COLUMBIA ^ H \t m\ni:p.\ctoht. fFm?T Uaisi lioiik iikovtM lUuif.. ffllE tobacribar beg?k?v? to lufoim lite Irltmb X Mil lb?> public la N*aaral, lit I ba lm corn mencad (be MA^UFACrUHlNO OK H*18 la all its various branches, he hu neither apared paint nor i-iikiim to ublaln Aral nli materials and worka?ii and hopes to mailt a liberal abara of nuulic |Mlroaa(t>; he alio bo|*i thai all who ere interested la tba encouragement uf tout horn manufactories, will call a|>oo blm aad eaamiae bit (lata previous to (hair purchasing tlaewher*, aa tba argument, it often urged lu trying timaa of ktuplng money la the country b? eapceta they will b? Ukily unditrttooJ aad apreeiatid by tha puHie in general; b" ialandt keening an elegant aud cttouiiv* a? ?rtmcnt of gentlemen* Black and Drab flats; Consisting ot ail Hie ditlereiit finalities arid shapes, toK-HUrr with youth* aodcbiidiem Matt and also Military I lata tor all grades ot officer*, all of which wilt be disposed ol at wholesale or retail lor cash, u? low nt thev can be purchased in Chaaiuslon, aii.I warranted superior to Hats brought froui the u? low n I bay can be purchased in Chaalutlon, nuJ warranted superior to llats brought from the Nor to, persons residing in the country wishing h*ta uf toy particular quality or rathion,cnii he hi: com mtlitu.i in ttin tho tetl notice hv foru nrdiii? the i iie ol the bead and the beii(hth ?l the Crow o. N ti All hat? purchased of the tutucribo will he dratted gratis. Cath paiJ for all kinds of Halt* rt fur O ilUCUTH\9*r.R. December 23 (d tf NOTIUU.?- Absconded in the month ol July last.u negro girl named MARY. Shots hIniuI years of age, till ami ileuder. aud ol yellow vonplection. Any |Mrrtou securing mid rlavt, aud delivering her to inn at my rexdenee iu Co iumbia, will recetra a reward often dollar*. BAR At I C. IIAM.. Cot.imh a, Jan 2, 10/0 I tf LA A NOi'K K. The sohacilhcrs would io> .urn. I*te puhiio that they have formed u rot ims on jn tbn .iiai lic.) ?f I.AW. for S,utr(nn l'uri?h ditlrict. II il Tho.njison ni.iy lie'con sulted it .Hpartanhiir/b Couit House, nod T Wii liams.jr at Yorkvilhr lludin-ts inti'istod to our rare will meet with (he n q iiotc ntteulion, and ilie favour dulv acknowledged. T. WIM.I AM8, jr. II. II THOMSON. I.lliiinrv Oil IUOO ?? rt. f Alt) tAll.OllS. About the i.'1-l Au: in the trout ro.v of Ik r upper t-eth. Site lived n'.out?L'oluui Inn mid was void y A. or rtntidy Prehear 10 Jul n of thl? district, In February ln?t Sli# luuu do* it look Hml is inmli whip uuirk>d. IhId. um ti<>, -I if * Girnrdin & Lepion. INi'OnM Hit' Inhabitants of Columbia and it* vicinity, IbM ttinv have undertaken all kiud? and Di?cripilons ot Painting. Such a* llouw and Ui^n painttn;, Masonic Apron*, Piags if ,AI?o Jimng n?, Caning, Mm And Oil Uildiug, irfevery dWcnption. Glazing. Cornices, tic" nnd re|>.ired a* new. Abb Carriages palnlid and ornamented Will be thankful lor uii orders in tlin above llnu of bu?in?N ibiidmicn, opposite to M.nis Wuljace U .Mel-it's store. v* I'uluMliii, Ffb. <1, !&>" A pi .N B. Orders tiom th# Country nttonjed lo. In, Chancery, , fit ate South Carolina, Abbeville /iltfrUt .1 niit.'s I.oina? aud Lut.y Ins wile, 14^ , Rosa M", NuntV Morrisund Joseph Adainv, i, HILL FOR PAHTITION AND DIVISION I 1 appearing to m> satisfaction ili*it J.?k.* Annuls, JL ??!??? of tin* del hdeitt* in the ao?v?. case reside* from and without the limits ol tlie Mate?It i? tboretore ortie rd, that lie do ap|ear ami plead, nu weror d. mar lo the Mb wilfiin tlien month* from tfais puMicati ?n, or an order pro cotifatto, will t?i? entered ?iC'?in-t hint DAVID LK9LKY. C ?. \. D. N ivembtr M liliH -HI ti Charlet (iotrf man, i va. > Attachment. Char let D. /for rod. J rJ'he State of South I arolina, Abbeville JJhtrict. Lewi? Lomuxt ) va. ? Attachment. Jote/ih Potter, j WIIMli; t i the pi .iutifT did on the rifilitb day of lhHinstant,lllf bisdi-elarationintbis na*i> < gainst I lie defendant m-Iio is nbMjni from and \vitloiut the limits of till* date, and ba^nerfltrr m iff or attorney known wiibin tbr twos, on whom a copy of the declaration willi a ruin to plead can lis ?ervrd It Isthrreforf. ordered, that the said Jo ?eph Foster, tbe absent debtor, do apjiear and Iilead lo thltaetion wiliiln a year unit n dny from be date hereof or judiosant will he entered njcebist blm by defnult JAfl W \H1?I. \W, C. P. Clerk's Office, May l?, IB??< U2 leSinly ?fX-m.. 0^n 1 c?minw, p|en HHiubnk (trnhaIIJ AttacmmKWX. 91?HE plaintiff bi?vin< filed bis deeleratlon on I the fTlh day of March last, and the de? Pedant keelne no attorn-7 known In thl? dilate Qfi*r*4t that if itoteid defendant .hall not ap|tear and make her defenee within e veer and a day from tbe date of ftlln* tbe de?sie?etl*ft ?* aforesaid,! the Jed? ?Met will be Iir?l Theological,?nech on tbo present tlate of th? law, Irving'* Columbaa, Foreign Quarterly Itcvle w, No. 6, 'WnitaV IWaiiaweeneee. Garden's Anvcdotci, Vud I'-rlci, Sketchei ol l'er?ia, CouiImm Out, bv Mitt Porter, Sa*e W?imar'? Travelt In lh? U 8. They have on hand tha following annual* for 18*21*. ?Ackerman't Forget ma Not, (London,) TM? Winter's Wreath, do Frbiiid?liip*? Offering, do. The A-uuIrt, do. Tin- Corislmat Bi?*, do. Tin Atl*utic Souvenir, (Philadelphia,) Th?- Thlltinan, (N"w Ymk,) -Toe liiknn, (Btnuin,, The Mirror, do. I ale? Iroru Souvenir'*, A I*m M'lti <>f Kn^raving't from the Atlantic S uivnir, ?e|i?r?l?i J?iiimr\ ?4, 4 If Periodical Literature. 'BHIK iu!>?crltwi? rrc.aive tuh?tnplioii? for Ibi I. follov\ in^ .loornnlt. The Southern Ki'view, 111 appear lit Feb Kifi.iburg Nov if w, tVi'iluiiii^liir lie view, Foreign Wiarturly IterSew, which lie^an Jot) I.ill, ftetroi|M.rtive Itevb'W, Norll> \n?.'iirHii Review, (of which they have coinpli le fell*,) '.m'-ilim-Quarterly Review, ?lo. do. Aineiuhu Kcviuw ol Medical Science, new ie? Ifi'U. i:. U'.fc A 8 JOHNSTON. Jan. II 2 If Looking Glasses & Siicil Combs. V.N A-? Miui?iit ?,| Tuilei Glaix t, l,tt, 8,4, and A thaler*, vnri maty mounted, mnir of which nre very haiii'Uuin* A Imiri- kupply of the flneM tin II cuuibk. Jj?t rcceivi d and loriale low lor cii?Ii, by F. W u \ S JOHNSON Ht.viO VAL. James Jloru if Co. HAVK r.-iuivml tn lliti l.ticly ocnupicd liy Mr. K i'fck, h !??*% door* In-lo* tncii fornu-i tlnitil in Mt%?iiiic IIhII. ThiV liavr Ju?| ? cc? i\? I iiunirnilti' inoilineni oftlfal* mid II \T3,?'iil*lilel4ii (lie jiff???*?! mid n(.|.r>?Hi:li Ins ?r r< ?. ('?ilntitMii. Anrl' It. t#2U 15 If T House ami L.ol for UK8ii!iir,rilii*r'?l-'irjrmi'1 coin hum-.i?u* dwid _ lin? ll*'U?F>. foruirrlyon?pi?-dj?y Colonel PrlJ.?, ?ituat?,d In one of tn?' liij(lj?si md it o?t |il?*n ?ul>? ih Iter.011 Crane creek. JAMKS l>0L'GLA5fc Sen U ttmltrr 2. AO tl Blankets. Plains, Negro Ihoes.Jkc HutucrilwM offer fof>aln IimvAI ret It and t Rinrrnl n??oii'iiriil of mnomibw ? Dry (Jobdt, Ham, fiailrftrri/, HuriLvure, and Crockrry. % Aim. a conij'lt Ic rupply of liruceHea, uuioiif; which arc llic lid'mvin*. vr?i llrow ii, Loaf, l.utnp mill Mav. Sugar*, Wlitou and Clr?'?n ColT K\ari<>u tpiaiillm, lioli< 'oc nnd St JhIIaii Clartt, _ Tew-rifTe, iMn-rry mi J Malaga, Diipty ? llmnrty. IBIt>, II'?Hand IS in Mi d Jam Uinii, Cordi.tli, I'rrirrr^i, Bwret OH, fen. WALI.ACK L M'FIR Colnm'iia, 12. f>"0. 03 11 LOST, \N0TF. of hand dra r.lim Wilvm. lot' ly ??teii| o il l.y Mr. I) W Him*, and |>o?*ef*)on given on the l?l day of J.nnriy nett. JAS IMYIB Columbia, f)cr 2fl, IWII I if Mary Ann IJecket, WITH mu? Ii pleamrt-tniiouix r? to her friend* m Ilia country, and the l.mlie* of Colum bia, thai alia ha* runini*?:?l Ilia Mll.MNAIlV and MANTUA M AKIN'U l>u?infti m *11 ill vtri nu**, ?( ilia < ommara al llolal. Hh? ha* *n^Kifl Mr*. I'orter from Xfir York whoM ahitilia* iu (h? Millmary and Fanny Uraw Making l>o?in#p'* ara wall known h#r#. Mr*. Portar ha* hr??o(hl from Naw York llw lala?t fathion* of th?t Cpring Academy. PimiS Institution will w continued l?>i lha en X suing year under the direction of Mr ISAAC II. SMITH I a graduate of South Carolina College. The course of study will be such at to qualify student* for admission Into tbe Junior Class 80. Ca. College Tbe Principal will accommodate a limited num ber of students in liis own family al 1 |?nl>llrt generally, that lie lias opened a MOU9K OF KN1FRTAINMFNT for TrnviHtr?and Uonrdm on tb? M*< alt tiin>a be in p'enly. Tim latest news fr??m I. u rope li trcirril al crerv arrival. tin rurreni prici-s from New York weekly, besides iliflvrent dall\ |>mii-ts l> IIKCKF.T. N-v-m vr ?l. tftCfl. 17 -f l^Tdlt'lti i.ilK. > llfcl'lhH. I'tmtiuti XI ifN? I.MI Ait. I. Thr !)? time of I'yi irt, I.oid Hj n?n uinl I.m ('nntem|>ornri ??; w ith Iteeollt 1 ?>| the AntliorS I.ile, mid of hit Ik Italy. lit I.i i&h ll'iiit. II. Scandinavian Mythology, Poetry, and I] 1? lory. 1. KdJ.t Srvnund 0 hlni LI >>ia; Fd lb in III 2 Sv? ? i( k*riphy of h German t'ail?oiuiri?t. Joiiamies Wit, uiiinnii Von lloirlng? FiH^ircnte au? ineinein l.ebm und m? im*r Z it John Wit, alia? Vf in* Life and Time V Pant's Geography and tii'.tory of tha Wes tern Hales A joitilciimd Uuonr^pliv and History of the Wejtem Males, hi the '.Mi.-unippi Valley lly Tiinyages of Ctrl, t .uiier Coluralms My Washington Irving VII ThV l.pMU lo Ilia ll?ibie\?s. , . A Commentary on I'm Epiitle to tue lie tircws. Uy Moses S unit. VIII llaytl. I Tbe Piescnt State of llayll, with lie m.irk* 011 it* Agriculture, Commerce, l.aivi H?liK>. j ilo(lhe ll.iard 01 l.tiKlni" it .. tin- ItoHidoj Director*, of the Ualtimorc an Ohi< It-nl lids.) Coni|Miiy. X llti-ien's lliitoriral Wmkl 1 llislwrf est the States iif Aollqnity, (. Heart 11 2 lllMory Ot the polilirat Ky?tein of F ro|>#. rtts-: it? (,nln?lM,from llir lVisriivry di>|M*ndeiirr of the Amen een Continent, From (bt Herman of AH* * I. tleeren XI ftliion llotivaf. Ilistoria de la Revnliirlnn dc In R'-pnMio do I'olir.vhia. For Jo?e Mxnuel lle?lii-|M> XII Ha*e-Weimar's Travi l*. it? ise seiio-r ll'dieil de? Herffog* llernlin' en S10 ii?( o W? inter Kio Isttinmcli N-trVi \itieiira,iluriof tb< Veo? N.'fi mid Ifl^rt ll\ II * llichiie**, liem hap.. Uuke ?l flak "Weimar Fisemu h. For *nl?? hy , F. W L A. 3. tOHN TON Cetu^hin. Ftb rt |H.'9 rt If SYCAMOHMi* OVK I I MAU; SKMIN AllY mut ItOAKIMMJ S< IIOUI., on h l?rMiu.|? oj InilUn rif-fc in biirrni iliMflrl, l> C undor the tnjir rinti ntti'iici' (H Mimm IJornlliyT nnd Itnbftlo M V .nnr- I""' fttfnin rrnwnrd ii> r?pr<:it? ? willi tin* ln?omlil* |>m?|v4-ri nl j.i-Mir (introiing* 'l'licrr hii| U< it |>?lilir r?nminH(i?iP nl ik? |m|4l? on th# y&in n| Jiiw,*l ?iiicii :iuiv nil m ln> nrr inlrrfilfd, nrr mllriird In (Hriiil nn?1 fur lliritiMrlvet. I'rrun "I Tuition urn! liimriliD^, will n? fnj ItiMri, l? irll. No ?clio|nr will lw ndmitt*d for n Iro tiun lli n quired in advance All nr mmx** inutl p?liJ when lli? |>U|ilU Unvn I be mImhI. ItATRft OF TUITION. S|m*IIIiir, RomlinF, Wiitini. !>? InMnr of \Vo?d?, mid Aiithmi'tir liy Hie i|i f il fiO or V? |i?-r *nn Tim nbovn witb Kngluli Mimnn>ar. I nrrinMiitioM, ?n'l Ifwtury, 4 l?r qr or IS* iwnon. T?w nlmv* wbb ftoafrnpby, lb* u#? of th- Olol*#, I'liiloiophy nnd AMrononly t> or qror 17 fruiin The nlmvn with Drawing, fxiill?ir on fw|wr. Vel vrt nnd flntln, Plain nnd Oinninrntnl Nrrdh Work. Rmbroldaiy and Fanay Wnffc, ' \ ? |?r <|r or M pf anft. nnd th# of Piano, H j?c qr or III i* nnn Hoard and Wn?MWL I* So ?* or 01 64 pr ana. JOHN la lndi*f?eu?)bla in laajinfc (In fain delion of n food Educatloa, every atudeut. Ui the early conrae of liiaalndy will beretflkcd fob* mntlrrof ihrm. ? 4 ClamwU Dtftartnenl. embracing Ike Latin and Greek, French, Spanish, and Italian lanrua gee. Tltn Latin and Greek, will be taught Ihor ougbly and grametleelly. The student may jto ?renin tbem in any dc*irab*e eaten!, lint ne mni'b ' lime la often nnproBiably ?|?ent In the atndy of ' tbese language*, lie will be required In |?ay no , mot* attention to tbem, than Milt* Ibe design ol lit* education ? f*? UtlUt l*Um Dtpar/mtnl, compiling Composition. tbe 1'rlncljiles ol Taile and C'rlli cl?n?t fllietonc. and lllstury .1 Haun ifie Dt/*rtmti f, continuing the higher blanches u| Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry, Tiijcouometry, Topogtaphy, glmtsuring height* and distance*, Surveying, Navigation, Civil Kn gim-ering, Natural Thllomphy, Natural History, and Hie allocation ol Math<-0iatlc* to Architec ture, and to the pilnclples of Mtclianlea. jt Commtrctal IMporlmtnl, embracing Book keeping t y ninglt and double entry, the lorini ol : cmumerhrat*iiig the |.riiiCiplek mid prni.tirr ol the MilitHry Aeh ute, tiyitiiiiiklii?, nail nil that rchttci to health nnd I'l joii ul I'.dutmion All ! the ?iulguei| for College, w ill lie pteparcdt enter any of thee knar*. Those who wuh to complete tlitir edochtion at tlii* In I stlliillon, will receive a courMt of inttrocliou truly liberal, and adapted lo their intended purauiU in life. 'J hey may put r.oe the lull toi:r*e, rnibraccd in alt I ho OeiMirlmciiU, or toeh part* of it only a* ?re ap|?litahfn to the detign* ol their education ue, lor the illo |rmi o, mi j jrortunl en I'hralion of ti c niailit innth al mid phyxeal *eien< ite?r will he procured, a* the circumstance* oltlie ?di'iol require. , The tiuitenlo>9\ill l e divldnlinto sections of /tr?/re,iind tbn whole iiHttilitr limited lo one hun ,'ired. A teacher w ill U astigned to inch sectinu, .iid with his section, will occupy a teperiit* huit ling conitiiicfrd for titelt stutiy aud doiniilory. :ie will nsaoeiaie with tbem,both in their sfudie* ? oil anwtvemeiit^. i.ud will nt all time* have a*u> 'rvixion over-very pari ol their corulnct ilia Koveinmenl will lie pnrivlnl, kind and iral, hut Jim, and addreced lo tin good 4 will l?e in single bed*, and on maltrntse*, an<| :.e whole ?y*tam of re/wen >mh,a*wlll be motl ?ndueive to Iheir heal; A and eomlorl. 'fiie. most |ierfK-h lieliit*, the teachers will ditecl unrewilted Ifrts Tlir rxnrah of llic youth ?ill lie pmritrd l?y tliclr uiiivmI iron) temptation lo i ice, and l*y ilie pa> r.iilnl government, eu.ltaiilly tiriciitd ?iver <*????. * Their ArnfrA will l?e |>rr*f i xtii by the talMbrity ofllie filUMlion, !>y il? ntnnfct eletmliwfr* In Iheir ?oonii Mii Konir fihyurnl itittiplint In gymnaalb* mid uiillla iy etereite, which will cultivate a innnly depi t inenl, niv? itlrehKilinndcnciKy In I he constitution *nd iriloin the 'chulei to lii< itttiliri wilb rMi?w ? d rttlkii and vi*or. - ' Their MANNer* will be cultivated by the family nnier, llml will lie fciven to tlif whole internal ? v?n?*t (Hot aoatee, einjtfe breasted, and ilending eolet,*l* or eight yellow ea*li but tone, on ??!*? bread; three under eecb no< Ui lap, ai^l fr?or at the ?nal i'Inm o* tb?. *fclrt*. 'fie collar, brra-t*. cd A, and pock el flap*, trimmed with Mnrk braid, in crow foot farm Blue ve? Willi y. Mow button*-, blue |ianln|oon* In wlntci, and while in somm*r Bleak leather stork, or ilk bar dkrtcblaf The el*tbief of ??ch Modern1 boat.! bo marked with bh name. ?f Ur l>en?, end ?vt?y tockknt to hla and clod (?? >tert?V ietf]*** In e* " atlbo ColiunMe i Bookaof lb* lw?t adkioni/tadofaU liiMi nard UiJImi Hilionl, a?d #t58K5ry, will be fnralabed at L*lterM>n tk* tnljtcl o^llir Rliool addrme Col J O Brown, Free. of tbe Bank,) lion. J S llnv.S. ?. I?.?viP, > lion John B O'JVrell. Judg* of the eircall courts Rev Ur. Adam* Pre* Cbarleatoa Callage. I'roleMor J. Dlckton, of l'rolr??oi 8 II DkkMii.ofS. C. Medical do.. I ;< v Dr IMtmr, IU*v. I)r M'Dowt II, T ? ordvE q. ?' :V<*> Hon Tho*. B.Grltnke, W 8. Smith, ftUq. ?N. A. Dewtaatire, Cm. Charleston. 'liMiti|??IO(J below, vhk 'I lit 16th. C?l HunOf ll< glm*nt; lb* 17th,Col. CagJellV, Y**dou'? in tilU ry,unit CobcaV cavalry, near t hatlcrtou, on Wedneiday, lb* 4tb, March next. . ? ,, ^ ? ' ' L:>fr,f The 18th, Col. Walter'* Regiment,tfFolriprinj on Potunlay, lit* 7lh. March. The 13th, Col Kirr't Regiment, al Waltcrbo roach,on ? uetriry the lOjh. 'i'li* 19th, Col. Jar oh V Regiment, at Cooea wlilti'liir on Frnley ,th? 13th The 43rd, Col. J?re* llir?'? liti;imcnt,al Beeu furl hrid|f?, Tuerdny the 17th. 'Ihe I tth. Col. CooperVnt Aibley'* on Than dny (lie 10i fi 'I ha 15th, Cot. Arthnr'r, at Williamtotfi oo Saturday th* 21*1 ' .ff V Maj. raaKlunnnV iquadron of Cavalry atJoooV l*idge, Monday the v;H The 14th, Col Ix-hre'e Regiment, at BncllV|Otf Wedncrday the 86th March. The regiment* ami cot pe attached to litem, mid l>c fornird lot review at If olclock, Meridian, p?> cittly. Th* commanding Hiker of the divkioo, ihf ? nkert rommandipg brigade*, and the itaff at> tar lied to (achioo.nmiid, mill attend withm their it?|mti*r commanUr,fully equipped. TheruhiW' ry and art ilir ry fcxcept thee* a treaty nam ?? ) v ill luio out with thoe* regiment* of iufantt) within whore tlmitMhey are retpoclivdy riiuaird.Courts Martial will be ordeitd on nil d? Unqnent* 1 he Militia mi tliV liUudr ol \\ erimalaw, 00* i?to end Si John, Ft Jamrt, Hilton lletd ami fit. Iltlcnr. am txemed frem attending the reviews to whlrlt they are eltarhed. The officer* on the General Staff, who reelds in or near Charleston, ere*ap*Hcd toatund th* CuummiKler in Chief, on th* review at that pine*. Uy ??rUi r of the Ci n.mnbtter in Ch ef. J. H. EARLE, jdj. 4 hu Ohu THE Deputy Adjutant General pt Ihe**c*a4 division iv ordered lo ol tain, in ov*ry iaetabcc, correct return* ol the vegimentf,of their rtrMfth, arm*, and accoutrimenu, with duplicate*, news* utile to th* prescribed form*.heretofore furnikliedf nnil to make n complete diviilcn return to Ihw Chief of thi* department. The Adjutant and Intpcctor General jiot baring received from hi* lieputie*. except ?>f ih* 4th ?li vitiou^ach return* a* were required by th* lo*t or* der* fatended in them, direct*, that they do fincttH with pretwre *ud trantnit b* mail to th* Adja? tant ami Impector Grneraft oflke, at fiilvar (ila'le, lVmllt'ton dktrict, each relume ee ho** lieen heretofore requited) and tbatllfey not* on nn h ictuni* the number, and numericalctrength of each rrgimrnt. with aootrect n port of the di vision and brigade etaff. J. D. FAULK Adjutant k Intpcthr (Itnrral. Dee. 99th. "? ?,*|F 8500 REWARD. AftOl'T lite lint of Dccifnber wit. my man Ed tnariil, al?*nll at 1M1 place. KdnurndkuflHrtdaibAWeaneoloor, atHMrt 5 fret S InrliM liifb. and nbotit tfft year* old, and j will readily I* lifemiHrdby the rirrtimrtencw thai i llm left Ia* tan Hllte aliotlar than Ilia rl#ht, *TliCftr'iNit?t m jiarlii nfarly (evirated to lbl? ndvarliwment. m eirrnm?tanr If ?acli aluiiild |?n?v?i in In*. Ib? farl, a reward of 5W? will I* |?id,ott pi.' ? < miii (fair-offender to <'?>n?ielkin. DAVID JOHNSON. , Colambta*. C J*n 30 l*2V. r. :it. N. 0 ~Th?- rditor of ibr ll'ttltm m, BaUlmry, N C b m|Holfd loulratbliadrrditi - n?? m a |xiMlra?ioti?, and for* aril bit bill lo llate oBw for |my?K-nt Clicraw Academy. AH (V AmMmi T. taker I* wantc?? in ibh ImlHi* lion. Ila will ha required 10 imuratt la needing. Writing, Arlllim*tlrl F.pkIUH Orrmmar Mid Urography A MiUry of Ibrca hundred dfl lar? n?tr ? Mom wHI he *We? ' A good reeoaa minimi<>n a? lr? anral* will ba required Any Renllemaa wlehlng tbe fHtratton will nteat* apply lo tha tubeerih* r htfore lb* * lb fa Unary "" ALEX. ORAHAM, t&e'ry. \*thr**?Wo? of Calnmhl* Tel?eopa and N V. Journal will Inaart lb* at,oire twiee and f*( ward ihah areoont* to thfe oA?o for payment.