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T* f | iOCAL ITEMS. ^ . 7 Sea Island cotton is advancing in Liverpool and prices are firm at extreme rates. 1?. A wood train on the Savannah and Charleston Railroad run off the track L near Savannah last Friday damaging two of the cars and delaying the reeillar trains several hours. SSaT A night (rain les been put ou the * * ? * O 1 _ A Port Royal Railroad, ieavjr . Boauiort at 11.55 p. m., and ifrtvwg. at 4.52 a. m. II?"" The Bjitiifh bark Sarah M. Smith arrived at the ^tlantic Saw Mills on Saturday last eikI will Lad with lumber for England. IS?-The Republicans intend calling meetings to counteract tli 3 effect of the Hampton gatherings, and pledge their support to Mr. Chamberlain. ** 1 si 9?* Jas. W. Moore Ej^i^ch airman of the Democratic executive committee has called a meeting of the citizens of Beaufort Coutfy favorable t) Gen. Hampton to be hell at Parly Tranch to-uiorrow. . Dt Hanokel a rived at the Sea Island Hotel yesterday. The doctor's j> fcill as a tfeutift is to* well known in Beaufort fcr us to say anything in his praise. M he will rtuiain but a few days thosd in need of his services should apply to withoutdelay. i are under obligations to Hon* Robert Snails for file of-the Congressional Reitord audj tthcr public documents. The.county coumissioners met;t next Monday and will ?pen bids for feeding and furnishing medical attendance and mcdiciies tuJh^^wr, and medicine3 and attendance onjthctorisuncrs. a m 1 t&~ Charles B. Thorn p:nn, once well known in Beaufort a brother of Jas G. Thompson Esq., has been appointed a second lieutenant n the fifth U. S. infan' try- 'i i i ->W ? ? J9* On acoou^ of the delay in col. lecting the taxes he intercut ?n the State debt will not be |kid until April 1st, if then. v. I J@*?.Me3smjk C. Wilson and Co. cleared on Swday last the schooner Mattie HohijeSjftr Boston, with 155.000 feet of re sawe^t'tnber. * The Scljol Commissioner's office was delivered ?tt to Mr. YVheeler by Mr. Gilbert on Tuetja? last. Mr. Judd >ti,l declines to sumntfer the Clerk's office to Mr. Bauiptieid[Jthe only office now in dis, . putc?in thisTcofct/? ftSTMrs. 3 j^Mdky.r. has purchased of French Broadway, New B York, a graui(^,0^uuient which will be erected over therab&iiksfrjf herniate hus band in the yart >f die Episcopal Church B . in Beaufort. J&vRooma v re?eciraged at the Sea Island Hotel en 'uesday tor the Russian Minister aud sme. who expweted to be yesterday.! Later dispatches iudiH^^^a.te that the (land Duke has altered I his plans and wl go direct to ilauiptou t Roads. Tisei thus! ' V* ftcT" Mr. J. m. Crofut has a number - * ? " ?-li -?... ? j _. . i ^ [ot deens, ior jhus purcuascu ai u.c it cent governing land sale, aud the holders of certiti?s can get the deeds on application, A-t expense. 1 The D^iocratic executive committee last wai| while in session here agreed to reco*nend to Geo.* Hampton for County tre&rer, Mr. W. J. Gooding, and Or. JiA. Johnson, for county Auditor. m It is important that purchasers at the recent sale of lands by the government should rfl|ird their deeds. At thjj burning of the Id house at Lauiel Bay one of these| deeds was destroyed vthat had not bin recorded and the owoer sent to Waiington to get a duplicate but was iAruaed by the Secretary of the Treasu^ that no duplicates could be issued. * ? A nuintfr of colored men were arrested last ?ek; and brought before U. S. ComAsioner C. H. Wright charged with jkittiug wood on government land on tl Grav's Hill school farm, where, it is Aimed, several hundred cords have beefcut and sold to the phos Iphate com pan i^, Four of the prisoners were bound ova g appear at the United States court in harleston. i m i fgy* The color people still contiuue to come in from- he up-oountry, twelve families having rrived in one lot one day last week and 1 re been put on one of the school far g. There are eighteen of these schoo krnis, located on Port Royal, St. H?na and Ladies Islands, f each of one huiied and sixty acres with but.few tenant, the people heretofore \ living on them having purchased small tracts of land of their own. If these almost abandoi&d places could be populated by a thrly set of laborers it would be desirable aij add to the trade and wealth of our j)uuty. These people say they have bee driven off for political reasons. [ The Ship I rvey Mills was insured as p follows: Bosto Marine. $15,<)00; Saletn * Marine, $500;Jghoe and Leather, tfiv, 000; In<lia >%hial, $10,000; New En H gland Mutual, LTnion Insurance Company of B ^or, $=>000; Merchant's ^H^grfarinc of Ban ,r. $5000. The cargo was I E%osured. som of the leading in-uranee .rupanies beiti the Manufacturers lrir( Ki Marine, $: ,000, Boyiston, $15,000 ^^^^^B^shington, eptune and American Rk) each, V vide nee Washing', oil w MwamiMmur hwb j Provident*", $10,000; Equitable of Piovidmce, $0700. *4^* PORT ROYAL. Port Royal sports a billy goa t. The steamships hereafter stop at Brunswick on their way to and from Fernandina. 1 4 ^ """* l"?p nftufrsnt for .'Jr. ?J . A. llMIClll UUO llic j unloading the Harvey Mills and has a j fyrce at work. 300,000 feet of lumber was received j last week over the Port Royal Railroad | j for shipment, and still the captains com; pain, that it comes too slow. During the past week 1.015 hales of I cotton were received at Port Royal. Peter Papin's last strike, the particulars of which will be given hereafter, has j furnished a theme of conversation for the ! men who loaf a/Gund the bar-ioouis and spit tobacco juice on the stoves. The Howard Drake arrived last-Tuesday and discharged her freight on the deck 01 the bark Kate as she could not get to the whan. Mr. Wilkins has secured the building of Mr. McFaJl md will be open again ii a few days. He is directly opposite the pile of ashes that was once his handsome store. j The small boys spend their time fight' ing the goat, and tire goat makes a fool i cf himself bj' giving first-class entertainments to the citizens ree of charge. The shipping is increasing, all the wharf room being occupied by vessels two deep and several laying in the stream waiting a chance to unload their flagrant cargoes of fertilisers. tni Ta n l _ | | ine nussian squadron is anxiously looked for and the citizens are iu glee pver the expected shower of Russian gold. One of the besi thincs that resulted from the burning ol Wilkin's store was j the balancing ot the town books, all ha\-1 ing perished t- get her with the ordinances ' The city was in a great state of excite1 ment yesterday a s the annual charter election took place for Mayor and Aldermen. Almost every one of the citizens from the j Rev. Joseph Dupong down was a candidate for some position, and Dr. Brisbane reaped a harvest printing tickets, a job that we had bceu gloating over. The Town Goat was in tho field all day and like some of the other good citizens was trying to get even with his adversaries. *o* The M tyor of Savannah gets S3.00?. Turkey is putting on her fighting gaffs. 8 -rt of an open and shut winter, this is. Old Prob. has changed his name to ' Indications." Ladies' muffs this season are made so as to get ihree hanus in at a squeeze. A penniless Chicago girl has opened a barber shop as a last razor t. An Indianapolis couple eelebiated their goldeu wedding by procuring a divorce. Bishop Simpson's daughter has just ! been anchored to Rev. Mr. Buoy of Phi -, a elphia. Zach. Chandler didn't get anythiug iq ! his stocking bcc::use he "put his loot i in it." A Belgian murderer ha l his sentence I commuted because he hit! a wooden log. i'hat's a lame defence. 1 The Main building at the Centennial has been "knocked down," though it's! still -landing. Try to i'liry as many of your faults ar you can 5n the gtave of the old your, and ' cremate all you can't bury. Hen Hill puts the number of fools in J this country at only 10,<XK>. This shows the importance of having a newceusus. The extradition treaty between the I United S.ates and Spain has been signed. A Penasylvania woman placed 8ve eggs in her bosom, where incubation took place, and five hardy chicks were hatched. The woman and the birds .are doing well. ? ? j? Northern Democrats express disapprobation of the attitude assumed by Gen. I Hampton in his letter to Gov. Hayes as . being unwise under the circumstances. Mr. Isaac J. iouikins ot Augusta of the firm of Tomkins and Brewer committed suicide by taking laudanum. The New Orleans Times says: "T1 e I Emperor William has studied the science of war more than the science of eatin . He does uot know a roast pheasant j from roast veal, and has no use for French cooks." Marine Intelligence. CLEARED. ST. HELENA SOUND. Jan. 5, Russian Bk. H >ppet, Frederiksson, mas- i | ter, for London, with t>38 tons phosphate rock from Cousaw mines. ENTERED. Jan. 3, Br. Bgt. Burrv, Atthowe, master, 17 days ; from Kio Janeiro, in ballast, to Campbell, Wyllie A , Co. Jan. 5, Russian Bk. Finland, Bergman, master, GO days from Gloucester. Eng., in ballast to Camp- | bell Wyllie A Co. Jan. 5. Russian Shin Osmo. Soderholm. master. 52 days Rotterdam, in ballast, to Campbell, Wyllie 4 Co. CLEARED, REAUFORT. Jan. 6, Schr. Mat tie, Holmes, for Boston, with lniu- j "1 ber, from D. C. Wilson, 4 Co. j Jan. 6, Br. Bk. Sarah M. Smith, to Bobbins, Boddington 4 Co. ARRIVED,PORT ROYAL. Jan. 3, S. S. Dallas, from New York. Jan. 4, S. S. Calvert, from Baltimore. Jan. 7, Schr: Frank Walter, from New York with * guano, to Railroad Co. I San. 7, Schr. W. B. Chester, from Woods Hole, with guano, to Railroad Co. . j SAILED. , ' Jan. 4, Schr. Elward Doran, for Brunswick. Jau. 6, City of Dallas, for New York. MEMORANDA. ! The following vessels sailed from the ports named 1 for Bull River: ? Bark licrm -uos, from Hull, Eng., Dec. 31. Lennatin, trom Liverpool, Dec. 11. j Lucille, fruiu Uravesend, Doc. 19. The Schr. E. R. Er.iartou, cleared at BostoD for j i I ort Hoyal, Jan. 2. 1 -M ' 4 e> STATE NEWS. ? Gen. Hampton spoke iu Lcxingtoi last Monday. ? Abbeville county is fortunate. Sh< has $34,877 in the treasury. We don encumber ourselves down this way will such a load. v ? Sheriff Ward refuses to give up th( office to the ncwly-elected mart. ? The campaign is re-opened iu seve ral of the up country counties?Darling ton, Abbeville. Lancaster, etc?meeting: are being held for the sup port of Gen Hampton. ? Accidental discharges of guns, wit! fatai effect, are very frequent throughoul the state, one of the evil effects of a! most every one going armed. ? The prisoners in the Kingstree jai concluded to go home to enjoy the holi days. The S tnr says : Two of them wort iu jail for the murder of Mr. Levi Brown, last month, and the others for burglar} and larceny. It seems that it is no mort use to put prisoners in jail in Kingstree. If any don't get away it is because the} don't want to go, " ? Several colored men are reported frozen to death during the late cold weather, among others Aaron Tilman, a barber in Newberry and Bill Pilgrim ir Spartanburg. ? Judge Cooke enjoined the sheriff? in his circuit from making any sales thi> mouth on account of the unsettled state of tire country and the hard times. ? The citizens ticket was elected in Walterboro on New Years day in oppolion to the Republican ticket headed by W. A. Driffle. ?.Dr. B. R. Wyse, of Lexington, caught fouiteen wild geese in a pen New Years day. ? Gin houses still continue to burn but the incindiary is givijig way to the match in the cotton. ? Mr. 0. F. Cheatham has taken charge of the office of the clerk of court in K igefield county under a commission fiom Gen. Hampton. ? On Friday, Decc : l?er 29ih, when the jailor at, Spartanburg. went to the cells to feed the prisoners he was knocked dorwn and seven of them escaped. Five of them were afterward re-captured. ? Esau Wauuatuaker, colored, was convicted in the United States Court in Charleston of repeating and sentenced to ten days imprisonment in Columbia jail. ? A farmer in Greenville county lost sixteen hogs and goats, during the cold snap. ? The weather in Anderson was the coldest for twenty-one years?Broad and SuhidaYtvers are frozen hard to within a few feet of the middle current?All the outs in the ground and the. growing barley in Edgefield county is lost. ? Last Thursday mghf. another attempt was made to buru down the town of Darlington. Fire was sinmltancouah set to the town in three places. Tin building occupied by the So t licruer and Marco's staides were destroyed. This was the fourth attempt made to destroy the town since the election, ami only six mouths before the election a fi.e broke ouCwhich caused the los. ol $70, 000. ? W. X.' Craig the newly electee sheriff of Dickens county died last week. ? A man by the name of Levi Smitl was killed near Bivingsville, Sparienburt county, one day last week. ? A meeting of the republicans o Charleston was lield on Wednesday ?I V. i- ..V.J /I uigui 10 pjuugc sujipuit iu Tjruvumui Chamberlain and his government. ? The auditor's office iu Waltevborc was broken into last week and the re turns and soiue old duplicates carried off People in Columbia are cooling off bj skating on Fishers Mill Pond. The Hampton Will Story?A ston is going the rounds of the papers to the effect that when Wade Hampton was made heir to his father's vast estate, cx eept an allowance of $100,000 to his tw( sisters, he relused to assert his rights and insisted upon an equal division oi the property. Another version of th< story says it was not Governor Ifamptor b it his father who destroye 1 the will. Gen. John S. Preston, alluding to these statements writes : " The whole storj is a fiction. Neither Col. Wade Ilamptor or his father left a will. Of course neith er Col. Wade iIam])ton or his son, Governor Wade Hampton the father of Gov cinor Hampton, was admitted to ai equal share of his father's estate by tin consent of his step mother and he daughters, who under the law of Louisi ana, inherited three-fourths of estate, do trust this statement will stop tin reiteration of this silly fiction, which i: unjust to the descendants of Gen. Wad< Hampton through his daughters, Mrs Governor Manning and Mrs. Preston. The trial of the five Ilausmann-Port man murderers in Aiken commenced 01 last Wednesday and was concluded 01 Thursday. The three counsel fur th prisouers did their best for theiu, bu their confessions, made in jail, was u?e*. on the stand and decided four of :hem h get up in the court and -confess again. They narrated the stories of thei crimes with painful paiticularitv, send l ing a thrill of horror through the courl room. The jurymen were entirely colo red several of them from the House': Bridge section and brougnt in a verdic ! of guilty, saying that the confessions o 1 the prisoners and the law clearly stateby the court left them uo room for doubt One prisoner, Steve Anderson, the ' recommended to mercy, he being th youngest, and the confessions of the otli i ers showing that he did not know of th ; murderous iutent before starting, an took the least part in the c:inL?> com mi i ted. ma?WMBii i? m TWHIIIH1 I ? r-wawtw Just Received. ) By last steamer from ; NEW YORK i A select stock of DRY GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, m RUBBERS; Ac. *! Together with a fine assortment of the latest styles GENTS' READY MADE t1 clothing, for sale at bottom prices at D. R. HUTCHINSON; I Port Royal. to n ^ivrT, '"fwo desirable stores in the basement of tho 5 1 STEVENS HOUSE, , Price ?!0 and 515 respectively, Apply to W. J. YE RIMER. A^ent. ! WINTER SCHEDULE ' I FOR SAVANNAH i i And Intermediate L'dgs 1 From and after Friday November 23th., 1S7G, the I favorite .Steamer : '?rm i - 01 A " * I- ?:*-""7" Ciii:''" " *V:v' . ;J, I -l: ^ $ PIIaOT BOY, I LI- make regular triys to and from ' B^Ai roItT AM) SIVA.\.\A!I Leave Beaufort every Friday at 10 a. 111. j Leave Savannah every Monday at < a. in. For Freight or passage apply to \y. HARRISON, Agt. Beaufort. S. J. M. MUKltA V. Agt Savaunuh, Ga. H. M. STUART, M. 1)7, I Cor. Hay A Eighth ^trtelii, * Beaufort, S . O. DEAI.KR IN DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS, FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY PERFUMFRY, BRUSHES, Ac., Ac., Ac., Together with many other article* too numerous to mention. AHrf which will l?esold at the lowest price tor cash. Physicians prcsciiptions carefully uudcri. fob.1*1 Rews& Stationary Depot- j r.' The unJersignc'Etukes pleasure in an nouneing to tlicjcitizenfi'ol Beaufort and the Fleet at Port Royal, that they are prepared to furnish all the > DAILY and WEEKLY PAPERS that are published, and all monthly magazines and novels at the shortest notice. I We guarantee satisfaction to all who may favor us with their orders, and res pectfully solicit your patronage. GORDON & FORD. .1 cafuort, S dce.T.tfc j S. I. WALLACE, , COTTON FACTOR AND ! GRIST MILLER, i- Wholesale Dealer in ' Grain, Hominy Meal, Feed ETC., ETC., * ) SEA ISLAND COTTON Bought Ginned and prepared for market. Made on consignments. Having the lx?:;t machinery for ginuiDg cotton and g iriding corn and m< ai, he is prepared to execute all orders 011 the shortest possible no tice The highest cash price paid for COTTON & CORN f Cottou ginned on toll. W. H. DEVLIN, ! Carpenter I Baildcr -I ?0? , All kinds of 5j BOAT WORK, CAULKING, I and SPAR MAKING. 3 s 0 3 OFFIC E AND SHOP COR. BAY and CHARLES STREET, BEAUFORT, S.C. 1 nng5.lT. r?oht royal ; Saw& Planing Hill 0 BEAl'FOKT, S C. r b. 0. WILSON & CO., l \ j ! manufacturers of and dealers in mm ?;se urns m mm S \ AliD t oyprcss shingles, ,f ALSO 1 \ Bufildars & Contractors y Blaster latiiep, L All ki^l* of JOB SAWING promptly done! I' Flore & Ceiling Bert always oa tot ! Ord>- jfcnr Lumber and Timber by tlx 1 proinp;'^Kllcd. Terms Cash. 1 nov.23-l.v7 D. C. WILSON, A CO \ ; % ! (CliarUstoa jKU'frtlscmciitS. ?. O'NEILL & SONS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ! ,. | BOOTS, SHOES, i TEUNKS AND VALISES. INTo, Q3 XXrt^rja.c Stroot ^ I ' T Cliarloston 0. O j aprl.Myr. <1 *00(| 021S* AU" JOJUO .IJ ;u.) pui: ( 1 sjmtul ifUixuuo) uoAii> u?.iiuoiji:[in.)Odg I :ixixx:iaii:unxv avai kiiiiav '?l!0 1?UH s^urvd aovauoo axv s:i\ti iism 'SXUYA NLCTX >T SS.mav 'sao.i^n : 0 ''AH I ^IIP L o "Q 'aJOluvofT v a ^?s: ' [ 'oayzu*S SILVER PLATED WARE.j Eleclro-PIated Silver Ware j AND Ornamental Art Work,! a t IN GREAT VARIETY, E MANUFACTURED BY TUB meridian britannia company, 530 BROADWAY NEW YORK. The best Plated SPOONS and FORKS are those Silver Plated heaviest on the parts where necessarily the most wear cornea, and bearing the Tisde Mark. 1874?ROGERS BROTHKRS-XII. i N. B.?Thiagreht improvement in Silver-Plated Spoons and Forks Is applied alike to each grade of Pint?, A 1,8 and 12 oz. as ordered. Tiie rrocess and M* hinery for inanufaoiurinx those goods are I'ateBtiil. '1 lie Extra or ' Standard 1'iate" made by this Company is stamped A 1, simply, and is plated 20 per cent, heavier than the oidianary market standard. First Premiums awarded at all Fairs where exhibited, from World,s Fair of 18.52 to American j Institute Fair, 1671. inclusive, * I mar 9-6 m. (?C fp (?l}n p--r day at home. Samples worth $1 U)j III vZU free. Stixson ?5c Co., J'oriland' Maine SI.MJ 2oe. to 6. P. KOWELL & CO., New Yorklor Pamphlet of 100 pages, containing list of 30>d) iKwapnpers, and estimates showing cost of ad vertis| inS(J>1 Q a day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and ! I Ola terms frco TRUE A CO., Augusta, Maine. j tuarD-lv. i W. H. GAZaVElRT.j : i - T ;c f* upr.V.ri. '*> 1/ PRACTICAL Tin Sheet Ircn, Copper Vt orker * A I DEALER IN ' Tapanned and Stamped Tin Ware*. Constantly on j *> hand, Cookhig Parlor and Pox Stoves. TERMS CASH. ! Agent for I be Celebrated I Charter Oak Cooking Stoves. W. II. CALVERT, Bay St. between 8th A 9tL sts. Beaufort. S.C 1 "banking- house, j l 1 Win. II. Lockwo?<S, i BAY ST., BEAUFORT, S. , I GOLD AND EXCHANGE ! I | on Flew, York Charleston & Sav- 1 annah Bought and Sold, Collections made on any point in the United States. Accounts received subject to check at sight. ap.27.Cm. (Srtet and ,fccd. JS. e. JEFjJjIOTT, BiCitr.n l S. C. H.l j vavall, X CO., Chmrltaton 9. C. THE BEAUFORT STEAM MILL COMPANY,! Having put up a grist mill at theiii old stand, are prepared to furnish Grist, Fre.1 and Meal, any quantity, and at reasonable rates. M. S. ELLIOTT, GBIRD (11SILE, at the stoke of | E. A. Schemer, ; i The Leader in Low Prices I * ^o: | Having just arrived from NEW YOKK., wnere i I have purcha.4'd one of the largest and most complete stock of Fail & Winter Goods i Ever before offered to the Beaufort public. Consisting of DRY C.OOPS, CLOTHING, HATS, AND CATS, BOOTS AND SHOES. , CARPETS Ac I offer an entirely fresh stock of first-class FRITS," so thecelebraUd , I ORIENTAL 7-8 CAMBRICS AT 10c. ' Selected In New Y-irk \ri:h special view to their adaptability to present seasoni* ,ic. EXTRA INDUCEMENTS will be offered in all departments, as I am detorj mined to makethisone of the iu?t attractiveestab* ' lishmeuts in town. Call'.Uifelseirhero ! and examine the .>tock of ,<>.k1s at E . A. S CHE PE E. * t nam i ii?i iiiii? ! una?ana??????# F. W. SCHEPEB, , Dealer IS >' ' ^ F V \ YV~-ifp"^?i PtUDCt*D m rrEconRiLs, ; $. teas coirns, iLOOR SPlCBSAc )i' nil G rnJus, A SPEC^*l'TT 2uUer ?orei8L ?n.? ! \ ^\. Afcy) . - mnd ... Cheese''> ^wtic IWtfc* >;*** " ' ' - I'-KUITS. CANNED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, MEATS, &c. And aJFul! Variety of other ihiugs'usually kept in a first-class Stare* Goods Promptly Delivered free of charge. /cm '? i?a * **p to t itvi n '?? Mfl /HIT *1 ILEMINDUIITMLI * AT THE OLD STAND OF $2ie?h .Apple's. o " ~ ' t 'EE ADD!.ESS OF COST of our entire stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHIKG i'ANCY GOODS DOMESTICS Ac., we arc selling Rest Quality ErinfsT and 8e. Be.>t 4-4 Bleach. 9 :u?<i 10?. Best 4-4 Bleach. 1! and 12c. Best 7-S Bleadufi and To. Rest 4/t Brown, 8 and 9c< . -gk Good Alpacas, 18 and 20c. Beit jyi-acas, 40 to f>0c. Linens, Muslins, Lawns* Nansooks, Cambrics, &c., t an actual sacrifice. Give us a call. Thankful for past favors.?I am Resp'fy, 3ay Street. . JACOB APPLE, Beaufort, S. C. SEATSLAND HOTEL, i / v. HAS BEEN*RE-OPENED. THE PATRONAGE OF THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC IS SOLICITED.' JAMES ODELL, - - - - Proprietor, CABPETS, Fall and Winter Trade, 1 O 7 G - 7. ' ' . . !JK\V and IIAXBSOME STYLES OP CARPETS, WIXDOvt' SIIADE3, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS,' WALL PAPER and b6rDER3 LACE CURTAIN'S, CORNICES, Rl'GS, MATS, AND DRUGGETS, )pened this week at frices TO suit THE TIMES. t&ri,000 Yards Carpets at 18 Id 35 cents per yard. JAMES G BAILIE & BRO. Augusta. Ga., Dec. 27, 1S76. ^ Beaufort Machine Shop, o Y 2t t j laving opened a shop iu Beaufort, I am prepared with the latest improved tools to ihiild k Repair all kinds of Machinery, Both of WOOD AND IRON, 'articular attention given to designing and pattern making for new work. Steam >ipe and Sttings constantly on hand at Northern prices. Personal attention given to setting; nd constructing * fey* i ? * \ ' 11 - I Cnrrivt rv Ii'iiaI LOLCfctLU .DUIit;r 2 Ui." JLltlUUS 1U1 UUiViug X' uci? Shop next to Post Office. J. A. WHITMAN, Mechanical Engineer. , FALL AND WINTER GOODS, I have just laid in a larjrc aud complete stock of DRY r OODS, CLOTHING. MILLINERY T.ciHioc' TTstc Drpss! ^nnds -'?J i,V aiVW I VMM VM VW\AW) Notions, Kid broideries, Corset:-, Ties, Laces, Hose, etc. At prices within the reach' Df" all. No trouble to show poods. JOHN COOPER, Eay St., Beaufort, S. C-. Arc You Going to Paint? > THEN U3KMILLER BROS.' CHEMICAL PAINT / t f? " Ready for use in WHITE, and over One Hundred different colors made of prime White Lead, Zinc and Linseed Oil, Cheniicully combined, warranted Much ILrmhmner ami Cheaper, and to last TWICE S LONG as any other Paint. It _ hasjtaken the FIRST PREMIUMS at twenty of the State Fairs of the fJmonf and'is.on MANY THOUSAND of the beat houses in the country. Address : y MILLER BROTHERS,^ July 27. ly. 109 Water Street, Cleveland, Ohio. PoiYaler ~ FLOUR! FLOUBT" A handsome Bay Stud colt, from th B?1 WS""r''L"l'E " *""?nt?r *? % best breed, as a racer," sevtn months old, . GEO, jr. price only one hundred^ PfRtt'S ^ ^