University of South Carolina Libraries
LOLINA STA' '?? * COLUMBIA, (S. C.) FK1UAY EVENING, JULY _____ VIM t'W ?'***$ irsonu WhJSu ovn DoiUM ptyibtn ?Ttti isurr*. *n mwKNl III (tie rut* of a ecuu for arery twenty line*, or a i# #Nt iosartion, n ?i.l fortv i****- -TfcoM' from awn - - mixn?- 1 l?y tha^h, ? responsible refer?nra or Ibay will receive no ?tt ?sssra-sasa&a General UrJt lers. iv,;< V tlBAU (JI/AU1 KH:<, > f Columbia, July IMA 1827 S The TteglmcaU CompoehiK Brigadier Gene, ril (i tiffin** brigade, of FU'tU Division, ami tho Regiments composing the Prti Di vision of the Militia of State of South Carolina, will parade tor Review and l?x crt.n, *t the timet and place* following: TW list or IUD'a Regiment, on Monday liTtn of ,\.;('uii neit, at Parti's, 1 Th. ?;??;.! or Jones' Kegtaont, on Tottsday tho UBth ol August, at ttoyds. Th. Wh or M'CiacWiw Keel mem, on Thursday i.!'? 30th of August, at league's. Tif :*!> ;* or Elglitburger'a Regiment, on Friday Slit of August, at Lovar'a Tb> 101 l.i or Butler * Regiment, on Tuesday, gflth A ttepteinftcr neat, At Richardson's. Tim 7ili or Ulasroek'a ttufiinent, on Wednesday tun ftfth of 8eptr m?j*r, ?t the old Wells. The O il or Tompkins' Regiment, on Friday lha 2dth of Bejiteinber at ita new iristcr ground. \iie or Hraiy/i Regiment, on Monday the 1st of October neat, near the Fori Field. Ttir oil or Hodges' Regiment, on Wednesday the 3rd ol October, at Black's old Field. The 4th or Rice's Regiment, on Saturday theCth < of October, nt Vmrennef. Tbo ?- or lla'riU* Regiment, on Tuesday the 9th of October, at Griseoins Field. Tho ? or Norton's Regiment, on Thursday the 11 th of October, at the Governor's Spring The Stli or llagood's Regiment, on Monday the Ifttli of Octolier, nt Ptckensvillr. rite ??. or Llg^on's Regiment, on Sxtutdny t!i? 2<?h of Octotar, at Ilenson'aold Field, 'the 3 d or Johnson's, oil T'Jtfsdny the C.]d of . October, at Toney's Slow. Tbo MtQor Generals and the nriqarlim itlik thnir aMtroprlale staff, will attend the Reviews ol tHo llr i'tmenls wtit.i.i ?H?lr rvuwr.tivi* command* Tin* Artillery will ptrsil" with the Regiment* to Which they are atta- lied, mid tIn- ('nvairy i<> tit. ip, with the R?'guiient* of Inlentry niojt con* Veiildal, * I'm- Review ??? tnke pUre precisely nt twelve o r.lack, >1. and <coni|tlet? return* of tlie tir-rliv.: strength of the different cor|is, with their arin?eud accoutrements to l>o prepared and ilalivired to (lie trijntaiit General before h* luave* tin* Ulvi siou - By order ol the Commander in Chief J. B. KlULK, * ,W'I mii<1 hup'I. litn'l. (IJ* The Pendleton Messenger and Kdcefieid Hiv., wilt iufrt tho above order* until the ltr view:?Ink" piece. "July SO *20 14 Nuw York Consolidated Lottery, FOuRTH CLASH, FOK 1H J7. J*o b? draicn on the 18/A of July, 1827. HIGHEST F1UZK, $ IMW, I of 16,000, J of 4.000} 1 of 2,500; I of 2,000; I of 1,600; 1 of 1,600; 1 of 1,576; 5 of 1,000; JO of 500; 10 of 900; 35 Of* J00; 41 of 50; 0J of JO, tcf. tcc. * Vrht* payable 40 ituj/t uflv iht drmrin?? tuf jtet U tht untal itrilurfion ?/ 15 jnr c ' - $r. u. . il M ? j 25 ? VA'PEtt & M'INTYHK, Maxag*h?. .Vo, 72$, Droad'St. C/iarUtton, 8. C. fl j * All Ortfrr?, |?nH. eii?lo?l?u' Ciiirfi, w ill be promptly In, if u?hIiova. *?? T7ie DrOwhifi will he regularly rr ceincd at Air. B. 1>. Plant's Wook Ht'ohk, Ch'irK'xtun, July 10th, \h^T AUGUSTUS M'NKAL, SADLER (f ?UHffES3.MJlKJ:nt 18^4 KAITCTFI'I.LY t*n?Wr? l?i* ilinnk* to tlx** * 3 <t whd li?v?j to liberally mcoufgrd liirn liertv tofnr<% llnd infurm* tlo-ui that ?>? may found M Alt itiifsa few f)u<>?> nortli of F.dgjr'A Inn, wli*r# ?n li i? or* hand SADDLES, IIAH M". t;. and many oilier nrl?r(*? in hirllun id idi he >? ill ?? It on ???cooiT)iodii?irfpir>-<ii* M.iy 3 ? ?'u. ^ . . , lu ?f Light wood-knot Springs ffMlli <-?MMt*1>tn?nl ?tt full** fropt It ? I. to.-it ol ('c'uin!>in, i? now op#n nn<1l?ie?>ni nMf rouditii'** '"f th?i rv.c?(>iion of *i?itor? llii* nr^pfVit'irliN*rr*etrrf? fir*t mm Till?l.tAlCf> fAUT,fc, for tlin fiinu^m'nl of mdi ?? timy, !?< (? in Itii* itiiincnt re <*r<-n|inn. At ihi* |>l?r<- i? <i l#?M and ?print; of w?ffr(Mip|>l'r<l ??'?? ra^fHOl IwihiiiK, ni'i i.mnn?in^d f?> Ik- inferior l*? noin? in |h<- ?tM< fh* whirl* the proprk-ior inrurn-d In pmrHUrtitvcry nrcrtmry Kccairihiod?fton,|ln' pWwint and fctftllhy tifuMioit of Ik" MfthlUhMioit r>nd H? vlelnMf'1i> Columbia, lie hope* will i??m. "KRT-1'?"m" ?? ? NRW GOODS. Thee uhcribcri have recently received an ex ten* tie mnrtmmt of .iVkU h, with llMir former ?took,compil?e? a aene ral vnr'u ty ofieaaonabla arlicW They have , M coiV< || mi additional aup|.!> of Hardwire, ,H*? Cutlery, Crockery, Cllaitwarc and Saddlery; Ait or which tnr.v orraa low rot cum 6-4 Bolting Cloths For sale by (ha auhscrlbara, cbenpar (ban ever of* I ftrrad in tbla maiket. LATTA k M I.AUCHLlA. * , N.BV Punctual cotfomera eait be ?u|tplkd at ?HHrnMph v?'~ ,;,|Uy IB 20 tf > ~$30 REWARD. Man-away, FROM tha wbKriUr, a dark yellow M|ro wo tana, named MART, about SO yaart of aftr, &v? foet M?n or el*ht inches bin, tpare made unit .loop ah'onldered Sb* liny In* lurking in Columbia, wh?ro tha for mcily tlVfO and hat relation*,or -nay have inndo her way to Charteaton, where ?he baa lately been and foimed acquaintance!. SARAH C. IIALL. I July<1 27 tf Runaway, I \M'.<UlO I'EM.OW naintd EDWARD. Ho it Jet blufek. about five feet *cven lochia iiish, [round ?hoovered, tbirk art, bow legged; n car Banter by tr-vlf.M-rvol nn ui>|Kinlc??biu with Mr lack, lit <ii*rie?ton; hnn hei'ii heard of in the neighborhood or Htiiw! M'Cnrd'r, on the Con^n res, hml, nl?o,i" CliNrlettrn. Fifteen Doltarj will lie pnlil U|wn hit delivi-ry to the Mmter of th? Work Home* in ('harhtton. or Twenty Dollar* K delivcied to the Suhtcrlber, in Georgetown JAMLS JOHNSTON June 21 '?!') <> 25 Dollars Reward ott<icil fortliu deliiery ?>( two n> ,-r<u <? a woman named Jl'liA. about <tAor.V> ynr< of ?;i>, nnilhrriiin JOK, Mimil l4or |.'i ??| Hnr, who Ml no about ?!*?? first lit M.wcli. u< it fitrinnr ly llir property ??t .Mr. lilanks and I ? >| poae uru hurimured in iii?f tici^hlj<irlnmil !>y miiuo negro or ?irifip1, *a\ ?>.! fom'< creek, <>r in tiin* |>nri of the Tttmm - -WifchHM iiiK.RJKlt? Miv 11 Hi tf Prime Virginia Tobacco. 'I'UIK ?(il?%r ? lmvi< received rnmi^ii. ft Uu'iit i?l 11..i * tirst iimiI second rpjnlit\ irmuu f.iCt iTil I'l'IiM t'O?wiili which, d?-i<lee? can In* supplied at lartury print*. WALLAIT. u^'MK J Ml) i.i ;m :i James Mexamlcr, K> It Mi; It J'Itul'lt I KTOIl OK TIC. viaoiso > spring*, wim Krr.r* sow a House of Entertainment, In ll tii/ibii'toit, It ilkei roiiHty, (Jmr^ia. |>r.(iS Imm' In infotm the cllixrn* of South 13 Carolina, nnd oilier tlnliv, that, on the fir-1 of January, ln< will ramove from |lti? prc*en? reil denr.e lo a inrtfi' >mmI comtimdioii* liiiuw, itiitne diatlv on tint iwhllc mimre.ini Mailt >lfet, well cnjiVllated, ill nil rc*pt;?:(*,for eVCcy nrrnmiunil* j lion llinl traveller* can de?lre. From hiklongax pcrinncc in hit line, he deeini it unnecr ?*ary lo dwell on nis cap'irity lo render Ju?tire lo thou who may call on him. He keep* a directory ill bit liouna for the con reniftiicc of traveller*, who can arcertain l?y >1 Ilia cour?? .;..4 dittnnre from ihi* (own to every purl of ihn Male, mid of South Carolina aim, Washington, Wilke*To.(la. Oct. 2(11 cowly ? i, In the Common Pleas, .11/brvillc. Dutrict?South Carolina. IIkctor M't'ov, i rs. .? .Htafhmtnt, .hit. UrW.F. I.inti'v. S t'ilK plaintiH in (hi* r??* itavinj* on tint if Ml. October |t)'-!J, lilrd hi? declaration in the clerk'* nfllee, lo/ainrt ilia defendant who ii uloent from and without the limit* ot' this ?tate a? jt i.? Mi I, and bn? iiMtii'-r wile n?r attorney within the limit* oitliuv*mr; It im'tUrud, that the raid defend mil And pitnd to the utal dceljretio* on ?>! Imiora the viil of October llt?7, other win ju-l^int'iit m;?yi>e entered ugainrt him l?Td*lau*e JA9. \VAM>I,A\V.C. C. P. ChrkV iiR^,2lil .Nor JiUtl. 4*) eHtnly i* untie | k'fnfr, ) V?. J? &4. Sn. I Twiti'lieU I'. Co. S " il ' UK defendant IiaiMi Twtfrliell, linving (hi* I day ???ijiried to ill'- nil and tiiij'.ttliw,hiiiK00d* and clialfr1',detit?, critditi, and ? lfrct? wImIum v. ?;?, including tlm money th*t ?h*ll !?? heriafter due to him (iciiilnn money from tin* United S'Mae. A > aUo !?}?? r'pht >ind titln to one hundred iindiitly ncreivt Undiitnati* in IllingU ?l.?te, lining the northern quarter of *ee.tlon twenty ei^lit nf |iiw n*hi|> I>*o,*oiiMi in rnnj.w *M?eii went, !oWHrd? tlie .?itufurtion ol l!i<' nla?v?i named execution, arid hii?liij; tliereuiion la i n r? lra<ed frrttn lite j " pfhon bnundV of tlii'lilMiid, aicoriiiiiK to llir art of I ?*KH. Notice i? lirn-hy ^ivco to all u?r* vki* indr-Med to Mild Twitched, or In I. 'fwltepell k Co hy note, hoitd, or oti lead; nrcount, lo |?ay the *am* to ine h? Hi?i?tuee a? aloremid and to no other |ier?on wl.niwever, nith -? .-neb |)?'r*on l.? mitiioriited to run'ivi' the wwe for me. ' o sn a BYN'L'M'S OHATION," ?> >ohk tnr. Franklin Debating Club. ^ J f ? <??!" ?1 iftiioflW. ^ ggpMLJL-X.1 II tROM mraiuBitriM*. A highly esteemed friend who* literary contributions h?ve added mttch to the value "f our paptr, having reqbettcil nn insertion of the following beautiful and puihttio poem, we publish h with pleaMtre, belU ving, at the tame time.Nre shall present a rich treat to those who are not already in j>o?ewioa of it. THE BAILOR BOY'S DREAM. fa 'lumbers of mltlnlgM the a#iloe hoy kjr, I IPs hammock twuag loose at tbe ?p<wtofihe I : wW; All watch worn and Weary hU earet away And vbloaa of bappincaa daae'd oVr hit mind' lie thoeght of bis beam of *bb dvnr native buwera, And pleuurea(hat warbled In llfs'a merry morn, While memory atood aide-way?, half covued with 4o*S*Sf ? "J-. ( ? r Aad restored svery rote; but secreted Its,L->m. And fcocy bar Magical pinion tpread wide, To litdtha young dreamer la rc*ncy rite, Now f?r, far behind blm die green water* gll-le, Aad the cot of Itla forefather* blrwea hit eyct. Thejeeaanlnr elamberain dower o'er the thatch, Tue atvailow ainga tweet froiu her uctt in the wall, All (reinbliiifc* with transport he rniaea dm latch And (hi* voire* of loved onefreply (o til* call III* father bend* o'er him wKh looks of delight. Ilia vlit-ek W cmpeart'd with a mother'* warm tear, : v>3| Tim lii>s of the boy in a love-klat unit.*, Willi the lipa of the in aid whom hli botoai hotda dear. The Irart of the dreamer beat* high in hia brraat, Joy quickest hia pulte, all Ida hardabipt aeem oer, And a murmur of happlaett itealt through hit re it, ^ Oh, God! thou hast blstt ma, 1 atk Ivr more. Ha! when-:? it that flume that How burata nn hia I. . ,<? - ?? Ah! whenra it that tound that alarm* hit enr?> TI.1 th? lightning's red glare, painting hell on the iky, 'Tla the crashing of thundef?tlu- groan of the tpharat. Up Apfinjni from hW hninmork. lie fTe* to the deck. Ain^r-merit ronfr?>i.i? Mm villi liuast-sdirv. Wild winds and iiih11 ??.nt* *?lrti?r hi? vism-| it wr?ek. The matt* Av in splinter?sliomdt are on file Around him the bilious iremefiiliu>ti?)v swell; In vain Hie lot' ?vr< (eh rail* on Mary mvr; t'aseen hawdaofspliits An?l the death angel flapa h>t blond wine o'er Ibr wife. Oh? sdt??r Mr lathy itn^t <Vt delight? fu darkm-is dissolve* the |;.fy irMt-wuik <>t bli^: Where now it the picture which funey touched bright, Tliv parents toft presfore, nnd Uite'i tiowleil ki?s> Oli! tailor boy, sailor hoy, n#vi>r >ig*in, i*h.ill home, love, or kindred thy wishei repay, UnMett nnd tmhonor'd, down darn in ihn main mmiy a wort- tathoux, thy imuiu shall dr. cay. No tomb shall ere plead to remr mbranoe farther, Or rul??n t'orin or frame trow the mrrrilrtii surge; riiuMbite foam of waves shall iliy winding t\u el be, And the winds, in the midnight ol winter, thy d.rg*. On bedt of green tea flow'rs thy limbs sbnll be laid, W Around thy whitehnnes the red cornlahall grow, Of thy fair yellow iockt threadtof amber he made, And evvry part suit uiththy mansion below Days, months, years nnd agaa shall circle away, Yet still the vast waters |lM>re thne shall roll; I'jirth lose* ihy pattern forever anil eye ?? Oh* sailor boy, sailor boy, j.eafe to thy foul; /rem the Philadelphia Album. Obtcure (leniut.?A new p<??t has atarted im in humble life in Scotland. His name is Holers, and he resides in Glasgow. Helms a wife and nine children, whom hi* has support* ed upon hit wage*, which never exceeded twelve shilling* a week. ?? DJNNA FOUGHT,'* #v llere, pu? on thy flnRtr. thit rin j.loce, And, whon thou ar; f.?r o'er ilu sea, Perhaps to thy mind it will hr inf. love, Some thought?tome remembrance?of me; Our moments of tapture nnd h|!?-?, lovo, ' The haunt* where to oft we have met. Tlifte tenrr, and the l.i?t pirtintr kin, love, j ft IHN tlice, O. " dinn.t 'or/et! Thou mayrst oie?t Ivs mora fair, love 1 Audchnrms more nttrartivi- liian mine; li?t moved by a r re *iunlrijr air, love, Or struck ny ? f. r<- more fine Bat shonldst thon ' ri<htereyc see |ovr>, Or ringlets of imi.v i(lt?syjrt, Let Ihi* still thy Iflimnn )h , t?(ve, ? f.oofc ah It, and " dim. 1 forget." And oh, whan thou w rit? ?t to me. love. The Milling imprej* with this ring, And Malaaweet eiirrutt will In-. love% To which with loud h ine I will ding. That ?h?H? t?? thy vo?\s will t?e true, love, Til at happiness waitetli us yet? One patting ?r?l?ea< ?? -no.v ndlru, love, Tills ittotueut lUneverfor/t t. A lew Hemft being on n p!ea?.int eseursinn at Heneotabo, h short time mo, mid 0110 of thn-party being nntbMts to know how the rest felt ronrern in* the let* Ar* In Oxford stre-1. I.i, ntked oiienfthr company where he ??m at the titner^ "I way* said be,." ??idr. In tin /rntrtl, fatt mtup, looking onl of the #radaM>." A salJnf who was amaeidby th* trleks of a ln^ jler, at Chester, a as Mown kp with the rest i>fthe auditory, Mr a s|my of a eaadle re.ichlnc win# gunpowder In the lower apsrfMeata. ' /?/?* was safely landed lis one corner of a rern-Aeld h lew miles off. and Wh-n he had .quietly tearated him self. hts first eaclam#tinn was'? P. e, a here ? Ml this tiktody pllidcarry u? nest." We do not know whether the follow In jr article, h?aded."//e?ofifctiay," will be a* interesting to other* as It it to u*. It is front' the M Sun," a London evening paper. vXItS OP TK1& DA Yr We mwektand that Mr Peel hu applied for a warrant against m itinerant musician, for singing "homo swoefhorao" under hi? window*. -? f %; ' v It is currently reported that lord London derry aaid n good thing in the house the oth er night. : Ar < ' We arc crcdihly informed that Mr. Brit ton the antiquarian, is republishing a new edition of " Brown s Vulgar Error?," with copious Additions, extracted chiefly ftrom the speeches of lord Londonderry and Mr. Daw won. The bishop o( Chester, H is said,preached a sermon last Wednesday, at Bt. Botolph'*, Bishnpsgate, on the duties of resignation. Mr. Peel, lord Eldon, the duko ol Welllng ton, and lord Westmoreland, wcreamongthe number of hia audience, and appeared unu sually affected. It Is whispered in the fashionable circles that Col. Berkley has tnken orders. We hear tliut the Worshipful company ol ] poachers have transmitted a valuable piece of plate to lord Kldon, for his having so hand-1 somely acknowledged himself one of their fraternity. I It Is sakl'that the right hou. K. Peel, goes a pleasuring almost daily to Richmond, Turnham, Green, or Brentford Butts. Dhtremlng siceidtnt.?Mr. Theodore Hook, we learn, hat been suffocated beneath an immense Quantity of ?? John Hull," which fell upon his head last Wednesday, from the shelves of the " John Bull" office. J Wc understand that Ferdinand of Spain, has written an autograph letter of condolence to lord Kldon. Sir George M'Gregor, Cacioue of l'oyuis, has. entrusted the marquis of Londonderry, to draw up thcprojcct of u new administra tion for that gifted colony. Mr. Murray, it in said, ban offered sir T. L'lhbridgu a thousand pounds to writo a po litical novel. We understand that two cart loads of slcdg* ?hainmci-N have been sent down totbc lit v. Mr. C-uuuiiigh.ini, of Harrow, for the put pose of knocking down the catholic reli gion in that neighbourhood. A PROFLIGATE PIG. ?ome time .'s> , ?? poison living in Maid stone, icHJiome w th hi* family to Dick. hop*. lit.1 a pig in tlic aity might be stolen, they>*l'vrrcd him to the cellar. Xf'cr sometime pu;;) contrived to asccud into h? kiuhen, ttntl imputed the cupboard; in that he (Wild ahoiii two pounds of bacon, which, in a most cannibTti-like manner, he devoured. His repast soon nwtking him thirsty ?.ur hero, it is supposed, stiught about for something to ..U.iy ids thirst, and in the course of hisrescau ho, he smelt something savoury in the upper regions. Accordingly he scrambled up stairs into a bed room. There he found therewith to wash down the !>av>ti, for on tin: i.?or stood several bot tle* of elder berry wine. "Drawing of cork<," he did m>t understand, but in " crackin;; a bottle," he proved himself to bo. as dexterous as any bon vivant in the parish. But his freak now grew to a close: poor pig gy got ns "drunk an David's .sow"?he ea Sered about, fell down stairs, broke the wash asin and swallowed the soap. The last per formance proved the cause of great nlarm to thcueighborhood,forinthe gaiety ofhis heart, ho got up on hi* hind legs, and with his snout all over soap suds, looked out of the window for the benefit of the air. Being observed 11 great outcry was raised; and it was quickly rumored that there was a mad pig foaming at mouth looking out of the window in Carey street; and the tipsy porker, by all accounts, certainly had a very queer look. It was proposed to shoot him to prevent further mischief; but alter much /iro and *on a resolute man wtnt up, and by a little maneuvering, popped j>oor piggy into a poke, brougnt him safely down, anil he was safely deposited in his sty, without an; other damage to himself than being u little the loorte of liquor. The filter lilt.?A travelling tin merchant, from the land of " wooden nutmegs and horn gun-flints," while moving with his portable ware house through au adjoining^town, call ed on a very shrewd descendant of St. Ciis pin, or in other words a pretty " wide awake" shoemaker, who having on hand a Plattsburg dollar, thought thu present op Eortunity a very Undone for disposing of it? e.tides the Immortal honor he would acquire by having sucked iu a Yankee pedlar, a con sideration of no small importance, it being generally believed a diflicult point to accom plish.?tie Ncordingly bought a tin fiante horn, and giving a knowing wink to the by standers, offered hi* 1'lutUburg bill ami re quested change. The pidlnr looked grave and shook his head?he did not like the hill, he had heard the hhnk was down. Crispin said "there was no such thing?the report was set afloat by brokers and speculators, men not to he relied ?.pon->-tlicy were per fectly good as specie?-and as to that matter ?little better, because It wi?h le?? trouble to carry it; and all the apcct.itnr* joint d hiin in recommending the bill to be it good bill, and the bank of exceeding good repute." The bill so highly recommended, the unsus pecting pedlar nut it into Ids pocket and nandedouttUe change?the by-standcrs put ou long faces?the shoe-maker laughed be hind hi? ear*, and nootie looked really hon es t hut tHe pedlar. But trading did Hot -top here: Crispin, elated with hi* success, offer ed to nell'lnn man of tin, a lot of shoes, *t a r< - d?i< i d price, foreauh. The pedlar bar gained for th?*m at #10?-depo?itcd the shoes tu his cart l?ox-?~pald tne amount in /'luM* burg blli<?and drove leisurely off, whirling I > V -M tun^ "Citek* IVhirtr ' ? " INTOLERABLE tending 1 end due thofbUowi ? convert and two und her sisteVln-lawi the house of the: ? Mr. toman, you ever under con victloof Aft* M?kr ~1 omwtui been or Hoi. My mind has' pressed with the Importance off different time?. Mr. A What is the state of your mine', nowf Mr*. M. It is not as much Impressed as if has l>c?m heretofore. > Afr.J$* Menwcar off their* running into dissipation and fn pling houses, and women wear going into gay company. ' fc Mrm.M. I never was fond ef gay company} ? I am of a domestic turn. Mr. B. You arc worse than other w(.men, for you can stay at home and wear off your convictions. Mr. Fmney. Dovou love God. ' '??/*"? ' Mr 1. M. 1 think 1 do. Mr. F. (tfiakmghia fiat in her fact) Yo? lie! What reason have you to think you lt?VO' * liod? , ?vyl/gT'' Mr*. M. When I look upou works of creution. 1 feci to praise and adore him. f ? Mr. F. You ought to go to hell* and yea must repent. / ? Mr*M. I cannot. ??,' Mr. F. (again /tutting hit /i< in htr fare.) You lie! * 'a*/' 4 Mrs. M. How can I get the new bhth utv lessCJod gives it me? Mr. F. You ought to be damned. Mr*. II eat hi ruby. Mr. Finney, you hare told Mrs. Mosicr that she could regenerate herself and give herself the new birthtnow if you will inform her, it wiil edify me, ' Mr. F. Arc you a christian, und ask such *><1 question * .. j Mr*. It'. I Must I am, and would ltketO i have it answered. . Mr. F. How can you love your husbandro? Mm. IF. Love is a passion I have neire# fv heard described. '/ '"*? Mr. licman. Mrs.AVerUhcrby, yqu Isavti Mkl you were a christain, and dare yog uk'. two of God's ministers such n question P Mr*. If . Yes I dare <ok it, and I hnv?i ?' asked it once before, and it appears that It cannot he answered. Here this inurttrtnr spectacle was closedA 6ot it appears that Mrs. VV's husband, who is master of one of the North river vessel, and a very peaceable man, could not tamely en- ?, dure this ungentlcmanly and unchristian,, if nut outrageous conduct, to hi| wife and sit ter. Accordingly, he resolved to remon strate with Mr. lie man; and as the latter was passing one day, he invited him into his house, when tno following scene ensuedt ? "Mr. B. I suppose youwant totalkoo roll gion, I talk on nothing vise. Mr. W. Not on that in particular. 1 want to talk with ymi concerning the*conversation you had with my wife and sinter at Mrs. Mo> tier's. Mr. J3. Cclenching hi* Ji*t and *haktvg It rjithin a few iuche* of Mr. IV**fact.) Cap tain Weather by, you will go to hell t God will send you to hell. (Thi* wa? rtfieatcd aeverul time*.) Mr. IV. Mr. Reman, you mast not Mjr that again, for I cannot bear it* ' -jfy ?*; Mr. It. (in u louder lone of voire.) Yotfc will go to hell." lit re the son of Neptune, loosing all ps* ticnce, floored the ''messenger of" bad " tidings;" but with peculiar obstinacy, bo stUI repented his favourite denunciation," , " you are going to hell I" several times. Tne enptain after a while allowed him to got up, when he again repeated the same lan guage, ?? you will go to hell."?After being floored again, and despatching the tar to hell sundry times more, on the appearance of ' Mm. Wentherby, whocaino into the room during the engagement, he desisted. If tne above pamphlet be true, the dignity of the pulpit, the kind care of a paster fair hit flock, and the affection of a christian lor his brethren, were ncrer more completely lost sight of, than by these reverend person. One of them called a ladv, a respectable member of his church, an "old devil," ah other, of irreproachable character an "old hypocrite." He said in a public discourse, that, "the member* of hit ohurch were going post-haste to hell;" and in anotheiv that they were"pil ing up their pray crsjtnd climbing up to heaven upon tnem; but they will all plunge into hell together." And iu addressing sin ners generally, he said, "if you dare do It you would r/uA'jtiod Almighty out of Troy." Whftt shocking Irreverence! what impietv! nut'thu following language of Fitmeycapstffe climax of pulpit madness and bl*?ph?my-* "why, sinner*, I tell ymi if you could climb to heaven, you would liurl God from hit tl?r?n,c; ye?, hurl (iod from his throoei O yet if,} on get. there, you would tut (iod'? throaH yes, you would cut Oo<P* ihroatJ'l!** ON A I?\I>Y WITH A IIOOKKD SOftE, SING. In OfarlmU's c?n b?, ? j Who ?iOa* llln* a t?lnn*tf *T;? ig VoO tnsy tse Iter now a**(M |*#|>lllg til It. iiiMi. ?mi. ?? * An Irbhffisn *t??i<ftn, .New-1ft??K, by a jwrsvn pr teat wbeii a Irwhrrmn ?t*r?<fin* on the plet St ftcwf r-YorK, witnjV?id ftj a person ?#? taut w Im wss from " iKfh," mI<I, h?," Kit I wo froi rv. cy plant Init this; sn?l I'm d .1 bat I'M h w**,y ??St,rfeiSur'