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j Jjrj i, )V r *- v> etiwtoutp IfMT PHI PAY ltBMM|f tBwT1*"' s53?s$^ *Sj _. wenty Uaet, or a ^S?r?!t2? M iiS Public Sale.^H fflO bo sold by order of the Court of Equity nil J,. Ili? real estate belonging to the late Arm ol A.fcW HALL (l Co on a credit of 1, 2. and 3 Wlhprwodii wcuniy nu HMiitft irom ?W> The dwettiag aad storoe nbw occupied by W. Hall, pidk (OtMi of RMmAmmI LmtiI ,'t.i tlj The dwelling house I* replete with every ooovanleaeu for fcmlly pttpoMi the HtiMVf, Cellar* and Cotton Houim in as citen live mm at w?U calculated foe any coaecm aa miv lit thcitate. These premises aio lighted with Bmiim ? Store on EWIsardson street 60 fact front with a lot attacked extending back to Aaacmbly /trretj *itb a Cotton House eapabla of storing MUJ? I, with street. A Store adjoining containing 60 foot front a lot attached, extending back to Assembly i ?? At.SO ? A large three story Brick House fronting 02 feat on Richardson at roe t and extending back to Ac ?eibbty? street, with a good double brick kitchen abd stable and oarriage boose attached. There are two large Store* In this building fronting on Rirhardaon street wltb back rooms to each, which are well calculated for any business. The dwelling or upper part of the house la wall cal culated for either a public or private botdlng house. ?also:? Tho House and Lot where Isaac Fraxier own Uvea, which front its oontlguous altnation to the stntn House, renders it invaluable during th?. tat ting of the Icgbletare, as'a nubile stand: U has every conveatenco desirable fpr public use*. ?> .,?A1JO:? A square otland containing four nere*, nv?ro or Iota, situate la the Towa of Columbia, between Richland, Laurel, Gist aad Pinckney streets, for merly the property of Rllaha Daniel, situate on the borders oTtbo Canal, near Mr. Young's Mill. ; v I ' ?AU0^ Two hundred and eleven arres of land In Rich land District, situated on the Eight Mile Kranch, bounded on the N W. by Pearaon'a large survey; E by Geo. Wodin's land; 8 by Oeorge Smith's land} S. W. by N> Herbemonts and W. by Di. flrrtn'a land. Thrt above property Maybe seen on application ?o the subscriber, who will dispose of the same by private contract until the flrst Monday in July when it wUI be, without reaerve, sold at Public Aueilon \VM. HALL. Columbia, May 3 ?18 tda Notice. ALL ptnoM are forwaraed not to credit any parson on my account unlet* m order be produced signed either by mytelfnr wife. ?' { - THOMAS BRIUtlS. ',|n|^|r8 , . , .. 2 tf 26 Dollars Reward IB offeiad forth* delivery of two negrOe* ? wobim named JUDA, about 45 or 00 years of lit, end hereon JOE. ibMll 14or 16 yeaieof *??, who left at about the ftrst of Mtrcli.a?d former ly the property of Mr. Blank*, Mid 1 auppoM are fcarbonfod In that neixbborliood by ?ome n*?ro or negroea, any on Tom'a ereek, tr in that imn of the dirtrkl. WILLIAM J. GKIGKIt. *? 11 10 tf Law Notice. TIIB copartnership of OREOO fe HUNTER it dheotved. GREGG & HUDSON Will practice LAW Jointly in the conrte for Pair Sold dUtrict, end will retain the oftce formerly of ttrrfjdtftlootei at Winotborough, where Hod ton w ill meld* March 1 For Sale or Rent. Col. Cnaton'a two large Brick dtoree, . w,,h oommodiona dwelling apartment! ?j eaeh, at th<t corner of Riehaidson and Waluo) street*. Apply to J ORkOO ,00 rem be i zfl 47 if To Hcnt, THE South STORE ol the M*?onic Ilnll, re cently ocanpicd (?y Mmn. Miller ami Tuy tor. For particulars apply In WM. nu.r f. Mtv Marrh 1 0 tf P Notice to Builders. ItOFOSALS will b<? received foi hull* fog a _ jaU for Sumter district, at Sumtervllle, until thf day ut AajpHt ne*t, which aru to bo loderd with (kit. John B. Milkr one of the*i<.? of*. Enah proposal shall contain the nemo ot Vm yeeurltlee offered, and eball date the ehorteat Urn. in which the building can ha completed. ?Jhjfc praSSt r-tte <&miArtieve dm dbpoted to maka e.lnrgo p->) mont w aoritfli. iZl ???. tervOWJ?!?* \ kjr*awu). A s? fiwssnrtg ?^y*! ??*?!!???? eo'wt. .q?T.. ?Ml ?Ufliu^vll iOODS. ubtcribtra have recently received an F-i extentive a tor (men ( of S3SSSr ?bo received an additional sU|?pl) of Hardware, Fine Cutlery, Crockcry, Auo,vSJirsi 6-4 fwuli by tha aaUcribfra, chwittr than ever of ?A UMLAUCHLIN . N. B. Punctual customers can ba s applied at Mih price*. May 18 : . 20 tf . Dr., Josiah C. Nott, HAVING locatedhimselfla Richardsonstreet, tbroa door* below the Gaaette Printing Offlce, respectfully teadeis his professional services to (bo Inhabitant* of Columbia and Ha vicinity. May 18 20 tf Agency. Charleston Fire and Jlarine Insurance Company. I 'I^IIE Subscriber is authorised to take Hitki ft. Pirt,on BUILDINGS, GOGDS and FURNITURE S. FERCIVAL, Agent Columbia, May 37 21 tf Private Boarding V HE Subicriber has taken Mr. John Black's Brick lfouse, situate oh the corner of Ric !? ardson and Richland streets, recently occupied by Mr. James Rush as a Private Boarding House, where he will accommodate a few genteei 1 Boarders JESSE STEWART June >, 1827 23 3 [ Law Notice. fftlHE Subscriber has opened iiisofflee at UnlotT JLr Court Houte. lie will practice In the several Courts of Law and Equity la the district* of Spartaaburgb, Union, York, and Chatter} aad leaders hi* professional services to bU friends aad till] miblta. BIRD M. PEARSON. June 7,1827 23 4 Castings and Bar Iron FOR HALF. /IA TONS Hollow Ware assorted, VF Pots from 4 gallon to 12 gallon*, Bake Oven*, Fire lfc?gs, Skillets, Spiders aud Wagon Boxes, Gudgeons (large and smull,) Bevel Wheel*, Mill Rounds, Fannlug Wheels, Forge Flates, and llammem, Water Pipes, and Palisading, Id Superior Cottow Screws, warranted for one year, 20Tons Bkr Iron assorted Orders for Castings, Machinery or Bar Iron to pattern, will be received and iieruted In the shortest notice by applying to Mr. John A. Craw ford in Columbia, or to the *ubscrilier nt Cowpen Furnace, Spartanburg district, Sontli Carolina. In three month* shall be ready to furnish the large and small Patent Balance Scales at a vey reduced price: alto, Ca?t Iron Chests. THOMAS HODGSON. June 15 24 4 Last Noticc. CHANCY HAI.Ij, having left Columbia, hits been necessarily compelled to leave hl? notes and accounts with Jamm L. Clahk, Esip for col lection: where all thow interest* d are earnestly requested to call and settle the amounts respec tively du? by them, a? longer indulgence cannot be glvea. June IA, 1827 24 -i FOR SALE, Jit hin Cabinet-JVare ftoomy Off Of I1K LATTA tf M'LaOt ?TO*r, ON THK MAIN 8THKF.T, A General Jittortmmt of ELEGANT FURNITURE, VI.I. i?imlo under thn ttninfdiale inspection of the Sulwrltter; and In- warrant* it to bo of the b?'?t iiidtcrtfilii rimI workmannhip. f UllNI'lI'M". will b<: lurnUiied at the ?]ior1rit notice, a?u?unl In my |>t*??-nt rircoitilittr'i, fnoni*y mint br had- therefore, Imr/ain* way Ik eipttted fori C Aklt. AM. |>er?oti? indcl?t*d to me, l?y note or open n'cnmit, |?r?*v4oo? to tit* 1*1 ol lam?ary, IK27, *r? culled ii|miii tomake payment* b*fo?0 the we*t r?< turn day All 'ho in-fleet to comply Willi thU ||.-In <?, Will, ii- nr. IIy , Ind their nutm and *?j couiiti in the Imndt of mi Attorney, for collection. John park. Columbia, J dm 7, I > ? / ? 2H ?owft t To Kent. A cOW*?n?ent IIOUHE family, wltfi a garden. Mid ? MILIUM* to IW N 'OH T>? COLUMBIA TEiE*COPK. 'Ms Courier of been wi edto have ? > ? -J I ?IIIWIMI II ^?nniBK ? .... to the premWnWp. It struck a few trifling alteration would j tctt*c of it aopjiBple to the hero whom the fieojUe would "delight to honor," with the nrtt office In thwFgtft If you think it worthy of puhUestl^wlth'Ihe alte ration* 1 have madr, you wlfpleaaelnaert it jMobiig.; , ,* The shield of CWaai&fe w The' tamely lb? aagie lUvtfi'd tho" her ?Mr. . Tho' forl'd ber strip'd Yet guardian tbe sib of ber boneOrayl glory While Jmtkmn direct* the ZmUmif Ol titer* The friend of the Aeant, be It** wilfortory, Here'* health to tbe pilot erbftl alaad at tbe helm. Should G?/<?shakethe venal, a* ^ageri surround h?r, ^WT With etcrU ?? tritd v?h? bai?. tartofcai. 80 (kllfttl a helmsman, wo frnaw **1 not ground bar, <?. 3sfj V But amid tbe wont peril* uadaqatedly steer, Alike watchful ever, In calm n n l|* feather Our bands will uuiit Ida, then teiupeiti o'erwhelin, No storms i.eed we dread, wb lit we all pull together, ' llere'a health to tbe pilot wbo'll *lend at tho helm And ahould it so hup, that again Yankee thunder, Proud nation* should awe, and war'a flag be unfurl'd, /(kA With such a brute steersman to geldu the fam'd wonder, We'll aye be the envy and pi id* of the world. Thtn let foes beware, for the Ragle's but sleep* log? Our ship is ol onk, and our hearts ere of elm, For snlely w e'll ?nil, with the whtrlin hit keeping, Her is to the nilot who II ?tuud at the beltn. The following beautiful expvmlon* of a trite M?ntiment is from "the Hunter and ot/icr 1'oetrn," u kmall volume, by M. !*? Flint, of Arkansas ilow switt the joyous houra take wing, When their lui^M pinion* only b,i?K "IIm? ealnhittv ti?U ot bopa uud plcatme, _ _ Rosy health uiul dreams wl mirth But oh! the creeping snail la Heel, Lontpar'd with time, when bis iiflik feet In pain steal round the dial meauiri ; |'..r sickueu clo^s the *wUt uing'd hours, And sot tow's tears, like falling thowcr.t, Weigh down thu dripping plumes to earth-' ALL THAT'S BltlOIIT .MUST FADL fmnjAN Ain J All that's bright must fade, The brightest still the fleetest*, And that's sweet wa* uiade, But to lie lost when sweetest. Stars that shine and fnll, The flower that droops in ipringing; Thosa, alasl are type* ol all. To which ourhmrts nr? clinging. Who would seek or pri*e, Delights that end in uehin;? Who would trust to ties, That every hour urc breaking? Better Inr to hp. In utter darkin-ss lying. Than be bleot with licit', and seo Tuat llfcht forever nyin^. M ATI MOM M. HAPPINESS. Say* Dick to Jack, "your neighbors say | You wrangle with your wife each day." " Poo! poo!" says Jack, " thay only Joke; "lis now a forntuight since wit spoke." from Hi* Satur.lnj f.rtning Pat. RMIUMA. First take a word that does silence proclaim, Which backward* and for*aid* does still spell the same; An instrument, too, which lawyer*oft Irame, And back war-Is and forwards doe* ?till spell tbe ?ami i A very rich fruit whose botanical name, Both backwards and forwards doe* still ipall tbe same; And a musical note which all will proclaim, Both backwards and forwards doe* still spell th* same; The initials of the**, when joined form a name, Which s very young that's married will claim, And backwards und forwards doe* (till spell tbe same. A II 11)1) LB. I am a word of ei^lit letters, am! every body hates me. I am nearly as old as Adam, and huve never enjoyed the iiicasureuf sight; and what is ?tjl! more dmidt'u), experience, my only tru-i . friend md physician, assures me that I can never be cared of my blindness. I am as despicable in my parte as in my whole. Take away all but my 4th, 5th,6th, 7th anil .nd, and 1 am den sted by all de? nominations?by every being in existence. Omit my thiee first, and Ian? still mote hor rible. My 3rd, 4tli and '.ind, have ruined many an honest mar, and hloMUhedand mise ry linve followed my train ever since 1 was l?om, Yet notwithstanding every bodydetests me, 1 can tie so arranged that every body will like me) I am ?|uite innocent, and fiave many good qualities when *o arranged (for mjf 4th, 3rd, 8th, is the name of a piece of poetry, Mitnetimcs excellent. My 4th, 2nd and 3rd; is the noffle of :in ineloscd piece of ground, frequently spoken of by poet*. My 1st, 2nd and 8th is the name of aa admirable bird. My 8tb, 2nd and 7th is a word which ham gladdened the hearts of many, The rich and the poor alike are seeking to be what my 2nd, 3rd, 7th and 8th exprese. My 1st, 6th, 4th and ?th to a month in the year. Take atoay all but my 1st. Sth and 8th, and every body would rush into my embrace. My fth. Sth and 4th contribute in the exto? I tenet of all lift, and in v 1st, 2nd, 7th, Mb I and rth(t|Aln) ia the salvation of the whole human Csmfty. VIRTUE. m .'? ?f. vr - Mr. Editor?Th*(o\\?*\nt Mom; (ml at'fek ?Mktlslow oTmvm?I of my Msnes, who are fond of a jpiodjolit, I pwmi ft lo you in hops* yeTwlll not rolus* lo ?f*b>Ub it iu your paper. t THE WANDERER. bahney"blinn. "A little leantaf it a dangerous thing," my*.a justly celebrated writer. Bwmv Nlan did not think sojhe believed that his * * earned by conning newspapers, ^ul b? h<?rtiyom^r>r VKrtt" to ioWnmmt documents, might yet bo tout to a profitable market. Mother," said ho mm day, as fee placed a buck tail in his hat, ind shouldered hit rifle, "I'm going for to muster; and H mought happen that I could lectloneer for Troup, by a specification or iort o' so to Capt. Dragger's company. Let loose old Snap, and keep Growler to the chain; For I reckon she's too fierce for the 8qulrc*a hogs, and may spread 'em afore they get clear o* the 'tater patch. Tally tiudl go wiUs me, a* I reckon I mought meet game cm the road." Thb said, he mounts his gray mare *of many points,' ana, burying his spurs in the flankf of the beast, off she ?tarted in a merry trot, erecting her nose as if aware of the martial ahow that was about nuking, and snuffii)?up tho air as if it smelt Barney waa not idle during the Journey; al intervals one might hear him mutter, "4 When in the course of human events'? * My voice is still for war,%JGreorKians!? one and all, stand by your arms,'" See. 8tc. At length he heard tf>e roll ot the drum? Beuy pricked her ears, and Barney braced himself up in military pride, at the same time applying the spurs and pushing forward In a brisk canter. He reached .the muster ground just us Sergeant Dooly bellowed out M Barney Blinn?" Here I?slick' as a 'coon," was the answer; and Barney in a mo ment was in the ranks, with his eyes direct ly front, his rifle "stright up and down," and his body as erect as if his everlasting honor depended on hU appearance. The checking roll of the drum inoculated Barney with military ardor; cacti word of coin mand from the brave Capt. 1) rugger, actcd like a galvanic 4?.ittcrv upon his nerves, and his old i iile rattled when he grasped its oak en butt. It it. a uieatpity Barney had not ?t more sweeping knowledge of Uctlcs; un fortunately he look his place in the ranks witli his amis shouldered on the right side; when he ordered srms 'twas on the tfji? when the wuvd ** fire!" was given, ne shut the wrong eye, and received the whole Hash of* the pan in the rigA/.'?However, Harney did his best, and who could do more? ?If he did shut the wrong eye, thiiil^I, he it better than many of our' modern^e rocs, who are very apt to shut both, rea soning philosophically with themselves, that if they cannot see their opponents, theh opponents cannot sec them! All believed Barney to be the best soldier, for he was the tallest man, and looked the Jfereett: snapping turtle, 'coon or steam-boat ?it was all onu to him, for he wan half horse und half alligator?and no man dared gainsay it. When the psrade was over, Barney mounted a brine cask before 'Squire Dodd's store, and procluimcd his wish to be heard. A!1 mouths were closed before you could soy " Jack Kobinson," and the back woods Demosthenes taking a bottle of whis key in his hand and pourinir out a goodly draught, thus he began: u Here is to Gov. Troup?I'll oust the best meiwwho says he's not cock o' the walk) I've been thinking as how 1 mought make a speech to you It you'll only listen. I ha'nt no notion of seeing our rights trampled down upon under our feet while there's a man of us left to hold 'em up. 1 ha'nt no notion of seeing Gene ral Government (who can't hold a candle to General Jackson,) striving to resolve the political bonds which uuites us together, and sending his kinsman. General Gaines of Pendleton, to larn to talk Creek language, and likewise to lam the copper-faces to sing M'lntosh's death song. I ha'nt no notion of seeing the firetogative of our State made, as Jack Sfiear says, a ? trifle light as hair,'? and, 4 like the Imsc Frederick In a vision'? reckoned as no account." Barney then drew from his pockct a copy of the constitution of the United States, and went on as follows: ** Art. I. tc V. Miction 4th of the constitution my*. ' The United State* shall guarantee to every state in the Union a republican form of government, and ?lmll protect each of them ugaiust invasion, and, on application of the legislature, or of tho executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.' Now, ?omc on you niought not understand this, so I'll illustrate it to you. K'posc one o' you hud a 'tatcr patuh, clean hoed from eend to tend, and another of you had a drove of hogs, which hogs should break down your fence, and root up your 'tntcrs; ha'nt you got sense enough to know that the law will protect you In shooting them 'ere hogs? The other part means an application to the legislature for an execution against one Do* mestic Violence, who, I s'posc was in them days, a pretty 'cute fellow.?Now d'ye see General Government has sent the man from Pendleton here to settle matters, and, In stead of that, he Is helping the Indians to scalp u?, and wagcing war against Troup. Some calls it newspaper war, which means a war of newspapers, which means?fought ing with newspaper*?no?yea?new^>nper foughting!?So, I'm thinking as how this Major General Government ha'nt got the right sow by the ear, forGeoiglans Is pluck to the back bone, n.d may 1 live a hawk and die a bustard, if 1 don't stick to Troup like dog Talley wriuld to a 'coon hole!?I'm 1 man ui th* hill, and here 1 stand." so He did, sure enough, up id Ma _ In pickle brine, for the head of the broke through, and down ha went! e stars of ?rstory'?hide your dlrnia B? fcw her daughter's marriage to thei Button paper very jurtijr I ?df* >m known ? more grow ot mon decency, and the usugea the minister who consented accessory in this A/oc* tranaa tobe hold up tothe reprobatl munlty. ' The disconsolate mother,on being ai that the marriage had actually taken; called on the clergyman who onto and Inquired If he knew any law* 1 divine, that wwild justify film In _ , formance of the act. He replied,: that, knew nothing forbidding U t? the bible, Ai'I. Timet. Remark.?The marriage mentioned ui the above article in contrary qf* Massachusetts where "" performed. A statue f penalties, all clergymen end J peace from yoking together In J any white man or woman with Indian, mulutto or other coloured ] The honest clergyman who could flndl In his bible against such a proceeding, at least have found something in his statute book, and if he had looked in the old testa ment, he might have found something in the . laws of the ancient dispensation analogous to a prohibition, In the ordinance against sew ing linen and woollen cloths, together and against the breeding of mongrel animals; so ? carefully was this abhoreiice of Hie mingling of different racee fostered in the Jewish nation. Of catching Yankee*!?!There Is an old black woman at the Havana, known tQ ^ almost every one who frequents that 'porj, as a washer of clothcs, in which bushievk *Uo employs several slaves, having acquired s hand dome property by it She is partial to t\ the American!, having made the greater part of her money through them. When , some of the British Alps stepped there on their way for the coast of Louisiana, she, ae ' usual, boarded the ships in search of busfaejM ?and having despatched that, she asked the captain of one of the 74'*, 44 where are you going, massa?" who replied, 44 we are going to catch some d??d Yankees at New-Or leans. Wc shall stop here as wc come buck, and I'll sell a doscn or two very cheap lor washer women.'* "Ah, ha! will you better let'e d <d Yankee Hone," said the ?" 1 tell ye, you better let him 'looe."^ When the same ship returned to Havsaj?r I after the dreadful defeat of the 8ih of Jain., the old woman again boarded, and obaervin^ the captain, said, " well,' massa, I come if* buy some Yankee!?'But the Joke was stale,.., and the officer refused a reply?on which she added, archly,44 dld'nt I tell you msssa, you better let'e Yankee lone!" The tollowing singular notice appeared in one of the Baltimore daily papers, a few dSys since: ??" A person who pleaded to some time ago, the benefit of an (since repealed,) in a peculiar and who is now supposed to be ht the States under a fictitious name, may a letter from his mother, In such a pMW as he shall adopt for concealing his person, on an intelligible application, (postage being paid.) to H.wiles, editor of the ftegpter. The notice excited to much attention, and caused ho many inquiries to be mode of the editor of the Register, that on Monday he camc out with the following explana tion:? Having inserted the preceeding notice in one of the Baltimore daily papers, we shall sutisfy the inquiries whicn ft has caused, try ?ay big, that, by a late arrival from Liverpool we have received a letter for " Abraham Thornton," who was charged with rape and ' murder on the person of a beautiful youtte woman named Mary Ash ford?and avoided the penalty of the law by pleading the bene fit of aii old statute (not supposed to be in ex- - istence,) to prove his Innocence, In the ab sence of positive testimony, by ^vfgerajtS ? battle," with the nearest km of the deeessed and no one appearing to contend with him, he was discharged. The tetter Is said to be from his old and afflicted mother, end will be dclivcd r.n a suitable application, without wishing or attempting to identify the uh fortnnatc, and, as we hope, repentant Indi vidual, if guilty of the offences charged upon . him, or in publishing the name under whkfe ? we are informed that he has passed. We give him our pledge to this effect, and the " act of humanity/' enjoined in behalf of hie mother, may be ac com pi bed. Mithnal advocate. Phrenology ?The Westminster was led to remark, that in Moore's, Sheridan there ate 9500 similes, ei if metaphors find regularity built 'This' (says Mr. CoomW, ln *" Interesting Letter to . recently published in answerto 1 Phrenology In tha ~" 'tliia hi pretty oooo mg the faculty of In the Hy?ietnt ft. 33Vi a Prom obstt ration, that t! lev Hoped in hts head. it tha distance 6f sever assigned to t% out form