I COLUMBIA tlVp if, K Cto&SdjTf??. ?i mMkAHMiM i^m kit Hal* prevlova (a (Mm koa? r?aiding In the eoantry ooablo* butt ofMf particular qaaliiy of fatbloa,eaa bo aeeoia modohnl in Ilia dioltii aotk* by ffrwardia* Ibe rlao of lb* bead aad tb* belghtb ef Iho crown N B. 411 net* pardaitd oi lb* wWlb* will ba ditmrd gratia: ' Cuti paid for allkiadi of ileturs far O IIOCIITKASARH . D'wmWM Art (I NOl'IOC. ? %UM'?iid?d ia ib? monili of July tait.? aagroftlrl aaawtd >IAUY. Site U m)?mi jtH y? ?r> of ago, (all aad aleader, aod of yellow co upldotioa- Aay pmna a>irb< ?eid alar*, aad delitreriag bar ta an* at my re?tdeore4n Co lautbta. will raaaira a rearanl ?i taa dollar*. SMUl C. II4LL. f*n Tnli xioa la th' jraeilen of LAW, f?vr Spartan bur* i dirtrict. H >1 Tkominoo may lie run ?uli-d it SfMrtaftbargh Court (tou?e, and T Wil li? ????, Jf at Fofkvlllo BaiuM Inii'iiird to our car* will maet with tbn laquUile attention, and tba favoar duly acknowledged T. WILLIAMS, jr. H. H THOMSON. January 86, ISM A Ot II JAILORS. About ilia 2|.| tugurt la?t, 1 Luwy loft my plant >tlnn ??n SinjihitAn'a crack, Liaca?t?r district. She U dark coini?lect cd,ap*in made, considerably diih faced, bavin* a vary iiln*l?lltn ofOHehin^B'irfMirli. e*. Gins rilbiirjrt. 9ulkny? Dearborn*. Iir. h>u whiuh they will tall at price* that tally wlib ibr tllllCi. N B they will repair all hind* of Cordagea oi? f(?wil*lll? leim?. Jan OS. 1829, / * 4 If 1NRK9HOARDEN4EED3 4neneralM?ort rdem of the almva JaM r-'clvd Cram Lead UthUjr.9lebratod ##wry, a*l w . 3 If In i hjneery, State of South Carolina, Abbeville Dktrict Jtun ?? UfflMt end Lacy mI? to Ro?a y, Norria-tnd iot*|tto Advm bil?. For partition and division IT appearing to my ?Mi?facti*Hi that Jn?. Adam*, ?ma ofiho defoeident*la tba above um rwliif. from ?nd wiih..ut the limit* of the Mali'?It i< therefore ordered, tbal ba do a|*pear and plead, niuweror demnrto the bill wiMin tlirw month*, fmm tM? poMlcaUon, or an order pro cimlMui, will ba eatarad again* Mm. DAV?D LESLEY. C. E A. D. Ni?*em'?er 14.11MB. 46 Jf Ckarltn Goodman, Qharleo H. WMNfttNllff i *?. > Attachment. ft. Hotrod, j The State of South Carolina, Abbeville Dutrlct. JLewit Lomax, 1 v>. v Attachment* X&\IKKK vt iiio plalntlf did on Ibr eighth day 1T efthUtnttant.llehadeelaratloiiintlilecaM or nttorbey IrnoWn within ?h? mme, on whom e copy of fbo 'If duration with * wle to plead ran he nerved It Utherefoto, ordered, that the ?ald Jo a?pb f.Htur, tbe ehernf debtor, do appear and plead |o>lhl? aetion within ? year and n day from th* H*t e hereof or JndtmaetwIH he entered Mm by default iAS W tRDLAW, C. fTf Clerfc'tOflre.Mny IB. ISM 83 IrBmly tH?CommM Pl?u ATT?C????. f BlUR (MelntUf bavme llad Ma declaration on ft. ?be l?th day of March hut, and tb? d*. lenda it having m* attorney known In (hi* Blata OrWitMt w the aald defendant ?hall riot appear nnH male bee defence wf*ln a year and a day from the data of Hint I he dvrlar mh, n aa aforemld, the led merit wBI be itefn and eotete.J ageing her by drfanll JAMES WAItDLAW.o. . r Cterfc-OMre, I , Bd%pf1\IBf| < IMydt . JAB WABDLAW. c. t\ f: Cterfca0ftc?,lley 14,1MB BB leBmly ??,Uw.w Mill btllVii !in5i ?? r JC ? '!Mt JV. to A. 8 iOHMT0HA*f fsfs&asm^ 1 watie DntlM.li* Ml*, Pallor. t jMk Del lea, IJ Mia, NiW, i*0 Com me at*rt#*, 3 vinal? 4- ?11 oughadft Specch oa the praaeat atate of tha Irvlnrtbolnmhw, ? ? r??shsr'"fc,? UerdcaVAi. , AiniiuAii^Af wImmIb ?'- ?>A. J./ ? - aRM||??9 0iriipk4 /;?v Coming Out, h* Mlaa fortar, S* iJeie WkiMrt Travel* Iq lb( t>. 8. t&'Un ?""d "? ?-b"* A?-kermana Forge! me *??, (London,) RfflS *?? TlmAmdei. , Jo. The ClirkiHMa lot, do. Ttir Atlantic Soattalr, (Philadelphia^) Hie T?i lateen, iN"* York,) The ToUl, AgHaaa The Mirror. do. Tale* I mm Souvenir'*, A le r sella of Kninving'a from (he Atlantic 8 >uv?nlr, ?rperate Jawiw)?. IB?V. ^ . , 4 F. W. It A. S. JOHNSTON House and Lot for jprie. rll R Sa'veriher'* large nmi commodious dwei ling H ?UMK. formerly occupied by Colonel Pride, sltfpled in one of In# higiiMt and most |tlen?nn* |Mdaoi Columbia. Term tone third caili the on a credit of one and two year* with interen. Application may be made to Mr. Win McMHUn in Columbia or In (be Mibacrl her,on Crane creek. JAMBS DOUGLASS. Sen December 2. AO tl Blankets. Plains, Negro Shuea.&c ilHK ttuturrttwri uttvr tm ??** ?" ll *??'> ?? ipay ? Brandy vintaur 1810, Holland Old and Jam Ram, Cordial*, Prowrvn, 8wre? (Ml, Id. WAI.LACR k M'FIE* ColrnnMn* 18. Doe. At If ? LU8I', VNOTfc of hand IMVfS, ROW ABO mL Colombia, Pabrnnry IS, Iftt j 4 %i VI ICR ?The MMeilbera hnee formed a m. partnership tad intend earrylnt on liHilarn nnder th? Rrm of MIM.tNfJ 6 wAtWRtX, and , It.'V* taken that central stand on ihe corner of Plain and Rtetiard*nn street, formerly ocaepbd by A Uppant a few done* aboew Meeti. |).bJ \ MWrfs, and immediately opposite Nhm W* . re iiHty are now t+m* nesortment <4 OBT lane It MFIe"? ?ore, where l|>a . M_ I .... ^. 1.. _ _ . *rMI >HBV * WmTWWl [ oOoos, habdwarr a fo ? oaocRBiRSj and r?WIII?I^inii "?Ma few WVVVf!VV IffPT Btfl are enabled IA e?M (ow for CmI,. IftW ileUl MlnAlLtA * i-t.- t_ a * ? J;.?, ahlra ,,|T|!a|i , they wIM at Ml tlaJTfee? N.B Aim on hand an 0A*'?R* * FLOWF.B I in'e-iil fo i ? pai #MMMy 99 tew Mlft ptMtkf In JMttt pring Academy* * J H. 8MITII,n er*du*t*of Soulli Carolina Colt***. Tfcle ?mm m *ad? will b. such aa to qaafcy Hilipifof adariattuu latotba Jailor CtoatBo. CM* C^ttvll J y y.. > M |ul|l Ail MMM I it FflpvlIWI Will ?Cv'?WHivWlv R IVwifflW wnni* bar a4 ?lad?aU hi kb own faatHy at 1?0 d^lbfi per ndmm, Of M Mini per qaartar, Including ****** ratf.h or Tun ion STfl^ ||A* 1m flllfk mImJ. 4P& One do In I be English do. V NuiIhAiiiI ?hilllfdfitr a ktttaran tbarf qr. tN I #. H II COMMhlk 1A1, HOTfcL ?1I |K aa?*? illo r very r*?prc4iatl)- Inlortm bit I. friend* and the minlir generally, that b? bat a >.OU*fc or KN1 KRTMK.MKKTl?f Trmetlhr*mm! Bumfm tm ibr Maiaalraat, and la la* mldat ol Ilia aoltna mar bet. HUMomoU targe ?nd i-.oavflnlrnl.4ad lb. k*M tba atarbat afford*, will al all llaif* be In pl?M>r Thw liim nana from hurope la tvrry arrival, It* current prlara fatai Na?r York wally, betides different daily rattera D BBCKET. Fl.?riw *r 9} 1*2* t_ . 47 *f JN ??pl ? Mill' ??N KKVIbW Conuul* ofN., l.XH Art I. Tlir l)? aline of PuMrr, l?4>r?l Byron and lit* Contemporaries: witb Reeoliei-liotn ?f |hf Author'* Lite, iim of hi* VUh to lla.y. U> I*i?b Hum. II. Scandinavian Mythology, Poetry, and Hi* lory, l.Kdda ftaaundarblo* Llmlat Edda Rbvth mlin ?lv?? ntiquolrg va'go 8**munor?rv Letlm In ibe Cl([ic ol lb# American Revolution, by JameaT Attrtln. IV Biography ?l a German Caibonamt. Johannes Wit, uurnI Von Dotrlac>~> Fm^ckrIi aus mrlnrm Lrben ?d ntlntr z it ir John Wit, alia* V?ro Dorrlng. Fragment* of mv Lift* and Time V. Flint'* Geography and History of the Wr? tern Si*ie? A condensed Gcograpb* and History of tkr W**tern Male*, itt Ilia Mistitslppl Valfcy. By TtaMky flint VI. lt?to?'> I JreofColamba* A History oflhn Lift* and Voyages ufChria* lopher Calami**. By Wa*hlujtou Irviag. VII. Tb' KpUtti (o the llahten*. A Commentary on tba Epistle to tba He l?r? wa. By Mo*e* 9 unrl VIII. Hattli I. Tire Plr Jam? t Ptaablin. # 9. Hhtiiim d'Hayll drpuii m Deaoaverte, Ju-qnVu ISM. ParM Charles Malo. IX. TtoalMllimuraandOhiu Hall Road I. Rh|*i1 <4the Engineer* on the Recoa. aoiaaanen and Burv* yi mad* la rnfarraat to th- B?ltlmore and Obm Ball Road. 9 Second Annual Rnpoit uftlw Pmtdral and Director* to lb* Htoqbholder*) and Pint Ann'iul Hermitol the Board nt Kngtaecraof the B ?a?d of Dirratora, of tba Ulhiosort aad Otiin Rail R??a ' Company. X. Ilenren** Hktortenl nfmu. I. History of the States of Antiquity.? From ik* German of A. M I. Heerrn 8 HUtnry of the political System of En rop? an<< IU Colonia*.from ib? DiMovrry o| America to the Independence ol Uia Amerl ran Continent, From I be Geraraa of A.ty. I. lb-arm XI fllmon Bolivar llhtoria da la Revotuclon da la Repabllca da Colombia. Pur Jov? Manual Real rape, XII Ba*e Weimar'* Travel*. Reier seiaer llobeil daa Hersog* Bombard aa Such* n Weimer Elsenanb dnreh Nord America in dan Jabran lAUund IB 0 Travel* through Nortlt America, daring tbe Tear* Wlaod I ft-A Bv Hi* lllgliana*, Bern bard, Duke of Sale* Weimar Eisenach. Formic by E W k A. 8. JOIINATON. r?t*<*bla, Ft* A 10*19. ? If VC A.MGIIKGMOVK KbM %Lfc 8KMI.MAKT kJ and BOARDING 8* H?M>I?, on a branab ? Indian trrk la Uwhi aftbeOlabe*, Ptilfntopby and Awrnnomy A pr qr or It pr aaa The above witb Drawing. Paint In? on paper. Ve| vet and 8atla, Plain aad Ornamental Needle Wert, Embroidery and Panay Worb, 8 pr qr or tdpr aaa. A>lu?la aad tbe aaa ef Piano, 8 pr qr or lo ?r aaa laaaary 10,1898. s .Ill ,nni| rj.MlLu. io n UiiiUnl U |L. l?v? KAlQCNIKiRf VVI If NlUVHIi W IBf mot bbatndy toll tka I,and W 1| Will lw laOHkt i?w Tfc? atadeet amy pro ?mlNUbft aamock Modyof fSTSH. U*u D~?m~, ' ? ?WW| WVIPfli) ?IMI ^V/'. yiT' . dktaacaa, Sorveyloit, ZfavicattoB, Civil Ka (Ineelnjc, Natural Fblloaophy, Nataral Hlatoey. ?Ml llM iifijeatlM *1 Mathr-maltta to Arebltec tow. lo,lk? prlaaMea of Mertrtjji.*. * ~' mr, and to,lke nflwtWM of l*flM byelngle mTSimiMiia4 commercial laalraoNNle, to kk *11 I bat relatra to the detaMa of commatcml lmnartetlo?*iike klatory and objeft* of commerce, lie tnlaence on ^ocjrtjr^od ? WM o*Meeroe, ketnli?*Are ok civil liberty, and kfeeonneeilea wltk flMiliee Kcoiminy and lalariotloaal Law{ ih? Conatllu thro of Ik* Uakrd Blatee, wkk (ka ban Hlo?tr*iw>i jHJIfpUulhtrml Dtpmrtm*ni,1m wkkk wilt be faajtbl Cbemlatrv, Mineralogy, Of olo*y,*ool..ny aad iMany, aofcr a? tkaaa iclearcc -iw af lopar t?-nae in * practical application to tbe puipote* 01 Ap lea It are. Tka akaraalar of dift>r*M >?iU,ahk Ik* boat method of improving them, aad I heir nd*|>tftlioitto differ* lit production*j the rekiag of ptock lor labor orlood, with the iriMtuari wir (ableeiortkalraaettbe of kaabaaor> (or eavlagand (acUkelln* lahof. with all Ikat re lata* lo practical farming. A wall eellivaled knt will ka attacked lo lb# laWkoKoo' for Ike parpoaea ol aiprrimani and practical ilHta (ration. / . ' . 4 D*M*rtm*nl e/JWi/i/?ry Sritntt mm* M|lM | fitonHia, embracing the prlaalplaa and prarlton of the Military Science, <>ymiia*ik?l aad all ikat relate* to health aad rhyeicat Bdo?ath>a All Ika atodcafc of aoMabln axe will be formed krto a Miliia y Corp* lor *t*ied drillaod dfelpllne ? Tliia fedteifaed lo add one proftlable variety to tbe department 01 Kurdilaad Fhyakal Bdoao lion, while It Impart* practical koowledt e In a kcieaee Intimately connected with tbe duty of ?very American citlaen A regular and ay item ?lit coarea of eierctaa will In pactlced by awn ?ladeat, la wklck do* regard mil be had lo bh former liaMu, particular aoaatkatlen, and tka Wtokat or direction* ol hi* parent* Tfcoee rtadeat* who ma daelgned for College, will be prepared t. enicran\of thaclatma. Tbaar who wieb in comidete their edocetlon at thia la ?tilutioK, will receive a ooarte oflnatrocllno truly llbarat.and adapt* dloikeii Intended put roll*In Ilia. Tkey ma> pOraaa the fall tonne embrarr it In all Ika DepertmenU, nr auab perte ol k only a? am applicable to Ike detipn* of lheir education Auaniai, for ike lllntlmll n, andyrmrhtml ma fbtmtimm of t?a mathrmatkal and physical *clen aea, will be* procured, aa tke clrcumatancea of tbe ?akool rrqaka. ' '? / v - The atodenta will be divided Into aarltow of Hr*frr,aodlbe whole nMnker llmlied lo one han drad. A teacker will i>? M*ign?d loaack section, and wMb kk aecllon, will 00Mi>y a aeperate kail itocted for Ikek atady and dorkiHorv mclaia wltktkem,b?tk In tkelr alodle* omaarmant*, and will at all tlfoe* have a tip* P*I rHh tbe teecbere In the atyle and rail reaalated family. Tbeir lode' alagle bed*, aad on matlraMe* ViTd Tka Nkeral konoraklr ea*ea, hoard ? manner of a WON Ina wUlketoatai lheverancet will be formed, aad will linpai I lo afterlife ihele tone and tatiatoe*. To enltivatef aad rtfaMfa* rurh habit a, tba teaetiera Will dkeet aa remitted ifkti ? The manOr of Ibo removal from rental govern tflh* yooth will be gnarded try ibeW temptation to vice,and by the po me nt, ci.itently vurtM Mtr ThelrAto//* wlllha pretetvnd by lh? iftlkMlir of Ihn ttloellon, by lb' nlmo*t elranlinett in ibelr nmt Mil pt>rMM,ni:np)'tl?lly by that whole m* pltytual Hiuiiiliit In gjrmnaailc mid atttita ,, turtlw,wWeb wllli nlilrate a manly deport Mint, fcHre ttrongtbaode?ot$y lo iheooqtthirtlon and real ore lb# ^holur to bit ttndlee \i hb reft+w ed rwMth and ?*?*. Their MaMm will be calibrated M> -lb# fjoilly or?ior, that will Ho glvfo 10 tbd whole lotemel I HOMimyof Ihn InMhotlon, and by lb* Iwm of InifrttminM consent Iv amteli ed Iwtwecn (he teai hertaml ttorfent", In whlcb iba detriment ol I genllemeo, and (bo ooortealot and elvHItioa of .< wi ll regulated toeloty, will be ear* folly Incotcated ' amloaiiona < I to pdfvnie tbmwMlbf pri*at**i - Jl_l wooblf aod quarterly, aod poMIr at 0MbMtk>0? annually. No tladenl baldtoally ner llgoot of ttndv, Of Inatlentlte to Ibo law* Of the intdtnllon, after all proper meant haoafalleo it reform him, will bn permitted to retain hi* +>m,. ooetloo with tbe teboot No tin leal will bo re tardadhy bit bid* bill permitted lo Mop all th? advaota*e* ?f bletelenta and Indnttry PaMii player v. HI bo otlonded dally,and raltglowt nor ?hip on the *elrf>ib,? whirl, .11 tba atodent?%il bo reqolrod to bo proaeot. There will brnoo or < IJnirono Drkco Ma* coatee, aiogle hroetf* u *od atandlag color, it* tn, thotild bo M?rka4 wltb Ma neat*. b4 ol th* tchool *U?m, ColoMbl*, S C-will ft* **pwf pnpi ? ? Mtt (Vm4 Sfringt, A*,! ?> llMpolU?n?M?l i ?e*t* MtriMOlllMNlwl Had. Job* Taylor,! I ?tj?T~"'CUm*?,'> ittrlSttltfl I - I OmmIm 4 ? -- ? ? .wrt' ?u yani?, vumIm. Use. I4p l|jp J '? IIC ?ull?wtu* Ht^iOiruU and Cor pa WiUpo 1 rMile for ratttw aud exarcita al the tin?**aiii?ibe tftb.Cal. CafMft. Yoadon'* artiLUry,aadCobanV ?*V*lrf? imr Cbariartamoa 1Vada**day, iW 4U?, biarob 10th, Col. \Valter*>R*giBj?ot,alFair?prin? Thr 12th, Col. Jacob". IU?in?nt. rtOUli wbairh* ?'o Friday .tb* 1Mb. The 43.d, Col J. ?.* Rica. Raiment,at Brau *^Wlffi?, Col. <&?*,<* A?bl*y'aanTbnvw? dif lh? 19lh . .. . Tb* 1Mb. Col. Artbwr'i, at WOIImmooH a*, katnrday ?b*BI# . . M*J I HU|(hii.?n'??qH?JrouofC*r*trjf alJ<>ao*a ' 'ifit' |4lh. Col l??'* Regiment. at 8o*ir?,on Wi?l?wliiylNttlbM(??k. Tb* r**ia?nu and r,?p?ettachrd to th?ir>. will be loroud foe r*?i*wat IS o'clock, Mrtidiu, w?* ci**ly Tb* e*?Moa*dSnt*flk*r of tb* dnrwioaL tb* <4b?i I rfittH. ??J Ik* M*f at P^^SiSsf -srjar rjr aadartille*jr f**??pt tM?e ati**djr rtwp ?o) Will urn out with I boar rrg,m*ot> o| tufan(r> o thm whoa* ?la?it*th*y ar* r*ep**liv*lj *it *ateti(oert? Martial ??ll N ordered oa all 4*&nae*ate '> X' Iba Militia on Ut* IfImiiiI* oi V*adnttl?W. Ed? iato and M Joba, 8t Ilillon H*au aadw lleleoa, at* vactaal troaa attending ib*r*?>Hn lOftbkli they ar* attach.d 0*?*'*l?|ai; who r.?ide I W By otatr al tba Co 1. B. KAB THE Deputy Adjotaut General af tl divition b ortkred to obtain, la *ir*ty coriect return* ol lb* regiment*,*! lb*ir i ana*, aad aocentr' manta, with daplirete able to (b* j rarertied form*,heretofore^ MNl I* Make a complete dtaaton rat era I* tbo cbt*f ot tbia ii*M*t?a^^r ?I lbtod*nrt?rtliT^ k Billatafai mmI l^amwtin *d bout bia lb|?tlMt ?] ,*ao*f>| ?? >r*tmaa l*li*?Mlolb*? with pr*? .; I " v?'? & : : M' y B FAHLF. JiJvtanlH !>** tStb. N?Tw haddlern BMJ'l H flc WK Beo l*av* to Inlorm ti?*ir I Ifa thai ?b*y ha*#- NK?la wlvea la tb* SaddUry ba4n*t oA lb* tor nor o? KlflK and Om ton, ana 4ma* aim** Mr C. , whrre tbay ba**> conatan?l> on [MMl k a oat a I aaaorimonl al all Bridlaa, Haraoaa, Hblpa aad Tr Brldla, aad floddl* 0?M rp aad Calf do. ? orfWiabl flj ,LUfi rl Sr aa ^ J7IC0| I war*; c?*rb Lao* bind*. A* lb*|r ar* aaaai ln|t tbo nubHa t 9i Bw* of a ana**1 of b Biitwylof at can bo prnlwarf at any tltfttb# la itio Unltad Stat**. wk AM ord*m ?*Bf ba promptly ntlaadod lo, thay tm *bar* ofI bo ptihllo )>a?ronafa. PHOPOSA ?Hi | liag. of ?l ??m)b aa a *nflb I OR | I Hl.l9IJIMJI,v Jit AM* of iba lal* IBAj Jan 91