Columbia ffrlrorovr. MONDAY, MAHCH 18, IW9. 47* The Cou?t of Common Plria for this DUtricl, iatiow intcuiotv-? Hia Honor JuDor. O'Nkal prealdlnR. CJBN JACKSON'S IN tUQVIUL 8PF. Cll Ilv what ?i> helieve to be an unexampled de? ^atl ?II hit fellow cit?*n?. every tuccee 'inq Pre%l dent b*t l*en alerted (up to llt? I Ml election,) by ? known and recojpi1t*d paity, acting harmonl ou>ly u|>?n certain received and genera! j>rinri pie* Tli* polity of the President wat therefore fined by lib election; anil he w?* *ure of aupi?orl fir?m one party and oi>po*itlon from another The pret-nl Chief Marlriratn however I* elevati d to Jkls hltfh dr>tioy. t?y a union In hi* favor of It ote xvho entertain tbr m>?t opp,.tite npiuiout** to thr policy of Ibe general |(>vvriiBiinl I In dittin j^ui lii'J tervicet and elevated character, Imvt t? cured tn him the nlT-ciiim* and <-on0d,*q?:? of men, id parliet and of accllont, who a;r?C ill nothing el*-, and while th>* a(T etion iml cunfi t1i i>0 ? l? mt?t honourable to him. it ennuol lie Jit^.ix-Hl liiat lUey have placed him in ri mutt dif iii'ull ?iiuation To ihr anfc-f?ty * liicl* we f. el lur tvIm* wo bcliew to he the only (run and rile prin-'i thoM but comiireheniive doruiient, "there U much tonppmvc votnewh*1 I lint it doubt* lul.nnd one or two lltiiii't licit Meracvpt In TIih general lone it di^irfietl nnd divrref, \ll Ill" {miHir int feature! nl the poliey of Hie e.m ilr\ Oie ndvetled to and delinenled The fli ?t fiv,* p.i fagruplit inei it utnpiiilifi?d tp irotmihiii On I lie #tll iiuj?>riiiii> >ti'ijecl nl ill- Tiriff t 'i ? fitlli par.tgrnph aun-iunce* the principle m on whiih we have nlwayi enntem! d il thould re?|; and wo Imvr only to rcgnt tlint tli?* P -virfent alioul I Imvc intiiuaii J any oieap* on In tin- fol flvti rule A* to internal improvement and ilie il:(TiM?m of knowledge, w e utterly deny I)., p.uv? < the general government, and d* purt I'min !' %i dunt'i implied iipittiun iImi f"wiii;ie*? !???* an) ? r>u Mi'ii'io'.ial c-'iilroul over tin in The ne?t nrn^mtih lie^inninj ? C-'ini Vrin" ?Inodn. annie* .tUtur\ ii,i? d-naernu* c?nd d-ite of |li( army, In lie Use I'U'lil'ivc ij 'o fai lur (lie militi i. W* re ret that the pervntiinc tempi r and dig jiilv far nstodt'MR n itr and coiiler with a military leader. Mr. P' ? H.d several other leading federalist* g;i. delib eratelv cinvatied, nnd * Hut Mr. Hamilton wa* tlie leader fixed Moon, that he hid agreed to attend a meeting in Huston in the put mm of 1801, which w:i>ftustrated l?y his drsth, At that time Mr. I'tumer hpos< d to it. As to the personal interests <1 the parties to thiscontroversy, we ar?-entirely in different. We believe tlirm b >th to a cer tain extent. We believe with Mr Otis ,md hi? compurgator*, ihut M . Adams was a rencgado and an informer, and with Mr. Ad tins and his state*' evidenee, we believe that the project of disunion was for ten year* the Ir- ding purpose of the New-England federalists, and wc believe further that they never will acquiesce in the continuance of the union, longer than the neutral novernment is subservient to Ne*v-England interests.? Th* n< (piisition of Louisiana endangered the New-England supremacy, and the datn-er was thought sufficient tn authorize ? disunion The enbargo interfered with New-England commerce, and that was thought sufficient. The war pressed heavily upon N?iw-Eng land and that thought *nflii irnt, and we have no doubt that a moment'* equiponder ant of southern interests in tftr national U vermnent, vill be again thr tight sufflc'em to justify a disunion. The "south mu*t be kept down" it their motto. The settled policy of the government must be to foster north rn interests. The offictrt <4 the gov ernment are a minor consideration. They oare not how the honor* are divided, but If they ean*t win by the odd trick, they will throw up the ca^s. Upon the whole in re gard to thie controversy, the parties will suf fer ana iht nation l>e benefited. '* When roquet fall out"?the piottrb i? somewhat mufct>* .vi-. a . lo oar (drtitmng a ill tt bull M ?ilftrtiMnnt ol Qtntral Wi//i?mu, oe the mIJmi ol hit Cotton Fa< tory, (torn which it will I* km that it ii now in operation. TIm larg? capital, aoj the (real lutrllijcence ami fn?r?y ol literal Wil ltam?, wilt malt* tint a thorough ex, erment on tilt ra|?anty (ifilavt labor for niauuf? it thall W? lotretiiul, and large capital* be it?ut< ?.I In thi? way. we uiay *S|>r<-t an loitnouiate re peal of lha tariff Oar uorlhera brethren wiIIko more consent to the competition ui oor mauulso lures, than to that of t'.Urope. \V* are well ml if fie.l that whatever direction may be gtvau to th* rapital anil labor of the South, if it is ?u<-re?ful i* will be legislated ujh>u for the advantage ol the Nrrlh, without the ilijhlni compunction for th* injury it may bring to us. Thia la the itliltd polity oi the majority In the mean time bow erer, we with tioneral Williams all possible ?o? ce?? in hit spirited effort to devclopo the resour cet of the state ; aud berides the reward which a public ?p?rited exertion eairtea with It, we ' ope li? will alto realise, (what he we know will re gard at secondary to ilj hi* prospect* of indiviJu. ? I emolument. The Virginia Legislature adjourned on the last day of Feiinj.iry, alter havmg passed one hundred a'tdeigiity o:iv acta, in a session ofttiree months?one of whielt was eon-aim cd in the discuviicn of a convention. In 1 s 1 s >f Legislation. | We publish to-day Mr. Randolph's inten* ; ded Speech upon the Cumberland Koad, J Witbrul having ever hern special admirer* i of lit!?? rxientric gentleman, wu have tmt I been blind t . the t tree :ind eomprih nsi.e ;n?'s? f his remarks, or r.ithet' his siy;ii?s. We r? g ?rd tiin? sh??rt Speech us by no means till least i?l liis I'liis we? k .i new paper nt l:? and Ma\s. lae tabnts i f tlies< g-i.tleun n au th'iisv us f?loini hgh expectations of their pap* r, and ?ve congratulate ourselves upon the-r ucretsion to (lie editorial corps VV* have ih? qnes'ion that tney wiil l>e fa.iiil to In true, able, and xealous defenders ol their Slut.'. Mr Foree lim in IV? s* nt W**' lng?.?n. u A 11 ? st ? >ry ?>( Hi** \iliiiini>ii nl i'Mi . > I J.tiio Q'lilir' Adams. I'rr ?'nJ-iil of in.- Ht.?te? |i will liirin a vnSumr ol aboiil fajn not! Iiu pul> |n.|i>'d dorm* the rosuiiiK -'U- oinii, nl |n-r C'i \ . \ll nrroiint ol til*' ev iM? rntiO>!Cl>'.il ailii Mr Ailnins' i'l< rlimi lo the licv. anil of 11>? ? mid c.iiartu-ior* i.l th*- nieinl. rs nl lii, CsliiiM'l, will < inhiar? t ? |ir?>|HMit??n I" instruct (In iiiOMllirri of ('? inn. lliol ?!??!?? to vol* lor (lie nliiililiiiti i ( fclnverv in In** Dmrici nl Columbia Tlii* itnp<-11*???? nI inn-ifcrence lit a ?nailer in no win ri.o.eriilnjt tfce Stale of >eu. Yoik, or Hie nation*! inti rest* had it* origin in Hint AntbSnutliim fee lint which ii.any wink nod tit Mining men indulge, in Hit- northern ?|:rr? In ilie couik o( Ilit- dii-iitf, a (it'll. While Irwin Oiitrldn u*ed uttirtr ?uch language a* lUu, in refer ence 10 Ilit* incitement pit V4iltn(? in t?i>u In the TnrilT - lliai for out* lie tinil uiiiixi' enough loliuil l?-rk into lltt'ir tri'llt lilt' anathema* llifv were pourini tint :ip.>n tli N riii" w. publish mii eitract from Mr. D.tvton'* HjmtcU in ri'|tt) In a raiulngtn- of the number* ol I In- .Nov Yoik Le-.-uln'nre, ro c-lit 1/ puMWlit-d in I'.at ?>, with Hie hVoch linn* Miid trud-? of llm nieinlt?-i? il ? * .hiiiotiitr< our opinion* hi all lioie* ami under all rircuui.tamr*, I will con cede lni? ra?e ?ilhimt anollier word?lull f ^%?rrl Mini a prudent man will im* ripnni hi* opinion where il can produce no good elFncl. an<* where II m ill iinrl III' le<-llii?* f>l ? ln< t>?i, til ulTe ri>e to iMrkoinil aninio?iiy. It t* ti|iou iim |>rinciple that I tt|t|Mttr llie adoption ol lliete resolution* I tru-t i Hmv ?liew? lirtt lliey would i??- n'UMory and iiselt t' I ilo* p'tteeed lit tliftv Hint lliey will probably be productive of mm h injury We know Hie ?fiititiveite? ol our koulln ia brethren upon iln? luhjeci |i i* itui a few year* tinre Hie 4^1'Hlloii of Hie ..Iftotiri question made the Union | frt-inbb- IliroiinlntOl H* ?* llitlt e?lenl They art I nt lilt* m"Oi*nl vtlillnug tinder 0 injmir* from Hit lb neral (Jovernuiei.i, whether jti-ily or unjn?(ly. it i* n-d for nie in pronounce; nor i* it material ?o fm a* il re*|t?nu llm detenninaiion of ihe rpieltloli Hindi we by lh? ntloplinu of teto lulion would be miita ive, add fuel to Ilia f| tin?-,?' d inert a*e (in* unnHppy irritation? I* Hn< m lim- In throw our*elvc? among ihem a* ern?atier* in Hie c*u-? ol morality/ I c. ill ujioii llii* A*vmidy to ?>?ware |e?i by llm emptrbl?m in legislation, while lliey are attempting lo heal the di*. a*twb?llM(, in?lf ad of harwo ny mid icood lealine they will eacournaii dixsord < ud bill* ink 8m. I nave a venerallo* fur thu South. It ki?|?i il of |?Mn?il) ?ol Ho?|ilUlil)'? ol lnl?i?f> ? of pntiiothm. The ardour and Muii MUty .which mark Ibtehanclrrnf itason?, may ???mtlwii lead lo intern;**!*'* *?pr??tioni, liul ivhan called upon lo acl, none are mor* laithlid or tntf. I liavr Ionic regarded it *b a bulwark of fcenuin* rrpuhlicanbm lis anu bat rvtr hero eaten-icd (u tiny Iba encroachment* of federal power. I am iml one of llmee who travel in Ike ?*?l In purvuu ol toiind political piintiplr*. When 1 nil in anarch ot tuete, I lurn my lieck 0|H?n B?*i<>n end Hertford, And look lo lhal ivc (ton of out country which |>rodnceil n Wathinfclott and a JederMin. fcir, I mull have wrac powerful r(imton lo induce in> *np|Hirt ol nny mi xture winch lie* tin- least tenu'eucy lo ali nale one por lion of ilie Union from another. I do not discov er nny *uth rr?>nn in Ihe |?r***? ii' nut 1 con iluilr; l?y lepentin* Ihe ground upon wnleh I am ? ?ppo*ed to ilii- iulo|iiioii of the?e resolutions..? 'I'ney ran produce no f.ond- thex may und l>/i-b?lily will !,?? productive <>f serious evil. The Charleston Mercury of March 3rd# contains the following editorial remarks? " I hi* ( iihimbiu Tel(.?cuiH't noticing (??i* lart ? Ili?> .M?-iii->ri-iI of Hip Suutli ('niolina llnil l(' Company m it? presented to tin' ^ nnte liy Ui'uciul iiuyin*, ?nys??? We sincerely linfe Hiat ri"iIIi*uihm will nol condescend ti? dhgnirc him i?lf by vol.nj; lor it." It it Ihe iluty ot U Senator, we coiici ivc, lo |irci?i I a petition Iroin ai.y por Hun of hiti'iMi%titui'iii*, w.'.atcvcr may tie hit own iniv.tte opium of !?? object Mr tfaynu evi dently could not, without gins* Imjmprh t>, have related to |*\ I In- M'tnoiml of ll.? K*i'l Itoad Compiwiy l^-lor, iln- Senate; l>ut tin- itvr- pre v ntntiuii of n pnp> r liy no menns bind* an indi vidiml lo juppmi i>r advocate It, when it I* l>roU? it up alteramil* regularly fur discussion, j liitiauci't, mi tin* contrary, frequently occur, In which petition* n>r n which piant of view we teqartl the | above jiuraKtaph. Time ecrtanily wm nullin g in the sentence quoted front u# i v?l?ieli tuiplUd any censtiri upon Mr. II. j mi prentv luiy, the Uail H'?.d petition?-or iiu> doutii ? I .he course lie would putnue? ' or an) extt anrdinar) Milicitude f- r the hon or of b? The ?.irea?lu tone ot the Mcttur> iv thcrcfcri uncalled far? and th'v* as ii iitelll,rat ^lic "i -et di*linttly i.oniud?for the Meieury can hardly con ceive it a reproach t > u*, that we have in>t been the habitual l^uder?of even Mr II ? vnc, a acter wiiieh we liv no meant rovet. We frankly avow that we should regret Hit- occurrence of any cuuac of colliaiiHi bc Itwecn and lite Mercury, nud tlinl wc J will it, us far ?h may be. We trust w? nay calculate on a corresponding tcni i l'l'r Tlic KJi'.or of Courier" bavinx exliaii>|i-d nl! epithet! n| nIiut U|ion the Hou'h, Iihi tt< lrii?>U, in III* paper nl ihp Olli mil. derlar r I IIinI they arr a? lia.l n? thl people nf M.i??a* riiu their mod, |?. 1* tli* JUiitor'i Parting Nurlli, or hated South, mo?t t.y tln? ?lnojc aliute f ,Mi Duindieu, ?* ndvi-rtivment i< (mind in In ilny'? j. 'jht lint heen liivnraily ?pok not in tni.?t i/| ilir toullicm paper* flu1 (li-orgi* ('??urn-i ' mi\ ?, "Mr. I ?i? oilii-ti. who hn? lurn enlrrttinln* tlw public (or ii'Vi-m nMiu ilurliit; t lie In si wck i" tin* Tii-'Mr* . ii certainly mil' <>t motl dc*ti run* and. m.-riiiou* |>?r1..rmrf? in llir rountiy linlr. 11? mlem of tin* i ?tiitiitii>n? ol men* de*|.*rily, ninth ere hIiii?i?1 incredible, iip|.Un>ii, which l:e r-ill' , ihc Turk lib ,W>i(iri?iii ?? well worth* "I ?? intf |Mrlii bijily il?irii>?d III* )? not more Hum two Hllll M llNIf flTt ill Infill *11141 I* ll.tlid?>*i fit iIm*?|I d in Turkiuli riidtumc I If ??<.uld m*? ii I* lie ? rm* ii'm of Mil l*cP? eetetMnled Chtu plni/ir, lor ???* m |>d nl inmi* tfi'tfl MnViAt. |?rInnple, w liirli i* Hi uiorulHlili* b\ tin- nudii nc>. ?v hi* ckhihi'i.inii ot i?lfl'l)[i*m,? ?rr wonderful II" nod* hmciiI iiikI ?? nk*i Iin In ."I lor d)*"*nt. 1 ?aiiiie? the a idiem-.e Willi three ?.dutaliuii* to tin right, eentre ? ml left. Mini th> Indies in piirlH'ulnr h* n v?ry i;.llnnt Ihi? mid waving nf the left hand ||i? ?ixlit ii occupied with a nnall ?tn*k, witli minih Ii* ilfilci ? Well, to ?uni ii|> any ijuetlion of eun mi ration a*keil linn l?jf I In* atlilienee ||?* it (he ihar|?e?i>t looking little fallow we ivrr beheld I iIn kf^ii eye ma to look into your lummt t thnughth*. a? th ?e who havr witne-ted hit ?*xhi I Inlin >i are convinced h? ?m!? winch ?hall turn up on the die* Im fWe tin y *r>- thrown, wuh a thnu???i| oth er thin;* i 'fiinlly |i|entinz woud?rful Thof* who hav? not Wifiu ?*eil thi? plvfiong and genie*! exhihitiuu wilt have the opportu ily ol (bring wi to-night Ii will afford a delightful reaplle from the tui1.! of the day. him! tie patronifin( a worthy man.for Mr Uumilieu,tnn?l Speech at (Me** admnAithe* ut thai Me have enter*?l Tn(i> m iirw dyna*ty. Kviry ihiny ilioiil it la abort, ftilek^ and ?ur|vri?lns. it arrived hire la o?|r day* from Washington. IIU formed to *0 reapetfa rn . n entirely Maw wudH Instead ai covering il MpM ihMl with words diffusely spread, merely for thepavpoaaol display andafltct which nil UJtocoas ibwii In U?a faroa t?4 IHa, to not tbu least, Kto i|w?rb to truly ot tl* aaniantiooi atyla, and With two or thraa triaiag asarptioaa to rapreseed to a pore taato. It h. however, Jaafcso* niaa, and beara mar*s of vigorous, chasie, aad comprehensive powm of intellect,rplbar titan ot iba skill of tha uaofriy practised aniat ia oomj>os? lion It lotkoataa o safe* ol reform to toaijtagu pithy aad striking,aad is to todnad comperaUvMiy nullum to parro This U all vary well; but on Popa woold say. bayoad Isconlcirm. On tha suhtocl of imposts I auouot understand him Neither cm I on tha select of internal imitrovrmtntt. From Ilia maunar to wbtoh bn iwiilhr ?rlNllnnoi proper objects ol toMoata to connriion ullk o n'eie to H would aaaoi that his MDilatnli are const Hut Umally aooud* l.ut when he speaks of th* admissible elcanttons to tbe rule of equity, lie sp* aka ambiguously and KPnii to recognian rrery i?oduct?on aa such " that may be found warniml to our natiot>|e independence '* Very tree hat what are these/ Eastern manufacturers, with Mr t-'lsy il their head, will tall you every manufactured article commuted in lhl< cnun'ry, let It Ihj msnufartuit-d here at whai cnrivnMt of cott, or at whit aver ?JicriCtT il may. it eurnlial to oar national Inda pend. ijph Dm wr would mk, what it tha con stitutional iuli * A*aln On l ho ttilijfrl of internal improvements J the I'nsidem think* them highly important ?* ao : fur ? ? tbev chii promoted :*ilno. or for iiny l>ur|Hit<*. Hi? |x-rlin|?? thit mm not thr projKT lim? f >r him lo romr ?ul Aril it, hrtMndt un plrdcrd. nnlinminallod, nnil Irre to nrl l<>r pood, o' lor rvil And " why nol rnmfori ourtrlvrt wi'l< iln? hoite of wlint inny !??, ?t lorment our | ?elvrt with Ilia l??r on't " i Amonj^t the h jb hamled proreetimp of the late Atlrninislratioii, nol tlia leatt rontpicuoat it thr rqui|>uieul u( ? vcnol (or an cX|>l<>r.D|: esp* (litiou to tha South Sno no HUlhorily hut that of a resolution of the house of repretmta' lives The affair hat l. lely fouin up iH'fore the Sauale, when a commitlaa with Mr iiaynt at the html of it, htt made a detailed and luminous re port hgHinst the project, in which the senate hat concurred hy a vote of '27 to 13 Thi> firm ao Depart- , mini lt..> ur<"**-?int hi prcpnring and or- 1 gantging the cxjjidith-n. The Secretary of the Navy refer* to a resolution ot tht IfoUkc ot Representatives of the 21st May, 1828,and relies upon it mh " t he crnnin iiul to he obeyed" and "the authority t-? justify the expend! tun* of the mom*)" fc.. ttefore tins resolu tion was adopted * iz on tht- 25th March, 1828, a lull had been reported by the Na v;d Committee ?f the House of Uepiemula tive*, authorising the President to prepare a d *cnd ui iu exploring cxpcd.tion, and appropriating ^50,000 tor that object This bill, for some cause unknown to your Com mittee, not having been acted on hv the House, the resolution above mentioned was proposed, and adopted, a day or two only be fore the close of the H?*?sin till lc?rifc'alive will, much less that It could justifv the use of the public money for carrying It intoeffcct. The 7th section ?>f the 1st art. of the Con stitution is perfectly explicit on tins sufijcj t and requites the same sanctions toevciy] "order, resoluti'ai.or vote" <>t the t*o Hou se*, which are requisite to give validity to the most imp >n?nt I iws. In both cases they must be agreed toby the Senate, and I! use of Kcprt-sviitativev be presented to tin* President of tin: United States, and be approved of by him, before they can take chect. The onty known exception to this rub*, is in f ivor of ordein or resolutions which concern the seprrate action of each House, and which, like the rules of its own proceed ing, tlo not require the sanction . / i?%e other. But, when, as in the ease before us, the question waa one in\o|ving dclic.ite and In tere ting consideration ol national policy, re quiring large expenditures of money, it is too ot>\ ious to admit of argument, rir to need illustration, that such a lesohition could have have no binding force or efluacy whatever. The Committee will not enlarge on the im ' nortance of pr?*crv?>g to each branch ?-f the ; National Legislature, as well us to the Kx . ecutive, all the powers confii red l>y the Con ? stitution, in order to enable them to serve as checks upon < ach other. They know of no I practice that would be more mischcvioua in Its effects than that either branch of Con gress should be induced to avoid t hi delay ami difficulty of pausing Imws on impMtant subjects by substituting the resolution* of one House} a practice that would become extremely dangerous, if such resolutions should fver come to be considered, ?>s affor ding a to Kxectitlve Officer*, to ap ply the public moncv to the purpmicsdesign .ited h) such resolution*. 'J he I.omit tec deem it un-ieccKsary, on the pesent ocra sioo, to do more than merely In bring this subject to the notice of the Semite. I'he> have no reason todn?M, thai in ndoptitig the resolution of the House of Ucprurauiatiwa, Fa roUftoo io AO explotfhg expedition, as eLh authority for hi* ecu, the Secretary of the Navy believed hinrtelftobe folly JttMlfted by Ike revolution itself, mmI that he wet stun ted by en ardent deeire to promote en enter prise, whkb he sup|>osed would be condu cive to the welfare end honor of the country. ; And the Committee are well satisfied that t this expression of * different opiniun on their part, calling the ?Urntion of Congress end of the Departments to this sabjcct will be sufficient to prevent the recurrence oi any similar transaction." Washikotow, March 4, 183$. INAUtiUKAL ADDHKSS Delivered by General Andrew Jackin, 09 **>'g **orn into tfflce, at President of (he United State*, on the 4th of Marth, 1*29. Fellow Citisena?About to undertake the arduous duties that I have been apnoin ted to t>ei*>rm,jby the choice of a free pen pie. 1 avail myself of this customary andso Itmn occasion, to exprm jhu gratitude w Inch their confidence inspires, and to ao k now ledge the accountability which my ait* nation enjoins. While the magnitude of, their interests convinces me that no thai can be adequate to the honor they have c ferred, it admonishes me fth*t the beat reti 1 can make, is the s calottt dedication of j humble abilities to their service an* good* As the instrument of the federal. tion, it will devolve on me,for a slat , od, to cxreute the laws of the Unite* to superintend their foreign and W. federate relations j to manage theiP^iT* to command their forces ; and, ly k ^ nicationsto the legislature, toZ, "a,J* and promote their intcreMs gciK1 7* .fvlr (the principles of action by wlsj^ 1 dcavor to accomplish this iir/"f, , ' ' is now proper for me briefly ? In administering the law/J."?"^*"' J shall keep steadily in view/* well as the extent of thc**Futi J? trusting thereb) to disch^^ u my office, without tranf " t). With foreign natijr ' . 5 H** ukw? I to i:r*??'? v|??--'jyttiltivate: friemWhlp, . ?>oSmr Knd honorn'tlfkrins ; and in the nd jiiMinent ot any diffeAnces that may exist or arse, to exhibit the frbearancv becoming a no \erful nut ion rath* than the sensibility belonging to a gallant teoplc. In ktich measures as I may be called on to pur-iuc in regard to the t'ghts of the vepn rate States, 1 hope to lie miniated by a pro ? pei t espcct for those sovereign members of our Union ; taking care not to confound the power* they have reserved to themselves, with those they have granted to the confed eracy. les* con The manage ment of the public revenue? that tearchtng operation in nil government# ?is among tliv'most delicate himI Important trust* in ours; ntal it will, of course, demand no in* onsiderahle share of my official ?olicl? tude Under every nspect in which it can he considered, it would appear thatad van tage mutt result from the observance of a utrict and faithful economy. This 1 shall him at the more anxiousl), both because It will facilitate the extinguishment of the na tional del?t?the unnecessary duration of which, it incompatible with real indepen denee?nml because it mill counteract that tendency to public and private proflipaiy, which a prnhite expenditure of money by the government, i? but too apt to engtndt-r..* Pou-v^f.ti u.iNiliuries to the stukunent rf this desirable end, arc lobe found in subjtvtspf impost, with a view to revenue, it would seem to me that the spirit of rqoity, caution, and . o.nprotnise, in which the Con.* ktitution wut formed, requires that the great inu re-ts-'f agriculture,c* mmercc and mantv* fai lures mould tie equally favored} and that, perhaps, the only exception to this rule, should consist in theneculiar encouragement of any products of either of them, that may bc found essential to our national indepen dence. Internal improvement, and the diffusion of knowledge, so far as they cun be prnmot cd by the constitutional acts of the federut government, areot high importance. Considering standing armies us dangerous to free governments in time of peace, 1 shall not seek to enlarge t*ut present estab lishment, nor disregard that salutary lesson of |Killtical experience which teacnes that the military sh< uld be held subordinate to the ci? il power. The gradual increase of ? oirnuxy, whose flag hu? displayed in dis tant climes, our skill in navigation, and our fame inartosithe preservation of our "foils, i arsenals, awl dnckynrdst and the introduc tion of progressive improvements in the dis cipline and science of bo?h brunches ot our military *ervice, are so plainly preserilied by prudence, that I should be excustd for omitting their mention, sooner than for en larging on theit impoitnnce. Hut the liul waik of our defence is the national militia which, in the nreaent state ?f our intelli gence and population, must render us invin cible. As long as our (tovernnu-nt is admin istered fur the gned of the people, and is regulated by their will\ as long as it secures toustbe rightsoi p*r?oa sod proper iy, liberty of coatrienc*, soil of the pre??. it will U worth de Iro-lingi and so long ss ituwnrih defending, a imiru>f?c siib'.is will rover it with an impenetra ble *ni% Partial inju'Kt and occasional roor'ift tilitHH we amy ?>* tubjccied to.but ? millioa of sr mid freemen porte* red of ih? smoi ofs>a*csn never l>e cornered by ? foreign foe T? any ju?t ?y?tem.iherelore,esieul?t*d lo ttrsngthen th? bi> lural aafeguaol oi the < onatry, I shall t-he^rluHy lend all the aid in my power Il will In my tiacere and roattan* desire, to nil - ?e^ve toward* the Indian tribes Within oar limit*, a Just and liberal polieyi and to give that bumano | and eaNsnlerate attention to their rights and their | waata, which are coasnteat with tha haMte ot our government, and the feelinga of ear people. The reeeat demnnttraUoa of public. rent i man t inscribe*, on the list of exeounva dutis*, in elwr. aater* to., legible to he overlooked, the (ask of ra? form; which will require, nartieularty, the correc tion of I bote a bate? that have bratighl the pat run age of the federal gov?meat into conflict with il