University of South Carolina Libraries
: " "" I . if J ?adk,. A."- ?-? X ;*W ' w 7* .v., m ;V v .? ,, ' !? . * ? v, - ., . ^ . Mj TV 0 j" ' 1 .r ffrl'- : qhh,.... %bhm ? ? Mx 'Y'"' fM"Thr.pra vt'W.';8 '?' al' *' *%.>?' 1 '? ? rs i'or Sale. II Louiwana km coiulgnad to tia t%. l*twaati#0a*iltt4pOberreU of SuiAr, of <Ho very |?eat quallly, with lft?fuctiona lo tell |( below \ fit curstht Htnrkil yrlce, all application* will be ?Iuiy ittenMfo. - Columbia, ilStli Juno, 1W27 R.fcJ V0RVI8. ?T? If Notfce. ' ti&W*rlr'Yrm^r~ I to render alaltmanu of tlio mm .Wa U lliMte*.. ..Mi uuattad to render tlittaianU of tlie ?*me, nnd rtirtte ?vho may ha la'dabled llierrln, uncalled .c^asfessr^^-K tSiM k Indobtad to (ha a*?ale of the l?t* ? VOUWJ, of tUUpUce, denm.edi it(e*(ad ?tMleinent* of the aaino lo m. arho la aotkftrlfted lo arrange (he ("ni ROBERT PURVIS. ? ? A Uorntjffor Punt an /.tilth, attm'r, 05 if i^otjoS|M >r Intending to rulinquUlt builiww ?,cittU oniboM jii?le1it?d lo Mm rd utile ihiir i* All ?uelt iu do not IM in IU courM often of that Hoh>, And limit > the Itond* of ? iM-opoc ut \ny ilbtinctlon of damand, again* him HNiwMiay lh?. preaanl u from n?c?Mfty ?M?f as1 vor.wHrot?Jlt ?m> Kivan twoptl-knot Springs nh<wo oH?Ul?l?niPM( iW milt* fro;n lh? * " tumliln, U now open nndln com . <6r the reeeplfoii of *l?llof#. hu?rMt?di flm raw HltXtAflD mniiKtm ill ol inch ?? *t<\y bt JfiIn llil? Imi'itcnt recreation: m it ? li tld mid iimhan<iitd? ?prln<r plUd wllli Oia mean* of bathing, and (u I#" Inferior lo noito in Ih.t atat#. i which tho proprietor haa Incurred tlnaeveiy Kntottmy wiaummodatlnn, til* mul Itfuhliy ?iio>?iitt)iot ilm ??<t>iMI?hm?>n1 ;?d lu vi- 'mlly m Cn\-lo.tiU, h.. hope* will intoro m .r For ttont or for $nler On a liberal Credit, IHlllL retlduiiea, corner of Marl hi and (IgtW ?irocl?; ?alto, the ?? Jlannitaipv' * delimit. Ail riirra*, fifteen diIimim r(di Irom roluDililn.~ Jwiy c ,, / . ar ir At^UaTUS M'NKAL," mmak nuft'iuUM ?> UUrallv ai Ike to tlMt IIAIINKS8, X |m Id* Una which !?? ?#tt l?Rtar?i. ' >? A W !??*??? Indebted-1? tht fobaftber, are ?*- ????!? tanaMlj, arnim rtt to make payment llioto Who dWrcgerd IhU nolle*, ?r?, amttjkr al/. Imjbrmtl, their nou-aaod lumvnnU will be lodgLtJ In the band* of an attorney fo< collection, utile*, wdtflwiaiy arrange ntenl* ti% inlih I Into |>rcvl nm to neit return day. B?U&:m*raT,-:X. joslhi n Airriiua, J M, MR fmm I Find' Notioe. 4 Bolting Cloth* L4*rtA It WfcAUCIIMN. ; ' I customer* cm be anpplled ?l no tr | Persons * aiilMferib*ri, whose nwten r* da* oh the fint ??f Juiiiir} i m?k?? payment beforn the longer Indulgence ??|tnnt be ? indebted to the ?uheeriber*, .. m?de hut year, nre re*p?et fully *? <pi?sied tt? make payment or liquidate their er* ounU. ? I'KUCIVAl.tcCo. Jeonary fl. ^ I it Cotton Bagging. JfOlt SALE BY" TUB KVIICRIlRlU, 300piece* heavy Hemp Bifggiiig, ' imy-two Inch, Wide DIUE?Tf<Y Imported from lJverpool n*d warranted lound, which will be told at the Charleston price Including charge*. ?ALM? A LARGE AHROHTMBNT OF Sugar, Coffee, Spirits, Wine*, ' Soft, Iron, Nails, : aekeref, Moliuscs and Train Oil, v, All of nidWl VI'l bb-awld U'i Mccoininiwhtting teruMi for rtiih. dt approved note* nt <;? > <lny*. . ' C. it |fc HltliN \.N, UpplT Hid of Hichui It in ilrrtl. August 11, .. 4 Law Notice. rill- co|mrtnnr?lilii of UltKUC. fc. HUNTER la dWwlvod. oi(i:cn & iitiusuN will pwetlne I.AW Jointly lit thn court* for Kalr fl^l.t ? ilUtrh:!, ami will retain tlie oth. ? formerly ofUn'Kglt llunCei at Wiuiuborough, wh> re Hod tou will nuldu . March t To Night Walkers. /\N the 140l in?t. nonrly nt 12 o'clock ?( fttflbt. V/ aont* gtmlUmtn, (ooeof them Imlf drunk, j paid n?? h vUlt, on the pretence they Wanted iv? , tar, I Hit ??? I knew before the object o( Ibeh d.t?ire, I which I bud removed the dfy |ir?vUn,, twin* Ii?* mrmed of th?dr Intention, |I le uUrly of Mr. Batn Kl 3.1 inform them that hereafter I will not ep over Iwo oii three dollar* in re?li. For their I tbretttrniitg I euro 4iotl?lnj; about v C.BAltRILLO*. I ,J An tilt! I? . . 33 ft . .... ? ?... a LL pimfoitt urn for.v*mr.| not to credit any /\ mrtoN on my *iico?nt mil*** an order Ite ^ m * ffi&stiUi '?1 $ January?'/' ; ??. ' !? ft If 1 '"I ? .JUL ''" ?? To KeiSr rim: Bomb STOlu: of the Maaonta Half, re t t*uily ocapled liy Mlltf-r and Tey Marrh 1 : 9 If Agoaoy. {JhnrleitOw fire and Marine insurance. U Company. rllK fliihwrlber U authored (otukn Hltkt ? untturt #Vr?,oii BUILDVIOS, UOODSand Ki'KMimu: , **?*,??? *?r^*Vjjd Dying ICstnblLshmcnt, MABT SORDVJQanriXL'L, RKSI'KCrFULLY lnfora>? I.?r friend* and lb* l*itdto, Uwl ib4 hn recently commenced Ibe I {X-. Dying and Scouring ttutincu, ? And Will DVB OH SCOUR Gentlemen', or lAtiif* Chalking, Leghorn Halt, &e. ? UK WILL ALSO bleach Flannel*. Silk Stocking*, and Dyt*o atleofour?. All of wbb-b will be doi*- M the ?hor?*M notice, mtd iih Ihn inn*t reioonaldu lrr;n?. Hbe may lie found nl Mr. Willi* White'* on Laurel afreet ?, An?i)?t It# HI H Notice JOHN Wil l i AMH Imvinic mmI/i villiU r?tnf? to | the |.? p*y Gr.t the 1***1 lien* on lb* Mm?, ?hiI Lr?i IwIumw* to lie appropriated ratreWy iHHiKit ?'??? olln r r.rrdJtor*|*?bo Miall ?j*n * dK ii n in Itvfon- lb< LI lie ?t?i#rtril?er, ti< ? horn tb? rJiiiU'Mfd, lo , d??*d ha rn tm rKY, jiiedJ r#?j?g2 .AT TYPE, A POEM, PARr*iRXT, Pricc^O cents. Subsciit>5on lUu at J. H. [If^Wjjnfc itfccon for Sale. tied covin d. Vftm 4 recvlved 10/KXl B?ou g;r#oo.> 11*. Srt^iiroo, ^ flrags3&s& && mm** v.?Am. ; JulyS7 30 If **?? - ? 11 ii"? ?? i mmvEYimi. nflllB *ub*crilH*r oITt ? III* aervleas l?? tlio t;Ui I. ????? of thin ?nd I bo ii|Mpfitrbig UUtritl* ?? n LAND 8UHVKYOH. II u may found at tlib cwrttor room above I Ho ilor*6f v Aug?.tl7 ' Q3* The subscriber rcspect fully Mnnounen to lb* public, tbat k? but ratnovad III* lodging* to MI f. Margaret Bicbat'a, on CoMdan mnrtt "t nhk'b place (urban uot at the offlco of Da*btLttlll,oi otherwise profesabuwklly engaged,) ha may At any lima lie tound. Mtf \; LOW Aim SILL. Columbia, July Jl7 ?>&?* 30 11 For Sale or Kent* Col. Chkvon'ii two targe Urir.WrUHi ? .fjSMe wiH> a?mmo?llou? dwelling nf>nrtmrtjl* to each, at the corner of lUuhardym mnl Wnlnul ?tract*. Apply to J tiMKtlO N iviimliri in ? 47 if Wanted to Hire, ?g A or IS aid* NKUItO FfcLLDWS, to work JL \ F on the ?t?tu road, <dghtu<)n mlle.? beloiv Colundriit. 1 V ' WILLIAM OliAY. Aw^ii?t3 . . :?r ?? $30 REWARD. Jian?am(uf FROMtba wbaeriber, a darb yellow negro wu-i ?aa, named MARY, about tO yabftof age, five faff A'in or eight Inches blah, rpere mail* uml rtooii ?ho*?ld?rv4 <j|, _ ?t 1 A ? ? | MM Wlf* blilly lived and baa relation*, or may have made liar way to CliarieMou, wbara (bo baa lately been and formed acouelutances. SARAH C. II ALL. JulyS _ S7 If Valuable House and Lot FOE SALE. :?$ ' pHE MibNHWr in lending lo wove to the State JL of Alabama, at toon it practicable, now ol? forifornlt, at a reduced micu, and apou eccoin> meding term*, bit valuable HOUSE AMD LOT, lit Union Village, rltuate on I lie tnain public rtreefc Tho building* eoottol of ? noat and eomfortabto ?I trilling home, Md ell ntwiwry out bou*e. Tlie dwelling boute to aoAeiently tpaclotia end conve nient for the accommodation of ? large family. The tot oOateiai about three acre*. extending along the wain street one hundred aodtlily Bve feet and to tUuatpd iu Ibe the wort delightful end beaiitlltft part of thtoheallby village, and from lit very kit nation will Milt alike tbato engu^ed In public Or private bntinr? ?'> For father lafbroletlon and Iftruit of tale. tbnae wltbing to purcUare can apply on I lie prtimUet to JOHN M>VB Union C II: Angu?t 10. 83 4 ..we New Saddlery Ware Hoilse. Smith Wright) $ 'j$*m Bnu leave to Inform their friend* and 1 bo taii* lie, that they have again ettabltoSed the? eiNWin tlie Saddlury biitlnett, at tbvir old stand, on tbe comer of KinrmitllhjorR?? Sliecu Cbarlm ton, oee door above Slr.C'.Cbittdin'iHotel,whwre tliey have eoutlanlly on baud a complete a ad general ataortfaeni of all kindt ofaaddlet, brldl*. bamew, wli'd*, and Irmdtt; altu rlrlinghridhfaild harnees leetber, morocco tklnt, weep and calf do together with a complete nuorlaient of plated gilt, and Japanned taddtory warol eoaeh Into aad coach trimmiit;* of all kindt. At they arc cmi nreted with an .m?n?ive manufactory at <h? north, tbey ft el confident iu ettutliig the imMie thai tbey caa furuitli Rmdt in their line ofn >uperl4r ?til", and no a* go id lermt at can lot |tfornrM'4ti any ftiniilaretteblit'i .ifiit in tlie 'Jtilled SMatefT I All ordrrt will l..- ihankf-d'y reeeivctWiMm promptly lo, tbey rctp, Cl(ully aolhjigil there of Ibe public itatronage. - t Oct. ?4. 4lMf j1 Hew thifK, ? Dr. Ilcifry and Coi. Now, candidate* for Congrc** iu the Villi dirtrict of Kentucky, being Ixrth friendly to the pre sent wdini;.irth?tlon, ami boiiig fearful lent, by n ?livl?iim of their party, an opposition candidate might taicvccn, have entered int> a written agreement, appointing a uomrnit too nf ten, fivt clwmti i>>, to uncertain their relative atrengili, uiul pledging them iltuone who ahull be found weak vilhe holding u (mil, Meeting iln are therefore fr> bo held iu on aonte d iv prev'mmih to thai [ vote# ore to bo given, Ih nraef their cmnparattvo atrcugth. It Ml that all tho friend* of both fttM&ot'the wtrongoat hmo, in tlio common opponent, r-Onc of the cut tfla** lamp* ~ wn* li? no faturday f >re ?cfioti of the at?n, while on tliani taju .r ? V. Daughter? >. '? "hitivXTJr:^'"' Another moment where we we, ^ "J But longed to beewey? Father** ?TOsrisasaw The foe hath ?lala, tlie ttion|, tbe fair, (/ k> ; And we ere left elbne. V ' ? Daughter? Then let ?* leeve tbU dttnry clime, teeh Mine be|?|>lef ikon, ,<** Where n?vef ?orrow,|Hilnor erlme, May v?a the fpuit mole. Oh deofthter, whither tyi wc fly, , V Tu M?'k tbet happier Where teef ? tint 11 uevt-r dim (lie eye, And aorrow bo Ca^tAf Dauuhtcr-?+ij. We'll folio w wbfire the gulden *en, 8e*k? yonder dUtNiil Ule, K lend he love, to thine won { Oh there n e'll re?t awhile. ?> ,. ,/o a Further? * . 11 Id verdent lend my olilkl? A laud of fnilU end dower*; ; But'tliere ere heert* a? tjree end wild, * ?. A* were in thlaofour*. %?? Daughter? Ob, then wo'll go to yonder land? ' [ J* 'fit e calm end pleuMitt plane? And there tvo'|l/ov? o'er tbe golden vend, Ami bide,from *U our me*. ^ ... The Atlit* pre there forever green, . - And 1 lie itreutua forever flowi DotlUnrtfth? Modern'* foot hetb Ixen? TLen wltet their beeetlea now? Daughter? , %?Jra?Li5.v > Then fertile*let u? ttgmthe tun, And w miller fur Nweyi The breuae l? * wilt eild Wo may be ??, In. befi|?ler <;limf ere dey. ? ? Farther-? All Newlteelm upon (he main, ISut lli? *e* m lead* far end wide; Thnu kno\(?!?i not, ere we lende^ein, " Whet lemjM-tta may bvtidc. * > :ju iJ.iughtifr? 1 ul 'lb mil etan thai wield* The ocean uml lb? air? lie iiwv i|t!kin?y mrili'? lortilu field*, 0iit4M Ik |Kiw<'ilei< Ihtrs. ' Farther? x Then c hoc my child?from men w?m haite? Tmu 1>?i?4C V?"l* Und we'yn trml? Weill ?<!.?* 1I1- orvtui'* lamiidle** wette, And i?ut uur trail Ui "ml. It telrioni lull- to our lot to record so an ion mi outrage- upon humanity, uud (oImmb violation of thu pence anddiguityof our state, as Ih exhibited in the following article which wo publish front tlic Augusta Chronicle of the Uth In at. 44 On i In- evening of Monday, I tin 90th "It. two r?iMlei arrived ill the tuburlM of the iiul||tiMh| town < t' Ituiutmrg, in m ?!*, anil informed a re* ?i>eclMhltt m-nltt-niMH whom tt*?-y met there, that they hint t?u?u rubbed, a ?bort dhtanco behind, by a negro buy,wbo bad take** Iruiik from behind the fig, and ted with it Into tho budte*. ivliile they |iuit>u<jd, but were unable to overtak* him. They uftprtoed *u>picloni that he bad carried il to ? waggon which they f WK uivnv rritiealioa, aud found a while au Wd a h*gro boy aeawctlug to the description R<ven by tli* U nt?le?. Martindcclured positively t^t the boy had not been out of Ii1?*lgbt since ^ Knju ? k , . .. fttarai swOre that lie. was the I?oy that took their trunk. After <|ua?tionliig liitn told*. he acknowledged tliat be bad taken it, nud offered to go arid give ii up, but the(fanilentan, who eiercbed toward* bint the utmost mlldm***, thinking thut ha might lie Influ J by Unr, eautloned hint not to give way to nfarmi lait, on bit describing tin* #unk,ae ing to the iiiformatlon given liy tin owner, onbts at once subsided, and bo want with to the placo where Ins slated tbat il was. No trunk however wai tharc. Whether the boy **? whipped Man or not, we are unable lo say; out, if we recollect lightly, he was, either at that! time, or afterwards. However, be tlirn stated that be had taken the trunk at the request of Martin. and it must have been removed by him. Martin podtlvely denied nny knowledge of iiibut came with the negro u> Hamburg, and iteyad there all lilglil. A warrant wa? limed against hhn and the boy. and Iho general impre?inti than, aceomim tiled hy strong mark* of indignation, W?o, llmt Martin was concerned. "On tho following morning, Mr. 9b?.??who a* E arrived there; hut, altnr ,n?rq? parley, letnnn brought tho I toy with him, and ho i titled by tho females, ivlio afterwurd* sn it afterward* appeared in evidence; was ansiou* k (hculd bu returned?actuated by that iIm trunl friendly motive*toward* \lartln,niade mi appeal to hla feeling* which wa* supposed to Itav* bad the derlred ?feci, and ngreegMe to Ike wU?? ?.f Mr. 8. h.TM-Ont with him, Mr Aleaaiider Uoyd, Mr. David LyiMft and the negro hoy, with a pr?i inUe that he woald ai*ht tkttnt* Mtfirt Ik* trvuk, andal?o endeaVotfr lo imike the Imy And it . lie carried them tOseveml diRi rent nleCes to no pur pose, and Air. fttiult/., (a* said to I* Mated by blui -? It,; supposing that tie wa* prevaricating, and behfg faiigumJ uud wet with Uie Hdn, Weauie iup?-rati-il, dtul proceeded to violence hy whipping uud de'eklnv, and tu ?uch au efcteut wo# title bar barity eurrtoil by him and tile dflu-r*', that il la Mid tho imor fellow UinUid aover.d liuus, and in the ducking swaUowed a largo watef. When they were di t& sr.r: rriSf, over hhn CndocmUor the wafer?Boyd wa* i a grape vine twitch, i hynar wa* iiandlng , la hU< u?tOtt). hy til mud and Martin wiu ? * ?nd bW iH-rton eohthUed the meat ?liameful ??^faharbariiy. tioleg to laearafeitM^ .1 tw* lia.t vtfnd place upon il. prOnl .Uad .healed ^ ^nt.^ij mwHi simiiae?. Air >ny wemiiri ?ity>0?Ml to dmjr. jipan KuUl of tboso Aonc?rned with Mi [Mr. iA field a ft* minutti kefir* Mr. ?^.rrM.y In Fife, near th?t Cupar, derive* a tort of gend, connect' "" mofct di?ting< in the course T Fife, in bald to liave <. klnth, and to hava called of entertainment then ' ?toricK which have by the popular vc being very generally told, and i without the least variation. ' jmlrgrap thirteen several I off the < kingdom. fJon j I A lady the town of 300 knot* am JUM>; MtnsdpHB.. imitate the cjtampli you husband* a* the ?.. The Hbove I* Of ho hns heretofore reiualni , rrfkkmtlal quertion ha* came out r**cd hi* dcuided preference lor Jw He ht?? recently taken" " th*.- Statu of Delaware, and e Jlyf, that of thO whole not * of that *t?t<, two thinly I to tHu fre*elcction of Tol e rally islittwttil i) '' * t r a 11