1 is I' * ii,.:, .( By D. W. SIMS, STATE PRINTER. COLUMBIA, ?. C. MACH 20, 182JJ. ' ' ? : ? ; 1 < * .. . Vol XV -No. 12. PUBLISHED EVERY-FRIDAY MOHMNG. T?MJIS-T?rrl "iicod inclifn. Thf winter tana will com urn nee vnlbefirtt Monday In January. From the attain menu <4 Ilia prlMrt|?l, who brings to ilia office nil tha advantage* of ? public education, ?? well to ?hocomi'lrteneM of every department in tbia In dilution, H to believed, that parent* will not rvftrei nny conldanee they may p'aco In II. Tb? gov. arnment of the school U mild, conaiatlng aolely of moral influence, ll iathu aim of llie teaoberv, In all their intercnnrae with the puplla, to elierl?li ?nd n romnta thai rimplnily and |mrlly of mind, which oontthutea the ornnmenl and crown o( all Intman escelknce, and without ulii.'h indeed no fl||arual or iiittiikctuiil ?ic?|iii?ilioti It of any real value. Tim coiine of instruction punned in till* InMi hillon cinlirncct all tl*sliranclieao| teaminguauull) Imikht In tin) mntt approved ?einlnaiie* ol the L'uitod Slnlea. Provision it mm.e for n Ihnroiicli ooune of iuilruclion, not oiilv in the more ?oliil i|e|Mrtineuts of lller.dijrr nnd feienrr. lull tor n|| thoae ctcgimt ai:enin|)li?.iiiliU^? ol niivHiitn^ct ns ii rarely ??.? In* (omul iu F? tunic Heuiinaries. Mi ?>mitli still continue* in cltarr* of the lionnl. i nj( department. Her ehnraclemitd .piidifle?ti< ? are tnu well kounto need any ronitiiundntion. HATES OF BO MIL) A.NI> TUITION. H wrd, JI.Vl |n-r annum. ft>!li?li Grammar or Geogra phy, 8 " ?? "XV it Ii ii v; I i > Ii Grammar, Ge lgrnphy ?oiil AiilliuiHie, 10 " " Tlic lit n upper rln?%rs, wltli tin* ii>?! of MopiiUliilN'sbr- I- " '* Trench, Spmiii.li nml lliilntii Lan* Kuncoa, caeli In ?? ?? llu?iiv fl'iuno) J5 " ? llntrioic* to Itie Mu hcreiolorc, jmynhlo in nd\Miu*ii C.ilmnliin, 2">t!i December, 1828. M if (AW NOTICK The subset liter* have rnler* | jl nd into co pmtnership. and will pn?clice in ftic Court* of and r.Qiiiiy. In ilw iiialntl* of I'djnDelti, AMtnvllla, Anderion, l'icl>> i?, Gircn vilie, i.aorcii*. Newlierry, H|tn>lnnl>iiruh. and Cnion IV 'An??/ ?oii, jr nmy lw ei-nsnlied at Orrenville court hoi: c, iilid J? II Irbv, lit I.itu m :if court lui'iic. XV VDDY THOMPSON, Jr JAMi:S II. IIII Y, 1)< rnnliiT CP lh''H I f fj'?0 IO.> ? !'"?? Il..u?? '?"?l Lot I iToii'.'iiiK I" J Mr* i:i?. WJImmi. loli'ly or.rni.irtl lir Mr J) \V Sim?. a?d jioshi.'imi given ?n tli" l?l 'Iny of .1 uiumy next. JAH. DAVl* CM:rilo.r will h?TC-ifter nraeilre ill tin- l??S|owi?ir (Niiii'i-: i.xtinxlon, llichltiiid, O.-.oieehur-I'.. Ki-rstiuw mid Siiuiter. l).J MCOIII). Man I. rt. ??> I Iho* llll rWi.'lll l?l llltl'lldeilt H'lll til Warden*. for III.* Ion u nl (%i!itmliia, lie held on 1li?- ftr I Monday ol April in *C ; Itto War >1 In !)?? ?letted to rrpreti'M-n! etirli Ward. \? lirwif tliey slmll t'#f icHlrnt* nt I In- limit of ? 'fi tlnlt All llio ipiniifii-d voter* ol lli?* low n are <-tit it It'd to vote for tl: ? tolMiilmit nml lite v. hole immlier of Wnrtletit. 'I'll'* poll* lo lio oifiipil nl lO o'rloeb, A Al iird to I"* ?lo?? d at -I o rloek l' M o' tiio ?jioki ilttV The Mitna^rt In r> port tIn r?*?ult to the Council on llitr d?y riituiiifht: rleeu lion. tfuiilillcation of Voifrt All person.. i onttitu tioinelly qualified to volt* for nir.ntlMT >?( Hip lr. gitlatureof tliit ?lnte, nml who in?> Imvh reniih ?! v* illiln the Until* o( (hit town for one year. art en titled lo Vot# Manager* of Klcrtion Ward No. |, .fume* Iloru, Jntne* llrnrv, J (I. N Taylor. lit Morn*' Tnvrrn. Ward N i 'i .1 (i Dnnlap. l? I! S-\ pe tty, R. Ilryef,i'< iIip Market. Ward N-?.;h J. \. < .'raw ford, J, M'C'ull) , J. II. (Jnrv\ ile, nt CuriMlt t' 3l"rr. Colamhla, Mareli 1.1. 11vf Sth Veh I'lM, entitled, " An m*t for gri'dunlly l ulling io any virtue of atl Bet entitled, " An net adaMoll n Weditlei of circulation. I>y way of lo.trt, mid to in uri> it ? credit and utility," jm????( the IVfth of Oct iTftj, The Hlutc Trr??unr in l?n-?rltj?liMi, uivci not ire, tlisil < n Wednetd iy llii- I'll ilny ol April hpjiI, lie vi'l .li?po?e nf nt I'ulilut r>ii|c, lit the KtrliKojr, |ii Hip hi?he?t hlddrr, tli? |o||??'iiix l?andt Mortgugi <1 hi the I'uper Medium l.oan oilier. nn.l apply the ^r',re?d? at dirertoil liy Hip tnid ai l, uult?? the n >p?ttiv? dofaullri* i.? tin- mcr.n lime owkf pujr dip tit ol lint I'uIbih'p ol pruip'i ul ami inter* ?! now due on thfir l>ondt I'^tli'r with lli o plnttt and th*lr detention* trill he proiltleed. No 41(1 J?d?n I'ottell?Kill tiaclt ol Land in (?'?ol ijr loivn lilttrii I, adjoining wapli i>th??r, nm taming ill I ha witoltf arret near IVrdpe Ri*pr. No. I I Tlion>!i? Wa(i**?.% |n( nf land on 'i> l?ii? of C?rotjjpt"\rn. No. ;5ll. eot-'ninin^ fill v In in front thereof, tmrlh on |, in'Un.\lAN, Tnnturt, Trvnttiry OtRre. C'luirh?lo:t, Maioh 9 II tl IJIfMl KAI.F., \ I'kely yoiio/ W .ioan. m tf ral? liou^e tervaat, au t an '?K?,e!lenl niirae. bA IIA11 C. II Al.l.. >Urch 13. U w ? ^ bheriiF's Sales. W UNITS OF J''IHHI FACIAS, n; tlx Im sold wf?fe il?? Court IIwm in Columbia, on Ilia flr?t Monday and Tdcs day la April neat within Iha legal hour*: / No. 1. 114) acre* of l*'d worn or If* on the W?i?rrt river, bouiidi'il l?y I). Widr, Wm. > ro?( ?nil English*' lamb; at Ilia mU ol Junes O Holmes v? Jamr?IUwlhi?on. No. !t lift Acres ol 1?m?iiJv mora or less, boa* ikd by land* flanging io Jonathan Mnrrt.ll, bantl. W'atkins and-C. Boyle, luvii'd ii? and to I* miIU at Ilia property of Daubd dlid.ird) at Ilia aulta ol Abigail AlulU.-r, adui'a.v* l>anii*l Blulord.and lit nry Lc*? ai:d S Nolin and oilier* vj, Dmitri Blaford. No. 8. The Hoa*e and Lot whrrron (lit* ilrfeii limit Itichard tlanueisy now livc?, containing bull an iere, mor* m b*??, in the Town ol Coluin* I'inj at Ih* mil ?.( Kbxabalh Green, efti-min* v?. Ilichard I (entirety. *? No. 4. 1'htt lloutoai.d lo) In Ilia Town of Co* lumbia, fronting on l.aoy stm-i.aud know it it- lit* plan ol'llm limn, liy ><. Id, ?: ntMliiiitj: lull mi acre uiure' or lr??, at llii> tuil ol $auiuel Wilton It John Men ft i k Co vt. C. (irmnli'ii, No. ft. fr'H Atrei ol I.hihI, more oi lo??, bound* rd by _ luu:? nuuung S. W. and 8. K. t?y I nl?*l* Ct>|M.-|and and hnnncity'i land,N I'.. and H K. by llvrod Cortmlim, l,utle Crane I'lvrk, William Smith, and land turvryt-d (nrCimrlriDrlliiiCtiind [.V \V. mid N K liy lands surveyed lor l.owls I tticnarU* ni iuid J unit? Thorntull, ?aid Und ?m tonvcjrii to aauil Meek by Jaine* Mitchell, I >? vii (I on nod lo lie ?old as ilu> ? ?r<<|>:? >ty nt Samuel Aleck, at ibi: ouil ol John Black, W C. Keudrr and J lima *lC<>, v* Sarnl Meek. No 0 1-U Acre* ol Lanit, more or Ipm, in (lie Fink ofthw Oongarnr .md Waterce Itivem,Ix.uiid [i?d liy land* In-looking to llir ettnl* ?.f Hubert I Carter, B B Carter, aud Slur ri nii't land*, lieitijj llio |dh>:r it lime Air. C. I' rrin now livi *, mid at tl.e properly oi DmiiH Carlei;at the nut ,N. W, liy ? CMin *1. at llio ?iiit? of \Vm. Ililli-arv aud llriiju mill I,von mid l< T bnowdi n u Co. vi. John '? Kiudrr No. W. .HK)nrr? ?of land, inori* or lr??, on the ronil Ifodiuv: Irom CoJumlii'i lo H|Hli?lniry. wlirri'on if'- ?l<-fcndanl now live*; at (In; mil of Jo?*'|ih II While v?. tlri-nn llirvi. No. |o Tin* Iioiim* o;id lot in llir Town of (.'olmnliiii. wIiitp . hoinn? Buih-i now livr?, on thr ^-?'iirr ? mly anil uriri ?iirrl?. at Hn- mhI of li>orrlt k Dunlhit lor I...... I! r..% I ...... hurl No II 1011 arr?-sof innd mmr or ir??. whriron (lie itm rijwnt now live*, nrnr Hroau rivi r. ^for di'>rrl|itioii M-o onj'nal grant,) 11 llir Mid of lli.r* n tl ii, Wullure, A|. Antoiiin, nnil Mrv Omni, In li?- ?nld ntllie |>rn|H'ily ?>( I'nrkrr IN?li?r, ni Hip .nil i, 1 I) J. Liurt,v*, (iturgii l.oihlii-r mill I'lirki r Fi?!irr. No. I't li m:rc? ol Innd, more nr Iru, ulirrr on i.'if itftVni! ml now llvr?ton Oil* i-rrik, (for dt-?riiplinn ? H'.ut-k, v? ClinrlM Kllii. Nn I I WKI nere> -unit, more or le??, n'Kiiit t?vo mill ? from Oilninuin, \\ In-rrini tin- defi-iidxiit mom* live#. hounded N \V l.y l)r K. Murk*' land, N I*. liy "vi in I liiein, .tml Sqnnre l,imnin? lunil, ft K. liy F. I) ItiiMi-ll'*, nml Innd Intn the prnjwrly ol Wilt Hill'mrd. 8. W l>y l- n'lnu,;in^ to Jnlin I.oui,ii, nl I li?- mil of I lie Onporilion nf C'oiunihiii, V? 11 .* 11 j n 11? i 11 I Jitrii'.on, vn. Nn. 15 Tlir hnt?\e nod lot in the town ?'f Ol liitnliin, on till' N. W corner nl l.mii-l i-tnl Mini. > on tlrrel',ronti in;ii2 nit? of.I At W. M'\lill.in ami Itola-rt I..1II11 v?. I Jnnn'? Doiii{l?*? ten in IkMJ ncri't nf Innd, niorn cr Iimi, on; Itroml River, hiitinil'il hy IninN le'lontin: t?* IninN, ?old n< the property nf Jnhli 'ilovur, ?t liie ' ?nit * ol' Jo?rph It. 'nifj , J It. ArUmr mid nthi-i* 1 ?? Jnl.n lilnvrf, Nn 17. IAhmtm nflnnil, n: ?r* nr Ipm, in ihel fork III the Oii|;rtrre .mil Wale^e lliven, litem ' ?led N liy |?nui \V. iiju nrd, K tiy Min (iran v Tlmmpmn, H. I>v David J.?yner, W. ny Ambrm (SiliMi|t,*n|iI n? the piopeily ot Win. TlinnipMin, hi the mil* <>f Willhrn llnrper -iii>l Wiii (iiliwin; ?it ihe ?nil nl Mnry WillMiii'nn ?? Win. tiil.y>,ri. N'o, In :t Necree*, vi/. ft.illy mid la-r Inn elilldren, one no ill! ml HiiM; nt the mil ?il the K?'r*. o| A M ill v*. I'.li Kennedy imj 'i'biniMt Cilinplii II. Tiilflee* ?if Ill-tier in Fruitier. Nn. '.Ml H-l iie.r?'? "I Mod, mole i.r le*?, in t!ir fork of the <"trce nnH Wiitrrrp ltivnr?, tioim lird liy f!? i William*' "id Ahrntmin Hl?e|dieid'd liikli, Mil1* n? the pr'?j" rty nf Or<-> 11 W illinm-, ni lln* miil? ol Willi'ini I lull, nnd I'. J, Sinontmi mi n* 1, twin,; Imii 1 nf >1 lini t .Mriyinully *wsi*' n Wilder*. no the wntei* nl Uill ? t"'?Tk, leumdi d y IihmJ ??? Innyinj In .lo?ep'i .Miiriin, > \V nn-1 U l.> Ininl finm< rly tin p.njierty nf Arehlhi !.l ^imth, N K liV lalnl tiel?Mi;{iiiij In 1'ie <-?t??t?? nl '/? I'llll ip?, leVieil <111 nod In ti" '"lil in the p-npertv nl Mm h ???! tiieen, nt tin- mil nf J.'il.n MI'ii k v? Iticli ?rd fJiren. No 22. The lioiif no 1 Int in ihe Inn 11 ??f Cm i-nltl*ii?, wlirre it*.* d"'e?i 'nnt no*v litnt, ? i?n?' ? .inlr) ollirr eneriiliiie ?, *Im?, tlirew likely N. ?rn ('iirpenlrr", nnni?,? > 'li'i,Frnok,Mnd llenry. l*\ie.l nn ??id In tie ^ , ??? th?? |irn|K'fiy tf John II llowell, nl |hr .I'm' ilt? r?. John It Unwell I khii* c.itit jk*?4k f?r.wfii'nr., 3 It. t? Surr U * UlBee, M?" li |:t, Jtf J" NOTICE. TIIF. C\ IS.*9. ?QUIKR , rc?i?ectfully mlnrma Ilia iiulil* *\Yi llioy Iiuvk in o|>eralinu a Cmion ttd W H>|? lor ", nt-nr Suod Itvflvf and a half rent* a yard. Odtoa ba| and negro winter clothing will be prepared Id entuitig rea-HN). The public are ai?urctl ibat^ nriii-lei are made of cotton of (be primert i Cmtomer* can have tlieir yarn warped] wrh? ol any iitiyth ami width lltey and *o marked a* (o ;>reventmi(i-ike ??r dilii-ullf! puiliug tlieni lulo the loom, al one dollar ? ach. DAVK) It. WIM.1AV1H. Fur the Um-.u Mi nufaemrmg Company <4 S" Ull> Carolina. Match I ft. IH.'O eoiC'ii iSind/i Ca 'olmu College, 4th March, 1129. rTM!K. follow in* Rftnllniiiii er? inline? M Itrawreit, Thai Ihe Steward'i or Common*' Hull In- krpt up, >il m liii h I bote Bltidi-iit* dull l>?ii?r?J. aim hin nut nulhoiixed hy their |iMr?-n*? ?ir rii?ri-il as hurt* IiiIopi*, anil *hwll havi* the utr of th<* Cmnmoiit' I l.iil nml I lie hiiiltlitigi anil gHrden BKaehed there to, free Iror- nsnl, mi giving IhimI ?villi teeority, (approved lij ii CiunniiiUu of die Tnuteei In In- n^minliil l?if Mini punmte,) ill Ihe luin ol Miifi- Ilinifiiiiil , Midi condition, ili.it bo ?IihM kriji I liii .rutin* uliicll lie ncciipiv*, iu Koiirf nrijiT, tree Irom i*)Hii>e to Ihe It'Milulion, mill return the ??.ur in t*ond Older at Mif: eftpirM* lion hi* Irrn:, or icrmitiiiiiiin til hit duiie?, eg. cept in c:t*e ol iTvidi-mnl Am.* ..r oilier inevitable calamity. nml nl** i mniiiioiied for the 11ituliil |>i'.ll-tndonl>, ivlm mnv In* nuttioriar?l V.JI1X prii all* familim nr a' 'lirh pi i\ nt? boarding |tnu?r* within lliptnwn ??! i 'tuahia.a- may !iolicrn*" ?*ito licenced li> llio Kadiliy, or lie tu'ijeeted In cen*ure t?r tn?* |ii*nninn nl ll>e di?rrelinn nl Hie Knrully. "J'li* 'I'lilnrinl th** College ^rtt ?till r'-ipiireil in Iman! ai ('?iinin lo lie wiiliin I In- w.illi il'liiiii( the hmiri nt' riioily, nnd by 7 n'i lin '< in winter nml Phi lummrr, nml the oilier r? ijtii?iiioiu uf llu* t'.ih Huh nl I he 1*1 Chapter uf die College Mm, pn^r> r, mid tV If >liall he lln* duly ol Hie Kar-illy In |irnbili:t nny Student Iron ?HHirdinn wi'lii-ot the f"inni'iiii, w'ni ihnll In- lrei|neiilly ali-rnl Irmn ' : > rnuni >? tiie College Wnilihoj*. rim in:. Mm ? niil Iiihk , nt uhiili the IVnil) ahull Im 'In: V M.irrlt |:i I I i | * I ' I". N 0' H.I, \ I; lir.1V Mti'. 1111 ? i n\vn\ 11 i>oi I I. lilt' 'Mi *!??? 5Ji?ili hi Fi-hium v ln?l, j In iift'tii it. I?t n r?-n sliti I v ?util (?>rl \ \?*ni?n| I .i?i?, ?IV 'In- i.t'iiu* 1*1 Aniv, mul veiy liUr',. NVl,. II >ll" l:?li;ln ftlli'tv* her liMflli * ?*ry Mm1 w>II prli?|H *H? nijil to gft lo ll'irkiii?li i"i ('??Hilly,in Virifitiin, ?n i< lu)in< nr.ir i A?li(oril'< Ferry ??n Itruml SIim m/?y linvr i iitilnlrinl n frro (>??? n? I llunk ti?T oliji-cl ill Ik- 1 In |m<-r?t>n ilui M ill trciirc mmI iii^m woinnn in nny .l??il i.ir ?f?? tcrpiii(, i.jay rrnji (!??? iiliovft i?>nnrJ, mnl il iironelit i<> inc in s?wl?trry l>??lrir:|, ll??* fi-wartl will Im; I'M >it\ (Ii>!I?m ' A\i?r.nsoN n. Aiiuuiwi. Mrtrr'i 1?. !I' .'I /II/nilion Cura/ri/. III: rf?il'?r ptrnln I . i,Killr i>tt\(*ooNH, \?iii uk. it.; ''iilnmbit ?'( 9nlur>lny ll?> 2lkli iii'mli?r? i?f i!? < ''in;.any i re lipfrliy imliAi' I in itMfitil. Bv ?irtlir r?| (he Cnjif. I'ntri Iff. Win ?' C|,H IO>. '> r< Mur.-li 12. tflj'j. II v'l Flour fiiui /tacon. , T> J'A II UWt'.t.H of lino mid ?riin?* lr?- IJV'ON (?(Hi|Hiiinil?of i? !?? WaLI.ACK U M lT.r. ('?iluinWt, Msrrh I?*, 10?!!. 11 if 1 ?? i i igacganggBa 11, n i a mi ' ft mil (bo llni I ml Htati*? itk'Kni|ih. (JEN EH A L JACKSON'S POLICY AND OPINIONS. The National Journal, whose tone of pro* pkecy has been violently assailed by (he l>eople of (his country, who have rudely fal sifted it in the triumphant election of Gen. i to the Presidency, has, nevertheless n mounted the triped, und ventured to ~ict, with unparalleled effrontery, the cy of his administration. In the puper lie 23dlilt, we find some rcmat ks which M*e slanderous, equally upon Gen. Jackson M the South, and singulurly ignorant for kwriter who has enjoyed the most careful (npiluge of the expiring administration, ibmc unknown fellow pu?*cngcr of Gen. Jkcksou hasclioscu to report to mii Alabama alitor one <>fthe general'* casual remarks rireguaut with good sense, as they alwayaarc, M relation to the Tariff: "That ilin burthens tf the government should be equally borne, ' n far ait practicable," 6tv. Thin hasquickeu ?1 the nerves of of the Journal into extreme ' ensthility, and has produced the following lirrcnt of speculation and "constructionr Vl'tou comports with the i?.ca of a judi tbut Taiift, formerly thrown out by the (tneial, which, acynding to the construe* t>n wc have been led to put. upon the phrase leans nothing more nor less than u 1'anflf illicit will leave the South to enjoy, with qt an> burthen, its immense cxpoits of its 4iple?, and leave the North to obtain with immense product*, for the purposeot bet-; tring the condition of the North.' Who fur islied the South with tliis enjoyment.' Was ; the North* Was it the (ieneutl (iovcru acnt f Who gavt us our rlimati, our son, 4ir industry, < ur labor Dm the South en-. %r into the confederacy fni the purpose of jieldin^ up the blessings of (Jm!?" it.* im iieuse exports"?for the benefit ol the &orth, and " its only commodity f" Whence ?td licit. Jarkson derive his ti uly republican > the rights, the interests, and the suHcriug* - f tlie South. The general is to ixclude us from a fraternity with the Hart ford convention ; a gratif) ing eminence to wlin.lt we have been rmscd hy the j?int op erations ot the Journal and tlu? Intelligencer. 1 lie formei has kindly dedicated the arti cle to which we refer to the purpose of ?//#-' tamtntf the south in *.iat honorable assigna tion. I'lii* Intelligmccr thaunted the ume melodious |.oe in, until Mr. Gules had reach ed his periodical reflux in politics, and he forthwith turned upon his heel und hravcly ' denied that he hud c\er uttered an unkind word of his soutnern hrethren. This is the Mdcad lu.n" which a gallant member of congress would dislike to kick ; much less can the people of the so-.th desire to receive tlmt aUcutiou fro:n a. lising A*r. The proceedings of South Carolina have often been assimilated, by the drilled parti sans of Messrs. Adams and Clay, to the Hartford convention. There never waft a viler slander uttered by thgmost distinguish ed hero of billingsgate. What is the object of the sooth, of Virginia, of South Carolina,' of (ie?rge f Is it to cripple tlu* energies of the teikral government in tlie exercise of its constitutional functions.' Did we resist the warofltflJ' Was it no. designed for the! protection of Northern commct t i ? Did we sufVer Itssfrom the operation of that measure than die Hartford Conv jntionist*? (See Ca re)'s Ohve Jlraneh, passim; sufficient au thority for this point.) Was the power of tne Ctneial (jovernment to dec larc war, ; controverted? Do we then desire a dissolu trov*rte< lion of t^e eontedtraey ? We deprecate it ? as eurtiAWy us any citizens >?( ttic: Union. , Our uhjikt is t?? call into requisition the con-1 Ktitutioiii energies of the state government*, t to i caeuathe confcdcracy from (textruction, to urrcwtph.il we know to lie <111 usurpation of |K>wcrlto restore the equilibrium, which bus bccnlmst unskilfully disturbed. l)<> we' mo for mmrtj \>y wnv of sucrificiiiK the na-1 Ittouul I'hn.icter, ami by way <>l plundetmg, through tL forms ;s flour fellow citizens f No one lias, ' hnd the h^dibood to charge it upon u?. We' tnl> IVHint- fr?n lint tlie; f.tv !he tree n' lor which ment the corstitution ; cravc no' lie bounty congress : no favor,' of hem;; let .ilone. We nr;k u?r ' r uionnl cnji.j mi nt of the rights! n fought in t\V>? wars; lor the f ilion* (i.tturul ndv:uita?cs for which w |<: indebted onh to the bounty >f W us uwh r the constitu tion, our r ?t;i;e, onr soil, our local instltu* t,.iiH, the tin fit % of our free nn?1 unsh.tek (1 imlustil the tiiitrummelr*! u.e of the hitjhv.;iv oimiions, of onr skill and f.teul tit's in t'ie ?iici^eiiu nt of out own concerns, ,iihI w e othei VciDtituti'iii f-v Tin: i.ou i n. TltM UH.LIIAI. A 1)1 HiFc* In Uyi ?<: r'i '? out Jn A'l'lri??? t.cforf nUr itmli i I nn|MH? l?le lint ??? ?-*|?-r n !.? ? ty by ttpriN at half peit lliree o'clock on 1 liar day Miming- that it to say. within i?*rt mndm A*//??We underlain! that Mr. Poe erhas arranged tUmlar relay*oi homt from tliia ? IjrtoClmrlnlM. Tbii titrtina to lay lha mee ax* of a n?i# President before au awrieti* people, leumitdi tbo west respectful acknowledgment* at ?ur hand* The Address itMlf completely fulfil* all oar ** tectatious. U i* somewhat in the *tyle of Mr. IrOeiftio?em/f but coerce tic; terse, but compro* litmive. WiIImmiI auy pretensions to literary labour or fiui writiug, all it* expression* are ^r?|.lcu e granted lo 1 ho confidtracy ? to introduce a fuitliful ec? noun into Die public expenditure, iu order to rxliiiguitii the public dtbl, n? well as lo oonnteract the p? ??fl *ocy which fprmgt Ironi n proftue expenditure <>l tlio money of the people, lie lake* the broad ami bold ground, llntl in layiugthe in.pott, villi a vteie to revenue, Iho luirden* *h uld be tqua'.utd; the gr?at interests f-i agriculture,eriiliar encouragement ol miy product* ol ttlhtr ol litem, thni may be iouml cMcntiallo our national indc jrtii'.ence, (?ucli h* arm#, ammunition, perhaps ?can en,) fcc. Che only equivoo?l pastage in the Addicts Jie liriel paragraph in which he *, eukt olthe high importance ofinternal improvement and the .lilfuriou of knowledge; Ih u.'h ha guards his nropotitinn by the condition M solar at thiyran tie promoted by ilie ron*litul exrentiT' . iiMci; and mart fptnally. ?u< li reform# **c di ? >? tho eorrittion 01 aluue'. trlnrli (ur? iuinicr ! wiiji Ihe I rovloni of # lection*, or I ? ? right tu. ??? iir?e of H|i|XMntmi'iit ; or Imn thr wn Ihe otfi< ?? o| tlie lalicn into anfu t'nal or i competent h*n<:* " (|o then tell* u? pUnly, ihut we arc tn have no inurn travelling reeraiwi c>; no oOb-ea ditgtared. no .no* wntril, for Ihe take o| rewarding lii? , |?.c tionei 'injj ai mnn?of ami illom a?pirani? f !e pr mi?e? 10 krrp rin. i|.lc??Iliclinir.it.I yAt~. q Iter. JUementary Instruction in J'.urofir.?\Vc leu .* tiom ?> recent Paris paper, that a very unusual degree of interest U exhibited in France in favor of extending elementary (/duration. Citizen* do nut content them selves with giving monry, remark* the edit or, hut, fwlmt ii a more unerring tent,) they devote their time to the furtherance of the* nlansforthisc.hject. A meeting hadlately been held at Lyons tor tlie nomination of a'board of direction for the model sehool foundation in that city, which wns attended by 328 mem ber*. In Itouen a aubscription lately open ed for the establishment of two schnnla, had amounted, in December lust, t.i 2454 francs. A model md practical achooi is to be fonnd ed ntUi'urge*. on the Lanca*terian system, in the encouragement of which all clnssen show themvclvea Interested. It in remat kcrt that the surrription list preaents the n;i"icn nf tradesmen and artisan* intermingled >? Hi those Of jugea ilupaia,a master of the to, vat*, notaries, See. Tlit Journal du Cher men* ?ion* that the mutual instruction system has ln-en admi'tcd by authority Into the general hospital, and two ot the nun*, a ft or hcini* blunted into the method, are to tench read kr -, writing, ami arithmetic to the chil dren. In (Icneva a proposition ha? lately been made in the Swcreign Council, for thr ea tahlishim-nt of a school for the education of teachers on the system of mutual instruction and in Russia the (lovernment ha* duet ted i.s attention to the education of the lewcr clusse*. An ukase of the limpcror, ad<|i css e(l to the Senate, hi* laid the I ni dation of a central institution for Teacher* in the capital thr express object- of which i* to increase the number ot professors for element ry in strm lion, und to disseminate the benefits of U*eful knowledge i' II r!as?es. We have seen ? I ? ? iroin France, which merlon* that Mi flj?*rlu was ut lh?. Ii>.splint.?e nmn?l<>n oMJrn. I.nfayeil. alafu h* had been de ; iinrtli?ie*amhiliii?ui?pi?h!l?l?ed??emolr*amJ doe iimenl* hin?Hy l?nWie,lto him h) the General, In ? ddilion tn hia nws fi rt'dfe reenlleeilon* of Ihe II vo'ution, from wli eh he Ms derived much inlnrmallnn lor ?hteh at n ? the HUtney of t,:ia Amoilcsn war.^BwlOrt D, Adr.