i flies are numerous and bothersome. the mosquito* promise a full crop, the liiaki lia lias presented hi- raid and lid- fai to he a frequent visitor ami the tvaic is far f^rii being a- pa'ntah e a- that otained at Port l???\al. I: Is -a I thai a of the vessels wii! . tetarii to he r ? 1 to chorale at Port R<?yai by Juno 1st The storm last Thursday that pas-ed up the coast did much damage in Charle- i ton and Savannah, but we hear of no lo-? , ? i this neighKuhoo 1. The track of the S. & C. Railroad was wa-h ! - that the train from Charleston on Friday had to put Kick and we had no mail which, un der the present condition of affairs, wa very to'ing to the anxiety of our citizens who wish to keep up with thi news. ?o? , Mr. J. 15. Oven, cashier of tli Coosaw ininiug Co., started for Sheldon last Friday in a buggy accompanied by Lis family and when crossing Husper causeway the carriage and hoises suddculy went down through a hole washed out by the recent high tides. The party were obliged to get out and wade ashore, and as Mr. Oweu got into water up to his chin he failed to enjoy the adventure, j The ladies were obliged to walk ashore j through water up to their waists. The baggage of the party aud the V. 8. mail, which.was iu the carriage, was lost. An auction sale of the articles left over from the Episcopal Church fair was held ( in the dining room of the Sea Islaud , Hotel Tuesday evening, at which good prices were realized, swelling the receipts : to the handsome sum of $230. The ladies having charge of the fair de- | sire to return ^heir thanks to Mrs. Odell for the use of the hall, and also to Mr. Needham, a sailor on the New Hampshire, for his assistance in decora* ting the hall with flags. During the late exciting campaign two i colored politicians of opposite political persuasions ente-ed into the following j written contract which one of them, A P - - I Jenkins, had duly recorded in the office : of the clerk of the court. Joseph Rob*! inson happens to be the successful lie j publican candidate on the Legislative ticket while A. P. Jenkins is the defeat- j ed candidate for the same on the Detno- i cratic. Beaufort S. C. Oct 27. 1H7G. This is to certify that T. J<>\ ; Robinson, promise to be the servant of A. I P.Jenkins for six months if Mr. T). fl. Chamberlain is not elected Governor of SouthCarolina. (signed) Joseph Robinson. , This is to certify that T, A. 1\ Jenkins. ! promise to be the servant of do-. Robin} on for one month if (icnl. Wade Hampton is not e'c(tcd gov?r lor. of South Carolina, (signed A. P. Jenkins. \ The dav after the retirement of Mr.; Chamberlain Jenkins sent to no ifv Robin 0:1 that he had hired him to Messrs W .terliou-e & Ricker aul ordered hiuij C- S -.- J . TC4H3**: 11II Ml MiOHManM to to wo k upon the repairs ot their wharf. Up to this time Robiuson has not reported and Jenkins is uneasy lest he is sick. Jenkins says he had no use ? % i for him himself, and preferred not oeing burdened with feeding him and claims his right to hire him out. It is due Bobinson to say that he claims that ChamberJain was elected and that he therefoic owes no service to Jenkins. A correspondent of the Journal of Commerce writing from Brunson gives j the particulars of an outrage on a colored man living 011 the plantation of Capt: B. 8. Williams, near Brunson, as follows: 1 4'A party of men, disguised, and num- i beritig some tivc or six, as well as could ; be ascertained, proceeded about midnight | to the house of a negro man, Dick Eley, and succeeded in breaking down the door and entering the hou-e before any of the occupants awoke. They then rushed in, seized Eley, dragged liiiu from his bed, and beat him until he ceased to make j am resistance. Then, telling him they were "Barnwell men," put a bag over his head, took him through the woods about a half mile from his house, and stripping his clothes from him, whipped and beat him in the most ciuel and unmerciful manner. Captain Williams states that Eley was laid up for several days from his bruises and sores, and that his face, ne*k and head were mutilated and swollen horriblv. We have inquired of many persons, and no one knows of any charge I of crime of recent date against the negro, j He was implicated in several stealing j scrapes in the neighborhood, but that has J been more than a year ago, since which time he has, as far as cau be ascertained, behaved himself well. The affair was non political in its character, as Eley. during the campaign was quiet and took no part in politics, nor did he vote at the election. We are inclined to the.opinion that bad whiskey had a good deal to do with the affair, as iu the scuffle at Kiev's house several articles were dropped, among them a flask around which clung j the scent of the rye." The man who is alleged to have been beaten is the only one that seems to know anything about the affair, and the citizens of Brimson are inclined to believe it a hoax or, at least, that the report is greatly exaggerated. Jack Burgoyne, the murderer of Mr. N. J Gregg, was sentenced by Judge Townseud, at Marion, to be hauged on Friday May 18th. The city of Charleston is assessed for taxation at twenty-seven million; eighteen millions on real %estate and nine on personal property. The appropriations call for three quarters of a million icquiring a tax of about three per ccnt.; Steve Anderson, convicted of complicity in the murder of Messrs Portroan & Hausemann, in Aiken County, S. C. and sentenced to be hung at the same time with the other four murderers, but who was respited foi thirty days by Goviruor Hauipton. will be executed in Aiken to morrow, the Governor having declined , to exercise the Executive chmcncy any further in his behalf. Gov. llauipton one reads, is 50; has been married twice and is a widower j Ho had three children-two sous and one daughter. His eldest sou, Preston Hampton, was killed at Gettysburg, and the second. Wade, jr., lives in Washington County Miss. His daughter Margaret. I is the wife of Col. John llascall of South i Cu'.oiiua. ^ - <> Toe Kan-as City Journal says : It is j po-iuve.y .-tated lliat old man Bender, ! > > ?. i ?..! Wik', son ana aaugiucr were capiim-u uy a Land ut vigil ants aud bnehe 1 while at tciuptiug to escape Jroui Kansas. This statement is based on the eonfessio 1 ul oue ot the party who participated in the lynching, aud all ot the facts are said to | have been in possession of Governor Os- i born and Senator York, brother of Dr. j York, one of the victims. Mrs. Stonewall Jackson has deter- j mined to make her home in Charlotte, N. L\, near which city her father lives. She is now trying to so arrange her slen- J de: resources that she can build and furnish a home for herself and daughter. ? <?? IIou. Randolph Tucker, Representative to Congress from the Gth Yirgiuia 1 District, is crowing about Washington, j because President llaj'es is carrying out j the Democratic policy. It must he very ! gratifying to the President to find his j action upon the Southern difficulties so cordially indorsed by prominent Democrats as well asthc wisest men of hisown party. "Kiss and Forget, Love," is the title! of a beautiful new song and chorus by the popular composer Chas. D. Blake phich appears in the SOUTHERN MUSICAL JOURNAL for April, and, if our musical friends only but knew what a gem it is, they would have it. In the same number is also the "American R fie Team A'ictory March," by G. Operti; a I fine Anthem "Plead Thou my cause," by L. 0. Eiuerson, and three pleasing Hymn Tunes, suitable for church or i home use. Every month brings, in this I magazine, an enually choice supply of j music, at the trifling cost of $1.25 perl year; and better still, each subscrib* r is i ontit'ed to select as their premium, \ $1.00 worth of Sheet Music from the publishers immense stock contained in their Southern Music House at Savannah, Ga. A three cent stamp will j secure a specimen copy. Address the j publishers, Ludden & Bates. Savannah Ga New Spring goods just opeuod at Barry's. Dry goods clothing Boots A Shoes at Barry's, llats & Caps at Barry's. Trunks A Valises at Barry's Come one,come all. Prices to suit the times at Barry's. Oranges and Lemons at Roberts. Figs and Dates, fresh at Roberts. Auother choice assortment of pure Confectionery just received at Rol?crts Fresh Crackers at Roberts. The finest Butter and Cheese always on hand at Robert st Roberts has the very best 5 cent Cigar in Beaufort. Something n?"w, try them. Try Peek Freoti A Co's London Biscuits at 20cts per pound at Roberts. Pure Maple Syrup at Roberts. Grated Horse RadNh at RobcJts, New Primes at Roberts. A f"w w >re boxes of (iuava Jelly at a 'cluced price at Roberts %^?rrrmmammmmmm?iriiai \mm i w?n?? Several eases *>f yellow fever arc rc; ported at Callao and Consul Clayton was | one of the victims. Yet there are two hundred applications lor the vacant Con1 sulship. Marine News. 1 ___ Kstkrkd St. H i m:n.v Sot>-i>. I April 9th, Ru-sian bark Doros, l.i^eback master, 38 days from Dover, iu ballast to Campbell, Wylllo A co. ?lotli. Swedish bark Iris, Alallin master, 113 i davs from Hull, in ballast to Campbell Wvllie A eo. ?10th, Norwegian bark G. P. liar bill, Jarobsen master, 40 days from Amsterdam in ballast to | Campbell, Wyllie A co. ?12th, Swedish briganfine Vesta, Wiihlgreu master 64 days Irom Oporto in balhist, seeking a charter Cleared April 0:h. British brig Antagonis Winter master, for Dublin with 371 tons phosphate rock Irom Coosaw mines. ?0th, British barkentinc Isabel!, Williams master, for Plymouth with 557 tons of phosphate rock from Coosaw mines. t ?10th British brig Francis John, Rentley master, for Plymouth with 31 f tons of phos]ihate rock from Coosaw mines and 75 tons from Charleston S. C. ?11th, Russian bark Laiuctar, Kosenberk master for Hull with 6S0 tons of phosphate rock from Coosaw mines. ?11th, Russian bark "Lemmatin" Walter master for London with 1000 tons of phosphate rock from Oak Point mines. I Cleared From Beaufort. April 12tli. Br. bark Gleiiall.t, II. N. Ilatfeeld master, for Liverpool with lumber from Atlantic Saw Mills. ?13tb, German ship Australia, C. Wcidornian master, for Liverpool with lumber and timber from j the Atlantic Saw mills. PORT ROYAL. April 16th S. S. City of Austin, Stevens, New York mdsc. to R. P. Rundle. Schr. Jesse W. Starr, Frank, from the, floet to 11 P. Ruudle. SAILED. 13th S. S. City of I allas, Hincs, New York. II. T. Rundle. S. S.Calvert Foley, Baltimore. 14th Schr. Emma Green, l'hilbrook PerthAmboy, R. P. Bundle. S. S. "City of Austin" Stevens Ferhandina to It. P. Rundle. LOADING. Barque Moonbeam, Fields for Amsterdam lumber Steinmyer aud Stokes. Schr. Geo. M. Braiuard, ToUtan, for Boston lumber Steinmever and Slokes. Schr. C. N. Foster, Coombs, for Baltimore, lumber R. P. Rundle. Schr. "Jesse W. S:arr" Frank, for Bath, Me. lumber to B. P. Bundle. Uentai surgeons 01 cue oiaie ui uuur^m, he is prepared to perform to entire satisfaction all work embraced within the area of his profession. The patronage of the public is solicited. Refers by permission to Dr. H. M. Stuart. Office over the store of James Odcll. VESSELS -IX? Bull and Coosaw Rivers ?OR AT? PORT ROYAL. Will be supplied with rnLjn yvailh, From the celebrated Club House Springs, By Steam or sailing vessels. 4g-Orders sent to our office in Beaufort will receive immediate attention. I>irK A SMALL, Proprietors. 07 sc hilt Manufacturer and Wholesale dealer in SODA WATER, GINGER POD, GINGER ALE, AND SARSAPARILLA, Orders from the country carefully attended to an 1 goods delivered at the depot or wharf free of charge. Office on New .Street opposite the jail, I Apr. l-.'-tf. V GRIND SPilIHGOPfKIHG! E. .4. Neliojicr. ! The Leader in Low Prices IS now prepared to show hi* friends ami ciNtoni- l its of Itfaufort ami surrounding country the ' choicest and cheapest stock of DRESS GOODS.j Notions, Embroderies, iBOOTS AND SHOES Laws, Hosiery. Cloves, Handkerchiefs, Cassituercs, Jeans, Tweeds, Flannels, Homespuns, Shirtings, Sheetings, Prints, Cambrics, Linens, Towels, Tabic Haniasks, Napkins, White Hoods, Cents' i'uriii-hing Goods, Ac.; ever exhibited in Beaufort. Hi? assortment of goods has only to be seen to he appreciated, lie has selected them with the greatest care. ALL ARE FRIiSlI ASD NEW and defy competition. Those needing Spring and Summer supplies for i their families would SAVE MONEY by looking at ! his stock and purchasing what they require. <i ! A well lighted store, with polite" and agreeable j salesmen, to attend to customers. E. A. SCHEPER. ior7S3? or FOR SALE." ! Very Desirable Property, r\ \t n \ V ST BEAUFORT,' S. C. The block occupied by Odell and comI prising three fine stores with capacious yards and .storage in the rear and the fiu. est water frontage on the river. For terms apply to 1). C. WILSON, or to C. II WRIGHT, Agt. Beaufort, S. C., Mjtrch 20, 1877. ? TO RENT. The dwelling on Bay St., lately occupied by Capt. C. 0. Boutellc. Apply to. W3i. ELLIOTT. TO RENT, Two desirable stores in the basement of tbo STEVENS HOUSE, Trice $10 and $15 respectively. Apply to W. J.YERDIER. Agent. For Sale. ONE SIX-IIORSE PORTABLE 1IOAKP Sc. SON Steam Engine with shafting, for cash, or will barter f->r one or two FIRST-CLASS MULES, with cash adjustment either way in accordance with appraised values. C.G. KENDALL, Port Royal. LOST. On Tuesday last a Diary containing papers of value and some money. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the lost articles at this office. March 22. FOUND ADRIFT. Picked up the 14th inst., by Robert Fields, between Cat and Cane Islands, a SHIP YAWL, full of water, measuring J 7 feet long and 5 feet wide. The owner can recover the boat by i proving property and paying charges by ; applying to F. W. SCHEPER, mai20 Beaufort. S. C J SHEPARD D.GILBERT NOTARY PUBLIC. Attention given to Marine Protests. Office in the Sea Island Hotel. A. B.ADDISON, Judge of Probate. FOR BEAUFORT COUNTY. Will lib in Beaufort on the first Monday in every month aud remain until all business is attended to In the interim he will be in llruuson, where he will be prepared to attend to the duties of his office and any other business that may be placed in his hands. P. M. WHITMAN Bay Street Beaufort, S, C. Sm.lQr in WATCHES, CLOCKS* JEWELRY. AND SILVER WARE, ROGER'S KNIVES, FOLKS, SPOONS LADLES. Personal attention given to rep aling in hl? line. 0 8 Day 11 Day Striking Clocks, (3,50 to (8, GENTS' GOLD CHIANS, PINS, RINGS. SLEEVE ! BUTTONS. STUDS, WATCH CHAINS, LAj DIES GOLD and PLATED JEWELRY, GOLD PENS, AC., AC. GENTS' GOLD Si SILVEK WATCHES. Call and examine before purchasing, and satisfy' yourself you can save ten to* twenty-five per eent from Charleston or Savannah prices. dcc.6.1y ; H. M. STUART, M. D., j Cor. liny & Eighth Streets, Beaufort, S; C. DEALER IS j DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS, FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, Ac., Ac., Ac., i Together with many other articles too numerous J to mention. AH of which will he sold at the lowc? price for cash. Physicians prescriptions carefully ompounded. MILLVILE j I I Insurance Company; | I i GEO. GAGE, AGENT, i Schr. Calisto Whitten lor New iorK. Notice. to rilots and consignees. From Tuesday the first day of May. (Quarantine regulations will 'bo enforced at St. Helena Sound. m. m. sams, Health Officer. M. B. SAMS, ? DENTIST. Mechanical and Operative Dentistry. WORK WARRANTED. Office at the Residence of Dn. 31. M. Sams, Corner Craven and New Sts. NTotico. OFFICE COLLECTOR OF CUSTOM?,) Distkkt ok Bkackokt. j? Beaufort, S. C. April 19th 1X77. J ON SATFRDAY MAY -ITII 1X77 I WILL SELL at public auction in the rear of my office, in R< auf'Tt, ONE ROW BOAT, being the same that was seized from G. W. Roberts in Decent Ik r last for having been itnjiorlod into Ih-jICuites Slates c ultra ry to the Revenue Law*. geo. gage, Collector of Customs. LUMBER. For sale l>y the undersigned : to be delivered at | Beau ort Wharf. C Rafts l'<? 4 to t> Flooring. 1 Raft Laths, 3 inch. 2 Rafts 3-lth inch hoards wide. 2 Rafts 3-ttli Weather Boarding 8 inch. I/nzth L'Of.rt. 4090 feet to Raft. Terms $12 per M. cash, or approved acceptance at 60 , days sight. Apply t? ROD BINS BODPINC.TON A- CO. Atlantic Saw Mills, Ee tufort S. C. Nothing less than a Raft, of 4000 feet sold. Application foiuiiarter. To whom it may concern : N^OTICR is harebv given that at the expiration of thirty days from this data, an application will be made to the Clerk of the Court in and for Beaufort County, for a charter for the Young Men's Christian Association, of the town and County of Beaufort. Beaufort, S. C. April, 19tb 1S77. 1)11. J. G. STONEY. " DENTIST. lias located in the town of Beaufort for the practice of Dentistry where, if patronage warrants, he proposes to establish an office fitted with every convenience and all modern appliances for the perfection of work connected with his profession, as well as the consideration and comfort of his patients. Having been for some time an assistant of Dr. Parsons ol Savannah a dentist of long practice, and undoubted repute, he has had a wide field for the practice of Dentistry in all its branches, holding; certificates from celebrated Dentists with whom he has been connected and a Diploma from the examining Board of ^ A xV _ ^ r ?rist and ..frrd. .71. S. ELLIOTT. BtmnforlB.C. BJVEJVKL, * CO., ChmrltatoH S. C. THE BEAUFORT STEAM MILL COMPAST, = Having; pi t it a grist mill at tiieip. old stand, art) |*r??i?- rctl to furnish Grist, Feed and Meal, any quantity, and at reasonable rates. M. S. ELLIOTT, ? II. WALLACE, COTTON FACTOR AND grist miller, Wholesale Dealer in Grain, Hominy Meal, Feed ETC., ETC., SEA ISLAND COTTON Bought Ginned and prepared for market. ADVANCES Made on consignments. Having the best machinery for ginning cotton and g, hiding corn and una!, he is prepared to execute all orders on the shortest possible no ticc The highest cash price paid for cotton & corn Cotton ginned on toll. S. MAYO, Bay St. Beaufort, 8. C LIQUORS, 1VI\'ES, 4tc. NET YARNS, FISH LINES AND CORDAGE. Glass, Paints and Oils, WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE. Special attention given to mixing paints and Glass cut to order of any size. Dec. 6 W. H. CALVERT. PRACTICAL HTrw Hrmroi* Wnrlrer 11XI Wil&WMAiWAA* ?m ?tu?i DEALER IN Japanned and Stamped Tin Wares. Constantly on hand, Cooking l'arlor and Box Stoves. TERMS CASH.. Agent for tlie Celebrated Charter Oak Cooking Stoves. W. II. CALVERT, Bay St. between 8th A 9th sts. Beaufort. S.C BANKING HOUSE,Win. If. Lockwood. BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE New, York Charleston & Savannah Bought and Sold, Collections made on any point in the United States. Accounts received subject to check at sight. a p. 27.6m. GRIND CEHTEHHIU SUE, AT THE STORE OF PORT ROTAIj Saw& Planing Will BEAUFORT, S C. D. 0. WILSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALF.RS IN YELLOW PINE TIHEE& IM LU!fo& AND Cypress Slilnfelos, ALSO Builders & Contractors PLASTER LATHES, All kinds of JOB SAWING promptly done. Flooring & Ceiling Boards always on land Orders for Lumber and Timber by th romptly filled. Terms Cash. D. C. WILSON & CO. AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT. Mixed ready for use in whiteand over one hundred different colors, made of strictly pure. WT1T1F. LEA D *' ?- ? - ? ? ?.? J Zinc, and Linseed Oil Chemically combined, waranted to last twice as long as other painL F. W. SCHEPER# " Wholesale and Retail Grocer ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Draws Every 15 Days. Tickets for sale and prizes cashed. Send for circulars, to MAKl'EL ORRANTIA, 168 Common Street, New Orleans La. M. POLLITZER, COTTOy FACTOR AND Commission Merchant BEAUFORT S . C F W. SCI FINE^ROCERIES I'TMil 1 hi' I J>;'.:ii->. CANNED FRUITS, VEGET/ And a Full Variety of other things usi Goods Promptly Deliver SEA ISLAN1 HAS BEEX RE THE PATRONAGE OF THE TRAVEJ J A M ES ODELL, or <A 1TB ~n 1 ti a Jtt r j Fall and Wn 18 7 6 ^TKW and HANDSOME STYLES OF CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS LACE CCRTAINS, CORNICES, RC Opened this week at PRICES TO SUIT fiSTljOOO Yards Carpets at 18 to 35 cents per JAMES Augusta. Ga., Dec. 27, I87G. Beaufort Mac o? Having opened a shop in Beaufort, I am prep Build & Repair all ki Both'ofWOOD j Particular attention given to designing and pa pipe and fittings constantly on hand at Northe Personal attention given to setting and const Steam Boiler Furnacei fiST Shop next to Post Office. . J. A. It COOPER' J Dry. Goods & Millinery. ,, 8 11 n i,bi i ?a i i ii FALL AND WIN I have just laid in a large a DRY f OODS, CLOTH Ladies' Hats, Notions, Embroideries. Corsets, Ties, Laces, I of all. No trouble to show goods. JOHN COOPER, Bay f CHEAPESTSTOR o vrw norms I f Ji u U i new goods,. new goods, Just Eec< Just Eece Just Eece at apple's, at apples, at apples, dry goods. fancy goods. dress goods, hosiery, domestic goods, matting, clothing. shoes, furn clot! Cheapest place in Town. rars MANSION" house, i Will PORT ROYAL, S. C.N* Is beautifully situate!, facing PORT ROYAL HARBOR, i 1 Enclosed with ample yard under live oak tree the riKjiu-t are neatly finished and nicely furnished ^ and the table is well supplied and kept, j Guests from the North will find this a inns J ' healthful ami pleasant winter resort. United j j States vessels are located in sight, and fishing,,1 hunting, and boating can be enjoyed. anj i C 11 tracts for board will bo made for the season \ wj at reasonable rates. HE BENJAMIN" BURR, PROPRIETOR. : 3| 1 IE PER, ' VVYI v4rT tT"* 8ttrci? TEAS COFFEES SI'JVES *t \ Domestic IjpS3=i=^^=- FRUITS. ^BLES, MEATS, &c. nallv kept in a first-class Stare. ed free of charge. J HOTEL, HHB > m -OPENED. JLIXtf PUBLIC IS SOLICITFD. PaopRiCTOB. E T S. vter Trade, -7. !, WALL PAPER and BORDERS GS, MATS, AND DRUGGETS, THE TIMES. yard. a. BAILIE &.BRO. hine Shop, ared with the latest improved tools to nds of Machinery, &.ND IRON, ittern making for new work. Steam rn prices. ;ruc:iug 3 for Saving Fuel. WHITMAN, Mechanic.! Enginw. HER GOODS. ft nd complete stock of ING. MILLINERY Dress Goods, lose, etc. At prices within the re*& 3t., Beaufort, S. 0. EIN TOWN. NEW GOODS NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, jived, dved, ived, AT APPLES, AT APPLES, AT APPLES, i ?/ tISHING GOODS. HATS AND CAPS. 3S AND CASSIMERKS, Oil CLOTH. i. M. APPLES. W. P. GRAHAM, 0CXT? AND PENSION AGENT, BEAUFORT, S. C. I attend to any business entrusted to bin. iformation free. iuar.l5-tf. BEEF AND MUTTON. [E CHEAPEST AND THE BEST. AM NOW IN RECEIPT OF THE VERY best. TENNESSEE BEEF beg to inform bit friends and customer* that * ill sell as cheap as anyone and WILL NOT UNDERSOLD. JAMES JENKINS, eh. 1 tf.