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LOCAL ITEMS. j The night trains on the Port Royal | and the Savannah Railroads will be dis j continued after Sunday night nest. The police force of the City of Port Royal will indulge in a grand parade ou ; the fourth of July. The great salvage case against the Harvey Mills was closed last Friday. Judge Bryan reserved his decision, and will probably file it in a few days. The festival in aid of the organ fund of the Baptist Church last- Thursday even- j ing was a complete success. The house j was crowded and the delighted guestslWt ' * behind them the handsome sum of $140. j The islands in this vicinity were visited by a severe storm accompanied with hai last Sunday night doing great damage J to early vegetables. We have been treated to two delight- j ful entertainments lately in aid of our churches and now it is anuounced that another fair will be held next Wednesday evening at the Washington Engine house in aid of St. Peter's Catholic Church. The ladies of Port Royal interested in the new church about to built in that city will give a supper in the Mansion House next Thursday evening in aid of the enterprise. ATI interested in this laudable : effort are invited to attend, and the pres- ' ence of our citizens will be specially gratifying. The admission to the hall ' will be only twenty-five cents. The fair tor the behefito, the Episcopal ? Church wae held iu the large dining room < of the Sea Island Hotel last evening and < was largely attended. The hall was beau- i tifully decorated with flags and evergreen , 1 i and the great inducements offered by the I ^ ladies and children to invest in their < tomntinir wares must have made a graii ; | r o fying addition to the funds of the society, i The ship Harvey Mills, 2,187 tons reg~ ister, built at Thouiaston, Maine, in 1876, and lately damaged by fire at Port Royal, was sold by auction in New York, for $69,000 to Captain Snow. The libels | agaiust the vessel aud cargo are still in' i the Admiralty Court. ^ Many of the freedmen of this county ^ having claims against the U. S. Govern- * ment, for bounties and arrearages of pay 4 as "boys in blue" during the late war, * were made glad last week by the appear ^ ance of Major McMillan, U. S. A., aid his clerks, Messrs. Monly and Smith Since the disc tinuance of the Freed mens Bureau the Mtyor has had charge ( of all bu.-iness of this nature, an 1 has { made a Southern tour for the paymentoi f c'a'ms every two year-. He occupied an ( office in the custom house for two days. ? disbursed several hundreds of dollars. M From here he goes to Savannah, Jack , ajr.Tille, and Penacola. a On Sunday night the police discov- ^ cred a strange white woman wandering about the wharves in town. N r conduct attracted the attention of the police who ^ came up to her in time to prevent her' jnmping overboard. Sbe was taken to ^ tha guard house, and told a story oil suf fering and want. She was on the way * ^ a to Savannah from which city she fled ^ during the yellow fever epidemic la>t fcummer. She seemed much pleased when informed that she would be sent to Sav- ^ annah to her friends. It is evident that ^ the woman intended to drown herself. P Mr. J. M. Crofut deputy collector of ' internal revenue, had another lively b ^ Aase after an alleged vender of crooked s tobacco last Thursday. Mr. Crotut heard u that Mr. J. N. Slaughter, the owner ot v the wagon that was seized a few days ago, I and which we mentioned last week, was o on the road in another wagon and started S oat after him. On his arrival at Allen- t dale Mr. Crofut learned that the object of ( his search was near Buford's Bridge and t started for that point where he seized 3 two boxes of unstamped tobacco, but t Slaughter had left and was not overtaken * until his arrival at Williston where he { was captured together with his wagon and mules. Before leaving Wiliiston a Mr. Jas. Moore accused Slaughter of ] passing on him counterfiet gold pieces ' and wanted him arrested. Mr. Crofut ' started for Beaufort with his prisoner s and when a few miles this side of Charles * tonoutheS. & C. Railroad, during a riot among the passengers, Slaughter ^ escaped into the swamp, but was closely followed by Mr. Crofut. The escaped prisoner hid in the swamp and successfully dodged his pursuers for a long time, but a reward of fifty dollars at last had the effect of bringing the fugitive in, and a pistol shot when he again attempted to escape cooled him off completely, and he was lodgtft in jail in this place Sunday morning. NATAL MATTERS AT PORT ROYAL. The Naval anchorage at Port Royal presents a far different aspect now from i J-1 .kCa ; wna 11 aia one year ?gu una iuvum. At that time from fifteen to twenty vessels of war were at anchor there, with upwards of one hundred and fifty officers ; and eighteen hundred sailors and marines, j An Admirals flag flying from themizzen of the Hartford told of the presence of the Commander-in-Chief, the almost constant display of bunting in the form of signals from the same vessel kept the rest of the fleet busy at sail and spar exercises and other routine drills ; boats uuder steam, boats under sail, and boats uuder oars, plying from one ship to another, I carrying officers on duty as member* of Courts-martial, Surveys, and Inspections, j parties on the more pleasant but none the less imperative duty of interchanging visits of courtesy,?all this lent to the 1 scene an air of bustle and activity, an j appearance of life that contrasted strongly ' with tiie preseut quiet aud almost somnolent status. Many of these vessels are now out of ./ .niii'iiuiAn K?t-c Viavn tri\iu\ frt ftVlOW VVU|IIHC*0(VUt VVUV/I O 111* 1 V ^v?v w w^av *. the flag on foreign stations, and others are ciuising in the West Indies and on other parts of the home station ; six of the monitors have gone to Savannah to try the effects of fresh water anchorage; the Dictator? the only monitor remaining?is under orders to proceed to league Island to be put out of commission; so that the comfortably filled harbor of one year ago now looks deserted. The Powhatan has been ordered from New York (where she has been the flagship of Vice Admiral i'.owan) to tow the Itictator north, having been provided with a steel hawser fyr that purpose. The Dictator, may justly be termed '"dean " of the harbor, if her long and steady presence here be taken into consideration ; before making another crube she will have to undergo extensive repairs, all of her wooden beams will be replaced by iron ones occupying less space, stronger, and more durable. pinion of the Treasury Department, and Secretary Sherman will probably refer he matter to Attorney General Devens. )ver $400,000 of claiths arising under he law have been presented, with the ipproval of the second assistant postnaster general, and the decision is awaited with a good deal of interest by anxious :laimants. The principal business of the Synod, vhich assembled at Newberry on the 3d nstant, was the permanent location of Newberry College. After a long discussion and a 'sharp contest between Anderson, Columbia, Lexington, Newberry, Prosperity and Walhalla, Newberry was inally decided upon, and the college will be located in that town. 4^^ HOME EVIDENCE. References, The following names we mention out of many thousands intelligent, respectable and influential men and women, who have been under our treatment "themselves, as a moral guarantee that patients will receive from us all the advantages which Time, Medical Science and Skill, Efficient Remedies and Honest, Frank and Humane Services can Bestow. Judge Jno. G. Hay the, a prominent lawyer, and presiding Judge of Lynchburg, Ya: Judge Havthe's son had been afflicted tor Six years with Aphonia or Loss of Voice. The Judge placed his son under the skillful treatment of Dr. Connaughn-liA li III, Vit? Vila in full77,11> TPfl tUII, VUIVU M; UIU MVV?VVV?V remedies. By permission, Dr. Connaughton' refers to Col. James E. Horner, at No. 70 Broad street. x\ugusta, Ga. j. Henderson, Esq, of Newberry, S. C., had been dmf for several years? I)r. Connaughton cured him. By permission, Dr. Connoughton refers to Mr. H. P. Tarrant, at J. H. Alexander's, No 212 Broad street, Augusta. Ga. From Col. A. Marschalk, Editor Standard aod xprcss, Cartersville, Ga. Some years ago I had an attack of what is called dropsy of heart, and aftei a long and tiresome illness, it was supposed the disease was entirely eradicated from my system. But, within the past month, unmistakable symptons of the disease have have again made their apprarance. From the evidence before 1 his reduces ine permanent squnurou iu two vessels, the ?ew Hampshire, flying the broad pennant ofCommodore Aaron K. Hughes, Commanding the station, and the Pawnee, once the u terror of the southern rivers'" and now (how are the mighty fallen !) a coal-hulk. This diminution in the number of vessels is not alone regretted by the merchants of Be&ufort and Port Royal, by whom of course the loss of custom is largely felt, but by the poorer classes of Wacks resident on St. Helena and Paris Islands. It is sate to say that each vesjel, taking the average of large and miall, has furnished the food for eight )r ten negroes. This has been a godsend to the poor fellows during the winter when they could raise nothing ashore, out might have proved a curse, by indicating habits of indolence if, continued hrough the Spring and Summer nonths. The friends of Mr. 0. G. Sawyer are congratulating him, and themselves is well, on his re-apointment to the posiion ot Commodores Secretary. The Hartfanl sailed last wcok from Hampton Roads on a cruise to the iVest Indies, making Barbadoes her irst port, and will call at Port Royal on ler return. It ts rumored that the Os'ipee now at Havana, will be here about day 1st. The Sicatara at last accounts ras at Jamaica, and the Essex at Vera >uz. A I ARB. The ladies of the Beaufort Baptist Church desire to return their thanks to heir friends and the public generally or their kind patronage extended to hem last Thursday evening. But they rould in especial thank Mr. Ijoekwood nd his estimable lady for the use of heir rooms, and the ladies of Port Roy1 for their generous contributions. 1 \> one and all they extend a heaity Tliank you." When did * the Rebellion begin is rought up for authoiitative decision by he presentation of the claims of autc-Mim mail contractors in the South. Afer eipht years of ineffectual effort an ppropriation of $375,000 was made at he late session of Congress for the payment of those Southern contractors rhosc accounts were unadjusted when lostilities broke out between the States; ut it is provided that nothing shall be iaid tor services performed afler fuch lostilities were begun. Now, oid they cgin with the passage of ordinances of ecession. with the . seizing of Government property by State authority, or nth the actual shedding of I lood? The Vst Office Department has asked the me I felt satisfied that Dr. Connaughtnn could aid me. I got him to pre-crib' for me, and already I have begun to experience relief. I feel perfectly confident that the Doctpr can, as he profess es to be able to do, make a permanent cure in my case. I feel warranted in recommending Dr. Connaughton to those who are afflicted. A. MARSCHALK, Editor Standard and Express. Cartersville, Jure 10, 18T5. The above are only a few of the numerous cases cured by Dr. Connaughton in the South. We would append a list of references, but like a monumental shaft, the fame of Dr. Connaughton speaks its own truths with more potency than human tongue or pen. Dr. Connaughton's Consultation Parl)rs, First Floor. Ladies' Entrance, Globe Hotel, Augusta, until April 24. 1877. Office hours, 9 to 4, Sundays, 10 to 11 1 and 4 to 5. ' ? EsteredSt Helena Soi*nd. April 2d. Norwegian bark Inana Capri Daniels^n J master, 73 days from Ipswich Eng. In ballast to j Campbell Wyllie A ?o' ?3rd. Norwegian bark "Noah" Gjeruldsen master, 42 days from Amsterdam in ballast to Campbell Wyllie A co. ?4th. Norwegian bark Csniel Christensen master, 41 days from London in ballast to Campbell Wyllie A co. ?4th. British hark Belgium, Mosher master, j 40 days from Liverpool, in ballast to Campbell Wyllie A co. ?6th. British barkentine Gly wood, Taylor master, 31 days from Dakar in ballast to Campbell Wyllie A co. ?6tb. Norwegian bark Peabod, Jorgensen mas- i tor. 54 days from Newcastle England, in ballast to Campbell Wyllie A co. Cleared.?April 4th, Norwegian barkentine Vingolft Neilsen master, for Ipswich with 581 tons of phosphat" rock from Coosaw mines. ?4th, British brigantine Rosella Smith, McCulloch master, for London with 802 tons of phosphate rock from Coosaw mines. DR. J. G. STONEY. DENTIST. Has located in the town of Beaufort for the practice of Dentistry Where, if patronage toarrantt, he proposes to establish an office fitted with every convenience and all modern appliances for the perfection of work connected with bis profession, as well as the consideration and comfort of his patients. Having been for some time an assistant of Dr. Parsous ot Savannah a dentist of long practice, and undoubted repute, he has had a wide field for the practice of Dentistry in all its branches, holding certificates from celebrated Dentists with whom he has been connected and a DiBloma from the examining Board of ental Surgeons of the State of Georgia, he is prepared to perform to entire satisfaction all work embraced within the area of his profession. The patrQnage of the public is solicited; Refers by permission to Dr. H. M. Stuart. Office over the store of James Odell. P. N SCMILT Manufacturer and Wholesale dealer in SODA WATER, GINGER POP, GINGER ALE, AND SARSAPARILLA, Order* from the country carefully attended to and goods dclirored at the depot or wharf fre* of charge. Office on New Street oppositeTthe jail, Apr. 12-tt. AUCTION Will he aold at public auction on Friday 21*t April JR77 at PollitZT'i Wharf Beaufort, S. One Ship's Yawl, 17 feet long and five feet wide; picked up by Robert Fields between Cat and Cane Islands. The above will be sold to pay charges and expenses. The boat can tic seen upon application to v F. W.SCIIEPER, Beaufort S. C. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. County op Bkauport | Court of Common PIea9. James Martin, Richard Biddulph Martin, John Biddulph Martin, and Waldyre Alexander Hamilton Martin, of Copartners as Martin and Co. of the City London England. Plaintiff's. against. The Atlantic Phosphate Rock Company, William Miles and Wa?ker F. Hatch and S. M. Shearer. Defendants. To the Defendants, The Atlantic Phosphate Rock Company William Miles and Walter F. Hatch and S. M. Shearer. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and requlr d to answer the complaint In this action which was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Cora U?? ."M Cnnnhr ftn lll? fifth diV uiuu jucfto, ivr mc oaiu wuuv; vu * of January 1877 and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at their office, 22 Broad Street Charleston South Carolina within twenty days after the service hereof oxcluslve of the day ofsueh service; and If you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid ths plaintiff in his action will apply to the Court for there relief demanded in the complaint. Dated Jany. 5th A. D. 1877. [LSJ (Signed) H. G. JUDD, C. c. C. P. Simons A Simons, Plaintiff's Attorney's NOTICE. To the Defendants above named: Take notice that the summons in this action of which the foregoing is a copy was filed in the office of the clerk of the Court of Common Pleas at Beaufort in the County and State afbresaid on the 5th day of Jannary 1877. SIMONS A SIMONS. Plaintiff's Atty. OFFICIAL. OFFICE COLLECTOR INTERNAL REVENUE. District of South Carolina, 1 Columbia, S. C. April 10th 1877. J NOTICE is hereby given, to all whom it may concern, that the following described property has been seized for a violation ot the .U. S. Internal Revenue laws, and a bond for the cost of an action in the L . S. Court must be filed with the Collector of the District within thirty days from the date hereof, or the same will be forfeited to the U.S. and sold, as provided in Section 3460 Revised Statutes, viz: One (1) Horse, one (1) Mule, one (!) tobacco wagon, ten (10) boxes Tobacco, 500 pounds, more or less, in whole and half cases, seized as the property of J. N. Slaughter. L. CASS CARPENTER, Collector, JAMES M. CBOFUT, Duputy Collector. STATE SOUTH CAROLINA.) Beaufort Count*. >- Court of Probata By A. B. Addison Esquire Probate Jcdor. WHEREAS, Laura M. Towne. made ?uit to me, to grant her letters of administration of the Estate of and effects of Elizabeth Brown. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and Creditors of the said Elizabeth Brown deceased, that they be and appear, before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Beaufort S. C. on 24th April next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to shew caule, if any they have, why the said admlnistra tion should not be granted. Given under my hand, this the Ninth day of April A. D. 1877. A. B. ADDISON J utge of Probate. * GRIND SPRiHGOPFHlHfil 1? A JA. The Leader in Low Prices IS now prepared U show his friends and ruttomers of Beaufort 'and surrounding country the choicest and cheapest stock of DRESS GOODS. Notions, Embroderies, BOOTS AND SHOES Laces, Hosiery, dorrs, Handkerchiefs, C'assiraeres, Jeans, Tweeds, Flannels, Homespuns, Shirtings, Sheetings, Prints, Cambrics, Linens, Towels, Table Damasks, Napkins, White Goods, Gents'Furnishing Goods, Ac.; ever exhibited in Beaufort. His assortment of goods has only to be seen to be appreciated. He has selected them with the gnat est care. ALL ARK FKUSH AND NEW and defy competition. Those needing Spring and Summer supplies for their families would SAVE MONEY by iooking at his stock and purchasing what they require. A well lighted store, with polite ana agreeable salesmen, to attend to customers. E. A. S CHE PER. jfor Salt or 3Unt.~~ FOR SALE. ' Very Desirable Property, w _ OiV BAY ST. BEAUFORT, S. C. The block occupied by Odell and com* prising three fine stores with capacious yards and storage in the rear aud the finest water frontage on the river. For terms applv to . D. C. WILSON, or to C. II WRIGHT, Agt. Beaufort, S. C., Mfrch 20, 1877. to rent! ? The dwelling on Bay St., lately occupied by Capt. C. 0. Boutelle. Apply to. Wm. ELLIOTT. TO R.BNT, Two desirable stores in the basement of the STEVENS HOUSE, Price $10 and 815 respectively. Apply to W. J.VERDIER, Agent. For Sale. ONE SIX-HORSE PORTABLE IIOARD'A SON Steam Engine with shafting, for cash, or will barter for one or two FIRST-CLASS MULES, with ,4' ? ?itb ark. ?ash adjustment eituer w?j >u a?v/u..v. r ^raised values. C.G.KENDALL, ^ Port Royal. 1 LOSTV 7 On Tuesday last a Diary containing pa-1 pers of value and some money. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the lost articles at this office. March 22. ' FOUND ADRIFT. Picked up the 14th inst,, by Robert Fields, between Cat and Cane Islands a SHIP YAWL, full of water, measuring 17 feet long and 5 feet wide. The owner can recover the boat by proving property and p^'ing charges by applying to F. W. SCI1KPER, mar20 * Beaufort, S. C SHEPARD D GILBERT NOTARY PUBLIC. Attention given to Marine Protests. Office in the Sea Island Hotel. iL B. ADDISON, Judge of Probate. FOR BEAUFORT COUNTY. Will he in Beaufort on the first Monday in every month and remain until all business is attended to In the iDtcrim he will be in Brunson, where he will be prepared to attend to the duties of his office and any other busines* that may be placed in his hands. P. M. WHITMAN Bay street Beaufort, S, C. Bq&Iqt in WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, AND SILVER WARE, ROGER'S KNIVES, FOLKS, SPOONS LADLES. Personal attention (Itcd to repairing In his line. 0 8 D&f & 1 Daj Striking ClodH. (3,SO to 30. o GENTS' GOLD CHIANS, PINS. RINGS. SLEEYB BUTTONS. STUDS, WATCH CHAINS, LADIES GOLD and PLATED JEWELRY, GOLD PENS, AC., AC. GENTS' GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, Call and examine before purchasing, and satisfy yourself you can save ten to^twenty-five per eent from Charleston or Savannah prices. H. M. STUART, M. D., Cor. Bay & Eighth Streets, Beaufort, Si C. DEALER IX DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS, FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES ST ATTHVPRY PERFTMERY. BRUSHES, Ac., Ac., Ac., Together with many other "articles too numerou to mention. All of which will be sold at the lowe price for cash. Physicians prescriptions carefull; om pounded. MILL VILE Insurance Companj GEO. GAGE, AGENT. ???nl?n 11????MI Crist anil ?tt&. .V. 8. KLt.IOTT, B tun fori 8. C. MA VEJS'KL, K CO., Churhtlon 8. C. THE BEAUFORT STEAM MUX COMPANY, Having tut up a grist mill at their old stand, are prepared to furnish Grist, Feed and Meal, any quantity, and at reasonable rates. M. S. ELLIOTT, I Til. WALLACE7 i COTTON FACTOR AND GRIST MILLER, Wholesale Dealer in Grain, Hominy Meal, Feed etc., etc., SEA ISLAND COTTON Bought Ginned and prepared for market. ADVANCES . Made on consignments. Having the best machinery for ginning cotton and giinding corn and meal, he is prepared to execute all orders on the shortest possible no ticc The highest cash price paid for COTTON & CORN Cotton ginned on toll. S. MAYO, Bay St. Beaufort, 8. O LIQUORS, WINES, Ac. NET YARNS, FISH LINES AND CORDAGE. Grlass, Faints and. Oils, WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE. Special attention given to mixing paints and Glass cut to order of any size. Dec. 6 W. H. CALVERT. PRACTICAL Tin Sheet Iron. Copper Worker T>RATT.R IN Japanned and Stamped Tin Ware*. Constantlyon O band, Cooking l'arlor and Box Stoves. TERMS CASH. A^ent for the Celebrated Charter Oak Cooking Stoves. W. H. CALVERT, Bay St. between 8th A 9th sts. Beaufort. S.C BANKING HPUSE, Win. II. Lock wood, BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE ON New, York Charleston & Savannah Bought and Sold, Collections made on any point in the United States. Accounts received subject to check at sight. ap.27.6m. GRIND CEIEME, AT THE STORE OF PORT ROYAL Saw A Planing Hill BEAUFORT, 8 C. D. 0. WILSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN YELLOW PISS TUBES ASS INCiB AND > k?>Au HVilnclea. w jr Jt-r* mm r ALSO Builders & Contractors plasterTlathes, All kinds of JOB SAWING promptl^done. nooring & Ceiling Boards always 01 hand Orders for Lumber and Timber by th roraptly filled. Terms Cash. D. C. WILSON A CO. < AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT. Mixed ready for use in white and over ono hundred different colors, mads of strictly pure; WHI7E LEAD, Zinc, nnd Linseed OiJ. Qhemically combined, warranted to last twice as long as other paint. F. W. SCHEPER, Wholesale and Retail Grocer * . 'I HAVANA LOTTERY. Draws Every 15 Days. Tickets tor sale and prizes cashed. Send for circulars, to MANUEL ORRANTIA, 168 Common Street, New Orleans La. j M. POLLITZER, COTTOy FACTOR AXD Commission Merchant BEAUFORT S. C mmmmtmrnmrnrnMaaLmmmmummmmmmmammnammmnmrnmamm F. W . S_C'] Fit GROCERIES 0 f all G r a d c 8 . From tk? best Dairies. /"--tftfc CANNED FRUITS, VEGE; And a Foil Variety of other things i Goods Promptly Delive SEA ISLAN HAS BEEN rR] THE PATRONAGE OF THE TRAV1 | JAMES ODELL, CAR P > Fall and W] 1 8 7 G J^EW and HANDSOME STYLES OF CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES, FLOOR OIL CLOTI: LACE CURTAINS, CORNICES, R Opened this week at prices to sun i?-1,000 Yards Carpets at 18 to 35 cents p< .JAMES Augusta. Ga., Dec. 27, 1876. Beaufort Ma< Having opened a shop in Beaufort, I am pre Build & Repair all k Both'ofWOOD Particular attention given to designing and i pipe and fittings constantly on hand at Nortl Personal attention given to setting and con Steam Boiler Furnac< Shop next to Post Office. J. A 1 J. COOPER1 J Dry Goods & Millinery. FALL AND WII I have just laid in a large DRY COODS, OLOTI Ladies' Hats, Notions, Embroideries, Corsets, Ties, Laces, of all No trouble to show goods. . JOHN COOPER, Bay ~ (HE1PESTST01 0? NEW GOODS, IN-EiW Vjrv/Vl^o, NEW GOODS, o? Just Re< / % Just Rec , Just Rec AT APPLE'S, ? ? AT APPLES, AT APPLES, DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, DRESSIGOODS, HOSIERY, DOMESTIC GOODS, MATTING, CLOTHING. SHOES, FUI CLO Cheapest place in Towi Mi MANSION! H OJJ_S E. PORT ROYAL, S. C.. Is beautifully situated, facing PORT ROYAL HARBOR, Encloeed with ample yard under lire oak tree , the rooms are neatly finished and nicely furnished ' and the table is well supplied and kept. Guests from the North will find this a mos healthful and pleasant winter resort United States vessels are located In sight, and fishing,, hunting, and boating can be enjoyed. ; Contracts for board will bo made for the season ] at re^ponable rates. -4] ' BENJAMIN BUM?. r?oruiETv. z. u II EPKR, SPJVFS Ac ^ ^ P E C1 ^1 ^ T*' FRUITS. rABLES, MEATS, &c. isually kept in a first-class Mm. ired free of charge. D HOTEL, 0 B0 E-OPEXED. 3LLINU PUBLIC IS SOLIC1TFD. 1 Proprietor. ETS. | lnter Trade, i -7. . ' "" ' v.J * IS, WALL PAPER and BORDERS UGS, MATS, AND DRUGGETS, 1 THE TIMES. j sr yard. 5 G. BAILIE &.BRO. shine Shop, spared with the latest improved tools to inds of Machinery, AND IRON, pattern making for new wotk. Steam lern prices, istructing ss for Saving Fuel. WHITMAN, Mechanical Engineer. R13^r vTER GOODS. ( % *t* ' ? > , and complete stock of IING. MILLINERY Dress Goods, Hose, etc. At prices within the retch St., Beaufort, S. 0. tEin town: NEW GOODS NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, jeived, seived, eived, AT APPLES, . AT APPLES, AT APPLES, WISHING GOODS. HATS AND CAPS. THS AND CASSIMERES, OIL CLOTH. a. s. M. APPLES. W. P. GRAHAM, BOUNTY AND PENSION AGENT, BEAUFORT, 8. C. Fill attend to any business entrusted to bia. Information free. aar.lMf. BEEF AND MUTTON. THE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST. " r AM NOW IN RECEIPT OF THE TEST 1 best. TENNESSEE BEEF ind beg to inform mr'friends and customers thai [ will sell as cheap as any one and WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. JAMES JENKINS, Mch. 1 tf.