University of South Carolina Libraries
? I LOCAL i i'EMS Mr. E. A. Scheper returned froiu New York last Monday, where he added largely to his stock of dry goods, and laid in many novelties heretofore unknown in Beaufort, Five of the inouitois have gone to the ' J *.1.,. r\tkO Savannah river anu mc iruiaiutti^ "?iv. the Saugus, will start today. Orde.s, have been received for the Dictator to get ready to go to League Island, but as she has to await the arrival of the Dow- j haitan she may not leave before May. - A. J. Reynolds, Grahnuiville, and R S. Roberts of Hilton Head have been drawn as petit jurors for the May term of the U. S. Court in Charleston. Mr. M. L. Patat of Charleston and Miss M. L. BischoflT of Augusta, wvre married by Rev. Mr. Tardy in the Caih olic Church in this place on Monday morning. The diuui fish season is at hand and the prospects for a heavy catch is good. When a man can buy a sixty-pound drum fish for twenty-five cents he can live cheap enough. ? #? Probate Judge Addison is hard at work trying to straighten things out in his office. He publishes a notice to administrators in another column in reference to their piipers. Dont forget the strawberry festival this ..rMr Tju.l'u-rttttl evening at me nrsiuvucc vi i'n. , The proceeds are to be devoted to the purchase of a new organ for the Baptist Church, Mr. J. \V. Kcogh, upholsterer, is doing some excellent work, and those having any furniture in need of repairs will do I well to call on hiin at his shop in the { basement of the Stevens House. * j Shepard D. Gilbert Esq., went to Hil i too Head last Sunday to take testimony1 in the case of Tillman versus Smalls. % Commodore Hughes arrived on Monday and relieved Commodore Clitz the next day. The latter will sail for New York on the steamer from Port Royal to-rnor-, row. i ^ ( Last Tuesday was the anniversary of the Turnpike Company. The election of whs nostnoned until Monday next. . . ??- ?-?> The Sea Weed will make three trips a week between Beaufort and the mom-! tors in Savannah river during their stay ! there. The Easter election at St. Helena1 Church resulted as follows: Wardens.? Dr. A. S. Gibbes, B. S. i Sams. VlBTRTMBN.?'T. 0. Barnwell, Dr. II. M. Stuart, F. F. Sams, Col. Win. | Elliott, Dr. J. A. Johnson, M. S. Ell-i iott and Col Paul Hamilton. Delegates to mk Diocesan Con- j vention- F. F. Sams, I>r. H. M. Stuart. T. O. Baniwcll and B. S. Sams. - m - The ladies o! th Episcopal Church in ' connection with the Good Will Society, J will give an entertainment at the College f building next Wednesday evening Apr ] 11th. The proceeds of the entertainment wi 1 j be devoted towards paying the excuses 1 of the r|pent improvements and decora tions of the Church, and it is hoped our i cititens will aid the good cau-e liberally. 1 The voune ladies of the Good Will Su* j ciety first organized and got this enterprise started when the older ladies came to their assistance thus eusui ing success y io every respect ?o ? Messrs. Steinmeyer and Stoke-, of Early Branch, are loading the bark Moonbeam at Port Royal with deals for Amsterdam. This is the first shipment ever j made from Port Royal to Holland and ; opens up a new market for our mills. The Moonbeam will carry 450.000 feet. Mr Mauldin has just concluded a sale of one million fe?t of heavy sa\* n timber for a European market. It will be seen that although the mills in many parts of > the South are idle for wants of orders our citizens are able to work for the pres- j ent prices and we are told that there is a small margin for profit where the mills , are run on business princij les. ? The raid on the illicit tobacco venders by Mr. Crofut which we noticed last i week was quite an exciting affair and will j teach the venders a lesson which we fear i they wjtt^ not profit by. Mr. Crofut learned mat a man io Barnwell county j was selling tobacco not properly stamped and started on a hunt for him. On his arrival in Blackville Mr. Crofut found two wagons containing tobacco one load of which was stamped and the other unstamped. Hoconcluded that the stamps used were re-washed and seized the whole lot but in the meantime the unstamped tobacco had been carried away and was only overhauled after a chase of fortyfive miles. The result of his seizure was ? n 1? .V A wagon?, ? rnuios, ^oov nunu ui auxin ys, 14 boxes of unstamped tobacco and 11 boxes of tobacco with crooked stamps. On his way home Mr. Crofut found at the depot at Alleod&le several barrels marked "dried fruit" which he had reason to suspect contained contraband goods and he sized them and found that they contained six boxes of tobaoco without any stamps at all. The boxes were nicely packed in dried apples, and shipped to John M. Clay. The whole seizure is valued at near $2.000. Mr. Crofut made another raid yesterday and captured at Early Branch, a wagon, horse, mulo, and ten boxes of crooked tobacco. i ? The claim lately laid before the Southern Claims Commission by J. Madison Wells, of Louisiana is for $W2,01o. nywy.ff *y,*v* "??-? >?.T l^Ar1 v > .? n> j he season of Leui closed this year, with the month of March. The Episcopal congregation, indeed, terminated its public observance with the accustomed solemnities of Good Fridry. i Sunday, the Resurrection Morn, dawn ed upon us iu all the charms of getiiil Spring. The Vv -try of the church having re> \ c itiy put the building under contract for s uiie necessaiy repairs, and the ctubel- j 1 shmeuts of the painters being not yet completed, the old chapel, (used of late | as a Sunday school room,) has for several weeks, been the place of worship. Uuder the iuipressioo that the iuteresting services of Kaster would not be held during the temporary sojourn of the congregation at the chapel, many of our iellow citizens did not attend. The ch ipei. however, was filled, even to discomfort. 1 he chancel was decorated with considerable taste. On the wall, behind and : above the pulpit,?which occupies the I ceutre.?were the words in large capitals, 'Ch&ist is Risen. The letters were constructed of green sprigs; and were formed with unusual accuracy and neatness. Both the pulpit and the chancel-rail were entwined in cedar, interspersed with flowers. A profusion of roses, lilies &c. filled the baptismal font. Not the least beautiful decoration was a basket, composed of moss and flowers, gracefully pendent immediately over the pulpit The surprise was that the unsightly and somewhat dilapidated structure was susceptible of such adornment. But what may ' * 1 I MIA.. A mt be accompnsea Dy skuiiui migurs directed by the pious intentions of devout woman? Having been ass;sted in the "morning Player" by the Episcopally appointed Lay?Reader Mr. Barnwell, the venen able Dr. Walker (Rector of the Parish since 1823,) proceeded with the Ante communion service; after which, he preached an appropriate and instructive discourse on the great event which the day commemorates, the Resurrection ot our "crucified, dead and buried"' Lord. After the sermoa the Post Communion was celebrated, and the Holy Eu charist administered to a large number of the Faithful, several of whom had come from a distance for the purpose of joining in the devout observance of this cheerful Christian festival. The evening was devoted to the children of the con gegat on. Transfers of real estate recorded in Beaufort county during the month of, March. J. B. M. Hicks, to II. M. Sellers 14' acres Poeotaiigo township $36. ( Ann J. Preacher, to G. W. Preacher lot in Bruuson, $106. F. D. and M. A. Lewis to Geo. \\T I* ........I,A,. In, in 337. )! . 14 <?Vi 1 ?"V ^ ? - . J. 11. Tnten, to Sanih ?J. Holmes 484 acres Peoples township, 1930. , A iaui SiinJeton to Patty Singleton 1 t in Feauloit, . J. Ann E Dav.d to 3. F. iot in Beau.orf, ]. ! Ann K. David to B. V Wyuian, 72 acres Peoples owaship. 7.70. , K. 11. Wyuiau to 3. F. Wyinin 3)? acres Peoples township, 1000. [ ILited Slates to Win. VS'ils>a lot in lie luibrt, 160. Unit'd states to Win. Wi!;oo blo-k m Be iuibrt, 100. United states to Wm. Wilson lots in Beaufort 120. United States to Win. Wilson block in Beaufort 100. United Sta es to Win. Wilson block in Beaulort, ^ 100. United States to Wm. Wilson block in Beaufort, 100. United States to Jona* Singlet n 10 acres Paris Isiaud, 1". Samuel Colien to Robert Washington lot in Beaufort 70. WiUoo to Hubert Washington lot in Beaufort 15. Edmund Davis to Walter G. Robinson St Helena 160 acres 3900. Wui. B. Yirdier to Solomon Horton 4 acres Blufftoo township 75. Eiias F. Roberts to Josiah Beck 335 acres Roberts township, 700. G. W. and Syutha Jones to G. W. Baker 100 acres Coosabatchie township 30 Marcus Chisolm to J. N. Wallace 10 acres Lady's Island 50. United states to VVally Mitchel lot in Beaufort 2. United States to Tira Hamilton lot in Beaufort 4 United States to N. Christensen lot in Beaufort 4 Henry G. Ely to G. Gage lot in Beaufort 33. Wally Mitchel to Geo. Gage lot in Beaufort 14. Wm. Wilsou to Sarah M. E. Gage lot in Beaufort 42. Benevolent S. of T. Church to Geo. Gage lot in Beaufort 100. N. Christensen to Geo. Gage lot in Beaufort 1. Henry M. Fuller to Limus Roberts 10 acres Sheldon township, 69 Geo. Gage to Kate Bryan lot in Beaufort, 30. Samuel Sibley to Josiah Sibley lot in Beaufort 750. Ben. Deveaux to P R. R. R. Co., lot 10 in Beaufort 379. Jos. W. Collins to John Conant i and J. A. Emmons lot in Beaufort 100. H. M. Fuller to Toby Stuart 10 acres Sheldon township, 86. Francis E. Wilder to Wm. Wilson ! Lot in Bft. 500. E'tward F. Collins to Jos. W. Collins Lot in Bft 25. Lewis A. Phillips to W. G. Rob. inson 274 acres St. Helena R. G. Holmes to Moses Frazier i 10 acres St. Helena 105. U. S. to Moses Frazier Lot in Beaufort 1. Robt. C. Mclntire to Alfred Williams Lot in Beaufort 225. Harriet J. Addison to E. II. Addison 179 acres Peeples 303. Itt our last week's issue we gave an ac; couut of the untimely death of one Robert Butler. It has eoiue to light since, ; that name was assumed by the individual on account of his having leen arrested as a Ku-Klux, tried, convicted, and sentenced to ten years hard labor iu Albany i Penitent iary^on his way to the prison, he escaped from the guard at a station iu North Carolina, and made his way on No04 to :l?:> J-i'l--. Ujvi hi -v. .J ]!< iiii i< oi i Butler l:u> r--. i nat c. , we are informed. is Richard F. Gelston ! oiJGrahamville, S. C. Mr. (relator) wa.< a sergeant on the detective for?*e in Sav 1 annah, Ga., directly after the war, and remained on the same for about twelve i months. Me has two married sisters in Savannah, and a brother at or neat Beaufort, S. C. NVe mention the above that Mr. Gd ton's family may know ol his demise. ? G'-orr/etoicn Cornet. 1 Mom Pedro has done Rome very thoroughly. They haven't had such a lively man there since Cataline. Major Reno may join Colonel Valentine Raker in the Turkish army. Joe Coburn is running a lathe in the prisou axle shop at Auburn N. Y. According to the Walterboro New; some of the most respectable families ir that count}' have been found to be con nected with a band of cattle thieves, anc they were successful in stealing over two hundred head of cattle beside some sheep, The thieves were all arrested, one ol whom turned state's evidence and told all about the way their operations were carried on. Cleared ? March 26th from St. Helena Sound Russian bk. Ansio, Schroder master, for Hull with 608 tons of phosphate rock from Coosaw mines. March 26?Norwegian bk. Mod, Knudsen mastei for Copenhagen, with 773 tons of phosphate rock from Coosaw mines. March 26?Norwegian bk. Grant, Florenass master for Prussia with 600 tons of phosphate rock from Coosaw minee. ? March 28?Russian bk. Syskomen, Renterwall, master for London with 133S tons of phosphate rock from Oak Point mines. March 29?Norwegian bk. Hemianot, Jacohsen master for Aarhuus, with 552 tons of phosphate rock from Coosaw mines. Entered SL Helena Sound, March 26?Br. bkt Isabella Williams master, 44 days from London in ballast to Campbell Wyllie A co. "?k r w Holmes master 40 days from Liverpool in ballast to Campbell Wyllie 4 co. March 30?Br. be. Francis John, Bently master, 2 days from Charleston in ballast to Campbell Wyllie A co. Found Adrift. Picked up adrift in Beaufort River on the 29th ult. A BATTEAU BOAT which the owner can have by paying charges and proving property. P. N. PAINE. Paris Island. Notice. Mr. B. B. Sams is hereby authorized to receive all papers pertaining to the office of Probate. A. B. ADDISON, Judge of Probate Bft, Co. Notice. All persons havi.ig claims against the Estate o Robert C. Mclntire, late of Hilton Head, deceased will please present them duly attested and those indebted to said Estate are requested to make pay rueut to the uudersigued at Beaufort S. C. Wm. ELLIOTT, Administrator. Beaufort, 8. C. April 5th 1877. Special Notice. OFFICE PROBATE COURT. Beaufort, April 3rd 1877. All persons having had business in this Court daring the past four years, and whoso accounts are yet unsettied will confer a favor upou th? under* as well as beucfit themselves, by submitting t icir papers of administration, guardianship etc., for examination, and for the proper recuid of such as have uot been duly entered or recorded In this oiiiee. Tlic iui|?oriance of having & compute record in the Probate Court will bo appur.-m to all concern.d. # A. P. ADDISON, Judge of Probate. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Bkacfokt County. I In Probate Court. In matter Estate of ) Application for Allotment Frederics Williams, > Homestead Deceased 1 To widow and Miuor child To Thomas Williams Minor Child of said deceaseu. You are hereby summoned and required to apPAUPI r\f PI-AK-ito for ooM f5nnnlr trt hp p^m 1U VUO VVU* V VI A ivvaiv 4V? ?a*vi ?w ?? held at Beaufort on the first Monday of May next at 4 o'eloek p. m. on a trial tnen and there to be had on a petition filed in this Court by Elizabeth M. Williams Widow of said Decedent to have an estate and right of Homestead allotted and set off under the provisions of an Act to Determine and Perpetuate the Homestead, ratified on 9th day Of September. 188#. And to have a Guaruian ad litem appointed by the Court to represent your rights and interest in said proceeding*. Herein fail not under the pains and penalties consequent thereon, Given under my Hand and Seal of Officej this third day of April Anno Domini 1877. A. B. ADDISON, Judge of Probate. 4-t. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. County of Beaufort. In the Probate Court. F W. Scheper administrator of the estate ol Ferdinand Schultx deceased, Petitioner. vs. Unknown hiers at law, or next ol Kin of said deceased. Petition for an order to sell Real Estate. An affidavit having been filed by the petitioner in the office of said Court, showing that the said defendants unknown to this Court reside out ol this State, and as is believed in a foreign Country. Notice is hereby given that the said F. W. Schepei bus filed his petition in said Court praying for an order to sell the following described real estate siutate in the said County to wit: 4 Lots iu the City of Port R-<yal, numbered in Block No. To pay the debts and claims against the said estate of Ferdinand Schultz, and that a hearing in said cause will be had at a term of this court t< be held on the first Tuesday of May next, at whicb time if no plea answer or demurrer to said petitior hall be filed, an order will be entered in accordance with the prayer of petitioner. A. B. ADDISON. [LSJ Judge of Probate. H. G. Judd, Solicitor for Petitioner. April 4th 1S77. PROBATE NOTICE. STATE SOETH CAROLINA,-! > Court of Probate. County of Beaufort J By A *B. Addison, Esquire, Probate Judge. Whereas, M. M. Riley hatli made sul tome, to grant her letters of administra tion of the estate and effects of Thomas J. Riley These are therefore to cite and to admonish a] j and singular tne unarea ana creditors 01 tne sai< Thomas J. Riley, deceased, that they be and ap ! pear, before me, in the Court of Probate, to b | held at Beaufort on the 17th day of April next, al ter publication hereof, at 11 o'clock In the forefloo to shew cause, if any they have, why the said ad ministration should not be granted. Given under iny hand, this the 2nd day of Apr A. P., 1877. j the monitor Burner. The latest and best improvement In burners fit kerosene lamps is the MONITOR BURNEI > which by its own action, prevents explosions ftn arcinents in case the lamp should upset or be brokei The burner will fit the ordinary lamp and cosi | no more than other burners. Call and see it. For sale by IVrn. KUESSEL. r*** ">? ,?v - A- ?-,'1'~wv w . .* ?f.:i *ait' or ; FOR SALE ~~ i Very Desirable Property, ' OA* 71A r ST. [ BEAUFORT, S. C. The block occupied by Odell and com , prising three fine stores with cnpacioui yards and storage in the rear and the fin est water frontage on the river. For terms applv to D. C. WILSON. ortoC. n WRIGHT, Agt Beaufort, S. C., Mrrch 20, 1877. ~ TO RENT. * i ^ The dwelling on Bay St., lately oocu , pied by Capt. C. 0. Boutclle. i Apply to. _Wm. ELLIOTT. I TO RENT. Two desirable stores in the basement of the STEVENS HOUSE, Trice $10 and $15 respectively. ' Apply to W. J.VERDIER, ; Agent. For Sale. I ONE SIX-HORSE PORTABLE HOARD A SO> Steam Engine with shafting, for cash, or wil . barter for one or two FIRST-CLASS MULES, wit! cash adjustment either war in accordance with appraised values. C.G.KENDALL, Port Royal. LANDS FOR SALE. THE LANDLESS PEOPLE WHO are coming into this County to re side will do well |to call upon the subscriber at. his office in the Tribune building, where they can find lists of LOTS OF LAND which are located on all the islands, and on the main land of Beaufort County, in tracts of from one acre to four hundred with improvements on many of the parcels, and altogether desirable for those having small means, as they can have immediate possession by paying a very small sum of money, and be able to make a crop the present seasou. rwp PnnirF. Tract of 40 Acres Vwviv mostly uoder cultivation ou Port Royal Island at a bargain. OXE 20 ACRE TRACT NEAR WlIITE Chuich on St.*Helcna?best land on the island. Call and sec mc soon. II. G. JUDD Bft. S. C. Jan 17th 1870. " LOST. On Tuesday last a Diary containing papers of value and some money. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the lost articles at this office. March 22. FOUND ADRIFT^ Picked up the Hthinst., bv Robert Fields, between Cat and Cane Islands, a SHIP YAWL, full of water, measuring 17 feet long and 5 feet wide. I The owner can recover the boat by | proving property and paying charges by ! applying to F. XV. SCHKI'ER. mai20 Beaufort, S. CI BEEF AND MUTTON. THE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST. I AM NOW IN RECEII'T OF THE VERY best. TENNESSEE BEEF I and bee to inform mr friends and customers that I will 8.-11 as cheap as anyone and WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. JAMES JENKINS, Mch. 1 tf. SHEPARD D.GILBERT NOTARY PUBLIC. Attention given to Marine Protests. Office in the Sea Island Hoteh AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT. Mixed ready for use in white and over onehundrec different colors, made of strictly pare, WUI7E LEAD, Zinc, and Linseed Oil. Chemically combined, war ranted to last twice as long as other paint. F. W.SCHEPER, Wholesale and Retail Grocer HAVANA LOTTERY. Draws Every 15 Days. Tickets for sale and prizes cashed. Send for circu s lars, to MANUEL ORRANTIA, 168 Common fifroet, New Orleans La. 1 M. POLLITZER, { 9 \ COTTOX FACTOR 3d Commission Merchanl Be Aero RT c W. P. GRAHAM, BOUNTT AND PENSION AGENT, BEAUFORT, S. C. Will attend to any business entrusted to him. I Information free. mar.l5-tf. j MANSION i H 0 IS E. 1? PORT ROYAL, S. C Is beautifully situated, facing II PORT ROYAL HARBOR, Enclosed with ample yard under lite oak tre the rooms are neatly finished and nicely furnish) and the table is well supplied and kept, Guests from the North will find this a mo )t healthful and pleasant winteT resort Unit) ^ ; States vessels are located is sight, and fishini 0 hunting, and boating can be enjoyed. , j Contracts for board will be made for the seas< (s at reasonable rates, i BENJAMIN BURR, Proprietor. jr.- . v..%.? r*.*At flBPOtifu" *. 4???U (6,11 il* .11. 8. ELLIOTT, Menu Tort 8. C. It J VRJS'P.L, tc t'O., t'kmrltttmm 8. V. THE BEAUFORT 1 STEAM MILL CQMPAHY, 1TI VI xrn PfT I'P A flUTST VTT.T. AT TIIF.IR ' tl old stand, are prepared to furnish 3 Grist, Feed and Meal, * any quantity, au<l at reasonable rates. M. S. ELLIOTT, &V. WALLACE, COTTON FACTOR AND GRIST MILLER, Wholesale Dealer in Grain, Hominy Meal, Feed ETC., ETC., SEA ISLAND COTTON ^ Bought Ginned and prepared for market. ADVANCES Made on consignments. Having the best - machinery for ginning cotton and g:inding corn and meal, he is prepared to execute all orders on the shortest possible no i tice ? The highest cash price paid for COTTON & CORN Cotton ginned on toll. ?S. TVTAYQ. I Bay St. Beaufort, S. O LIQUORS, WINES, Ac. 1 | NET YARNS, J FISH LINES AND CORDAGE. Grlase, Paints and Oils, WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTLNE. Special attention given to mixing paints ^ and Glass cut to order of any size. Dec. G W. H. CALVERT. 1 PRACTICAL ] I Tin Sheet Iron. Copper Worker DEALER IN Japanned ami Stamped Tin Ware*. Constantlyon 1 hand, Cooking Parlor and Box Stores. p TERMS CASH. ^ Agent for the Celebrated Charter Oak Cooking Stoves* W. H. CALVERT, * Bay St. between 8th A 9th sts. Beaufort. 8. C BANKING HOUSE, Win. If. Lockwood, BAT ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. GOLD AND EXCHANGE ON New, York Charleston & Savannah Bought and Sold, Collections made on auy point in the United States. Accounts received subject 1 to check at sight. ap.27.6m. GRIND CEiniil SUE, > AT THE STORE OF E. A. Scheper, I 1 The Leader in Low Prices Having just arrived from NEW YORK, where I have purchased one of the largest and most complete stock of Falfo Winter Goods Ever before offered to the Beaufort public. Consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, 11 ATS, API v UA ra, B00T8 AND SHOES, CARPETS Ac i 0 I offer *11 entirely fresh stock of first-class PRINTS so the celebrated . ORIENTAL 7-8 CAMBRICS AT 10c. Selected In New York with special Tiew to their adaptability to present season, Ac. EXTRA INDUCEMENTS will be offered in all departments, as I am deter mined to make this one of the most attractive establishments in town. Call beforepurchasingelscwhere and examine the stock of goods at " E . A. SOHEPER. PORT ROTAIi Saw A: Planing Mill " BEAUFORT, 8 C. i D. 0. WILSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS 15 WtfP Wl/W! Atffl ?miV9 ifffckUYY EMM kktkMMH I AND ' Cypress SMnglos, ALSO '' Builders & Contractors jd ? PLASTER LATHES, ^ All kinds Of JOB SAWING promptly done. 1 Flooring & Ceiling Boards always on land Orders for T.'imber and Timber by th promptly fillet!. Terms Cnsli. D. C. WILSON Sl CO. Jb. W. SCI KMSB , iS$iLf%t Of all Grades. from (he l*at Dairh-s. ^?tt<i CANNED FRUITS, YECET/ And a Full Variety of other things usi Goods Promptly Deliver SUA ISLAM U AS BEEX'RE THE PATRONAGE OF THE TRAVEL JAMES ODELL,' CTa R Pj Fall and Wii . I 18 7 6 (JEW and HANDSOME STALES OF . CAKPETS, WINDOW SHADED, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS T int< nlTOtruVO mi>VTrr? PTT iidtJCi tLAlilUlO, )pcned this week Rt PRICES TO SUIT ?"1,000 Vards Carpets at 18 to 35 cents per, JAMES Ugtista. Ga., Dec. 27, 1876. Beaufort Mac] o? laving opened a shop in Beaufort, I am prep? Build & Repair all kii Botlfof WOOD 1 particular attention given to designing and pa tine and fittings constantly on hand at Northei Personal attention given (p setting and const: Steam Boiler Furnaces & Shop next to Post Office. J. A/ fr-mr-r-T nei n r 9> . COOPER]! Goods & Millinery. 1 FALL AND WIN I have just laid in a large ai DRY r OODS, CLOTH] Ladies' Hats, ' Motions, Embroideries, Corsets, Tics, Laces, IJ >f all. No trouble to show goods. JOHN COOPER, Bay ? CHEAPESTSTORJ NKW GOODS, NKW GOODS, NEW GOODS, Just Beet Just Becc Just Bece AT APPLE S, AT APPLES, AT APPLES, DRY GOODS. FANCY GOODS. DRESSsGOODS, HOSIERY, DOMESTIC GOODS, MATTING, CLOTHING. . SHOES, FUR> ' CLOT Cheapest place in Town Mrs H. M. STUABT, M. D., Cor. Bay ds Eighth Streets, Beaufort/S, O . v. DRUGS, AXD CHEMICALS, J FAMILY MEDlCIfcES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, Ac., Ac., Ac., Together with many other articles too numen u to mention. All of which will be sold at the lowes price for cash. Physicians prescriptions carefully ompounded. END 2oc. to G. P. ROWELL A CO., New Yor f or Pamphlet of 100 pages, containing list of 300 s papars, an 1 estimates showing cost of advertis ' V - rmn ?c?? 11 j?? O.l <VWtj IE 1'KU,.. J Sraf^grTEAS COFFEES vfeC$l?L snvrs-^e i~=jae^, * mecia^IT. ' FltUITS. ; lBLES, MEATS, &C. ially kept in a firsl-class SCcrt# > ' . , ed free of charge. r 3 HOTEL, -OPENED. XING TUBLIC IS SOLIUlTFD. -jl PsorRisro*. EjT S . 1 ster Trade, | -7. | , WALL PAPER and BORDERS OS, MATS. AND DRUGGET8, THE TIMES. | yard. G. BAILIE &BRO. Line Shop, - J ired with the latest improved took to nds of Machinery, \.ND IRON, ttern making for new work* Steam n prices. / meting i for Saving Fuel. WHITMAN, Mechanical Engineer. I i J TER G60DS. . # 1 iid complete stock of ENG. MILLINERY Dress Goods, lose, etc. At prices within the reach >t., Beaufort, S. 0. E IN TOWN. '' NEW GOODS NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS, jived, lived, ived, AT APPLES, AT APPLES, AT APPLES, IISHING GOODS. HATS AND CAPS. OS AND CASSIMERES, OIL CLOTH. s. M? APPLES. MILL VILE / nsnrance Company < GEO. GAGE, AGENT. ~ WOOD! WOOD!! MFTY CENTS pertORD at th? Atlantic 8*1T Mills, Beaufort. 1 i ? DOBBINS, BODDINCTOK CO n. 1, 1877.