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Nr #-AND SOUTH-CAROLINA STATE JOU COLVMBU, (S. C.) FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 1#, iMT. fMa ??ISittW* etle?co*e; ' \ vfimSu^vajMa,. $ 15 rniMiri n km (NUN q^lil|if9fc R r#ri pi f y ' r? Adv. Uou^W p*r*M?a,mU* ??? D?M^U ?t Urn ?. MliMwili iit* muof i Sw i 'the ?u > they will teoeivn Hars Reward It) offered forthe delivery of tw negroes: * woMnM|MiVDA, ?bout 46 or to y*ars of in, and her ton JOE, ftbwqt 14or 19 years of ago, who left me about the ftnl of March, and former ly tta property of Mr. Blanks, and I seppoee oro ty tfcn property of Mr. SI Innks, and karfcoored In the* neighborhood by somo negro or negroes, my on To?? In Uiatmrt of ilio district. WILLIAM I. GE10RII. May 11 ?/. ^ 19 It "i Law Notice. THE copertiiereklp of GHEOO k HUNTER Is dissolved. GREGG & HUDSON trill practice LAW Jointly In lbs courts for Fair flrU dlstriet, and will retain tho office formerly of ttr*??k Huater at Winntborougb, Where Had ?on will rtilde March 1 Notice^ T OST OR MISLAID, abont tho 27th of March, I i a hundred dollar bill, on the bank of Daritn, (?. irgia, with Joseph Carrot's name on the back of it, n little old and torn at on* corner, number 19 or 1900, date 1890 Persona who have re ceived any Mil on said bank of that denomination since the 37th March, or who may herenlter receive any soeli, ore requested to e&amlnn K par* tlcularly as It Is not eipected that it can pass without being detected. Any person giving In formation of said bill to the subscriber, living near the Cioes Keys, Union District, shall be salttfacto rily rewarded. DAVID BOYCE Jnae 81. 26 3 Corn, Bacon & Mackerel. ON hand ? large supply of prime Country .iUtid ShelledCORN. AlaoJ-Just received, ? t?r*? quantity of prime NKW MACKEREL r 1811, In whole and tUlf barrels Als??Wlteen hog*ande priae OHIO BACON, togetlier with n ler?u stock of SUUAR, COKJ'EK, -JALT, IRON, lu.b? ill of wbieh will be aold low for emit. I?y J.kW M'MILLAN. Ju?? 88 126 8 Public .Sale. TO be told by order of the Court of Equity nil lh? reel estate belonging to the late firm of A. It W MALL It Co on * credit of I, 8, and 3 year*, with a mortgage on the propt-rty and bonds with personal security w ith interest from date. Thi dwelling and store* now occupied by W Hall, on the cornet of Richardson and Laurel street*. The dwelling house is replete witb every convenience for family purposes: thr Stores, Cellars and Cot'.on Houses arc as etten sivr and a* well calculated for any concern as any in the state. These premises aio lighted with g???s. ?A I.SO A Store. on Iliehardaon street 60 feet front a lot attached eitei ding bark to Assembly with a Cotton House capable of storing SC-OO bales of Cotton. ~tu>? A Store adjoining eontalalng 00 feet front, with a lot allaehod, etlendinj back to Assembly street ?ALSO? A large three story Brick House fronting 68 feet on Richardson street and attending back to As* ntfuibly street, with a good double brick kitchen *ml stable and carriage house attached. There are tw* large Stores in this building fronting on Richardson street with hack rooms to each, which ara well calculated for any business. The dwelling nr upper part of the house Is well cal Ciliated for either n public or private boidlng house. -?also:? ? The House and Lot where Isaac Fraxier own lives, which from Its eontlgaoua situation to the State House, Hinders it invaluable during the set* ting of the legislature, as a public stand; It hep every convenience desirable lor public asee. ?AlW: A square of land eontalalng four acres, more or lass, situate lo the Town of Cofuabie, between Ricntand, Laurel, diet and Pinrkney streets, for* marly the property of Rltsha Daniel, situate on the borders of the Canal, near Mr. Young's MMI ?also:? Two hundred and eleven aeres of land in Rich land District, situated on the Rigid Mile Braneh, branded rtn the N W. by Pearson's large survey; i K by Oeo. Wodin's land; 8 by Oeor*e Smith's land; 8. If. by N. Ilerbeinont s and W by D?. irAAM'i leMfl 'ni'jll ? 9VVVV9* The aboveproperty may be seen on app'iration ?0 the nsbscrioer, who will dispose of the same by prfvfcta contract eaUl the first Moaday in luljr whee it will be, without reserve, sold at Pnbbc Auction ? WM. IIAI.L. ' CclamMa, May > I* ids Notice. A IX persons are for warned not to eredll any ?rfrsen on my aeaonnt unless an order I" January > j Jt if To Rent, rMasSoak?tmk?*]ik. mH.ii,? ?T MIMw ' * tr ?fV' ' *lr j. **.-<'* - Final Notice. (\ Ud*b4?i to iht tmb$t rib*r?*r? " e*l?#d on to auto (MtyMMl. I IkH node#, ?t, MN/krw. __ Mpj , 'a iltMwty fo? coIImUqui mhm iMUfcatnry Mftywwli ?re entereJ into ,ir?vl joualo wo?t rtlurn U.y. J08m]^ ARX?UR ryt <1 tf AUGUSTUS M'NEAL. ? A':m liKkPICTPVLLYlwdm histbauks totho^ ?m who Imn *o liberally encoorged Ua here-. tofoee, and informs thorn (bat he may U found m ?II liatiibv doors aorth of Edgar** 1m, where ] he ha* on bud SADDLES, HARNESS, andmany other articles la blattoe which bo will | wQ on accoatmodaUag terms May? ,V 18 If James Vlexander, FORMER PROFRIRTOR OF THR MADISON SPRINGS, truo start row a House of Entertainment, In ITuAlqfM, Wilket county, G?rgig. T>EQS leave to Inform the citlacnt of South X) Carolina, and other Mate*, that, on the Ar?l of Jaauaty, ha will remove from )bU present rati* dance toe large aad commodious house, Imme diatly on tba publla square, on Main Ureal, well calculated, in all respects, for atrery accommoda* tion tbat travellers can desire. Prom his long at parlenre In hit Una, he deems It unnecessary to dwell on bis capacity to render jtstice to those who may call on him. Ha keeps a directory In bis house for ihe con veaienca of travellers, who can ascertain l>y u the course and distaace from this town to every part of tba state, and of South Carolina also. Washington, Wilkes Co.Oa. Oct 2* eowly JNotice to Builders. PROPOSALS Will be received tor balldlng a jatl for Samlet district, at Sumtciville, until the 1st day of August nett, which are to be lodged with Col. John B. Miller our of tha Commission art. , Each pronoMl shall contain the name ot the securities offered, and sball atata the shortest time in which Ibe iMillUini; ran lie completed. ?The plan of the building, tec. ceu be teen by , applying to Col. Miller; Sumter* III*, S. C. The Comiulssiencrt are disposed lo make a large psy- j meut in atlvancc. JOHN n. MILLER, TIIOMAS li, JOSEPH B. W HlTE, I'ommiuioncrt of Public hviMiiigt. I Suintorville, June b H3 0 Columbia Male Academy. 1 iMIKpuhlic KXAMlkNAi iO.N til thu stuUuits in JL this institution Mill coininenco on Thursday the. 28th inst. M U o'clock A. M. and continue two days. Parents and guardiaut ol pupil*, and all who feel Interested tor the advancement of litem ture, are respectfully invited to Mtend. The third quarter of the present year will com* tnrnce on Monday the Dtti ol July. The course of classical and mathematical studies h-retotore adopted, as nrepuratory to entering the Junior Class in the South Carolina College will bo coii tintted. The mathematical detriment of the seminary is conducted by Mr S M'Aliley, whose attention is assiduously dovoted to arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigenometry, lie R L. KI>MO.NI>S, Primipal. June 22 2ft 2 FEMALE TUITION. MRS ELIZA u MILLa, promises to receive at her house, (opposite the College square,) a limited nuinlwr of young ladies, lo whoM polite andornara?*maledncation|MirticularaUenlioi>>!'.>M lie paid Select teachers will he engaged lo struct In French, Music, Drawing,fee tic. Mrs. Mills' house being situated in a healthful partjpf tha lown, having a large garden and play ground attached to It, Is well adapted for the w comdallon ot hoarders who sliall in every respect be treated as memliert of her family. Tba terms of board and tulliua sball l>a mode rate, and may be known by applying to Mrs. Mills at her house. N. B ?The school commences on Mondav n**t.| June 22 25 0 To Went. A convenient IIOUSK for a small ?jM, family, with a Karden, and nil neeeoary Out buildings, c -ntiguous lo Ihe business part of the town. Apply to T WELLS February 2 2 ? if Notice. VLf. persons indebted lo die est Mr ol Ihe late WILLIAM VOUNU, of this place, der.eased, arc req?i?st?d lo make payment and tiiose per sons having demands agaii'sl tn,? M)d estate, will please rentier attested statemriits of Ihe same to I lie subscriber, who is ati'liorhled to arrange the ramc. ROBERT PURVIS .lllornt.'/ for Duncmt /.?itch, mlm'r. June 22 i!A If For Sale, \T Ihe request of the Mldieni attorney for the Itenefil of J. it C Law ton assign*-* ? of M Passinoie: will Ins ?old on the first Monday or Titesdsy In July nest,the hot/<ehold and kitchen f-Kiiitiire belonging I ? M. Passuiore, as assigned by ?iirn to l.*wtau; at the suit of J. 1(0.1.awlon v* M. Pmmon. . . ?4 ,< ?-At.M>: ?7 ? By order of Ihe assignee! attorney, will be told as tne ptoperty of IVm Ougglns. one ??gro bay, 1 i*br tk* Columbia Tkteacoflr. Mtnrt. Editor? If yoM think by publish ' the follow in* you wUlWM?e any ol your ' which ap 'The fol ma" which c Saturday As I aow do yon, for III (In tvpoy for my palas) Take the name of the child pf a poet of fame. And which back wards and forwards dot* Mill spe tardiMdbr?imdo*i Mill spell tkd HM| - And thai which to be, hut Mt Mm woald aim, And which backwards and fonmrde doee Mill spell the same; Hw nlcAneeu of Ike persoa I? ftnd oat whoM nam* You mH(t spell H both backwards and forwards the same; And he whom the Turks as their Ood do proclaim, Which both backwards and forwards doe* atill spell the Mm. The initial* of these, joined together proclaim The name of a Queen who Mthree realm*" could once claim, And which backwards and forwards does Mill ipell the Mime. IMOG1NE V [SKI.KCTVR.] DKLaYS?TO MECHANICS. Shun delay*, they bread remorse, e TnkelHy time, while lime Is lent thee; Creeping mall* have weekeM force; Fly thcli faulti lest thou frpant Ihee. Ooou iil?e?t wiicu loonest wnioglii) Lingering come lo uougbt. HolM up *a'l while gale doth tail, Tide and wind stay no man'* jrlrumro! Peek not tunc when lioieit|wi?t, Soher tjiced in k lelturr. Afirr wit* iirt- <l?uriy bought, L<1 thy l.<r?-v^i sui'l" thy thought. O.N MURAL I4FK The lirp?? of nlgfcl U MM In ri il( Kit rtvrr'k lmn<|ott , And every bird Iim Miupltt Iht VTUtro .il^nl 1* li?r The ?|un?n oi lnavua*i? miung hi^n, A p-ilu (>nrk In thtf nxura ?ky. And nut * brentb U liowrdlo ?irli, S'nWp tin! tofi Itnnrjuilily. VVc were not n little entertained a few da)s airo, on opening a package dircct fruin New-York* to find one of its finer compo nents enveloped in a manuscript letter to an uninent mercantile home in Liverpool, Midland, of which the following h it copy. However, we have no difficulty in conjectu ring how it came there; as it is the practice in that eity to turn over their by-cone papers to the profit of the printer's devil, who gene rally has a Handing contract at tome haber dasher's counter for eathuig the article, and doubtless this was thrown among them. As so much ncgligeiicc seems to have been evinc ed towards it by the political merchant? by | whom it purports to have Iwcn written, we arc not conscious of any violation of confi-1 deuce in giving U an insertion. \t all events' it will enable them to recover a copy at less cost for postage titan would the returning of < the original by mail. *!thena, ( Ga.J Athenian. \ POLITICAL*M ARKET. Nkw-Yukk, Mat 24th, 1837. Miurt. Cropper, Benton, Is' Co. * (iKNTi.KMKMSi nee our last advice?? things are taking a strange turn in this coun try, and some of the most fearful consequen ces are apnrehended by the knowing one*. We, ourselves, are very far from a oulct state of fcelin; as to the main result of the business to which we called your attention 1 ut fier lutt date*. We hold up, however, as though we were free from alarm, and profit as much as any can, no better backed than we are, from imposing Appearances. If things go to pieces, you know we lose nothing. Ours has never been any thing hut a false capital, either in credit <?r characters and whatever confidence wc sustained, it was never with out its just and due j>n>|x?rtlon of suspicion. If you recollect, wr hinted, in former Intel ligence, the unsafe condition of one or two houses, ami thata few weeks would bring to light what m Kht he the prospect oi holding out against < uir then increasing pre?ure. VVe have now t<> s.?y, affair* with them arc hopeless, and, with them socral other fail ures mast occur. The ltd houir of (latri W Heaton, has given way. Peter l-'orer If Co. are strongly Mispccted; but y?u ktiow there never was much confidence in this ,/irm. Besides its want of skill and principle, its business was left to too nmny hands. Its capital was too scattered and?A{/ir/^,aud its manager* were t?>o loot and conceited. Hut these are not the worst appearances; that fine, and what was considered tolid and extensive cofuirt nrrahip bet wen Adam*, C/uy, llchHer, if Co. is much thaken, and a great many go so far -.1* to believe that it is winding up its butine**: some, indeed, are ill-natured enough to foretell, and offer a wager, that they will actually ?t?p payment in March, 183V. Of this opinion, we regret to say, w* are among the number, and you know we have tome right to judge, having a large concern In their under duttnem. If its other brmnche* get along no better than our9, tlicy are ?are to /till, and of one thing we l^now we are cntlrtly certain, that long before that time we shall have experienced ft* fate of poor (fair* UT Smtorr White on thW 1aat subject, it natgr be a matter of tome Interest to let you know how tfceyMmk*-If Voo recollect, they were doing bueinet largely for the two old honor* of Congreoe, tf Co. and when Adams, Clay, Webster, ?c Co. set up,Gales Be Beaton want ed to do a large branch of their business also, and notwithstanding they had a stiff quarrel with the ftrst name of that Arm upon the ooundnem of hie currency, and waa most shabbily treated by the second member of the concern* who withdrew his foulness from their management, under such circum stances as to excite the pHy of every body, yet the patronage of the firm was so Inviting that they jsade dti due oubmistion, unasked and undesired. This double dealing, cring ing* shifting, and reaching kind of conduct, at the expense of character and principle, aroused the sMplekm of one of the oldJrmo above mentioned) the one that la considered Mere th^most vigilant, temperate, and pru dent in all Ha wide-spread concerns. It set about an examination into the Affairs of GalesI & Beaton, and found their establishment almost rotten to the eore: the consequence was, an immediate withdrawal of all their fends from this firm, and they have been safely transferred into the hands of Duff Green 8c Co. said to be quite a buiirttt doing branch of the acttvc and JtourUMng firm of Jackson, Calhoun, 8c Co. It has been strongly suspected that Beaton forged draft? upon the house of Kichard M. John son, of Kentucky, and we confess there is too much reason for the suspicion. The I | blllt were certainly drawn, and an invest!- j gation leaves this fact clearly established,1 that they are not genuine, and have fallen upon the hands of Scaton* who has made a very unsatisfactory and left-handed kind of explanation about them.?Gales 8c Beaton,( ns all atnking houtea generally do, make u great itilutter nbout their fioneity, offer to make a full exhibit of their affairs, maintain they arc yet aolvcnt, and, although their credit is as low as it can be, pledge them selves they will be able to meet all their eit ffagementt, and, indeed, offer to make some great di*coi>erlc?; by which it will appear, they say, that the old firm, above referred to, U ttielf in a tottering condition. They affirm they have seen these suspicious n tignn" a long time ago, but kept it to them selves; ami now, that thev wish to come out with these wonder*, nobody will believe them; tor, to tell you the truth, (not com mm vni ? *-u % ' 1 ' j -w ?m u?v; iiiw nm?iii/?nF7 arc micIi a watchful, jcalous-mindcd, tuspi- j r.iou* hearted kind of people* that when they | see the disclosure of facts, mixed up with ! malice, or, if you choose a softer term, with t rcsuncmcnt, disappointment, chagrin, ttrong ! tnterett, or suen like hurtful passions, always at war with truth, they give a kind of eve-shutting, head-waning contradiction to the matter, and wont believe one word of what they hear. You know, even on your side of the water, the worst kind of charac ters are those tliat turn king*t evidence at the old bailey; and on such testimony, a cut throat would not be convicted, unsupported by other evidence. Now Gales 6c Hcaton, every body believes, arc urged on by Adams, Clay, Webster, & Co.;for you must under stand, that between this firm and the afore said branch of the old Congrett jlrm, there is a considerable rivalry: the latter haaj made so many runt upon tho former, and j seem to set in upon them with so many heavy drafts, that all the world cannot save! them if this current is not averted) hence? Gales & Beaton are made to say, that while J they wcrr trantaiting business for the old tenateArm, (as it is distinguished from tlie I other house of Congress & Co.) they found' out a number of secrcts, which, if kuown to I the public, would so affect their credit as almost to occasion a tutprntlon of but I net.' They give out th;?t several of the main mem bertni the Jirm, to wits Van Durcn, Benton, Dickcrson, Chandler, Taxewell, Macon, Hayne, Berrien, and the Smiths, have cm bexxled the fund*, ami so mismanaged the ttock, that, some of these days, there will be a dreadful blow-up of that oldboute, and all iXapartncrt will hccomc bankrupt. The)' say, all the clcrkt and out agenclet arc under the controul of Van Burcn, and he has latc l?een riding about the country collecting debit of the Jltmi and when he think* he is strong enough, he will break from hi* associates, make a run upon Adams, Clay, Webster, 6c Co., push them to bankruptcy, and then set up for hfmtelf upon their rulnt. I It is further said, that this plan will receive 'the unqualified aid of the touthern mer | cbunt*, and that large remittancet will be made in cotton, their principal article of trade, it successful collectiont can be made from the outstanding arreart due the old house of Virginia, Carolina, 6c Co. a firm lately conducted by William H. Crawford flc Co. who, notwithstanding he retired from businesa for a short time, Is out again? 'tis sa'd, making preparations to hononr any drajflt that may l>c drawn on him to cripple the monofiolixlng ofieraliont of the coalition. as the Adams house is called. This, Web ster, the prime agent of hU own firm, for**! sees, and has gone largely into the bankt of flotton, and, Indeed, is extending Mnncgocia thn? Into all the New England factoriet, against whom, by the by, he was lately very much opposed, to bring about a union Itetween tne old rival federal and republican boutet, that were so lone contending against cach other about the omce and p rlx'ilege oj cam merer. He tells them that the opposi tion to his Arm Is " unprincipled,** and arises entirely from the fact, that his leading part ner wont etrter Into the tlave trade/ that his conscience,/being a very plans unitarian,) wUl not suffer him to engage in that wkked trq/lci and for this, ami this only reason, they want to destroy his credit. To prop also the declining affairs of the Adams concern, one Hammond aakl to be a polKiaal bandit, and fully up to any savage aml*i*M pup**, haft been emplo>?l tu ly I: tne ?wear that all the large Mdjnil ttock lately laid <? bythejmof Calhoun 8c Co. baft been acquired b; and that adultery, murdert and ?vb horrid crime lie* at the bottom aft that must recoil woo (it fabricator*. present it hat not affect cd the *ocA* the Jack?o* Arm dealt/ they ~ former price*, and indeed, In ryland. Pennsylvania, and K b this state too* they have gone a < ?r, at all events, butbtemk bri*k) and ere seem determined not to let go. \ states already mentined, ftod in n^ay Starters, there have been line mecttng* of e holdcre, and they have neooNod to main firm, being unwilling to tufrmtt to any reduction by tho coalition dealer*. Thh' caused business to. be rather/lax with frarfr,. and we are afraid we shall be com] to wittness higher rata, ufclesa we Into ropre extensive uee tl>e I a business we should think .... the power* of Peter Force, Stubheart Ham mond, Joe Gales, Ben Ru**->p. et 14 omne* gunut. It is thought here, thpcall the dffft culties of the Adams home, have sprung, to the ft?"st place,.fromtha dissipated character of the middle nameoCjdiefl^{tebfti^dth|fe he is good st all kinds of games* but particu larly the game ot fiolitkt, one very comto in this country s and if what ana J&odtor re*, ports to be true, he was detected hi cheat ing at this very game. He haa been wPr intemperate, often been intoxicated upoo. - Grecian flip, South-American cock-tail, nnd gunpowder bitters,' and the like light-mixed and head-turning liquors, and when in thin, condition he is a very fighting character.?* Withal, drunk^ or sober, Itls believed ho has so great ailove for himself, that he win stick at nothing to promote his own newtr*; and with his acknowledged quality by allhift friends, he entered into the present connec tion with Ills partner, Adams, wkhwhom, but a few months before, there was not only. nn implacable competition in dealings but SC* tually un tin trilled account, for which ah, action had been commenced,' but all atonc<V ,, the tuit is dropped, no ?ettlemcnf fMuiK place, the parties become not only reconcil ed, but positively enter into copartnership t, now, this strange affair weakens public con* fidenoc in the trautactiont oClihis JSrmi for the life of these canning Americans* they can not help thinking tome one is to be eMp* cumvented?some tpeculatlon in the wind'. In th c next place their assortment was very Injt&f dicious, by no means suiting this market. The American people era a vary'plain, at*", ing, simple sort of people, delighting ndt at all in extravegance. The firm opened wjft a grand display of fancy gooat, such mk; aaueductt, rail-road*, tky A ousts, and saofr. like tope, too tedious to mention, intended tip, , break down the long established and frugal habits of the plain dealing ttatee, fiUed ear f tirely to the splendid notions of the arisM^* ' racy of Europe, where, In every tan thou sand men, nine thousand, nine hundred a*& ; ninty-nine, labor for the exclusive gratifictr*. of the thousandth man. These unsaleable article?, together whh an unual extrava gance on the part of the firm, indulging In every species of luxury, down even to the use of gaming tablet, added to high and un neceteary tularirt to their agrnt*ti ampnr whom, we are obliged to aay, were some of our own kin, may doubtless be reckoned some of the leading causes of the tn^rAasbig i embarrattmentt of the unlucky haute of Adams, Clay, Websterflc Co. I We are glad to hear of the changes en your side of the wster? we think the new firm of George Canning, Sir John Copley, 1 Huhkisson 8c Co. will be calculated to m ; store confidence to the long unsettled stale of commerce in England. Price* currcnt and account of stuck below.; You will hear from us in all next month.' ? Yours. Bcc, Jonny Dinna, Charley A* King & Co.. Incotuiittney.?Largo slock on hand at oar station in Wa?hington city, atutual price*, to wit, an office, a place, public printing, Sec. Political ffonrtty.?Very scarce and te prcat demand?our cuatomera wish we had laid in more. Intrigue.?Good supply?-meets with ren^p sales every where, byt goes off at line price* in Kentucky, New-Hampshire, and Massntituftetts, under the agencies Of Frank Johnion, lack Bailey, and Dan Webster. Anv0fiafier Doing n fine business in this article at all our out /tort*?can get off more than we oan manufacture, and seems to be an increasing demand for thaac fabrick??fine firq/lt oh them?cost us eo little. TVuM.None *>n hand?wasting article?lia ? hie to t/ioll?dbo't knrfw hew to *<?? age it. Liberality.?Stock on hand damaged?m sales. ? Jy Conceit, pride, arrogance, *elf-wUl and ?4 erinacy.?All tsken by the leading mem- . her of the firm for his own ?mt. Order* tor more, with a memorandum for a little pedantry, some ?ffected eolonlxing bene*-, olence, sod /nrftonphilauthrophy, design ed for ?A<k# more than aor. , . Political decency.?Altogether oat nffsSfe ion?can't recommend it?given place to etiquette. ? ' Do. knavery*?Make good tales of this clo?helps us to get off ot]?cr ?* it by way of barter> and ekpoct I firo/tn?.put a targe quantity gia, upon one '0rtmn, said te be a* _ and landjoSbtr. i. >1 Patriot i-w?rttoek altogether liiVll.