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mm ??f^? ii iimiii?wnijujL--i_ji__ flllLia_?j_ *&etttmbfjt etlwcopt; in a??M*ctlpp fcVeev.miTUYavtamo by kivsjurrv sim, . J&T"" *ulTc&?Ln''''"''''',f tT.HM8:-~Tiian* I)om.ah? pcr*naun?,jN*?tfc fnarfr?n<?.orrova DollaM |>V*M? ?t U* AmTM*ruun**Tl, are iotertea a the r*teof ,T2thT ?Tbott fium WH)* I AMMIMiM] (if III# M|||. if i i? '%2l ? . 1 iHftff orUMXnlttrtctin Orders! .V . IIKAI) QUARTERS, , , * . ' CtlumHa, Jutg I9ik 1637. J , . The Ucgimcnts compoiinR Brigadier Gene* ral O^n-kBrfcade, of the Fifth Division, irul the Keilibtntt comno?lnsrtHe Frut DI viskm aftlfe Militia of the State of South Caroling wilt parade for llevlew and Kx crcis*.fct the,time* and places following: The 4lit or lftft Regiment, on Monday OTth of AuffMM ne?t,?l Pnrtc'e. The 40th or Jonca* Regiment, on Tuctdny the 28th of AMnili at Boid'i, - Tho 30th or M*Grncbin< Rfltimrpt, on Thnrtday ilia 90th of A?*u*t, at T*a*ftwk >'*? Tho 30th or^dNm^Mmat* on Friday tho3l?tof Augnrt, at Lever'a' The 10th or Butler's Regiment, on Tneaday, 261 It of September neat, at RicbardaonY The 7th or iHawrofK'* Qtglnient, on Wadneadey the JMth of Sente iwr,at the old Well*. The 0th or TomMtn*' Regiment, on Friday tho 88lh of September at Renew mnater ground. The ?? or tfearae'a Regiment, on .Monday tha 1M of October neat, near tho Forf Field. The 0ih or tlodgee' Regimn/jt, on Wodneiday the 3rd of October, at Black's old Field. The 4th or Rlce'a Regiment, on Saturday tli? C(h of October, at Vairennev. The ?? or Itenla' Regiment, oa Tuenlay the 0th of Oe?oh*r, at OrU'toma Field. Tbe ?? or Norton'* Regiment, on Thursday the ,11th of October, nt tho Oovernonr** Bprin*. The Ath or Ha^ood'a Regiment, on Monday the 16th of October; At Pickentrllle. The ?or Mnnn*? Regiment, on Saturday the fifth of Octaner,at Benfon'apld Field. The 3rd or Johnton'?, on Tuelday the 2Jd of October, at Toney** Store. Tho M^or Oaaeral* and the l)rin?.)ii*n with their appropriate MalT, wlll~aftr niTtbe Review* of <ho Regiment* within their rrwiectlve commands. The Artillery will parade ,wHli the Regiment* to which they ere atta? lied, and the Cavalry hy troon, with the Regiment* of Infantry mo?t e.oo? ernmri- . Tho Review to take place |n*ei<ety at twelve Velock, M. and complete return* of the flffpativa strength of the different- eoffW, with their n<*H and accoutrement* to he prepared and deCvared to the Adjutant General liafore be leavoa the I?Jvi alon By order ot the Commander in Chief J. B. EARLE, Aft cad Intp't. Gtn'l. XT The Pendleton Mcuenger and Edgefield Hive, will insert the above order* until the Heview* take place. July 00 . . 80 14 The Rhode-Island Lottery, l:ar the benrjii of the IVctt Jia/itut Society. SIXTH CLAM. to m: nn.mwix rnoviDEXCt:, On the 1st. of August next, HIGHEST PKI/'.n SCHEME. 1 of 10.000, 1 of 2,jt00{ I of 1*112; 5 of 1,000; 10 of 500; 10 of 950) 39 of,100) 46 of 40; 92 of 20; See. arc. *c. , t*ri?t* paybU 40 4tyt nft*,r ik* limiting? tuhjtti '}? tk* Htwtl iteduttlon ifKptr tml. WIIOLF. TICUKT8 - f 4 00 HAI.VK8 ? . ... StNi ijijintMs . I ?? YATK8 & M-IVTYRE, Manaurki. Ao. 72$, Broail-St. Charleston, S. C. IT AH Ord?*r?, |W??t pwi?l,?*ncl??lni? Cmh, will hr promptly Att?ii<k><i lo, If idHrrMd n? above. Tk* Drmving* vtlll he regularly re ceived at Atr. B. X>. Plant's Hook ftTonr, r.o1timbi?,A. C. Clmrlfton, July lfHh,l827. 10,000 lbs. Bacon for Sale. YUB r r?*flv*l 10,000 One.on, wnrmnteil w.uiiil, tj fftMUfe*. ft?e<it?!rori, WWII iworted, Wplrn>? Cotton BngclMr. A1I of wbleh will b?> wilt I on * rredii to Approved rorrbatvr*. or v?tjr lotv for enth, by A S VMf.. KtVAIlT. Mrfl , . ??? 9* H ? 5?y?4' I >. ? ? ? ? An Ufn^roJki Lost. SOMB tlinn in Mnv )mtf *li f'mtanlM trn? left In^meot llio I'jKitet ttflfi* Court Hoii?r,thr i*Mr Ik In* Ivken II) Hip Mmr evening *m| ton f>n?d lo IfH bed HlioHf ?hi *ve*k.?, wm not ,ii>|. took nfif-r it. Any |Mt?i having Ibn UntbrrlU will luiv'f tii- kittiliirw lo l.-nv.. H ?( tbl? oflWe il nrounrtl i? retpiired will bn nh??rfWlly given July #7 HO 5 , BRUM'S ORATION, OlUVHU BKrORK Til!. tabfttthg Club. ** tf If 7 .A ? WEH&9 _ ___. tjtv. KARHMJUAKIv^-A SKETCH, >r t. BVJIUM, 1%. * " AVmo, ^VottfnuM pes**/ ?*A? yllirtrl" ? Il*? mid bow hi night, and lord* ihona V v Chaste I Han, in the cloudles*, calm, blue shyi -1 Thro' void Invisible, the tourbleh brreae Mote on the pensive ear fanning the soul - . r IHHf altry dreani* ofMHO* and loVe divine. J .Ike distant wateh ftres; In Hm heav'nlv WJ, Myriad* of glistering stars gleamed* t'oith, that Who knows! (fain man?who would monopolize Almighty rate) eictalms?who knows* hut I but While m*n, spent with the MwMng tolls entall'd By s|n, blocked within (tin cabmen Of deep forgetfulaces, defeuceless, powerless and These sacmd' lights, which beam sopuro from hrnv'ii ,-v iof enre ? J of that bidden mind, t'din the brightness of a blase) To guard the glant*boaster in Ids sleep. FrailM the reed, thai bend* toerVy Meat! The wind* wet* wafting Joy wpnn their wlogs And there were rewla in the crowded halls, Andbtadth,aadIdee,andplfsMnrereign'd around, Andthrill'd with touch electric, through each IfWITf * ' ' And happiness did bright** op aacb youthful [?' ? ;? ? : (v# K ? \ In tha dim. lonely chamber, by her lump Bent. I he fond mother o'er ber sleeping child, And traced the lineaments if its alisent Sire?and smiled?*? i The torch Was glaring In the halls of Vice, And Dissipation rolPd his mnrking eye, In dronhen levity and want of thought, Tel could lie trnced in that unmeaning look The craven minds escape frotnglatM despair! Forth haning from the squalid cell of woe, Of pale Dfseaso and Hanger's mad abode, Deal to. th' Imploring voire?Wind to the tears Wrung Crom the anjptfeh of a woman's soul The Gamester rush'd? his prisoned car beard not Hi* infant shrieking on Its mother's lireast In vain mtentpMo arain from her pareh'd veins, One little drop to cool its fever'd tongue! Ha sought the dome whept noisy crowds bias* pbem'd, And !>auft!il<>r echoed thro' (lie lofty vnlU, lli? eye d.trk-bea-nlng Willi a guilty lov And Mi?*ry did smile on herdev??teil ?i*v?, Mnck'd bim with bope -to chain him lu tli'ipilr! Now turtuii.* (HIM bis big*- -and now the dice To steal new henp* of ill-pained wraith was thrown, And be?was rw'n'rf. FU'd became !??? eye A cloudswept o'er the dull smile oil hi* l?roW, His band cnnvuUlve cletieh'il ?I'uMtiii alighted On the black ruins of lost llee?ottt throne, ' And M*itnn? rae'it end flared the stroke offete! I (Alas? who lb U night dream'd it was so near!) Security wn* Kr-Mthlnc in the air, ? Sprinkling ir*L*-ineau det? so'er every eye, And midnight slmnlter "knit up (he rarcll'd *?' sleeve of cant." II!ark clouds swept o'ci the lirljht fnce of the f heavens? Karth vtll'd her, in th?^ dunnest rolie of nijfht, The screaming hawk forsook it* lonely nost# And one brief imomant,lnthe staKnant elt Flapping its useless wings?fell dead Ih-Iow| The wolf'serlld howling, eeboed thn?'the gloom, Sf?rfNngd?sfrM(f<an in kit m4<f rmretr; Then Oash'd onnv?st,nnl?ouniled sheet nf flame Lighting the tower sublime?the lowly ? ?>t Hie hannt of vlrtne?-nnd the abode ?4 vice, The red ray glittered on the turret steep, (llar'd tbr??' tliu fi.stive balls of blasphemy and mirth. And " m*n?* lekel" Idnxi-d in characters of lire, And spoke its mtdison ItMid to each coward heart. There wAisa moment of snMlme snspense. Between that flash and qnlr.k espeetcd rosr? As nf ten thousand chariot *?b Jt not An awfel stillness hung npon the clouds ? Anon? tl?e huge earth trembled?the vest globe? Like the frail aspen In the ejr'ning Itceeae, Qui vr r'd and shook, and all again was still. ??The moon shines brightly-*-in the calm clear sky, The stars ar? blinking In the d?ep blue vault, Like Gems ot honor, on a mourning robe! The winds are wafting peace upon their wing*! But where are now the crowded hells, which iing With stiriglitly laughter and light-hexrtcd Jestf Where now the glUtVittg spire, the bith attb'd dome* The walks of learning and the muses' haunt* Win-re now the echoes of tlio mbthlnl tnwnP Alas! where how tha town? Them lies a broken column?yonder heajw? Of darken'd rubbish. ImiI an hour past, Mnwl the bright pelace of eonie wealthy lor<b-~ The earth hath swallou'd all?n trace is left, And the black fragments sralter'd o'er the sattrl Point to their grandeur and decay. Anunr.r.fs to a itraii and. *' ? % Mm Forltr. Oh ?f?nf my prayer ?nd l#t urn *?>, Thy toll* to thy paih to imooth; |? h w not, n w l?h, n wo, Which wrlovi* tut hillOMMlli.' At morn, whew *l?*p Mill ?**!? thine i-y#*, My hum! thy 1rmp'r<Hc mwnI ?hull Mmd, At B?({ht my ?mtt*? ^?tl ??hrclt ?hv ?!?>??? Afld my fund nrnn Mij.jKirl lliy li> nJ. And If thy f"" "lintiM durt Hnrnn liMtv word, my s?U to ohill, Still tlii? iim-hnnninj, frn<1?r Ivnrt, Tlw Mrml Tim I inniW" ?hull All. TO l>\* AND TO-MORROW. To-Hhj- intit'i ?trr?t In fold And ?llvrr hthchlr?? 'Wmpp'd Ift n ?Jiri.tiit t?(ore to-morrow nlgjkt: J To-day h*'* failing on dtll?M? food, / To-mn/f>?<v dead NimMf. to I* (nod: Today h?'? nrtu And mmm to fird on rrrnmm, To-morrow h?'? hltmHf n dW? fur wriirni*: lo-itny hn'? honor d And In vaiI *M??m, To-mofrtm- hot n t>?*Mnr r?l?n?* him; ro-dny hft fl??? from tf?n velvet l?d, To-m?tM.v |lr? on one Itml'tmade ??f lo*J. hl? hfi?4, tho* Inrca too think* h?t uMlt, row, n<? rommAod, no H*nw *1 nth ' wHl ?mk: riddl^r Finding out riddle* U the fxcrcUc to the mind, which lejpinKt end wrerfllnc ar* t< 1 hey Are f>f no use in tncmsel*< net work, but play; but they body* end make it alert end ecti thing It mey be celled to perform *"? ^ m ?? V often nrirmur, yet I nerer weep; I always lie In H yet nnree slacm My moeth to wide,and h?r*ar than iny head, And nwJi HU^<ipjre?, though It ne'effc fed} I have no le*? ??r feet, yet awlftly n?. And the more falls I get, ewve <art*r en. ?HSHQf My doon'm open day and nlaMJ Old ?|t* and I help to natter pftt; ' I, like carnal eon, lead on ntr, f ,1 ? And dastto me to dainty bra. $},'? 1" 111 ' ? DF.TTKR MARRY TllAN BO** JVy Srtrrk Oibum. In India, one day, an Amertean i Whha amart nnlive lew ate I On v.ntr widow* horn ihoianlw 8i?ld the pretty, inqntolliv* f Do tliey horn? that (Hay do! the As And ?vhnt the enae with my i Our widow, the moment her hqwiand $ dead, Immediately burn*--fur anotl?*i! 9. _ Teevef talk hot in my (feef) I nereeery hot sometime* <wee*; WOMAN. Woman! tboe solaee when oppression lower*, Tlion eomfort In oor day* of misery Thou healer of tha broken heart,?the hour* Dearest to memory hava a tain of thee;? When man's proud spirit,'nemh midbitane rowers, Thon art near him with thy fond Matey: In net or palace, lint or lofty dome, \ Where > thy heart dwell*. I* thy h*|i|iy home. MAItfllAaP. VOW.'W#. A woman's *??? is far too liw| , Upon a marriage tiny; For ?nr*lv when n wnnwn loves, Jhf'll "luwiHir mmI olwy." . .*e?re/?rt??,Me iliNt would RatlieHfcs SnSrs ??f niatrlmnMy,*hoMltl,\ved in th* May of life. If you wKh only wiitifrrn |e*v??aod thorn*, whv pat It off till September. ?-Procrastination to tfie thief of time." In tire'ftillnwlnftr death riuf tinlfaly he much blamed,-not much hnrmhc.nj? done, hh he left the man nearly n* h&'fintntl him. Here lie* Matthew .Vad; death did him no hurt! When alive he wiM'.Vu*/; and now kr l< Ultl.'' ->? I., m ? ? A newspaper rccommends a* * enru for the ague, n quart of brandy, 4 ounce* of anltpetrt*, and 6 ounces ?>f aulphur, well mixed ami taken before going to ImhI." This prescription ? m*ighl>our j?sivh " may keep oir the ttruc, but it would be sure to brihgon n frvrr. Brandy! Saltpeter!! hthI Sulphur!!! The Ingemou* lMwjrr.?\ counselor was one day asked by n judge why he wax always ?*mplovcd in knavish cause*. "Why, my lord," said the counsellor, ,4I have been ho'much in the habit of losing Rood causc*, that I think 1 had better undertake bad one*." Tardy Advice.?A nobleman ndviaing hin son to keep inferior people at a distance; u tradesman, who overheard the admonition, replied-?*41 Am sorry my lord, vow did not give the young gentlemen this advice before he gof so deeply Into my hook*." Seatonabl* Recollection.?Mr. Sheridan once told Mi** E. Harris that she looked as blooming a* the spring, but recollecting that the *pnntt waft not very promising, he added, " I would t6 God the spring would lonkllkoyai.** KILL OR CURE. i A doctor Ih Scotland was employed by a poor man, to attend his wife who was danger* ously III. The doctor gave a hint that he had fears of not being paid. * I have Ave pounds, and 11 you kill or cure you shall have it.' The woman died under the doctor's hands, and after a reasonable time called for his Ave pounds. Thr man asked the doctor If he 'illted his wife.' 'No,* 'Did you cur* her?" 'No.' ? Then,' said the poo* man ' you have no legal demand.' Baddely, tb?* actor; had been cook to Foot, In whose service he imbibed a t iatc for the drama. He married a c rich rated beauty. Miss Snow, He told me once, that when he was acting at the Haymarkct, of which Foot was the proprietor, they lind a quarrel and Itaddely challenged him to fight with swords. On receiving the challenge, Footc said? ?Hey! what! fight!?Oh? the dog! Sol have taken the spit from the kitching fire, and stuck it by his side, and now the fellow want* to stick me with It.' ftaddely had a habit of smacking hi* Hps id ways when speaking. In allusion to this, Charles THannistcr one day at the school house of Gar rick, (when >to*sting of hi*cuW< nary qudi Aral ions,) ' My dear Haddely, eveey body must ktytw that you have been a cook, f >r you always seem to be lotting your wont*.' ^ AN ENGLISH STORY. An Enflbh paper states that the so intense one day Ust winter in a part of a whaff-fat on jumping on *n swimming a-Wet, was immc (m the iron, and died before he legs off, which he attempted! r lie ennld'nt have tokl a o tie wan about :*W, '7^ JOE STRICKLAND. Lovin unci ft Ren?Yen mus'nt talkc no monr ov Jakub's fed munny; kiuc he** got into a darn kind of n snarl, on I expect It w II awl go to pot In a beep, t kanttelyeu bou tis, not aWl on't only I kno thut a panic ov loryera gut bold on Im uothay kat hawld Mm at a grate rale. He bad awl kreasliun ?Utim at wonae. Forstthey tried to droond him in the Mori* kanaul, but he got out, tin fampt Intu the lyphe un phire, and liked to nav Mrnt tu deth?then ho dug underground an got intu the Phultun banck un ConidPdut the hot boodle ov um, got awl tbc mutiny, an then laflt at am, the laryern all tbe tymcdrK vin at blm, but they koud'ntget bold on hum ?he waa list like Padda's Phlee, kaw when thay put tner finger on him he was'nt there ??milly un farnully, thay kind uv sur found* id blm un got bim untu kourt, un befit nm to hard that ne Mlpt thru ther finger*. lie'* a pritty darn cutc man?h? noe? ar. mutib lor aa inny on um; un by.ffie lord Hurry thay koud'nt hold him notahltmoar than yeu koud hoald a wild pig by the tale arter yeu had rubb'd *oaft tope on't. Artcr a wile tha drove him kinder intu a komer un tried him agin, tm i blcve the Jewry brot him In |bUty ov tew a side, but i ges tha won't kit Kim. I'm darn sorra fur 1m, kasc I always lik't Jakub?ipb it had'nt bin fur his red munny X ibould*nt bort that that ticket ov Arnul, when t furst kum frum Varmount, that droad twenta thousen dolers in the fil lydelfy 1<H rev. I me en tu give him part on't tu pa hie piiine with?i'll be dir'nd inh i ?loun't help htm out ov the skrape iph I lean, for they arallpickln ut him and want tu make nlm a skanegote. A'oty Jitne.?Squaere Pctlvhone i* list got beer frum Varmount, tin i wunulaigy tikkled when be toald me thut T)ekon Amariah Higetow marryed my kutun, ant Nahby iMaylm, nix da arter she gpt home with the fore thntuien dolerrt thut Amul pade her fur iVhat aH that tikkit she bort ov im. What a darn kunin oald rut he it. 1 fc'eft that'i put ther odd and eunds tugethcr un tri it nRln.thave hrxd sleh grate Ink thin time. Tel ant Nnhby iph *l>c ewer kwntril* with tin' Dckon the mun'nt nvvver stryke him with the brume Otik akn?i hi*h leggls, kase tha uint higgi-r tnuu drum un tliudc brake an eay aa pypc st i?m*. /'o?e AV//I I've phound Mot-gin arter a darn deal ov trobhle, blast his i*e?Ive bin rne arter hint ;t weak*, un I've jist got bak. hwint K??t n?> time tu rite about him now, ki>.-o t'\t- I'.try dnnv^uex tontay, un I meen tu jt'ttt'h a phe\v ut Anmlvklmikio bills. Yeud split yurc gl*??rd Infttt tuse the prises Arnul has soahl and pade?got un strong on a (hint long wyre m much aspborty rod long tlw rtnteh klear from <M*vtop ov hi*chimb!y dotui t,u the ground?tim looke jist like adam Rrrtat long big kattv niller.?When Souare Pitty Inrnc goxe i?afe rleritc yen about Mor pin. So no moar at present frum yurc lovin nefTcu til deth. JOP. STRICKLAND. To L'nkle Ben, klostc to the meatin house. .4 Wrong firoof of Jiliol affection.?An Irishman swearing the nonce against his three Hon*, thus crftictuded his affidavit? " and this deponent further saith thnt the ??n1v one of hi* children who showed him any real filial nfTcetion was his youngest son, t?urry* for he never utruck him when he tran down.* * ' An attorney. In tUe country, advertise* for n ynunfc lad that can write n legible hand, and read illrffthle writing*. Dr. John><'in.~-\ pedantic yduug man who endeavoured to imitate the superior writings of Dr. Johnson* and had even con* sidercd himself In some respects his equal, one day said to the doctor, ? what do you suppose the world thinks ot us.'" Why says the doctor, " I seppose they think me a bull-dog, and yott a tin-kettle tied to my tall.** A gentleman complimenting mndame Dennis on her personation of Zarn, was in formed hy the lady, that to act the part a person should be young anil handsome. ' Ah. madam,' replied he, you are a proof to the contrary,* Itonenty*? A kna* ish attorney asked a worthy gentleman to define honesty, "What Is that to you," replied the latter, " meddle with things that concern you-" Rcclfic.?How to get rid of an nrqualn" tance whose society you do not like. If he !? poor, lend him some money?if lie is rich . im to lend you some. Both means are certain. VKRY IMPORTANT. t7" A great disappointment took place at Niagara, Canada, on the governor's suspend ing the execution of three men which was to have taken place on that day. The loads eiftflnRerbread brought upon the ground from the cowitry sold at n great sacrifice. Aforthern'fiafier. .? Ctrfrcirnthu* J'.viitrncf.f\im MorHs, of Hisho??<itone, In this emmty, huvlng been brought before aA magistrate for stealing a rail post, Margaret Morris he munt, in whose; house she lodged, offered to swunr that with in eight years during which her nlcce had lived with 4ter, site' hod f?ol her bring any stolen article Into the dwelling. On cross-examination, the old hypocrite con fessed that #he had been blind for Upward* of fifty yeArs?Aat, Adv. M. ft ?' ?? ? ?? ?? ?; 7b a tndy who oaut *kc would bqx ttr*. ?Vhm to year tr**t sweet At*rlha ?tea<l? Tlie prmwi?r mSita, msiatala h, * And fail aottot?f((*w pout baad ? ? i 0*. one m$ iVe*a t dMriri l?. P sS&m rood passing and the Ueatofth* water, ? purpo?o of watering who w*a with lika, ? ?the eld imhi took hit water JttfflSSK ES'ln&.'ft h^&ST&'SK rotten alarmed: nt nuwjr fiuivrcQ vp in bucket, find addreuing hit at* most Vehe mently* he exclaimed?Sip*/ Skomt Shorn! Ok! mu d?m de oarses and trivc en backmit all your mite, ver be there then (fit l?h, Burgurtorv, far by Got dam njr mM we bas*'d the ruber *dlM eight male from di*. and I know HEU. Is not von male from din ?pote. TiL . i r " Pray, air;' aaid Lady lane, oAedfcy to Whittim, M why wea Eve mUde of one of Adam'* rib*?" "Because, madam," re plied WhMon, u the fib was tharrooJtatap bone he had." ? -? A 9hA Drunkard*?A. piou* divine of the old ?chool says, - a drunk ard is the annoyance of modesty, the trouble of civility, the caterpillar ofimdustry, the tjim<cl of wealth, the ale-house benefactor, the beggar's companion, the eonstableV trouble, the wo of hit wife, the seoff of hi* neighbour, hi* own shame, the plctere of* beaut and the monster of a man. J'.xccuive PoUtine*,?A few years ftocfe * Tfer " sn*? >hv wifein o ? uu%vivu iw aken two gentlemet who wcrp asleep ia upstair* room. 8hv knocked at the door, d with the greatest simplicity, said, " I aomc part of the Ferry Inn, Torpoint, beta* on fire, the servant girl was directed tf awaken two i * ^ ^ * an and beg pardon, gentlemen, for disturbing you, but the heuae4s on lire." ? ? ?avvtxul'-.. My firat is the name of an animal, my se? rond a term for knowledge, my whole tlyr nnmr of a mountain maeh irequented at this time. ' /?"* ?*, *? SELECTED TOASTS. The tat Presidential election. Hem's l<> hlrr who wnjifpl out, Hut not In hi* who krpl him out, r<'rh*p?jhr turn m*y him about, And lotn htm in who mi h?pt owl. The next Administration? All /Iitk or* and iio Clay. The tate of Kentucky?-Although he* soil la good, Iter C'My wilt not mix with Dm pure toil of RejiublkmnUtn. Commodore David Parur ?Our late fel low citizen, and the pride of oar navy, until he wu forced to expatriate himself by the tyranny of n usurper?May he lire to triumph oyer his enemies, \ The Shift of Star*?She W*nts overhauling and her garlioard new caulked and payed, having In a late pile receWecNome damage by standing on a (Jlay Sot to*. Andrew Jaekton?Southern tlkkory, ? better material for the con icVpost of ? Republican building, than a degenerate acto* from a federal stock. General Andrew Jackson?14ay hiajtead prove as serviceable in the c?6inet, a* his arm has proven victorious in the fifcld. May the Hickory of the west triumph over the impure Clay* and displace the cor- 1 nutted name that first brought sin into the world. John Randolph, of Roanoke?Honest, Hold, fcarlc* and independent, incorrupt and incorruptible, the faithful and vigilant centinel on the watch Tower of liberty-* when he cries All's well?K will bt so. '; i John Quinty Adam* and Henry Clay? ?The safety of the political ship requires that they should be thrown overboard. Central Andrew Jatkson?May he be at victorious in his contest with political knaves as he has been with foreign tyrants. <; Gen. Jackson?Knvy has assailed him, malice fc a* reproached hhju and slander has. invaded the sanctoaiy of hh home; but ? grate Ail people, wilt sustain the man who was fjlu country's stay and support In the day and hoar ot danger Alderman /tinn*?*Originally a ooafi boll- . er, nnd now an extensive LIE manufactu rer. Old and a small General Andrew Jatkoon?May the 4th < f March, 1829, dawn on the elevation ot his virtue and patriotism, and on the downfall of intrigue and corruption Commodore Porter. ?Though driven Into exile by executive persecution, his count nr men will never foiwet the gallant tar, who " fought his ship till humanity hauled down the flag which valor had nailed to the mast. Grrree*-UnUm to her counsels?victory to her arm*?liberty to her children. The JTmrrtean Mir? *roxxsra*v julap to ?tll their defamer*. , A bumper j a match for the Georgia toaat. To the Fair Man's consolation in the hour of anxiety and decoration of th? human race, who*e smiles arc as luscious as nector and emphasis melodiously bewitching aa the hnrmony of Orpheus, may chastity and vefw r.lty bo iheir ocular demonstration; and may they nrvor assnmpttoned egresa by tho |K>mp of glittering Hupcrfieiui'itirs I < The Pair May they kave a* many to their tow as they have few* to Ms. ' * ^ ^ ^jc* j Hickory?Half horse, half alligator* imall touch of the Mississippi sawyer. m